How to increase the font of the Yandex browser address bar. How to increase letters in Yandex

If you often have to look closely and squint to read something on the computer, it makes sense to try changing the size of the letters. They can be either reduced or increased.

There are two options. The first one changes the font size partially, in certain programs. For example, in an Internet program (browser) or in a text printing program ( Microsoft Word).

The second option is more significant - it will change the size everywhere. On the computer screen, in all programs, in the Start button, in folders and in many other places.

How to change letter size in certain programs (partially)

In many computer programs in which you can open and read some text, you can increase or decrease its size. In fact, this is a change in scale, and not an edit of the file itself. Roughly speaking, you can simply zoom in or, conversely, move away the text without changing it.

How to do it . The most common way is to find this function in a separate program. But this is not very convenient and not always easy. Therefore, there is an alternative "fast" option that works in most computer programs.

Press one of the CTRL keys on the keyboard and, without releasing it, scroll the wheel on the mouse. Each such scroll increases or decreases the text by 10-15%. If you turn the wheel towards you, the font size will decrease, and if you turn it away from you, it will increase.

Once you are happy with the size, release the CTRL button. Thus, you will consolidate the result and return the wheel on the mouse to its previous functions.

By the way, instead of the wheel, you can use the + button to increase and - to decrease. That is, hold down CTRL, then press and then release the + or - key on the keyboard. One such click changes the size by 10-15%.

A few examples. Let's say I often use the Internet to search for information - I read news and articles. The text size differs on different resources - it depends only on the site itself.

For the most part, I'm happy with the size of the letters and I don't feel uncomfortable reading them. But sometimes I come across sites where the font is too small for me - I have to lean close to the screen and squint. It's inconvenient and unhelpful.

In such cases, you can quickly increase the font. I hold down the Ctrl button on the keyboard and scroll the mouse wheel several times, thereby changing the text size.

This works in 90% of cases: on websites, in mail, in in social networks. You can check for yourself by increasing the font size in the article you are currently reading.

By the way, to return to the original size, you need to hold down the Ctrl button on the keyboard and then press the key with the number 0 once. However, this “return” does not work in all programs, but only in browsers.

Another example. Let's say I'm printing a document in Microsoft program Word. The text in it should be a certain size, but for me it is too small. I can’t simply increase the font in the program itself - it would violate the design rules, and working with such small text is a pain.

By holding down the Ctrl button and turning the mouse wheel, I can zoom in on the document. By doing this, I will simply bring him closer to me, but NOT change him. The text will remain the same size, but I will see it enlarged.

The same applies to photographs and pictures that we open on the computer. In exactly the same way they can be “brought closer” or “farther away”.

Important! Some programs remember the size that was configured. That is, having opened something else in such a program, it will immediately be shown in a changed size.

Therefore, do not be alarmed if a document, book or Internet page opens in non-standard size- too big or too small. Just change it in the same way (CTRL and mouse wheel).

How to change font size on computer (everywhere)

You can increase or decrease the font not only in individual programs, but throughout the entire computer at once. In this case, all inscriptions, icons, menus and much more will also change.

I'll show you with an example. Here standard screen computer:

And this is the same screen, but with an increased font size:

To achieve this look, you just need to change one setting in the system. If suddenly you don’t like the result, you can always return everything as it was in the same way.

IN different versions Windows performs this procedure differently. Therefore, I will give three instructions for popular systems: Windows 7, Windows 8 and XP.

  1. Click on the Start button and open Control Panel.
  2. Click on "Appearance and Personalization".
  3. Click on the “Screen” inscription.
  4. Specify the desired font size (small, medium or large) and click on the “Apply” button.
  5. In the window that appears, click “Log out now.” Don't forget to save everything before doing this open files and close all open programs.

The system will restart, and after that the font will change everywhere on the computer.

  1. Open Start and select Control Panel.
  2. Find the Screen icon (usually at the bottom) and open it.
  3. Select the size you want (small, medium or large) and click the “Apply” button at the bottom right.
  4. In the small window, click “Log out now.” Don't forget to save all open files and close all programs before doing this.

The system will restart and the font will change everywhere on the computer.

  1. Right click on empty space Desktop.
  2. From the list, select “Properties”.
  3. Open the Appearance tab (top).
  4. At the bottom, in the part called “Font Size”, from the drop-down list, select the size you need - regular, large font, or huge font.
  5. Click on the “Apply” button and after a few seconds the system settings will change.
  6. Click on the “OK” button to close the window.

A lot of questions arise on the topic - How to increase or decrease the font in the browser, so I decided to make this a separate lesson.
Often, when visiting the blogs of friends and acquaintances, the pages of their blogs open very stretched in width. Although on other sites and media the scale is normal. In the browser settings, in the computer too, everything is fine. What to do in such cases.

All popular web browsers ( Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Internet Explorer) are equipped with a function to reduce or increase the scale of the displayed page. The zoom feature allows users to enlarge or reduce the font and images of the page they are viewing in the browser. This can be useful for people with low vision, or in cases where the screen resolution is excessively high or low.

Someone may have accidentally changed the size, and now he doesn’t know how to get it back. There are three ways how you can change the size of the font and images in the browser: using a keyboard shortcut, sharing keyboard and mouse, and by changing the settings of the browser you are using. Below I will describe all the methods in detail.

1 way. Using the keyboard

Standard keyboard shortcuts for increasing and decreasing font in any popular web browser:

Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press the "+" key to zoom in.
Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press the "-" key to zoom out.

Method 2. Using the keyboard and mouse

Also the same for all browsers:

Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel up to zoom in.
Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel down to zoom out.

3 way. Setting up the image

Decrease or enlarge the font in the browser:


1. Click on the wrench icon and select the “Options” menu item
2. In the left sidebar, select the tab "Additional".
3. In the "Web Content" section, change "Page Scale".


1. Click the “View” option in the navigation menu at the top of the browser window.
2. From the “View” menu, click the “Scale” option.
3. Click the “Zoom Out” or “Zoom In” option. The page content will change in size.
4. Click the option "Text scale" in the "Scale" menu to display text modification settings. Move the slider to the left to make the font smaller or to the right to make it larger.

1. Open the Opera browser and go to the desired web page.
2. Click the “View” button on the status bar in the lower right corner of the browser window.
3. Drag the slider to a value less than 100 percent to reduce the page display size, or greater than 100 percent to increase it.

"Internet Explorer"

1. Open a web page in the Internet Explorer browser.
2. Click on the arrow next to the setting "Change scale", in the lower right corner of the browser window.
3. Click on the required scale level, selecting it on a special scale, or click the “Special” option, and then indicate the required scale in the line "Scale as a percentage." To reduce the size of the displayed page you need to enter a value less than 100 percent, to increase - more.

Hello, dear readers, admirers and other good people!

Have you ever received and read letters in “whatever language you understand” or went to some Internet resource and instead of the usual letters you saw continuous gibberish? If yes, then this article is for you, because in it we will talk about page encoding, its formats, why it occurs and how to avoid incomprehensible hieroglyphs in the future.

So, today we are waiting for not a light software article, but a harsh technical one, so get ready: we will hit harsh realities a little.

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What is text encoding and what is it used for?

I would like to start with the fact that this article might not have existed, because... The computer-using life of the author of these lines proceeded quite calmly and with dignity. But then one fine day, wandering around the Internet not from my PC, I came across strange phenomena on some sites. When I went to Internet resources, I saw not the familiar Russian alphabet and beautiful, understandable text, but some kind of heresy in the form of an incomprehensible sequence of symbols. She looked something like this (see image).

At first I thought that my beloved Mozilka (Firefox browser) had overheated and it was time for her to call an ambulance, but then I began to understand that the problem was most likely on the network resource side and it lay in incorrectly configured encoding. This really turned out to be the case, and after fiddling around a bit with a tambourine, the problem was promptly resolved. The result of all my love affairs is today’s material. Actually, let's go look into the details.

All information presented in digital form and located on the global web, must be considered from two sides: the first - from the user’s side (beautiful and well-groomed text on the monitor screen) and the second - from the search engine side (a certain program code, consisting of various tags/meta tags, symbol tables, etc.).

If you are at least a little familiar with hypertext markup language (HTML), then you should be aware that the site through the eyes of search engines (Google, Yandex) is seen not as ordinary text, but as a structured document consisting of sequences of various kinds of tags. To make it clearer what I'm talking about, let's take a look at our favorite site Notes from Sys.Admin” of the project, but not through the eyes of an ordinary user, but through the “eyes” of a search engine. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl+U (for Firefox browsers and Chrome) and see the following picture (see image):

Before us is a machine version of the website, in this unpresentable form it is presented search engines and it is in this form that they eat it. If we simply took and “sandalized” versions of articles from a notepad or Word with plain text, the machines would not only choke on it, they wouldn’t even eat it. So, before us home page project in HTML form. Pay attention to the line that says UTF-8, this is nothing more than the notorious encoding of the page text, it is what is responsible for the format for displaying information in a presentable form, as a result of which we see normal text through the browser.

Now let's figure out why it happens that sometimes we see cracks on the monitor screen. It's very simple, the problem lies in opening a file in the wrong encoding. If we translate it into everyday language, then let’s say you were sent to the store for milk, and you scooped up some bread, which seems to be also edible, but a completely different product format.

So, now let's understand the theory and for this we will introduce some definitions.

  1. Encoding (or “Charset”) - matching the character set to the set numerical values. Needed to “leak” information onto the Internet, i.e. text information converted into data bits;
  2. Code page (“Codepage”) – 1 byte (8 bit) encoding;
  3. The number of values ​​accepted by 1 byte is 256 (two in an eighth).

The “symbol-image” correspondence is specified using special code tables, where each symbol is already assigned its own specific numeric code. There are quite a lot of such tables, and in different tables the same symbol can be identified differently (it can have different numeric codes).

All encodings differ in the number of bytes and the set of special characters into which each character of the source text is converted.

Decoding is an operation that results in the conversion of a symbol code into an image. As a result of this operation, information is displayed on the user's monitor screen.

In general.. We've sorted out the definitions, and now let's find out what kind of (encodings) there are.

Types of text encodings

And, in general, there are enough of them.


One of the most “ancient” is the American coding table (ASCII, read as “ask”), adopted by the National Standards Institute. For encoding, she used 7 bits, the first 128 values ​​contained the English alphabet (in lower and upper case), as well as signs, numbers and symbols. It was more suitable for English-speaking users and was not universal.

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  • Cyrillic

A domestic version of the encoding, for which they began to use the second part of the code table - characters from 129 to 256. Designed for a Russian-speaking audience.

  • MS Windows family encodings: Windows 1250-1258.

8-bit encodings appeared as a consequence of the development of the most popular operating system, Windows. Numbers from 1250 to 1258 indicate the language for which they are tailored, for example, 1250 - for the languages ​​of central Europe; 1251 – Cyrillic alphabet.

  • Information exchange code 8 bits – KOI8

KOI8-R, KOI8-U, KOI-7 – standard for Russian Cyrillic alphabet in Unix-like operating systems.

  • Unicode

A universal character encoding standard that allows you to describe the characters of almost all written languages. Designation “U+xxxx” (xxxx – hexadecimal digits). The most common encoding families UTF (Unicode Transformation Format): UTF-8, 16, 32.

Currently, as they say, UTF-8 “rules” - it is it that provides the best compatibility with older operating systems that used 8-bit characters. The majority of sites on the Internet are in UTF-8 encoding and it is this standard that is universal (support for Cyrillic and Latin).

Of course, I did not list all types of encodings, but only the most popular ones. If you want to know them all for general development, then the full list can be found in the browser itself. To do this, just go to the “tab” View-Encoding-Select list” and get acquainted with all their possible options (see image).

I think a reasonable question has arisen: “ Why the hell are there so many encodings?" Their abundance and reasons for their occurrence can be compared to the phenomenon of cross-browser/cross-platform. This is when the same website is displayed differently in different Internet browsers and on different gadget devices. By the way, the site " Notes from Sys.Admin"With this, as you noticed, everything is in order :).

All these encodings are working options created by developers “to suit themselves” and solve their problems. When their number exceeded all reasonable limits, and search engines began to produce queries like: “ How to remove crappy bugs in the browser?” - the developers began to rack their brains to bring all this mess to a single standard, so that, so to speak, everyone would feel good. And the Unicode encoding, in general, did this “well”. Now, if such problems arise, they are local in nature, and only completely unenlightened users do not know how to fix them (however, often problems with the encoding and display of sites appear due to the fact that the webmaster specified an incorrect format on the server side, and you have to switch the encoding in the browser).

Well, actually, for now, all the “basically necessary” theory that will allow you not to “float” in coding issues, now let’s move on to the practical part of the article.

Solving problems with encoding or how to remove crappy codes?

So, our article would be incomplete if we did not touch on consumer and everyday issues. Let's look at them and start with how (with what) you can view the encoding?

At any operating system there is a symbol table, it does not need to be downloaded or installed - this is a given from above, which is located at the address: “Start-programs-standard-utilities-symbol table”. This is a table of vector shapes of all fonts installed on your operating system.

By selecting “ Extra options” (Unicode set) and the corresponding font style, you will see the full set of characters included in it. By clicking on any character, you will see its code in UTF-16 format, consisting of 4 hexadecimal digits (see image).

Now a few words about how to remove krakozabry. They can occur in two cases:

  1. From the user’s side - when reading information on the Internet (for example, when visiting a website);
  2. Or, as mentioned just above, on the part of the webmaster (for example, when creating/editing text files with support for the syntax of programming languages ​​in the ++ program or due to specifying the wrong encoding in the site code).

Let's consider both options.

No. 1. Hieroglyphs from the user's side.
Let's say you launched the OS and in some of the applications you see the notorious scribbles. To fix this, go to: “ Start - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options - Change the language” and select from the list, “Russia”.

Also check in all tabs that the localization is “Russia/Russian” - this is the so-called system locale.

If you opened the site and suddenly realized that hieroglyphs do not allow you to read the information, then you should change the encoding using the browser (“View - Encoding”). On what? It all depends on the type of these krakozyabrs. Refer to the following cheat sheet (see image).

No. 2. Hieroglyphs from the webmaster's side.
Very often, novice website developers do not attach much importance to the encoding of the document being created, as a result of which they later encounter the above-mentioned problem. Here are some simple basic tips for webmasters to fix the problem.

To prevent this from happening, go to the Notepad++ editor and select “Encodings” from the menu. It is he who will help transform the existing document. The question is, which one? Most often (if the site is on WordPress or Joomla), then “ Convert to UTF-8 without BOM” (see image).

Having made such a conversion, you will see changes in the program status line.

Also, to avoid scams, it is necessary to force encoding information into the site header. Thus, you indicate to the browser that the site should be read in the prescribed encoding. A novice webmaster needs to understand that leapfrogs with encoding most often occur due to a mismatch between the server settings and the site settings, i.e. On the server, one encoding is registered in the database, and the site sends pages to the browser in a completely different one.

To do this, you need to write “blatantly” (in the site header, i.e., as often, in the header.php file) between the tags the following line:

By writing such a line, you will force the browser to correctly interpret the encoding, and the hieroglyphs will disappear.

You may also need to adjust the data output from the database (MySQL). This is done like this:

mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");
myqsl_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
mysql_query("SET COLLATION_CONNECTION="utf8_general_ci"" ");

Alternatively, you can also make a knight’s move and write the following lines in the .htaccess file:

AddDefaultCharset utf-8
AddCharset utf-8 *

CharsetSourceEnc utf-8
CharsetDefault utf-8


All of the above methods (or some of them) will most likely help you and your future visitors get rid of hated hieroglyphs and encoding problems. Unfortunately, we won’t go into more detail here about the instructions for webmaster stuff; I think that they will definitely understand the details if they want (after all, we have a slightly different topic for the site).

Well, now the practical part of the article is finished, all that remains is to sum up some small results.


Today we got acquainted with the concept of text encoding. I am sure that now, when scribbles appear on your computer monitor, you will not give up, but remember all the methods given here and resolve the issue in your favor!

That's all, thank you for your attention and see you again.

Some website pages contain font that is too small, which is quite difficult for a person to read, especially if he has vision problems. To achieve this, the developers of most browsers have created the ability for users of their products to increase font sizes on web pages. Yandex browser was no exception.
In order to increase (or decrease) the font size on website pages in the Yandex browser, you must:

1. Open the browser menu and click on “ Settings».

2. A new “ Settings" In it you need to find and click on the button “ Show additional settings " To find it, you need to go to the very bottom of the tab using the scroll wheel.

3. After which the list of available browser settings will increase. Now we find the section “ Web Content" using the previously mentioned scroll wheel.

4. The first setting in this section is the font size. The default font size in Yandex browser is “Medium”. To change to another, simply click on this cell and select “Large” or “Very Large” font in the list that opens (if you want to reduce the font, then select “Small” or “Very Small”) accordingly.

For more detailed settings of fonts in the Yandex browser, click on the “Customize fonts” button and in the dialog box that opens, find “ Minimum font size».

Using the slider, you can adjust the font size to the value you need. Also with this setting there is a “preview” area, that is, by adjusting the values ​​you will immediately see how the text will look on web pages.

We often think of the browser's address bar solely as the place where we enter the URL of the page we want to go to. At the same time, with its help you can do a lot of actually useful things, which we’ll talk about today.

Use as a unit converter and calculator

If you urgently need to perform some simple mathematical operation, for example, convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, minutes to hours, or meters to miles, you should not look for a calculator on your computer or an online converter on the Internet. Chrome can do this for you; you just need to enter the operation of interest in the address bar. For example, 50 c = f will calculate the desired temperature, and 50 feet = inches will calculate the distance.

Turn your browser into a notepad

You are surfing the Internet, and then they call you and ask you to record some important information. Often a piece of paper and a pen are not nearby, and you have to search for Notepad for several minutes among the abundance of programs. Chrome will also help out in such situations, because you can simply enter an address like this: data:text/html, .

As soon as you press Enter, the browser window will turn into a regular blank sheet of notepad, where you can quickly write an urgent note. So that next time a similar situation does not take you by surprise, we advise you to immediately bookmark this page. By the way, if you want to personalize your notepad a little, you can add some CSS to the address, writing, for example, like this: data:text/html, .

Search specific sites

Google veterans are probably familiar with the old search operator site: . It has become much easier to use now. To do this, go to the desired website and, placing the cursor at the end of the address bar, press Tab. After that, we add what exactly we want to find. The search will be carried out exclusively within the required page.

Search inside Gmail or Google Drive

Going to a separate web application to find something takes several clicks and definitely won't faster search through the browser line. To do this, you need to follow the following instructions once:

The next time you need to search for something on one of the services, just type or into the address bar and press Tab.

Open the send mail window

Logging into Gmail or a third-party client and clicking on the “Compose New Email” button turns out to be much slower than typing mailto: into the browser line. If you need to send urgently electronic message, use this advice.

Learn more about site security

If the site you are visiting seems suspicious, then control what it does in your browser by clicking on the page icon located to the left of the website address. There you can find out information about the cookies used, as well as block JavaScript, pop-ups and much more.

Remove text formatting

If you often need to copy text from third party sources, which means that the formatting problem definitely did not bypass you. The address bar will help you quickly return the usual color, size and font of the copied text. We paste the text we need there, and then copy it from there. All formatting settings will be removed.

Try the file manager

It won't be the most popular Google function Chrome, but still use your browser as file manager also possible. Simply enter C:/ on Windows or file://localhost on Mac and Linux. On the latter two platforms, you can also use the convenient abbreviation file:/// .

Find something using drag-n-drop

If you hate using the familiar Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V key combinations as well as right-clicking your mouse, then Google Chrome has a solution for you. Any word from a web page can be easily found on the Internet. You just need to drag it into the address bar and press Enter.

Define a specific location for the new tab

If you're obsessed with the specific location of your browser tabs, simply drag any link or URL to the desired location on the tab bar.

And what additional features Are you using the address bar? Share your tips in the comments.