Which button makes a screenshot in tanks. How to take a screenshot in World of Tanks - tips and recommended software

Many gamers, especially new ones, quite often need one, which will allow them to quickly be aware of all the subtleties. However, in addition to gameplay details, players are often interested in how to take a screenshot. In World of Tanks, saving a screenshot to your computer is very simple. To do this you need to click on Print key Screen, which is usually located on the top right side. In the future, all screenshots taken will be located at: /WoT/.

There are other ways to save game screenshots. In particular, you can use a popular program called Fraps. Having installed it on your PC and launched it, you need to go to the Screenshots section. Users can then make their preferred settings. For example, you can specify any selected key for convenience.

By default, the Fraps utility saves screenshots in /Fraps/Screenshots/, but this can be changed in the settings. For example, the user can select the desktop and after pressing the button, all screenshots will be located in a convenient place. You can also create a special folder for storing images and specify the path to it in the program settings.

In general, as you can see, taking a screenshot in World of Tanks is not difficult. At the same time, gamers do not have to use third-party utilities, since they can use the Prnt Scrn key.

Quite a lot of computer users like to sometimes play various games online or offline. Sometimes such interesting events happen in games that you want to capture them and show them to your friends. One of these games is online World game of Tanks, because every game battle there are so many events that you will probably come across something interesting.

Taking a screenshot in a game is not so easy, which is why you can find many different tips and methods on the Internet. When you start the game, you can see a keyboard shortcut that is convenient for taking a screenshot, but it is much more convenient to use the Screenshoter program, so as not to then search for the image in all folders of the computer, but to immediately know where the screenshot is.

Installing and downloading this application is carried out in several simple steps. The user just needs to go to the official website, download it and install it. Since Screenshot only allows you to take screenshots, the space occupied on the disk is completely unnoticeable, and the program always runs in the background.

2. Select a hotkey

In order not to spend a long time searching for the button to take a screenshot, you can immediately go to the Screenshot settings and install everything. Typically, users select the PrtSc button as a hotkey to create all images with the press of a single key.

So, the user can select any button, the Screenshot program will work with almost all of the user’s settings, if the key does not belong to other applications that are also open on the computer.

3. Photo during the game

After starting the game and entering battle, you can safely take screenshots by pressing the selected key. Advantage this method is a known place to store the image and save it quickly. After exiting the game, you can take a screenshot from the selected folder, which is also set in the settings.

It is worth noting that taking screenshots using Screenshotter in the game World of Tanks is better not an area, but the entire screen; this way the program will not require you to select anything, and the user will be able to calmly continue the battle without being distracted by unnecessary actions.

Any player loves to capture their achievements or funny moments in a particular game. This is especially popular in the game World of Tanks, where gamers take hundreds of thousands of screenshots of their achievements, funny game moments, and simply their tanks. A fairly popular feature eventually acquired a huge army of fans, most of whom still did not understand how to take a screenshot in World of Tanks. After all, many games have a built-in program that allows you to save screenshots in a separate folder, but this is not the case here. Do not panic, since the solution to this problem is not so global and quite simple. Read the following information and you will be able to use several ways to save the most memorable moments in the World of Tanks game. For fun, you can use each method and choose the most suitable and convenient one.

So, in the game World of Tanks? Before answering this question, it is worth finding out what it is and why it is needed. A screenshot is a picture that is taken instantly and displays the image that is on this moment is on the monitor screen. In general, a screenshot is a file created using the capture function automatic copy pictures from the monitor. It sounds quite complicated, but is quite simple to understand and create. You can take a screenshot using a variety of functions, programs and methods. We will highlight the most convenient and popular of all existing ones. But first, it’s worth figuring out what exactly screenshots are for. Sometimes people just make huge collections of simple pictures and don’t even realize that this process even has directions.

What are they needed for?

How to take a screenshot in World of Tanks? The answer to this question is quite simple. It is much more difficult to understand what exactly this screenshot is for. Let's open little secret: You shouldn’t look for meaning in this matter, since this file can have a lot of purposes. For example, the game created a curious, funny and - take a screenshot so that you can laugh with your friends later. You have reached unprecedented heights - take a screenshot and create a collection of your achievements. You need to quickly remember information - take a screenshot, and the data will always be at hand. There can be many purposes: entertaining, practical, informational, even for work this function can be useful. In our case, screenshots are created to create collections of funny situations, your own tanks and achievements.

Screenshots using Windows

How to take a screenshot in World of Tanks? First, let's look at the most popular method, which is implemented using the most Windows systems. There is a button on the keyboard with the name Print Screen. Using it, you can save the image on the screen to the memory buffer. And if you combine this function with the Paint program, you can easily create screenshots of the game. But it’s worth considering that the memory buffer can save one copy, so you shouldn’t press the button many times and try to save a whole chain of pictures. For this case, there is a special and convenient program called Fraps. And our method is perfect for answering the question of how to take a screenshot in World of Tanks.

Screenshots using Fraps

Fraps- unique program for recording videos and taking screenshots, aimed at the gaming audience. The application creates the highest quality videos and screenshots compared to all other utilities, so it is better to use it first. The program has an intuitive interface, so you can quickly understand its functionality. It allows you to set a screenshot timer (that is, a time period after which a screenshot is automatically created). It has a special function that allows you to assign a key for manually creating a photo, and has a lot of additional and convenient elements for this matter. And when the question arises about how to take a screenshot in World of Tanks, you can safely launch Fraps.

Other software for screenshots

It is also worth noting that there are also quite interesting and popular programs, such as LighShot, Screen Capture, Joxi, Screenshot Marker. Each of them has its own unique settings, functions, converters and many other elements for comfortable use. You can try each program and choose the one that suits you best. Fraps has one negative point - the application consumes a lot of resources, and this sometimes lowers FPS, which can have a detrimental effect on the gameplay, especially in the midst of a tough tank battle. Therefore, if you don't have powerful computer, then it is better to select a program from this list.

The question of how to take a screenshot in World of Tanks is far from the only problem that players have while getting to know the project. But this article revealed everything in detail existing methods her decisions. After trying each one and choosing one of the options for yourself, you will forever forget about this problem and can easily deal with others.

Screenshot or screen(English) screenshot- screenshot) - an image obtained from the monitor screen by pressing the PrtScr keys on the keyboard (for the entire screen) or a combination Alt keys+PrtScr (for the current window). A screenshot is saved to the operating system's clipboard. The resulting image can then be inserted into graphics editor, processed and saved. Additional plug-ins are provided for browsers, with which you can receive and save screenshots without the participation of a graphic editor. There are also special programs for creating, processing and saving screenshots.


Taking a screenshot using a graphics editor

  1. Press Alt+PrtScr - the picture of the active program window (for example, if you are in a game, then the browser or SAFP) goes to the clipboard;
  2. Launch any graphics editor. For example, Paint. Click " Edit» → « Insert"(Ctrl+V);
  3. The picture of the window taken earlier was inserted;
  4. Click " File» → « Save as»;
  5. Select file type: png or jpg;
  6. Click " Save».

Taking a screenshot using the Snipping Tool

In Windows 7 and above, there is a built-in alternative to the classic screenshot method described above. It's called " Scissors" This is a tool pre-installed on the system and can be found in the " Start» → « All programs» → « Standard». « Scissors"allow you to select the desired area of ​​the screen and save it as a graphic file. To quickly call this tool, you can set it to call hotkey or place the shortcut in a convenient place (for example, on the Desktop or taskbar).

Taking screenshots

  1. Run " Scissors»;
  2. Launch the program you want to take a screenshot of;
  3. Press " Create».
    Using the menu on the right you can select the screenshot mode - Full Screen, window or selection;
  4. Take and save a screenshot.

Windows 8 and 10: Taking Screenshots Easily

If your operating system- Windows 8 and above, you can take screenshots using the Win+PrtScr key combination. The full-screen screenshot will be automatically saved to the “Pictures” folder (the shortcut to it is usually located in the “Start” or “Computer” menu). This method does not require any third-party tools.

Taking a screenshot using FastStone Capture

After downloading and installing, Joxi will register itself in autostart and will wait for user actions every time the system starts. The Joxi icon can be found in the tray. In the program settings, you can specify the folder for local saving and image quality (if you select “high”, the screenshots will be saved in .png format, otherwise - in .jpg), change the hot keys. Nearby you can find the history of downloaded files and, if necessary, delete unnecessary screenshots from the server.

Taking screenshots

  • Ctrl+PrtScr - select an area of ​​the screen. Before uploading, you can edit the screenshot in the built-in editor. To load the resulting image, press Ctrl+Enter or click on the green button with a checkmark to the right of the toolbar.
  • Ctrl+Shift+PrtScr - take a screenshot of the entire screen. A toolbar will also appear here before loading.
  • Shift+PrtScr - immediately uploads a snapshot of the entire screen to the server, skipping the editing step. Useful when you don’t want to waste time on an extra click on the download button.

Taking screenshots with Screenpic

Another screenshot with the ability to upload images to hosting, taking up only 8 MB on your disk. Unlike Joxi, it does not require registration and uploads screenshots to the popular hosting Imgur in anonymous or authorized mode without any restrictions. You can download Screenpic from the link.

The program has a simple, minimalistic interface. Among the possibilities:

  • autorun with Windows;
  • preservation local copies screenshots;
  • download history;
  • the ability to load files already saved to disk;
  • ability to change hotkeys.

Taking screenshots

It is more convenient to take screenshots using the following hotkeys (default):

  • PrtScr - select an area of ​​the screen. Before uploading, you can edit the screenshot in the built-in editor. To load the resulting image, press Ctrl+Enter or click on the button “ Download».
  • Ctrl+PrtScr - take a screenshot of the entire screen. A toolbar will also appear here before loading.
  • Alt+PrtScr - load a screenshot of an open window.

Taking screenshots using DS screenshot tool

DS screenshot tool - another one free program, does not require installation, can take a screenshot of the entire window or a selected area, and upload the image to tnkscr.net hosting. After downloading the program, move it to a separate folder and check the “Autorun” option in the settings. Screenshots will be saved in a folder called screenshots, which the program will create in the same folder where it is located. An important advantage of the program is a log of links to downloaded screenshots indicating the date, which is available by right-clicking on the program icon in the tray → « Logs» → « Action log».

Taking screenshots

  1. Run DS screenshot tool;
  2. Launch the program you want to take a screenshot of;
  3. Select one of the methods for taking screenshots:
    • Press the Win+` key combination on your keyboard, then highlight the area you need, click on the “ Fill"and in a few seconds you will receive a link to the already uploaded screenshot. In addition, the file will also be saved on your computer;
    • Press the Alt+` key combination on your keyboard. A snapshot of the entire screen will be saved on your computer.

Screenshot from Apple/Macintosh OS

Creating a screenshot using the system itself

In order to take a screenshot, no special programs no need. You just need to know a few keyboard shortcuts. You can view them in the settings of your computer, namely in System PreferencesKeyboard & MouseKeyboard Shortcuts:

  • Command+Shift+3: Full screen to file on desktop.
  • Command+Shift+4: Selected area to file.
  • Command+Shift+4+Space: program window to file.

To save to the clipboard, you must additionally hold down Ctrl.

Taking a Screenshot Using Mac OS X Grab

To avoid remembering hotkeys, you can use a standard utility Mac OS X Grab. You can find it through Spotlight (search on your computer), writing “grab” there, or in the folder with system utilities.
The Grab program is extremely simple and at the same time has good functionality.
There are four “shooting” modes, each of which has hotkeys:

  • Selection- Shift+Command+A - snapshot of the selected area;
  • Window- Shift+Command+W - window snapshot, you can select any of the currently open windows;
  • Screen- Command+Z - snapshot of the entire screen;
  • Timed Screen- Shift+Command+Z - snapshot of the entire screen using a timer. After pressing the timer start button, the time will count down - 10 seconds. During this time, you can prepare the screen for shooting.

After the screenshot is taken, a window with the resulting image will appear in Grab; now you can save it to the location you need.

It's also worth noting that Grab can handle multiple screenshots at once. That is, you can “click” several screenshots at once, and then compare them and choose the best one. Grab can also copy your pictures to the clipboard by pressing Command+C.

Taking a screenshot using the Screenshot Plus widget

Can take the following types of screenshots:

  • entire screen;
  • entire screen with delay;
  • program window (and will cut off the entire the background, including rounded corners at the top of the window);
  • widget;
  • screen area.

After you take the photo, Screenshot Plus will show you it and ask you what to do with it: delete it, try again, save it to your desktop or to a location specified in the settings.

If you still do screenshots of a monitor or laptop on your phone or a camera, then this article is just for you. The article will talk about How do they take screenshots of the screen in the game World of Tanks?, and you won’t need any additional programs. After reading, you will learn how to take screenshots directly in battle, in replays and even in the hangar!

Some schoolchildren believe that the game has special function allowing you to take screen photos, this is actually not entirely true.
Now we will describe step by step how to take screenshots of tanks:

1. The button for screenshots is called Print Screen, the abbreviation is more often used Prt Scr. There is also an inscription on this button SysRq. This button is located differently on different keyboards. But its approximate location is on the top right, between the main keyboard and the numeric keyboard.

In the photo below you can see the location of this button on the keyboard Defender. Button Print Screen circled in red. Once you find this button on your keyboard, you can proceed to the next point.

2. How to capture a moment in the game WorldOfTanks? The answer is simple: you need to press a button Print Screen on your keyboard.

Below is an example of such a screenshot. It was provided to me by the participants. I would like to note that in the screenshot you can see the result of the battle. As it appears, a platoon of folders pulled him out. And even on 2 level punished 4 , causing quite a bit of damage. It's nice when there are players who can drag out a fight with even the worst equipment. But that’s not about that now.

3. Now the most difficult question for many players remains, Where are the screenshots you take from World of Tanks saved? Screenshots are saved to a folder Screenshots, located along the path: the disk on which the game is installed …\World of Tanks\Screenshots.

In folder Screenshots there will be pictures taken by you in the game World of Tanks using the button Prt Scr.