How to install Skype on mobile. How to install and configure Skype on Android

Today, more and more users choose a mobile device to communicate on Skype. This is not surprising, because modern phones have all the necessary functions and technical characteristics. In addition, you can always take your smartphone with you, and, using mobile internet, be in touch constantly. For those users who prefer to use Skype on a mobile device, we will tell you today exactly how to set it up on your phone.

Of course, you can set up Skype on your phone completely free of charge. cash You may only need them to make some calls.

Here's how to set up Skype on your Android phone:

Compatibility Determination

Of course, the majority mobile devices support Skype, but it is worth mentioning that the Android operating system must be at least version 2.2, and the processor version must be at least ARMv6. The list of devices on which the program will work can also be found on the official Skype website

Sometimes minor problems occur in the application, one of which is that you can find out what to do in this case from another article on this site.


Almost all modern models For mobile devices, the application is built-in and does not need to be downloaded. Look in the menu, if you see a familiar turquoise icon, skip this item.

If manufacturers have not integrated the application into the smartphone, you need to download it. The easiest way to do this is in the Play Market. Find Skype in the Android store, click “Download”, and then, after downloading, “Install”. If this path is not for you, you can download the application on the official website and on our website.

Actually, the setting

Setting up, just like on other operating systems, is quite simple. When you first launch the program, it will open a window in which you can test and subsequently adjust sound, image and audio. If during testing you experience any difficulties with sound or video playback, you need to go to the “Settings” of Skype on Android. To do this, open the “Menu” by touching the three parallel bars in the upper left corner.

For video

  1. In the program settings, check the box next to the “Video call” column. If you do not do this, the interlocutor will see a black screen instead of your image.
  2. Exhibit for front camera device video quality settings that will match the Internet speed and resolution of your phone

On our website you will find many interesting articles, for example, an article about how you can, as well as the download link itself is indicated in the article at the link.

For sound

If during testing there are problems with the microphone, or the interlocutor cannot hear you when calling, the problem may be that a pirated version is installed on the device. software. The problem is usually solved simple connection headsets.

In general, setting up is very, very simple, you will spend less time and figure it out much faster than if it were a computer or laptop.

Useful things on our website:

It is not always possible to use Skype on a computer. For such cases, a mobile version of the program is provided. It’s convenient with it: you don’t need to sit at a PC - you can lie down on the sofa with your phone or tablet, or even video chat with a person when you’re on the street (if you have a stable mobile Internet). How to install Skype mobile messenger?

Mobile version of Skype: functionality, difference from the desktop version, price

Mobile versions of instant messengers for different platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone) are no different from the PC versions of the program. They are only adapted for small phone screens (the interface is more compact). Mobile program will use your phone's microphone and camera to communicate. The functionality remains the same:

  1. Completely free chat with sending text, photos, videos, documents.
  2. Free video calls and voice calls (if, for example, there is no camera or weak Internet).
  3. Profitable calls and SMS to mobile numbers. This option is already paid, but usually the cost per minute is lower than that of mobile operators.
  4. Video mail is the ability to record and send a video message or congratulations to a user who is currently offline.

Skype's minimum technical requirements for phones and tablets

For smartphone on Android based the requirements are as follows:

  1. Android version no less than 4.0.4.
  2. Free memory space - 32 MB.
  3. Processors ARMv7 and higher. If you have ARMv6 ( Samsung Galaxy Ace, HTC Wildfire and others - look in the documentation for your phone), you will be able to use Skype, but only without video calling.

If you have iOS, you must have an OS version of at least 10. If you have an iPhone with iOS 9, you will only be able to work with Skype version The messenger will not be able to update. If you delete the messenger from your phone, you will no longer be able to install the new version.

What's the situation with Windows Phone? You need Windows version 10 Mobile 1607 and above. Skype no longer works on Windows Phone 8, Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10 Mobile 1511.

Download and install the mobile version of Skype

Mobile versions of Skype (for different platforms) are downloaded through the built-in application stores: Play Market, App Store,Windows Store. The official website also has a section with mobile versions utilities, but through this site you will only go to your own application store (one of the ones listed above, depending on the platform). Therefore, we immediately go to our market and look for the messenger there.

On Android

Let's start, perhaps, with Android systems. How to install Skype messenger on it:

  1. Open the Play Market store on your phone. In the menu this is an icon in the form of a multi-colored triangle. At the top there will be a line for search queries.

    Tap on the line with the magnifying glass icon at the top

  2. We start writing “Skype” - it will appear immediately required program in the drop-down menu. Click on it.

    Type "skype" in the search bar

  3. Tap on the green “Install” button.

    Click on “Install” in the application menu in the market

  4. In a new window we confirm that we accept the terms of use of the utility.

    Tap on “Accept” in the dialog box

  5. Instead of a button, a horizontal level will appear on which the progress of downloading and installing the messenger will be displayed. Let's wait a little while Play Market handles the installation itself.
  6. As a result, the “Open” button will appear in the store. If you click on it, the program will launch.

    Click on "Open"

  7. The messenger icon will be placed in the usual menu with icons of all programs installed on the phone.

On iOS

We continue to analyze the installation, but on the iPhone platform:

On Windows Phone

Finally, we got to installing Skype on Windows Phone:

  1. Let's open the Store section in the tile menu - it is indicated by an icon in the form of a paper bag with the Windows logo inside.

    Go to Windows Store

  2. In the Store Search menu, write a Skype request and expand the page with the messenger. Click on Get the app and wait for the application to download to Windows Phone.

    Find the Skype utility

  3. As a result, a new blue Skype tile will appear in the menu. By clicking on it you will launch the messenger.

    The messenger tile has appeared in the main menu

Why Skype won't install or doesn't work

Problems with installing the program or problems with its operation may arise for the following reasons:

  1. Your device does not meet the requirements. Once again, compare the list of requirements with what you have. If your operating system is out of date, update it.
  2. The installation file downloaded with an error. Try uninstalling the program and installing it again. In Android, this can be done through the settings - in the Applications menu. Find “Skype” in the list, open it and click on “Delete”. Then we repeat the installation procedure.
  3. Your device is low on memory. Free it: remove it unnecessary programs, clean system memory, For example, CCleaner application(it can be installed through the same software store through which we downloaded Skype).

How to log into Skype and make a test call

What to do after installation? You need to log in to your account, if you have one, or register a new one:

  1. When you launch Skype, a login form will immediately open. Enter the information from your account or click on the link below “Create a new one”.
  2. Click “Allow” in the next window to give permission to the utility to make calls.
  3. If you need to create an account, fill out the registration form: country, current phone number without +7 (it is already indicated in the previous line), account password (come up with the most complex one). Click "Next".
  4. Write your first and last name in two fields.
  5. A code will be sent to the phone number you specified - enter it into the field.
  6. On the next page, the utility will warn you that it will transfer contacts from your phone book to Skype. Click on the arrow.
  7. Add the person to your contacts with whom you want to call on Skype. Click on the menu and select “Add People” in the “Contacts” tab.

Skype is a communication program that is freely available for download. You can easily install Skype on your Android phone, computer, tablet, and any device that has a microphone and camera. Before using Skype, the user will need to register. This is necessary so that you receive your nickname (login) in the program, by which you can be found in the application through search.

Requirements for installing Skype on an Android device:

Version Android OS 2.3 or higher*
Equipment Depends on the manufacturer♦
Free place At least 27 MB

  • *To use the latest version of Skype for Android (Skype 5), you need Android 4.0 or higher a new version. If you have Android 2.3 or later, you can use Skype 4 for Android.
  • ♦ In addition, you need to know the processor type of the device. If you don't know it, check your user manual or contact the manufacturer. For the following processors:
  • ARMv7 processors (or those capable of executing the instruction set). Skype is fully supported.
  • ARMv6 processors. These devices support all Skype functions, except video calling. Examples of devices with ARMv6 processor: Samsung Galaxy Ace, HTC Wildfire.

If your phone supports these requirements, you can proceed to install Skype on your phone.

As you have noticed, there are no difficulties in installing Skype on an Android phone. The process of registering and creating an account in the program is also easy and will not take much time. If you have any problems with installation, you can go

Good afternoon, dear readers! In this article, I will show you how to install Skype on an Android phone, and also explain how to register for Skype on your phone.

Skype is a program that allows you to make text, voice and video communications between Skype subscribers located anywhere in the world, absolutely free. Data exchange takes place via the Internet.

It is also possible to communicate with regular mobile subscribers, but this is already a paid service.

The number of users of the Skype application is simply huge; at the time of writing, Skype was downloaded from Google Play Market over 500 million times.

In order not to pick up viruses and all sorts of garbage, we will also install Skype from the play market. If you are not registered in Play Market, you can download Skype from the official website. Versions available for (Android, iPhone, Windows smartphones,BlackBerry, Amazon Fire Phone, iPod touch).

So, let's move from words to action and install Skype on your phone.

How to install Skype on Android phone for free

1. Go to the play market, and in the search bar type in the name of the program in English letters "Skype". Next, click on the found icon "Skype".

2. On the application page, click the “Install” button.

4. Click the "Open" button.

On this Skype installation phone runs out if you already have Account, then log into your account by entering your login, email or phone number. And if not, then you need to create a new one, I will explain how to do this below.

How to register for Skype on your phone

1. After opening Skype, the application will prompt us to either log in or create new account. Click on the line “Create an account”.

2. Next, Skype will require consent to make phone calls, access contacts, and send and view messages.

3. Now we need to indicate the country, a valid phone number (without eight), a message with a confirmation code will be sent to it, and come up with a password. Then click the “Next” button.

4. Specify your first and last name, and then click the “Next” button.

5. A confirmation code will be sent to the phone number you specified during registration, enter it and click “Next”.

6. At the last step of registration, Skype offers to transfer contacts from the phone book; if necessary, click the “Transfer” button. If not, skip this step by clicking on the arrow.

Now you know how to install and register Skype on Android phone. In the next article I will show you how to install Skype on your computer. That's all for me, I wish you success.

Skype is one of the oldest and most popular means of Internet communication in the world. Using the program, users can exchange text and voice messages, as well as make calls. Initially, the application was only available on the computer, but from the moment of purchasing the service by Microsoft it has improved and appeared on mobile platforms. It may seem that installSkype on phone- it’s simple, but even here there are several nuances that are worth talking about.

Installation via app store

When buying a smartphone, you need to understand that it works on the basis of one of the popular this moment operating systems. Depending on which system is installed, the built-in store for downloading programs will differ. This could be: iTunes, Google Play or Microsoft Store. The instructions will discuss how to install the application on Android.

to install Skype application to your mobile phone, you need to find the Google Play program store on the desktop of your mobile phone and launch it with one click on the icon. Appearance may vary depending on version.

In the window that opens, click on search at the top of the screen. Enter the name Skype and tap on “Go”.

A list will open with the programs found for the request. Since this popular app, it will have a separate dedicated area with the ability to download. Below are other Microsoft communications projects: a lightweight version of Skype and an edition for business use. Click on the “Install” button

After a short installation process, the program will appear on the desktop of your smartphone. Now you can launch it and log in with your username and password. The program may require you to allow access to the microphone and camera to work correctly.

Installation via iTunes and Microsoft Store is almost the same as the steps shown in the instructions.

On some cheap ones Chinese smartphones or due to a system failure on mobile phone There may be no app with a store. It may be removed or initially absent along with other services from Google. Since restoring services will take a lot of time, you can install Skype on smartphone via APK file. This is a specially packaged installation file with which you can manually install any application.

First you need to download the installer from any popular site designed for this. An excellent option would be the 4PDA forum or any other service that distributes proven software.

Do not download anything from dubious sources, as it is possible to import a malicious algorithm onto your phone.

After downloading the installer, you need to find it in Explorer. Depending on the version of the smartphone, you can use the built-in explorer or a third-party development. The example uses the ES Explorer program. Go to the address where the installer is located and click on it.

The system menu will open and the installation process will begin. If the system for protecting the installation of applications from unknown sources is disabled on the device, the process will be successful and the installation will be completed. The icon can be found in the application menu and transferred, if necessary, to the desktop.

How to disable protection

By default, Android has protection against programs downloaded from third party sources. Thus, the company has in advance protected people who are new to the operation of a smartphone. To disable it, you need to go to the internal settings of the phone. Lower the top notification shade and click on the gear icon or find the application labeled “Settings” in the list of applications.