How to install Windows on a laptop that is sold only with DOS? Basic FreeDOS commands Free dos installation of windows 7.

And again I am glad to welcome you, friends. Today we will talk about a problem that basically everyone who has just bought a laptop faces: the lack of full-fledged software .

Full-fledged software is understood when the HDD installed operating system(Windows, Linux or others) with a set of drivers and necessary programs, with the help of which an ordinary user can solve a range of his problems.

As a rule, our stores quite often sell laptops either without software or with FreeDOS already installed, and also a certain percentage may have a licensed operating system installed, but at a more inflated price of about 150-200 dollars. Usually, in order to save money, buyers purchase laptops that are without software or with FreeDOS, and then install everything they need themselves or give it to knowledgeable people who, for a more modest price of about 10-25 USD. they will do everything. But there are times when you buy a computer for yourself, bring it home, and later you realize that you can’t do much with it, or your friends bring you such a gift from abroad, but there is no one in mind who could help with this problem. In this case, this article will help you.

So, first of all, we unpack our purchase, put it on the table and connect it to the network. Next, we need to find a disk with drivers in the box, which are usually found along with documents; we will need them after installing the operating system. But often the manufacturer simply forgets to put the disk in, and then all the drivers have to be looked for on the Internet.

Next, we need to decide which operating system we will install. On modern laptops I recommend installing Windows 7 or Windows 8 x 64 bit, because... This operating system will allow you to fully utilize all the resources of the laptop. Well, if you don’t have a 64-bit operating system at hand, then a 32-bit one will do as a last resort. Next, you need to go buy it at any store that sells discs or ask your neighbor to borrow it.

We will assume that you have completed your mission and found the disk we need. Now let's get started. We press the power button of the laptop, open the drive, insert the disk, close and reboot the computer by simultaneously pressing the CTRL-ALT-DELETE keys. After it goes out, immediately press the F2 or F10 or F12 key repeatedly (depending on the BIOS) until until the BIOS opens.

In the Bios window that opens, select the Boot tab.

Next, in step 1. use the F5 and F6 keys to change the value to DVD drive. After changing the values, press F10 and then ENTER. Next, the download should begin and the boot menu of the disk will open, on which you will need to select the installation of Windows 7 or 8, or if an image of one operating system is recorded on the disk, the download should start automatically.

If you already had an operating system installed Windows system 7, you just need to click disk settings, select partition 2 in the next menu and click the format button. After formatting is completed, click next and the installation will begin.

If you did not have any software installed or Free Dos was installed, you would prefer it in the second case, but in the first you definitely need a breakdown hard sections disk.

So, we will take the second case, when Free Dos is installed. First, go to the disk settings, click on the partition and click the button just below delete If there are two or more of them, we do the same with them. We are left with one translucent section with the total volume. Next, click the create button. Here in the size window you need to indicate the size of the partition to be created in megabytes. Let's say we have a volume hard drive 500 GB. We need to break it down into sections. The most rational way would be to split it like this: C disk 50 GB, the rest of the size is D disk. Enter the C disk size 50000 in the box and click Apply. We have already created the first two sections. Partition 1- 100 Megabytes is created automatically and is used by the system to backup files. Partition 2 is our C drive on which the operating system will be installed. Next, look at how much free space we have left, click on the remaining free place, then click on the create and apply button. We have created a third partition - this is our drive D. After completing the partitioning of the disk, we need to format drive C, so click on partition 2 and then the format button. After formatting is complete, click next, and after that the installation of the operating system will begin.

Once all the files have been installed, we will need to enter our name.

Some users believe that installing an operating system on a computer is a complex process that they cannot handle. In fact, this is not the case, as we will now see. Let's take a closer look at how to install Windows 7 on freedos Lenovo or other laptop models, as well as on a desktop personal computer.

What you will need

To install the operating system, in addition to the device itself on which it is supposed to be placed, you need an installation disk or iso image systems. Initially, you should change the boot priority to the DVD in BIOS. Please note that installation problems mostly occur due to installation disk

. Therefore, you should make sure that this is a licensed version of the OS. After you decide where exactly the system will be installed, you will need to prepare the hard drive. This is especially true in cases where the system will not be installed “from scratch”. During the installation process, all old information will be erased, so do backup all important documents, files, programs. In addition, prepare drivers for your computer or laptop. If this is not done, then some devices, for example, sound or

LAN card

may not work, because not every distribution initially contains drivers.

How to install OS

After that, insert the disk into the drive and restart the computer to get into the Bios. Typically this will involve pressing and holding DEL. Here we set the priority for loading a DVD or flash drive, depending on what media the distribution is on. After this, reboot the computer again. If everything is done correctly, a black screen will appear on which there will be an inscription that the download will begin after pressing any key. We perform this action, after which the installation begins. We are waiting for the files to download. Next, the system will ask you to select initial settings. Here you will need to note the time and date, language, time format, keyboard, etc. We select on the disk the OS version for which we have the license key. Also click on the partition where Windows 7 will be installed.

Good afternoon, dear readers, last time I told you about my experience with a new laptop, or rather, we looked at How to install Windows 7 on an HP 15-ay043ur laptop, today the situation is a little different, let’s assume that for some reason this device is not suitable for you, and you want to return it to the store, but the problem is that you need to return it to its original state, namely, install freedos on your laptop, so how it was there initially, that's what we'll do.

Operating system freedos

First, let's figure out what an operating room is. freedos system> OS compatible with MS-DOS, completely free, does not have GUI, established in 1994. Such large companies for the production of iron and computers, such as:

  • Lenovo

They install freedos so that when a person buys their laptop, he can choose which operating system he wants to install, since it’s no secret that OEM OSs very often include a bunch of unnecessary software.

Where to download freedos

In order to download the latest version of the freedos system, you need to go to the manufacturer’s official website.

At the moment the most current version is FreeDOS 1.1 Base.

How to install freedos from a flash drive

In order to be able to install freedos from a flash drive, it is logical that you need to create one; below I will show how this is done in just a couple of minutes. Will help us with this unetbootin utility. Let's launch it.

How to create a flash drive with Freedos

In unetbootin, select the Disk image item and use the button with three dots to indicate the path to the ISO with freedos. I did not use the Distribution item, since it can only download version 1.0, but we can already make version 1.1. We indicate your USB and click ok.

You will start copying necessary files, the process is very fast.

You should get

As a result, you will get these directories and files on the flash drive and the freedos operating system in your pocket.

Installing freedos on an HP 15-ay043ur laptop

Let's now figure out how to install freedos on a laptop, select boot from a flash drive this laptop, to do this, press ESC when turning on and then F9, and see how in bios set priority, read the link on the left. If you did everything correctly, then the freedos operating system will start loading. Select install to harddisk.

The first thing you should do is mark the main partition for installation, press f to launch the FDISK utility.

In the next step, you will be asked if you will use the FAT32 disk format, say Y.

Before the installation of freedos begins, it is logical that you need to look at what you have in your arsenal and where it can be produced. Select item 4 Display partition information

In my case it’s an 8 SB hard drive, which triples me. To return to the menu, press ESC.

Now select 1 item Create DOS partition or logical DOS Drive.

Here you need to create a primary partition; to do this, press 1 and select Create Primary DOS Partition.

Now you will be asked if you are ready to give up the entire section for installation of Fridos, if you agree, then we say Y

If you don’t agree, then wait for N and set the size in megabytes.

We see everything PRI DOS and press esc.

Let's reboot.

All preparatory requirements have been completed and the freedos operating system can be installed. Select Install to harddisk again.

It’s good that now there are flash drives, but before everything was on floppy disks and there was more hassle, so installing freedos on a laptop has become easier. We all press 1 point.

We ask what language it will be, I choose English.

We confirm that we agree to format the main disk.

We write YES and press Enter, formatting to FAT32 begins.

Select Continue with FreeDOS installation

Reading license agreement and click continue.

They will show you the directory where it will be installed

Using the arrow and space keys, select all the items:

Select all items and say proceed with installatin.

The unpacking of the Fridos files begins.

The installation of the Fridos Syslinux boot record begins,

Press any button.

After a couple of pages of black and white comics, select 1 Write FreeDOS specific code to this area so KERNEL,SYS will be loader,

Now select Boot from system harddisk.

And before you, dear comrades, is the freedos operating system, in person. I think it was not at all difficult and even educational, if you think that it is not yet used, then you are mistaken, an example can be