Linux console file managers. Midnight Commander - console file manager for Linux View help and manual for the program

BeeSoft Commander 2.23

BeeSoft Commander young project, simple file manager, written in the spirit of the UNIX-way. According to the unwritten rule, the program should perform only its direct duties and nothing extra.

The file manager uses the QT library and is very fast to launch from the KDE environment. The toolbar is not customizable, but it contains virtually all the main functions of the program. You can work with multiple tabs. The right mouse button is responsible for selecting files a tribute to the old tradition of Norton Commander. Many file operations are performed using function keys, according to the old standard, also laid down by Peter Norton.

BeeSoft Commander contains a good FTP client, which allows you to connect to several servers and save connection settings. The developers did not bother themselves with the implementation of viewing and editing various documents. With the built-in editor you can only change text documents. If other types of files are detected, the program either switches to HEX mode or displays a chaotic set of characters. Editing is not available in this case.

BeeSoft Commander does not require complex configuration. You can specify the fonts and colors of the panels, and adjust the width of the columns. And, in fact, this is where all the fun of traveling through the settings ends.

Official site:

Worker one of the most unusual file managers. The first thing you should immediately pay attention to is that there is no need to install any additional graphics libraries other than X11.

All file manager controls are concentrated in numerous buttons located at the bottom of the application's working window. By clicking on the status bar, you switch groups of buttons. Each button calls a separate function. The functions can be either built-in Worker tools or external utilities designed for processing files.

Worker is closely integrated with Midnight Commander and allows you to use the archive processing rules of the console file manager. In addition, by default, MC is used as a file editor (Edit File function).

The Worker distribution only includes a viewing tool text files. All other actions (viewing graphics and videos, editing any types of data...) are left to you external programs. The default text editor is xedit, which is not surprising. xedit also only uses the X11 library.

Among the predefined functions (buttons) you can find audio conversion, graphics conversion, device mounting and much more.

The file manager is very unusual, which, of course, will make it difficult to master from scratch. On the other hand, all competitors either use powerful graphics libraries(QT, GTK), or work in text mode. Worker in this light seems to be a kind of compromise solution.

Pivot table

GUI+ + + + + + - + - + +
Graphics libraryQTGTK2GTK1GTK2QTQT- GTK2- GTK2X11
Tabs+ - - - + + - - + - -
FTP client+ - - + + + + + - - +
FTP:// protocol- - - - + + - + - - -
SMB:// protocol- - - + + + - + - - -
HTTP:// protocol- - - - + - - - - - -
Document thumbnails- - - - + + - + - - -
Text editor+ + - - - + + - + - -
Viewing Images- - - + + - - - - - -
Watch video- - - - + - - - - - -
View HTML- - - - + + + - - - -
View RTF- - - - + + - - - - -
View DOC- - - - + + + - - - -
HEX editor- - - - - - - - + - -
File type highlighting- - + + - - - - + - -
Quick Folders (Bookmarks)- + - + + + + + - + -
Folder history- + + + + + + + + - -
Frequently visited folders- - - - + + - - - - -
Quick launch panel (menu)- - - - + + + - + - -
Plugins- + - + + + + - - - -
Multitasking- - + + + + + + - - -
BeeSoft Commander 2.23
emelFM2 0.1.6
Gentoo 0.11.55
GNOME Commander 1.2.0
Konqueror 3.5.2
Krusader 1.70.0
Nautilus 2.12.2
Tux Commander 0.4.101
Text file managers and Worker

As is known, in distributions Ubuntu The file manager is installed and used by default Nautilus, developed by the team Gnome. But if in previous versions Nautilus it was possible to enable two-panel mode (F3), then starting from the version Nautilus 3.6 this function absent.
In this short article, dear users Ubuntu, I would like to bring to your attention four two-panel file managers that are located in the repositories Ubuntu, and therefore in App Center: Midnight Commander; GNOME Commander; Tux Commander And Krusader:

1. Midnight Commander

GNU Midnight Commander– full-screen text file manager. It uses a two-pane interface and a built-in command shell. There is also a built-in editor with syntax highlighting and a viewer that supports binary files. The program supports virtual file system(VFS), which allows you to work with files on remote machines (for example, on FTP, SSH servers) and with files inside archives, as with regular files.

Installation Midnight Commander very simple, just open it Ubuntu Application Center, enter the name in the search field and click the button Install or run the command in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install mc

2. GNOME Commander

GNOME Commander- fast and powerful GUI file manager for desktop environment GNOME. It has a two-pane interface in the tradition Norton Commander And Midnight Commander.

Install GNOME Commander also possible from Application Center or in the terminal with the command:

sudo apt-get install gnome-commander

3. Tux Commander

Tux Commander- window file manager with two panels one next to the other, similar to popular file managers Total Commander And Midnight Commander.


  1. two directory panels next to each other (vertical)
  2. interface with tabs, buttons for quick access to favorite directories
  3. custom panel for quick access To removable media and network resources
  4. multilingual user interface
  5. functionality is expanded through a plugin system
  6. Extension-based actions on file types (file associations)
Installation Tux Commander possible in App Center or terminal command:

sudo apt-get install tuxcmd

4. Krusader

Krusader is an easy-to-learn, powerful, two-panel (Commander-style) file manager similar to Midnight Commander or Total Commander.

Provides all the file management features you could ever need.

Additionally: extensive archive processing capabilities, support for mounting file systems, FTP, advanced search module, viewing and editing functions, directory synchronization, comparison of file contents, powerful tools batch renaming of files and much more.

Supports the following archive formats: ace, arj, bzip2, deb, iso, lha, rar, rpm, tar, zip and 7-zip.

Supports the KIOSlaves mechanism, which makes protocols such as smb:// and fish:// available.

Krusader- fully customizable, user friendly, fast, will look great on your desktop.

P.S. There are other two-panel file managers like

  1. && . Strictly speaking, this is not a team. If you want to execute several commands at once, put a double ampersand between them like this: first_command && second_command. The terminal will execute the commands in order. You can enter as many commands as you like.
  2. alias Assigns names you create to long commands that you can't remember. Enter the alias long_command short_command.
  3. cd. Changes the current terminal folder. When you start the terminal, it uses your home folder. Enter cd folder_address, and the terminal will work with the files that are located there.
  4. clear. Clears the terminal window of all messages.
  5. history. Displays all the commands you have recently entered. Additionally, you can switch between recent commands using the Up and Down keys. If you do not want the command you entered to be written down, put a space in front of it like this: your_command.
  6. man. Displays a guide to programs and commands. Type man package_name or man your_command.
  7. whatis. Displays short description any program. Enter the command and the program name whatis package_name.

To perform many actions on the system, such as installing and uninstalling programs, you will need administrator rights, or the superuser root as it is called in Linux.

  1. sudo This command will give you superuser rights. Type sudo before the command you want (for example, sudo apt upgrade) to run it as an administrator. The system will ask you for your password.
  2. sudo su . After this command, all commands you enter will be executed as the superuser until you close the terminal. Use it if you need to run a lot of commands with administrator rights.
  3. sudo gksudo . Command to run a GUI application with administrator rights. For example, if you want to move or change system files, enter sudo gksudo nautilus (specify the file manager you use).
  4. sudo!! . This command will run the previously entered command with administrator rights. Useful if you typed the command without sudo .

Do not execute commands as superuser that you do not understand.

Installing and uninstalling applications in Linux is performed by package managers. In Ubuntu the package manager is called apt, in Fedora - dnf, in Arch and Manjaro - pacman. They download applications from online repositories, package sources. Commands should be given to them with superuser rights.

apt (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint)

  1. sudo apt install package_name. Install the required package.
  2. sudo apt-add-repository repository_address. Add a third-party repository.
  3. sudo apt update . Update package information.
  4. sudo apt upgrade . Update all packages to the latest (perform after apt update).
  5. sudo apt remove package_name. Remove unnecessary package.
  6. sudo apt purge package_name. Remove an unnecessary package with all dependencies if you want to free up more space.
  7. sudo apt autoremove . Remove all unnecessary dependencies, orphan packages and other garbage.

dnf (Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS)

  1. sudo dnf install package_name. Install the required package.
  2. sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo repository_address. Add a third-party repository.
  3. sudo dnf upgrade . Update all packages to the latest ones.
  4. sudo dnf remove package_name. Remove unnecessary package.
  5. sudo dnf autoremove . Remove all unnecessary dependencies.

pacman (Arch/Manjaro)

  1. sudo pacman -S package_name. Install the required package.
  2. sudo yaourt -S package_name. Install a package from AUR if it is not in the main repository.
  3. sudo pacman -Sy . Update package information.
  4. sudo pacman -Syu . Update all packages to the latest ones.
  5. sudo pacman -R package_name. Remove unnecessary package.
  6. sudo pacman -Rs package_name. Remove an unnecessary package with all dependencies.

You can install and remove several packages at once by simply listing them separated by a space.

sudo apt install firefox clementine vlc

If you want to install a package but don't know its exact name, type the first few letters of the package name and press Tab twice. The package manager will show all packages whose names start with the same name.

  1. kill. This command is used to forcefully terminate processes. You need to enter kill PID_process. The PID of a process can be found by typing top .
  2. xkill. Another command to end processes. Enter it, then click on the window you want to close.
  3. killall. Kills processes with a specific name. For example, killall firefox.
  4. top. Displays a list of running processes, sorted depending on CPU resource consumption. A kind of terminal “System Monitor”.

Viewing and editing files

  1. cat. When the command is used with a single text file (like this: cat file_path), it displays its contents in a terminal window. If you specify two and more files, cat path_to_file_1 path_to_file_2 , it will glue them together. If you enter cat file_path_1 > new_file, it will merge the contents of the specified files into a new file.
  2. chmod. Allows you to change file permissions. May be useful if you want to make changes to a system file.
  3. chown. Changes the owner of a file. Must be executed with superuser rights.
  4. file. Displays information about the specified file.
  5. nano . Opens simple text editor. You can create a new text file or open an existing one: nano file_path.
  6. rename. Renames a file or several files. The command can also be used for files by mask.
  7. touch. Changes the date the specified file was last opened or modified.
  8. wget. Downloads files from the Internet into a terminal folder.
  9. zip. Unpacks and compresses archives.

Creating and deleting files and folders

  1. mkdir. Creates new folder in the current terminal folder or in the specified folder: mkdir folder_path.
  2. rmdir. Deletes the specified folder.
  3. rm. Deletes files. It can delete both an individual file and a group that meets certain criteria.

Copying and moving files

  1. cp. Creates a copy of the specified file in the terminal folder: cp path_to_file. Or you can specify the destination cp path_to_file path_to_copy.
  2. mv. Moves a file from one folder to another. You can specify a name for the file to be moved. Funnily enough, in Linux this command can also be used to rename files. Just specify the same folder where the file is located and a different name.

Search files

  1. find . Search files by specific criteria, such as name, type, size, owner, creation and modification date.
  2. grep. Search for text files containing specific strings. The criteria are very flexible.
  3. locate. Searches for files and folders whose names match the query and displays their paths in the file system.

  1. lsblk. This command shows you what drives you have on your system and what partitions they are divided into. The command also displays the names of your partitions and drives, in the format sda1, sda2 and so on.
  2. mount Mounts drives, devices, or file systems so you can work with them. Typically, devices will connect automatically as soon as you click on them in the file manager. But sometimes you may need to mount something manually. You can connect anything: drives, external drives, partitions and even ISO images. This command must be executed with superuser rights. To mount an existing disk or partition, enter mount sdX .
  3. umount. Dismounts file systems. The umount sdX command will mount the external media's file system so you can eject it.
  4. dd. This command copies and converts files and partitions. It has many different uses. For example, dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb will do exact copy sda partition on sdb partition. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX will erase the contents of the specified media with zeros so that the information cannot be recovered. And dd if=~/Downloads/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M will make bootable media from the distribution image you downloaded.

Linux Commands for User Management

  1. useradd. Registers a new user. Enter useradd username and the user will be created.
  2. userdel. Deletes the user's account and files.
  3. usermod. Changes a user account. May move the user's home folder or set a date for the account to be locked.
  4. passwd. Changes account passwords. A regular user can only change their password account, the superuser can change the password of any account.

Linux Commands for Network Management

  1. ip. Multifunctional team to work with the network. The ip address show command displays information about network addresses, ip route controls routing and so on. By issuing the commands ip link set ethX up, ip link set ethX down, you can turn connections on and off. The ip command has many uses, so it's best to read the manual before using it, or type ip --help
  2. ping. Shows whether you are connected to the network and helps determine the quality of the connection.

And one more thing

Finally, the main Linux commands. They put a cow on the screen that can talk to you (don't ask what the developers use).

  1. cowsay anything. The cow will say what you tell it.
  2. fortune | cowsay. The cow will give out a smart (or not so smart) thought or quote.
  3. cowsay -l . Lists all animals that can be displayed in the terminal. In case you don't like cows.
  4. fortune | cowsay -f animal_from_list. The animal of your choice begins to spout quotes, sometimes relevant ones.
  5. sudo apt-get install fortunes fortune-mod fortunes-min fortunes-ru . Will force the entire zoo to speak Russian. Without this, animals quote Twain and Wilde.

These are not all Linux commands. If you need to know in detail the parameters and methods of application Linux commands, you can use the built-in tutorial. Type man your_command or your_command --help .

Today I want to review the “Top 4 File Managers for Ubuntu Linux", I did not rank this top online, relying solely on my experience of using this or that manager and the ease of working in it.

Working in Linux, every day we connect our work with a file manager, today we will talk about the best file managers that are worth working with and choose one for everyday use.

Working in any of operating systems, you always interact with the file manager, as the slightest example, moving from a folder to another folder, this is all the work of the file manager, moving files from the first directory to the second, this is also the work of the file manager, without which in our time I simply cannot imagine working in one or another operating system.

Imagine the situation, you don’t have a file manager, how will you work with files (books, images, music, text files, word and others), it’s not easy, right? Of course, some of you will say, well, there is a terminal, I can easily work from it, yes, you can, but not every day you can do without a file manager with a graphical interface. In my opinion, if you work with files in the console and without GUI, this is a return to those distant times of the creation of operating systems when the creation of one or another program that added convenience to work caused great joy (“Wow, you finally gave birth: D))”).

Today I want to review “Top 4 file managers for Ubuntu linux” and at the request of readers, I have supplemented the review with + 6 more file managers PCManFM/Double Commander/GNOME Commander/Midnight Commander “MC/Sunflower/Ranger” unscheduled, resulting in 10 , I did not compile this top based on online ratings, relying solely on my experience in using this or that manager and the ease of working in it.

Nautilus- of course, in this list of the best, this file manager occupies the first step of the rating. I'll explain why, this file manager starting from GNOME 1.4, Nautilus 2.0 replaced Midnight Commander in Ubuntu linux. When it was on Gnome 2, it was a decent file manager, but after moving to Gnome 3, it just loses its functionality. If you use it, then somewhere from version 3.18.3 no higher, starting from version 3.18.5 pure horror begins. All updates that occur constantly further only kill all its convenience, I advise you to use only up to version 3.18.3 and not update.

Nautilus advantages:

  • You can either connect or disconnect data storage devices (hard drives, network drives, flash drives, optical discs And so on);
  • Access to work with remote servers(FTP, SSH, WebDAV, SMB);
  • Browse files and directories;
  • Ability to view thumbnails of files (video, images, PDF, DJVU, text files);
  • Ability to view properties of files and directories;
  • You can create, change, delete and edit files and directories;
  • Ability to run scripts and applications;
  • Search files and directories by their names;
  • Ability to place files and directories on the desktop;
  • Icon preview support for text files, images, audio or video files (Totem is used for this). Audio files are viewed (using GStreamer) when the cursor is over them;
  • Nautilus uses original vectorized icons designed by Susan Care;
  • Nautilus supports bookmarks, window backgrounds, logos, notes, add-on scripts and the user can choose icon, list or compact list view;
  • Nautilus keeps a history of visited folders, like many web browsers, providing easy access to previously visited folders.
  • Using the GIO library, Nautilus tracks changes local files in real time, eliminating the need to manually refresh the screen. GIO supports Gamin and FAM, Linux Inotify and Solaris" File Events Notification system.

Cons of Nautilus

Probably the main disadvantage is system updates. I recently had a case. a small system update came out, it was probably updated in the morning, it worked until the evening, did not restart the computer, turned it off in the evening, turned it on the next day and was surprised, Nautilus was updated to version 3.18.5. The saddest thing was that all the app icons/(shortcuts) became huge. As always, I decided to simply go to the "Edit - Options" menu in the home directory and in the "View" tab change the size of the icons in the system, but that was not the case, the "Edit" tab disappeared, the navigation menu disappeared completely. As a last resort, I decided to change the size of the icons in the Dconf editor, but alas, it turned out to be impossible here too, since there was no option to select smaller sizes for desktop icons, there were only sizes (medium, large and very large).

Before the update, the Dconf editor had a completely different picture:

That's how it happens, one small update breaks the entire usability of this good file manager.

Of course, on the Internet you will find reviews from other users about this bug:

where it is advised to delete all hidden directories in the home directory, but this is not an option. I this problem I decided to switch to the Nemo file manager and I don’t regret it, it has a more functional and friendlier interface than Nautilus, although Nemo is a fork of Nautilus, it is still somehow more stable and user-friendly.

Installing the Nautilus file manager on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and derivatives

How to reassign the file manager to any other in Ubuntu

First of all, you must have the "exo-utils" package installed on your system; you can install it in the terminal by running the command:

Sudo apt install exo-utils

After the package is installed, to reassign the file manager, you need to run the command in the terminal:


After running the command above, a new window will open:

let's go to the "tab" Utilities", then the first item is to select the file manager that is your priority, after selecting, press the button " Close" and the changes should be applied, if you have another manager that is not in the list, click on the arrow and select " Another", you will be redirected to the "usr/bin" directory, where select your file manager and click the "Ok" button.

To set Nemo as your default file manager instead of Nautilus, run the following command in a terminal:

Sudo xdg-mime default nemo.desktop inode/directory application/x-gnome-saved-search

to get Nautilus back again, run the commands:

Sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons true sudo xdg-mime default nautilus.desktop inode/directory application/x-gnome-saved-search

This is probably the end of the material, if you have questions about the material, ask in the comments below, I also look forward to your feedback on what file managers you use, maybe this volume from 4 can be expanded to 5 or 6 file managers.