Cross-posting to social networks: Contact, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Instagram, LiveJournal. Where to post announcements

Reviewed by: Dmitry Tatarinov

On 31.07.2013

Last modified: 12.09.2018


NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster (SNAP) allows you to auto-post to accounts on each supported site, that is, you can cross-post to Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte. Pro version supports an unlimited number of accounts - that is, if you wish, you can cross-post to 100 blogs and 150 communities on LiveJournal, 50 groups on Facebook, 25 accounts on Twitter, 100 communities on VKontakte. Suitable for those who publish high-quality content and want to attract targeted traffic from free blogging platforms, social networks and popular communities, get links from authoritative and trusted domains, and start viral distribution of their content.

What is crossposting?

On the Internet, cross-posting is the retransmission of content to other resources (download from WordPress). Why is this necessary? If you publish high-quality content, cross-posting allows you to attract targeted traffic from free blogging platforms, social networks and popular communities, get links from authoritative and trusted domains, and start the viral spread of your content.

If you use YouTube or Twitter, then you've most likely already encountered cross-posting, when, for example, Twitter offers to publish your tweets to your Facebook profile or page. You can post announcements of your messages or publish them in their entirety, do it automatically or manually. Since you are most likely interested in saving time and increasing productivity, then Below we will talk about how to set up automatic crossposting fromWordPressblog V social media and communities with maximum efficiency.

To automate the process I use a plugin NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster (SNAP), allows you to autopost to 1 account on each supported site, that is, you can crosspost to 1 Twitter account, 1 Facebook, 1 VKontakte, etc... supports an unlimited number of accounts - that is, if you wish, you can crosspost to 100 blogs and 150 communities on LiveJournal, 50 groups on Facebook, 25 accounts on Twitter, 100 communities on VKontakte...

Here is a list of supported sites:

  • Blogger/ Blogspot– auto-posting to a blog with HTML support
  • Delicious
  • Diigo– save bookmarks to the pages of your site
  • Facebook– supports auto-posting to your profile, pages, community pages, groups, the ability to attach your post as an attachment, attach photos
  • FriendFeed– auto-posting to your account, ability to attach photos
  • Instapaper–autosave bookmarks
  • Google+ - (only in the Pro version) - auto-posting to your profile, community pages, business pages, the ability to attach your post as an attachment, attach photos
  • LinkedIn– auto-posting to profile. The Pro version supports publishing to community pages and groups, the ability to attach your post as an attachment
  • LiveJournal– cross-posting to a blog or group on LiveJournal; sites using the LiveJournal engine are also supported (for example,
  • Pinterest— (Pro version only) – the ability to save the post thumbnail image as a Pin.
  • Stumbleupon– autosubmit bookmarks
  • Tumblr– cross-posting to a blog, the ability to attach your post as an attachment. HTML support
  • Twitter– auto-posting on Twitter. Ability to attach photos to tweets
  • Plurk– auto-posting to your account. Ability to attach photos to messages
  • vBulletin– auto-posting to forums running on the vBulletin engine. Ability to add new posts or create new topics
  • vKontakte(VK. com) – cross-posting to your profile or group. Ability to attach your post as an attachment, attach photos to messages
  • WordPress– auto-posting to self-hosted WordPress blogs and blogs running on the engine (for example
  • YouTube(only in Pro version) – auto-posting messages to the YouTube channel feed


NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster (SNAP) is powerful tool website promotion (you can see it here), which allows you to receive dozens and hundreds of links with one click - you publish an article on your blog, and it is automatically broadcast to dozens of thematic communities, but before you rush to create hundreds of blogs and hundreds of fake accounts, let's talk O spam.

If you want to achieve maximum effect, then you don’t need to create 100 blogs on LiveJournal (or any other service) to publish your articles there with a link to your site - they will be banned very quickly, and all your work will go to waste. Use existing communities and thematic groups to start viral distribution of your content. If you post content High Quality, then people will only be grateful to you for sharing your article with them.

Getting caught by search engine filters

If you simultaneously publish your article (full text) on your website and on third-party resources, for example, on a blog on LiveJournal, then search engines they can index it before the article on the main blog and recognize the article on LiveJournal as the primary source. As a result, your main blog may be lowered in search results, since search engines will consider it to be copying content from the LiveJournal blog. To avoid this, I recommend setting a delay of several days (2-3) in the Social Networks Auto-Poster (SNAP) settings for those services where you plan to publish the full text of articles. Plus at the end of each broadcast article (field « Message text Format« ) add a link to the original source:

Original source

With this scheme, side effects on the main blog are excluded.

Maximizing returns

Not all sites are created equal, so it is not necessary to set up cross-posting to all sites that NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster supports. If the topic of your posts is not suitable for a particular site or you cannot find suitable thematic communities, then, most likely, such a site is not suitable for you for cross-posting. Below I provide instructions for setting up and maximizing the effect of cross-posting to popular social networks and blogging platforms that are suitable for most sites.


Crossposting on VKontakte (

VKontakte uses the OAuth protocol for authentication and access authorization. In order to set up cross-posting on VKontakte, you need to create an application, connect it to the blog and authorize access, below are step-by-step instructions:

Creating a VKontakte application

Connecting VKontakte toWordPressblog

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard, go to Settings->
  2. Click the green “Add new account” button, select VKontakte ( from the list
  3. On the settings form, fill in the “Your vKontakte URL” field with a link to your profile or a link to a group that you moderate or have editorial rights
  4. Fill in the “vKontakte(VK) Application ID” field

Authorization on VKontakte

Features of auto-posting on VKontakte

You can post to your profile and communities that you moderate or where you have editorial rights.

Crossposting on LiveJournal (LiveJournal)

NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster can publish your posts to your LiveJournal blog or to communities to which you belong. Below are step-by-step instructions:

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard, go to “Options->Social Networks AutoPoster Options.”
  2. Click the green “Add new account” button, select LiveJournal from the list
  3. Fill in the login and password field
  4. If you are not publishing in your journal, please indicate the address of the community in which you want to publish your articles (you must be a member of it)

Features of auto-posting in LiveJournal(LiveJournal)

External links from LiveJournal blogs and communities are closed with the “nofollow” tag, so publishing useless articles of mediocre quality there just for the sake of links is a useless exercise. Links from LiveJournal can help you with indexing, but in terms of SEO promotion they are of little use. Focus on high quality materials that are useful and interesting for your target audience. Add relevant links to other articles on your site to attract visitors from blogging platforms to your blog, where you can invite them to subscribe to updates, download trial version or purchase your product/service.

Popular communities

If you publish only to one LiveJournal blog, then the return in terms of traffic will be small. To get the maximum number of links/visitors, find popular, relevant topic communities to which you can pitch your articles. Here is a list of popular communities, many of which have tens of thousands of subscribers, so the return in terms of traffic can be very good. If among the popular LiveJournal communities nothing suits you, then use the search by interests, use keywords of your topic (photo, fitness, advertising, painting...) Pay attention to the date of the last publication (Updated 28 minutes ago), we are only interested in active communities, if the community has not been updated for more than a month, then your chances of publication are very low.

In order to submit an article to the community, you need to be a member/member. Most quality communities moderate posts, so if you want your article to be published, submit high-quality, interesting articles. Many communities have their own rules, and if you follow them, your chances of getting published increase significantly.

Crossposting on Facebook (Facebook)

Facebook uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and access authorization. In order to set up cross-posting on Facebook, you need to create an application, connect it to your blog and authorize access. Below are step-by-step instructions:

Creating an applicationFacebook

  1. Login to your Facebook profile
  2. Go to the developers section (if you are not registered as a developer, click the green button "Register as a Developer")
    Click the green button "Register as a Developer"
  3. Click the “Create New App” button, fill in the “App Name”, “App Namespace”, click “Continue”, enter the captcha, click “Next” Click the “Create New App” button
    Fill in “App Name”, “App Namespace”. Do not use “NextScripts” as the application name; use your own unique application name.
  4. Copy App ID And App Secret, we will need them further
  5. Enter your domain in the "App Domains" field

Important: Enter the URL and domain that you see on the Social Networks AutoPoster settings form for the corresponding network (in the upper right corner).

Only real users can create apps on Facebook, so if you have a Business or Advertiser account, you need to log in with your real user account.


  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard, go to “Options->Social Networks AutoPoster Options.”
  2. Click the green “Add new account” button and select Facebook from the list
  3. On the settings form, fill in the “Your Facebook URL” field with a link to your profile, page, group or business page
  4. Fill in the “App ID” and “App Secret” fields

Crossposting on Twitter (Twitter)

Twitter uses the OAuth protocol to authenticate and authorize API access. You need to create an application with “Read and Write” rights, get a “Consumer key”, “Consumer secret”, “Access token”, and “Access token secret”, below are step-by-step instructions:

Creating a Twitter Application


Crossposting toGoogle +

Since Google+ does not yet have a built-in API, in order to do auto-posting, you need an external library, which is available only in Social Networks AutoPoster (SNAP). SNAP can post to your profile, business pages and communities, below are step-by-step instructions:


  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard, go to “Options->Social Networks AutoPoster Options.”
  2. Click the green “Add new account” button and select Google + from the list
  3. Fill in the login and password field

If you are going to publish announcements to your Google + profile or use a Business Page Manager account, then the cross-posting setup in Google + is completed.

  1. [Optional] (For business only Google pages+). Fill in your page ID. For example, if your page address then the ID will be 117008619877691455570. Leave this field empty to publish to a profile or community.
  2. [Optional] (For Google+ communities only). Fill in your community ID. For example, if the address of your community page then the ID will be 100396001601096060160. Leave this field empty to publish to your profile or page.

If, when publishing a test message on Google+, you receive the error “Your username/password incorrect” or “You are not authorized to publish to this page,” you need to temporarily unlock access to your account for new applications:


By default, Social Networks AutoPoster(SNAP) uses the native Blogger API, which has certain limitations, but if you use the Goolge+ API library (available in the Pro version), then some of the restrictions are removed.

ConnectionBlogger. comAndWordPress

Cross-posting to WordPress blogs

NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster (SNAP) supports cross-posting to self-hosted blogs on WordPress and blogs on and WordPress uses the XMLRPC library for auto-posting.


  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard, go to “Options->Social Networks AutoPoster Options.”
  2. Click the green “Add new account” button, select “WP Based Blog” from the list
  3. Fill in the login and password fields
  4. Enter the URL to the XMLRPC library. This is usually your blog's URL + /xmlrpc.php at the end. For example:
  • for offline blogs on WordPress
  • for blogs on
  • for blogs on
  1. Don't forget to replace "YourBlog" with your actual blog address.
  2. Click “Update Settings”.
  3. Setting up crossposting in blog on WordPress Complete


If you publish high-quality content, cross-posting allows you to attract targeted traffic, automatically create relevant links, and start viral distribution of your content in thematic communities. Today, NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster (SNAP) is The most powerful and flexible plugin for autoposting from WordPress. WITH using SNAP you can fully automate the cross-posting process, focusing on one injection point (your blog) and automatically broadcast your articles to thematic communities and groups. and save a lot of time on updating social networks and profiles, but if you want to repeatedly increase your audience and scale the reach of your publishing platform so that more people know, see and read your publications/articles, then the Pro version is exactly what you need. Version SNAP 3.0 is coming, hurry up and buy it Pro license for an unlimited number of sites with lifetime updates for only $49.

Crossposting is an automatic tool whose capabilities are aimed at website promotion. Organizing the process will require some effort, but in the near future it will pay off in increased traffic to your site.

Crossposting is one of the most effective means of increasing the link mass of a site for free or for a small fee, increasing the growth rate in search results, and increasing traffic by publishing announcements of articles and links to a site, forum, or blog.

Proper use of the tool allows you to attract new clients, increase the number of sales and the popularity of the project.

Some users confuse cross-posting with spam, but the two concepts have significant differences. Thus, the tool in question involves the publication of announcements and links to materials, rather than full-fledged articles. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid claims against the resource from search engines.

Types of crossposting

There are several methods for publishing materials:

  1. Manual placement. An outdated method in which the author creates several options for text descriptions, adding keywords and a link to the source, after which the content is posted on the desired platforms. Manual publication has the only advantage - the high uniqueness of the text content, which speeds up the indexing process. Among the disadvantages is a considerable amount of time + money spent on the services of a copywriter.
  2. Semi-automatic content placement. It is necessary to create materials yourself and post them on the appropriate services that provide cross-posting services.
  3. Automatic cross-posting. Announcements are duplicated from RSS feeds and shown on social networks.

If you're not familiar with RSS feeds, ask your site developer for more information. If a part is missing, you need to create it.

Where to publish announcements?

The most effective platforms for posting announcements are social networks. They are visited by different audiences, which allows the optimizer or webmaster to attract potential visitors to their project.

Used to post content special services, offering high-quality tools for easy and fast cross-posting. To start working with such a company, you need to choose the right one and register. Next, they determine sites suitable for publication, set the date and time, add content, and allow automatic posting of materials. Within the specified time frame, the announcement will be published on the social platform account.

Crossposting services offer paid and free services; visitors can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Publishing posts simultaneously on several social networks;
  • flexible time planning (per hour, day or week);
  • recommendations for the optimal schedule and content format;
  • generation of shortened links;
  • the ability to add specific materials for different sites;
  • image adaptation;
  • publication of texts, videos and photographs;
  • analytics that allows you to track the behavior of your potential audience;
  • import from RSS feed;
  • working on several projects simultaneously.

Cross-posting to social networks saves time, allowing you to effectively promote sites using social networks. A competent choice of a reliable service will ensure the most effective solution of assigned tasks and active business development.

1. First, internal optimization:

1. First and most important, .
2. Second, also important - content optimization.

  • Yes, exactly filling out the title tag and meta description tag.
  • Usage keywords in the text.
  • Correct formatting of article text using h2, h3 headings, subheadings and lists.
  • Image optimization.
  • Semantic content markup.

2. And also external optimization:

Essentially, links from other sites.
How can we get many links to our website quickly, for free, and even automatically?
Of course, by setting up cross-posting on social networks!

What is crossposting?

Cross-posting is the publication of posts on other sites, most often social networks. You can post manually if you are too lazy to bother with auto-posting. The buttons I wrote about will be useful for this.
Or you can automatically - auto-posting makes life much easier for webmasters.
I prefer to crosspost not from the site, but from the RSS feed.
This is convenient because we can customize posting exactly as we require.
But we only need to fast:

  • post title,
  • image from post,
  • link to full post.
  • and maybe a little announcement.

The size of the recipe is not large, so why create duplicate content all over the Internet?
Therefore, the announcement should not be big.
So that the RSS post is published as we require

If you don't need announcements, remove the variable $content.
You can specify any image size.
And to make your feed look beautiful, register it at
The process of creating a feed is described on many sites that are easy to find, so I won't go into it here.
This is what the RSS feed of my culinary site looks like.
Let's move on to setting up auto-posting.

Login to your google account, go to, click on the name of your feed.
Next, select the tab Publish(Top Menu).
Follow this link Socialize (left menu).

First you will need to add your Twitter account.
To do this, click on the “Add a Twitter account” button and do everything that the system suggests to you.
Next, select the field values ​​that are shown in the picture.

Below you will see what your Twitter posts will look like.
If necessary, adjust the settings.
Now activate the service - button Activate bottom left.
Save all settings - button Save.
That's all - the first task of setting up posting on Twitter is solved.

2. Auto-posting on VKontakte, Facebook, Linkdin

To set up cross-posting, we will use the site
It doesn’t even require registration; you can log in immediately through your VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account.
Setting up auto-posting on VKontakte:
Click on the tab Settings, choose a social network for auto-posting.
For example, for Vkontakte, click the “Connect Vkontakte account” link.
Then, step by step, you do what the system asks you to do - give it access to our VKontakte account.

Now you need to create and configure a channel.
The channel brings together social media pages to which your messages should be sent.
For example, if you want to send the same messages with the same schedule simultaneously on VKontakte and Facebook, then you need to create only one channel.
Create new channel and configure it.
Everything is simple there - go to the "My channels" tab, "Create channel", enter the name of the channel and click the button Save.
The channel settings page will open.
Opposite each social network (via the drop-down list), select the page where you will post.
Next, enter the address of your RSS feed and save the settings.

Attention! We created the feed on feedburner for the convenience of users and sending messages to Twitter.
But, cross-posting to all other social networks and all other Twitter accounts must be done from the standard feed of your site. You want to receive links from social networks to your website, and not to feedburner?

The wordpress feed address for a wordpress site looks like this:
Click the "Schedule" link (left menu) and indicate the time for checking your feed.
Set up a schedule for Monday, and then simply copy it for other days of the week.
You can also specify how often your RSS feed will be checked, for example, 12 or 24 hours.
Setting up auto-posting on VKontakte is complete.
This is what it looks like Vkontakte community with posts sent via
You probably have a question - why set up auto-posting on Twitter via, if you can set it up along with posting to other social networks via
But why - no one is stopping you from creating two or even three Twitter accounts and posting news from your site there.
As you know, PS robots practically live on, so the more links you have from Twitter, the faster your site will be indexed.

3. Auto-posting to My World

A service with the funny name pistonposter will help you set it up.
Register, go to page and add your RSS feed.
Next, you need to click the “Groups” link (in the same menu) to create a group.
After that click the link Blogs.
In the list of blogs, click on the icon of the desired blog and do everything that the system requires to add a blog.

Below the list of added blogs you will see the inscription “With selected blogs”, under this inscription select the name of your group. Click the "Add" button.
This is all!

5. Auto-posting on liveinternet

We will configure it using the built-in livinternet functions.
More precisely, we will set up posting to our RSS channel on livinternet, which we will create at the same time.
Follow the link, on the right we find a form called “External RSS source”.
- Source Address (RSS feed from which posting should occur),
- Broadcast diary name (name of your livinternet diary).
Click the "Check and Add" button.
This is all. We have created our own RSS feed on the livinternet website.
This is what this channel looks like with added news.

4. Auto-posting in livejournal

Can be configured using the service
To start using it, enter your username + password for the LiveJournal website.
Next, you need to click the “Configure” button (site menu) and fill out the configuration form, indicating:
- RSS feed URL,
- the journal into which you plan to import entries from the feed.
That's all.

5. Auto-hosting on Google+

Posting is possible through the website
In short, it is configured like this:

  1. Let's register.
  2. Let's log in.
  3. In the left menu, select "Settings - RSS/Aton".
    In the window that opens, click the cross and add your RSS feed.
  4. Adding a social network. For this:
    • You need to click the "Add Social Network" button (top panel).
    • Select a social network.
    • Connect to this social network by first logging in.

    We repeat all this for each social network we need.

  5. Adding tabs to the HootSuite panel. To do this:
    • You need to click the "Add Ribbon" button (top panel).
    • In the window that opens, Select a profile (if there are several of them) or Page and click the cross next to the name of the feed to add it to the current tab.

Detailed instructions for setting up posting via are here - It's in English, but to help you.

6. Auto-posting in odnoklassniki

It will help you set up the service
1. After registration, you need to click on the tab Blogs to add an RSS feed to your site. The channel address must be specified as follows: http://your-site/feed.
2. Next, follow the link Broadcasts and add a broadcast.

  • As the Source Blog, select the RSS feed added at the previous stage from the drop-down list.
  • And specify the group in Odnoklassniki as the recipient blog.
    To do this, click the green cross next to the field to add, enter the group address in the window that opens and click the “Next” button.
    Enter additional data to access your account - login + password and click the "Create" button.
    In this case, the small window disappears, and the name of the added blog should appear in the “Recipient blog” field (broadcast parameters form).
  • In addition, you need to select Broadcast Mode. I recommend choosing “Scheduled”, for example, Every day 12:45 or “Fixed interval”.
  • All that remains is to click the “Add” button.

1. To broadcast to Odnoklassniki, the group URL should look like: - for groups with a short URL; - for groups with a regular URL.
2. On the Odnoklassniki website, the interface language must be set to Russian, otherwise the broadcast will not work.

Posting through can be done for free, or you can pay for it.
If you have one site and you want to post once/day, it’s free, but if you have a lot of sites and posting is required several times/day, it costs money, but for very little money, about a couple of dollars/month.
And the first 5 people who register using this link will receive $5 to their account.
That's all!
Of course, there are a great many sites on which you can publish posts, but the ones I indicated are quite sufficient.
Let me remind you that we set up posting in order to improve site indexing.
Now the most interesting thing is what does cross-posting on social networks give?
I’ll tell you from the experience of my culinary site:
The site is a month and a half old.
Google indexed it after 4 days, Yandex after 6.
There are currently about 40 recipes on the site.
There are 72 pages in Yandex results, 199 in Google results.
New articles are indexed very quickly.


“Crossposting on the Internet is the deliberate automatic, semi-automatic or manual placement of the same article, link or topic in forums, blogs, or other forms of websites or public correspondence...
Crossposting goals: building up link mass and TCI and Google PR indicators; attracting traffic from free blogging platforms; ."

I already wrote about it on my blog once. Then the “ ” button, the ribbon, the short and .
And it also seems like by default they share a link to a note with friends... But all this is good on a small scale and for one site. For complete automation, it looks like we will have to tackle this topic more thoroughly!

Free cross-posting to social networks

1) The simplest thing is plugins for popular engines. For example, WordPress. I think they can handle automatic cross-posting just fine. And they themselves write this on API based social networks.

2) Install a “ ” block on the site with the necessary blogs and manually add a link to your site Vontakt, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, MoiMir, Google+.
One has only to take into account that in the block with counters (as well as in the interactive form) there are much fewer social networks than in the full one.

3) For autopost to the Contact group- you need to connect an RSS feed to it (this can be done upon request in). After this, the RSS feed can be easily added in the group or page settings.
Also, Live Journal (LJ) can broadcast entries there by default.

4) Upon publication on your VKontakte profile wall, it is possible to automatically send everything to Twitter and Facebook. And from Twitter - set up normal publication of tweets in LiveJournal.

5) in the “Settings => Rss/Atom” section allows publish your feeds on Twitter and Google+. But only to the Google page, and not to your profile. It also supports Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare, WordPress and mixi.

6) - also copes well with RSS and social networks. Among other things, it promotes cross- posting to Odnoklassniki, MoiMir Mail.Ru, I.UA and LiveJournal. But I try to use it for Mail and Odnoklassniki, since they are supported by a small number of services due to the need to emulate the browser.

7) - quite good if you need to scatter once a day one RSS feed with your website by social network accounts (Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal, Blogger, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Wordpress, My World, Plurk, VK note, OK Share, RuTvit, Viadeo). But if you need to do this more often, add more RSS feeds or Pictures- this will already be paid. $5 - $30 per month.

8) - there is an AutoPost function in several groups at once. You can also place advertisements in groups (from 1000 subscribers). Supports Contact, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Instagram.

All of these methods work great, but have some limitations on the number of accounts and feeds. In principle, it will be very easy to repost your blog and 2-3 other sites to third-party services. But they will be updated completely at different speeds. And in most cases - no more than once a day, which is not very suitable for a commercial project.

Paid crossposting

What should serious sites do? If you have, for example, or, then I advise you to connect one of the paid broadcast services. This will allow you to update content almost instantly and immediately for a large number of blogs. So where is the most convenient place to do this?

My favorite option. Payment by month and without restrictions on tapes and their number. Able to manage multiple profiles, make automatic publications and work directly from the site. Supports cross-posting to Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LiveJournal, Google+, Telegram, Pinterest.

Payment is made for each launch. Ideal if there is little news or they need to be published 1 or 2 times a day. Supports reposts in MoiMir, I.UA and other popular social networks.

Hello friends. In this article I want to tell you how to implement automatic cross-posting of your blog posts to the VKontakte group. In one of my articles published earlier, I informed you that I had created VKontakte group And Facebook community, which I am currently working on (I invite you to join these groups). If your blog or website does not yet have such groups, I advise you to seriously think about creating them. Believe me, the integration of various projects with will develop even more and this moment, and in the future even more, this relationship will be beneficial from any point of view.

But in order to automate the process of filling these same communities, we need a tool with which we can publish new entry on the blog, automatically send a link with an image of the post to the group we need. After a short search, I settled on the VKontakte Wall Post plugin, which copes 100% with the task.

So, download the plugin, copy it to the hosting and activate it. Then we move on link and fill in the required fields.

The name is arbitrary

Type – Website

Website address – the full address of your website

Base domain – website address without the http://www prefix

Click the Connect site button, after which a window will appear in which you need to click the Get code button and ours mobile phone A code will be sent which must be entered in this form.

Enter the code and you will be taken to the next page where you need to fill in the fields:

The name is arbitrary

Description - optional

Application group– if there is a pre-created group, then select it from the list

Icon 16*16 – at your own discretion

Application ID is the most important parameter, which must then be inserted into the configuration form of the plugin itself. Copy it to yourself in a separate file.

Protected key - do not use

In the Open API block, select the theme of the site, everything else should be filled in automatically.

And finally, you can upload your group’s logo. Then click the Save changes button.

That’s it, we’ve sorted out the VKontakte settings, now let’s look at the settings of the plugin itself. To do this, go to the console of your blog - Settings - VKontakte Wall Post and copy the application ID that was described in the previous one into the VKontakte API ID line.

After that, we mark with a checker that the publication will take place on the group wall and insert it a little lower into the group Id numeric value. If you don’t know how to determine this Id, then go to the group address, and if the address is this type, then the numbers at the end, namely 12345678, will be the same Id.

There are cases when the group address is changed to the name of the site, etc. Then just follow the Advertise community link and address bar your browser will be the Group Id.

You can use all other settings as shown in the screenshot.

After you have specified all the settings, click the Save settings button.

Now, when publishing new posts, you will have an additional option - Publish to the VKontakte wall with a checker (if it is installed, the post is published in the group, if not installed, it is not published).

That's it for all my friends, if anything is unclear, ask questions.