Brightness adjustment does not work on a Samsung laptop. Solving the problem with adjusting brightness on a laptop

The proposed article-instructions covers in detail the topic of “adjusting screen brightness in Windows 10” and discusses related problems: problems with chipset, graphics adapter and monitor drivers, inoperability of the hardware brightness key on a laptop/netbook or tray button and special cases with its change.

In almost all cases, of course, with the exception of problems with the hardware brightness button, the source of the problem is the drivers. Depending on the case, this may be system software to control the functioning of the graphics card, monitor, and even the chipset of some manufacturers. It is also not uncommon for one of the listed devices to be simply deactivated in the task manager.

Solving the problem with a disabled monitor

When you open the notification panel, there may be no icon for adjusting the brightness, and in the subsection of the parameters called “Screen” the slider for changing the level of this parameter is inactive. This may indicate that the system is missing a monitor at the software level. That is, it can be physically connected and function, but at the driver level it can be deactivated, which is why most of its capabilities are not available.

The option is not very common, but the problem is easiest to solve, so it’s logical to start with it.

1. Call the “Task Manager” using a more convenient method (Win menu → X, search bar).

2. Expand the “Monitors” section and look for the name of your output device or find “Universal PnP monitor” (or something very similar).

If there is a downward arrow next to the display icon on a gray background, this means that the device is disabled at the software level.

3. To activate it, call the “Engage” command in the context menu of the device.

4. Restart Windows 10 and check if the ability to adjust the display brightness is available.

This problem is relevant mainly for laptops from Lenovo and Pavilion, although it is not much less common on computers.

If the problem is not related to a disabled monitor, we move on to the drivers of peripheral devices, which we mentioned at the beginning of the article.

When video card drivers are the culprits

The second most common factor causing difficulties with changing the brightness level in Windows 10, which has become the source of non-working graphic elements and hardware keys for changing brightness, is video adapter drivers.

1. The drivers were installed by Windows 10 itself during its installation process, obtained from a driver pack, using software for updating them (Driver Booster) or from an unofficial source.

The solution to the problem is simple: download the official driver manually, uninstall the unofficial software, for example, using Display Driver Uninstaller, and install it again.

2. It is possible that the system software for Intel Graphics HD is not installed at all, but it is absolutely necessary for the normal operation of the device.

The driver should only be downloaded from the official developer or product support resource.

Such a device is not displayed in the device manager, because it is in the list of hidden ones. To see it, you need to call the “Show hidden devices” command in the “View” main menu item.

3. The video card was turned off in Device Manager (a case similar to the problem with the display).

Using the context menu, we activate the device and reboot.

It is also strongly recommended to visit the monitor settings through the desktop context menu, call the “Screen” menu item, go to its additional options and click on the “Graphics card properties” icon. On the adapter tab, look at its type (first line).

Just in case, it is also recommended to go to the display settings (via the right-click menu on the desktop) → Display → Additional display settings → Graphics adapter properties and see which video adapter is listed on the “Adapter” tab.

If the name of the video card is something like Basic Display Driver, then the reason lies in a disabled device or in the absence of a driver for it. Sometimes such devices are not displayed in the Manager by default, but become visible after activating the “Show hidden devices” option located in the “View” menu item.

Usually, following the instructions given above will solve the problem with changing the brightness level, but there are exceptions. The next chapter is devoted to such special cases.

The source of the problem is the chipset drivers

Like all drivers, the software responsible for the functioning of the chipset, downloaded from a third-party site or obtained through the use of an application to automate the installation of system software, can lead to incorrect functioning and failures in many ways (shutdown, hibernation). First on the list of culprits are the Intel power management and ACPI drivers.

We update such drivers with those downloaded from the official resource, despite the fact that the system uses newer versions. Immediately after installing an older version of the software, you should deactivate their automatic updating using a special utility from Microsoft - Show or Hide Updates.

Disabling automatic driver updates using Windows 10

One method to exclude some system applications from automatically downloaded by Windows 10 is to use a tool to configure device installation in Windows 10. This is done in two ways, and both require administrator privileges.

Method No. 1

1. Call the Win → X menu using the appropriate keyboard shortcut or the Start context menu.

2. Select the “System” item.

4. Go to the “Equipment” tab.

Method No. 2

1. Call the Control Panel, for example, via Win → X.

2. Go to the “Devices, Printers” applet.

3. Call the context menu of your PC and select “Device installation options”.

Regardless of the option to open the window, a dialog will appear asking you whether you need to automatically download programs from the hardware manufacturer and custom icons if they are available for your PC hardware.

Move the checkbox to the “No” option and click “Save” (administrator rights are required for this).

After making changes to the registry, the Update Center will not download or install new versions of drivers.

Problem with TeamViewer and other applications for remote access

Incredibly, many of the users of this program noted that it is also a factor causing the inability to adjust brightness in the “ten” due to the fact that it automatically replaces the display driver with its own (it is displayed as “Standard PnP Monitor”). This was created in order to increase the speed of data exchange.

To resolve the problem, follow the steps given in the instructions if, after updating the display driver and launching TeamViawer or an analogue, it is replaced back to the standard one.

  1. Call the Task Manager.
  2. Expand “Monitors”.
  3. Call “Update drivers” through the device’s context menu.
  4. We select from the list of drivers installed on the PC.
  5. Click on the “Universal monitor” item and click “Next”.

After installing it, restart the system.

The source of the problem is the monitor drivers

This advice is relevant for people who use professional and semi-professional displays that require special drivers. Naturally, the standard software included in the Windows 10 distribution will not work or will function in a non-standard mode.

The way out of the situation is to replace the driver with one downloaded from a display support resource (if there is no Internet, you can use the disk included with the monitor).

Complete order at the software level

If the keyboard has buttons with icons symbolizing brightness, but this parameter is not changed, the culprit may be a couple of factors: drivers and inept use of the buttons.

In the first case, you need to acquire software for your laptop/netbook model by downloading it from the official page. If there is no version of the software for the “ten”, download the driver edition for Windows 8.1. Installing these drivers will likely make other function buttons work as well.

In fact, all laptop manufacturers call these programs differently:

  • in Hewlett Packard - this is the HP Software Framework (as an analogue, you can install HP Hotkey Support);
  • in Lenovo - Hotkey Features Integration 4 Windows;
  • for Dell - QuickSet program;
  • To avoid such cases, Asus has developed the ATK Hotkey application.

In the second case, the source of the problem may be user inattention or ignorance. The fact is that there are no separate buttons for increasing and decreasing brightness. They are combined with the function keys F1 - F12, performing the role of both buttons.

The role of the Fx function button is performed by default, and when you press the Fn key, the button is responsible for the action shown on the button below, as in the screenshot, on the F1 and F2 keys.

Let's first figure out whether you can adjust the brightness, not through the keys, but through the Windows settings. If you can, then the problem is most likely in the keys themselves or in special software that is missing or was removed after updating Windows 10. If you cannot adjust the brightness through Windows settings, then read below how to fix it.

The reason is in the video card driver.

One of the common reasons lies in the video card drivers. Namely:

We solve the problem with brightness by disabling the PnP monitor.

This solution to the problem is suitable for those who do not have the brightness adjustment icon active in the Windows 10 notification panel.

Other reasons for brightness adjustment failure.

Programs like TeamViewer. Many people use this program to remotely configure their computer. The fact is that this program additionally installs its own driver for the monitor, which does not support adjusting the screen brightness. To correct this misunderstanding:

I also recommend checking your monitor drivers. Maybe you have an unusual monitor, but with additional features that are not found on standard monitors. In this case, you need to download the driver specifically for your monitor from the manufacturer’s website.

To increase the battery life of your laptop, you can reduce the brightness of the display. But what to do if the laptop screen brightness cannot be adjusted? There are two ways to resolve this issue that is preventing you from using your device normally.

Active Keys feature

Usually the problem occurs when trying to adjust the brightness using hot keys - for example, the Fn + F5 combination. In this case, you can configure the image display parameters.

If you are using an HP or Lenovo laptop model, then the cause of the failure may be the Active Keys feature, which is enabled by default in the BIOS.

Thanks to this function, the keys from the F1-F12 row operate without the Fn button. However, if the user does not know this, then he presses the Fn+F5 combination, and the brightness does not change. Therefore, the first tip is to try pressing the brightness key without a combination with the Fn button - just F5 and F6.

If it’s hard for you to get used to this type of “hot” keys, then just go to the BIOS and on the “System Configuration” tab set the “Active Keys” parameter to “Disabled”.

On Windows 10, you can adjust the brightness directly from the notification area. Just click on the battery icon to display, among other things, the display brightness value. In this case, no hot keys will be needed. But if you still cannot do without keyboard control, then there is another way to fix the problem.

Installing drivers

Hot keys also have drivers, without which they cannot work correctly. You can download them on the official website of the laptop manufacturer, where the software for each model is located. The order is:

If your laptop model does not have drivers for the installed version of Windows, then try downloading the software for an earlier version. For example, if there are no drivers for Windows 10, install drivers for Windows 8.1. Another option is to find suitable software from another laptop with similar characteristics. Laptops from the same model range may well be suitable.

After installing the Windows 8.1 update on my Samsung 470R laptop, I lost the ability to change the screen brightness. When you press the brightness up button, the slider moves and the screen remains at the same brightness that the computer was turned on at. To put it mildly, it is not very convenient when the screen brightness does not change, and the energy-saving mode, based on reducing the screen brightness, also becomes inoperative.

What I did before upgrading Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 was updating all drivers and backing up important files i.e. followed the standard recommendations from Microsoft and Samsung.

To find a solution to the problem with the inability to change the screen brightness, I first updated all possible drivers again (Intel HD Graphics 4000 ( Laptop+graphics+drivers&ProductProduct= 2nd+Generation+Intel%C2%AE+Core%E2%84%A2+ Processors+with+Intel%C2%AE+HD+Graphics+3000%2f2000), AMD Radeon HD 8750M ( /ru-ru/download/desktop?os=Windows+7+-+64)), but the problem with the fact that it is impossible to change the screen brightness remains.

Then he suggested that the problem might be with the new drivers. I encountered a similar problem in the interaction between Samsung and Microsoft after the release of NetFramework 4.5, with which the Samsung Kies phone synchronization program refused to see connected devices (see).

To work with drivers manually (returning to the old version is not performed automatically), I went to Computer Management (Device Manager) and saw 2 video adapters - AMD and Intel. AMD was flagged, indicating that it did not have a driver loaded. But the Intel one worked. Alarmed.

I double-clicked on the AMD Radeon HD 8750M, opened the device properties, saw a driver loading error message, and went to the Driver tab to see which driver was being used. Clicked the Update driver button and selected the Browse my computer for driver software option, then clicked the Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer button. computer).

In my case, the AMD Radeon HD8600/8700M driver without a date was used. I decided to try to select the AMD Raden HD 8750M driver Version: And lo and behold! This device began to work. But not the brightness of the screen.

As I wrote above, the Samsung 470R has two devices responsible for graphics output. Therefore, it remained to check what was going on with the Intel device Intel HD Graphics 4000.

Similar to working with an AMD card, I went into the properties of the Intel HD Graphics 4000, double-clicked on the name in the device manager, went to the Driver tab and clicked Update driver, selected the Browse my computer for driver software item on my computer), then clicked the Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer button.

Many users, either due to duty or for personal reasons, have to spend quite a lot of time at the computer. And not the least role in the comfort of work is played by the brightness and contrast of the image on the monitor or laptop screen. Oversaturation or poor lighting can cause your eyes to become tired. Let's see how to make the necessary settings using a few simple tools.

How to change brightness on Windows 7 (or any other system) on a desktop computer

First, let's look at the moment the system starts. The user usually associates the normal mode of image perception with when the welcome screen appears on the monitor. Just by its appearance you can judge how comfortable it is perceived by the eyes. Both brightness and contrast immediately attract attention. Changing one of the parameters on desktop computers can be done quite simply.

It's no secret that in desktop PCs or workstations the system unit and monitor (or several) are used separately. Their design is such that there are one or two buttons directly on the front panel: increasing or decreasing brightness.

In addition, if, so to speak, in a question related to how to change the brightness of the screen or the contrast of what is displayed on the monitor, we dig a little deeper, it is worth noting that any monitor has its own menu, called up by a special button, in which there are advanced settings, including the mode of shifting the image, stretching or narrowing it, etc. As you can see, personalization is quite simple.

How to adjust screen brightness on a laptop

With laptops the situation is even simpler. Since the screen is an integral part of the entire design, there are no special buttons on it, as is provided for free-standing monitors. Nevertheless, the question of how to change brightness on Windows 7 or any other system (there is no fundamental difference) is solved using special keyboard shortcuts.

As a rule, changing the brightness parameter is done using the Fn button in combination with either function keys, which have up and down arrows and an image in the form of a sun. For example, on Fujitsu laptops these are the F7 (increase brightness) and F6 (decrease) keys, on others - F2 and F1, etc.

In some models, such settings can be made using the same Fn key held down, using additionally standard right/left arrow buttons (sometimes up/down).

Adjusting screen settings on any Windows system

Another simple method to solve the issue of how to change the brightness on Windows 7 is to right-click on an empty area of ​​the Desktop and select screen settings (personalization) from the context menu.

After entering the section, all available parameters will be displayed, which can be easily changed at your discretion.

Setting parameters in the power plan

These were, so to speak, the simplest methods. Now let's see how to adjust the screen brightness on Windows 7 using the system's own tools. To do this, you need to use the power section, which is accessed from the standard one. Here you need to select the option to change settings, after which two main plans will be shown (balanced and economy mode).

If for some reason the user is not satisfied with them, they can simply be changed. To do this, use the item for changing additional settings, where the adaptive mode is turned on. You can also change the brightness in the “Screen” section, where the settings are presented in the category of parameters for turning off the display.

Using a video card management program

How to change brightness on Windows 7 in another way? You can use special utilities for managing NVIDIA and AMD graphics adapters, which are initially installed on the system.

After calling the control program either from the system tray, if it is active, or from the same Control Panel, you need to find the display settings section in it, and then go to the Desktop color adjustment item (for NVIDIA, for example). It is here that you can change the brightness, contrast, gamma, image saturation, and much more.

The simplest comfort test

So, the screen parameters are set. Now you need to check how comfortable the perception will be. To do this, open a blank Word document. If you feel uncomfortable when looking at it, the screen settings should be changed. You can simply take a blank sheet of A4 paper and compare it with the white field of the document. If there is no difference when looking at both the sheet and the screen, then everything is in order. Finally, do not forget that when working at a computer or laptop for a long time, no matter how optimal the settings are, it is recommended to take a break of about a quarter of an hour every 45 minutes to relieve fatigue, including from the eyes.

As for the settings, the methods are quite varied, and which one to use is up to you. However, if we are talking only about brightness, the best option would be the buttons and But if you need to make fine tuning, it is better to use software from both the operating system itself and the programs included in the control software of graphic cards, especially since that is what they are designed for and calculated.

Assign a command to the keyboard buttons to change the brightness of the monitor using a special program.

When changing power modes, the brightness of the laptop screen changes. If the monitor's backlight is turned on at almost maximum power when running on mains power, battery operation requires saving, so the brightness is lower.