Is it possible to delete an unread message in a contact? How to recall or replace a sent email

As you know, the vast majority of Internet users actively use various social networks, including VKontakte, for the purpose of exchanging messages. Because of this, it often becomes necessary to delete some letters from the interlocutor, which we will discuss later in as much detail as possible.

It’s worth mentioning right away that the possibilities through which you can get rid of information within the framework of a dialogue are quite recent. In this regard, you, like many other people, may experience difficulties.

Please note that we have previously discussed the topic of deleting letters within the VKontakte website. Despite this, much has changed since that time, new previously unavailable opportunities and tools have appeared.

Moving on to solving the problem, we note that the ability to delete information from an interlocutor’s correspondence is currently only available from the computer version. Taking this into account, by analogy with editing, you can only get rid of those emails that were sent no later than 24 hours ago.

Full version

Judging in essence, the full-fledged version of VKontakte differs very little from other versions of the site in terms of erasing data from the dialogue. However, it is the original site that allows you to most clearly fulfill the tasks posed by the topic of this article.

  1. Switch to page "Messages".
  2. From here, navigate to any conversation or dialogue.
  3. Find a message created during the day.
  4. Click on the contents of the letter to be deleted, highlighting it.
  5. At the top of the page, find a special control panel.
  6. After making sure that the message was marked correctly, click on the button with a tooltip "Delete".
  7. If you selected a letter sent earlier than 24 hours ago, it will be erased normally with the possibility of recovery.

    After selecting a message, a dialog box will appear.

  8. After clicking on "Delete" the letter will disappear in the same way as we indicated earlier.
  9. To get rid of the message completely, including the fact that it disappeared from your interlocutor, when the dialog box appears, check the box next to the item "Delete for everyone".
  10. After using the button "Delete" The letter will still be displayed among other content for some time.

    However, after a few seconds it will disappear without a trace, both on your part and on the part of the recipient.

  11. The rules fully apply to messages containing any media files, be it images or music.
  12. You can simultaneously delete up to 100 blocks of information in accordance with the basic site restrictions social network VKontakte regarding the volume of allocated data.
  13. Multiple deletions also require confirmation via a dialog box.
  14. Messages will gradually disappear from the conversation.

Thanks to this approach, you can get rid of any unintentionally sent emails in a dialogue or conversation.

Information sent to yourself cannot be deleted in this way!

mobile version

And although official mobile application VKontakte for Android and iOS is used by a huge number of users; the developers of the social network have not yet implemented the ability to delete messages from an interlocutor through such add-ons. However, the lightweight version of VK is already equipped with the necessary function that can be used.

  1. Using any convenient browser, open a lite version of the social networking site.
  2. Using the list of sections in the main menu, navigate to the page "Messages".
  3. Open any dialog containing emails to be deleted.
  4. Manually find the erased data or publish new information as a test.
  5. Set the selection to the required letters.
  6. The number of simultaneously selected messages is limited to one hundred.

  7. On the bottom toolbar, click on the trash can icon.
  8. You will be presented with a window asking you to confirm the manipulations being performed.
  9. Be sure to check the box "Delete for everyone" and only after that use the button "Delete".
  10. Now all pre-marked messages will instantly disappear from the correspondence.

Judging more objectively, the described method is even simpler than a similar process in a full-fledged version of the VKontakte site. This is especially noted by the fact that the lightweight version is much less loaded with various scripts and therefore the disappearance of letters occurs instantly.

Changing messages

To conclude the article, the ability to edit once sent letters can be considered a full-fledged deletion method. At the same time, on this method, as well as the classic deletion described above, are subject to the rules according to which it is possible to change only those letters that were sent no earlier than one day ago.

The essence of the method is to change the letter in such a way that no unnecessary information remains within its content. For example, the most ideal option would be to replace data with a void code.

All recommendations throughout the article are the only current approach to deleting letters from an interlocutor. If you have any difficulties with anything or have information for the supplement, we will be glad to listen to you.

Many of us have an account on the popular Russian social network VKontakte. Thanks to its capabilities, we can listen to our favorite music, watch our favorite videos, and chat with friends. Communication on VK is not always balanced and rational; sometimes we can send a message to our interlocutor that we will regret after a couple of seconds. What to do in such a situation? The VK social network gives us convenient tools that allow us to completely delete messages we have recently sent. Below I will discuss the possibility of deleting messages on VKontakte so that it is deleted from the interlocutor, and what we need for this.

Why you may need to clear sent messages

This need may arise in a situation when we do not want the recipient of our message to read the message sent to him. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • We sent the message under the influence of emotions (affect);
  • Wrote a thoughtless message;
  • We sent words that somehow insulted or humiliated a person, which we soon regretted;
  • Some kind of viral malware sends messages on our behalf.

If previously VK functionality only allowed you to delete a sent message from yourself. Since mid-2017, VKontakte users have been able to delete this message for both parties, and also edit the sent message. This made it possible to significantly limit the receipt by the addressee of messages unwanted by the sender.

Let's look at the existing one this moment methods that allow you to completely delete a message in VK from both the sender and the recipient.

Method No. 1. Delete the message in the standard way

The simplest and convenient way deleting messages for both the sender and the recipient is offered by the VKontakte functionality itself. Its capabilities allow you to delete an unwanted message from your interlocutor on VK, provided that you sent it within the last 24 hours. If you sent it more than 24 hours later (a day), then you will no longer be able to delete it for everyone.

  1. To delete, go to the personal correspondence window with your interlocutor.
  2. Click on the unwanted message, a check mark will appear to the left of it.
  3. Then click on the trash can button above.

In the deletion request that appears, check the “Delete for everyone” checkbox, and then click on the “Delete” button.

Select "Delete for everyone"

The unwanted message will disappear from the correspondence window, and if the recipient did not have time to read it, he will no longer read it.

Method number 2. Edit unwanted message

The second method allows us to correct the message sent to the interlocutor in VK by editing it. If using the first method we completely get rid of the problematic message, in the case of the second method we simply edit it as we need. In this case, the “24 hours” rule, which I already mentioned above, also applies - if a day has passed since the problematic message was sent, then you will not be able to edit it.

  1. Go to the window of personal correspondence with the interlocutor in VK (the “Messages” tab on the main page).
  2. Select the spam message you sent and then click on the pencil display to the right of it (it will appear when you hover over the message).
  3. All you have to do is edit your message as necessary, and then save the modified version by pressing “Enter”.

Select "Edit"

Method number 3. Remove unwanted images, videos and music

If you sent unwanted photos, videos or music to the recipient, you can delete them even after 24 hours, provided that the photo, video or music was taken from your page. In such a situation, you will need to go to the appropriate tab on your page (Photos, Videos, Music) and delete the source, a copy of which you sent to another user through the message window.

  1. For example, if you sent another user any of your unwanted photos, then go to the “Photos” tab of your page.
  2. Find the image you sent earlier in the list, select it, and in its settings, click on “Delete”.
  3. Reload your page.

Disadvantage this method is complete removal such photo, video or music from your page. However, they can then be downloaded back, identifier of this file there will be another one, and the recipient of the problematic message will no longer have access to it.

Method number 4. Be a spammer

Another way to completely delete a message on VK so that it is also deleted from the interlocutor is to send the interlocutor numerous links of dubious content (spam). Automated system VK spam detection can identify your dialogue as spam and delete it completely. There is no complete guarantee that this will happen, and there may be undesirable consequences for you as a spam sender (your page may be blocked). Therefore, this method should be used only in extreme cases, fully aware of the dubious result.

You can also take an alternative route by marking all messages in your dialogue, and then clicking on the button with a crossed out circle (“This is spam”). Again, no one guarantees you a result in this case, especially in a situation where the person has been your VK friend for several years.

Method No. 5. How to delete messages in VK on mobile devices

Unfortunately, this function not currently available. All you have to do is switch to the standard (PC) mode of displaying the site, and from there delete the unwanted message.


Most in a simple way To delete a message in VK so that it is deleted from the interlocutor, is to use the tool built into the functionality of VK for deleting unwanted messages. However, remember that the possibilities this tool are limited to 24 hours from the time the message was sent, so you should hurry up and delete the sent message on VK.

Today we will discuss in detail one of the capabilities of the VKontakte social network. It turns out there is a way to delete a message that has already been sent. How can this be done? Why is this necessary? We will try to find answers to these and many questions in this review.

Why might you need to delete messages?

Before starting to discuss the topic mentioned above, you need to figure out in what direction to conduct further discussion. There are two very interesting points related to the topic under consideration. The first is simply deleting old messages from correspondence. As a rule, users are not particularly concerned about this option. In addition, it does not take much effort and time. The second point is much more interesting. Users are often interested in the question of how to cancel sending a message to a particular interlocutor. So, before you start deleting VKontakte correspondence, you need to decide on the goals you want to achieve. Let's take a closer look at both options.


Let's start our consideration with the first option. How long have you been registered on the social network VKontakte? Is it possible to delete the first message from your correspondence with a particular interlocutor? This problem can be solved very simply. The first thing you need to do is log into the site and log in. Now you need to go to the “Dialogues” item and select the correspondence that you want to clear. Now you need to find the message you want to get rid of. How can I delete a message?

Simply click on the message you have chosen. Now pay attention to the panel located above dialog box. You should select “Delete”. Click on it. Ready! The message will disappear from your correspondence history, but the interlocutor will still display it until he wants to get rid of old messages on VKontakte.
Is it possible to delete several sent messages at once? Let's check it now.

Total cleaning

Let's start cleaning up the dialogues that have accumulated during your use of the VKontakte social network. Many users forget to organize their conversations. This may affect page loading time and may also cause performance issues. If you want to delete several messages from a conversation at once, you can do this without any problems.

First of all, go to the “Dialogues” item. Next, think about what conversation you want to remove from the correspondence. There may be several options here. Let's take a closer look at the first of them.

The first method by which you can get rid of old correspondence is to delete each dialogue. Just click on it. To delete sent messages, you need to select the “actions” item on the panel located above the dialog and click on the “Clear history” button. Now all the messages you selected will disappear from your account.

There is another interesting method for deleting correspondence on Vkontakte. To delete a message, you need to go to the “Dialogs” tab and hover over the upper right corner of the conversation. There you will see a cross. When you click it, a warning message will appear indicating that the conversation with the user has been deleted. Once you confirm the action, the conversation will disappear completely. That's all.

How to unsend a message

IN Lately On the social network Vkontakte, another trick has become popular - canceling a sent message. Many users are interested in the question: is there a way to cancel sending a message on Vkontakte? Today on the Internet you can often find offers to use the service to cancel a message.

To perform such actions, you must pay a certain fee, indicate your login and password on the social network and wait for the result. Such applications are an ordinary scam for money. This is how the accounts of honest users are blocked. Please note: you cannot cancel sending messages on the VKontakte social network. Be careful!

Is it possible to delete a VKontakte message before it has been read? frequently asked question, for people communicating on social networks. Not everyone knows how to do this. This article will show a step-by-step algorithm for deleting messages.

Hello, friends! Communication is necessary for every person. Therefore, social networks are the best option for communication and many users need them. In them, people write messages, listen to audio, relax while watching a TV series, or earn money via the Internet. But, there are situations when sent messages accidentally reach friends and acquaintances and have to be deleted. How to delete them in time so that it is not read?

It's not all that complicated. There is an easy way to do this. Log in to your VKontakte account and open personal correspondence. Typically, all sent correspondence is saved in the messages section, they are located on the left side of the control panel. So, open it. Your sent messages will appear before your eyes. When you have opened your correspondence, click in the upper right corner on the icon that represents three dots. Several prompts will open where you need to click on clearing message histories (Figure 1).

After which, all data that you sent previously will be deleted forever. Subsequently, this action cannot be repeated, so think carefully about whether you need to delete it. And after that, let's move on to the question - is it possible to delete a VKontakte message before it has been read.

How to delete a VKontakte message so that it is deleted from the interlocutor

So, how to delete random correspondence? First, open the correspondence section and highlight the text that you sent to another person. You need to click once on the text to select it. As you can see, the message is highlighted in blue. Then at the top of the panel, click on the trash can icon and delete the correspondence forever.

That's right, the sent message is deleted. After deletion, it will not appear in the personal messages of the person with whom you corresponded. Is it possible to delete a VKontakte message before it has been read - yes, this is indeed possible, and the above method works.


From the material received, you learned whether it is possible to delete a VKontakte message before it has been read. As you can see in practice, correspondence between people is not completely deleted. You won't be able to delete a message if it's already been shared. The deleted data remains in the VKontakte database and is saved, but no one sees it. But that’s basically it. Thank you for attention!

Best regards, Ivan Kunpan.

P. S.

Read articles that will help you learn more about the social network Vkontakte (

This question has been asked very often lately. Apparently many users mistakenly send a message that should not have reached the recipient.

Let's figure it out how to delete a sent message on VKontakte.

If you delete a message from yourself

Let's look at it with an example. Go to the user’s page and click the button under his avatar "Send a message"(cm. ).

Type the required text and click the “Send” button.

Now let's go to this dialog and delete the message (see). Select it and click the "Delete" button.

Even though we deleted the unread message, it still hasn't gone away (see ). The user we contacted still has it in their dialogs. You can check. Buy 2 VKontakte pages (see), and send a message from one to the other. Then delete and check. The result will be the same.

We conclude that it is impossible to delete a sent VKontakte message using ordinary means.

What can be done

You will probably say that you can simply hack the page, go to it, and delete the desired dialogue. Of course you can try. But we have already discussed this point, and came to the conclusion that hacking a VKontakte page is extremely difficult.