How to delete a windows partition. Insert, delete, or change a section break

When working with documents made in MS Word, you may notice that the text in some of them is divided. This is very convenient, since you can apply a separate text style to each fragment, create columns, number the pages of one part separately from the entire document, and so on. At the same time, by formatting it, you do not change the text in other parts in any way. You can read more about creating sections in Word in the article by following the link.

But it also happens that it is necessary to combine two parts of a document into one. This is not at all difficult to do, and in this article we will figure out how to remove sections in Word. These recommendations are suitable if you have Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016 installed.

Before we start deleting, let's make it clear in which parts of the document they are located. To do this, you need to enable the display of non-printable characters. Go to the “Home” tab and in the “Paragraph” group, click the button.

You can now see various symbols in the document that were not displayed before.

For example, let's take these two paragraphs. Place italics at the end of the first one so that it flashes to the right of the paragraph symbol, and then press “Delete” on your keyboard.

The section break will be removed. To remove extra lines between parts of the text, click the mouse at the end of the first paragraph and press “Delete” the required number of times - in the example 3 times.

Now let's remove another break that is placed on the current page. Place italics at the end of the first part and press Delete.

Please note that after you remove the separation, the same formatting as the second paragraph will be applied to the first paragraph. Let's consider this example: in the second fragment, the material is divided into columns, and the margins on the right and left are reduced.

After removing the page break, the first one will also be divided into columns and the margins on the right and left will be the same as in the second.

If you have a certain style applied to your writing, then you can make a merger in such a way that the style of the first part is applied to the second.

Place italics at the end of the first paragraph and press “Delete” as many times as necessary. In the example, I pressed it 2 times.

As a result, the gap was removed, the text style in the second paragraph is the same as in the first, but the division of the material into columns was applied to the first.

If you need to remove this inscription so that the style of the second paragraph does not change, then in the line with the inscription, place the cursor on the right side of the character at the beginning of the paragraph and press “Delete” once.

The style of the second paragraph will not change, but the first will be divided into columns.

I think everything is clear to you. The main thing when deleting assigned partitions is not to forget that the formatting of the section that is lower is applied to the one that is higher.

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The use of breaks is especially popular among those who often create large documents in a word processor that have sections, subsections, and subparagraphs. Indeed, in this case, using such a Word function is very convenient and greatly simplifies the user’s work. However, it often happens that page breaks are unnecessary, which is why in our article we will examine the question of how to remove section breaks in Word.

In order to understand that it is page breaks that are placed in the document, the user needs to reflect hidden non-printable characters in the document. To do this, go to the “Home” tab, then in the “Paragraph” group click on the “Display all characters” button. What it looks like is shown in the figure below.

When working in Word, it is important to remember that breaks can be placed either automatically or manually. In this case, the user will not be able to delete breaks created by the program, but breaks created manually can be deleted. How? Read below.

How to prevent unwanted page breaks?

First, let’s look at this issue using the example of the 2013 Word program. To prevent page breaks, place the cursor before the paragraph to which you want to apply the settings. Then open the “Page Section” tab and open the “Paragraph” window, which we have written about several times above. Then open “Line and Page Breaks”. We fulfill the necessary conditions:

  1. Check the box next to “Prohibit dangling lines” if you want each part of the page to have 2 paragraph lines.
  2. If you want to prohibit a break between paragraphs, then check “Keep from next”.
  3. To prohibit placing a break in the center of a paragraph, the user must check the box next to the item that says prohibiting paragraph breaks.

How to remove section breaks in Word?

To remove manual page breaks in Word, click on the “Draft” section. Next, select “Page Break” by clicking on the border next to the dotted line. After this, press the “DELETE” key located on the keyboard.

How to remove gaps in a large document?

This method is especially suitable for documents consisting of several tens or hundreds of pages. The user is invited to use the autocorrect function available in Word. How can I do that?

Section breaks are an extremely useful feature for convenient document editing. Breaks are easy to insert and remove when the document is small. But what if you have a huge document with a lot of breaks and you need to remove them all? Today we will figure out how to remove section breaks in Word.

Removing breaks manually

Each gap is marked in the text with a special symbol. But in normal text format it will not be visible. To do this, you need to click on “Display all characters” on the “Home” tab in the “Paragraph” section.

We follow the gap removal algorithm:

  1. We are looking for a gap in the document. It is marked with a symbol as follows:

  1. Remove the gap with the key
  2. Select each gap one at a time by holding “Ctrl”.

  1. Selected? Now just press delete.

Not the most convenient way, because you have to go through the entire document from beginning to end. You may also accidentally miss a page break.

Such willfulness will modify the text, shifting its component parts. Therefore, take this factor into account and study the text after removing breaks.

How to remove section breaks in Word: automatic method

There is an easier and more convenient way to remove all gaps at once.

  1. On the main tab, find the “Editing” section at the end. Click on the “Replace” button.

  1. In the window that appears, expand additional settings by clicking on the “More” button.

  1. Select the “Section Break” option from the “special” menu at the bottom of the page.
  2. Enter in the “Find” line «^ b» and replace everything.

Done, you have removed all the breaks with a couple of mouse clicks.


You can also use specially designed macros to format text.

  1. Enter the combination on the keyboard « Alt + Feleven". We get to the programming window.
  2. We create our own team by adding a module and inserting the program code.

Sub DeleSectionBreaks()



With Selection.Find

.Text = "^b"

.Replacement.Text = ""

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = False

.MatchCase = False

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchByte = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchFuzzy = False

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

End Sub

  1. Let's run the macro. The command is executed automatically.

You learned how to remove section breaks in Word not only manually, but also using a program, which greatly simplifies working in Word.

How to remove section breaks in Word: we show you clearly

When working with a large document, sometimes you need to start a new paragraph on a new page, and to do this, you usually create a page break. In the options, we can tell Word where to automatically place page breaks, but we can only remove them manually. So, on this page you will learn a couple of ways, how to remove a page break in Word.

  • Delete the gap using the “Delete” button
  • Removing a gap using the Find and Replace function

Delete the gap using the “Delete” button

Step 1: When page breaks are used in a Word document, they are not visible. In order to see them, go to the Home tab - then “Display all characters” (CTRL + *), as in the screenshot

Step 2. Select the gap with the mouse, or place the cursor on the left side of the gap.

Step 3. When everything is ready, click on the “Delete” key

As you can see, this is not a complicated way to remove a gap in a document. But what if you don’t have a dozen of them? Of course, you can hold down the CTRL key and select all the breaks in the document, and then delete them with the key, but this is a long way, so if you have a huge document, then go to .

Removing a gap using the Find and Replace function

Compared to the first method, using the Find and Replace function can save a lot of time. Instead of having to select all the page breaks one by one across a huge document, you can remove them all at once by following these steps.

Step 1. Open the “Find and Replace” window: “Home” - “Replace”.

Step 2. In the open window, click on the “More >>” button.

Step 3. In the “Special” list, select “Page Break”.

Step 4. In the “Find” field, type “^m” and click on the “Replace All” button.

If you did everything correctly, then everything should work out for you and, now, you know how to remove page breaks in Word.

Many hard drives are split into two or more partitions. They are usually divided according to user needs and are designed for convenient sorting of stored data. If one of the existing partitions is no longer needed, you can delete it and attach the unallocated space to another disk volume. In addition, this operation allows you to quickly destroy all data stored on the partition.

Removing a partition on a hard drive

There are various options for deleting a volume: you can use special programs, a built-in Windows tool, or the command line. The first option is most preferable in the following cases:

  • It is impossible to delete a partition through the built-in Windows tool (the “Delete volume” item is inactive).
  • It is necessary to delete information without the possibility of recovery (this option is not available in all programs).
  • Personal preferences (a more convenient interface or the need to perform several actions with disks at the same time).

After using one of these methods, an unallocated area will appear, which can later be added to another partition or distributed if there are several of them.

Be careful, deleting a partition erases all data stored on it!

Save the information you need to another location in advance, and if you just want to combine two sections into one, you can do it another way. In this case, files from the partition being deleted will be transferred independently (if you use the built-in Windows program, they will be deleted).

Read more: How to merge hard drive partitions

Method 1: AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard

A free utility for working with drives allows you to perform various operations, including deleting unnecessary volumes. The program has a Russified and pleasant interface, so it can be safely recommended for use.

Download AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard

Method 2: MiniTool Partition Wizard

MiniTool Partition Wizard is a free program for working with disks. It does not have a Russified interface, but it has enough basic knowledge of English to perform the necessary operations.

Unlike the previous program, MiniTool Partition Wizard does not completely delete data from the partition, i.e. it can be restored if necessary.

Method 3: Acronis Disk Director

Acronis Disk Director is one of the most popular programs among users. This is a powerful disk manager that, in addition to complex operations, allows you to perform more primitive tasks.

If you have this utility, then you can delete the partition using it. Since this program is paid, there is no point in purchasing it if you do not plan to actively work with disks and volumes.

Method 4: Windows built-in tool

If there is no desire or opportunity to use third-party software, you can solve the problem using standard operating system tools. Windows users have access to the Disk Management utility, which can be opened like this:

Method 5: Command Line

Another option for working with a disk is to use the command line and the DiskPart utility. In this case, the entire process will take place in the console, without a graphical shell, and the user will have to control the process using commands.

We looked at ways to delete a hard drive partition. There is no fundamental difference between using programs from third-party developers and built-in Windows tools. However, some of the utilities allow you to permanently delete files stored on the volume, which will be a very added benefit for some users. In addition, special programs allow you to delete a volume even when this cannot be done through Disk Management. The command line also works well with this problem.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

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How to remove a hidden drive.

Every user faces this question while operating and working on their computer. The thing is that manufacturers of computers and laptops (the majority), when producing their PCs, create a backup copy of the disk on the hard drive on which your operating system is stored, if you bought a PC with a pre-installed system. This hard drive is a rescue hard drive, and serves as a helping hand for you if you deleted or somehow killed your operating system. This hidden section is also called the OEM manufacturer section.

Without certain manipulations, you will not be able to delete a hidden partition on the disk, since manufacturers usually make it invisible to the system. After all, this section contains a copy of your system, all installed drivers and programs installed by default.

An ordinary user may not even suspect that he is missing 10 - 15 gigabytes of valuable space on his hard drive. If you don’t mind this space, then you don’t have to worry about deleting anything on your system. If you decide to install another operating system, not your own, but your own, then there is no point in keeping a hidden partition on your hard drive. If you do not have a distribution kit for your laptop, you will have to download drivers from the manufacturer's website.

Deleting a hidden partition on a disk.

Removing a hidden partition is a simple and not complicated procedure that is performed without additional programs and utilities. All manipulations can be performed using the CMD command line (windows + R) write CMD and click OK. It is important that your account has administrator rights. Next, we execute the list of commands sequentially:

diskpart #start the partition management program#

list disk #display a list of hard drives#

select disk x #where, x is the disk number from the previous list, for example select disk 2, if it was in the list as Disk 2#

list partiotion #display a list of partitions on the selected disk, output example#

Section ### Type Size Offset

----- ------ --- ---

Partition 1 Main 470 GB 1024 KB

Partition 3 OEM 15 GB 470 KB

In our case, section 3 is the hidden section that we want to delete, let’s make sure of this select partition 3 #select the desired section detail partiotion #detailed information on the section Section 3 Type: 12 Hidden: Yes Active: No

Byte offset: 234216226825

The Delete partition/Delete volume field is not active

After I wrote the articles How to add space to the system disk (drive C) + video and How to combine local disks in windows7 + video, I began to receive messages from readers that the “Delete partition” field was not active. Why does this happen... In this article I will tell you in what cases this happens and how to make the Delete section field active.

The "Delete volume" line is not active due to the page file.

One of the reasons when the Delete volume field is not active is when the volume is being used for a swap file.

If in Disk Management in the "Status" field next to the disk that you want to delete or expand it says "Swap file", then you will not be able to delete or expand the volume. First, you need to remove the paging file from the disk, and then work with it.

The "Delete partition" field is not active.

Another case is that you deleted a volume and then want to delete a partition, but the “Delete partition” line is not active.

This has to do with hard drive partitions. If the partition you want to delete is surrounded by a green frame, and there are volumes inside the partition, then first you need to delete all the volumes, and then you can delete the entire partition. Those. delete all volumes surrounded by a green frame, in this case volume D. After this, you will have a partition of size “volume D” + free space with which you can work further, for example, add space to drive C. As you can see, the partition is wider concept than volume. Partitions are made up of volumes, or a partition can consist of one volume.

These are the most popular factors blocking the ability to delete a partition or volume. If you encounter a situation where the methods indicated here did not help you, write in a comment or an email to info(pes), we’ll try to figure it out.

How to delete a hidden partition on your hard drive | Computer World

It is possible to delete a hidden partition on your hard drive. You just need to know the necessary programs and methods.

Often, some of the security features implemented in Windows are a little annoying. One such case is a closed secondary partition that takes up valuable disk space. Let's try to remove it.

Security feature: A computer with Windows OS pre-installed usually comes with a so-called recovery partition on the hard drive. This often hidden partition contains compressed program files that serve as a system backup. If Windows does not start, then using these files you can return the system to its original state.

For many experienced PC users, the recovery partition is simply unused space. They prefer to work with their own backup copies or disks, since the back-up method using compressed program files on a hidden partition will overwrite all data (at least on the C: drive) created after purchasing the PC, and then only full recovery of deleted files from with the help of special programs or professionals in this field. In addition, the recovery partition takes up several GB of space, which can be used much more efficiently on computers with small hard drives than for similar purposes.

Bypassing the protection: simply deleting data from the hidden partition does not make sense, since it will still remain hidden. But if the size of the hidden partition were “attached” to an existing one, that would be a plus. The Paragon Partition 2011 program will help you unlock hidden spaces on your hard drive. It displays hidden partitions, deletes them, and adds space to another partition.

Removing a hidden partition: To delete a hidden partition, launch the program and select “Partition Manager” in the first window. In the next program window, you need to select the “delete partition” option.

A wizard will then launch which will show all the partitions on your hard drive. Select the recovery partition. If you are not sure which one to choose, do the following: compare the partition sizes displayed in the wizard with the disk sizes in Windows Explorer (can be launched using the Win+E keyboard shortcut).

After you have found the desired partition, select it in the list of partitions in the Paragon Partition 2011 program, and then click the “Next” and “Run” buttons. After that, click the “Finish” button and go back to the main window of the partition manager.

Enlarging another partition: the created free space must be attached to the partition you need. To do this, right-click on the section you are interested in in the main section menu and select the “Edit section” menu item. In the new window, resize the partition using the slider. Then close the window by clicking on the “OK” button.

Next, you need to return to the main section menu and click the “Run” button. The process will start, the program will configure changes in the hard drive partitions in accordance with the changes you made. After completing the wizard, you need to restart your computer.

Attention: You managed to delete a hidden partition on your hard drive, but after performing all the above operations, the Windows recovery system using the recovery partition will not work. You should use the necessary programs to create a backup copy of the system partition. For example, the Paragon BackUp&Recovery 2011 utility will be able to create a copy of your disk and burn it to an external storage device. If the Windows operating system fails, it can be restored using this program and a backup copy recorded, for example, on one or more DVDs or a USB drive.