Opening a file with the bin extension. How to install the proshivka bin program

Periodically, users working with different programs and files may clash with the BIN format. Here it is quite difficult to say exactly how to open this object, since this type is quite common and is used in different industries. However, there are a number of the most popular uses for files with this format. This is what we want to talk about in our article today.

Due to the fact that a BIN object can store various information, it’s just not possible to find a program that will open it and read the contents correctly. Here you need to start from what name the file has, how much space it takes up, where it is stored on the computer and how it was received. Let's look at several available ways to test these elements, starting with the most common situations.

Option 1: Programs for working with virtual disk images

Nowadays, physical disks are gradually falling out of use, and many computers and laptops don’t even have a drive where you can insert a DVD or CD. However, this does not change the fact that certain information is still stored in images intended for disks, but it is read using drive emulators and other special programs. Usually the virtual image is in ISO format, but in some cases there are also BIN formats. Use the link below to go to the article on the topic of opening and installing BIN on your computer to study this topic in detail and cope with the task at hand.

Option 2: Video players

Viewing video content in the operating system is carried out using a video player. Windows has a standard player, but it does not have special codecs and is not at all designed to open a movie saved in the BIN format. You can recognize that a video is stored inside such a file only by its size; it will be quite large even if the duration of the embedded video itself is short. Let's look at the process of opening this type of data using a well-known player called VLC:

If VLC Player is not suitable for you for some reason, you can choose almost any similar player, for example, KMPlayer. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with a complete list of such software in our separate material below.

Option 3: Atari Emulators

The Atari company was engaged in the production of branded consoles and games for them back in the distant 80s of the last century. Almost all of their game projects have survived to this day, which makes it possible to run them on computers. All games developed specifically for the Atari-800 and subsequent versions are in the BIN format. They can be identified by their corresponding name and small volume. To launch correctly, you will need to download a suitable emulator, which is done as follows:

  1. Follow the link above to an English-language site that produces various emulators. There go to the section "Emulators".
  2. Find Atari in the list and download one of the versions or all of them at once to check the functionality of the existing file everywhere.
  3. Select the appropriate version, start downloading, and when finished, open the archive.
  4. There is no need to install the emulator, just run the executable file in the archive.
  5. There, go to launch the game image by clicking on the button "Boot Image".
  6. In your browser, select the appropriate file.
  7. The game will start immediately if the BIN object is still an Atari game image.

Option 4: Text editors

If a BIN file was located in a folder with a program or has a name related to software you know, most likely it contains a binary code format that is executed at a certain moment. It is available for viewing through any text editor. To open you should:

Files with the BIN extension are a disk image format. Its more famous analogue is the ISO format. The abbreviation itself deciphers the purpose of the format bin image disk (binary disc image). To manipulate it you will need software for working with disks. We will figure out how to open a file with a bin extension on a computer, and also consider online services, capable of quickly opening images.

BIN files have different purposes. As we said, the most common case is when the file is a disk image.

Note! However, there are other data types associated with a similar format. For example, binary data files are found with this extension. They have a different function in the system and you cannot edit them yourself. These include Linux OS executable files, and binary BIN files are also found in Windows families and Macintosh. We recommend that you be careful when attempting to open or modify a system file.

For what purposes are BIN files usually created? Users want to save a disk image on their computer in case the physical media is lost. Most often, images are converted to BIN computer games, files of game consoles, as well as programs if their file size is large (Photoshop, 3DS Max, Microsoft Office). Storing large images of games and software is where the bin extension is mainly used. Having found software for working with BIN files, you will learn how to open the firmware, driver or software installer.

Bin file format - description, how to open it

Classic utilities for working with ISO images can open the format:

Note! If it is difficult to open the BIN format, you can use a little trick - change the extension to “.iso”. such a file can be opened by any of the programs discussed below.

Programs for working with bin: top 5 programs

We'll look at 5 best programs, known for their reliability, user-friendly interfaces and decent functionality. You will learn how to open a BIN disk image using free utilities.

Alcohol 120%

Old well-known software for manipulating disk images. It features a significant number of functions. The program not only converts the BIN format, but also creates from them virtual disk. A function required for using games and software distributed only on physical media: CD/DVD discs. To open the image in Alcohol 120%, we move the file to the workspace and mount it on a virtual disk.

Ultra ISO

A good program for opening bin files. Almost every user has encountered it. It can convert files to other formats, create a virtual disk from a file, write an image to a physical disk, and delete data inside the image. UltraISO is the most functional and simple utility for our purposes. There is a Russian-language interface, so you don’t have to wade through the jungle foreign language. When a problem occurs: bin file (bin) how to open, UltraISO program will help you.

Let's look at the process of converting a BIN file using the UltraISO utility. We will change the file format to the usual one (ISO), which will simplify manipulations with the image in the future.

Power ISO

Similar to the application described above. There are even repetitions in the interface. The program is distributed free of charge, but with reduced functionality. To use all the features of the software, you will have to buy a license.

In addition to disk images, movies are saved in the BIN format. Users are accustomed to MP4, AVI, and therefore when they see the name of a movie with the BIN extension, they get lost.

We will look at 2 more applications for playing movies from BIN.

VLC media player

Included in the TOP programs for watching videos. Opens many movie formats, has a clear and visually pleasing interface. The main advantage is that the software is absolutely free. We are interested in it because of the ability to open binary files, which most video players cannot boast of. The program is installed on everything existing systems. By installing VLC, you will be able to work with compressed files on MacOS and Linux systems.

Total Video Player

The program is much simpler, with a nondescript interface. But behind the outdated graphical shell, huge functionality breaks down. In addition to BIN, the utility opens any video. This is the most versatile product that plays movies and audio.

How to open a bin file online

Unfortunately, it is not possible to open a BIN online. Often, these types of files are heavy and editing them, writing them to a disk or flash drive, or unpacking them is the domain of PC programs.

How to copy files to a flash drive if it is write-protected

When transferring images or other important data to a memory card, sometimes an unpleasant message appears - the device is write-protected. The solution to the problem is carried out through working with the registry.

Step 1. Open the editor Windows registry(key combination Win+R). Enter the regedit command in the text field and click OK.

Step 2. In the menu on the left, follow the specified path as in the photo below and look for the line StorageDevicePolicies.

Step 3.

Ready! All that remains is to restart the computer.

Video - How to open a bin file

Many users, especially gamers, are interested in how to open a file with the bin extension. Bin is a container format that can store many different types of data. It is used to store disk images, videos or other data in binary form, configuration of various programs and devices, and is also widely used for updating firmware.

How to open a bin image file?

One of the most popular programs for opening a disk image with a bin extension is UltraIso. It has been translated into Russian and is distributed completely free of charge.

You can download UltraIso from of. site .

Now, let's look at how you can open a bin image using UltraIso:

How to open bin firmware files?

This actual question among novice users who want to see what they will sew into their device. What program should I use to open the bin file in this case? It can only be read by the utility in which it was created.

Router manufacturers, for example, Tp-Link, use the bin file to flash their devices. Some users who work with routers every day know how to open the bin extension. They are opened by the routers themselves. The same applies to other firmware bin files - they can only be opened by devices for which the firmware is intended.

Leave all your questions in the comments!

It is known that a file with the bin extension can contain a lot of information, ranging from simple program code and ending with the video codec. But, often, this extension covers the disk image format, as a result of which users feel the desire to download a program to open bin files on their computer without any installation complications or difficulties. Among other things, files that have this addition often contain, as I said, video material, but that’s another story for another conversation. I think it would be unnecessary to talk about other subtleties and features of the direct and immediate use of bin files, so let’s dwell on the use of several specific ones.

Please take advantage of the functional part of the famous application called “ISO Workshop”, which supports a variety of different user options. In this specially designed, popular among users, you can perform almost any manipulation, just by choosing the right distribution for downloading for free and without registration. By the way, there are no difficulties at all in this, which is facilitated by the location of several mirroring address links below.

By deciding to take my advice and downloading the installation distribution convenient for editing, you can then proceed with the installation disk image, and in several extensions according to the relevant requirements. By correctly creating a virtual disk system, you will be able to preview all the content with further use of it by the disk inside optical drive, but that’s not about that now. The main thing, in my opinion, is to produce it correctly custom settings V software product before the actual recording and future editing, according to the existing need.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the program, designed specifically for opening on a PC, has integrated support for a dozen additional options that make it easy to create a full-fledged archive containing a couple of gigabytes, with appropriate support, of course, available on the disk.

But, I believe, you will be able to figure out all the functionality of the application to which these lines were dedicated on your own, most importantly, I repeat, by making custom settings, which, believe me, is extremely easy and simple to handle.

There are several types of .bin format. Each of them has its own software to open. Essentially, the format is a disk image, so to work with it you will need special programs for conversion. Let's try to figure out how to open a bin file and how to do it correctly.

Picture 1. Appearance shortcut to files with extension .bin

How to open a .bin file on a computer

This extension contains binary code, that is, information that is understandable only to a computer. To access the data, you need to convert the file to a more suitable format.

As a rule, the unfamiliar format hides the installation document for the game (usually outdated), but since it may also contain other important data, it is better to make a backup copy before starting work.

Step-by-step instruction

After creating a copy, you can start converting. For this, special programs are used to open bin formats. We will provide a detailed list below, but for now, so that you know in what order to perform the actions, we will outline step-by-step instructions for the work:

    Determine what is better to open bin using the list of programs below.

    Tell the program the location of the file to reproduce the data.

After this, you will have access to all the information and can easily retrieve it. At first glance, everything is simple, but in fact the success of the conversion depends on many factors: the type of file, the type of program used and the operating system.

How to open bin file on Windows 10

operating room Windows system 10 is one of the most popular, but many users have difficulty working because latest version has some features that were not present in earlier versions.

That is why working with the bin format also has some features that should definitely be taken into account.


The easiest way is to use the Notepad application. But this method There is one major drawback: you will have access to the information, but will only see a set of characters (binary code), which will not bring you any benefit.

If you really want to find out what is stored in a document, you should use one of the more effective methods:

    Check the size. If it matches the CD or DVD disc, then you are dealing with an image, and to open it you can use one of the popular utilities: Daemon Tools, Ultra ISO or Alcohol 120% (Figure 2).

    After that it's enough select the quick mount function, click on the file and mount the image.

    Small bin files, as a rule, contain data for firmware or driver. Opening it is even easier: you need to find the instructions for the device for which the data is intended. From it you will receive all the necessary information for work.

Figure 2. Window for converting a file to required format in the UltraISO program

Sometimes a similar format is used as an installation file for software or games.

Note: The user does not need to open it, since the document does not contain any information useful to the average user.


As mentioned above, to open you will need special software- utilities designed to create, mount and convert images.

It is enough to download one of these programs, install it on your computer and use the quick mount function. In just a few seconds you will receive a converted document from which you can get all the necessary information

How to open a bin file on Windows 7

In fact, working on the Windows 7 operating system is no different from version 10. First of all, you need to determine the file type, select the appropriate program for the job, and convert the format to a more accessible one.

It is on Windows 7 that it is best to work with utility programs designed for mounting images and gaining access to data. But besides text information, the bin file can contain a video, which is also played using special software.


The procedure for opening files is very simple. To do this, just follow a few simple steps:

    Download a utility (for example, Daemon Tools);

    Indicate to the program the location of the required data;

    Select the Quick Mount option and access information from the disk image in just a few seconds.

If you are absolutely sure that the file contains a video, the instructions will be even simpler. By right-clicking on the icon, select the “Open with” tab and from the drop-down list of programs select the one that will best cope with the task.

Note: From experience, we can say that video in bin format opens perfectly in VLC player Media Player(Figure 3).

Figure 3. Selecting a .bin file for further opening in VLC Media Player

Open bin file online

Unfortunately, there are no online services designed to work with such documents via the Internet. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, in most cases such files are not intended to be opened. And second, the wide variety of format types makes online discovery challenging.

That is why, if you have a vital need to open a document, it is better to immediately download a suitable program and not waste time searching for non-existent online services.

How to open a bin file using Daemon Tools

One of the most popular programs for opening bin files is Daemon Tools. This is a simple but functional utility that can be downloaded and installed for free, and its interface is accessible even to a novice user.

If you have never used such software before, use our step by step instructions, which will help you access the necessary data (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Appearance of the Daemon Tools Lite program interface

Step-by-step instruction

To use the software, you first need to download and install it on your PC. For home use, the free version is sufficient.

In the future, opening a bin file using this program is carried out as follows:

    Simply drag and drop the desired document into open window program, and the image is mounted automatically;

    You can also mount the image through the image mount function by right-clicking on the program icon.

After that, try to run the file. If you did everything correctly, access to the data will be granted automatically.

Program for opening bin files

When choosing how to open a bin file on a computer, a novice user can get confused in the wide variety of software. Modern utilities are quite simple and functional, and are great for use at home.

We have prepared for you a list of the best programs that will help you quickly access the necessary data.

List of programs

Among the software designed to gain access to the bin, several programs stand out. All of them are in free access, are quick and easy to install, and the simple interface does not cause any difficulties in use.

Popular utilities include:

    A player with which you can open a video saved in bin format in a few seconds;

    Alcohol 120% is a functional utility that allows you not only to convert formats and open documents, but also to mount your own images;

    The most popular program for mounting images at home;

    Software that has the same characteristics as the applications described above, but has higher functionality.

Video instructions on how to open these files in Windows: