The Complete Guide to Survival in Extreme Situations in the Wild, Land and Sea (John Wiseman). Books on survival Encyclopedia of extreme situations

It is not the strongest or the smartest who survive, but the one who best adapts to change.

Charles Darwin

The world is full of dangers. Emergencies happen almost every day. What to do? How to protect yourself and your loved ones? The first and most important rule is to be prepared.

You must know how to behave in a given extreme situation. That's why Lifehacker has prepared survival instructions for you. This knowledge will help you overcome panic and save yourself at a critical moment.

wild nature

Alexander Ishchenko/

Man is the crown of nature. But, once in the wild, it often becomes weak and vulnerable.

Sleeping on the ground, carrying a heavy backpack, getting wet in the rain and enduring mosquitoes - people agree to the “delights” of camping life in order to see emerald waterfalls and coral sunsets with their own eyes. But many urban children find nature too inhospitable. They are not ready to live according to the laws of flora and fauna. Therefore, before you get ready for a hike, need to prepare psychologically.

Once you are mentally prepared, you can pack your things and plan your route. Clothing, shelter, sun protection, navigation aids, first aid kit, flashlight, tools for starting a fire and minor repairs, food and water - here minimum that should be in a hiking backpack.

It is equally important to carefully work out the route: study reference books and maps, track the weather, read reports from previous travelers. It is tempting to be a pioneer, but it is better to know what dangers the chosen route entails. Also be sure to tell your family where you are going.

Having worked out the route, explore the natural features of the area. Are there fish in the nearby body of water? What birds and animals live there? Are there any snakes or scorpions there?

This is important from a security point of view. After all, an encounter with a wild animal or a poisonous insect may not always result in rare photographs... What to do if you were bitten by a snake or caught a tick? The answer is in the infographic below.

Get lost in the forest or mountains maybe even an experienced traveler. The navigator died, the compass broke - anything can happen. In such a situation, it is easy to panic. Calmly! A new compass can be made from available materials.

Losing your lighter or getting your matches wet is no less extreme. Fire is life. Without it, you can’t warm up or cook food. If for some reason you are left without a “flint”, know: there is alternative ways make fire.

One of the most effective - with the help AA battery and chewing gum foil. Watch the video and remember!

But remember: fire is also death if you handle it carelessly. An unextinguished fire or a carelessly thrown cigarette butt can provoke forest fire. Jumping over the tree caps, the fire spreads rapidly - up to 80 meters per minute. How to get out of the blazing trap? Find out from our article.

Another indispensable item on a hike is a hygienic tampon. Jokes aside! It won't take up much space, but will help out in many extreme situations. A water filter, a candle wick, a wound bandage, a float - these are just a few ways to use a tampon.



Residents of Cuba, Haiti, the northeastern United States and eastern Canada will remember October 2012 for a long time. In just six hours, an ordinary tropical cyclone turned into a powerful hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path. Wind gusts reached 150 km/h.

The storm raged for eight days. During this time, in the United States alone, seven subway tunnels were flooded, more than 50 buildings burned, and a reactor at a nuclear power plant was shut down. Millions of homes were cut off and thousands of flights were cancelled. Hurricane Sandy caused more than $68 billion in damage and killed 185 people.

People cannot prevent or stop a disaster. But we have to survive in it. Natural disasters, like "Sandy" - real school of Life.

For example, did you know that all doors and windows must be closed during a typhoon? This way your home has a better chance of withstanding the elements. During a snowstorm, you should not leave your car (even if it is hopelessly stuck in the snow), and during an earthquake, you should stand in doorways. Every natural disaster has its own life hack.

The rampant nature, as a rule, leads to destruction of infrastructure. How to survive without heat and drinking water? How to preserve food? And how to replace dead batteries? Questions, the answers to which are collected in the following infographic.

Home blackout deserves special attention. Electricity is involved in many important aspects: from heating and cooking to communication with outside world. But if a heater can be made from improvised means (see infographics above), and food can be cooked over a fire, then with gadgets the situation is more complicated. Many people don't have it in their homes landlines, And A mobile phone is the only way to call an ambulance or rescuers. If only it didn't run out of charge...

Man-made disasters


A man-made disaster is a random accident that results in massive loss of life, panic and environmental impact. Emergency situations of a man-made nature are divided into industrial and transport.

The worst industrial disaster imaginable is an explosion at a nuclear power plant.

This April marked 28 years since the Chernobyl accident. As a result of the explosion, the fourth power unit was completely destroyed - the world faced the largest and most severe nuclear disaster.

Thousands of people were exposed to radiation at Chernobyl. According to the international organization Doctors Against Nuclear War, tens of thousands of accident liquidators have died, and more than 10 thousand deformities in newborns and cases of thyroid cancer have been recorded. Perhaps these consequences would not be so large-scale if people knew how to hide from radiation. But many did not even know about the Chernobyl explosion and a week later went to May Day demonstrations.

As for transport man-made disasters, the most frightening of them is an airplane crash. Many people believe that it is impossible to survive if you fall from the sky. But there are examples in history when people remained alive and practically unharmed.

Concrete jungle


A modern metropolis is no less (and sometimes more) dangerous than a forest or desert. Here you need special skills to survive.

Firstly, you need be able to behave in a crowd(in the subway, at a concert, at a rally). Any mass gathering of people can develop into a stampede. To get out of it, it is important to know the following rules:

  • don't lose your balance;
  • don't go against the crowd;
  • do not move “with the flow” - move diagonally to the edge.

Secondly, you should know what a pogrom is and what to do if you find yourself in the midst of it. You don't have to be a rebel - massive riots are often spontaneous. You can walk peacefully around the city with your family and see football fans taking out their anger over the loss of their favorite team in storefronts and passers-by. What to do in such a situation? Tip #1: Don't panic.

The more radical the confrontation, the more serious the rebels’ weapons. Large danger represent the so-called Molotov cocktails, that is, Molotov cocktails.

Thirdly, in our troubled world, a city dweller should always have an emergency suitcase on hand. Some will call this manic delirium, but, in our opinion, this is nothing more than necessary precaution.

First aid for yourself and others

Even a child knows: fire - call 01, robbery - 02, sick - dial 03. And many adults have also heard that in Russia there is emergency number- 112. At the same time, adults childishly naively believe that this is an analogue of the American 911. But this is not the case yet. For example, you can’t reach 112 from your home phone.

Have you ever had to provide first aid? We hope not. Lifehacker wishes health to his readers and their loved ones. That is why we want you to know the algorithm and technique of first aid by heart.

Tactical medicine skills will also come in handy when first aid is provided in combat conditions.

Finally, eight more tips that can save lives. For example, how not to get confused if you choked and a piece of food ended up in the trachea instead of the esophagus.

The world is full of dangers. But that doesn’t make it any less beautiful. Old Darwin is right: it is not the strongest or the smartest who survive. We hope that our survival instructions taught you the main thing - be prepared and don't be afraid of anything!


Complete Guide on survival in extreme situations in the wild, on land and at sea (John Wiseman)

ISBN: 978-5-17-045760-1, 978-5-271-17738-5
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
John Wiseman
Translator: Yu. Suslov
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: AST, Astrel
Russian language
Number of pages: 576


    John "Lofty" Wiseman served in the UK's Special Air Service (SAS) for 26 years, and his book is based on the training techniques of this world-famous elite unit.
    This practical guide shows how to survive in the wild, in all climates, on land and at sea.

    Designed for everyone who leads an active lifestyle (tourists, travelers, sailors, etc.), as well as for those who find themselves in an extreme situation as a result of an accident or disaster.


Life in the wild. Survival Instructions (Bear Grylls)

ISBN: 978-5-227-04419-8
Format: PDF, FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Bear Grylls
Translator: E. Lamanova
Year of manufacture: 2013

Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Russian language
Number of pages: 320
Description: The book by the famous British traveler, TV presenter and writer Bear Grylls is the result of the wealth of experience he gained during expeditions and hikes in various parts of the world. He wandered through jungles and swamps, made his way through dusty deserts and bare rocks, spent the night in tents and in trees, in caves, in huts and in the open air, all...


Series "On Land and Sea" (31 books)

Format: fb2, eBook (originally computer)
Year of manufacture: 1960-1992
Author: Stanislav Lem, Ray Bradbury, Arthur Clarke and others.
Genre fiction
M.: Thought
Description: Artistic and geographical collections from the series “On Land and Sea” were published annually for 32 years (1960 - 1992). In them you can read many stories, short stories, essays, articles, both fiction and documentary, by domestic and foreign authors (unfortunately, it is not possible to indicate all authors). The books included travel, adventure, fantasy, facts, guesses, incidents and much more. Many...


Amazing adventures on land and sea of ​​Baron Munchausen, told by himself (Rudolf Raspe)

Author: Rudolf Raspe
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Fairy tale
Publisher: MediaKniga
Performer: Mikhail Rogov
Duration: 03:39:25
Description: Cult book. Legendary character. Did you know that Baron Munchausen was the first Russian officer who met the future Empress Catherine II in a country that was then foreign to her? But enough empty chatter... The most truthful person in the world is in a hurry to tell you about his resourcefulness in far from simple situations...


On land and at sea (Igor Podgursky, Dmitry Romantovsky)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Igor Podgursky, Dmitry Romantovsky
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: humorous fantasy
Publisher: Creative group "SamIzdat"
Performer: Alexander Chaitsyn (Alex)
Duration: 13:48:07
Description: It is not easy to serve in the elite reality correction squad of Star Rus'. The tasks of the fighters are not simple - to correct realities that strive to go out of the predetermined channel of History. Werewolf SS men are preparing to conquer the world, combat robots from outer space want to occupy the Earth, gifted children send adults... to hell. But that was not the case. ! Tr...


Encyclopedia of survival in extreme situations. How to save life (Andrey Ilyin)

ISBN: 5-04-006918-9
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Author: Andrey Ilyin
Year of manufacture: 2001
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: Eksmo-Press
Russian language
Number of pages: 384
Description: The proposed book contains the basic knowledge of human self-rescue in various extreme situations. From it you will learn how to correctly give a distress signal, what you can do and what you absolutely cannot do, how to navigate the terrain, what and who you can eat, how to use the most ordinary things in an emergency situation, how to provide assistance and maintain presence of mind in the most, it would seem without...


A textbook for survival in extreme situations. Experience of special units of the world (Peter Darman)

ISBN: 5-8153-0223-6

Author: Peter Darman
Year of manufacture: 2001
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: Yauza
Russian language
Number of pages: 352
Description: The book talks about how to survive in various emergency situations: in the desert, taiga, jungle, in the Far North. You will learn how to find food, make a fire, provide first aid medical care for yourself and your comrades, as well as many others useful information, taken from SAS special forces manuals. Detailed pictures, explaining the creation of the simplest weapons, means of catching...


Kuropatkin Dmitry - Secrets of street martial arts - How to defeat any opponent in extreme situations

ISBN: 5-7905-3133-4, Martial Arts

Year of manufacture: 2005
Author: Kuropatkin D.I.
Genre: Various
M.:RIPOL classic
Number of pages: 192
Description: A street fight is a fight without rules, in which the victory is often won by not the strongest, but by a more dexterous and cold-blooded opponent. There is no specific street fighting technique. All the defensive and offensive techniques recommended in this book are the result of a fusion of many of the most effective fighting techniques. This publication is recommended primarily to people who strive...


Layers in Photoshop: A Complete Guide to the Most Effective Tool (Matt Kloskowski)

Posted by Matt Kloskowski
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: photography
Publisher: Williams
Russian language
Number of pages: 315
Description: In 2008, Matt Kloskowski, a professional photographer, Photoshop user and author of popular books, found himself in a completely new business. He began teaching others how to use layers, one of Photoshop's most amazing tools. Matt recently returned to the first edition of his book on layers in Photoshop to revise and expand on the material. When Matt was asked to write this book, he replied: "With pleasure...


PHP5 in original. The most comprehensive guide

Author: Koterov D.V., Kostarev A.F.
Publisher: BHV-Petersburg
Year of manufacture: 2005
Number of pages: 1120
Description: The authors were directly involved in the development of the fifth version of PHP, so you will receive the most complete and reliable information first hand. The guide is addressed to both professional Web developers who want to quickly start using the new features of PHP 5, and beginners who have only basic programming skills and are not familiar with PHP. You will receive information about the functioning of Web servers, configuring the Apache server, interactive debugging of Web scripts...


2 in 1. Massage. Complete Guide + Body Healing Points. Complete reference book (Artem Maksimov)

ISBN: 978-966-14-8506-7, 978-966-14-8505-0
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Artem Maksimov
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Medicine and health
Publisher: Family Leisure Club
Russian language
Number of pages: 510
Description: The most effective massage techniques! Therapeutic, sports, preventive, anti-cellulite, cosmetology, erotic, children's, self-massage, as well as shiatsu, Thai, Tibetan, Filipino and other varieties. Massage and acupuncture will relieve pain, relieve fatigue and tension, relax, restore tone to the body and help fight musculoskeletal diseases...


Flights in nature. Who flies and how in the animal world (Gladkov N.A.)

Format: PDF, DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: N.A. Gladkov
Year of manufacture: 1948
Genre: Popular science literature
Publisher: Publishing House of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists
Series: Among nature
Russian language
Number of pages: 112
Description: In our popular literature there is almost no book at all that would tell the reader about the phenomena of flight in nature. This brochure fills this gap, and examines the phenomenon in its entirety, from passive flights at the will of the wind and from the jumping flights of flying fish and the flying dragon to the most advanced forms of flight. Presentation of the...


Photo. The New Complete Guide to Photography (John Freeman)

ISBN: 5-17-035405-3
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: John Freeman
Year of manufacture: 2006
Genre: Photography, educational literature
Publisher: AST, Astrel
Russian language
Number of pages: 287
Description: John Freeman's Photography is a complete guide for all photographers seeking to achieve successful results. It helps you master the basics of photography, from choosing the right camera to understanding key parameters like light sensitivity and aperture. Advantages and disadvantages explained in detail various types equipment and accessories, so you can...


A Complete Guide to Tanning Your Own Pelts

ISBN: 978-5-17-044899-9
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2004
Author: Lissy Moussa
Genre: Health
Publisher: ACT
Number of pages: 531
Description: There is no such thing as impossible! Numerous participants in Lissy Moussa’s health programs around the world were convinced of this, rejoicing in their newfound health, slimness, beauty and youth. Do you want to get rid of skin problems such as pimples and calluses, cellulite, dandruff and irritation? Coping with severe allergies, vitiligo, warts? Defeat psoriasis and dermatitis of all kinds? No drugs, no additives, no special...

but I

Windows Vista Guide in RUSSIAN

Genre: Guide to Windows Vista
Country: USA
Year of manufacture: 2007
Number of pages: 333
Description: Official fully Russified Guide to Windows Vista. The Windows Vista manual contains detailed description innovative features and functionality that make Windows Vista the next generation of Windows client operating systems and the logical continuation operating system Windows XP. This guide also provides information about the benefits that Windows Vista provides to different groups of users and the current releases...


Street of fresh bread. The Complete Guide to Baking from the Pros (Paul Allam, David McGuinness)

ISBN: 978-5-699-59037-7
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Author: Paul Allam, David McGuinness
Translator: Olga Ozerova
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Cooking
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 368
Description: Whether you're interested in baking bread or want the perfect baked goods, this detailed guide will help your efforts succeed. From good old pies to fabulous beauty and impeccable taste of cakes, pastries and desserts, this book contains all the best recipes. Paul Allam and David McGuinness are certified bakers, pastry chefs and co-owners of the popular...

All books and guides on survival, as well as catalogs and other literature descriptions presented on this page, are taken from open sources. Offered for download, as is, and free of charge. Most books and reference books are in *.pdf format. To read them you need to have Adobe Reader or similar program.

Inedible, poisonous and hallucinogenic mushrooms. Directory-atlas.

The book provides information about 60 types of mushrooms that, for one reason or another, pose a danger to human health.

97 pages. Russian language. PDF file in zip archive, 4.0 MB.
Download the guide

Mountaineering skills. Training course.

An excellent practical guide for both amateur and professional climbers. Recommended by the Association of Mountaineering Instructors (AMI) Committee.

189 pages. Russian language. PDF file in zip archive, 28.8 MB.
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Encyclopedia of extreme situations.

125 pages. Russian language. djvu file in zip archive, 2.9 MB.
Download encyclopedia

Special forces style. Combat survival system.

The book talks about traditional and non-traditional forms of maintaining health for survival in combat and other extreme conditions.

Russian language. 125 pages. PDF file in zip archive, 8.8 MB.
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Mushroom Picker's Guide.

Detailed descriptions and more than 300 illustrations will make you a true mushroom connoisseur. Mushroom calendar and subtleties of mushroom cooking. Useful little things.

Russian language. 303 pages. Djvu file in zip archive, 5.5 MB.
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Methods of knitting various knots.

Detailed description with color illustrations. Methods for tying various knots step by step. 21 files per pdf format. Toolkit.

English language. 21 pdf files in one zip archive, 3.2 mb.
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Fight with a dog.

How do dogs attack? Patterns that can help in a real human-dog fight, and practical counteraction schemes.

Russian language. 16 pages. PDF file in zip archive, 400 kb.
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A survival guide used to train US military personnel. Black and white illustrations.

English language. 233 pages. PDF file in zip archive, 2.3 MB.

The Zombie Survival Guide is your key to surviving the hordes of undead that may be stalking you right now. Fully illustrated and completely comprehensive, the book covers everything you need to know, including how to understand zombie psychology and behavior, the most effective defense tactics and weapons, ways to outfit your home for long-term defense, and how to survive and adapt in any terrain. or terrain.

Don't be careless and foolish with all your precious possessions. This book is your key to surviving the hordes of undead that may be stalking you right now, and you may not even know it. A zombie survival guide offers full protection with reliable, proven advice on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the living dead. This is a book that can save your life.

Top 10 Tips for Surviving a Zombie Attack

1. Organize before they are resurrected!

2. They don’t feel fear, so why should you be afraid?

4. Bladed weapons do not require reloading.

5. Ideal protection = tight clothing, short hair.

6. Climb the ladder, then destroy it.

7. Get out of the car, take the bike.

8. Don’t linger, stay lower, be quiet, be on alert!

9. There is no safe place, only safer and less safe.

10. Even if the zombies disappear, the danger remains.

The dead walk among us. Zombies, ghouls - no matter what they are called - these lunatics are the greatest threat to humanity, with the exception of humanity itself. But it would be wrong to call them predators and us their prey. They are the plague, and the human race is its carrier. Lucky victims are devoured, their bones gnawed clean, their flesh eaten. Those not so fortunate join the ranks of their opponents, transformed into rotten, flesh-eating monsters. Traditional warfare is just as useless against creatures as the traditional approach. The art of ending life, developed and improved since the beginning of our existence, cannot protect us from an enemy who, in essence, “does not live.” Does this mean that the living dead are invulnerable? No. Can these creatures be stopped? Yes. Ignorance is the undead's strongest ally, awareness is their mortal enemy. That's why this book was written: to provide the knowledge needed to survive among these inhuman beasts.

Survival is keyword The thing to remember is not victory, not competition, only survival. This book will not teach you how to become a professional zombie hunter. Anyone who wants to dedicate their life to such a profession should look elsewhere for training. This book is not written for the police, the military, or any other government agency. These organizations, if they recognize and prepare for such a threat, will have access to much more advanced resources than individuals. Civilians—it is for them that this survival guide was written, for people with limited time and resources, but who nevertheless refused to be among the victims.

Naturally, when facing the living dead, you will need many other abilities: wilderness survival, leadership, even basic first aid. All this was not included in this work, since they can be found in ordinary texts. Common sense dictates that more should be learned to complement this textbook. Subsequently, all topics that did not directly correspond to the topic of living Metvets were omitted

In this book you will learn to recognize your enemy, choose the right weapon, learn about methods of killing and about preparation and improvisation while defending, on the move or during an attack. The possibility of an end-of-the-world scenario in which the living Meters will replace humanity as the dominant race on the planet will also be discussed.

There is no need to be skeptical about any section of this book, as if it were some kind of hypothetical tragedy. Every ounce of knowledge is gained through hard research and experience. Historical data, laboratory experiments, field research and eyewitness accounts (including the author himself) - all this contributed to the creation of this work. Even the doomsday scenario is an extrapolation of real events. Many actual cases are included in the chapter on recorded insurrections. Studying them will prove that every lesson in this book has its roots in historical fact.

This means that knowledge is only part of the struggle for survival. The rest is up to you. Personal choice, the will to live, must be paramount when the dead begin to rise. Without it, nothing will protect you. After reading last page this book, ask yourself one question: What will you do? Will you end your existence passively accepting death, or will you stand up and exclaim: “I will not become their victim! I will survive!” The choice is yours.

ZOM-BZE: (Zom "bi) also Zom-bi plural. I. a revived corpse that feeds on living human flesh. 2. A voodoo spell that revives the dead. 3. The snake god of Voodoo. 4. One who moves and acts in a daze. "like a zombie." [word of West African origin]

What is a zombie? How do they appear? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What do they need, what are their desires? Why are they hostile to humanity? Before discussing any survival techniques, you must first know what you need to escape from.

We must start by separating fact from fiction. The Walking Dead is neither the work of “black magic” nor any other supernatural force. Their nature comes from a virus known as Solanum, a Latin word used by Jan Vanderhaven, the "discoverer" of the disease.

Solanum: virus

Solanum spreads through the circulatory system, from the point of entry of the virus to the brain. Through pathways not fully understood, the virus uses frontal lobe cells to replicate, destroying them in the process. During this period, all functions of the vital bodies stop. With cardiac arrest, the infected subject is declared "dead". The brain, however, remains alive but in a dormant state, while the virus mutates the cells into a completely new organ.

The most significant feature of this new organism is its lack of dependence on oxygen. Without the need for this all-important resource, the undead brain may be used up, but it is no longer dependent on the complex support mechanisms of the human body. Once the mutation is complete, this new organ animates the body in a form that bears some resemblance, physiologically speaking, to the original corpse. Some body functions remain, some function with a limited reserve, and others stop completely. This new organism is a zombie, a representative of the living dead.

The book is a guide to survival in the event of a zombie virus epidemic. The main feature of the book is that the author describes zombies as a real natural phenomenon that people have encountered since ancient times. The book combines and describes all known information about the living dead, and also examines various options for the development of the zombie crisis and provides the main possible reasons his offensive. Survival tips are given according to various scenarios: how to most effectively fight zombies and how to most effectively defend against them.

Zombie Survival Guide
The Zombie Survival Guide

Cover of the English edition of the book
Genre Post-apocalyptic
Author Max Brooks
Original language English
Date of writing
Date of first publication September 16th
Following World War Z
  1. Find all the essentials: water, food, bandages, a flashlight, wireless power sources (batteries), matches and other necessary things (it is better to take water and food for two days);
  2. Stay away from indoors or confined spaces as this may become a dead end;
  3. Without thinking, without fear, to hit or shoot in the head to stop the brain from working, without regret for killing, they will not feel anything;
  4. Melee weapons do not require reloading, but it is worth visiting the nearest weapons store, security post or military base.
  5. You will need to find an emergency connection - a walkie-talkie, perhaps someone is transmitting a signal about a safe place. Leave data about your location behind, perhaps they will notice it and you will not continue your journey alone.
  6. Ideal protection is tight-fitting clothing and short hair. Avoid getting dead blood in your mouth or on your skin. Beware of scratches and bites - they are fatal.
  7. Further from the city - further from problems.
  8. Looking for a reliable car, a cash-in-transit armored car is best. Stock up on gasoline in very large quantities!
  9. Don't linger, be quiet, be alert! If possible, avoid shooting and light (fires, headlights, lights in the house)
  10. There are no absolutely safe places, there are only safer and less safe ones. Spend the night in an open area: meadow, clearing or other. It is advisable to stay above the ground: on a hill (or other). In this case, the viewing radius is increased.

The book consists of seven chapters and an appendix.

The first chapter is called “Myths and Reality.” It contains everything known facts about zombies. A zombie virus is described - Solanum, which turns a person into a “living dead”. It also describes in detail the properties of this virus, its spread (through an open wound and through contact with infected blood or saliva), as well as possible options treatment, the most effective of which is amputation of the zombie-damaged limb; if this is not possible, suicide is suggested. The reason why zombies attack people and why they ignore animals is also considered.

The second chapter, “Weapons and Tactics for Their Use,” examines in detail the effectiveness of certain weapons as defense against zombies. Various options are being considered, from improvised means: a baton, a pistol (relevant for countries with easy access to firearms) to very exotic ones: biological weapons, radiation, nano-weapons. The main pros and cons of different types of countermeasures against zombies are revealed, and recommendations are given on the tactics of its use.

The third chapter, “Defense,” examines ammunition options and the influence of various factors on the choice of various buildings and structures as shelter during a long siege.

The fourth chapter, "Escape," examines the pros and cons of different modes of transportation for safely moving through contaminated territory.

The fifth chapter, “Attack,” in contrast to chapters 3 and 4, examines the tactics of “clearing” the territory from zombies infected with the virus, rather than defending against them.

The sixth chapter considers the “End of the World” scenario, when uninfected people remain in the absolute minority, and the remnants of humanity will have to adapt to life in a completely new world without hope of a quick change in the state of affairs.

The last chapter describes fictitious documents about zombie virus outbreaks from ancient times. The earliest encounter between people and zombies, according to the author, occurred in the province of Katanga,