Error “android process media”, how to fix it - solving problems with installing applications. Solving the problem of fast battery drain on Android due to the MediaServer process How to stop the media server on Android

Problem : The battery drains very quickly Samsung Galaxy, and in "Settings - Battery" it is displayed that 40-50% is consumed by the MediaServer process

What is this anyway? : The MediaServer process in Android is responsible for scanning and detecting media files on internal memory or memory card.

Solution :
Most fully disclosed

  • MediaServer Android or a solution to the problem of fast battery consumption
  • If the Android device is used as external storage, then always perform a “Safely Remove” from your computer. As stated above, the MediaServer Android problem occurs due to file corruption.
  • Use a quality card microSD memory(well it is clear)
  • Do not defragment flash drives and memory cards - this is certain death for them. (???)
Recommendations for correction :
  • Fix multimedia files (connect the device as a drive, run the utility to fix errors in MP3 files - then scan and FIX)
  • If there are questionable video files on the device—under-downloaded or broken—delete.
  • Add an empty file to the root of the music folder (and to all folders and subfolders with media content) .nomedia then the content would not be indexed, and then always use a player that can scan the folders specified to it and not use the system library. For example - PowerAMP
  • Remove all symbols from the names of .mp3 files and from their tags, including “unwanted” characters (such as “&” and “_”)
  • Clear media storage: "Settings > Application Manager > All > Media storage > Clear data (+ Clear Cache)"
  • Change the alarm melody to “basic”, instead of the .mp3 file
  • Edit the build.prop file by adding the lines:

media.stagefright.enable-player= false

  • Use the program " Rescan Media ROOT"
  • Use the program " App to Kill Mediaserver"
  • Disable "media storage" via Autostarts
  • Use Mediaserver Killer (requires root, doubtful, because if you have root, it’s easier to freeze/delete)
  • Check the media for errors.
  • Formatt the media after making a backup.

Another recipe :
I continued to study the problem and found out that the problem is not in the mediaserver process, but in the so-called “wakelocks” that the programs clearly present to us “ Wakelock Detector" And " BetterBatteryStats”.
In the morning the following evil “wakelocks” surfaced: AlarmManager(processes Google Maps, Viber, etc.) and Audio_out2(process 1013), which loaded statistics for 9 hours, worked for 8.5 (!) hours. Mr. told the world about them in detail Pe@rl$.
Quote: " …AudioOut_2… To resolve: open settings, select sound. Turn off keyboard sounds, touch sounds, screen lock sounds, and touch vibrations. It's a matter of habit, but the extra battery life you'll get just by solving this is ridiculous simple problem, more than worth it...
The click sounds and vibration feedback were always turned off for me, but lock screen vibration response- No. This is the reason I have been looking for for so long. After turning off the vibration response, they “gone” mediaserver And Audio_out2, and with them the problem of “night eating”.

The quantity and “quality” of modern mobile viruses are on par with computer threats. Every day, millions of phones and tablets are infected with new types of threats, which, by the way, can bypass almost any protection on Android. Today we will tell you about a new type of MediaService virus that is active in phones. You will find out what kind of Trojan this is, how dangerous it is and how to properly remove it from the system.

What is this program?

MediaService in Android is advertising software that runs in the background. The program changes the settings of third-party applications, system processes And mobile services. Kaspersky protection refers this virus to threat type: Trojan (not-a-virus:HEUR:AdWare). Today, the virus is detected by the protection of Kaspersky, Dr.Web, AVG, ESET programs.

As you understand, the main goal of the Media Service program is to display advertisements and banners in third party applications. In addition to this “standard” threat, there is the issue of tracking and collecting personal data (phone book, call log, Internet surfing). Many owners note that this worm eats up the phone’s battery and significantly loads and slows it down. Despite such an official name, which directly connects the Trojan with the multimedia service, it has nothing to do with it.

Explanation not-a-virus:HEUR:AdWare - indicates that Kaspersky cannot consider the program to be virus, because you yourself gave the go-ahead for its installation. The fact is that the Trojan code can be tied to the downloaded application and run along with it. The system thinks like this: there is no threat, since you personally launch it. Kaspersky, for example, simply explains to you that the program is associated with advertising banners.

How to remove MediaService virus from Android

So, the methods for removing this program from your phone (or tablet) are pretty standard. However, several difficulties may arise, which we will discuss below. Here's what you need to do first:

These measures should help you. However, in some cases, depending on the phone model, deletion may be denied. This is due to the fact that the program is covered by administration. So check the following:

It’s worth mentioning separately about the bootloader, which can re-download the Media Service to the phone. In this case, you need to find him. As a rule, it has a name similar to some system one. Check the APP folder and search for all processes contained there; if there are unknown ones, delete them. Don’t be afraid to remove unnecessary things, as the system will block the removal of important files. Also check in the root of the phone memory or SD card for the presence of the .JM folder and erase everything that is in it. Most often, virus downloaders are hidden in these two folders.


These steps should completely remove Media Service from your Android. Plus, the downloaded antivirus will once again scan the system and help find other hidden threats. I’ll separately say about the moment when a virus can be embedded in the firmware. On several forums, users expressed suspicions that the program appeared along with firmware updates and was a system hole. I cannot comment on this point, since I do not have complete information. If you have questions or suggestions for demolition, write in the comments.

During work operating system Android dozens of services, applications and utilities interact with each other and system files. Naturally, failures may occur in their work, which will lead to various problems. In particular, a user of a smartphone or tablet running a “green robot” may encounter an android process media error. Most often it occurs due to a malfunction Google services, installed by default on all Android devices. Get rid of android errors process media is quite simple and below we will look at two effective ways, how to do it.

Android process media error due to clogged cache

In most cases, the system notifies the user that the android process media has failed when there are problems with temporary files accumulated in Google apps. To get rid of the error you need to do the following:

The steps described above can resolve the conflict that occurs due to temporary files. Due to this, it is possible to eliminate the android process media error in the operation of the device.

android process media error due to storage issues

If the method described above did not help get rid of the android process media error, most likely the problem is related to the operation of the storage on the device. Follow these steps to resolve the error:

After downloading, make sure that the device is working without android process media error. If the problem is resolved, be sure to enable "Download Manager" and "Gallery" in the operating system application list.

operating room Android system a fairly flexible and universal platform, but unfortunately there are various unpleasant rough edges, such as fast battery consumption.

One of the articles on the site described in detail the methods reduce battery consumption, but there is a MediaServer Android process that can drain a tablet or smartphone in a few hours. Why this happens and how to deal with it, this article was written specifically for this.

Having a problem with MediaServer Android

The MediaServer process in Android is responsible for scanning and detecting media files on the internal memory or memory card. Ideally, the process should stop from detection, but if any file is damaged, the MediaServer goes into a loop and, accordingly, consumes more power as the system tries to “solve the problem” and allocate additional resources for it.

How to solve MediaServer Android problem?

If you are using Android as an external drive, then always perform a “Safely Remove” from your computer. As stated above, the MediaServer Android problem occurs due to file corruption.

If you do not properly disconnect Android from your PC, then You damage the flash memory and, accordingly, the files located on it.

Use a high-quality microSD memory card, firstly they are reliable, and secondly they work faster.

How to choose the right memory card and what you should pay attention to, read the article - All about MicroSD.

Never, under any circumstances, do defragmentation flash drives and memory cards are certain death for them.

If you have a large amount music files on Android, then there is 80% confidence that the problem is in them! In order to accurately understand whether this is so, you will have to do this:

  • Connect Android device like a drive for a computer
  • Download and run the utility to fix errors in MP3 files - MP3Val
  • Select scanning in this utility

  • If there PROBLEM then they need to be corrected" FIX» or delete.

If there are questionable video files on your Android - incomplete or broken, try deleting them.

Delete or copy all files ( backup) with internal and external memory and format the drives standard means Android.

To format the drive, go to Memory -> Clear SD

After that, return all files to their place.

Check for bad sectors flash drive memory. To do this, connect Android to the computer as a drive and select the required one with the right mouse button - Properties - Tools - Run check

Perform the two suggested tests in turn. If errors are found, they will be automatically corrected.

If you couldn’t solve the problem using the above methods, then you should try special application MediaServer Killer.

This application requires availability of Root rights, then it won't work. The purpose of MediaServer Killer is to stop the MediaServer process if it has been running for a long time.

If you have your own ringtone set, discard it and set a standard ringtone. The rapid charge drain should disappear.