Why Skype doesn't work - ways to solve all possible problems. Connection with Crimea How to install Skype in Crimea

Known and in demand by millions of people around the world. Wish update skype for free arises for most users, because with the advent of a new version there are more opportunities and new advantages with which you can improve communications of this resource, increase speed and provide comfort and practicality in use. In the old version, the program is no longer relevant and many users leave complaints that they cannot log into the system. This is due to the fact that the company Microsoft phases out older Skype options with releases before 2014.

If you do not update the program, you simply will not be able to use old version. The program developers are aimed at ensuring that each user uses all the capabilities of the system, from improved quality to high level reliability and confidentiality. This is exactly what the newest development of Skype is. In order for every user to be able to use latest developments, specialists sometimes use the old version of the program for all kinds of devices. Updating the system is very easy. After the update, the latest developments worked on by professionals will become available to you. We will discuss how to use the more recent version in this lesson.

How to update Skype to the latest version?

You can update Skype for free by downloading it from the official website www.skype.com. Personally, I rarely update programs, because it takes quite a lot of time, since there are more than a dozen different installed resources on the PC. What to do if there are several computers in your house? Therefore, only those systems that really need it are subject to updating. If you think that doing Skype update not worth it, then you are deeply mistaken. For example, if you want to show the monitor on Skype, then a new version is needed, because in the outdated version, this function absent. If you haven't used this installation, then read it in more detail.

We update Skype for free

As mentioned above, you can update Skype for free on the official portal or on our website. Log in and go to the menu: "Tools" And "Settings". Click on the tab "Additionally" and you will see only one button on the right side. When the system is automatically updated, the following line will appear: « Automatic update systems". After implementing this function, the program will deal with automatic search new version, despite your actions.

But there are different cases. For example, if the Internet is connected to the PC with a certain limit, or you can update the system strictly in set time. In this case from automatic installation should be refused. What to do in such a situation?

In the top corner, click "Help" and per line "Check for updates."

If your program is updated to latest version, the corresponding signal will be received:

In the presence of old system, in the dialog box, click on: “Install new version" Check the box and click OK.

All the following steps are completed intuitively in an accessible language, just follow the commands of the download wizard. Further actions that you need to perform during the system update process are as follows: boot new program; will close; will be established; will start automatically. In my opinion, I have listed all the details, in the future, I think that you will cope with this process. The lesson is over, see you soon on the Internet!

Skype occupies one of the leading positions among programs designed for communication. The advantage of the application is that in addition to messaging, it can be used for audio and video calls with any subscribers. However, some users are faced with the problem that it does not work Skype. In many cases, you can fix it yourself, you just need to figure out the cause of the problem.

Why Skype doesn't work

If the application stops launching or an empty window opens when you click on the icon, then the reason may be problems with the browser Internet Explorer. After Microsoft acquired the utility, the developers tied it to the Internet browser.

When authorizing in the application, ActiveX operation and access to Java Script built into Internet Explorer are required. But as a result of a virus infection or user actions, the default settings in the browser may change. Because of this, problems occur with authorization or with the contact list in Skype. In order to fix the problem, you need to reinstall the Internet browser or update to the latest version. If these steps do not help, then you need to try the following algorithm of actions:

Please note that programs that were installed on the PC after saving this point will be automatically deleted during recovery.

If Skype does not work due to problems with the IE browser, then it is recommended to try running the old version of the application, without using Internet browser components. To do this you need to complete the following steps:

Problems that cause the messenger to stop working can arise for various reasons. Therefore, first of all, you need to understand what led to the error in order to try to fix the problem yourself.

US President Barack Obama issued a decree banning American companies from supplying goods and providing services in Crimea. The IT sector is also subject to the embargo. However, experts interviewed by RBC warn that depriving residents of the peninsula of Skype, Gmail, Windows and others popular programs and services are unlikely to work.

Obama's Executive Order "Blocking Certain Persons and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Relating to the Crimea Region of Ukraine" prohibits "the export, re-export, sale or supply, directly or indirectly, of any goods, services or technology from the United States or by a United States person anywhere was located in the Crimean region of Ukraine." The imposed embargo implies not only a ban on the supply of American goods to Crimea (which do not go there directly anyway), but also a ban on the access of Crimean residents to Internet services and widely used programs and applications - even if they are distributed free of charge.

It does indeed follow from Obama’s “Crimean” decree that the embargo also applies to Internet services, confirms Cliff Burns, a lawyer at the Washington company Bryan Cave, who specializes in sanctions and export controls: “The fact that services like Gmail are free does not change anything.” Burns said this was “somewhat surprising” given that all other US sanctions programs, including Iran’s, allow for an exemption in the form of free civilian access to Internet services and communications applications. The lawyer does not yet know how Google and other companies will technically enforce the Crimean embargo.

Now, by law, American companies are required to deny access to all of the above categories of services and software in Crimea if the user tries to download a product or register. If a product is imported into Crimea in circumvention of sanctions and the manufacturer knows about this, he can take measures to prevent the use of the product: for example, Apple company may prevent the iPhone from being activated in Crimea, argues a Washington lawyer who wished to remain anonymous.

Obama explained that he issued a decree on the Crimean embargo in order to “explain to American companies how to act in the region,” says Alexander Strakh, CEO of the Information Law company. However, he laments, there are more questions than answers, and it is difficult to say exactly how American Internet companies will operate in Crimea. They may have to implement some kind of internal blocking based on users' IP addresses. Companies are now focusing on data provided by users themselves. On the website Habrahabr.ru, for example, there is a story about the case of the blocking of Crimean resident Rodion Vlasov on the American remote developer exchange Odesk.com: in the questionnaire on the service it was indicated that Vlasov lives in Crimea. To unblock an account, confirmation is required that Vlasov resides outside the territory of Crimea.

In the development environment of one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world, Java, it is possible that you will not be able to update your code - the system will throw an error. “You are in a country that is under embargo. Java cannot be loaded" is the message residents of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria receive when trying to update their Java code.

Java belongs to the American Oracle; a company representative in Russia found it difficult to say anything about the possible disconnection of Crimea from updates of this environment and other company programs. The Russian representative office of Microsoft stated that they do not comment on sanctions. A company source familiar with the situation said that the corporation is under US jurisdiction and is forced to comply with government orders. According to him, the company does not yet know how exactly to implement the embargo: “It is clear that if a resident of Crimea has Windows on his computer, no one will come to him with a machine gun and force him to remove the software. But paid versions software will no longer be sold on the peninsula.” Apple also does not comment on the embargo. Google and Odesk.com did not respond to RBC's requests.

It is technically very difficult to prohibit the installation of software on computers located specifically in Crimea, but administrative (not technical) restrictions may be imposed on the supply of software to the peninsula, he believes CEO Oblakoteka company Maxim Zakharenko. In his opinion, they will try to block online services by IP addresses. They will not serve users, nor will they register new ones who indicate Crimea as their place of residence. But if a person writes, for example, “Saratov” instead of “Sevastopol,” it will be difficult to check, notes Zakharenko: “The spread of piracy, the substitution of IP addresses - that’s what will happen. That is, everything has been formally observed, but the real effect will be minimal.”

We want to help maintain connections between loved ones, friends, partners who are in Crimea and on the mainland of Ukraine. For many residents of the peninsula, a few minutes of communication is a huge support and evidence that they have not been forgotten.

If you find this information useful, please help spread it on social media. This will help others become aware of the possibility of communication between Crimea and mainland Ukraine.

Need to call quickly

If you need to call once, try using: perhaps your interlocutor also uses it, so this will allow both of you to avoid costs.

Otherwise, in Crimea you can use the services of the following operators:

Operator, TariffTo mobileTo landline phones
MTS, "Super MTS"20 rub/min20 rub/min
KrymtelecomRUR 36.58/min *RUR 36.58/min *


In most cases, it is possible to call Crimea only to MTS numbers:

Operator, TariffOn MTS (+7)To landline phones
Vodafone3 UAH/min0.5 UAH/min *
MTS Ukraine, “Unlimited abroad”0 UAH/min **-
Lifecell11 UAH/min11 UAH/min *
Lifecell, “Calls abroad”2.86 UAH/min0.73 UAH/min *
Kyivstar20 UAH/min20 UAH/min *
Kyivstar, “Favorite countries”1.5 UAH/min1.5 UAH/min *
Viber Out9.5 ¢/min2.3¢/min

* There is no guarantee that calls can be made.
** 35 UAH/month for 3 rooms.

You need to remember: when calling to mobile number in Crimea, funds can also be withdrawn from the owner’s account for every minute of conversation.

To find out how telephone numbers in Crimea have changed, go to the “” section.

Need to call regularly

If you need to communicate with one person, the easiest way is to establish a connection via the Internet. Even older people can easily understand the applications. All you need is patience, a detailed outline and a reminder to pay for the Internet.

If you need to call the telephone network, an Internet telephony or IP telephony service will be useful. This is the same landline phone, which works via the Internet, so it can be used anywhere where the Internet is available.

Below is a comparison of the main telecom operators providing Internet telephony services.

Comparison of featuresVegaUkrtelecomAtlantis TelecomZadarma
Landline numberYesNoNoadd. service
Registering a number via the InternetYeslimitedYesYes
Payment via Visa and MasterCardYesNoYesYes
Prepaymentadd. serviceNoYesYes

The choice of operator and service depends on your needs and capabilities.

A local number makes it possible to have phone number any city where the operator is present. For example, while in Crimea, you can use a Kyiv telephone number, calls to which from Kyiv will be charged as local ones.

Registering a number via the Internet allows you to get it without leaving Crimea and without turning to friends on the mainland of Ukraine for help.

Prepayment will help you avoid debt to your friends if they register your phone number in their name. It is impossible to register a landline phone remotely, since the law requires you to provide registration information in your passport or a higher education certificate. The “Prepayment” service will allow you not to go beyond the amount by which you will periodically replenish your account.

Tariff comparisonVegaUkrtelecomAtlantis TelecomZadarma
Connection1 UAH0 25 UAH +
25 UAH per account
Subscription fee57.97 UAH/month.10 UAH/month0 0
To city1000 min 0,
further 0.054 UAH/min
- - 7.5 rub/min
For intercity0.66 UAH/min0.43 UAH/min0.5 UAH/min7.5 rub/min
To mobile1.2 UAH/min1.2 UAH/min0.75 UAH/min15 rub/min

One typical tariff from each operator was selected for review. You can familiarize yourself with all the conditions and other tariffs on the website of each operator.

If you have difficulty with independent connection numbers, ask your friends or for help.

You can always ask your friends or relatives on the mainland to top up your account or register for an Internet phone at the nearest branch of the operator, transferring the settings to you in Crimea. Don't forget: in these difficult times, rarely does anyone refuse help.

What else is useful to know



In Crimea, you can top up your Skype account in Payberry payment terminals in the “ E-commerce"or in QIWI terminals in the section "Internet, TV and telephony > Telephony".

Telephone codes of Crimean cities

After the occupation of Crimea, the stationary service was interrupted telephone communications between the peninsula and mainland Ukraine. Now, to call a landline number in Crimea, you need to use the international code of Russia and the modified area code.

To call any Crimean city, you need to change the first digit 0 in the telephone code to 0073 (065XXXXXXXX became 007365XXXXXXXX). WITH mobile phone, Skype or Viber: +7365XXXXXXXX.

To call to Sevastopol, you need to change the first digit 0 in the telephone code to 0078 (0692XXXXXX, now 0078692XXXXXX). From a mobile phone, Skype or Viber: +78692XXXXXX.

Since the territory of Crimea is not recognized as part of Russia, Ukrainian operators do not open communications on telephone codes cities of Crimea, changed to Russian ones. These codes are only guaranteed to make calls via Skype and Viber. We cannot verify all carriers, so we provide information about area code changes as they are.

Payment and account replenishment

In Crimea, banks do not issue plastic Visa cards or MasterCard. But it is possible to create a Yandex.Money account yourself or open a QIWI wallet. These payment systems allow you to make international transfers through virtual cards MasterCard and Visa after identification.

If this is not suitable, then all you have to do is ask your relatives or friends on mainland Ukraine to make the payment.

Equipment and settings

The most common way is to set up an Internet phone on a computer, tablet or smartphone. To do this you need to install special program– SIP client with setup instructions. You can find out how to do this on the pages of telecom operators:

There are also other options for connecting an Internet phone, for example, buying a special WiFi phone or setting up such a number in a mini-PBX.

This question is very relevant now, especially in connection with the release of a new version, released jointly with Microsoft. For many users old program The same problem arose: the impossibility of authorization without updating to the latest version. So how to update Skype, and why might this be difficult?


The company announced that after November 1 and 15, 2018, older versions of the application will no longer be supported on desktops and mobile devices respectively.

Where to see the program version

Before you think about how to update Skype on your computer or other devices, it’s worth looking at what version you have installed. this moment. For example, you are thinking about how to update Skype for free on your Windows 10 device, but before doing so, you check the information and realize that this is not required. You can see what version you have installed:

  1. On Windows 10: “Menu” - “Advanced” - “About”
  2. On the desktop application (Windows 7, XP, Vista): "Help", then "About Skype"

If you want to know in more detail how to implement it, read our other article.

On your phone or tablet

How to update Skype on Android devices– phone or tablet? As easy as pie. Almost the same - for this you need to go to Google Play, choose the right application and click "Update". For such devices, the option with automatic tuning updates. To ensure that the application on your gadget is updated automatically, you can use the instructions we have already offered for your computer.

Why is Skype not updating?

When updating, you may encounter some problems: the program does not want to install packages automatically, manually, or Skype does not start after the update. How to solve this issue?

  1. If the application does not want to update, the reason for this may be the lack of Internet. Without sufficient data transfer this process is not possible.
  2. It may well turn out that there are simply no new updates and nothing to install
  3. If the application has been updated, but does not want to launch, you can try restarting the device, and in some cases, reinstalling Skype itself

It’s not at all difficult; exactly how to do this is described in another of our articles.