The program required to complete the installation cannot be started. iTunes won't install on Windows

Apply has established itself well in the market information technologies. While most competitors are just starting their journey with ordinary and unpopular music applications, Apple has long created the iTunes media player, which is actively used by users of their products around the world to view and download multimedia files.

Unfortunately, even a company like Apply can have difficulties when interacting with other corporations. One of these problems is a Windows Installer error for operating system users Windows systems from Microsoft.

Requests for help like: “I can’t install iTunes on Windows 7, there’s an error in the windows installer package - what should I do about it?” are increasingly appearing online. And in this article I will try to help correct the shortcomings of the developers and show alternative methods for installing the iTunes program.

Why does Windows Installer error occur?

The main reasons for this error are:

  • Old copies of the iTunes product are installed, which due to many possible reasons restrict installation of newer software.
  • The Windows Application Installer service is disabled.
  • itunes installer cannot execute extract and install script software product from the archive.

To correct these problems, we will carry out several extraordinary actions, which in most cases will allow you to get rid of Windows problems Installer. All actions will be shown using the Windows 7 operating system, but Windows users 8 or 10 don’t have to worry, because this fix will help them too, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

How to fix itunes error?

1. Check for other versions of iTunes on your computer. To do this, go to the “Start” menu, then open “Control Panel” and click on “Programs and Features”:

Uninstall all utilities that are associated with the iTunes software, the list of which is indicated in the screenshot:

Download the iTunes installation package from the official website and try installing again:

2. If the previous fixes did not help, check the Windows Installer service startup settings (Windows Installer). To do this, go to the “Start” menu, right-click on “Computer” and select the “Manage” sub-item. Expand the “Services and Applications” list, open “Services” and go to the “Windows Installer” service:

Check the startup type of this service and if it is “disabled”, select “manual”:

After that, try installing iTunes again.

3. If the previous steps did not help with the installation, you need to try installing each application included in the iTunes kit in turn. To do this, extract the files from the iTunes application we downloaded in the first step:

Install the files in this order:

  • Bonjour
  • AppleMobileDeviceSupport
  • AppleApplicationSupport

After successfully installing all the previously listed components, install itunes .exe itself

All the program is installed! All that remains is to connect the device.

Note: The SetupAdmin and AppleSoftwareUpdate programs can be installed later, because the purpose of one of them is to update software, and the other is to administer devices.

Why iTunes won't install on Windows? Very actual question among users of personal computers, the answer to which cannot be given unequivocally. There may be several reasons, but there is only one solution - the Tenorshare TunesCare program. I once encountered this problem - the system suggested updating the iTunes version, but there was an error when installing the iTunes build component that I was unable to fix. Tenorshare TunesCare has been a lifesaver. She can solve many errors associated with iTunes.

iTunes does not install on Windows: reasons

We will name only the most common reasons why iTunes is not installed on Windows. Firstly, Your antivirus may be interfering with the installation process, which blocks all suspicious actions for security reasons. In this case, you just need to limit its activity for a while.

Secondly, to an error during installation iOS 11/12 may result in downtime software glitch in the operating system. Several processes running at the same time may conflict, so it is better to restart your PC and try installing iTunes again.

The third reason is that you do not have enough rights to perform this action. The thing is that installing iTunes requires you to have administrator rights. Make sure you are logged in with the correct account.

The fourth reason is also no less relevant. If you have previously installed a media harvester, and then it was uninstalled, it is possible that there are still program files that interfere reinstallation iTunes.

Fifth reason - incorrectly downloaded iTunes version. On the official website, you must select exactly the download link that corresponds to your software version.

Windows Installer error when installing iTunes

Windows Installer package error is another reason why iTunes won't install on Windows. This failure in the operating system is directly related to Apple Software Update, and simply restarting the system is unlikely to solve the problem. Possible solutions include cleaning the registry and reinstalling the Apple Software Update component. But all this is quite complicated and complicated for ordinary users. The instructions online are quite confusing, so it's best to use Tenorshare TunesCare, which will fix all the errors for you.

iTunes won't install: what to do?

So, if iTunes gives an error during the installation of an assembly component, if you encounter a Windows Installer error, if you cannot update iTunes, if there is a synchronization error with iTunes, or any other problem with iTunes, use the program.

1. Download the Tenorshare TunesCare utility from the official website and install it on a PC running Windows.

2. If your problem is related to the operation of iTunes (iTunes does not install on Windows, etc.), click on the “Fix all iTunes errors” button. If it is impossible to sync your iPhone with iTunes, your iOS device must be connected to your PC.

3. The program will automatically analyze the operation of iTunes and tell you whether it needs “repair”. If the utility determines that the media harvester is working normally and your problem is still not resolved, click on the “Fix iTunes” button.

4. The program will start downloading drivers for iTunes - it will take some time.

Tenorshare TunesCare is the simplest tool that will help you fix most of the iTunes errors (iTunes won't install, etc.). The utility only works on Windows and is compatible with the latest software - iOS 12. Available for free download.

We often have to deal with various errors, but we don’t pay attention to most of them - we just restart the program installation, and they disappear. Windows Installer package error when installing iTunes- far from being the case. As a rule, it appears in those who updated the operating system via the Internet. For example, from “seven” to “eight”, or to Windows 10. When clean install The OS probability of encountering such a problem is zero.

However, it doesn’t matter what exactly led to this error, because today our task is to explain to you how to get rid of it!

How to fix Windows Installer package error during iTunes installation?

There are two ways to solve this problem. The first is to reinstall the operating system using a flash drive or disk with complete cleaning drive "C", the second - correct installation programs. Of course, there is no point in reinstalling the OS because of such a trifle, so we suggest you start considering the second method. So, you must do the following:
Of course, there is nothing complicated here, but for the future, know that it is better not to do global operating system updates via the Internet! To do this use installation disks and flash drives, only then you will not encounter Windows Installer package errors when installing iTunes and the like.

Greetings, blog readers.

Many users, for one reason or another, have to use special program from Apple– iTunes. This question is especially relevant for owners of music iPods And iPhone smartphones. The fact is that this particular application allows you to transfer files to the device and back. Of course, there are other solutions, but they end up using the drivers from the program listed above. But due to the fact that the solution is hosted on a competing operating system, iTunes often gives an error when installing. This may be due to various problems. In the following article, I will try to analyze the main points due to which users are unable to install the desired application on the system.

During the installation of the program we need on the computer, a message often appears: “ Windows Installer package error" In addition, the text states that the application you need to complete cannot be launched, and it is best to contact technical staff for assistance.

Of course, if you don’t know the exact solution, you won’t be able to fix the problem that easily. Fortunately, there is a way out:

This should help with the problem.

MS VC++( )

Sometimes the illness is associated with the work of a component such as Visual C++. This is usually accompanied by a message that mentions " Microsoft.vc80.crt».
Don't get upset right away. Download the update from the official page Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 and install it. Next we go here and post the update. This should solve the situation. If not, you should contact official Microsoft support.

Installer( )

Sometimes problems are related to the service. As a result, not only iTunes, but also any applications are not installed.

To solve the situation, we perform several movements:

Everything should work.

The service is restarted here Apple Mobile Device if there are any problems with it. A similar problem occurs not only when installing an assembly component, but also during normal program startup.

( )

Sometimes, when users install a new application on their device, a message may appear saying " the program is not a win32 application».

It’s worth saying right away that the problem is not related to the system’s capacity.

This often occurs when a project is intended for a completely different operating system. Or it simply has the wrong configuration.

The solution consists of several stages:

Miscellaneous errors( )

In general, when installing iTunes on a computer with Windows 10 or any other version, you may see various problems. They all have the same cause. But depending on other components, different codes appear. So, for example, it could be 2503 and 2502. In addition, an ailment with code 2932 is often encountered. In some cases, the type of problem has a different appearance. So, for example, a window appears in front of users saying that the procedure cannot be continued due to Windows Error 127 .

In general, everything can appear as a result of various problems:

    Corruption of iTunes-related registry entries.

    The action of malicious software (this is especially often accompanied by error 2503).

    Another program independently deleted the necessary files.

To prevent future problems, it is important to eliminate all possible factors:

    We clear the registry of unnecessary entries. This can be done using different programs, which I have mentioned more than once before.

    Scan your system for viruses.

    Update your drivers. I also talked about this before. This point is especially relevant if a warning message with a code appears 0xc000007b.

    Install Windows updates.

If none of the above helps, perhaps only clean hosting of the operating system will work to solve the problem of building Microsoft vc80 and many others.

Rare cases( )

Sometimes users may encounter a message that says .

You can easily fix this - just download and install the update for the universal C environment. You can download it Here. This should also help if a window appears with the message: “ Cannot register module».