How to remove the battery from an iPhone 4 s. Signs of battery failure

Apple iPhone, especially the 4th and 5th generations, are the embodiment of not just quality, but durability. But sooner or later the time comes when the battery on such gadgets needs to be changed. How to replace the battery on iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s yourself - instructions below.

Apple has already abandoned the “maintenance” of iPhone 4x devices - iOS updates not released: 10th versions operating system You already need at least an iPhone 5x. But this does not mean that the 4th iPhone models you can throw it away - there are also more conservative people who use even iPhones of earlier generations as at least multimedia devices. iPhones themselves are long-lived due to their quality and durability: until the motherboard, sensor and buttons fail and the batteries are no longer produced, they will live. There will even be a paradoxical situation when iOS will stop updating altogether, and all its versions will not require the signature of the Apple server when flashing the gadget and will go “free floating” to hackers or will be changed at the last moment by Apple. All iPhones, especially models released during the lifetime of Steven Jobs, are excellently built and can work without problems for 15 years, like old IBM PC computers with Windows 2000/XP. Unfortunately, many do not appreciate this and run to the nearest store to buy new gadgets. Why change your iPhone when all you need to do is change the battery? The lifespan of a modern Li-Ion battery is measured at 3–5 years - even with daily recharging a couple of times a day, after which its capacity drops sharply, and after 8 years it using iPhone will immediately turn off as soon as you launch a couple of applications, even when fully charged.

What is needed to disassemble and assemble the device

Here is a list of tools:

  • pentagonal screwdriver (pentalobe);
  • "crosshead screwdriver;
  • regular flat screwdriver;
  • plastic screwdriver or spatula (“mounter”);
  • sucker;
  • tweezers.
  • How to replace the battery on iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s with your own hands

    How to remove and change the battery on iPhone 4(s)

    The iPhone 4s has a design similar to a kind of “sandwich” made of metal, glass and composite panels. Replacing the battery on 4th generation iPhones is as follows.

  • Unscrew the screws on the bottom end of the gadget. You will need a mini screwdriver - it is available in Chinese online stores, known as a pentalobe screwdriver (pentahedron screwdriver, “star” screwdriver).

    They are the ones who fix it

  • Slide back cover up 2–3 millimeters. Grasp its protrusion and pry it up - it will come off.

    The insides of the iPhone will be revealed, including its battery.

  • Place your iPhone screen side down with a soft, lint-free cloth underneath. Now unscrew the “phillips” screw (a regular small “curly” screwdriver will do) - it holds the cable connector. Remove this cable carefully, so as not to damage the black socket for it, by pulling the cable towards the battery.

    Without disconnecting this cable you will not be able to replace the battery

  • Attention! To remove the battery, warm it up to at least 45–50 degrees to soften the sticky layer on which it “sits.”

    Remove it carefully

    There is nothing to worry about - it’s already “dead”, it will only be useful in homemade LED flashlights, and not in powering “sophisticated” ones mobile devices what Apple technology is. Pull the tab to lift the battery - then use a regular flathead screwdriver to pry the battery off.

  • Insert a new battery of the same type in its place and reassemble everything as it was.
  • Replacing the battery on iPhone 5 (s) yourself

    Unlike the iPhone 4(s), replacing the battery requires removing the screen, not the back cover. Do the following.

  • Unscrew the screws on the bottom of the iPhone 5/5s, next to the Lightning connector.

    Unscrew them to unlock the screen block

  • Place the suction cup on the screen and, by pulling it, lift the screen panel so that a small gap is formed. Insert the mounting spudger (plastic screwdriver) and, moving it, lift the screen, carefully removing the latches you come across along the way.

    Use a suction cup and screwdriver

  • First, remove the cable from the Home button (“Home” - it brings up the iOS desktop). Unlike the 5, the 5s has a Home button cable connected to the motherboard. Before lifting the screen further, you need to disconnect it using a “mounting bar” or a plastic (not metal!) screwdriver. When disconnecting the Home button cable, be careful not to tear it - in this case, your TouchID fingerprint sensor will stop working, and only in service Apple Center Store (iStore) will be able to restore it again for you by replacing the cable, because non-branded cables are not suitable!

    Be careful! One sudden movement - and there is no train!

  • You can now raise the screen by rotating it 90 degrees. In principle, you could immediately start replacing the battery if you act very carefully - but it’s still better to play it safe and remove the display panel, because removing the battery may require effort - it is mounted on adhesive tape.

    Until you completely free the display panel, further replacement of spare parts will be significantly complicated

  • To remove iPhone screen 5(s) completely, you need to disconnect other cables responsible for the display itself with the sensor and its controllers, front camera and a light sensor.

    Do not hurry! Battery according to this plan disassembly, removed after detaching the screen!

    Remove the display cable holder (a shiny piece of hardware with screws) and carefully pull out the cable itself. Now the insides of the iPhone are completely free for further service. The bolts in the iPhone have different diameters - when assembling, do not mix them up: they simply will not tighten without significant effort.

  • Carefully remove the battery cable. Attention! If you loosen its connector - printed circuit board The iPhone may become damaged, requiring replacement, which is expensive.
  • Install a screwdriver and pry up the battery - it is glued with a special glue that vaguely resembles sticky material that does not completely dry; removing the battery will not be difficult. Use this screwdriver to go around its perimeter, it should come away from the back of the iPhone. Do not use excessive force to avoid damaging the battery. Pull the special label - it is designed to make the battery come out easier. Attention! The 5s model does not have this label - pry off the battery only with a screwdriver.
  • Install new battery- exactly the same as the previous one! - and put everything back together.
  • How to replace the battery on iPhone 6(s)

    If you take a closer look at the performance of the iPhone, you can see that, despite even more technological perfection, speed, speed and performance, the 6th iPhones are easier to assemble and disassemble than the 5th. Do the following.

  • Like the 5 iPhones, the 6(s) models have 5-sided screws on both sides of the interface connector. Take them off.

    Pentalobe screws on iPhone 6(s) from the end

  • Shoot the screen without looking at the “Home” button, as was the case with the iPhone 5s - it is connected to a common multi-loop on which the panel with the screen, the front camera, light sensors and TouchID are mounted. Rotate it 90 degrees immediately .

    The holder looks like a small piece of hardware with screws - it has already been removed

  • Remove the metal plate holder (it has 5 cross-shaped screws) and carefully release all 4 “legs” of the cable. The holder looks like a small piece of hardware with 5 screws.

    It is secured with five Phillips screws

  • Remove the battery cable holder (it has a pair of Phillips screws).

    It has a pair of simple figured screws

  • Hook up and release the battery cable.
  • Using a pry bar, pry the battery from several sides and pull it out (it is traditionally glued with sticky-type glue).

    It should come out easily now

  • Install a new battery, identical to the previous one, and put everything back together.
  • Interesting facts when disassembling iPhone 4, 5, 6 generations

    The evolution of the iPhone seemed to be outpacing itself. Apple's progress constantly presents new and bold solutions.

  • A separate cable for the Home button - this idea did not catch on: there are too many cases of it suddenly being torn off from this button.
  • Maternal iPhone boards are becoming more and more compact - thanks to the “capacity” of the largest chips (processor, RAM and flash memory, as well as chipset motherboard, increasingly reduced to one or three “custom” mini-chips - a path that once followed a dozen generations of Windows-based PCs).
  • More and more individual cables are being combined into one multi-cable - making it easier and faster to remove the front panel with the screen. But running a battery on this multi-loop is risky: the amperage (power) is too high for the thinnest tracks, of which there are dozens, and maybe even a hundred, in the loop of the gadget’s front panel. Therefore, it is better to place power cables separately.
  • Removing the back cover to replace the battery is also a thing of the past. Now, to get to everything, it is enough, again, to remove the display panel.
  • At Apple it is now fashionable to produce one-piece “aerocases” (with a streamlined shape) from alloys and composites - the design of the metal-glass-composite “sandwich” has become obsolete. It is too bulky and heavy, although it is not inferior in quality modern form factor iPhone cases - and in some places even surpasses it, producing the effect of a truly reliable, thoroughly made gadget, the kind that were once produced and for which we will be madly nostalgic...
  • Video: how to disassemble iPhone 6 yourself

    As you can see, replacing the battery on an iPhone is not the most difficult procedure. If you do everything very carefully, you can save thousands of rubles by paying only for the battery itself, the “installations” and a set of screwdrivers. Good luck! You will succeed!

    If your favorite phone begins to discharge quickly, the battery charge barely lasts for a day, or even less, it’s time to think about replacing the worn-out battery. You can do this at a service center or replace the battery on your iPhone 4s yourself at home.

    What tools are needed to replace the battery on an iPhone 4s?

    In terms of time, replacing an old battery takes about 30 minutes, this will help you avoid buying a new phone. To replace, you will need a special set of tools, which can be purchased in the online store or specialized departments. If there is still plenty of time and the battery is still “breathing,” you can order a new battery and at the same time a set of necessary screwdrivers, taking advantage of the offers from Chinese sellers trading platform. The cost of replacement at home will be several times cheaper than paying at a service center.

    Replacing the battery on iPhone 4s

    You can change the battery on your iPhone yourself, but there is no guarantee that everything will go smoothly. Therefore, before proceeding to the most important thing - disassembling the phone, we suggest studying the step-by-step recommendations:

    • The development company left no chance for users to quickly replace the battery, because it is securely hidden inside the case. Before you begin disassembling the phone, you must turn off the device.
    • Take a thin screwdriver to unscrew the 2 screws at the end of the device on the sides of the charging connector. Work carefully, the screws are very small and can easily get lost, so have a sheet of white paper and a lid ready to store the parts in advance.
    • Very carefully try to move the back cover of the phone to the side. A small gap will appear.
    • Now grab the lid with your thumbs and move it away from you, just a few millimeters.
    • Use two fingers to hold the protruding edge and pull up slightly to remove the back cover of the iPhone.
    • Carefully place the phone on a table previously covered with a soft towel (take a clean kitchen towel, fold it in several layers). These steps are necessary to avoid damaging the screen and protect it from scratches.
    • Now you need to disconnect the battery. To do this, use a cross-shaped tool to unscrew the lock located on the device board.
    • Next, you need to disconnect the connector in this way: carefully pull up towards the battery. There is a fastener (black) under the latch, try not to damage it, work as carefully as possible.
    • Now you can try to remove the battery, but this is not so easy because it is glued to the case itself. To disconnect it, you need to pull the latch (this is a plastic tab), while at the same time prying off the battery on the other side with a special plastic tool with a flat tip.
    • To quickly remove the old battery, some technicians turn on a hair dryer, directing a stream of warm air to the back of the phone.
    • After some effort, you will be able to remove the old battery.
    • Do not completely remove the glue from the inside of the case; the new battery will “sit” on it.

    Installing a new battery on an iPhone 4s

    Do not rush to install a new battery right away; first you need to clean the insides of the phone from dirt with a dry cotton swab. Try to do everything slowly and carefully so as not to damage anything.

    Repeat your steps in reverse order - insert a new battery, secure it, connect the connector and then tighten the 2 screws of the back cover. Don't worry, the screws are absolutely identical and cannot be mixed up.

    Now you can turn on the phone and check the operation of the device.

    Frequent use of the phone, incorrect and untimely recharging, inappropriate software lead to rapid discharge of the iPhone 4 battery. In this case, you may need to replace the iPhone 4 battery. The iPhone 4 battery can be replaced correctly at our Apple equipment repair service. We guarantee fast and high-quality results.

    From Apple is a device that is capable of performing many tasks simultaneously every day, while working for a long time. The gadget is powered by a battery and the operating time of the smartphone depends on its duration of use. Over time, the battery may become less capable of holding a charge. You have to recharge your phone more often. This is due to many reasons. As a result, your iPhone 4 battery may need to be replaced.

    Causes of wear and tear that require replacing the iPhone 4 battery

    1. Incorrect use of the phone.
    2. Late battery charging.
    3. Frequent use of the phone at sub-zero temperatures.
    4. Usage charger not from iPhone 4.
    5. Constant use of geolocation.
    6. Automatic background application updates.
    7. Frequently playing games or being on apps.
    8. Frequent use of 4G.
    9. Unfinished software installed on a smartphone.

    Due to these and many other reasons, it may be necessary to replace the iPhone 4 battery. Changing the battery on an iPhone 4 series yourself is quite difficult, since this requires a special tool, the ability to disassemble such equipment and attentiveness. Therefore, we recommend using the services of our service center for repairing Apple equipment. We employ professional craftsmen who perform their work with guaranteed quality.

    Tools Needed to Replace iPhone 4 Battery

    Replacing the iPhone 4 battery requires a special set of tools for Apple equipment. Such tools are mostly made of plastic, so there is little chance of damaging any contacts when disassembling the smartphone. Change it yourself battery quite difficult, since this requires certain knowledge and skills, so we recommend contacting our specialized service center, where professional craftsmen will perform the replacement at a professional level.

    iPhone 4 battery replacement steps

    Replacing the iPhone 4 battery is carried out in several stages:

    1. The screws next to the charging connector are unscrewed.
    2. The smartphone lies with the display down. Removed rear body shift by short distance and stretches upward.
    3. The screw that secures the charging connector is unscrewed.
    4. The battery is glued to the case, so you need to pull the plastic tab and use a flat spatula to remove the battery.
    5. The internal elements are being cleaned.
    6. Then a new battery is installed according to the same principle as its removal, only the actions are performed in reverse.

    Replacing the battery on an iPhone 4 in our service center is carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible. We use only original spare parts when repairing Apple equipment. We carry out repair work of any complexity.

    Considering the fact that the Apple smartphone is quite popular in Russia, I decided to prepare step by step instructions iPhone battery replacement. Moreover, when you contact the manufacturer’s service center, you will make sure that iPhone battery replacement It’s quite an expensive procedure, but with the help of this article you can do it yourself, saving your money.

    It is also worth noting that Apple offers batteries for its smartphones
    for about 3,500 rubles, but if you go to eBay in the “Replacement battery for iPhone” section, you will find a decent analogue with the necessary screwdriver included for 500 rubles.

    So let's go straight to iPhone 4 Battery Replacement Instructions. We will use this particular smartphone model as an example.

    Unscrew the screws

    First, unscrew the two small screws of the screw near the USB cable connector. As a rule, these are screws with a cross-head slot or with a five-pointed star (Pentalobe). For the last type of screws, you will need a special screwdriver, which you can buy in online stores or on the radio market. There you can also find a spare battery; you are required to know the exact model name of your iPhone.

    Attention! Opening your smartphone voids your Apple warranty!

    Remove the cover

    After unscrewing the screws, slide the back cover of the iPhone with two thumbs away from you approximately 3 millimeters.

    Now grab it by the protruding edge and pull it up to remove it.

    Place the iPhone 4 in front of you on a soft surface with the display facing down so as not to scratch the smartphone screen.

    Disconnecting the battery

    Remove the small Phillips head screw shown in the picture. It secures the battery connector to the smartphone board. Remove the silver battery connector by gently pulling it upward towards the battery. Do this carefully so as not to bend the black fastener located under the connector.

    We take out the battery

    Be careful as the battery is glued to iPhone case. You need to firmly pull the plastic tab, prying off the smartphone battery with some flat object.

    Many people use a hairdryer for this task to warm up the back of the phone, but I don’t advise you to do this. Remove the old battery. Using the remaining glue you can attach the new battery.

    Assembling iPhone

    Before assembling your smartphone, I recommend cleaning your iPhone with compressed air or a cotton swab. Don't forget to clean protective glass cameras. Now install the battery, pressing it tightly against the case. Next, connect the battery connector and secure it with a screw, completing assembly in the reverse order shown above.

    The battery is the Achilles heel of modern smartphones, and the iPhone 4S is no exception. Almost any flagship with active use is discharged to zero every day. This is the price of a compromise, thanks to which today's devices can demonstrate amazing power, have large and clear displays, but at the same time are “packed” into a thin, elegant case, in which for a large battery that can hold a charge during active use, well, at least for a couple of days. there is no place.

    The enormous load on the battery leads, however, not only to daily discharge, which users are already accustomed to, but also to rapid wear of the battery, and this is a more serious problem. If you consider that the iPhone 4S, like any other iPhone, has a non-removable battery, and replacing the battery in the service costs a lot of money, it becomes quite sad. However, we hasten to please you - replacing the battery on an iPhone 4S is not such a difficult task, and if you have the proper tools, you can do it yourself.

    In this article we will tell you what replacing the battery in an iPhone 4S looks like, and also give detailed instructions, which will help you change your battery yourself. But first, we must explain how to understand that it is time to change the battery, and also talk about the tools that will be required to complete the procedure for replacing an outdated battery with iPhone smartphone 4S.

    Battery aging is not a one-time process; it wears out day after day and in each subsequent cycle the battery discharges a little faster than the previous one. And, in general, this is the norm. However, how do you understand that the situation has gone beyond normal and your smartphone needs new battery? There are at least two signs that will help you figure it out:

    • When performing everyday tasks, the battery should not be discharged by several percent at once (however, if you play “heavy” games, this situation may be quite normal and does not indicate that it is time to change the battery).

    Advice! For better battery control, set the digital charge display in your iPhone settings - you can do this in the following way: go to the “Settings” menu, then “General”, “Statistics” and activate the “Charge percentage” slider.

    • The smartphone should not turn off spontaneously when the charge is 20% or more (of course, there may be other reasons for this behavior, but if the problem is not with the battery, most likely such unexpected shutdowns will be accompanied by strong heating of the device).

    Another telltale sign that it’s time to change the battery on the iPhone 4S is the swelling of the smartphone’s body. The fact is that batteries emit gas during operation. It accumulates under the battery shell and slightly inflates it. But! If the battery is already very old and a lot of gas has accumulated, it will become cramped. Trying to get out, he will begin to “move” everything that is in the way, as a result, cracks may appear on the back cover, or it will simply seem to be slightly raised. In this case, you cannot delay, otherwise more serious repairs will be needed.

    What tools are needed to replace the iPhone 4S battery?

    In order to change the battery on an iPhone 4S with your own hands, you will need a special kit for disassembling Apple equipment; it can be purchased on sites like Aliexpress, Ebay, etc. for very modest money. As a matter of fact, you can buy a new battery on these same sites, but keep in mind that you will have to wait, these sites offer free delivery, but it is quite long.

    If the matter is urgent, it is better not to take risks and buy everything you need in a regular offline store that specializes in selling various parts and tools for repairing certain electronics.

    Of course, you can do it with various non-special means - you will need two screwdrivers - a Phillips and an asterisk, thin tweezers and a flat spatula - we will use it to pry off the battery. But! A special kit for disassembling Apple equipment has one very huge advantage - most of the tools are plastic, which means that if, due to inexperience, you “stick” into any contact, it will not be damaged, but non-special tools, as a rule, are metal, and there is a risk of causing irreparable harm to the smartphone. In general, you should not use metal special tools We recommend only to professionals.

    Instructions for changing the iPhone 4S battery yourself

    Well, here we actually get to the point. So, how to replace an iPhone battery with your own hands? Here's what you need to do in brief - remove the back cover, disconnect the old battery, install a new one and install the cover back. Seems quite simple, right? Well, let's look at the process in detail and step by step:

    1. Take a star screwdriver and unscrew the screws holding the back cover of the iPhone - they are located on either side of the connector into which you insert the charging cord. Don't be afraid to mix up the screws - they are identical.
    2. Are the screws loose? Then we place the smartphone on the table with the screen down and slightly move the cover up, and then remove it.
    3. Now you need to unscrew the screw that secures the battery connector; for this you will need a Phillips screwdriver.
    4. The connector is free - unclip it - a flat spatula will help.
    5. Now look carefully - the small black part is the coaxial cable retainer - you need to pull it out so that it doesn’t get lost while we remove the battery and turn the smartphone back and forth. Remove with tweezers.
    6. Well, it’s time to pull out the battery, to do this we’ll pull the special tab - keep in mind that the battery won’t give way so easily, because it’s glued. A flat spatula will also come in handy here; you can safely pry off the battery with it.
    7. Did you manage? Great - now all that remains is to install a new battery in place of the old one and follow all the above instructions in reverse order - return the coaxial cable clamp to its place, latch the connector, secure the latch with screws, put on the cover and tighten the screws holding it in place.
    8. That's it - you've done it!

    By the way, these instructions will also work for replacing the battery on an iPhone 4!

    Let's summarize

    As you can see, changing an iPhone battery is really not difficult, but, of course, being careful is very important. In modern smartphones, all the hardware is packed as tightly as possible - a thin body obliges you, and therefore you need to act extremely carefully and work with special tools so as not to damage anything. And finally, a very important piece of advice - if you are even a little unsure of your abilities, go to the service!