The microphone is not available at this time, what should I do? The microphone does not work, what should I do? Simple solutions to recorder problems

In 99.9% of cases, the laptop is equipped with a built-in microphone, which allows you to record voice, communicate in programs with voice calls, record video from a webcam, etc. without additional equipment. Today we will take a closer look at the problem when the built-in microphone in a laptop refuses to work.

The problem of the microphone not working is quite widespread for both laptops and desktop computers, which usually require the installation of a separate microphone. The occurrence of such a problem can be influenced by various factors, which will be discussed in more detail in the article.

Reason 1: lack of necessary drivers

This is one of the most common causes of the problem, but in this case, as a rule, the sound from the built-in speakers of your laptop will not work either.

Since the equipment (in our case, the microphone) is built into the laptop, in order to establish its operation between the laptop and the operating system, it must have special software, better known as drivers. Our first step is to check whether there are drivers for the microphone at all.

To do this, open the menu "Control Panel", and then go to the section "System"(to make it easier to find the desired section, you can use the search bar or set the display mode of menu items to “Small icons”).

In the left area of ​​the window, select the section "Device Manager".

A new window will appear on the screen in which you can monitor the status of drivers for a particular device. In our case, we will need to expand the item "Sound, gaming and video devices". If under this item you see a parameter, for example, “ Unknown device", or next to the name of the microphone there is an icon with a yellow exclamation point, we can summarize that the problem lies precisely in the microphone drivers.

You can fix the problem as follows: go to the official website of your laptop manufacturer and search the site, indicating the exact model of your laptop.

In the search results, you will need to go to your laptop page, and then open the section with additional software and drivers, indicating your version operating system(bit depth matters too). In the drivers section, you most likely won't find a driver specifically for your microphone, so you'll need to download audio drivers, which will usually include a driver for your laptop's built-in microphone.

After downloading the necessary software, you will need to install it on your computer (this is done in exactly the same way as installing any other program). Finally, all you have to do is restart your computer.

Reason 2: Microphone malfunction

Windows OS may not always work correctly, and therefore individual devices may periodically malfunction. It can be assumed that this is where the problem with the microphone’s operation arose.

First of all, restart your computer. Then right-click on the speaker icon in the tray and in the highlighted context menu select item "Recording Devices".

A window with the active tab will appear on the screen. "Record". It should show your microphone. If not, right-click on any free area in this window and check the boxes next to the items in the pop-up window "Show disabled devices" and "Show disconnected devices".

Right-click on the microphone. If you see the item in the context menu "Turn on", activate the microphone. If you see the item "Disable", click on it, and then turn on the microphone (this is necessary to restart the device).

Now say something or make noise into the microphone. Next to its icon there is a ticker that records the noise level of the microphone. Normally, of course, it should move. If you see that this strip responds to sounds, then the microphone is working normally.

Reason 3: Incorrectly configured microphone

It can be assumed that Windows has incorrectly adjusted the microphone sensitivity level, which is why it seems to you that it is not working at all. To check this probability of cause, right-click on the speaker icon in the tray and select the item in the context menu that appears "Recording Devices".

Select your microphone with one click of the left mouse button, and below click on the item "Properties".

Go to the tab "Levels". If both sliders are low, you will need to move them further to the right. Save the changes and check the functionality of the microphone.

Reason 4: the microphone is occupied by another program

In the event that, for example, in an attempt to talk in Skype program If you encounter a problem with the microphone not working, then you can think that the microphone could be occupied by another program.

Launch Task Manager with a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc, and then carefully review the active programs on your computer. If you see a program running that appears to be using a microphone, be sure to terminate it. This is the best way to deal with all programs that work in this moment you don't need it.

Please note that some web services that you work with in the browser can also “hijack” the microphone, for example, if you turned on an online communication service or a web application to record video from a webcam. If possible, close unused browser tabs or close the web browser altogether.

Reason 5: microphone is not selected in the program

If you have other microphones connected to your computer, be sure to turn them off. Now, using Windows search, find standard program “Voice Recording” (“Sound Recording”). Click the microphone icon to start recording.

If, after listening to the finished recording, you understand that the microphone works fine, but in your program, for example, in Skype, the microphone refuses to work, you can think that the microphone is simply not selected in the program.

For example, in order to select the desired microphone in Skype, you will need to click on the button "Tools", and then go to the section "Settings".

In the left area of ​​the window, go to the section "Sound Settings" and make sure that in the column "Microphone" The correct device has been selected. In addition, by deactivating automatic setup microphone volume, you can set the sensitivity level yourself, for example, by setting the slider to the highest position.

Reason 6: Microphone not working

The final reason for the problem we are considering. In this case, the built-in microphone may not work at all in your laptop. The problem can be quite simple, for example, the required cable was accidentally disconnected, but it can also be much more serious - the microphone is completely out of order.

In this case, we see two solutions: contacting a service center where they can diagnose the laptop, identify the cause of the problem and fix it in a timely manner, or connecting an external microphone through a special output (as a rule, in laptops, the headphone and microphone outputs are taken over by one and same connector).

We hope that any of the methods given in the article helped you solve the problem. In addition, if you have your own troubleshooting method, share it in the comments.

Many users, after switching to Windows 10, complain about problems with the operation of the computer’s audio subsystem and, in particular, the microphone. In today's article, we'll look at the most common problems related to using an audio recorder in Windows 10, most of which are related to the drivers for the sound adapter.

Simple solutions to recorder problems

So, if your microphone is not working, first try removing it from the audio jack and plugging it in again. If your device connects to your PC via USB, use Safe Removal if available.

Make sure the device is connected to the correct port. It is painted pink and marked with a corresponding pictogram, sometimes with an inscription.

Microsoft adds drivers for the most common devices to the Windows 10 installation distribution. Even if your microphone was released only recently, its driver is probably compatible with Windows 10 and updated to latest version. To verify this, do the following.

  • Go to “Device Manager”, for example, through the “My Computer” context menu.
  • Expand the list of computer audio devices, which include a microphone.

  • Check if there is a microphone next to the icon or sound card red, yellow or blue icons.

In the first cases, you will most likely have to reinstall or restore the standard driver for the sound card or the microphone itself, and in the second, call the context menu and select “Engage”.

Your microphone in Windows 10 was turned off by software and now it works.

If the recording device has a volume control, make sure that the volume is not set to the minimum position or the microphone is turned off completely using the switch.

If the above steps did not help resolve the conflict, if possible, check the device on another device, preferably running under Windows control 10.

Driver problem

In most cases, the microphone in the “ten” refuses to work due to the drivers: they may not be fully compatible with the new OS or may be crude. To fix the problem, you should install the latest version software: Download the driver from the manufacturer’s website and install it or update the software using the device manager.

  • We launch the dispatcher using the context menu of the “My Computer” directory.

  • Double-click on the item “Sound, gaming, video devices”.

  • Call the context menu of the sound device and select “Update...” from the drop-down list.

  • We wait until the application detects and installs the new driver, and then reboot Windows 10.
  • Let's check if the microphone is working. If not, move on to the next section.

Automatic troubleshooting tool

The next step in resolving the issue is to use a tool to automatically detect audio problems.

  • Call the “Control Panel”, from where we launch “Troubleshooting”.

  • Click on the “Troubleshoot audio playback” option.

  • In the “Sound Recording” window that opens, click “Next”.

  • Select the device in which you want to fix the problem.

After finishing Windows scan 10 information about the problem found should appear with a proposal to perform an action to solve it.

  • Click “Apply fix” if it suits you, or click “Skip step” to further scan the system looking for errors related to recording audio on the computer.

Checking the sound configuration in the system

  • Call the context menu of the sound icon and select “Recording devices”.
  • In the “Recording” tab, right-click on the free part of the window and check the boxes next to both items.

It is possible that the use of a sound recording device has been disabled at the software level and a microphone that was not previously visible will appear in the list.

If a green icon is displayed next to the device, then it is active and ready to work in Windows 10. Otherwise, you should check the microphone volume level.

  • Double click on its icon.
  • Go to the “Levels” tab.

We check that the “Gain...” and “Microphone” values ​​are not equal to zero or a value close to it.

Be sure to click on the speaker icon located next to the value in the “Microphone” line if there is a red crossed out circle at the bottom of the icon.

Avoiding the problems of using a recording device with several programs at the same time

Problems with the microphone in Windows 10 can occur when it is used simultaneously by several programs. For example, when a user plays a network game and communicates with friends via Skype or RaidCall.

  • We open the well-known “Sound” window by calling the context menu of the audio icon and selecting “Recording devices”.

  • Call up the “Properties” of the microphone.
  • Let's go to last tab"Additionally".
  • Uncheck the box next to “Allow programs to use the microphone in exclusive mode.”
  • Click “Apply” to confirm the operation and close all windows using the “OK” button.

We hope that reading to the end of the guide helped solve your problem related to the microphone in Windows 10.

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Without a doubt, the ability to issue voice commands to control our smartphone or tablet or search for the necessary information is a very convenient thing that can help us in a variety of situations.

All the more unpleasant is the fact when one day we discover that voice commands and Okay Google search do not work on our device. Today we would like to introduce you to several ways to fix this.

So let's get started:

How to fix voice search and commands not working OK Google

1. Try the easiest method first: restart your smartphone or tablet. In this case, it is advisable to turn it off completely and then turn it on. In many cases, this helps fix some of these types of problems.

2. Uninstall updates Google apps and install the latest version again. To do this, go to the “Applications” section of the main system settings, find the Google application here and uninstall its updates.

Reboot your device, go to Play Store, find the Google app in the My Apps section and update it to the latest version.

To do this, go to the Google application settings -> “Settings” -> “Voice search”

Here, first of all, you need to make sure that you have downloaded a voice package that corresponds to the language installed on your system by default (the “Languages” item). To do this, go to the “Offline speech recognition” section and if the voice pack for your language is not here, download it.

4. If all of the above did not help you, go to the settings section of the Google application with the name “OK Google Recognition” and make sure that the mode for recognizing voice commands on any screen is enabled here:

5. If this does not help, re-record your voice sample by entering the corresponding menu item Google settings(screenshot above right).

6. Disable S Voice on your smartphone or Samsung tablet. If you want to use Okay Google voice commands on your Samsung smartphone or tablet, disable the proprietary S Voice control system on it, which may conflict with Google voice search.

7. Check the microphone of your smartphone or tablet. This advice is more suitable for tablet owners who may not be aware of problems with the microphone or the microphone of their device not working at all: smartphone owners will be informed about this by their subscribers during the first phone call.

Council comments:

Please help me... the microphone has stopped working (the microphone itself is working. They can’t hear me when I talk, and the microphone from this (computer) device can’t be heard) --- I changed Windows (it was Windows 8, it became Windows 8.1) IT DID NOT HELP!, installed realtek drivers r2.73 did not help, changed it motherboard it didn’t help, I bought new headphones (there were others, both without the supplied drivers) IT DIDN’T HELP!, I checked absolutely everything in the settings (everything that is described in this article and even a little more) IT DIDN’T HELP! in principle, nothing more can happen.. but who knows what the hell... that’s why I’m asking for help.. thanks in advance

Nikita, the synthesizer in Russian doesn’t seem to work at all... To do this, it’s better to download separate speech synthesizer programs. The Windows version is inconvenient nonsense))

I have a problem with the language, I go to convert text to speech and there is a choice of voice and there is only English, what should I do?

Please tell me what to do. I reinstalled different Windows several times. all the same. I have a working microphone, but when I want to use Skype or RK, no one can hear me with this speaker, moreover, the computer does not recognize the microphone. It seems to be enabled in 7ke, the checkbox is checked but the voice does not work, but there is sound. what to do?

I have the same problem. When reinstalling windows The driver for the microphone was not installed. How to install it, and what driver is needed. In the settings, the microphone is turned on, but the display on the front panel indicates that it is turned off.

Ekaterina, in “recording devices”, right-click and select “show disabled/disconnected devices”. If they appear, turn them on. Or you can restore the system to the date when everything worked. And if this does not help, then you need to reinstall the drivers for the webcam and in general sound devices.

Hello, everything in my (recording devices) has disappeared except for the speakers, it says that no sound devices are installed, and the microphone on the webcam stopped working after that, please tell me what should I do???

Artyom, please advise what can be done. On my laptop c Windows Vista Already built-in microphone with camera for Skype. IN Lately The microphone began to act up: they could barely hear me, otherwise the sound disappeared altogether at times... Moreover, the camera works well as before. I bought a separate Genius MIC-01A microphone, connected the plug, and it’s not even visible in the Skype settings! When connecting, no window popped up, it seems that even the computer does not recognize it.. What can be done?

Vlad, this usually happens due to the lack of necessary drivers. Update them through Device Manager.

I have a front and rear and stereo mixer that says it is not available at the moment, what should I do??

xaris, these are system folders that appear in the Start menu. Click Start and look for the Standard sub-item there. Look at the screenshot

I have XP, but how to enter, as you write, start - “standard-entertainment (??) - volume I can’t. What is firstly standard and secondly entertainment. I can’t find it. HELP!!!

I can’t connect the microphone to the back panel. Windows 7 is a professional OS. In the settings it says connection via the front panel. But I don’t have it at all. The headphones are connected through the back panel and everything works fine. Please tell me what can be done?

I put everything as it should, save it, go back there and see what is back on Playback Realtek HD audio output (as it was), put it back as it should: Record Realtek HD audio Input (after that there are settings and I can’t do anything configure except (Level) I set everything, go back to Realtek HD audio outpu. What kind of garbage? Help me please.

I can’t connect the microphone to the back panel. OS Windows 7 max. In the settings it says connection through the front panel. But I don’t have it at all. The headphones are connected through the back panel and everything works fine. Please tell me what can be done?

After the next Windows updates 10 (1703), and this is the Creators Update, the sound and microphone have disappeared on the PC.

The first thing you need to do is go into the control panel, but you are surprised to discover that this item in the context menu of the Start button has disappeared.

Okay, let's find the panel with a simple search.

We find “Sound”, but the following message appears:

We press “Yes” - and again it is, and again “Yes”.

Okay, it's open. We are trying to change something...

Yeah, let's go to the device manager:

We find there “Sound, game and video devices”, right-click. I will omit the fact that “Update drivers” will not lead to anything, you will receive a message that “The most suitable drivers for of this device already installed."

We are risky guys, so we will demolish everything that is there.

Don’t forget to check the box “Remove driver programs for this device”

Let's repeat the procedure for the second device. I’ll just add that there are two devices, because one is built-in, and the second comes with a separate board. If you have one, then there is no separate fee.

There was no option to check the box to remove the driver.

We look at the sound icon near the clock, a red cross will appear there.

The Problem Detection panel opens.

If the Internet is fast, wait another minute, then close everything open windows and restart your PC. If it's slow, wait longer. Ideally, you can go make some tea or coffee.

Therefore, wait a little longer and turn off the computer by holding the power button for 5-8 seconds until the lights go out.

Then turn it on, and if you have fast internet, then the computer will turn on with working sound, because during this time the drivers have been downloaded again.

If not, then return to Device Manager, find the deleted devices (they will be there with red crosses like unidentified) and click “update drivers”.