Unprotected connection. How to remove an untrusted connection in Firefox? How to disable the "your connection is not secure" message in Firefox

Mozilla Firefox has long established itself as a reliable and stable browser. In case of any malfunctions or vulnerabilities, it alerts the user by displaying appropriate notifications on the screen. One of these is “your connection is not secure” in Firefox. Read the article on how to fix this and gain access to the site.

What does notification mean?

The message “Your connection is not secure” occurs when you try to navigate to a web resource with a secure connection for which Firefox was unable to verify the certificates. Since the check failed, the Internet browser warns that the connection may be dangerous and blocks access to the site using this notification.

Sometimes, the browser may block the connection of popular sites, such as yandex.ru or youtube.com. If you trust the site, and for some reason your browser has blocked it, you can disable this notification.

How to disable?

If you receive a notification on several sites, do the following:

Check that the time is set correctly in Windows 10:

Disable SSL verification

Antiviruses can intercept connections for eavesdropping and monitoring while Firefox is also trying to process this data. Accordingly, the browser has no way to verify the validity of the certificates. To protect the user from a potential threat, it replaces the web page with the message “Your connection is not secure.” To resolve the conflict between the antivirus and browser, disable the SSL and HTTPS protocol checking function:

  1. Avast. Go to Settings → Active Protection and click Configure next to Web Shield. Then uncheck “Enable HTTPS scanning” and click OK.
  2. Kaspersky. Go to “Settings” → “Advanced” → “Network” and in “Scanning encrypted connections” check the “Do not scan encrypted connections” checkbox. Then click OK.
  3. ESET. Go to settings and disable/enable “SSL/TLS” protocols, and click OK.

Deleting a certificate store file

The possibility of damage to the certificate file cannot be ruled out. For the browser to generate new file, first you need to remove the damaged old one.

IN Lately increasingly in the browser Google Chrome, which I use as the main one, an error appears when it is impossible to open any site, for example Avito, and a message opens with the following content: “ Your connection is not secure". It is also accompanied by a threatening comment that “Attackers may try to steal your data from the site (for example, passwords, messages or numbers bank cards)».

An inexperienced computer user may have a heart ache at the thought that it could be hacked, a virus has settled on the computer, or it’s time to take it to the landfill. Of course, I’m exaggerating, but in reality, the problem exists and causes trouble when visiting the Internet every day.

Instead of readable text, an error code may also be displayed: “ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID”, “ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITM” or “ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID”.

The fact is that sites that require some kind of authorization in personal account, for example, social networks or online stores, are gradually moving to working using the secure SSL protocol - their distinguishing feature is that the address begins with https. If the web resource uses good old http, then the “Your connection is not secure” warning does not appear.

The reason for the problem with opening lies in an error when checking the encryption certificate that protects such resources - since they usually require you to enter some personal data, the browser considers itself smarter than you and tries to protect against possible interception of your confidential data.

Wherein this message appears only in browsers based on the Chromium core, such as Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Opera, Sputnik, Amigo and others.

What to do and how to still get to desired page?

Honestly, this is exactly what I do, but I can’t advise you on this, because what if the program is not mistaken and the site is really dangerous..? In addition, often this link does not exist at all.

In fact, the reason may simply be hidden in problems in the operation of the site itself. If this is the case, then the only thing left to do is close the page and return to it later when everything is fixed.

Separately, I would like to mention the occurrence of an unprotected connection error when trying to access the Internet via free wifi in the metro and in general in public free access points - in particular, this is where I mostly encounter it. To bypass the blocking, simply enter address bar a site that definitely does not use the https protocol - for example, the address of our blog site. After this, you are guaranteed to be redirected to the online login page and you will be able to use the Internet.

But the problem could also be in the browser or system settings, and since we cannot know for sure whether the site or the computer is to blame, we will try to take several steps that can help cope with the problem.

Your connection is not secure in Chrome

First of all, you need to determine whether the site does not work on only one browser, or on all. Surely you have a built-in Internet Explorer or its newer brother Microsoft Edge, built in by default Windows system. Open the site in it - if it works, then just clear the cache and cookies in the browser in which the page does not open.

To do this in Google Chrome, go to the settings menu, section “History”.

In the window that appears, put a tick on

  • Cookies and other site data
  • Images and other files saved in cache

And in the drop-down list, select the period “All time”, and then click on the “Delete data” button

To be sure, you can also disable extensions (additional browser plugins) - they can also interfere with normal functioning. To do this, also go to the menu under the heading “Additional tools - Extensions”

And remove all the checkmarks from installed extensions

If you have a different browser, then clearing cookies and cache is similar to the described algorithm. In addition, you can use one of the many system junk cleaning programs to do this, such as CCleaner, Wise Registry Cleaner or any other.

If all this does not help, as a last resort, try uninstalling the entire browser and reinstalling it.

Pages do not open on all browsers

If the message “Your connection is not secure” appears on absolutely any browser, then the reasons, as you understand, lie in the system itself and there may be several of them - let’s look at the main ones.

Can't open the website you need because of the error “Your connection is not secure”? Don't even think about getting angry! This Google browser Chrome (or its equivalent Yandex) hastened to take care of you. After all, there - in the back streets World Wide Web, crowds of attackers are hiding who dream of stealing your data. Most likely, they have captured the site you need, taken the administrators hostage and are catching naive users with live bait.

Yes, security is important, but practice shows that most of these errors have nothing to do with attackers and hacking. And their reason often lies in the user’s computer.

How to find out whose side the problem is on

If the “Your connection is not secure” error pops up when you try to open a single web resource, the culprit is often the resource itself, for example, if its owner forgot to renew the SSL certificate or installed a certificate from an unverified publisher.

To quickly determine which side is causing the error, use free service whois services to determine site accessibility, for example.

If the service shows that the site is available, the reason for the failure lies in your web browser or device. If there is no access, the culprit is the site itself. What to do in the first case will be discussed below, but in the second, you can only wait until the problem is solved by the resource administration.

If an Internet resource does not open only in the territory of one state, for example, Russia, most likely, the owners decided to block access to it for visitors with Russian IPs. .

It turns out that you have the problem. What to do next

The sources of the “Your connection is not secure” error on the user side can be:

  • System time failure.
  • Problems with the browser or its extensions.
  • Incorrect settings network connection.
  • Incorrect settings and operation of the antivirus and firewall.
  • Operating system that has not been updated for a long time, virus infection, third party programs, crookedly installed network drivers.

How to check this and what to do in specific cases, read on.

System time failure

If the computer time or mobile device differs significantly from the real one (we are talking about days, months and years), the browser may “think” that the SSL certificate issued to the site for a certain period is no longer valid. And since it is invalid, the HTTPS connection is not secure and should be blocked.

To change the system time in Windows 10, run the Settings utility " Options", open the section " Time and language» – « date and time" Click in the right half of the window " Change time and date" and set the correct values. Or enable automatic time synchronization and time zone detection.

Constantly erratic system time, and especially a clock lag after turning off the computer, often points to the system, which is located on the PC motherboard. To solve the problem, just replace it.

In addition, there are applications that can change the system time for individual programs, such as . If you use similar ones, make sure that their effect does not apply to Google Chrome and Yandex Browser, where the error occurs.

Browser problems

The reason for the problem with accessing various sites often lies in the web browsers themselves and their plugins. To diagnose and resolve the problem, follow these steps: If the previous one didn't help, move on to the next one.
  • Update your browser to the latest version.

Go to the main menu (hereinafter shown using the example of the desktop version of Google Chrome), click the item “ Reference" And " About the browserGoogleChrome" If you do not have latest version, it will update automatically.

  • Try to open the site incognito. To do this, press the key combination Shift + Ctrl + N or select “ New window in incognito mode" If the problem resolves, one of the third-party browser extensions is to blame.

To determine which plugin is causing the crash, open the main browser menu – “ Additional tools" And " Extensions" Uncheck the " Included» from all extensions except one, and try to load the problematic web resource. If it opens without errors, move on to the next extension, etc. Remove the faulty plugin by clicking on the trash can icon next to it.

  • Clear your web browser's cache and cookies.

Press the Shift + Ctrl + Delete keys or find the section “ Additional tools" and open " Delete browsing data" In the window " Clear the history» check « Filescookies and site data" And " Saved in cache" Click " Delete data».

  • Restore your browser settings to default.

Go through the menu to the parameters section (Settings), go down to the very bottom of the page - to the item “ Reset", and click " Restore default settings" In the next window, click the button " Reset».

  • Reinstall your web browser after uninstalling the previous copy.

In order not to lose bookmarks, session and history Google views Chrome, open the folder %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default and copy the files Bookmarks, History And Last Session(all without extensions) to another location, for example, on the desktop. After reinstalling the program, transfer them back. A folder with similar data in the Yandex browser is located along the path %LocalAppData%\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default.

Incorrect network connection settings

Incorrect network connection settings are also a very common cause of errors when opening web pages. And “Your connection is not secure” is not the least of them. The following helps resolve the issue:

By default, the provider's DNS servers are used to map domain names to IP addresses of Internet resources. To replace them with public ones, for example, DNS from Google (main - and alternative -, open the properties of the network connection on your computer. In the list of components on the tab " Net» check IPv4 and click the « button again Properties" In the bottom half of the new window, check " Use the following DNS server addresses"and enter the selected IPs. For the setting to take effect, reconnect to the Internet.

If the error occurs on all devices on the network, change the DNS in the router settings.

  • Disable VPN and proxy servers if they are used to access the Internet.
  • Changing your computer's network discovery settings (set by V " Additional options public access» Network Operations Center).

Optimal network discovery parameters are selected empirically. If the function is disabled, enable it; if enabled, disable it.

Here - in the section " All networks", check " Use 128-bit encryption..." And " Turn on general access with password protection».

  • Reset TCP/IP protocol, Winsock and DNS cache settings.

Run as administrator command line and follow the 3 instructions one by one:

netsh winsock reset catalog

netsh int ip reset reset.log hit


Once completed, reboot the machine.

Incorrect operation of security programs

Some antiviruses and firewalls have a built-in function to protect network connections using the HTTPS protocol, which sometimes conflicts with a similar function in the browser.

To check if this is your case, temporarily shut down security programs and try to open the problematic site. If it loads without errors, adjust your antivirus and firewall settings or disable them while viewing this site. But remember that without protection you risk losing confidential data and contracting a virus, so be careful.

System problems

The “Your connection is not secure” error may occur due to the user neglecting to update operating system. Even if you have old Windows XP, at least Service Pack 3 must be installed on it, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of the error. More latest versions It is advisable to update the OS as updates are released. Refusal to update today is completely unjustified, since it nullifies the entire work of the system’s protective mechanisms and creates a lot of other problems.

Failure to connect to a certain type of Internet resource – social networks, search engines, email, antivirus sites - a common symptom of malware infection. Therefore, even if you managed to solve the problem in other ways, scanning for viruses is a must.

In some cases, the culprits are incorrect network drivers. If the day before the error occurred you updated or reinstalled the driver network adapter, to the day when everything worked without failure, or roll back the driver to the previous version. To do this, go to the device manager, open the properties of the adapter, go to the " Driver" and click the button " Rollback».

If the button is not active, it means previous version there is no driver in the system and to solve the problem you will have to remove and install it again by downloading it from the laptop manufacturer’s website or motherboard computer.

The last, infrequent cause of the error is incorrectly working applications and games. Moreover, they can be installed long before its appearance. A program or game update (if it occurs in background, you may not have noticed the moment of installation), changing settings, conflicts with other software, or simply launching while surfing the network through a browser.

You can check whether programs installed on your computer are involved in the problem using safe mode with the support network drivers. If all sites open normally in it, then the assumption is correct. It will be necessary to identify the culprit of the problem experimentally.

How to disable the error message and restore access to the site

If none of the solutions helped and the desired website still does not open, you can disable the error message (along with checking the SSL certificate) and access it by simply setting the key in the properties of the Google Chrome or Yandex browser shortcut –ignore-certificate-errors.

After this, the “Your connection is not secure” message will no longer bother you, but the protection of HTTPS connections in this browser will not work. If this option suits you, go for it.

Also on the site:

How to fix the “Your connection is not secure” error in Google Chrome and Yandex Browser updated: December 22, 2017 by: Johnny Mnemonic

When Firefox requests web pages over a secure network protocol HTTPS, it first requests a security certificate from the site. And then it analyzes it for compliance with all established security requirements: validity period, registration, verification (whether it is a fake). If the secure connection is successfully verified in Mozilla, the web page in the tab is loaded. But if the web browser detects or suspects something wrong with the connection, it blocks access and warns the user about a problem with the connection.

So how do you fix your Firefox connection if it's not secure? Let's take a closer look at various options for solving this problem.

An error has appeared - what to do (first steps)

If a notification appears about an unsecured connection (FF “writes” an error), do not rush to change browser options, disconnect/connect the Internet and perform any other drastic actions.

  1. Notify site owners that access is not possible due to errors in the HTTPS certificate.
  2. If a connection problem is observed on your site, you will ask for clarification of the situation in service center, in which the certificate was registered.
  3. Wait a bit. Perhaps the error will go away. Refresh the page, restart Firefox.
  4. If the site is unfamiliar, try to find its analogue on the Internet in accordance with your tasks (information, purchases, provision of services).
  5. If you plan to transmit through a “problematic” web resource confidential information, carry out monetary transactions, abandon this idea completely until the problem is successfully resolved.
  6. You can ignore the warning: using the “Advanced” option you can still go to a blocked website. However, this approach comes with risks. The PC system may be attacked by a virus, your credentials, payment details, etc. may be stolen. Using it is highly not recommended.

Common mistakes and their solutions

To find out the cause of the problem, click “Advanced” on the notification tab. Next, act depending on what error code the browser reports.

Date mismatch

Errors SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_ISSUER_... (... will not be valid until...), SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_... (... expired) may occur due to the fact that the time and date are incorrectly set in the system. Left-click on the electronic dial once in the tray, or open the “Clock, language and region” section in the Control Panel. Check the year, month, date, time, and if necessary, set the correct values ​​on the calendar and clock. Try to reload the page.

Note. This problem may also occur when you try to query trusted sites. For example, the Yandex search engine, Youtube video hosting, etc.

No trust

SEC_ERROR_UNKNOW_ISSUER - FF cannot identify the certificate chain or the server cannot send the necessary data for protocol verification.

This problem usually occurs because the antivirus programs, for example, Kaspersky (Kaspersky), the SSL scanning option is enabled, which performs incorrect filtering, blocking network packets. Try deactivating it.

Note. If you don’t know how to disable scanning of SSL protected traffic, read the antivirus user manual or contact technical support on the developer’s website.

The second reason for this error- use of self-signed certificates (not officially registered). They encrypt the connection, but do not tell the browser information about the final recipient of the user data. This type of blocking can be bypassed at your discretion.

License of another site

SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT - a certificate from another site is being used; valid, but only for another domain or group of domains.

With this error, the connection remains secure, but there is no guarantee that the request and data will be delivered to the recipient site, the address of which is displayed in the web browser.

At the same time, there are certain situations when the protocol is configured for a different part of the same site. For example, it works correctly for the domain version WWW.website.com, but the URL request website.com (without "www") is blocked due to an error.

The certificate file is damaged

Check the loading of the problematic page or site in another browser (Yandex, Google Chrome). If there are no errors, then we can assume that the Firefox certificate store is damaged. Correction of its contents is possible only by deleting and then automatic recovery while the web browser is restarting.

If you don't know how to remove the storage, follow these instructions:
1. Click the "Menu" button in the Firefox window.

2. In the block that appears, click “question mark”.

3. In the submenu, click “Problem Solving Information.”

4. On the technical data tab, click the “Open folder” button.

5. Remove the storage: in the browser directory, right-click on the cert8 file, run the “Delete” operation.

6. Restart Firefox.

All! Now you know how to establish a correct connection using the HTTPS protocol and how to analyze connection errors. Have fun and safe web surfing!

Setting up Mozilla FireFox for a secure connection

1. So, let's get started. Let's say you go to https://alfa.site.
Pay attention to the connection protocol: "https". This means that you are accessing the site via a secure channel, i.e. channel, where all data transmitted (in both directions) is encrypted.
But! The vigilant FireFox does not allow you to access this site, warning you that this connection is untrusted. To somehow get to the site you have two options. Let's talk about the first one.

You simply select the "I understand the risk" option. You are sure that you are going to the right site, and it is not dangerous and very friendly to you!

Step 1

Step 2

3. At the next stage, you need to “Confirm the security exception and set the flag “Permanently store this exception”.

Step 3
4. That's good! Now FireFox has allowed a secure connection, and you are on the right page. Notice the small padlock that appears in the page address field.

This means that the connection is secure.

Step 4
5. In general, this whole procedure ensures that its certificate is downloaded from the site alfa.site and installed in your browser, and you can always view it.
"Tools" -> "Settings" -> "Encryption" -> "View certificates" -> "Servers".

Here we can see information about the alfa.site server.

Step 5 1. And now
Let's talk about the second option.
Since you know for sure that the alfa.site site can be trusted, you can immediately install the certificate of the agency that issued the certificate for alfa.site. And then in the future steps 1-5 will simply disappear.
We are talking about the Kinetics Certificate Authority agency, created on one of the servers in the VT group.

Go to "Tools" -> "Settings" -> "Encryption" -> "View certificates".

Step 1

2. Here select -> "Certification Authorities"

3. At the next stage, you need to “Confirm the security exception and set the flag “Permanently store this exception”.

Step 2

This means that the connection is secure.

4. And select the previously downloaded and saved locally

Here we can see information about the alfa.site server.

5. Here we set all the flags and “OK”.
You will also see a post about Kinetics Certificate Authority

Step 6

You now have all the necessary certificates installed for a secure connection. Good luck!