Why can’t I log into Odnoklassniki from my mobile phone? I can’t log into Odnoklassniki, what should I do? Removing a blocking virus using the AVZ utility

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki - almost any user can encounter this problem. And, if this once happened to you, don’t panic, because a solution to the problem exists and we, together with you, will definitely find it! In this article we will answer the question “Why can’t I log into Odnoklassniki?”, and also tell you what needs to be done so that you can visit your favorite social network again.

Don't know on your device? Read our other article and you will easily cope with this matter!

Why can’t I log into my Odnoklassniki page?

There are three main reasons explaining why you can’t log into Odnoklassniki:

  • Your profile in Odnoklassniki has been blocked for unacceptable actions on the site: sending advertisements, publishing erotic photos or videos, as well as materials that could help incite interethnic or interreligious hatred;
  • Your computer or laptop is infected with malware that does not allow access to the site;
  • Your Odnoklassniki page has been hacked by attackers.

It is very important to first determine for which of these reasons you are unable to log into Odnoklassniki, and only then solve the problem accordingly. For example, you cannot be administrated or hacked by scammers. How to determine the cause? Very simple! We will give several accompanying “symptoms” for each of the options, and you yourself will be able to determine which of them more accurately describe your problem.

Infecting your computer with a virus

To get started, try logging into your Odnoklassniki page from any other device: mobile phone, tablet, your friend or neighbor's computer. If in these cases there are no problems with logging in, then it’s all about your computer or laptop. Malware has been introduced into his system, blocking your access to Odnoklassniki. Below you can read how to deal with this problem.

Profile blocked by site administration

If you cannot log into your account from any available device, then there is a fairly high probability that your page was simply blocked by the administration of the Odnoklassniki website. Perhaps you accidentally violated the rules of use of a social network by posting something that the developers considered inappropriate. Further, in the appropriate section, you can find out how to resolve this issue.

Account hacked by scammers

If, when you try to open your page in Odnoklassniki, the message “Incorrect login or password” pops up in front of you, and you are sure that both are correct, it is quite possible that there were craftsmen who managed to guess the password for your account, and then they replaced him, so that you, in turn, could no longer enter.

This situation can be especially unpleasant if your Odnoklassniki profile has been linked to bank card- in this case, attackers will be able to easily withdraw your savings from it. What to do in such cases - read below in the appropriate section.

Can't understand? Then quickly read our other article - in it you will definitely find a solution to this problem.

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki on my page: what to do if it’s a virus?

If you suspect that your laptop or computer has been infected with a virus, you can take the following actions:

Run an antivirus on your computer

Probably every user knows that any device, be it a laptop, tablet or a full-fledged PC, must have an antivirus installed. This could be Kaspercky, dr.Web or another high-quality antivirus. Run a full scan of your device.

If you are so careless that you have not yet bothered to purchase this most useful program, then find it right now good antivirus and download it to your computer.

Check the hosts file

  • Now just restart your PC.

Clear the list of static routes

  • Find among the programs the one called “Command Line”.

  • Click on it, and from the proposed action options, select “Run as administrator.”
  • In the line that appears, enter route –f, and then press the Enter button.

  • When the command is completed, hard reboot your device.

Check "Network Settings"

  • Open the control panel of your laptop or computer.
  • Find the item “Browser Options” or “Internet Options” in it.

  • Now go to Connections.
  • Find “Network Settings” among the suggested options and open it.

  • A pop-up window will appear in front of you. It should not contain paths to the script automatic settings, and also there should be no proxy server settings.

I can’t log into my Odnoklassniki page: it looks like I’ve been blocked

If your Odnoklassniki profile is blocked by the site administration, then only by contacting its employees you can solve this problem. Write a letter to the support service in which you tell in detail about your problem. Quite often this method helps.

If the developers of Odnoelassniki do not agree to unblock your page (this happens when there is a gross violation of the site rules, for example, posting or sending materials of an erotic nature), then you will have to accept the loss of your account and create new profile in Odnoklassniki.

I can’t log into my Odnoklassniki page: it was hacked by scammers

If you think that your page has been hacked, there is no need to waste time. Please contact Ok.ru support and notify them that your account has been hacked. You can do this as follows:

  • Open the login and password entry form on the Ok.ru website and find the “Help” inscription at the bottom of the screen.

  • You will see several thematic blocks with questions on the screen. Select "Profile Access".

  • On the page that opens, on the left you can see a list with the most pressing user problems. You should open the “Other questions” item.

  • Now look for the “Contact Support” message on the screen. It is usually located at the bottom of the page.
  • You will see a form to contact support. The first column is the purpose for which you are writing the letter. The goal should be “Restore/Delete Profile”.

  • The second column is the cause of your problem. Click on it and select one from all the options: “Profile hacked.”

  • The third column that will appear after specifying the subject of the appeal is what you can remember about your account. For example, you remember exactly the phone number to which it was registered, which means you choose this option.

  • Enter the data you know into the prepared line.
  • Also, be sure to leave your email address in your request. Enter it in the correct box.

  • And finally, write down your problem in detail in a large window, indicating everything that you think will be important for moderators to restore your account. When everything is ready, just click on the “Send message” button.

We hope that our article was able to help you solve the problem with logging into this popular social network Odnoklassniki. If you still have any questions, write to us in the comments, we will answer everyone!

I can't log into my page

Hello, friends!
Today we are looking at a very relevant topic, which is dedicated to online fraud.

In this article I will try to answer such popular questions: “Why can’t I log into social media“Odnoklassniki” and “VKontakte”, email and other sites?

Such troubles, when a user loses access or cannot access his page on social networks, usually arise as a result of a change hosts file. What kind of file is this, where is it located and how to edit it, we have sorted it out. I recommend reading this article.

File hosts can be changed purposefully, for example, system administrator your company (office) or as a result of a virus attack to which the computer has been subjected. Today we will look at the latter case.

I assume that most of you know or have at least heard of such concepts as “phishing” or “pharming”. What is their difference and how do you know if you have become a victim of a virus attack? Today I will tell you how infection most often occurs, as a result of which you cannot access social networks, and I will give an example of a simple pharming attack.

Let's start with a simpler type of virus attack - phishing(from the English fishing - fishing). The purpose of this scam is to gain access (login and password) to user data. By using email, which came to your email, disguised as a message from various services, for example, from social networks, the user follows the link and ends up on a fake website that externally copies the official one. Next, on this fake page, he enters his username and password and allows the fraudster to gain access to his account, and sometimes to bank accounts.

Farming– this is disguised phishing or “fishing” according to the new rules. This is a more dangerous and advanced type of fraud, the purpose of which is to automatically redirect to a fake resource. Your vigilance is lulled by a completely “correct” link, and as soon as you click on it, the malicious code does its job and redirects you to a previously prepared copy of the site. While a phishing email can still be ignored, a pharming attack is much more difficult to detect.

To implement a pharming attack, as a rule, two main techniques are used - manipulating the hosts file or changing the DNS information.

How does the virus become infected?

The malicious code is disguised and distributed, for example, in the form of a social networking application. These could be applications to open access to closed page or for likes, etc. Perhaps you simply followed a link and ended up on a suspicious site, where a window popped up asking you to install an update. You download this fake (dummy) application and install it. After installation, the system (and in particular the hosts file itself) undergoes certain changes.

After the virus has changed the hosts file, access to popular websites and resources with anti-virus software is blocked, or the user is redirected to fake pages that look like popular resources (social networks, postal services etc.), where an inattentive user enters his credentials, and thus they get to the attackers.

Let's say your system was infected and the virus changed the hosts file. You, unsuspectingly, open your browser and go to your page on the social network, but you end up not on the official page, but on a fake one. A fake one, as a rule, is not much different from the official one, and you most likely won’t notice it. You enter your data, password and send it to the scammer. Congratulations, you have become a victim of a pharming attack!

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki or my account is blocked

When you go to your page, windows will usually appear that tell you to enter your mobile phone number.

Messages can be different: “Your account has been hacked,” “Spam is being sent from your account,” and other messages with similar text. But in all cases, you are asked for one thing - to enter a phone number to confirm something.

As you may have guessed, this is an elementary scam. Entering the number and subsequent confirmation code will entail the withdrawal of a certain amount of money plus the loss of the password from the social network (in this case from Odnoklassniki).

This attack can be carried out on any page: on social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, etc.), mail or on Sberbank online.

What to do if your account is hacked?

The first step is to check the hosts file. The hosts file is located in system partition on disk C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

As you can see in the screenshot above, the hosts file has been changed. In this case, when accessing social networks vk. com and ok.ru are redirected to false pages.

Let me remind you that the default hosts file looks like this:

Select the extra lines and delete them. Save the changes. By the way, if you have problems editing the hosts file, I recommend reading.

If you cannot restore the hosts file yourself, then we use a solution from Microsoft. Just go to link and follow official instructions stated on the company page.

Let's launch command line(in administrator mode), where we enter the following command: and press Enter. Reboot the computer.

These manipulations should help solve your problem with logging into social networks or losing access to social networks, mail and other services. I recommend reading another useful article: “

I can’t log in to Odnoklassniki, the profile does not load. All pages of my sites open except this site, what happened? Now we will look at almost all the reasons why this could happen. Why couldn't you access your page? To solve the problem, you will need a little time and no financial costs. We will also explain how to prevent this problem from occurring again and not need to send any SMS anywhere. Don't fall for scammers' tricks.

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki

Friends, I understand that this article read by ordinary users who have a great desire to get rid of the problem with one click and get to their favorite site, unfortunately in most cases, this very one click will not help and if you want to get rid of the problem yourself, and most importantly, understand why you can’t Login to your profile on Odnoklassniki, you need to do a little more mouse clicks.

  • You must definitely remember technical problems on classmates themselves, this happens, although rarely.
  • If our article does not help you, check out two more detailed articles on the same topic, they should definitely help: or
  • A great solution to the problem in your situation is scanning the drive (C:) with a free antivirus utility (I recommend it).
  • Try using , or if you roll back to a time when you didn’t have such problems, it’s not difficult and can really help.
  • Also, do not forget about the classmate support service, copy this address and paste it into the address bar of your browser, press Enter: http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/dk?st.cmd=helpFaq&st.section=2&st.prev=0
  • Now attention, perhaps when traveling on the Internet, when visiting some site, suddenly a small window pops up in front of you (there’s no other way to describe it) with an unpleasant sound and a warning that your page in Odnoklassniki has been hacked or blocked, you will be asked to click “Unblock” "

    and you click naturally, then go to a phishing or, in other words, a fake site, designed in the style of classmates, there you will be asked to enter your username and password (supposedly to solve your non-existent problem - hacking your page), which immediately falls into the hands of attackers. Now further development of the situation.

    Spammers will not change your password on your classmates’ website, since your page is linked to your phone, but will send spam from your profile, ask your friends to put money on their phone (naturally, they will do everything on your behalf). At this time, you cannot access Odnoklassniki, because having visited the scammers’ site, you have planted a virus in your operating system. What did the virus do? The virus has modified a simple text hosts file on your system (in this case text file you can manually register a ban on visiting any site or register another, you will type www.odnoklassniki.ru and end up in a completely different place), details in our article "Sites won't open" (link to article above), after that you naturally constantly end up on the fake website of your classmates or nowhere at all, it depends on the imagination of the scammers. A natural question arises. What to do?

  • Here's what you need to do. First, dial in address bar browser instead of www.odnoklassniki.ru their direct IP address: sometimes this trick helps to outwit the virus located on your computer. You can also find another computer, for example with a friend, go to your Odnoklassniki profile (in most cases this will be possible) and change your password, then on your computer WITHOUT going to odnoklassniki.ru (the password will be stolen again) we correct the hosts file and we are looking for a virus, how to do all this step by step, read further in our article. If you are too lazy to look for another computer, then you need to immediately edit the hosts file automatically or manually, as described step by step below. Then you definitely need to check your computer for viruses, this article will help or simpler
  • Also look at the registry branch, it contains routing tables
    there shouldn't be anything in it at all.

  • Perhaps everything was simpler and you had a simple simple password and you were hacked using a program that works by brute-force passwords. You need to request password recovery on the Odnoklassniki website (read how to do it below).
  • It often helps to solve the problem with logging into Odnoklassniki. complete reinstallation browser, and not partial, since you cannot log into Odnoklassniki due to errors in the temporary browser files located at C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Local\Opera and also C:\Users\Your username \AppData\Roaming\Opera , as well as C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Local\Temp , then reboot and install Opera browser the contents of these folders must be deleted again, the full process is described in the article
  • Try using an alternative browser, if you have Mozilla, try Opera.
  • If you are at your workplace, perhaps your bosses have blocked access to Odnoklassniki (you can do this different ways, organizations constantly contact our service with similar requests).

So let's edit the file hosts. Do it best automatically on the official site Microsoft . Follow the link, click on the Microsoft Fix it button, download this small utility and run it, you will automatically fix the file hosts.

Also file hosts can be fixed manually, it is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ hosts . Before you can edit it, you need to enable the system to display hidden files and folders, then remove the read-only attribute from the file.

Open this file double click. When prompted to choose a program to open the file, select Notepad. Look through the text carefully.

The last line in the standard file should be local host, remove the excess. Everything is shown in the illustrations of our article, and at the end there is the original content of the hosts file, you can copy it. Then click save and close this file.

Hosts file hosts File contents

, you can copy and replace
# (C) Microsoft Corp., 1993-1999
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains mappings of IP addresses to hostnames.
# Each element must be on a separate line. The IP address must
# should be in the first column and must be followed by the appropriate name.
# The IP address and hostname must be separated by at least one space.
# Additionally, some lines may contain comments
# from it with the symbol "#".
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # origin server
# x.acme.com # client node x localhost

Important note: If, after editing the hosts file, you again cannot log into your Odnoklassniki page, then you need to change the entire folder (etc), taking it from a healthy computer, believe me, this will solve the problem in 90% of cases.

The etc folder weighs 36 kilobytes, your friends can send it to you via Skype.

Friends, in Lately virus writers have come up with a trick if, for example, you open the hosts file
in a notepad, then at first glance nothing suspicious will seem to you, the contents of the hosts file will be standard,
but if you scroll the scroll arrow to the end, to the very end of the hosts file, then there you can find, for example, such malicious entries; of course, they need to be deleted.

One more important note. If you have problems accessing the Odnoklassniki website, be sure to check the Connection Properties by local network, very often the virus writes the addresses of its DNS servers there.

You can do it like this:

Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center shared access–Change adapter parameters, then go to Local Area Connection Properties
Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and Properties

If your Internet provider assigns IP addresses to all computers on the network automatically, then you should have the following set here:

Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain a DNS server address automatically. But sometimes a virus registers its Preferred DNS server here.

For example, as in this example, the virus registered here Preferred DNS server, you need to delete it and check the " Obtain the DNS server address automatically. Automatically". Or call your provider and find out which this moment the data must be entered in the Properties window: Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

How to change the password on Odnoklassniki correctly.

If you cannot log into Odnoklassniki and when entering your login and password you receive an error (The login and/or password is incorrect)

Click Forgot your password and login?

Further, when I personally fix such problems, I first enter email address which was specified during registration for example: [email protected] and he receives a letter from the administration of his classmates with a proposal to change the password. Sometimes I bring up my phone number, and I receive an activation code with which I can change the password on Odnoklassniki. You need to be careful with your phone, you don’t need to send money anywhere, you should understand this from the contents of the SMS you received from your classmates.

Well, one last thing: Remember what not to do if you are on the Internet.
No need to open suspicious emails from strangers V e-mail, enter your password from classmates anywhere, visit suspicious sites, you cannot click on suspicious pop-ups on unfamiliar sites, you need to constantly update your antivirus database.

When the Internet is working normally, and the page of your classmates is not loading, then you need to look for a way out of this situation and determine what to do. Let's look at the most common situations and figure out how to solve them and get to your page.
Blocking social networks

You should not look for a solution to the problem “I can’t access my Odnoklassniki page” when you are using a company computer. Most likely, access to sites that distract from work is blocked by the system administrator. It is unlikely that you will be able to bypass such a ban and deceive him. Although, there is still a solution: ask the admin directly or install an anonymizer.

As a rule, when viewing pages on the Internet, the user transmits his IP address and the name of the provider to the resources. The anonymizer acts as a kind of intermediary between the user and the site he visits. But such software has a number of disadvantages that you need to familiarize yourself with:

  • Free programs in most cases carry viruses with them.
  • Inability to participate in various polls or write comments on some sites. This is because such actions require an IP address.
  • Low page loading speed.
  • High risk of account password theft.

Antivirus scan

One of the most common cases is the spread of viruses on a personal computer, malware. They are the ones who do not allow the user to get to their favorite website and force them to look for a solution to the problem “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki.” To clean the system you need to perform a full scan by running installed antivirus and allowing the removal of hazardous objects.

If antivirus software was not previously installed on your computer, this will have to be corrected immediately. It is permissible to use the following programs:

  • free version of Kaspersky;
  • AVAST;
  • Avira.

For licensed versions software You can use Microsoft antivirus.

Network connection problems

In cases where the internet is connected and there is enough traffic for communication on the resource, it is recommended to set the DNS “by default”. You need to compare the DNS recommended by the site's technical support with those recommended by the provider.

Advice! Sometimes the problem is solved by replacing the usual website address in the address bar with www.odnoklassniki.ru.

Browser replacement

Login problems may also arise due to the browser. In such cases, most often the message “web page is unavailable” is displayed. First of all, you should update your usual Internet browser. This is done in a matter of minutes; updates can actually be found on official websites.

Hosts file

If you cannot log into any social network, and the site writes an incorrect login or password, then most likely the reason is hidden in system file called "hosts". It is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. To check whether it contains a prohibition, you will need to open the document through a text editor.

If a resource address is found in the context that you cannot log into, then the problem lies here. There are several ways to correct this situation:

  • All unnecessary information must be removed.
  • Overwrite the entire folder (copy absolutely all the files it contains) from a “healthy” computer.
  • Restore the system. To do this, you will need to enter “Settings” personal computer", select the item "Update and recovery" and click on the sub-item "Recovery without deleting files".
  • Use the Dr.Curelt utility. The software will allow you to quickly identify and fix the problem, at the same time checking the system for viruses and cleaning it.

Forgotten password

If the password and login are entered incorrectly, you will not be able to access the social network site. In this case, the system will issue a corresponding alert. The solution to the login problem can be found by clicking on the link on the authorization form “Forgot your password?”. The user is offered several ways to restore it; simply follow the instructions.

Attention! Alert informing the account owner that the wrong password, may be a consequence of the actions of the virus. Before starting recovery, it is recommended to try logging in with this username and password from another device.

Blocked account

If a page in Odnoklassniki does not load completely, it may be blocked by the site administrator. This is done to prevent scammers from taking over the page. To remove the blocking, you need to click on the “Unblock” button and follow the recommendations.

Advice! If you don’t have access to a social network, you should try logging into the Odnoklassniki website through someone else’s computer or phone and changing the access password. This is explained by the fact that scammers are able to remove the account owner’s personal device from the site, meanwhile sending spam of various contents.

Deleted profile

It is not uncommon for users to delete their social media accounts. In this case, it is impossible to log in. Now you need new registration Online.

Lost page

If the message “undefined” is displayed when entering the site, then the page has been lost from the database. In such a situation, the only way out is to write about the problem in technical support site. This question Only the administration decides.

Server problems

Problems with access to your account are often caused by work on the site server. Just wait a while and the page will load normally in full.

Advice! Make sure that the problem is on the server by trying to log into the site from another device. If you cannot log in, then you just need to wait.
Reinstalling the operating system

Reinstalling the operating system as a way out of this situation is considered in the following cases:

You can install it yourself, using the built-in version of the OS on your computer, a flash drive, or a disk. Or contact professionals in this field.

Attention! There is no need to rush into the drastic method. When reinstalling, most likely, information from hard drive. All actions must be performed carefully, and it is better to contact specialists.


In order to avoid problems with accessing your page, you should keep the password for it in a safe place, regularly check your computer for malware, update your browsers and not visit suspicious Internet resources.

Social networks, like the Internet in general, are a huge mystery for users. Here, various failures and malfunctions very often arise that interfere with comfortable work on a particular service. Lately, users have been complaining and asking other people for the answer to the following question: “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki. What should I do?” There can be a huge number of reasons for this. Some you can fix, but some you just have to come to terms with. In practice, it turns out that the user himself is usually to blame for what is happening. And it is within his power to fix everything. Can't log into Odnoklassniki? Then it is worth finding out the cause of this phenomenon and eliminating it, if possible. What options might there be for what is happening?


The first thing you can assume is that your Odnoklassniki is malfunctioning - a very common complaint. But sometimes this phenomenon occurs due to user inattention. Malfunctions of the Internet, as well as various accidents at the station of your provider - this is what can lead to the described situation.

To know for sure that the Internet connection is not at fault, pay attention to the operation of the browser and applications that require the network to function. Everything works except the social network? Then the reason is clearly not the Internet. Can't work with the Internet at all? It's a completely different matter - you will need to find the cause of the network failure, eliminate it and resume connection attempts.


Have you encountered a problem called “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki.” It says that the page is unavailable? If the option with a failed Internet connection does not work, you can try changing your browser. Sometimes these applications also experience various glitches and problems that simply They block access to sites in an incomprehensible way. The emphasis, as practice shows, is on social networks and blogs.

You can either completely remove and reinstall the current browser, or install another application on your computer. Sometimes this technique helps. And a question like: “Why can’t I go to the Odnoklassniki page?” disappears by itself. In reality, this happens extremely rarely. After all, social networks don’t just refuse to work. Most often, the reasons lie either in the operation of the main server or in your operating system. Pay close attention to these two areas.


But what should you do if you are faced with a situation called “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki from my phone”? This phenomenon can usually be corrected easily and simply - try again at authorization later. In addition, it is advisable to reboot the system mobile device. Maybe there was some minor glitch that is now preventing the mobile browser from working.

As an option, try to log in to the social network using another mobile phone. If this succeeds, the problem is with your device. No? Then you don’t need to talk on your mobile phone. Look for the cause of the problem elsewhere. Most likely, you won’t be able to correct the situation on your own. Why? Let's try to figure this out.

Server crash

Someone complains: “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki (from a computer, tablet or phone - it doesn’t matter).” What to do with such a phenomenon? Social networks are often attacked by various competitors and hackers. This causes the main server to malfunction. This phenomenon, in turn, becomes the main reason for the refusal of a social network (or other site) to work.

With all this, please note that the problem will begin to occur not only on your account, but also on other users. Contact your friends and find out if they can log in to Odnoklassniki. No? Wait a while. And read the news. Usually, hacker attacks and server failures of well-known sites are written about in news feeds.

Of course, nothing depends on the users in such cases. All you have to do is be patient and wait until the site administrators get the main server working. After this you will be able to log in. With rare exceptions - when the cause of the problem called “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki” appeared not due to a system failure of the main hosting server.


The next point worthy of attention is nothing more than carrying out technical and preventive work Online. No hosting is immune from them. And similar “events” are held on a regular basis from time to time. Don't be surprised if you suddenly encounter a problem that sounds like "I can't log into Odnoklassniki. The page is unavailable." It’s better to ask if any work was planned by the administration of the social network.

By the way, surprises can be avoided. It is enough to carefully read the news and messages of hosting administrators and moderators. They try to warn users in advance about preventive maintenance. At the same time, keep in mind that you may not be authorized, but your friends may be able to. It all depends on personal luck. It is advisable to repeat attempts to work with Odnoklassniki after a certain period of time. If you find a news article where the exact time frame for carrying out maintenance or technical work is written, everything should work approximately 10-15 minutes after the end of it.


Occasionally, problems with logging into social networks are caused by content installed on your computer. Especially if it may contain malicious files and even viruses. If you encounter a problem called “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki,” just look at how many things are running on your computer. Pay attention only to software that requires an Internet connection.

As an option, shut down these types of applications and resume trying to work with the social network. If the actions brought results, in the future simply do not run so many programs at the same time that require an Internet connection. No result?

Remember what applications you installed before the problem occurred and get rid of them. This technique also often helps. Pay special attention to software downloaded from unreliable and unreliable sources. These are the main threats to your computer. Still nothing helped? Maybe there is another reason?

operating system

The operating system is another reason why your authorization on social networks may become impossible. And not only in Odnoklassniki. Some system failures can disrupt the functioning of the browser and the Internet as a whole. This makes it impossible to log in to social networks and go to various sites that work normally on other computers.

Have you thought about the topic “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki.” What should I do? Try to roll back the system to a time when authorization was still available to you. Just to get started, check the options with technical work and hacker attacks. In addition, do not rush to agree to rollback the operating system if problems are observed only in Odnoklassniki. And everything is fine with all other sites and social networks.

This is wrong? Feel free to roll back the system and look at the results. It is advisable to reinstall the browsers after implementing the idea. Often rollbacks require this operation. Still no use? There is no need to despair. There are several more alternative solutions the problem posed.


Or maybe your account was simply hacked? Remember if you have recently used any suspicious content on the Odnoklassniki social network. If this happened, there is a huge likelihood of hacking. Your task is to get your account back. In practice, this is difficult to do unless you have entered and confirmed your real data. The Odnoklassniki administration will have to somehow prove that you are the true owner of the profile. This is only relevant when home page You can still access the site.

If you have the opportunity, try to log in using someone else's account. Or even register another page for yourself. And forget the old one. Suspicious content, if any, must be removed from the system immediately. Typically, applications for cheating friends, as well as software that offers extensions, come under suspicion. standard features social network.


If you have regular problems, you can try to resort to one trick. If you can’t log into Odnoklassniki or any other social network, your music and videos won’t load, it’s time for a computer. It is advisable to use CCLeaner for this. Maybe your computer simply does not have enough resources to connect to a specific page. Cleaning the registry will fix this problem.

There is no need to particularly hope for success. But if it helped you, rejoice. And don’t forget to carry out regular exercises on your computer in the future. It is advisable to use this procedure at least once a month. It helps to improve the operation of the operating system.


We have almost come to the end of our topic for today. As practice shows, most often the impossibility of visiting Odnoklassniki and social pages generally caused by the presence of viruses on the computer. The problem can be easily solved - just get rid of malicious files in the system (in other words, cure it). And then the functionality of the social network will return.

In some cases, it makes more sense to simply reinstall the operating system. The method is relevant for situations where viruses have already seriously damaged the computer. Do not rush to look into Odnoklassniki immediately after reinstallation. First, install drivers for your network and sound cards.


The last trick is to work with the so-called on the computer. Certain viruses are capable of blocking it from visiting certain sites without the user’s knowledge. This does not mean that all social networks will become unavailable to you. Only selectively.

To be able to log into Odnoklassniki, you just need to find hosts on your computer (it is stored in the etc folder on your hard drive, the partition with your operating system), open it with notepad, erase all contents and save the changes. Or delete it completely while holding shift. Restart your computer and enjoy the results. So we found out possible reasons problems with authorization in Odnoklassniki. Before starting to deal with the situation, it is advisable to look into the hosts. Most often the problem lies in this file. Now it’s not a problem to answer the question: “Why can’t I log into Odnoklassniki?” It is enough to go through all the possible reasons and choose what suits your case.