The best technologies for reading other people's thoughts. The best technologies for reading other people's thoughts A program that reads thoughts play in Russian

Based on this, the conclusion suggests itself that modern science already has a sufficient number of tools for “mind reading”. Of course, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Until now, research in this direction has been limited to identifying neural patterns, that is, patterns of brain cell activity, for individual words. These models were used in which there was a clear lack of neurobiological interpretation.

A team of researchers from the University of Rochester in collaboration with specialists from the Medical College of Wisconsin ( M.C. W) and the scientific company Teledyne have stepped significantly further. For the first time, scientists did not take words out of context, but observed neural activity when reading entire sentences.

Participated in the experiment 14 Human. They were asked to read to themselves 240 sentences relating to simple events from everyday life, with words repeated many times, for example: “The green car crossed the bridge”, “The magazine was in the car”, “The yellow car was damaged as a result of the accident”, and so on.

At the next stage, an algorithm was developed to isolate individual words from the overall picture of neural activity during sentence reading. To do this, the researchers used the so-called semantic approach.

Its essence is that each word has a number of sensory, emotional, social and other characteristics that distinguish its semantic meaning and perception. In this case, these are signs that, in combination with the search word, show the greatest brain activity.

During the work it was chosen 65 characteristics of words such as “color”, “pleasantness”, “loudness”, “time” and others. Participants in the experiment were asked to rate them 242 words.

People assigned each characteristic a score ranging from 0 before 6 depending on how well it fits each of the concepts. As a result, a unique associative pattern of neural activity was obtained for each word.

Using this “dictionary,” researchers subsequently assessed what a person was thinking about. For a specially designed computer program, it was enough to know, for example, two such sentences, “The beach was empty” and “A young girl was playing football,” in order to guess the previously unfamiliar thought, “The family was playing on the beach.”

“...We found that we could detect patterns of brain activity not with perfect accuracy but with better than chance accuracy, yielding, on average, 70 % correct answers..."

The authors note that the highest percentage of matches was observed for cases where activity appeared in the left side of the brain, namely in its superior temporal sulcus. When studying this particular area, the predictions were most successful for 11 from 14 Human.

According to the scientists themselves, their work raises a whole series of new questions about how the meaning of words is reflected in the map of neural activity in the brain.

“... Not now and not next year, but this kind of research may help people who have not lost the ability to speak, in particular due to traumatic brain injuries or strokes...”

Anderson concludes.

Reading thoughts in the eyes- using an application based on the NLP model Eye Access Keys “Reading Thoughts in the Eyes” you can easily find out what a person wants, you can also find out by the eyes whether they are telling you the truth or lying to you. All our experiences are represented in the form of images, sounds and sensations.
Think about the sofa. And someone will see it - the color of the upholstery, the wear - this is a visual memory.
Another will hear the creaking of springs, the crunching sound when they sit on the sofa - auditory recall. Someone will remember the sensation of elasticity, support under the back, the roughness of upholstery fabric - a kinesthetic modality. And some will say to themselves the definition: “A sofa is a type of upholstered furniture for sitting and lying, with a long back and handles” - using internal dialogue.

So, depending on what a person is doing inside himself - seeing, hearing, feeling or talking to himself - his eyes will move differently. These are the so-called Ocular Access Keys.

And the most important thing: depending on whether a person remembers or invents, his eyes move differently.

With simple exercises you can learn how to read thoughts in the eyes.

  • There are six main positions:
  • Visual recall;
  • Visual design;
  • Auditory recall;
  • Auditory construction;
  • Internal dialogue.
  • Kinesthetics.
The eyes will only move if a person needs to find information.


  • up left – visual memory;
  • up to the right – visual design;
  • to the left – auditory memory;
  • to the right – auditory construction;
  • down left – internal dialogue;
  • down to the right - kinesthetics.
As you can see, reading thoughts in the eyes is quite simple.

The above scheme works in 90 - 95% of cases.
For example, for left-handers and retrained left-handers, there may be an inversion.

This application contains a collection of simple exercises with which you can easily guess what method of thinking the interlocutor is currently using, and based on this, guess what he might be thinking about, what he wants, and whether he is telling you the truth or lying.

In the first exercise you need to determine what way of thinking the interlocutor uses; in the next exercise you will be able to guess what he or she is thinking about. Find out the answer to the age-old question “What does a woman want?”

Once you understand the NLP eye access keys, you will be able to tell the truth from your eyes whether you are being told or lied to.

And in the last exercise, with the help of questions you will be able to evoke the thinking process you need in your partner.

Download the application “Reading Thoughts in the Eyes” NLP model Eye Access Keys.

Be careful: a game that reads thoughts in Russian, like a telepathic fortune teller! The original name “Super Mind Reader” is a test for every day for girls and boys who are interested in psychology. Don’t be afraid for the safety of your brains, this is a joke for entertainment, but developed taking into account real recommendations from experts!

The game reads thoughts only with your help: depending on the selected answers, it generates a result, similar to a test study. The game is entirely in Russian: you will be asked to enter the name of the object you want to know about at this moment. The professor will launch the “super brain reader” machine and give out a questionnaire with graphic answers.

How to play

Enter in the analysis field the name of the person you want to read thoughts about (in Russian or Latin, whichever is more convenient for you). Start the machine and get 10 collections of 3 pictures each.

Don’t hesitate and don’t try to guess the answer - mark your choice with the mouse and move on. As the game progresses, you give yourself answers, and the game systematizes them and gives a prediction, it turns out that it “reads minds.” Take the test every day and get even more with prophecies from a similar game

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley are working to create a decoder that can read a person's thoughts and also display them in video format. When a person reads a newspaper or a book, he hears an inner voice sounding in his head. Such virtual speech is a consequence of brain activity, and if you decipher the images that arise during this process, you can find out what a person is thinking about.

Brian Pasley, who led the study, explains that when a person hears speech, acoustic vibrations in the air excite sensory neurons in his inner ear. The signals from these neurons are transmitted to the brain, which interprets sounds into words through complex processing. It is at the stage of processing sound signals in the brain that Brian Pasley's group focused their attention.

In their studies, scientists worked with patients who had already had electrodes implanted in certain areas of the brain to combat epilepsy. Recordings of brain activity signals taken using electrodes showed that the brain contains groups of neurons that respond to sounds with different characteristics, for example, one group was excited by a sound with a frequency of 1000 Hertz, another - at 2000 Hertz. Based on this information, a computer program was created that can recognize sounds and decipher words heard by the subjects. Later, scientists found out that an algorithm that can hear what a person hears is also able to “read” his thoughts.

Video of thoughts

A little later, Brian Pasley’s team learned to create videos of a person’s thoughts. This technology works on the same principles as reading a picture of brain activity. A functional magnetic resonance imaging machine reads the images that appear in a person's brain when he watches a video, and then correlates these images with the image on the screen. Based on such data, a computer model was created that correlates patterns of brain activity with images. To do this, scientists have amassed a huge database of 18 million seconds of YouTube videos and brainwave patterns corresponding to those videos.

Software algorithms selected videos that were closest in content within one to two seconds after the analysis of brain activity began. The mental images and selected video clips were then combined to show a picture of the thoughts.

The technology will be used to develop devices that receive video images directly from people's brains. They will, in particular, help patients who cannot speak due to various physiological or psychological reasons. Increasing the resolution of sensors and more advanced software signal processing algorithms will also make it possible to create portable devices that will find application in a variety of fields. Thus, the designer will be able to immediately see the embodiment of his ideas on the screen. Such devices can also be used for recording dreams, as well as conducting research in the field of psychology and psychiatry.

Book from the brain

Specialists from the Netherlands University of Nijmegen have created a program that allows you to reproduce what a person reads without speaking the text out loud. Marcel van Gerven, who led the project, says that the part of the brain of interest was conditionally divided into sections (volumetric pixels) measuring 2x2x2 millimeters, and all further mathematical processing was based on the values ​​of the average level of activity of the nervous tissues of each section. By performing a series of complex transformations, it was possible to restore images of the objects in question, as well as fuzzy, but quite recognizable images of text characters.

After this, the scientists entered data into a mathematical model about what the text characters actually look like. This has significantly improved the program’s ability to recognize it: it compares the received data with the outline of each character and selects the one that most closely matches the image read from the brain. The result is content that is as close to the real thing as possible.

Over time, scientists intend to use technology to reproduce what a person has seen and read before, as well as his dreams and fantasies. This can be achieved with a powerful MRI scanner, which is capable of providing data with higher accuracy and resolution. This will allow you to operate with a large number of volumetric pixels (15 thousand versus the current 1.2 thousand).

Read my lips!

Intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies around the world use programs that, based on the movements of a person’s lips, jaws and facial muscles, can recognize the words that a person pronounces. But the intonation and emotional component of such programs were too much for them.

Using a high-speed camera that takes thousands of frames per second, researchers from Waseda University in Tokyo were able to record even the smallest vibrations on the surface of the skin of a person's face and neck that accompany sounds emanating from the vocal cords. After filming, a specialized computer program based on complex algorithms turned the captured skin vibrations into a human voice. At the same time, not only the content was preserved, but also all the intonations that determine the emotional coloring of speech.

According to the head of the scientific group, Yasuhiro Oikoa, the camera filmed at a frequency of 10 thousand frames per second. For comparison, regular video uses 24 frames per second, while high-quality video is shot at 60-80 frames per second. The volunteers' voice was recorded using a regular microphone, and vibrations of the skin of their face and throat were recorded using vibration sensors.

The computer program produced a sequence of sound vibrations calculated based on visual data, which were then compared with real ones recorded using a microphone and vibration meters. It turned out that the computer data almost completely coincided with reality. By playing the resulting sound file, the researchers were able to clearly recognize individual phrases and voice intonations. The technology, first of all, will be used by law enforcement agencies in investigating the circumstances of crimes, but Yasuhiro Oikoa is confident that the use of technology will not be limited to this area.

is an excellent Android application that contains a lot of useful information about human thinking. There is a popular quote that says that a person is what he thinks. Of course, there are other variations, but that’s not what we’re talking about now. The quote certainly contains a great truth. Once you get acquainted with the presented application, you will be able to see for yourself.

You can use the project on tablet computers, smartphones with the required version of the Android platform – 2.3.3 or higher. Users will be able to read about the impact thoughts have on human life. The more positive they are, the better! Try to always think correctly, think as positively as possible, and then achieve the desired success in any field of activity, human life. Wishes can come true faster and easier than you think! Throw away stereotypes, try to live in a new way.

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The list of application information "" does not end there. Read about NLP, magic, find out famous quotes from great people. Become wiser, smarter, share life wisdom with other people. Every person must develop not only physically, but also energetically! This is extremely important, especially as you get older.

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