Is it possible to unblock a contact page? Restoring your profile

Sometimes VKontakte users encounter a problem such as a blocked account. There is no need to get too upset and panic, just follow our tips on how to unblock Contact. There are several options for action, and they depend on why the site is not giving you access to its page.

How to unblock "Contact": the reason is a virus

The first way to find out why your website is not working is to try to access the page from another device: a phone, a friend’s computer, a tablet, and so on. If you can freely access your page from these devices, it means your computer has caught a virus and needs to be resuscitated urgently. To do this, find the folder “C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetc” and find the “hosts” folder. Find the line "127.00.1 localhost" and delete everything after it. Don't forget to save all changes, and then close all folders and windows and restart your computer. Check it for viruses with your antivirus program.

How to unblock "Contact": why did I catch the virus?

As we already mentioned, the previous blocking of the VKontakte login occurred due to the fact that you caught a virus. Where they are caught and how to protect yourself from it, we will now write. There is no need to go to porn sites, download dubious programs that promise you free votes and other freebies. Remember about free cheese in mousetraps. When you download a program from a dubious manufacturer or with spyware qualities onto your device, there is a 99% guarantee that a virus will settle on your computer and one day it will make itself known. The same goes for adult entertainment sites. They often contain viruses that completely block not only the page, but the entire computer, requiring you to send an SMS to a certain number, after which you will be charged a decent amount of money. But the problem is that a miracle does not happen, and the extortion window continues to hang, even after several SMS. In this case, you can only unlock the page or the entire computer with the help of a specialist.

How to unblock "Contact": the reason is incomprehensible activity on your page

Every website user can receive such a message at least once in their life. The VKontakte system may not like something: you were too active today, sent out a lot of invitations, you were constantly visited by captcha, you wrote a lot of messages containing the same text. This means you are a spammer, VKontakte determines. The next day, you may no longer be able to log into your page, and the system will write to you that there was suspicious activity on your page. Thus, VKontakte blocks those who want to run their business on its site for free and, of course, fights real spammers. In this case, you are given the opportunity to open the page by entering your phone number. You will receive an SMS with a code that will return access to your page, but only if you have previously linked this number to your account. Otherwise, you will have to write to the support service and sort things out with them. Sometimes this does not end successfully, so link a phone number to your page and the question of how to unblock “Contact” will be solved with one click of your fingers, as people say. Next we will talk about the most unpleasant reason to block your page.

How to unblock "Contact": hacking the page

There is another reason why you cannot access the site, and it is the most unpleasant one, because you are a victim of attackers. Your page may simply be hacked. This happens after you follow a dubious link that was sent to you, or you saw it yourself and decided to go look. Our advice is that it’s better not to do this. You won’t even notice how a certain virus will begin to collect information about your data and be able to guess the password to log into all your accounts. Medicines for this:

  1. Come up with a lot complex password to log in to VKontakte.
  2. Don’t follow the links, even if he just sent them to you. Ask him again: “Did you just send this to me?”
  3. Do not store your passwords on your computer, as an evil virus can snoop on them.
  4. To register an account, use a separate email, so that if it is hacked, attackers cannot get into your accounts.

Today we looked at ways to unblock a page in Contact and/or avoid getting into this unpleasant situation. Be careful and remember that on the Internet, as in real life, there are also villains. will help simplify your life, but the main decision is still yours.

We are so accustomed to communicating with friends on the site in contact, to viewing user updates in the news, listening to our favorite tracks on our page, and in general to everything that happens there! We feel a real dependence on a social network when we suddenly see that our VKontakte page has been blocked - what to do?

VKontakte page blocked at work - what to do

It is not surprising that employers or the management of an educational institution may prohibit access to contact. To improve employee productivity, they block access to social networks from the workplace. But even here the human mind found a workaround.

In order to unblock a VKontakte page from your workplace, we will use anonymous proxy sites. They are also called anonymizer. To do this, enter “anonymizer” in a search engine and go to any of the proposed ones. After this, you should enter the website address ( and log in, that is, enter your email and password, as usual. The fact is that instead of the real address of the VKontakte site, a completely different one will be visible. All contact options are preserved, you use social network as before. System administrators may sooner or later find this site and block access to it. Don't worry, the network is constantly updated anonymous proxy servers, and you can use different anonymizers almost endlessly!

Your VKontakte account is blocked, they ask you to send an SMS...

Most likely, your computer is attacked by a virus. There is no need to send any SMS. And the money will be lost, and the account will not be unlocked. We strictly follow the instructions:

  1. Drive C, windows folder, system32, drivers, etc.
  2. There we see hosts file, which we open using notepad.
  3. In the notepad we find lines with the text “,”. We delete them.
  4. Save the changes to the file.
  5. Sometimes you need to do this in safe mode computer because the hosts file does not open. To do this, restart the computer and while doing this press the F8 button on the keyboard. When prompted to select a mode, click on “safe”. And already in this mode you do all this, starting from point 1.

How to unblock a hacked VKontakte page

Of course, it’s a shame if your contact page is hacked and they spam you from there or even change information about you or put up a terrible photo. Naturally, they immediately changed the password so that you could not log in and settle everything.

Unblocking a hacked page is not difficult. Many people think that it takes a lot of time and are lazy. Nothing like this! Contacting technical support is quite simple; you don’t have to write anything. Let's find a form to fill out. On the VKontakte website at the bottom of any page, go to technical support and read the news. There, in the fourth paragraph, users will be asked to use the assistant. You must click on "page is unavailable, cannot be entered", then on " Mailbox is not available, you can’t log in to it." And finally you find a form to fill out. Fill it out as you are asked and send 2 photos. To unlock a hacked VKontakte page, you must send a photo of an identity document with a stamp, and another one with you against the background of a message from a contact.

Recently, contact pages began to be linked to numbers mobile phones. Therefore, now it is not a problem to restore access using your phone number.

Also, many write that there is a way to unblock a page in a contact by sending a message with a request to the site administrators by email [email protected]. But they say that you will have to wait too long, so it is better to use the methods suggested above. You can return and unblock your favorite VKontakte page, so no need to worry.

In this article we will tell you what first steps to take to unblock your VK page, and we will also tell you:

  • Why does VK block the page?
  • About the rules in VK that will help avoid blocking
  • How long can a profile be frozen?
  • What to do if your account is permanently blocked

So, only VK admins can freeze your profile. Most often, when frozen, they indicate the reason. This may be excessive activity on your profile. For example, when, in pursuit of popularity, you started adding everyone as friends and exceeded the limits. Let us remind you that VK does not allow adding more than 30 people per day and will warn you about this as soon as you cross the permissible threshold. If you ignore the warning and continue to cheat using dishonest methods, in 99% of cases you will be frozen.

Therefore, to promote your page, use only proven methods or entrust the work to professionals, for example, you can order friends from us using this link: and get subscribers here: If you haven't added anyone as a friend, but the page is still frozen, this may be due to strong activity in messages. There are also limitations here. You cannot send more than 20 messages to different people in 1 day. It is not forbidden to carry on an endless dialogue with someone, but you can write to different interlocutors no more than 20 times.

If you run VK exclusively for business, and enable the message receiving function in it, so you can communicate with an unlimited number of participants. Sometimes, admins block pages out of suspicion of hacking. For example, you are usually not very talkative on VK, but one day you start spamming everyone. Experts see that the activity has become too suspicious and block the page to figure out the reason for such actions. If you not only suspect, but are convinced that you have been hacked, read our article here: .

What to do if your VKontakte page is frozen

Firstly, don’t panic and look at how long you were blocked for. VK administrators do not make concessions and you cannot do anything other than wait. As a rule, pages are blocked from 12 to 72 hours. If VK is your job, try informing clients via email that you will temporarily not be able to receive messages through this channel.

It is also advisable to use different pages. One for your personal, the other for work and business. This way you will always have a backup option in case of freezing. If you don’t understand why your account is blocked: you didn’t send spam to anyone, you weren’t added as a friend, you should find out the reason through your friend’s account.

It’s quite possible that one of your detractors has flagged your posts? like spam or reported the page several times? and therefore the account was blacklisted by the administration.

VKontakte page blocked forever, what to do

VK rarely blocks pages forever, since any social network is interested in new users. If you are subject to these measures, it means you have severely violated the rules of the site. Maybe you:

  • Ignore VK warnings more than 3 times
  • Spam and send advertisements to uninterested people
  • They sent a virus. Doesn't have to be intentional
  • Posted unacceptable content: extremism, photos with pornography, violence and cruelty, agitation for violence
  • Made unflattering comments about another religion or race

You can also be permanently blacklisted if you slander someone or create a lot of fake accounts. In this case, you can't do anything other than create new page under a new name.

How to restore a page in contact? The topic is quite extensive, so we will try to answer it step by step.

If you previously independently deleted access to your page, then the system gives you up to 7 months to think about getting your own account back.

Otherwise, it will be permanently deleted and you will have to create a new one.

It is also worth noting that restoration is a free process.

Therefore, do not be fooled by any kind of SMS on short number, paid transactions and other phishing manipulations in order to get as much non-cash money out of you as possible.

Access process

In order to begin the process of returning access, go to the site by entering your username and password. The first one can be either an email account or phone number.

Both options are interchangeable, so they work equally well.

You will see the famous “dead dog”, above which the end date for the possible restoration of your account will be written.

The “restore page” field is highlighted as a link, click on it.

A page will open where you will need to once again confirm your good intentions.

Restoring a blocked page

What if your page was actually blocked by the administration or you completely and irrevocably forgot your authorization password?

To begin with, don’t panic and don’t make unnecessary movements – it’s not all that scary.

There may be several reasons:

  • blocking;
  • spam on “your” behalf;
  • breaking into;
  • Forgot your password.

Take advantage of the free restoration of control located at the link

Based on the information in the screenshot, you must enter either a login, a phone number, or an address email box, for which you registered.

Then we move on to the next step.

The system now asks you to enter your last name. Remember that the moderator may reject various “Crazy”, “Star”, “Beauty” and other non-surnames, so be prepared for this.

The system will offer you a page found that most likely meets your requirements.

You are only required to confirm or refute this information.

The final stage of the procedure is an SMS message to the number associated with the page.

Remember that the procedure will not require any monetary “charitable” contributions from you from the VK service.

If you do not have the required SIM card, or the code does not want to be received, click on the appropriate link below.

Note! The recovery process often takes up to several hours, or even days. This is either due to the workload of operators who process links manually, or unreliable data from your page, which may arouse suspicion among the administration. In any case, you need to be patient and wait your turn.

If for some reason you cannot access the old page, you will most likely have to create a new one, no matter how much you might like it.

But if you need an old nosebleed, try complaining directly to support at

Situation “What to do if your VKontakte page is blocked or hacked?” not new. Internet scammers using malware, they may well obtain user passwords by logging into other people’s accounts, which is what happens.

What to do if hackedIn contact withpage?

There are all the signs of a hack: information was not deleted by you, mailings were made, there is no way to log into your profile, the “Recover password” link does not help either (how to access the VKontakte page without a password, read this section ). You can verify your suspicions by going to “My Settings”, then to “Security”, clicking on the “Show activity history” item. After analyzing the browsers and IP addresses from which you were accessed, it is easy to identify the “hacker”.
Algorithm of actions in case what to do if hackedIn contact withpage, is simple, so anyone can figure it out. Services for promoting VKontakte groups and pages are available as follows: address .

  1. Check your computer for viruses by turning off its network. If viruses are detected, they need to be treated.
  2. Change existing passwords, naturally, on the VKontakte page and the password associated with the email.
  3. Check the available data on the page. If you lose them, you can restore everything by contacting the service technical support. Just remember that you can’t hesitate.
  4. If you can’t get to your page, ask a friend for help so that you can contact support with your problem from his profile. However, this takes some time; on average, it may take a day to consider your application
  5. By going to your page, check for mailings made on your behalf. Such materials are usually dangerous for friends because they contain viruses. Therefore, it is worth notifying them about the unsafe nature of the mailing made by scammers.

The problem What to do if your page is hackedIn contact with", cannot be ignored or put off until later. After all, we are talking about the safety of not only your computer, but also your friends. In addition, the confidentiality of data is violated, hackers have the opportunity to send any prohibited information on your behalf, etc. You can get subscribers to the VKontakte group on this page .

What to do if a page on VKontakte is blocked?

The reasons for blocking pages are different. This may be caused by an excessive number of likes. The account may be frozen due to the fact that large numbers of people joined groups from it. This raises suspicions among the site administration. If your VKontakte page is blocked at work, this may be useful to you information . Currently, your profile is frozen even if you log in to a prohibited site. Thus, the account is blocked for the following violations:

  • presence of information that is prohibited;
  • use of unknown programs;
  • distribution of spam;
  • using the site for cheating;
  • excessive activity;
  • joining dubious groups;
  • profanity.

Of course, the blocked user will be faced with a problem, what to do if a page is blocked inIn contact with. Can't be unlocked. Unless you contact technical support, proving your innocence. There is only one way - to wait until the blocking is lifted. If you don’t want to experience for yourself what a frozen account means, then don’t try to break the rules on VKontakte. You can add friends to your personal VKontakte page by clicking on this