Improving the performance of the Windows Aero desktop. Improving desktop performance for Windows Aero Windows 7 desktop effects

Hi all!

Insufficient quality graphics is a big problem for every PC user, and especially for gamers. No matter what excellent characteristics your computer has, but if you are an amateur computer games, you want to get the most out of your car.

Of course, most often to solve this problem it is enough to simply change the video card. But the quality of graphics can be improved without a video card, using certain software methods.

In this material I will tell you how to improve computer graphics using various methods.

Hardware method

As I wrote above, the most simple method To improve graphics data, you can purchase a new, more powerful video card. You can immediately go to the store and consult with the seller about which card is best to install on your computer, or first read review articles on this topic.

Installing it is not difficult. The card comes with a disk that contains the driver installation program.

Improved images can also be achieved by purchasing a more powerful processor or increasing random access memory.

Balanced system

It must be remembered that normal operation computer is only possible if the system is balanced. If you have little RAM or weak processor, then installing even the best video card will not achieve anything.

But on the other hand, if you have a weak video card, you should not think that increased memory or installing a new processor will solve the problem. The cost of the processor and card is almost the same (for gaming-type computers it can be up to 15,000 rubles). Increasing the memory will cost a little less, but it all depends on how specifically you want to increase it.

Software method

If you want to improve graphical indicators, but don’t have the financial means to purchase expensive new products, you can “upgrade” your video card using software methods, in other words, optimize its settings. To do this, you need to first find its settings, for this:

  1. Right-click on the desktop
  2. Select “Properties” from the drop-down menu
  3. Activate the “Options” tab
  4. If, in addition to the video card drivers, your PC has special utilities, then click on the “Advanced” button.

The above path should be used for Windows XP system. As for Windows 7 and Windows 8, here you need to: go to “My Computer”, click “Properties” in the drop-down menu, select “Device Manager” on the right, you will find video adapters in the list. Find your video card, right-click on its name and call “Properties”.

In my windows 10 I do this:

  1. Right mouse button on the desktop
  2. Select "Nvidia Control Panel"
  3. On the left side of the menu, click on “manage 3D parameters”

After completing the above described manipulations, you will see the map settings panel. There will be a bunch of parameters, but you only need a small part of them to work.

Filtering, smoothing

Since NVIDIA video cards are currently the most popular, we will analyze the settings using these cards as an example. In principle, others are configured in almost exactly the same way.

Among the many settings, you should be interested in “ Managing 3D Settings", since this is the section you will work with. The following points are of particular interest in this section:

  • Smoothing - parameters;
  • Vertical sync pulse;
  • Anisotropic filtering.

The values ​​of the first and last setting- 32x, 16x, 8x, 4x, 2x. Moreover, the higher the value, the more pleasant and smooth the picture will be.

The vertical sync pulse (item No. 2) can be controlled by the parameters of the 3D application, and can be disabled or enabled. It should be enabled for maximum graphics enhancement.

In some cases, access to the Options - Anti-aliasing setting may be disabled. To set the required values, you need to set “Increase application settings” in “Smoothing - mode”.

That's all, Dear friends! Now you know how to increase the clarity, brightness and other characteristics of the image.

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Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Users of the Windows 7 and Windows Vista operating systems will most likely notice that they provide an option called Windows Aero. This feature allows you to create transparent headers, thumbnails for applications, minimize all inactive windows with one click, and much more, which makes working on your computer more attractive and convenient. For normal operation of this option, a considerable amount of resources is required, especially video memory. This is why you should evaluate performance for Windows Aero. If you feel that your computer is too outdated for such a function, you can simplify the interface or update your hardware.


Aero's glass interface comes complete in Windows 7 Home Premium and Vista versions. It is beautiful, but for some users it may be useless and inconvenient due to the deterioration of computer performance. Of course, you should not expect that after disabling this function the computer will become more powerful and will be able to work with the most modern games, however, some performance gains will be obtained.

From English the word aero is translated as “air”. Windows Aero is a completely new type appearance windows, including transparency, as well as a 3D effect that appears when flipping through them using the Win + Tab key combination. It often feels like desktop performance for Windows Aero is poor, which makes you want to get rid of this option.

The interface comes with the theme. By default, after installing the Windows 7 or Vista operating system, a theme that supports this feature will become active. To disable it, you need to select some other theme in the personalization settings. From the list, you should select a set of basic, simplified themes or those with high contrast. From them you can choose the one you like. For example, the simplified style of Windows 7 is very similar in appearance to Windows Aero, but it does not use transparency.

Changing the theme affects the appearance of the windows, the desktop backgrounds used, and also the You can do it differently: leave Aero, but disable transparency (you can do this directly in the theme settings, where you can also adjust the color settings).

Options for getting out of the situation

Let's talk about several ways to improve the performance of Windows Aero. For example, you can go to the visual effects settings. To do this, simply use the search bar in the Start menu and select the item of the same name. After this, you will be prompted to open the "Performance and Performance Settings" window, where you can disable a number of parameters that you do not think are particularly necessary. So, you can uncheck the "Animation" item in the "Start" menu and this will significantly improve the performance of Windows Aero. If you don’t need any visual effects at all, then you can simply select a simplified style in the “Personalization” item, which you will see if you call up the desktop context menu.

There is one more enough good way Improve desktop performance for Windows Aero. Can be produced for a video card. You don't necessarily need to know which video card is on your computer. It is enough to contact context menu"My Computer" shortcut on the desktop, select "Properties", and in the new window find "Device Manager". Next, you only need to download latest version drivers for your card.

Another look at the problem

The operating systems Windows 7 and Vista have received very interesting feature Desktop performance assessments with the Aero option active. This option is unique in that the system displays the results of such a check on the screen. Ultimately, you'll be presented with data showing how desktop performance is overall for Windows Aero. You have the opportunity to change the value without using any special programs - the increase is achieved by optimizing the system settings.

Instructions: changing the performance of the Windows Aero desktop

The ratings that the system gives you are initially stored on the hard drive, so you can very easily not only find out their values, but also replace them manually. You should go to the path: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore. However, to change the actual odds, you need to improve your computer's performance. The operating systems Windows 7 and Windows Vista are more resource-intensive than their predecessors, so to ensure efficient work You can not only overclock the processor, RAM and video card, but also purchase new components, which will be a better choice.


So now you not only know what Windows Aero desktop performance is, but you also know how you can influence it. Good luck!

The Aero interface, used in the Windows 7 and Vista operating systems, is distinguished not only by its modern and stylish appearance, but also by its serious hardware requirements. For this reason, turning off some subtle visual effects can significantly speed up desktop and interface performance in Windows 7.

Settings for Windows 7 and Vista

How to improve desktop performance for Windows Aero? Even now, after the release of the optimized and significantly less resource-intensive Windows 7 OS, this issue does not lose its relevance.

Owners of inexpensive ULV laptops, nettops and, extremely popular in Lately, compact netbooks (with the exception, perhaps, of models on the NVIDIA ION and AMD platform), the video system of which is not designed to process complex graphic elements of Windows 7 and Vista, because these devices were created with an eye to maximum energy efficiency and low cost, which inevitably affected the performance of all elements of the system.

However, this is not a reason to completely disable the improved color scheme Aero or switch to a previous generation OS. There is a possibility use many Aero effects, even on low-end systems, avoiding the cost of more powerful solutions or downgrading Windows.

To ensure the normal functioning of a system equipped with an insufficiently powerful video adapter, we recommend fine tuning visual effects, which will result in faster and more efficient work with the operating system interface.

Windows 7 Starter and Home Basic versions use a lightweight Aero interface, which, however, also includes many unnecessary graphical effects that reduce system performance. To do this, you need to disable some that are not very necessary and noticeable (especially on small netbook screens), Windows 7 and Vista visual effects, leaving only the most necessary. This way, you will relieve the computing power of your computer and video card without losing much of the graphical beauty of the Aero interface.

Selectively disable Aero visual effects

All GUI settings are collected in the "Visual Manager" Windows effects". The easiest way to find it in the wilds of the system is to enter the phrase " Visual effects" V search bar Start menu. The first element in the search results will be the link " Tuning presentation and system performance", clicking on which you will see the following window:

If you can't open Visual Effects Controls using search, go to Start > Control Panel > Change the view mode from "Categories" to "Small Icons" Go to System > Advanced System Settings and open the Performance settings. For more convenient parameter settings, set the selector to " Ensure maximum performance", thereby unchecking all interface settings. After that, check the following items:

  • Enable desktop composition
  • Using Window and Button Display Styles
  • Show thumbnails instead of icons
  • Smooth out jagged screen fonts.

Click "Apply" to activate the settings and restart your computer. To cancel changes, select "Restore Defaults".

If, after saving the changes, the “transparent” Aero interface disappears, right-click on the desktop Windows 7 or Vista, select item "Personalization", then "Window color and appearance", check the box next to "Enable transparency" and click "OK"

The changes made to the graphics settings had virtually no effect on the usability of the operating system, but their impact on overall performance cannot be underestimated. The system will direct the freed resources of the video card, processor and RAM to more pressing tasks, improving the performance of the system as a whole.

To fully unlock the full potential of the system, proceed to the next section of the express system optimization course.

Many users are, to put it mildly, unhappy with the desktop performance for Windows Aero.

The fact is that the computer slows down very much and often all sorts of Aero design possibilities lead to the fact that instead of animation, the user sees only pictures that replace each other.

Of course, this only happens in the most extreme cases, but even slight slowdowns can be quite annoying.

What to do?

We will look at several methods that help solve the performance problem.

Why is everything slow?

The fact is that this theme is installed on Win Vista, 7 and 8 by default. This means that when you just bought a computer or installed this operating system, Aero is already on it.

And this topic involves the use of a huge number of different visual effects. They appear when opening and closing windows, launching programs, working with multiple windows, and so on. It is clear that all this requires considerable computer resources. And if there are not enough of them, it will slow down.

This problem is especially relevant for netbooks, ultrabooks and not very powerful laptops. Although some users personal computers also face slowdowns at the desktop if they don't have very productive machines.

In general, it’s quite difficult for developers to balance between performance and beauty. Most often you have to sacrifice one for the other. This is precisely the situation that arose in relation to the topic under consideration.

What to do?

There are several ways that can, if not completely solve the problem, then at least reduce its impact.

Disabling the theme completely

To completely disable Aero, you must do the following:

  1. From the Start menu or Windows menu, use the search bar to search for Visual Effects. Enter this query in this line and open the found program. It's worth noting that it will be called "Tuning System Presentation and Performance." Don't be afraid - this is what we need. This is the easiest way to find it.

Hint: If for some reason the search does not work for you, go to the “Control Panel” through the same “Start” menu. Then open the “System” item and select “Advanced options” on the left. In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and click the “Options” button.

2. At the top, check the box opposite the inscription “Provide best performance" After this, you will see how all checkboxes have been automatically unchecked below. So the topic was completely disabled

3. All that remains is to click “Apply” and close everything that was opened earlier.

This is the most drastic way to solve the problem, but there is a softer one.

Disabling some options

In the same section, which is shown in the figure, there are other points that relate to their presence in the system. They are marked with a green frame.

So the item “Provide best view» will automatically mark everyone. “Restore defaults” will restore the set of effects that were there after installing the OS. This is relevant if you once changed something in the topic.

But to disable only some, you must first check the “Ensure the best performance” option to clear all the checkboxes below, and then select “Special”. After that, you can choose only those that you really need.

  • “Enable desktop composition”;
  • “Using window and button display styles”;
  • “Save taskbar thumbnail view”;
  • "Show thumbnails instead of icons";
  • “Smooth out jagged screen fonts.”

You can live quite calmly without everything else and still “enjoy” the abundance of Aero options.

After this, all you have to do is click the “Apply” button and, again, close everything.

In principle, you can easily create your own set and leave only those items that are really important to you. You may have become very used to some of them, and now it will be difficult without it. We don't limit anyone.

Tip: Try disabling everything, that is, to ensure the best performance. After this, try to use your operating system as before for at least a few days. If some animations or the like are really missing, you can return it in the parameters at any time.

That's all we can say about the Aero theme. There are a few more tips that will help increase performance and get rid of table slowdowns.

What else can you do

There are times when all the above steps do not help. It is quite possible that the problem is not in the design theme at all, but in a clogged computer or something else. In any case, it would be useful to follow these simple tips:

1. Remove everything unnecessary from the table. These can be various shortcuts, folders, files, etc. If there is too much of all this, the system will have a hard time, because it will need to process it every time it starts and every time the table is opened.

That is, when you collapse all tabs, the OS must display everything that is there, but there are too many shortcuts, there will be glitches.

Tip: If you can't get rid of some shortcuts, collect them all in one folder so they don't appear on your desktop. You can find them there at any time.

2. Be sure to clean the system from time to time. It is best to do this using special programs, for example, CCleaner (link to free version). In this program, you need to go to the “Cleaning” tab on the left, check all the boxes, click “Analysis”, and then “Cleaning”.

3. Defragment your system regularly. To do this, in “Computer”, right-click on system disk, select “Properties”. In the window that opens, go to the “Services” tab and click on the “Run defragmentation” button. Next, click the “Defragmentation” button. Use the “Set up schedule” button to set a schedule for regularly carrying out such a procedure.

These tips will help you get rid of inhibitions.

Good day to all! If your PC can't boast powerful processor and a large amount of RAM, then for comfortable work with Windows system I need to improve the performance of the Windows Aero desktop. This will be discussed in this publication.

With the advent of the "seven", users had the opportunity to enjoy the modern Aero interface (compared to XP), which, alas, consumes a lot of system resources. By deactivating some settings, you can significantly increase your work speed without experiencing any noticeable changes in the appearance of your desktop.


WITH given by the problem This problem is most often faced by owners of low-power laptops (netbooks), for whom it is not the beauty of the interface that is important, but performance. This is due to the lack of a discrete graphics adapter. That is, the entire load when processing visual effects falls on the built-in chip (processor).

Now I will tell you how to carry out fine tuning to achieve the “golden mean”.

Attention! The Starter and Home Basic versions (windows 7) have a lightweight “shell” to reduce resource consumption. But my instructions will also be useful for owners of similar operating systems.

Let `s start?

  • In the Start menu there is a search bar in which enter the query “visual...”, as shown in the screenshot:
  • Search results will be displayed, from which we select the desired item and click on it.
  • It happens that the search does not work. Then you need to go to the control panel via “Start”, then select “System” and then on the left in the list of links click on “Advanced settings”:
  • All that remains is to click on the “Options...” button in the “Performance” section.
  • A window like this will appear with many options:

  • To avoid manually unchecking most checkboxes, simply select “Ensure better performance.” All checkboxes will be unchecked automatically. Now we mark the options that are indicated on the screen above (4 points):
  1. turning on the composition of the table (work);
  2. thumbnail display;
  3. using stylized display of buttons and windows;
  4. smoothing out font irregularities.
  • All that remains is to click “OK” to save the changes made. If you don’t like this effect, then you can return all the settings by selecting “Restore values...”, which is located there.
It is likely that after such manipulations the windows will become opaque (as was the case before). Fixing this “problem” is extremely simple. On the Desktop, right-click on a free, unoccupied space. A menu will appear where you should select the bottommost item “Personalization”. Now you need to click on the “Window color and type” link. A window will open with the “On” option. transparency". Check the box and click “OK”.

I am sure that now your interface looks no worse, and the performance of the Windows Aero desktop has improved significantly! If you want to optimize your system even more, I recommend using applications from the “Optimizers” category. In a few clicks they will clean out the garbage, optimize the registry, and put things in order. important parameters OS.

And don’t forget to monitor the condition of your computer using monitoring programs. This way you will always know whether the processor or video card is overheating. For any computer related questions, you can contact me through the comments. I will answer everyone indiscriminately as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Victor

How to improve desktop performance for Windows Aero

Windows Aero desktop theme is very popular. It is used not only in Windows 7, but also in Windows 8. However, owners of weak PCs and laptops, when installing this theme, often notice a decrease in the performance of not only the desktop, but also the system as a whole. This problem is associated with a lack of video card performance. Moreover, this disadvantage lies precisely in the minimal cost of the device. Manufacturers of budget PCs and laptops focus on the energy efficiency of the product rather than its power. However, this does not mean that you cannot use Windows Aero on a budget PC. It's all possible to improve your PC's performance with the Windows Aero theme.

Read also: Install Windows 10 themes for Windows 7

Why does my PC glitch when using the windows Aero theme?

The windows Aero theme comes with over 200 visual effects that create a rich GUI. To reproduce all these effects, a good video card must be installed on your PC. Otherwise, the interface performance will be poor.

To check what visual effects are used in Windows 7, you should perform a few simple steps:

  • Click “Start”, “Control Panel”, “System and Security”. Set the viewing mode to “Categories” and select the “System” section. In the left menu, select “Advanced options”.

  • A new window will open. In the “Performance” section, click on the “Options” button.

  • In the “Visual Effects” tab we look at the entire list of effects that reduce desktop performance in Windows

To improve the performance of the operating room interface windows systems 7 and 8 with this topic you should perform a few simple steps.

How to improve desktop performance with the Windows Aero theme?

In the “Visual Effects” tab, if you check the “Provide the best look” checkbox, the most complete list of Windows Aero visual effects will open. It is this parameter that causes a decrease in performance.

If you change the checkbox to “Ensure the best performance”, then the theme along with the visual effects will be automatically disabled. The markings from the visual effects will disappear.

To leave windows theme Aero and improve the performance of the working interface, you should abandon heavy graphic effects and check the “Special Effects” checkbox. In this case, you need to uncheck all elements except:

  • Enable desktop composition;
  • Enable transparency effect;
  • Using display styles for windows and buttons;
  • Smooth out irregularities in screen fonts;
  • Save the taskbar thumbnail view.

Next, click “Apply” and “OK”. We also recommend restarting your PC. System performance will increase by 20-30%. If you want to get a greater effect, then you should remove unused shortcuts from the desktop, delete unnecessary files, will move the folders to HDD. Only after performing various manipulations will the productivity of the desktop increase significantly.

Useful tips To learn how to improve system performance with Windows Aero, watch the video:

Windows Aero desktop and its performance

Owners of not very powerful desktops and their mobile counterparts often encounter Windows OS slowdowns when working with its interface, in particular, with a desktop with established theme Aero. The reason for this is simple - the lack of performance of the video adapter. And this drawback lies in the fact that the development engineers of such PCs primarily think about their energy efficiency and minimal cost. For those users who are familiar with such problems, you should know that the performance of the Windows desktop with the Aero theme can be increased without completely disabling the theme.

Why does the Aero theme slow down your PC?

There are many different reasons for slowdowns in the Windows OS, and one of them may be the Aero theme, which is enabled by default in Windows (Vista, 7, 8). It contains about two dozen visual effects to create rich graphic elements windows interface. Supporting all of them requires a fairly powerful video card.

You can view the entire list of Aero theme visual effects different ways. For example, in Windows 7 there is this method: “start” - “control panel” - “system”, on the left side of the screen click “ Extra options", then in the window that appears, select the "advanced" tab and click the "parameters" button.

A way to improve desktop performance

In its most complete version, the list of visual effects looks like this:

It is obtained by specifying the “Provide the best view” option. It is the full set of visual elements that can cause a decrease in OS performance due to insufficient video adapter performance, which is typical for inexpensive laptops, tablets and desktops with built-in graphics. If you set the “Ensure the best performance” option, then all visual effects, and with them the Aero theme, are turned off.

However, there is a way to use the Aero theme to its full potential and thereby improve the performance of your windows aero desktop.

Disable subtle visualizations

To do this, you just need to turn off some visual elements, leaving only those that do not cause a noticeable decrease in performance, without losing the graphical “beauty” of this theme when it is installed. complete shutdown. Which effects should you turn off and which should you leave? The following picture answers this question:

Disabling items in this list is done by simply clicking on the corresponding checkbox. In this case, the “Special Effects” option is automatically installed. After disabling unnecessary visualizations, click the “Apply” button and close all windows. It is also advisable to restart your computer after this. You should not think that this technique will provide a sharp increase in desktop performance, since it still remains dependent on the capabilities of the video adapter, but an increase of 10-20% is quite possible.

If, as a result of all these manipulations, transparency disappears for some reason, then you should right-click on the desktop, select the “Personalization” option, then “Window Color”, check the “Enable transparency” checkbox and click “OK”.

Other ways to increase performance

The author of the article’s practice of optimizing and restoring the functionality of the Windows OS indicates that many users often “litter” the desktop so much that it is simply pointless to talk about any of its performance. Therefore, the productivity of the desktop for Windows Aero can be increased in a second way - by removing rarely used shortcuts and gadgets from it, setting the desktop background as simple as possible and disabling the screen saver.

There are several more ways to increase the performance of the desktop, related not only to it, but also to the performance of the PC graphics system in general. This is a timely update of the video adapter driver and setting the minimum screen resolution of the monitor, which does not reduce ease of use.

How to improve desktop performance for Windows Aero

Users of operating systems Windows 7 and Windows Vista, most likely, you noticed that they present an option called windows Aero. This feature allows you to create transparent headers, thumbnails for applications, minimize all inactive windows with one click, and much more, which makes working on your computer more attractive and convenient. For normal operation of this option, a considerable amount of resources is required, especially video memory. This is why you should evaluate desktop performance for Windows Aero. If you feel that your computer is too outdated for such a function, you can simplify the interface or update your hardware.


The Aero glass interface comes complete in windows versions 7, starting with Home Premium, and Vista. It is beautiful, but for some users it may be useless and inconvenient due to the deterioration of computer performance. Of course, you should not expect that after disabling this function, the computer will become more powerful and will be able to run the most modern games, but a certain performance gain will be obtained.

From English the word aero is translated as “air”. windows Aero is a completely new type of window appearance that includes transparency, as well as a 3D effect that appears when flipping through them using the Win + Tab key combination. There is often a feeling that desktop performance for Windows Aero is at a low level, which is why you want to get rid of this option.

The interface comes with the theme. By default, after installing the Windows 7 or Vista operating system, a theme that supports this feature will become active. To disable it, you need to select some other theme in the personalization settings. From the list, you should select a set of basic, simplified themes or those with high contrast. From them you can choose the one you like. For example, the simplified style of Windows 7 is very similar in appearance to Windows Aero, but it does not use transparency.

Changing the theme affects the appearance of windows, the desktop backgrounds used, and system sounds. You can do it differently: leave Aero, but disable transparency (you can do this directly in the theme settings, where you can also adjust the color settings).

Options for getting out of the situation

Let's talk about several ways to improve the performance of Windows Aero. For example, you can go to the visual effects settings. To do this, simply use the search bar in the Start menu and select the item of the same name. After this, you will be prompted to open the "Performance and Performance Settings" window, where you can disable a number of parameters that you do not think are particularly necessary. So, you can uncheck the "Animation" item in the "Start" menu and taskbar. This will significantly improve the performance of Windows Aero. If you don’t need any visual effects at all, then you can simply select a simplified style in the “Personalization” item, which you will see if you call up the desktop context menu.

There is another fairly good way to improve desktop performance for Windows Aero. It is possible to update the drivers for the video card. You don't necessarily need to know which video card is on your computer. Just go to the context menu of the “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop, select “Properties”, and in the new window find “Device Manager”. Next, you only need to download the latest drivers for your card.

Another look at the problem

The Windows 7 and Vista operating systems have received a very interesting function for assessing desktop performance when the Aero option is active. This option is unique in that the system displays the results of such a check on the screen. As a result, you will be presented with data showing what desktop performance is like for Windows Aero as a whole. You have the opportunity to change the value without using any special programs - the increase is achieved by optimizing the system settings.

Instructions: changing the performance of the Windows Aero desktop

The ratings that the system gives you are initially stored on the hard drive, so you can very easily not only find out their values, but also replace them manually. You should go to the path: C:\windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore. However, to change the actual odds, you need to improve your computer's performance. The Windows 7 and Windows Vista operating systems are more resource-intensive than their predecessors, so to ensure efficient operation, you can not only overclock the processor, RAM and video card, but also purchase new components, which will be a better choice.


So now you not only know what Windows Aero desktop performance is, but you also know how you can influence it. Good luck!

How to increase desktop performance for Windows Aero

Many users, to put it mildly, are not satisfied with the desktop performance for Windows Aero.

The fact is that the computer slows down very much and often all sorts of Aero design possibilities lead to the fact that instead of animation, the user sees only pictures that replace each other.

Of course, this only happens in the most extreme cases, but even slight slowdowns can be quite annoying.

What to do?

We will look at several methods that help solve the performance problem.


The fact is that this theme is installed on Win Vista, 7 and 8 by default. This means that when you just bought a computer or installed this operating system, Aero is already installed on it.

And this topic involves the use of a huge number of different visual effects. They appear when opening and closing windows, launching programs, working with multiple windows, and so on. It is clear that all this requires considerable computer resources. And if there are not enough of them, it will slow down.

Aero theme in Win 7

This problem is especially relevant for netbooks, ultrabooks and not very powerful laptops. Although some personal computer users also experience stuttering on the desktop if they do not have very powerful machines.

What to do?

There are several ways that can, if not completely solve the problem, then at least reduce its impact.