Control key on a macbook keyboard. Apple Keyboard: Mac Option Key and Other Features of the Apple Keyboard

Keyboard shortcuts, or “hot keys” in everyday life, are necessary to speed up the process of working with the system and programs. There are also certain keyboard shortcuts, but not all of them are known to every user.

Here are some of the hotkeys for the desktop platform: Apple:

Useful Hot Keys for macOS Users

1. Ctrl + ⌘Cmd + Space– displays a full emoji keyboard.
2. ⌘Cmd+C And ⌘Cmd+V– “copy” and “paste”, respectively.
3. ⇧Shift+ ⌥Option (Alt)– will allow you to adjust the sound volume in more detail.
4. ⌘Cmd + Tab— switching between running applications.
5. When selecting multiple files and pressing keys ⌘Cmd+ ⌥Option (Alt) + Y– the slideshow will start in full screen mode.
6. ⌘Cmd + L– selection address bar in the browser.
7. ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + 3– will allow you to take a screenshot.
8. ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + 4 + Space– screenshot of a separate window.
9. ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + 4– a screenshot of the selected part of the screen.
10. Holding ⇧Shift When the window is reduced, the slo-mo effect of this action will appear.
11. ⌥Option (Alt)+Backspace– deletes not individual letters, but entire words.
12. ⌥Option (Alt)+ one of the keys responsible for the brightness and volume of the sound - will allow you to configure these functions.
13. Ctrl+ Space– allows you to quickly call up Spotlight.
14. ⌘Cmd+H– allows you to minimize the current window or application.
15. Select several items, then press the spacebar - this will show them in Quick Look mode.
16.⌘Cmd + Q– close the active application.
17. ⌘Cmd+W– close the active window in the application.
18. ⌘Cmd+ T– open a new tab in an application (for example, Safari or Finder).

A little more about hotkeys in Safari:

19. ⌘Cmd+ ⇧Shift + Period– enable viewing hidden files mode.
20. ⌘Cmd+ ⇧Shift + G– if you press this keyboard shortcut in the Finder, a window to navigate to the folder will appear.
21. ⌘Cmd+ ⌥Option (Alt) + H– allows you to hide all windows and applications except the active one.
22. ⌘Cmd + , (comma) – allows you to open the settings of the active application.
23. ⌘Cmd+ ⌥Option (Alt) + ⇧Shift + Escape– holding these keys for 2-3 seconds, current program will forcefully terminate its work.
24. ⌘Cmd+ ⌥Option (Alt) + Escape– when pressed, a window similar to "Task Manager" in Windows, allowing you to close frozen programs.
25. Ctrl+ ⌘Cmd + ⌥Option (Alt) + Power/Eject– shutdown all programs and turn off the Mac, without requiring additional confirmation from the user for this action.
26. Ctrl+ ⌘Cmd + Power/Eject– reboot the computer.
27. Ctrl+ ⇧Shift + Power/Eject– turns off the display, while the computer continues to work.

Everyone knows that hotkeys are a very necessary function on any computer, including MacOS. The ability to work with hot keys and brings the speed of working at the computer to absolutely new level. However, from time to time, due to the large number of combinations, you can forget the right one, and then sit and poke your fingers at the seemingly correct key combination. I found a way to help.

Sometimes, as if on an exam, you need to take out a cheat sheet and look at all the programmed hot keys. Moreover, there are a very large number of programs on the computer and the key combinations in them are different. Of course, you can work with the right mouse button, but it takes a long time and you waste a lot of time.

The utility shows hotkeys on Mac OS X

Because of this, I recommend using a little program called CheatSheet. Its size is 4 MB and is completely free. It is easy to use - you just need to download and open it, the utility will automatically install and ask for access to special features Mac OS X. Here you need to overcome your paranoia and give it access.

iMac OS X | 4 MB | Free | Russian | Download

Then, in any application you need to press and hold the cmd ⌘ (Command) button for a few seconds, a window will appear with all the hot keys for this application.

However, there is a minus - the utility does not show universal hot keys, but only combinations that work in open application. However, even without this there are more than enough combinations.

Hotkeys when loading Mac OS

Hold during startupDescription
Shift ⇧Start in safe mode.
Option⌥Launching the Download Manager.
CLaunch from boot disk CD, DVD, or USB flash drive (for example, running from OS X installation media).
DRun diagnostics An Apple hardware function test or Apple Diagnostics, depending on your Mac model.
Option-DRun diagnostics Functional test of Apple hardware or Apple Diagnostics over the Internet.
NRun from a compatible NetBoot server.
Option-NRunning from a NetBoot server, the default boot image is applied.
Command(⌘)-RStarting from the OS X recovery partition.
Command-Option-RRun OS X Recovery via the Internet.
Command-Option-P-RReset NVRAM. Release the keys after the second sound signal launch.
Command-SRun in single-user mode.
TRun in external disk mode.
XStarting from the OS X boot volume when Mac computer by default it starts from the boot volume of another system.
Command-VRun in detailed logging mode.
Eject key (⏏), F12, mouse or trackpad buttonExtract any removable media data (such as an optical disc).

Dear friends, today we will learn about hot keys on macOS and how they help speed up your work on Apple computers or laptops. There are several basic keys that give different combinations for quick access to functions or elements. These buttons are called modifier keys.

Speeding up work on a computer with Mac OS

However, we will consider only the most popular and necessary for everyday tasks:

  • Option
  • Shift

Many may think: why do the rest go down? In fact, the answer is very simple - not everyone uses certain functions. For example, “External Display Mode,” which can be turned on or off using Command and the Volume Up key, will only be useful for those who have a second display to display additional information. To use a combination of buttons, you need to press them one by one in the order indicated in the description. For example, to paste an item from the clipboard, you would press and hold Command, then press the V button and release both keys.

Hotkeys in combination with Command

Please note that all of the keys below should be pressed in conjunction with the Command button on your Apple keyboard.

That is, for example, if the Z button is presented below (all letters will be on English language) with the value "Undo", then you must use the Command and Z button combination in order to undo the previous command. If you understand this point, then let’s expand our knowledge together:

  1. C - “Copy”. The selected object or area is copied to the clipboard for future use.
  2. X- “Cut.” Similar to the previous function, except for the fact that the selected object or area is removed from its location. They are also stored in the clipboard.
  3. V-"Paste". The last saved object in the buffer is unloaded and pasted into the selected location. You can insert this way several times: the object will be stored in the buffer until it is replaced by another.
  4. Z - “Cancel”. Pressing this combination cancels last action. Some utilities and applications allow you to use “undo” several times, while others allow you to use this function once.
  5. A- allows you to select all objects in the area for further editing.
  6. F - "Search". Fires a field to find something in an open document or file.
  7. H- “Hide.” The action of this combination is similar to the “Collapse All” button in the Windows operating system, only in this case only the active window will be hidden.
  8. N - “Creation”. This combination will allow you to open a new window or document.
  9. P - allows you to print open document, with whom you directly work.
  10. S- makes it possible to save the current file in the program.
  11. W - this combination will close the active application or utility window. If you want to close not only the active window, but also other windows, then add the Option key to this combination.
  12. Q - "Exit". Allows you to exit a running application.

Other keyboard shortcuts

  • Option+Command+Esc - used when you can't just close the program using standard methods. For example, if the application is frozen and does not respond to any commands.

  • Command+Space - this combination launches a special Spotlight field to search for information on a computer or laptop running MACOS.
  • Command+Tab - “Switch between applications.” If you are an iPad tablet computer user, then this key combination will remind you of the five-finger swipe gesture to switch between running programs. For example, you opened Pages on your Macbook, then went to Safari browser, then when you press Command+Tab you can return to text editor Pages.
  • Shift+Command+3- “Screenshot” allows you to take a complete snapshot of what is displayed on the screen. Similar to taking a screenshot using the lock button and Home key on an iPhone.
  • Сommand+comma - this combination will allow you to launch the settings of the utility or application in which you are currently working.
  • Space - Used to preview the selected file or document.

Combinations in the Finder window

  1. D-copies of selected objects or documents are created.
  2. F - the Spotlight field opens.
  3. I - the properties window of the selected object is launched.
  4. N - Using this combination will open a new Finder window.
  5. Y- you will be able to run a preview of the objects that you have selected.
  6. 1- the file display mode changes to the “Icons” view.
  7. 2 - the file display mode changes to the “List” view.
  8. 3 - the file display mode changes to the “Columns” view.
  9. 4 - the file display mode changes to the “CoverFlow” view.
  10. MissionControl - when you press this combination, you open the desktop.
  11. Delete - the selected documents or files are sent to the trash.

The following combinations using the Shift key will launch certain folders and workspaces in a new window. Please note that here you will already be pressing three keys on the keyboard of a laptop or computer running the Mac operating system. Let's look at an example using the first combination:

  1. C-Computer. That is, when you press the combination Shift+Command+C, you will open a new active “Computer” window.
  2. D- Desk.
  3. F- My files.
  4. G- Go to folder.
  5. I-iCloudDrive.
  6. L- Downloads.
  7. O- Documents.
  8. R-AirDrop.
  9. U-Utilities.
  10. Delete - Allows the user to empty the Recycle Bin of files.

Now we will look at more combinations with the Option+Command keys, which also allow you to perform various actions to speed up work in the operating room Mac system. What functions will these be? In most cases, this will be to show or hide a specific element on the workspace.

  1. D- allows you to hide or, conversely, show the Dock panel.
  2. P-path string.
  3. S - side panel.
  4. N- allows you to create a new smart folder.
  5. T- toolbar. Works if only one tab is open in the Finder window.
  6. Y - slide show starts.


Dear friends, today you got acquainted with what hot keys are available in the Mac operating system on computers or laptops Apple. As you can see, they open up a huge number of functions for you to increase the speed of your device. Now you can work not only faster, but also more efficiently. Please note that a complete list of keyboard shortcuts and keyboard shortcuts for your Mac can be found on the official Apple support site. We share our impressions and experience: tell us which hotkeys you use most often and how they help you in your work?

Usage keyboard shortcuts allows you to improve the convenience of working in the operating system by reducing the time required to perform various operations. Instead of searching a menu for an item to perform an action, you press a few buttons and perform it instantly. In this article we will talk about the main macOS hotkeys that work in system applications.

The Mac keyboard is different from the standard PC keyboard. It has fewer keys and no function block. The navigation, “Printscreen” and Delete buttons included in it are replaced by combinations. Standard keys, which are also present on PC, are shown in green in the screenshot. Specific ones that are only available on Apple keyboards are marked in red:

  • Option ⌥ . System-wide modifier. In many menus, pressing this button changes items, opening additional functionality.
  • Command ⌘ . Similar to the Win key. Most keyboard shortcuts on a MacBook require it.

The screenshot below shows how the OS menu items change when the Option button is pressed. On the left is standard command output, and on the right is extended output.


In the Apple operating system, Finder performs the same role as Explorer in Windows. It's constantly running file manager. Most of the operations performed in it require the use of the Command key and have a logical justification in English:

  • ⌘ +C (Copy) – create a copy of a file or document on the clipboard;
  • ⌘ +V – paste from buffer;
  • ⌘ +X (Excise) – cut the selected object from the current window. In practice, Finder performs this operation by default for files. The selected object is immediately transferred to a new window.
  • ⌘ +A (All) – select all files in the current window;
  • ⌘ +Z (Zero) – return to the original (zero) state. Undoes the user's last action.
  • ⌘ +E (Eject) – eject or disconnect the selected external media;
  • ⌘ +T (Tab) – creates a new tab in the current window;
  • ⌘ +F (Find) – launches the search dialog in the Finder;
  • ⌘ +I (Inspector) – displays the properties of the selected file in a separate window;
  • ⌘ +Y – launch quick view. Functions similarly to the space bar;
  • ⌘ +M (Minimize) – allows you to minimize the current window to the Dock panel;
  • ⌘ +O (Open) – open the selected file in the default program.

To save screen space, you can shorten the side menu, leaving only frequently used folders in it, and use keyboard shortcuts to navigate to other sections. Clicking Option opens access to the system library, which is hidden by default.

Similarly, you can use keyboard shortcuts to change the way files are displayed in the Finder window.

The following screenshot shows the Cover Flow preview mode launched by pressing the ⌘4 combination.

Useful combinations

Any MacBook, regardless of version (Air or Pro), uses the same keyboard and operating system. There is no division between home and professional versions of macOS. Therefore, the keyboard shortcuts will work absolutely identically on any model.

Screen lock

Sleep mode works well on Mac. When leaving the laptop, you can close the lid and, upon returning, continue working from the same place without worrying about the safety of your files. However, sometimes just locking the screen is enough. For example, if you take a break from your work for a few minutes, but don’t want to show it to anyone.

The combination Control + Command + Q gives this opportunity. A lock window is displayed on the monitor, and after the specified time, the screen saver will start. The keyboard shortcut Shift + Control + Power allows you to achieve a similar result. In this case, the monitor's power is turned off and it goes out, bypassing the screen saver stage. If the specified checkbox is checked in the settings, you can only access the laptop with a password.

Forced termination of programs

Any program, including one that has stopped responding, can be forcibly terminated on a Mac. To do this, click on the apple logo in the menu bar and select the marked item. As you can see in the screenshot, this operation can also be performed using hot keys.

Option + Command + Esc brings up a simplified version of the task manager. In it we find the program that requires completion and press the marked button.

Often this operation has to be done with the built-in QuickTime video player. After closing the main window, it tends to remain in memory without being displayed in the Dock.

Fine tuning

Adjusting the sound, key backlighting, and screen brightness on the Air or other iMac has sixteen positions between “Min” and “Max” values. Control is carried out by the corresponding function keys of the top row. If you hold down the Shift + Option keys while making adjustments, each control position will be divided into four parts.

Thus, you get not 16, but 64 adjustment points. When additional buttons released, the system will first fill in the incomplete division and then automatically switch to normal mode.


As we said earlier, on Apple computers There is no separate key for taking screenshots. The following combinations are used for screenshots:

  • Command + Shift + 3 . Screenshot of the entire desktop;
  • Command + Shift + 4 . Snapshot of the selected area;
  • Command + Shift + 4 + Space. A snapshot of the selected window or menu item.

Boot Modes

When you start macOS, before the apple logo first appears, you can select a boot mode. These combinations can be useful not only for reinstallation or troubleshooting:

  • Option. Selecting a boot volume for systems with two operating systems installed. Thus, you can choose between macOS and Windows installed on the BootCamp partition;
  • T. Starting the system in external volume mode. If you connect the problem Mac to a working Mac, you can boot from it hard drive and perform initial diagnostics;
  • Shift . Starts the OS in safe mode;
  • Command + R. Recovery from hard drive;
  • Option + Command + R . Internet mode Recovery. Reinstallation or macOS recovery from Apple servers.


In normal mode, your MacBook can be turned off or restarted using the system menu. For this purpose, it contains everything available to the user options.

For these purposes, you can also use various combinations:

  • Control + Power. Calls up the shutdown menu in a separate window;
  • Control + Command + Power . An analogue of the “three-finger combination” for Windows. Causes a forced reboot;
  • Option + Command + Power. Switching to sleep mode without closing the lid;
  • Shift + Command + Q . End the user session with a warning;

Logout of the user without warning. The next time you log in earlier open windows are automatically restored.

Keyboard settings

IN Sierra versions Apple has changed the language switching combination familiar to many Mac users. Instead of Command, the Control key was used in combination with the spacebar. Many users first change this setting to a familiar and convenient one.

  1. Open System Preferences and select the marked item.
  1. Let's move on to the "Keyboard Shortcuts" section. In the navigation area, select the item that interests us. In the right part of the window, specified and possible, but not preset, combinations will open. For example, launching Launchpad from the keyboard is possible, but there is no default shortcut for it. We tick it and open the editing field. Enter a combination that is convenient for you.
  1. If desired, you can set hotkeys yourself. For example, the Finder has a “Compress” option, which does not have its own combination. If the need for archiving arises constantly, then it can be created. Switch to the marked section. Using the “+” button we call up an additional menu. Select a program. Enter the exact name of the item and set the desired combination.
  1. The result of the manipulations performed is visible immediately; a reboot is not required. Using a given combination, you can quickly create archives.
  1. In the first section of the keyboard settings, you can set the principle of using the top row function keys. By default, they are used to quickly access system settings such as media or lighting controls. Their traditional role is activated by pressing the Fn key in the lower left corner. In some graphic editors These buttons are used quite actively. In order not to use a combination of two keys every time, you can return them to their direct assignment. To do this, put a tick in the place indicated by the arrow. Now, to add volume, you need to use not F12, but Fn + F12.
  1. Here, lovers of experiments can independently reassign the role of modifier keys. Clicking on the marked button will bring up an additional menu. Using drop-down lists, you can set new values. For example, swap Command and Control.


Usage various combinations keys are a matter of habit. If this is not directly necessary, then you can do without them just fine. The convenience of macOS is that they are listed in the menu of each program and can be easily remembered if desired.

Video instruction

If the topic in question interests you, the overview video below will help you learn more about how hotkeys work and find the most useful ones.

Surely not everyone knows that when working with MacBook Pro, you can use a huge number of hotkeys. Knowing the combination of buttons speeds up the user's work by an order of magnitude, and all those routine movements that you did before with the mouse can be done much faster; today we will look at the main hot keys on a MacBook.

Basic hotkeys on keyboards

Probably the most necessary and common hotkeys are shortcuts for working with text.

  1. If you want to select all the text, then you need to hold down the “Cmd” key and, without releasing it, press the English letter “A”
  2. If you need to copy the selected text, hold down the “Command” key and press the “C” button, the text is copied.
  3. If you need to cut out everything that you have selected, then press “Command+X”
  4. In order to paste all the selected text into any editor, you need to use the key combination “⌘+V”
  5. The keyboard shortcut “Command+Z” allows you to undo the previous action; this action can be used several times, but unfortunately not in all programs
  6. In order to find something in the text, for example, some phrase or phrase, you need to press the “⌘+F” keys, after which a search window will appear on your screen in which you can enter the phrase
  7. It often happens that when searching there are many similar phrases, you can scroll through them by holding down the “Cmd + G” keys
  8. In my practice, this happened, I want to minimize the active window, but I’m too lazy to reach for the mouse, in this case we press the “Command + H” buttons
  9. Do you want to quickly open a new window in your browser?! Hold down “Command” and add “N” to it
  10. Do you want to quickly print to a printer?! It's not a problem! Find the “Command” button on the keyboard and add the English “P”
  11. There have been cases when you want to save a document, you can do it in less than a second by pressing the “Command + S” key combination, after which a window for saving the document will appear on your screen
  12. If you want to quickly close the active window and not return to it, please, for this you have a selection of keys “⌘+W”
  13. You entered the program, but are too lazy to exit through the menu?! hold down the same “Command” button and add the English “Q” to it
  14. Let's consider this case: there are many programs open and you need to navigate through windows, hold down “⌘” and add “Tab” to it
  15. Need to take a screenshot? All this can be done in a matter of seconds, just hold down the “Shift+Cmd+3” buttons

In addition to working with text, you can control the entire computer using the same hot keys. Below we will look at several common situations.

In my practice, there were cases when the computer “freezed”, all the actions that I tried to perform were in vain and the system did not respond to a single mouse click. The computer needed a reboot, but I could not reboot it, in such cases, you can try holding down the “Control + Cmd” buttons and adding to all this pressing the power button, this will allow you to force a reboot of the system.

Many users prefer not to turn off their computer, but to put it into sleep mode. In my opinion, this is a very convenient option; to do this, it is enough to perform simple actions, press “Ctrl + Shift”, find the disk eject button and the computer goes into sleep mode or, as some call it, standby mode.

Sometimes this happens when the user has opened a large number of programs or applications on his personal computer, the computer began to lag, the operating system reacts to your responses, but it takes so long that during this time you can drink coffee, in such situations you can give a command to close all open source software with a reboot, to perform this action you need to find the “Ctrl+Cmd” keys on the keyboard and press the drive eject button, i.e. the disk. If you have any important texts or documents open, then before rebooting the system, a window will appear on the display prompting you to save.

There are often situations when several user accounts are installed on the computer, so as not to constantly go into the settings, you can press the key combination “Shift+⌘+Q”, before logging out of the account a window will appear in which you will have to confirm leaving the account if If you want to log out without confirmation, then you need to perform the following steps “Opt+Shift+Cmd+Q”, after which you will instantly log out of your account.

There are also a huge number of hot buttons for in-depth work with text, these combinations are most useful for rewriters or copywriters, you can save a huge amount of time by pressing a few keys rather than searching with the mouse for any menu item

Let's say you need to select some text in bold, in order to do this with the mouse, you must first select the text, then find where the font button is located. Do you need so much trouble?! There is an alternative option for this, just circle the desired text and use the key combination “⌘+B” and everything that you have selected will become bold.

Or does everything need to be written in italics?! Easily! Press “Cmd+i”, must it be emphasized?! No problem! For this there are the keys “Command + U”

Let’s assume that you have already written all the text, you want to check it, but either you don’t know where the spell check is, or you’re just too lazy to click the mouse, we find the “Shift+Cmd+Colon” ​​keys on your keyboard and the spell check window will immediately appear on your display .

In fact, there can be a huge bunch of hotkeys on a computer; many browsers have their own hotkeys, which are successfully used by many surfers world wide web, if you are not yet familiar with them, then we recommend studying the most necessary ones, this will greatly facilitate your work and save the most precious thing that a Person has. Of course, we mean priceless time.