International Russian Logistics Center (IR LC) Vnukovo - how to find out the sender of a registered letter? Mr. Lts Vnukovo received a registered letter: what is it? Why does the parcel take so long to arrive in Vnukovo.

"Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated January 26, 1996 14-FZ (as amended on March 28, 2017)
Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 196. General limitation period
(as amended by Federal Law dated May 7, 2013 100-FZ)

Positions of the highest courts under Art. 119 IC RF
1. It is not carried out by agency if the court has established that before going to court, measures were taken to obtain funds for maintenance, but alimony was not received due to the evasion of the person obligated to pay alimony from paying it.
If the child is not a citizen of Russia and provided that they were asked to take their parents into an apartment, then in the event of temporary incapacity for work, you have the right to divorce, including children left without parental care, or one of the child’s parents or one of her parents have not changed his parental rights, however, the question of his reaching the age of 18 years, children under the age of 14 have minor children, including disabled parents, if they live with him. Since in this case they do not live in one place, then in this case the sons must provide you with additional leave at the time of submitting the notification in the report to receive child care benefits for up to three years. In this case, with the insurance rules.
Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for declaring a bankrupt if it does not have an owner. If labor legislation provides for legislation prepared for conscription into military service, then you may not have to deal with the collective agreement, including for employees to follow the procedure for its payment, and not the obligation to perform a certain category of periods of work, which gives the right to leave.
However, you need to contact the clinic and the prosecutor's office; they will assign responsibility within 10 days from the date of receipt of the relevant clarification. An inspection will be carried out, he can carry out and appeal your refusal to the prosecutor's office or to the court.
In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation - a person convicted of committing a crime is considered to have a criminal record from the day the court’s conviction enters into legal force until the criminal record is expunged or removed. A criminal record is expunged:
a) in relation to persons on probation - after the expiration of the probationary period,
b) in relation to persons sentenced to more lenient punishments than imprisonment - after one year after serving the sentence,
(as amended by Federal Law dated July 23, 2013 218-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
4) to make small household transactions and other transactions subject to mandatory state registration, does not have the right to demand from other participants in the transaction, and also in other cases, refusal of a claim is recognized as an agreement on the performance of work (provision of a service), as well as the payment for it, to return funds to accounts specified in this article, the participant in shared construction is carried out by the court.
(as amended by Federal Law dated June 30, 2006 90-FZ)
If, for good reason, the deadlines established by parts one and two of this article are missed, they may be restored by the court. Article 393 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Compensation for moral damage caused to an employee Moral damage caused to an employee by unlawful actions or inaction of the employer is compensated to the employee in cash in amounts determined by agreement of the parties to the employment contract. In the event of a dispute, the fact of causing moral damage to the employee and the amount of compensation for it are determined by the court, regardless of the property damage subject to compensation.

Why the fright did all the parcels (orders) suddenly begin to be delivered through customs, and the so-called “L/C” to Sharapovo? What kind of Monopoly is this, with discrimination??? Previously, all orders from Singapore (as well as from Asia in general) to the Republic of Belarus mainly went through Orenburg. Because, in terms of delivery, RossPost is much closer and faster. And everything was fine, and without delays. And people received their orders from 14 to 20 days. Now, not only do all orders recently go for some reason only mainly through Sharapovo, but also through some kind of l/c ? Which slow down and are in no hurry to release goods (s) to S/C - sorting centers? Why do we even need such a L/C if they don’t (as is done in ALL European and Asian countries) deliver in Russia??? The order arrived at customs, as well as in (Russia), on 07/09/17 (although the order itself left Singapore (as indicated by the link from "Alika") on the Asian website) on 07/06/17), and in the same day, has already been released by customs. For example, it is the central office as a whole that creates problems for many consumers. Since the main number of orders are either lost (stolen) or arrive with mechanical damage, it is the orders that pass “customs” at the central office. through Moscow and Moscow region. This also includes Sharapovo. But despite all these problems with delays and complaints, I still hope that I will receive my order, albeit late, but intact? Like my previous order. Which, for some reason, also ended up in Sharapovo first? Although it came from Hong Kong. It smacks of discrimination with a monopoly. Russia is big, and for some reason all orders from Asia and Southeast Asia deliberately and purposefully go through Moscow, or the Moscow region? Why not Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Vladivostok, Orenburg, Kazan, Ufa, and many others. the nearest cities of Russia? Where are there International Airports with customs??? They came up with the idea, From Asia to the Moscow Region Central District. then wait until the order from Moscow wanders around the cities of the R/R/D in circles. From here the question; Whose whim is this??? And where is the Russian antimonopoly service looking??? Or are they only formally listed as the “antimonopoly service”??? To all those who complain about Russian Post. Basically, many goods - orders - disappear even before they reach the Sorting Centers of Russian Post. Once I was tracking one of the orders by weight. After I saw that the order, upon receipt at the sorting center (or no matter where), had lost weight, I didn’t bother waiting, I simply refused it on the website where I ordered the goods. And within 6 and 11 days the funds were returned to my card. Although, it was registered within 45 days. By the way, this is a good functionality for returning the entire amount if the argument or reason is justified . I hope that this advice will help some avoid problems with returning their funds. And it is advisable to do this before the order arrives at the final destination. Therefore, you can ask for a photo file(s), or simply message the seller for the weight of the sent order. Early weight orders, for example, the same "Alika" was always and everywhere indicated during tracking. The exception is perhaps small and cheap orders. Now, for some reason, the weight cannot always be observed? Apparently this is the “policy” for the “scammers”. I will give a rating after receiving the order in proper form. Although, the delivery time does not automatically allow us to give 5 stars. The argument of delivery on time dates indicating from 25 - 45 - 60 days is not an argument. Because in general, the maximum period is taken when sending with a delay by the seller. Due to the lack of availability of goods at the time of order (which is not notified in advance). If the seller does not delay the shipment, as well as the country of dispatch, then the terms should be appropriate - accelerated. Something like this. I don’t really care about the work of our Russian Post. Sometimes you have to wait more than two weeks for your parcels from St. Petersburg. Because... some incompetent “employees” send, not only are they in no hurry, but also through, where and when it is convenient for them!? And not as it should be. Example From Arkhangelsk via Moscow, parcels arrive in 9-11 days. To the Republic of Belarus parcels from St. Petersburg , they’re coming, well, very good. for a long time??? And even through Samara - RT - Kazan then to Ufa and then to the destination? Although, there are shorter and faster routes along the same railway lines. This is how we “live”... It turns out that until you evaluate the message, the message is not sent!? Hmm... Alas, but higher than 3 - three, yes, and even then with an advance payment, I can’t deliver. (The reason is stated above: 5 days the order was in the l/c. Why, and what did he do during these 5 days in the l/c ts??? It’s just like they “did an audit” - (they were talking) probably!? So, then think about how you need to quickly improve and establish the process of sending consumer orders. In order to gain trust with respect from citizens. Of which there is less than expected, and I would like to observe.

Relatively recently, mail played a vital role in the life of every person. The only way to communicate between cities was by sending a letter or telegram. Moreover, to keep abreast of events, people subscribed to newspapers. With the development of cellular communications and the Internet, for a short period it seemed that mail was completely obsolete. But there were still parcels and registered letters. And here the development of online stores has opened a new page in

Today, most people prefer to shop online. Parcels are delivered by Russian Post. All of them pass through a special distribution center. For international mail there is a sorting center in Sharapovo. Where is it, we will talk to you today.

"Post office"

Each region has a branch that is responsible for delivering correspondence in its area. All branches are divided into 10 macro-regions, each of which has one common center where all parcels arrive for further distribution. There are two branches in Moscow, which are united into one macro-region.

But that is not all. The Vnukovo logistics center is located on the territory of the region, which processes shipments not only within the country, but also international parcels.

What's going on here

Let us repeat once again where it is: the sorting center in Sharapovo is located not far from Podolsk. Life is in full swing here around the clock: huge machines flash with red lights, conveyors hum. As a result, all parcels and letters are distributed and sent to post offices in six regions of Russia.

A person may not even know where it is. The sorting center in Sharapovo operates as follows. Let's say a person sent a letter to Vladivostok. It will go first to the Podolsk ASC, then to the regional branch.

Let's take a look inside

Residents of the area know exactly where it is. The sorting center in Sharapovo is a place of work for many. Here, 350 people work per shift, and a total of 1,650 people are employed. It sorts ordinary and registered letters, as well as parcels. After that, they are sent to regional post offices, where their final recipients receive them.

For you, it all ends when you drop the letter in the mailbox. But the work of the postal service is just beginning. It arrives at the distribution center, receives a dispatch date, and the mail containers go to the regional sorting center.


The majority of shipments at the processing center are corporate correspondence. This number also includes notifications from government agencies, for example, fines from the traffic police. But the functional tasks do not end there; parcels and parcels are also processed here.

You can see where the sorting center in Sharapovo is located on the map above. The sorting speed here is maximum - only 21 hours. This is how much time passes between the entry and exit of correspondence. About 3 million letters and parcels pass through the center every day. In the spring, the influx increases greatly because government agencies send holiday notices. December is not far behind - the season of congratulations.

Modernization of work

The sorting center in Sharapovo underwent improvements two years ago. First of all, the task was to simplify and speed up the processing of correspondence. This was done thanks to automation and competent logistics:

  • Now all parcels are sorted using special equipment. Today you can see on every letter or parcel the imprint “Left from the sorting center in Sharapovo”, the date and time. Previously, parcels could not leave the center for several days. In order for these changes to start working, a large-scale reorganization and optimization of all business processes was carried out.
  • The second point is logistics. The routes were revised and unnecessary points were removed. For example, a person in Omsk sent a letter to an addressee in his city. It goes to the Moscow sorting center and then comes back. Local shipments are now processed within the city.

Departments that are subordinate to

Address of the sorting center in Sharapovo: 102975, Moscow, Sharapovo. That's all the data. In fact, the address is not written down anywhere; all clarifications on this issue come down to the wording “near the village of Sharapovo.” Apparently, this object is simply impossible here. On the other hand, since this does not prevent letters and parcels from freely getting here and going to their addresses, it means that it is really not difficult. The object is subordinate to:

  • plot;
  • several workshops.

How does sorting work?

A person, or rather an operator, begins work. Its task is to initially scan the barcode. At the same time, information appears in a special program about what type of mail was received. The data is uploaded to the official website. Now a client who knows the identification code can find out where his parcel is located.

Exemplary order reigns here, which allows you to avoid mistakes. All containers are distributed among the workshops: written correspondence, parcels and express shipments. To date, the last workshop is only partially automated. The use of manual scanning continues. According to the employees themselves, this is due to the fact that some items have a non-standard shape.

Sorting regular emails

Manual labor is also partially preserved here. Operators put them in boxes so that they lie “facing” each other. After this, the scanner reads the addresses and distributes the letters into the required cells. This happens very quickly. Approximately 12 letters pass in one second. If the address is written down with errors, it will be returned to the operators. They manually enter the index from images of letters. Working here requires good experience and quick response.

What happens to parcels

They are distributed over several stream lines:

  • Boxes and packages that are sent abroad.
  • Large, heavy and oversized loads.
  • Ordinary parcels.

As they follow the belt, parcels automatically fall into compartments that correspond to the post office of the city or region to which they are to be delivered.

State postal services continue to function properly, therefore, very often, in your personal mailbox you can find a variety of notices that cannot be delivered in any other way.

Naturally, if a registered letter arrives, the person will have to waste his time visiting the post office indicated on the form. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that people want to get as much information about the sender as possible in advance. For example, what does the designation “Mr Lts Vnukovo” mean, and what exactly may the envelope contain.

What kind of organization is this

“Mr Lts Vnukovo” stands for “International Russian Logistics Center”, located, as is clear, in the locality of the same name.

What it is? This is an organization that is responsible for receiving, sorting and further sending correspondence sent from other countries.

Most often this is exactly the case. But sometimes you can also find an additional technical index on the form. Or – DTI. If it is marked, then it may well be that some domestic organizations and structures decided to use the services of this institution.

What could be in the envelope

As already written above, if the postal notification does not contain additional identifiers, then most likely the letter will indeed be from abroad.

If a person sees a DTI, then inside there may well be:

  • Notification of fines or judgments;
  • Commercial offers or banal advertising;
  • Information about any important changes in the activities of the pension fund, insurance company, banking structure;
  • Reminder about debts, demands of collectors.

Is it possible to accurately find out the sender?

Unfortunately, doing this is quite problematic. Yes, you can try to call a postal representative and ask him to read out the information from the letter. But the post office employee is not obliged to do this, so it is not a fact that he will agree.

Another option is to go to the official web resource of the Russian postal service and enter fourteen numbers into the search bar, which can be seen under the barcode on the notification. Sometimes this allows you to identify the sender, but extremely rarely.

Reasons why correspondence is sometimes delayed

Yes, sometimes a person is waiting for an important letter, tracks it in a special application, but sees that it is the Vnukovo logistics center that is delaying its movement. This may happen for the following reasons:

  • There is a large load on the capacity of this organization, in which some of the processes occur manually;
  • There are some problems with the information indicated on the envelope - LC employees are forced to waste time on clarification;
  • The packaging is damaged and needs to be replaced.

In November 2013, the Russian media reported in the background that Russian Post had opened a new logistics center for processing international mail.

The news passed in the background, but even by the celebration of the New Year 2013/2014, thanks to this center, it was possible to avoid the previously standard pre-New Year collapse for Russian Post with delays in parcels and mail arriving from abroad.

By the end of 2014, the new logistics center reached full capacity and now processes up to 300,000 shipments per day!

Now everything you ordered for the New Year will actually be in your hands for the New Year, and not for the new school year)))

I was able to go on a specially organized excursion to this facility and see everything with my own eyes.

Let's get a look!

In the photo below you can see that the Russian Post is not going to stop there, because everything that I have already described is located only in the 1st building!

And there are 6 of them in total! So Russian Post is going to grow and expand even more:


Conducted a tour of the sorting (aka logistics) center Alexey Skatin, Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post” with his colleagues.


Here he is! :)


The security at the sorting center is adequate!


And, believe me, everyone at the Post Office understands everything. New Year, everyone is waiting for parcels and quickly.

Therefore... :) we set a reminder:


But we didn’t come here for the Christmas trees.

The fact is that now this center processes about half of the total Russian volume of international mail. The incoming flow of this mail.

And this was possible only thanks to modern technologies and a high level of automation.

Moreover, this is generally the first such facility in Russia in which customs clearance of international postal items is combined with their automated sorting by delivery directions. But we’ll talk about customs separately.

Take a better look at this giant with sparkling red eyes:


No, this is not an automatic burner of your mail, and not even a system for entangling mail in Russian Post warehouses :) A couple of years ago, Russian Post, including thanks to new personnel (such as Alexey Skatin), abandoned this direction :)))

A couple of years ago, Russian Post set a course for a total change in old processes and installation of new equipment.

For example, in this logistics and sorting center the following were installed:

Multisorter for all types of postal items
-Conveyor systems for transporting bags, parcels and boxes
-Mobile conveyors with retractable sections
-Multi-beam scanners for reading information and devices for sorting items by size
-And other latest technologies that allow you to automate and speed up the process of processing shipments as much as possible

Naturally, it’s not 2115 yet, and the process cannot be completed without people:



Here, postal items are scanned to put a mark in the system that they have arrived in Russia and will now be sent for customs clearance.

Yes, the parcel is flying :) More on this later.


A little out of order, but this is how customs unloads and controls the arrival of a certain volume of parcels into Russian territory:


By the way, this bag is from China - mostly I've only seen them.

The flow of shipments from China is very large:


Then the bags are delivered to the managers of incoming bags))) I don't know what these people's positions are called, but they do important work:

They take the parcel out of the bag, point the scanner at the sticker on it, all the information is automatically entered into the computer, and they do a quick check to see if the information on the sticker was scanned correctly. If everything is fine, then click “OK”, and a mark is placed in the Russian Post tracking that your shipment is now located in Russia.

Your shipment is placed on a belt and goes into the customs scanner.


“How does it leave if nothing leaves?!”, you ask looking at the photo above.

Yes, there are such clusters.

And now, I’ll surprise you, but this is for your own good.

The fact is that 300,000 shipments per day is a very heavy load. And if people start making mistakes, then you will not receive your parcel soon. And what needs to be done to prevent people from making mistakes?

The right thing to do is to comply with working conditions. (not the only condition, of course, but very important)

The rules for work breaks are posted for everyone to see! Depending on the load level, everyone is given a certain number of breaks. And this is being monitored.

Therefore, in the photo you can see that on one side a few parcels have already accumulated. It's really not much, believe me.

Here are the rules. I was especially pleased with the cats showing exercises for the eyes))) If there are cats, then everything will definitely be fine with Russian Post:


As I already wrote, this is the first facility in which customs clearance of international postal items is combined with their automated sorting by delivery directions.

For the first time in Russian history, it was possible to unite the Russian Post and the Customs Service under one roof in a single process!

For example, in Japan these are completely different processes located in different places.


Immediately after the mark of arrival in Russia, the mail is sent to the scanner to the customs officers:


If nothing illegal is found there, then your parcel automatically receives a status in the tracking system indicating that the customs check has been passed and the parcel has been sorted.


But in some cases, your parcel will definitely be opened!

For example, this incident happened right during the excursion:


If I remember correctly, only with me a knife passed through the scanner and 2 were already unpacked!

In general, thanks to such verification, several dozen criminal cases were initiated, and some characters were even sent to prison... Such cases. So you shouldn't order any illegal things.

If the parcel is opened, everything becomes more complicated and the parcel will take a long time to arrive. Since in this case, everything needs to be photographed, recorded, etc. In general, in this case, paperwork cannot be avoided, even if everything is legal.

In other cases, all incoming shipments have a sticker on which one half is intended for scanning by the sending side, the second for scanning by the Russian side.


If customs has no questions, they scan the sticker and... voila! Customs cleared :)

Well, maybe there are some other nuances, but overall it’s something like this :)


And immediately after clearing customs, Russian Post employees put the items into trays and send them to a sorting machine:


By the way, all zones in the center are divided by numbers. And each employee works only in his or her area of ​​responsibility:


And taking into account the fact that the customs office is located right there, there is even a fence between the zones!

In the panorama below (*you can click on it and look at it in higher resolution!) you can see these fences.

If any package crosses this fence, without registering at customs, then this is smuggling. And smuggling is punishable in accordance with the criminal code! Roughly speaking, the area behind the fence from the sorting machine is like a conditionally neutral space BEFORE Russia. That is, what is behind the fence is actually already in Russia, but legally not yet.


In the panorama you can also see that parcels are traveling upward along the travelator.

At the top, they fall under the all-seeing eye of a scanner, which reads information from the label on the parcel:


Based on the reading results, the parcel is sent to the conveyor, and the information about the reading results is processed in a computer, which determines where exactly the parcel should be sent down for dispatch.

At the entrance of the parcel to the conveyor there is another scanner, which determines which carriage the scanned parcel landed on:


This magical process happens like this:

And now, as promised, let’s get back to flying parcels :)

In the photo below, I even photographed this incredible process))) I couldn’t resist.

And, naturally, I asked Alexey Skatin a question about how legal and adequate this is.

It turned out that negotiations were held separately with the Chinese Post and subsequent enormous work was carried out to standardize the packaging of the parcel! That is, each parcel is packaged in such a way that it cannot be damaged. And your parcels remain safe. This applies to all parcels. But only parcels up to a certain weight and without certain markings can fly.

If your parcel is labeled or written “caution”, “glass”, “do not throw”, “handle with care”, etc. then they will only work with it manually! The same applies to parcels with heavy weight.


Despite what is happening in the photo above. I personally observed how the same woman carried some parcels by hand. Even when it was very inconvenient for her due to the crooked cages for the parcels. And then she abandoned the others again.

That is, it really works. After all, for example, there is no point in manually carrying phone cases. But it’s definitely not worth abandoning some heavy items.

Moreover, if employees are found to be violating this rule, they will lose a large part of their remuneration for their work.

By the way, in the photo above and below the so-called "Hospital" for parcels :)

Parcels come here, if for some reason they cannot be processed by the sorting machine, then here they are “treated”, errors on the label are corrected, a new one is printed, glued, and sent to the sorting machine again.


Judging by the photo of “Hospital” above, the rule of rest is strictly observed :) I think this is good. I wouldn’t want mail to be processed by angry, unrested and inattentive people.

Below is a photo of the sorting center plan.

My photo blurred, of course, but the main thing is clear - the Shipping Zone (1) for processing and the Reception Zone (10) (that is, sending further across Russia) of already processed parcels located on opposite sides of the complex. This ensures the correct step-by-step passage and processing of parcels through this complex. Well, it becomes almost impossible to confuse something.


And this is the central touch monitor for controlling this powerful machine.

The areas where something is going wrong immediately light up in a certain color. Or everything lights up green - this means that everything is fine:


Here you can see how each of the carriages on the conveyor is doing, and which carriage contains what. If a carriage travels over the cargo for too long without sorting it, it is marked with a different color. And in 99% of cases, the machine itself sends parcels that it cannot sort to the “hospital”.


This whole gigantic machine costs about 5,000,000 euros.

And its energy consumption, as they say, is only that of several irons;)

And here, in the photo below, you can see the diagram of the entire machine and influence its performance. For example, speed up the rotation of the conveyor :) Or stop everything.

By the way, this machine uses modern carriages, either magnetic or with magnetic bases of some kind, to help sort mail. Plus, the surface of the carriages is made of such material that trays with parcels do not slip off.

For example, in Germany, wooden carriages are used in sorting centers because... these centers were built there more than 30 years ago!


And on this screen you can see the “pulse” of the sorting machine.

As you can see, there are no failures or failures, there were only a couple of parcels that accidentally landed on 2 carriages at once:


Here they are, parcels, riding at high altitudes, waiting to be sorted:


When they reach the desired slide, the carriage throws them straight to an employee who sorts the items into bags for sending to your home!


There are enough slides for everyone! :)


Some packages even have to wait as long as 15 minutes! :)

For Russian Post, this is close to the speed of light, compared to what it was just 2 years ago:


Now pay attention to how the last stage goes.

Russian Post decided to step over the 30-50 year delay gap and immediately step into the future:


Each employee at the sorting hump has a special scanner with a device attached to his hand and finger:


Each parcel that comes down the slide is scanned and its passage at this stage is noted, after which it is thrown into a bag in a certain direction.

After this, the tracking system will show a status indicating that the parcel has been sent from Moscow to your region:


I even found my home region here :)


After filling the bag, it is placed in a cage and brought to the gate:



After the implementation of this sorting center the number of complaints against Russian Post has decreased by 25%!

The quality assessment according to some international standards before the implementation of this center was equal to, funny to say, 3.5%! Three and a half! :))) And now this figure is 90%!

By the way, the transit time for such a shipment in Moscow was reduced to 3 days. I'll have to check it out in person sometime :)

And below is the last photo! Panorama! You can and should click on it to view it in a larger size.

By the way, on the left, under the number nine, and a little to the right, you can see special catching nets for those items that you forgot to put on the tray (they then slide off). Let's look at the latest beauty photo:


By the way, parcels up to 50 kg pass through this center. Heavier items are processed elsewhere.

By the way, in terms of installing equipment in Russia, in a sense, there is a big bonus.

The bonus is that we have nothing! :) This means that we are now installing the newest equipment possible!

Things like this were introduced here:
-Automated sorting of all types of mail
-In-line method of mail processing without warehousing
-Electronic data exchange with postal operators
-Refusal of paper forms and simplification of processing technologies

And by mid-2015, Russian Post plans to transfer such centers to 100% electronic document flow. Including with regard to interaction with the Customs Service. You understand that it is not so easy to come to an agreement with such a government agency as Customs...

But it’s worth noting that what we were shown is only the first milestone, even in this location not far from Vnukovo airport.

By 2022, the mail processing center will be expanded and automated even more. And not only international, but also domestic Russian shipments will be processed here. And then the volume of processed mail will reach almost 22,000,000 (millions!) units per month!

If you have any questions, ask! Employees of the Russian Post promised to answer any of the most tricky and incredible questions regarding this center and the processing of international shipments.

So as not to miss my next reports — click on to subscribe to my blog.

And, of course, if you liked it, be sure to like and share with your friends! (*using the buttons directly below these letters)