How to find out if Apple is slowing down your iPhone in a few seconds. iPhone with normal performance

It would seem that not so long ago the main topic of discussion among gamers were the two eternal brand wars - against Radeon and AMD against Intel. The protracted battle has already lost its meaning, and fans of this or that brand simply cannot convince each other. Now gamers have another platform - mobile. And here there is a much wider variety of manufacturers, so it has become much more difficult to determine which processor is best for games.

And the point here is not even in the “stones” themselves, but in the fact that marketers first of all promote the brand. The advertising highlights the interface features, operating system, cameras and other elements of smartphones and tablets, and the brand of the processor and its performance are mentioned only in passing. In order not to mix everything together, let's look at the types of CPUs for . We will only consider the processors of Android devices, since there is no choice as such on the iOS market.

Most users do not distinguish between the concepts of chipset, processor and SoC (system-on-chip). In fact, these are three different terms. A chipset is a set of chips that enable the processor, memory, and other electronics to work together. SoC is a multifunctional system built on a single chip. The SoC includes not only the processor, whose performance is usually discussed, but additional processors responsible for processing audio, video, standard tasks, and so on.

For example, the Tegra 2 SoC chipset has 8 processors:

  1. For video encoding;
  2. For video decoding;
  3. To process images (for example, from a camera);
  4. For working with sound;
  5. Graphic;
  6. For standard procedures;
  7. and 8. For basic computing processes - two Cortex-A9.

When determining the number of cores of a particular chipset, they talk specifically about the main computing processors, and in our case there are two of them, that is, Tegra 2 is a dual-core processor.

Why are so many other data processors installed in the SoC? To reduce device power consumption. On this moment LTE modules are also built into the chipsets, which reduces battery consumption compared to previous solutions when this communication module was installed separately.

Frequency, cores and performance

The vast majority of tablet buyers believe that the number of processor cores directly affects performance. In this view, an 8-core CPU is always in an advantageous position relative to two-, four-, and even more so single-core ones.

The situation is the same with the clock frequency: the higher the number, the better, owners believe portable devices. But this logic is not entirely correct, since productivity depends on more factors.

For example, one of the important nuances of microchip architecture is the norm technological process manufacturing of processors. In smartphones and tablets, 32 nm is now most often used. Roughly speaking, this is the thickness of the conductive paths that transmit signals from element to element. The lower this value, the better, because the resistance will be lower. The 20 nm norm is just beginning to gain momentum, but when it will become mainstream is unknown.

We will not go into all the details of chipset development and implementation of various technologies. The bottom line remains the same - games on a tablet with a dual-core processor can run more smoothly than on a device with four cores and a higher clock speed. There can be many reasons for this. Of course, this is not always the case, but we must understand: a large number of cores and a high frequency of their operation are not the key to success.

Software optimization

The most important thing for performance is optimizing the firmware, the operating system itself and software. For example we can take iPad Air 2, which has a triple-core A8X processor clocked at 1.5 GHz. When developing iOS 8 and device firmware in Apple We focused specifically on the hardware of this tablet and the processor, so its optimization is close to ideal. At the same time, you can take any Chinese tablet based on Qualcomm Snapdragon 800. This processor has four cores with a clock speed of 2.3 GHz.

If it were possible to compare both chipsets without using different operating systems and other components, Snapdragon would win outright. But many factors ultimately give us a completely different picture. Air 2 has amazing performance and a smooth interface, and latest games with the highest level of graphics run on the tablet without any problems. Maybe there is an Apple A8X? best processor for a tablet?

In the case of Qualcomm Snapdragon 800, the situation may be different. Chinese tablet Docomo F-02F does not have any particular problems with the interface, but they are still noticeable. Some game projects are doing great, while others are underperforming. high FPS. But Pro 8.4 based on the same chipset does not raise any complaints at all. As you understand, it is not always possible to get a straight answer when comparing two different processors.

Software testing of processors

Often, when choosing a tablet or smartphone, people are guided by the indicators of various tests, believing that the higher the number given in the result window, the better device they got it. In fact, there are many pitfalls lurking here too.

Browser testing

Sometimes in tablet reviews they arrange comparative tests browsers different devices. If the devices are similar in terms of hardware and platform, then this makes sense. But the greater the difference between devices, the more useless these numbers are. At the moment the most fast browser considered as such in the operating room Blackberry system BB10, but all devices with this OS are developed on outdated processors. Fortunately, we are trying to determine which processor is better for games, and here the situation is much simpler than with browsers.

AnTuTu test

AnTuTu testing apps are now the standard for tablet reviews. There is no review where competitors' test scores were not used. And in this case, we advise you not to rely heavily on the accuracy of the data obtained.

The number that the application produces after testing shows the sum of the following results:

  • memory performance;
  • integrated processor performance;
  • calculation of floating point numbers;
  • 2D graphics performance;
  • 3D graphics performance;
  • SD card writing and reading speed;
  • I/O performance.

Among them there are tests that have a direct meaning, such as calculating numbers. And there are also those whose testimony can be called cloudy. For example, 3D graphics performance indicators should not be trusted. But we are considering the total amount, which means we won’t be able to get an exact answer.

If we compare Note 4 ratings, Apple iPhone 6 Plus and Meizu MX4, it turns out that, despite different software and hardware, their performance is on the same level. It is unlikely that all three devices behave the same in all cases. Everyone has their positive sides, and there are also disadvantages, but we won’t know anything about it from the test results.

At the same time, the AnTuTu test tries to show what the device is capable of under maximum load. The chipset of tablets is designed in such a way that it does not constantly work at high power, because because of this it would be discharged in a few minutes. The clock speed of tablet processors varies depending on specific applications and their requirements. Let's say, for 2048 the performance required is not at all the same as for Modern Combat 4. But we can consider the test indicators as a reference figure, on the basis of which we will choose the best processor for the tablet. If we choose a CPU specifically for such purposes, then we are not interested in performance in the browser or in light arcade games.

AnTuTu scandal

Last year, it turned out that Samsung programmers were able to come up with a way to trick performance testing applications. The Korean company’s devices understood which application was currently running and changed the clock frequency. So the AnTuTu indicators turned out to be overestimated. On the other hand, this is how most software works, so there was no significant deception here, but still the company did not act completely honestly.

Dependence on RAM

If the volume random access memory will be limited, then no most powerful processor will not give you a comfortable FPS level in games. Gamers sometimes get the idea that too much RAM is an unnecessary luxury. This is partly true.

operating room Android system Can only work with three gigabytes of RAM. The restriction may soon be lifted, but this will not be such a significant event for gamers for the second reason.

Modern games do not require too many of these same gigabytes. Of course, for some projects one will not be enough, but two are quite enough. 3 GB can justify itself in one case out of a hundred. When will games become so demanding that the standard top smartphones There will be increased memory volumes, it is still difficult to predict.

Processor manufacturers


Qualcomm is the market leader. The trust of users and tablet manufacturers was quickly won with the help of high-quality, powerful SoC chipsets and constant innovation. For example, the built-in LTE module first appeared with this brand. Of course, promoted chips are more expensive than others.


The main competitor of the previous brand is MediaTek. Unlike the leader, this company is trying to produce chipsets at an affordable price. Although at the initial stage of development the quality of the company’s chips was not the best high level, which still remains a stain on the manufacturer’s image.


Korean tablet manufacturer Samsung smartphones tries to use only its own developments in its devices. Exynos chipsets keep up with the leader and its competitors, but have not yet gained popularity, mainly due to the use of processors on tablets of the same brand.


Nvidia's Tegra processors are still trying to find their niche and win fans. For PC gamers who buy a tablet, such names sound more solid than the obscure words Snapdragon or Exynos. The difference between Tegra is that the company itself is engaged in optimizing the most powerful and popular games, increasing the performance of some projects on its hardware.


Processors Intel Atom are just gaining popularity mobile market and have already achieved good results. Mainly distributed to special conditions, so they often become the basis of Lenovo devices.


So, we have decided that choosing the best processor for it is very difficult, since everything depends on the operating system, installed shell, firmware version, amount of RAM and other factors. However, we found out that the leaders are top processors from Qualcomm and MediaTek. But it’s always difficult to choose, since new hardware solutions appear very quickly, and if you don’t want to change your device once a year, then you’ll have to look at your competitors very carefully.

But the best processor for a tablet at the moment is the MediaTek MT8392. 8 cores with a frequency of 1.7 GHz are highly optimized and provide not only amazing performance, but also low power consumption: the cores are turned off if the power is not needed, and the power is also reduced clock frequency. In addition, the developers of Modern Combat 5 have updated their game, providing improved graphics and high FPS for the new powerful chipset.

When you choose a tablet, you look at literally every little detail. But the processor is one of the most basic parameters, especially if it is an iPad.

You always want to have the latest iOS and it is very important that the CPU is up to date. Therefore, today I will tell you about which processor is found in each iPad model.

Processor on iPad, iPad 2,3,4

As you understand, previously the power standards were completely different and, in principle, for those tasks, it was quite enough for us for life and games.

Although there is talk about the fourth model, some people still have enough of it and use it with pleasure. Apple always makes it possible to use the device for as long as possible.

  • iPad: Apple A4, 1 GHz;
  • iPad 2: 2 cores, Apple A5, 1 GHz;
  • iPad 3: 2 cores, Apple A5X, 1 GHz;
  • iPad 4: 2 cores, Apple A6X, 1.4 GHz.

As you can see, the processors did not always fully match the iPhones. Most often, these are more improved versions and therefore iPads are produced less frequently.

Processor on iPad Air, iPad Air 2

Apple took a big step and created a 64-bit processor for the first time for its devices. The first were the iPhone 5S and iPad Air. Well, of course, further ones have the same architecture.

The power has increased significantly and this has made it possible to once again prove that these particular iPads are the best on the market.

  • iPad Air: 64 bits, 2 cores, Apple A7, 1.4 GHz;
  • iPad Air 2: 64 bits, 3 cores, Apple A8X, 1.5 GHz.

Has also changed significantly appearance, because the frames have become much smaller. Now the device has a more compact size, which users have been waiting for for a very long time.

Processor on iPad mini, iPad mini 2,3,4

Mini versions of your favorite iPads always had a little more weaker processors. But this did not affect applications and games at all.

Thanks to its compact size, this tablet was able to win its share of the audience. Although at presentations, Apple rarely focuses on them.

  • iPad mini: 2 cores, Apple A5, 1 GHz;
  • iPad mini 2: 64 bits, 2 cores, Apple A7, 1.3 GHz;
  • iPad mini 3: 64 bits, 2 cores, Apple A7, 1.3 GHz;;
  • iPad mini 4: 64 bits, 2 cores, Apple A8, 1.4 GHz.

Most often, people love them for their compactness and the ability to fit into the smallest bag. Simply perfect for travel.

Processor on iPad Pro

At the end of 2015, Apple introduced two very interesting devices. These were iPad Pros, and if one of them had the same 9.7 inches, then the second had as many as 12.9.

This is the first time the company has taken such a step, and most often tablets are designed for professional purposes rather than entertainment.

  • iPad Pro (12.9): 64 bits, 2 cores, Apple A9X, 2.26 GHz;
  • iPad Pro (9.7): 64 bits, 2 cores, Apple A9X, 2.26 GHz.

The gadgets turned out to be decent and sell no worse than previous generations. The price tag for the larger model is steep, but there’s nothing you can do about it, because it’s Apple.


The article is purely dedicated general information about the processors that are found in all iPad models. I hope you found the information useful.

As soon as new options appear, I will immediately add them. So that you can check all the latest tablets.

The processor is the heart of the computer, and its good “well-being” should be constantly monitored. Sometimes you need to find out the clock frequency of the processor - not the one that the developers write on the boxes, but the real one. It is worth taking this issue seriously and familiarizing yourself with the necessary information so as not to be deceived.

Ways to find out the processor clock speed:

  • Required OS and software
  • Instructions
  • Adviсe
  • Required OS and software
  • Instructions
  • Required OS and software
  • Instructions
  • Adviсe
  • note

Using the CMOS Setup utility

Required OS and software

For this method you don’t even need to have an installed operating system (convenient when you bought a brand new “clean” computer).


1)When turning on the device, press the button Delete or F2, depending on model motherboard(usually at startup a hint appears which button to press).

2) In the menu that appears, enter the section "Frequency/Voltage Control". The open window will list the characteristics of all the main elements system unit. There you will also find the processor frequency.

Some of the values ​​can be changed, but this should not be done unless you are an experienced hardware specialist or are familiar with the necessary technical information.

Using the CPU-Z utility

Required OS and software

Owners of the Windows XP and Windows 7 operating systems can download and install the CPU-Z program completely free of charge. It is especially convenient to use the application on laptops, where the clock frequency can change dynamically.


Launch the program window along with other applications and monitor all changes in real time.

Using Windows XP (Windows 7) elements

Required OS and software

As the name suggests, this method will work on Windows XP and Windows 7.


1)In the menu " Start"right-click on the icon " My computer".

2) B open window there is a “Properties” button, after which you need to go to the “Hardware” tab, and then to “ device Manager" You will see a list of all the hardware of the system unit. Select the item " Processors", where there is all the information about your model.

In Windows 7, it is not necessary to complete all steps. The Properties menu reveals a lot of information about your computer.


Worth warning: elements of the operating room Windows systems sometimes they lie by showing false characteristics.

There are many more methods and software utilities (paid and free) that can cope with the task. Remember the main thing: if the program provides the ability to change parameters, you need to think three times before changing anything.

Many users, when studying in detail the characteristics of the gadget they like, first of all look at its technical component. But even detailed information about the device’s internals will not give a clear understanding of how the device will behave in practice.

That is why, as noted, synthetic performance tests have become so popular, during which the real power of a particular device is determined. This is a very revealing process, because if a model scores a large number of points in a popular benchmark, then its value increases in the eyes of the average user, who may not understand anything about hardware at all.

How it works?

Synthetic performance tests migrated to mobile platform With personal computers. Since smartphones began to be massively equipped with a powerful computing component, there has been a need to compare different models.

The models are different, but they need to create the same testing conditions for the sake of the purity and reliability of the experiments. Specific time test, clearly marked load on each component: video accelerator, system memory, processor. By analogy with PC software (CPU-Z, GPU-Z, 3DMark) for mobile devices Applications have appeared that provide the required iron load under specific conditions. Well, in essence, a benchmark is any process occurring under the same conditions on different hardware platforms.

The load on the processor, RAM or graphics chip does not have to be extreme, but to reliably estimate the hardware capacity, a rather heavy and resource-intensive process is launched within the acceptable norm. There is no need to worry: the filling will not burn, back cover won't fry. All that is required from the user is to download the appropriate application and launch it on the device. For the purity of the experiment, it is better to close other applications.

Based on the results of tens and hundreds of smartphone tests, each benchmark application has its own database, where the results of synthetic tests passed by each device are stored. Based on them, unique performance ratings are compiled. Getting to the top position in such a ranking from a reputable benchmark for any modern device is very prestigious.


The program tests the operation of the chipset, RAM, 2D and 3D graphics, the write and read speed of the drive, and the performance of database operations. Bonus features - battery test and OS stability test. As a result, you can see the performance of each component of your device separately, and also see overall assessment productivity.

By comparing the received data with its own extensive database of results, AnTuTu will place the device in its rating among other devices. Of course, the more virtual points a gadget scores based on the test results, the better.

Geekbench 3

– another popular cross-platform benchmark. The utility creates artificial but realistic loading conditions for the device's hardware platform to reveal the true performance capabilities.

A distinctive feature of the program is a processor test. The benchmark not only loads each chipset core individually, but also demonstrates real results in single-core and multi-core operating modes.


The utility is known, perhaps, to all avid gamers. The program can simulate real gameplay on a PC, thereby allowing you to intelligently load the entire hardware of your computer and determine its real performance.

Having caught the trend in time, the software creators released mobile version of its development. Depending on the component being tested and the class to which your device belongs, 3DMark will offer to download and install the appropriate test; there are seven available in total. The utility initiates loading of the central and GPUs, and as a result makes its own verdict and offers to compare the results with other devices that have been tested.

For the right choice equipment, be it an antenna for a 3G modem or GSM repeater, we need to know the frequency and signal level.

To determine these parameters, absolutely every phone has hidden program called Netmonitor. For each phone model, this program is activated with its own individual code. For our iPhone, you need to enter a code in dialing mode *3001#12345#* and press the call button.

Choose UMTS Cell Environment -> Nightbor Cell(neighboring cells) -> UMTS Set-> after that you see a list of available channels. Channel 0 is the active one on which the phone is currently sitting.

Downlink Frequency 2938 - channel number by which the carrier frequency is determined.

2937-3088 , then this is 3G/UMTS900 - and we need a 900 antenna or a 900 repeater ***.

If the channel value is in the range 10562-10838 , then this is 3G/UMTS2000 - select a 3G antenna at 2000 MHz and a repeater at 2100 ***.

If the channel value is in the range 974-1024 , then this is GSM900 - we need antenna 900 and repeater RF-Link E900-***.

If the channel value is in the range 512-886 , then this is GSM1800 - select antenna 1800 and repeater 1800 ***.

You must understand that the phone displays all values ​​only for the cellular operator whose SIM card is inserted into the phone at the time of measurements! And if you want to install equipment for two or more mobile operators, then you need to do all the measurements with each SIM card!