General characteristics of social networks. Social Media Benchmarking Facebook is your all-in-one account and pass

We all know the popular and our favorite types social networks, such as Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. But there are many other social networks that are important not only for communication, but also for business development.

Depending on their purpose, there are the following types of social networks:

Social networks for communication and friendship

The well-known Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Moi Mir - these social networks are the most attractive for business promotion. As a rule, in such social networks one person has one account (profile, page) with all personal information. Based on the user profile data, you can determine which target audience this person belongs.

But there are also users - avid gamers who develop a gaming profile on social networks for communication, creating fake friends in order to receive bonuses, assistants and other nuances to achieve unprecedented heights in games without spending money.

In such cases, information on social networks about users is unreliable, and communicating with fakes is a waste of time. If we consider that we choose our interlocutors ourselves, then we can limit ourselves from fakes and receive only positive emotions from communicating on social networks.

It’s very easy to share news, impressions, play games, discuss on forums - doing all this while avoiding annoying and unpleasant interlocutors. After all, on social networks you can send any unwanted “friend” to “ignore”, or simply not respond to him. Which is not always possible to do in real life.

Registration on social networks is mostly free, but for security, you need to register your account using your mobile phone number. Although this rule does not restrict anyone from creating fake pages, because you can buy as many unregistered SIM cards as you like.

Professional social networks

These are networks of business contacts (LinkedIn, Xing), social networks of various universities and other sites of various professional areas for the development of business relationships. Here one user can register in several categories, depending on his skills and professions.

Social networks for dating

The most famous among them are the global social network for dating - Loveplanet, the popular social network on the Runet - Photostrana. In such social networks you can find a friend, a hobby, or even a life partner. It provides a search for users by various criteria - gender, age, city, marital status, religion, interests, habits and preferences.

On social networks, for communication and development of relationships, there are various communities for women, according to the directions of social networks.
There are communities for business women, communities for single and married women, communities for the interests of cooking and handicrafts, art, style and beauty, societies for young mothers and socialites, as well as many other virtual organizations.

What are Social Networks and what are their characteristics? What are the features of different social networks in different countries? What pros and cons do they promise their users? What is their functional specialization and how to work with them?

1. Popularity and visualization of the use of social networks in modern conditions

To understand the reason for such a high popularity of social networks, it is advisable to use the results of visualization of their practical use. According to a review of the social networking market in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe in 2009, one can understand how this market will develop further: what models will penetration be followed and what methods should be used to further promote social networks in a particular country.

Russian social networks are developing following the example and experience of social networks in the USA and Western Europe; small social networks in Eastern Europe and the CIS countries, partially adopting the experience of their “big brothers”, are simultaneously looking for their own way to achieve greatest influence on its users (Fig. 1-2).

Fig.1. Visualization results of social media usage around the world.

Fig.2. Social networks popular in Russia, CIS countries and Eastern Europe.

J'son & Partners Consulting presents an overview of the social networking market in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe: the most popular social networks, their audience, its characteristics, as well as the development features of regional social networking markets and development prospects.


In Russia, the most popular social networks are projects And [email protected]: their monthly audience at the end of 2009 was 17.7 and 15.6 million users, respectively. In total, in Russia there are on average about 25 million users who use social networks at least once a month.

In the CIS countries, Russian social networks are leading: took first place, followed by and [email protected]. Thus, is the first in Armenia, [email protected] is the leader in the number of users in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova. But in Belarus and Ukraine, takes first place.

The fact that Russian social networks have become most widespread in the CIS countries is due to the close social ties between citizens of these countries and Russians, the popularity and prevalence of the Russian language. Important factors are high quality services and the presence of a large number of registered users is what actually underpins the popularity of social Internet projects. The popularity of Russian projects did not suffer with the development of national social networks in the CIS countries - due to the listed factors, none of these projects manage to surpass Russian ones in popularity.

In Eastern Europe, on the contrary, it is regional social networks that attract the majority of citizens. Having interfaces in state languages ​​and domain names in regional zones, they owe their popularity to the carefully protected and cultivated identity of the population and their linguistic specificity. In Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, similar projects are in the lead in terms of the number of users. The exception is Romania, an Eastern European country in which the largest number of social network users is the American project


At this stage, the development of social networks in Russia, Eastern Europe and the CIS countries is at different stages. For convenience, J’son & Partners Consulting analysts divided the social network markets in the CIS countries, Eastern Europe and Russia into four categories based on the size of the social network audience and its growth rate.

Fig.3. Categories of social networking markets by number and growth rate of audience.

First category , which only included Russia, is characterized by a large number of social network users (from 6 million people) and high growth rates. For example, in our country on this moment There are 25 million social media users, which is comparable to the total number of social media users in the other countries considered combined. According to J’son & Partners Consulting forecasts, the annual increase in the number of users of social networks until 2014 in Russia will average about 23%. This dynamic defines Russia as a fast-growing and promising market.

The number of social network users is from 6 million and low growth rates These are markets close to saturation. This group includes the Polish social networking market. Thus, at the end of 2009, there were about 11 million people in Poland. active users social networks. The growth rate of the social network audience in Poland is gradually decreasing, which indicates market saturation.

The number of social network users is less than 6 million people and low growth rates characterize the social network markets in most countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS . At the same time, the social networking market in Eastern European countries – primarily in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Romania – is characterized by a decrease in the rate of audience growth. Also included in the third group are completely new, nascent markets for online social services in Kazakhstan and Armenia.

To the fourth group , in turn, include social networking markets with a small number of users (less than 6 million) and high growth rates. This situation is observed in most CIS countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan. Social networks and the Internet itself in these countries are at an early stage of development, characterized by rapid growth. The highest rates of growth in the audience of social networks were noted in Uzbekistan - on average about 40% per year.

The further development of social networks, as well as methods of monetizing traffic, largely depend on the mentality of the people, the spread of electronic payment services, personal income and a host of other factors. Among the most well-known and popular methods of making a profit from social networks are advertising and marketing solutions, customization and premium services, games and entertainment, and various communication services.

Russian social networks are developing following the example and experience of social networks in the USA and Western Europe; small social networks in Eastern Europe and the CIS countries, partially adopting the experience of their “big brothers”, are simultaneously looking for their own way to achieve the greatest influence on their users8.

2. General characteristics and direction of use of social networks in Russia

Humanity has always tried to streamline its existence by defining and developing classes, castes, estates, and groups. Belonging to one's class has perhaps never been a very interesting task. The emergence of social groups such as classroom or university stream, also brought order to the life of an individual for a time. But time passed, school ended with graduation, and student life ended with the presentation of diplomas. Friends and acquaintances moved away, became distant in their interests, in a word, the social group disintegrated.

Social networks on the Internet are a completely unique phenomenon. Any user can choose their social group, and communication can be established in it, even if all the participants are in different parts of the country and have not seen each other for many years. ( is the most popular social network on the Runet. Its capabilities are listed on the main page - searching for classmates and friends, corresponding with them, viewing photos, organizing meetings (Fig. 4).

Fig.4. The most popular social network.

The site interface is extremely simple, so we will not consider it. Eighteen million users have managed to figure it out, so no difficulties should arise. It is much more important to imagine the advantages and disadvantages that inevitably await all users who decide to join a social network.

The advantages include searching for people. Yes, you can see your whole class again, see how funny the boys and girls have become now, tell them about yourself. Even those friends with whom all contacts have been lost can find you too. A sea of ​​emotions, making new and old acquaintances, observing amazing metamorphoses - all this awaits you immediately after registering on the site.

The disadvantages of being on social networks are not immediately felt. To begin with, be prepared to spend quite a lot of time on the site. Why? Yes, because many old acquaintances will write to you - everyone needs to answer, they will rate your photos on a five-point scale, which means you will also need to look at their photos and give ratings. Remembering addresses and telephone numbers will be a collective and joint effort, so you will have to take an active part in this. All this requires a lot of time, and, most likely, your stay on the site will be absolutely necessary in the middle of the working day. Therefore, you will need to push aside boring things and plunge into the world of nostalgia. Of course, this will affect the work itself.

Be prepared for the fact that not only old friends, but also new strangers will write messages to you. After all, from a technical point of view, a social network is not much different from a regular dating service. Therefore, persistent spam should be expected.

We also need to understand that, despite the fascinating possibility of renewing old connections, let's ask ourselves why these contacts were broken? Why did a few friends from school always stay in touch with you, unlike the rest, who were completely lost? Maybe different interests, different destinies, lack of common topics of conversation, lack of social circle? Your paths diverged when you were children, and now, as adults, they can converge again? Social networks cannot bring you back to class as a student again, they only allow people to communicate who have become who they are now.

But the main disadvantage of social networks is the provision of complete, reliable information about you. In addition to the proverb “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are,” which is forgotten, but nevertheless continues to work, here anyone can get a detailed idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou. Numerous photos, often looking like a reflection of a tax return, help attract the attention of more than just your friends.

Rice. 5. Search for social networks in Yandex Catalog.

The commercial success of Odnoklassniki.Ru has led to the fact that now everyone is doing or trying to do social networks. Therefore, a simple search in Yandex itself may lead to a low-quality site, which may not at all guarantee the confidentiality of the information provided. Therefore, it makes sense to use sites that have been tested by the editors of the Yandex Catalog. Unscrupulous sites cannot get there.

My Circle. The social network My Circle ( is not developing due to the nostalgic feelings of its users. Work, work and work is the main idea of ​​this resource (Fig. 6).

Fig.6. Social network My Circle (

After registering and filling out information about themselves, users invite their colleagues and friends to their circle (communications). This is how the first circle of communication is formed. Friends of friends automatically form a second circle. The third circle is formed according to the same pattern.

The network provides the opportunity to search for jobs, services or employees. In order to inform your first circle that you are looking for a job, just check the box “I’m looking for a job” (Fig. 7).

Fig.7. Profile fragment.

In the same way, you will learn about your friends' job searches. As a result, a very old, offline principle is being implemented - working for one’s own people.

The service encourages you to provide information about yourself in the most complete way. A percentage scale allows access to certain services after filling out a profile.

However, you can view vacancies, an employee’s profile and even his photo album without registering on the site at all. For example, let’s find all users who indicated in their profile the Moscow university as State University(Fig. 8).

Fig.8. Search for people by MSU request.

But in order to contact a person, you will have to register. Please note that descriptions of the place of work or study, as well as the last name of users, are openly indexed by search engines.

Using the service My Circle You can view a list of all employees working in a particular company. Firms, especially those operating in the area information technologies, like all teams to register on My Circle.

The principle of searching for work and creating, in fact, personal profiles of professionals forms the basis of the largest English-language social network LinkedIn (

It's a small world! It's a small world! ( is a social network with users linked to a geographic map (Fig. 9).

Fig.9. Social network It's a small world!( The video on the main page clearly demonstrates the idea of ​​the service.

Even without registration, in two clicks you can see all the users who are in the same city as you. By logging into the network and indicating your street, we will find our neighbors and friends. Truly, the world is small!

The service allows you to create communities, search for friends with similar interests, write blogs, exchange messages, and post your photos. But the most interesting features are indicating yourself on the map, linking descriptions and opinions to certain places.

In contact with. The social network “VKontakte” ( allows you to be in contact only with those with whom you want to communicate. This is a social network with groups, friends, messages, search, etc. On the main page of the site we are greeted step by step wizard, which clearly demonstrates all the advantages of the network. For example, it is best to show your data, such as phone number and e-mail, only to friends. And the service allows you to do this (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Restriction of contact information. Be in contact only with friends.

When posting group photos, it is best to list the participants by name. But not just “From left to right...”, but by highlighting each character with a graphic frame and entering his name (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Each participant in the photo will receive highlighting and recognition.

When viewing photos, visitors will no longer leave comments like: who is that third in the second row? Everything is simple and clear.

VKontakte is a repository of video and audio clips. A place for communication of more than 14 million people, and the number of users is displayed in real time (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Fragment home page. When you decide to visit, the number will be significantly higher.

The VKontakte service was accused of being similar to the American social network Facebook (

Today, social networks are so firmly rooted in our lives that the composition of the top five most popular social platforms remains virtually unchanged from year to year. However, the penetration and use of these social networks varies depending on geography and demographic factors. Understanding these differences plays a big role when targeting specific audiences. When comparing the most popular social networks, it is important to pay attention not to the number of registered accounts, but to the number of active users. From the review you will learn which social networks are growing faster than others, and which are currently in decline.

The most popular social platforms

The chart, produced by analytics agency Statista, gives a clear picture of the number of active users (in millions) on the world's most popular social networks. Topping the list is Facebook. This can hardly surprise anyone. Facebook holds the majority of the market share with over 2 billion active users. In January 2017, the giant's closest competitor was WhatsApp, which is also owned by Facebook. Then he was in second place. Today, YouTube is in second place with 1.5 billion active users. Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp take third and fourth place respectively.

They are followed by platforms, the majority of whose audience is located in the Asia-Pacific region. These are QQ, WeChat and Qzone (with more than 600 million active users). This shows that there are a number of popular social media in APAC countries. After them, we see a cluster of platforms popular mainly in the West - Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter.

What about in Russia?

In Russia, the penetration of social networks is estimated at 47%; 67.8 million Russians have accounts on them. According to Statista, YouTube is used most actively in the Russian Federation (63% of respondents), VKontakte takes second place - 61%. Global leader Facebook is only in fourth place with an indicator of 35%. Skype and WhatsApp dominate among instant messengers (38% each).

Social networks that are growing faster than others

Marketers usually don’t spend much time on SMM. Which social network should you concentrate your efforts on? Twitter, which amassed 313 million users between 2010 and 2017, has seen the slowest growth compared to its biggest competitors Facebook, WhatsApp and China's WeChat. Founded in 2013, Instagram had already surpassed Twitter in terms of audience size by 2014.

A new study from Statista shows that Twitter fell far behind its peers in 2017. It saw the lowest growth in monthly active audience, with only 23 million from Q3 2015 to Q3 2017. Facebook, meanwhile, grew by 461 million.

How users interact with brands on social networks

Knowing how to behave and what posts to make on social media is also important, since it shapes the image of your brand and, as a result, encourages users to buy your products or, conversely, unsubscribe from your groups. Social media is increasingly being used as customer engagement platforms where customers, existing and potential, want answers to their questions in real time. A chart taken from a Sprout Social report shows that 48% of users can be persuaded to buy by quickly answering questions in a group. 46% respond positively to promotions, and 42% may choose a brand's product if its page contains educational content. 27% of surveyed users admitted that they would be willing to make a purchase if they were shown materials that are usually left behind the scenes.

Half of Sprout Social survey respondents said they would unfollow a brand's community if I posted content that they found offensive, and 27% said they would mark a brand and its page as spam and block it. This is why it is so important to reach and engage your potential customers by publishing relevant and interesting content that resonates with your target audience.

Social networks with the most active audience

An important factor that influences how much time we should devote to SMM on a particular social network is the level of audience engagement. Here again, Facebook dominates, and also has the highest engagement over time, according to data from analytics firm comScore's study of a panel of US consumers.

Facebook's success is amazing. In addition to the social network itself occupying the top spot, other corporate-owned platforms also took second and third place. Facebook Messenger has a 47% penetration rate, with Instagram right behind it.

From the latest data from Pew Internet, shown in the chart below, we can see that Facebook also leads in the number of active audiences per day. 76% of users log into the social network every day, on Instagram this figure is 51%. Only 42% of Twitter users check it daily, which is almost half that of Facebook.

The average daily duration of use of social networks in the United States is 2 hours 1 minute; in Russia, users spend a little more time on social platforms - 2 hours 19 minutes.

Engagement rates in different social networks

Analytical marketing company TrackMaven analyzed 51 million posts various companies from 130 industries to find out which social networks have the highest engagement rates. The results showed that the absolute leader in terms of engagement per 1000 subscribers is Instagram. This is so much higher than other social networks that we had to create a separate chart to illustrate the difference between Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

As you can see from the second graph, Facebook is significantly ahead of Twitter and LinkedIn. This is largely due to the fact that more people post on Twitter because there is no algorithm to show content to only a small portion of the audience. Because of this, brands have to flood their feeds with posts to break through the information noise. This, in turn, reduces the response rate to publications. Below is the average daily number of posts per account on three social networks.

General statistics on social media usage around the world

Every year, WeAreSocial updates its comprehensive Global Digital Report, which compiles actionable data on social media around the world. From it you can find out how differently social platforms are used in different parts of the world. It is surprising that Western countries are seriously lagging behind in the rate of penetration of social networks.

Below are the main conclusions of the studies.

  • The number of Internet users in 2018 reached 4.021 billion people, which is 7 percent more than a year ago.
  • The audience of social networks in 2018 totals 3.196 billion people - 13% higher than last year’s figure.
  • Number of users mobile phones is 5.135 billion people, this means plus 4% compared to last year.

The numbers are growing rapidly, especially for active users of social networks with mobile devices— penetration level 39%, which is 5% more than in 2017.

If we talk about the structure of web traffic depending on the type of device, then the most traffic is generated by mobile users (52%, which is 4% higher than last year). Only 43% of all web pages are visited from desktops, which is 3% lower than last year.

Northern, Western and Southern Europe, as well as North America, boast the most high level Internet penetration - 74%-94% of the total population uses the World Wide Web. In Russia, 110 million people use the Internet—76% of the total population.

The growth in the global audience of social networks since January 2017 was 13%. The fastest growth in the number of users is observed in Saudi Arabia. Since January 2017, their number has increased by 32%, the global average is 17%. Other countries with the highest growth rates include India, Indonesia and Ghana. The reason for the jump was the development of technology, which made it easier for the population to access social platforms. Social networks grew the slowest in the UAE, South Korea and the UK -<5%. В России пользователей соцсетей стало на 8 826 000 человек больше (+15% к прошлогоднему значению).

Since Facebook has the largest share of users, it would be useful to know how the content you post will perform on the social network and what features to use to increase its reach. According to social network statistics, the average reach of a publication is 10.7%, with organic posts having 8% (organic reach in Russia is 11.3%), and for paid posts this value is 26.8% (27.4% in Russia) . Organic and paid posts on Facebook have huge potential. It is important to target publications correctly in order to receive quality leads.

You can get a more complete picture of the state of the global digital market in 2018 by studying our review of the Internet 2017-2018 in the world and in Russia: statistics and trends, which we prepared based on the Global Digital 2018 study.

Popularity of social networks by country

The graph below from the GlobalWebIndex report, based on a survey of Internet users, perfectly reflects the popularity of various social networks by country. Indonesia, the Philippines, Mexico, India and Brazil are among the top ten most active audiences on each social network, significantly ahead of the US, UK and European countries.

Of the four social networks presented (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google+), Russians are the most active users of the video service. Twitter and Google+ are used relatively often by only 20% of our compatriots, and Facebook is regularly viewed by just over 40%.

Demographic statistics of social media use

As can be seen from the graph, different age groups have a similar pattern of social media use. This suggests that social networks have reached a stage of maturity where they can reach all demographic groups, regardless of age and gender. The exceptions are Instagram and Tumblr, which have younger audiences.

Strategies for interacting with social media audiences

According to The State of Social 2018 study, 96% of brands have a presence on Facebook.

Moreover, only half of the respondents have a documented SMM strategy. Large businesses are a little more responsible about this issue than small companies (60% said they have such a document).

When it comes to the types of content brands publish, images, links, and text lead the way. Even though video posts tend to get the most engagement, video content only comes in fourth. This is primarily due to the complexity of creating such materials.

At the end of 2017, Smart Insights, together with Clutch, conducted a survey among business representatives, in which they asked which social networks were of the greatest value to them. It turned out that among B2C companies Facebook is considered the most effective (93% of respondents), and most B2B companies prefer LinkedIn (93%).

The Value of Social Media for Brands in 2018

  1. If you think that your target audience is not on social networks, you are mistaken.

Through social networks you can reach any audience, regardless of gender, age, social status. 98% of online consumers are registered on social networks, a fairly large part of them are adults 55-64 years old.

  1. People devote a third of their time on the Internet to social networks.

The average user spends 2 hours 15 minutes a day scrolling through their feed and communicating on social platforms, and young people aged 16-24 spend almost three hours. If you do not consider SMM as a channel for attracting customers, then you are voluntarily giving up the attention of your target audience to your competitors.

  1. Half of all social media users follow brand pages.

4 out of 10 internet users follow their favorite companies on social media, and a quarter follow brands when planning to buy something. People respond positively to such content, so an active presence on social media is of great value to companies.

  1. Social networks are the main source of information for consumers.

People aged 16-24 prefer to look for information about brands on social networks rather than on search engines. A quarter of users in this age group admit that a large number of likes on a brand’s page can persuade them to make a purchase. In the group of 35-44 years old, 20% of respondents said the same. Social commerce can be considered one of the main channels for generating profit, which means it is important to diversify your efforts and not rely only on advertising.

  1. Watching videos is a favorite pastime on social media.

Facebook is the largest social network in terms of number of users, but YouTube takes first place in terms of traffic and the reason is because of the video. Video posts receive the most active response, and that is why leading brands constantly publish videos on their pages.

The following materials were used in preparing the article:

  1. Global Social Media Research Summary 2018 by Smart Insights
  2. The State of Social 2018 report by Social Media Week
  3. The Biggest Social Media Trends Shaping 2018 article published on the GlobalWebIndex blog
  4. Social Networks Study: How social networks were used in 2017 by analytical agency Metricool
  5. Global Digital 2018 report package compiled by WeAreSocial analytical agency

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    Ever wondered how much bigger Facebook is than VKontakte? Or what do the Chinese do without Twitter?

    And we thought.

    Practically every an Internet user is registered in one or another social network. Today these are not just communication tools, but entire media platforms owned by world-famous IT giants. Here are some of them.


    from left to right: Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes

    The most popular social network in the world needs no introduction. It was created by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. On February 4, 2004, a social network called Thefacebook was opened to Harvard students. The worldwide launch took place on September 26, 2006.

    Geography of distribution

    according to Bitly Science Team

    Today's Facebook received ubiquitous spreading. Of course, the popularity of the network differs in different countries. For example, in China it is banned, in North Korea things are no better, and in Russia VKontakte and Odnoklassniki have pulled the blanket. Nevertheless, about 25,000,000 users use Facebook in our country.


    in Russia, based on Brand Analytics materials

    QZone is the most popular social network. China network.

    Its audience numbers 755,000,000 users, which is second indicator among all the social networks in the world.

    The Qzone members are predominantly men (57% versus 43% women), aged 26 to 30. For some reason, there is no data on those who are under nineteen, either these are the peculiarities of the legislation, or they hide their age. :)


    from left to right: Founder Ma Huaten, Executive Vice President Seng Yee Lau

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    For more and visibility, we have summarized the above indicators into charts. Everyone loves diagrams? To estimate the real audience, we usually take the number of active users per month or per day.

    number of social network users who have been active over the past month

    The fact that Facebook is the most popular in the world did not raise any questions. This preponderance is amazing; the number of active Facebook users is almost equal to the audience everyone else mentioned social networks in total.

    capitalization of companies owning social networks

    The Chinese telecommunications giant is not far behind the undisputed leader. Not surprisingly, in addition to QZone, Tencent owns other social networks, several instant messengers and free-to-play games. Reminds me of Russian, increased several times. By the way, despite its modest capitalization compared to others, the Russian company pursues a bold investment policy and diversifies its assets. Of the six social networks reviewed. networks, capital is represented in four directly, and in one indirectly.

    (5.00 out of 5, rated: 3 )

    website Ever wondered how much bigger Facebook is than VKontakte? Or what do the Chinese do without Twitter? And we thought. Almost every Internet user is registered in one or another social network. Today these are not just communication tools, but entire media platforms owned by world-famous IT giants. Here are some of them. Facebook from left to right: Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskowitz...