How to remove screen blackout. Why does the monitor go blank? PS

Surely, every owner of an Android device has wondered how to increase the time battery life gadget. In this article we will talk about what affects the rapid discharge of the battery and how you can extend the operating time of the device on a single charge.

How to extend battery life on Android

1. Reduce backlight brightness and display timeout

No matter how trivial this advice may sound, the display backlight is one of the most costly factors in battery consumption. Reduce brightness to extend device battery life. Do not forget that excessive brightness when reading is harmful to the eyes.

To prevent your smartphone from wasting its charge, it is also recommended to reduce the backlight timeout. In Android 4 for adjustment screen timeout need to go to Settings - My device - Display:

To save battery, it makes sense to turn off the screen by pressing the power button, rather than just putting the smartphone on the table and waiting for the display to go out on its own due to a timeout.

If your gadget has an AMOLED display, then installing dark or black wallpaper will have a positive effect on battery consumption. AMOLED displays do not use a backlight and simply turn off the pixels to produce black. Accordingly, the more black there is on the screen, the smaller part of the pixels glows and consumes charge.

Do not buy protective films for screens that darken the image. Matte films often suffer from this. As a result, you will have to increase the brightness to read the screen comfortably and waste power in vain.

2. Disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and mobile (packet) data transmission

Turn off all these modules when you don't need them active. This will reduce battery consumption:

Here I would like to explain in a little more detail. The bottom line is that it is not the turned on Wi-Fi or itself that drains the battery. Mobile Internet, and data transfer through these interfaces. And the more applications you have installed that actively use the network connection, the faster your battery will drain. That's why, turning off Wi-Fi and Mobile traffic you come first prevent applications from downloading and sending data, which leads to significant battery savings.

Applications such as Facebook, Skype, Viber significantly drain the battery. And if your smartphone always has access to the Internet via any of the connections, these applications will drain Android to the maximum. Of course, the intensity of the discharge also depends on how many messages you receive or send.

3. Disabling the accelerometer

Enabled feature Rotate the screen uses an accelerometer. It continuously calculates the device's position in space in order to change the screen orientation in time. It makes more sense to turn on screen rotation only when you are using the gallery, games or other applications where it is required. Fortunately, in Android 4 the function switch is placed in the top menu:

4. Disable animation of widgets and wallpapers

Animated applications and live wallpapers look very attractive, however, all these moving things move for a reason - they are “scrolled” by the processor, wasting battery energy.

Depending on the situation, decide for yourself what is more important to you in this moment: beautiful frills or an extra hour of battery life.

5. Disable synchronization or increase the interval between synchronizations

The dependence is transparent: the more often the device synchronizes emails, social networks, instant messengers or anything else, the faster the battery will run out. For some people, it is important to receive notifications promptly and you can’t argue with that. However, for many users, a synchronization interval of several hours is quite suitable, which will help avoid unnecessary battery consumption.

6. Remove unnecessary applications. Be careful when using questionable applications

An application can take up RAM even if you are not currently using it. Some are able to start on their own. How more apps installed on the device, the more processes are in random access memory.

Don't install apps you don't need. If possible, do not use applications unknown to you from unverified developers. In addition to its stated function, any of them can exhibit other activities, performing actions beneficial to its creators. The most harmless action you don't need is downloading and displaying advertising banners.

By the way, it makes sense to purchase a paid version of a frequently used application in order to remove advertising from it.

7. Reduce the volume of signals, turn off sound effects and vibration

This advice will be useful to those who often and regularly receives various notifications: email, social media, SMS and more. It makes sense to disable vibration alerts for at least some of these notifications. If the device is in plain sight, a sound notification is usually enough to not miss an event. And constant vibration in these conditions only drains the battery.

Also, you can reduce the volume of signals and turn off unnecessary sound confirmations - for example, a useless and annoying touch sound:

Attention! The listed points really help save battery power. However, it is important to understand that any of the methods mentioned are a trade-off between longer runtime and beauty, convenience or functionality. Therefore, if you plan to actively use your device and want to get the maximum of the above-mentioned qualities from it, then it is best to initially purchase a model with capacious battery. If the battery capacity is objectively insufficient for a particular gadget (which is very common with budget models), then no tricks will help completely solve the problem of rapid discharge.

In this article, you learned how to avoid unnecessary battery waste on devices with operating system Android.

Hello! I haven’t written anything useful on the blog for two days now; I was busy with one very important thing, which I’ll tell you at the end of the article :). And right now I’ll tell you how to disable sleep mode and turn off the display in Windows 7. You probably know that if you leave the computer alone, do not press the keys and do not touch the mouse, then after certain time The screen will turn off and it will go into sleep mode, all this is done to save energy.

All this is of course good, you need to save electricity, global warming and other disasters, but automatic switching to sleep mode very often brings a lot of trouble, just like automatic shutdown screen.

Perhaps you have had cases when you watch a movie most often online, and every approximately 10 minutes the screen turns off, you need to press keys or move the mouse. Or they left something to download from the Internet, but the computer went into sleep mode and everything stopped, these are the problems. And in order to solve them, you just need to disable automatic screen shutdown and sleep mode. That's what we'll do now.

Click Start and go to Control Panel.

In the control panel, look for “Power Options” and select it.

Automatic screen shutdown and sleep mode can be configured differently for two plans: “Balanced” this plan is most often activated on desktop computers and laptops connected to the mains. And “Energy Saving”, this one usually turns on automatically when the laptop is disconnected from the power supply. Let's set up for the “Balanced” mode, click opposite it “Power plan settings”.

As you can see, I have the screen turn off after 10 minutes, and automatically go into sleep mode after 30 minutes. All you need is to simply change the time, or completely disable these actions by selecting “Never”. After making changes, do not forget to click the “Save Changes” button.

That's all, friends, now you can safely watch movies and leave the download on for a long time. The computer will not automatically turn off the monitor and will go into sleep mode.

And a few more words about what I was busy with these two days. I do new design for the blog, which if everything goes well in a few days can be seen on this blog, so come in, I’ll wait :), I won’t say anything more. Good luck friends!

How to set the laptop display to turn off in Windows 7

The screen in laptops is one of the main consumers of energy stored in battery. Therefore, to increase battery life, you can use the following well-known methods - use the minimum brightness or intelligently configure the screen to turn off when not using the laptop. For example, apply fading or completely turning off the display when the computer processes any data for a long time, or when you are absent for some time when the laptop remains turned on.

Typically, a laptop has a top row function keys F1, F2, ..., F12, which are combined with multimedia functions. Usually these also include: decreasing brightness, increasing brightness, turning off the screen. If you do not have such keys, it means that they are not provided by the manufacturer. To set up automatic display control, follow this path:

Start -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Power Options -> Set the display to turn off

Here you can change standard settings laptop screen on your own. The parameters are set for two operating modes: when the laptop is powered from the network and when from the battery.

Dim display – if the user is inactive for a specified number of minutes, the screen will dim, but the image will be visible.

Put the computer into sleep mode - after a specified time, the laptop may turn off, but not completely, but go into sleep mode. By pressing any button windows keyboards will load the last session.

Adjust plan brightness – finally, the last setting item allows you to set the brightness. This option is duplicated by the keyboard keys described above, which allow you to adjust the brightness of the display.

Also in this section of the control panel you can do the following:

Configure the action when closing the laptop lid Configure the action when you press the power button Configure the password request when exiting sleep mode

Changing the sleep time on Windows 7

If you do not use a computer or laptop for a while, the display turns off and you get the feeling that the machine is turned off. This situation indicates two situations: either the screen turned off, or the PC went into sleep mode. The specified frames are not always satisfactory, and it is often necessary to change the sleep time on Windows 7.

A small digression. All modes are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Sleep mode (sleep) is a state of the PC in which there is no shutdown, but reduced power is supplied. All open objects continue to be stored in RAM, allowing you to continue working instantly.
  2. Hibernation – designed more for laptops. All contents of RAM are flushed to HDD, then the power is turned off. Resumption of operation takes much longer, but battery savings increase. This is what distinguishes hibernation from sleep.
  3. Hybrid mode – combines the characteristics of sleep and hibernation.

Methods to open the power option

To change the sleep mode transition time in Windows 7, there is an option called “power”, which can be found in 4 ways:

1. Click “start”, enter “power supply” in the search and select the item shown in the picture.

2. Hold down the Win + R keys and copy powercfg.cpl into the “Run” command input window. Click OK or Enter.

3. The longest path. Go to the start menu, select control panel. Make sure there are large or small icons in the “view” field. In the list of Windows 7 options, find the “power options” option.

4. On a laptop, when you click on the button with the triangle icon in the tray, the hidden icons. Among them, find the icon in the shape of a battery and a power plug, click on it with the left button. In the pop-up window, click on any of the 2 links at the bottom.

After selecting one of the methods, a window for setting power consumption and sleep mode in Windows 7 with adjustable configurations will open. In the window, click the link to go to sleep mode, it is located on the left.

Here you will be prompted to change the settings of the installed power plan. In my case, this is the “energy saving” plan. It will always be possible to reset the settings to default, so don't be afraid to experiment.

On the laptop you will see 2 columns:

Each column is given individual parameters. On a regular PC, accordingly, there will be 1 column.

To reduce or increase the time it takes to enter sleep mode and turn off the display, click on the button located opposite the corresponding option. Set your time frame and click “save changes”.

If you always don't leave your PC idle for long periods of time, then select "never". This will disable sleep mode on your Windows 7.

To set your own transition time, click the change advanced settings link.

In the window We are interested in 2 sections:

Click on “sleep”, then “sleep after” and set your own time, down to the minute.

Click on “screen”, then on “turn off screen after” and also set the time period.

You can set other parameters, but after making changes, be sure to click the “apply” button and OK.

With these manipulations you can change the time it takes to go into sleep mode in Windows 7. Basically, sleep has practical benefits on laptops or other devices that use a battery. On a desktop computer, this option is practically useless.

How to set up a computer so that the monitor does not turn off? |

Beginner computer users often notice that the monitor screen turns off after some time, which can be inconvenient when it is necessary to monitor the progress of a particular program, or when purchasing saas and setting it up. Setting the screen to turn off automatically and turning it off completely is quite simple. To do this, use a special section in the Computer Control Panel - Power Options.

For owners of Windows XP, in the window that opens, go to the “Power Management Schemes” tab and for the current scheme you should set the time after which the monitor will turn off and hard drive. To ensure that the monitor never turns off again, select the “Never” option. Here you can also change the settings for the time after which the computer will go into Sleep or Standby mode.

You should also pay attention to how your screen saver is configured. If necessary, it can be easily disabled. To do this, go to the properties of the Desktop (by right-clicking on a free area of ​​the screen). In the window that opens, on the “Screen Saver” tab, specify the interval for turning on the screen saver or disable the screen saver altogether by selecting “None” as the screen saver.

For Windows Seven owners, in the Power Options section in the left submenu, select the “Setting to turn off the display” section. Here we indicate the time after which the monitor will turn off and the time the computer will go into sleep mode. To ensure that the monitor is always on, select the “Never” time option. Then save the changes by clicking on the appropriate button.

You can also turn off the screen saver on your monitor. On the desktop, right-click on a free area of ​​the screen and select the “Personalization” section. There will be several sections at the bottom, find the “Screensaver” section and click on it. Next, you should set the time for the screensaver to turn on or select “None” from the list of screensavers to turn it off completely. After all changes, click OK.

In the future, the computer screen will no longer turn off.

How to change screen shutdown and sleep times in Windows 10

Hello. I don’t have any good ideas for articles, so I’ll write a little in the section for beginner users. So, the point is that in Windows 10, with each update, the old control panel interface is cut out, replacing it with an updated control center. And more and more settings are being transferred there; today we’ll just look at where the settings for the timers for turning off the screen and going into sleep mode go.

Click on the notification center in the lower right corner. And select “All parameters”. To speed things up, you can get used to pressing Win+I.

The “All Settings” utility of Windows 10 will open, here we click on the “System” button.

Let's go to the section called “Power and sleep mode”. It contains both switches that interest us. In the case of laptops, there will be twice as many parameters.

After changing the parameters, simply close the settings window. Now all changes are applied on the fly as they change.

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A familiar situation: you are reading some information from the screen of your smartphone, and at that moment the display fades out. What if it takes not a few seconds to read, but much more? It is clear that constantly pressing the power button is annoying, to put it mildly.

How to prevent the Android screen from going dark? It turns out that the situation is not as critical as it might seem. There are several ways to solve this, which we will talk about now.

To adjust how your phone's screen turns off using the pre-installed tools, you need to go to " Settings", open section " Screen", select the item " Sleep mode"and set there the time the smartphone is “awake” that is comfortable for you, after which the screen will go dark, or remove sleep mode altogether by checking the corresponding line:

How to disable screen timeout using third-party software

I think it’s not worth going into too much detail about why the “Sleep mode” function is needed, or turning off the screen after a certain period of time (timeout from English - timeout). It is clear that if the smartphone is constantly in active mode, then the battery charge will begin to tend to zero too quickly.

In this case, the problem can be easily solved using special utilities.

Hold Screen On Demo

This program will not let the screen go dark while you are looking at it. By using front camera Hold Screen ON catches your gaze and prevents your smartphone from falling asleep. When you stop looking at the screen, it fades and, accordingly, resource consumption stops.

It is possible to bind the operation of the utility to specific application, and then the phone screen will not go dark, identifying your eyes in this application, however, if your camera is working in another application, the program will have to wait until it is free.

Owners Samsung Galaxy S3 use this function without installing the utility, since this model has it by default, and if you have a simpler device, then you just need to download Hold Screen ON:

KeepScreen (now free)

Another good app, which does a great job of disabling the timeout. Unlike the previous one, Keep Screen controls the position of the device using the built-in gyroscope. Therefore, when you hold your gadget in your hands, the utility, taking into account its angle of inclination relative to the horizontal axis, will prevent the screen from going dark.

In addition, there is also the ability to block the screen from turning off on your Android device for selected applications. To do this, after specifying the desired program, press" Start/stop service“, and on the phone, in the screen darkening sensor (see the first screenshot), set the interval to 30 seconds.

Keep Screen takes care of your smartphone's resources and works in background, to do this, click “ On", and after that " Save and restart app».

Important! If you turn off (lock) the device using the power button while the program is running, then after thirty seconds the screen will turn on and will not go off. Therefore, before locking the gadget with the power button, you need to close the application or simply return to the main desktop.

We have nothing more to add on today’s topic, and, of course, you can judge how useful the information presented was. Good luck!

Hello! I haven’t written anything useful on the blog for two days now; I was busy with one very important thing, which I’ll tell you at the end of the article :). And I'll tell you right now how to disable sleep mode And turning off the display in Windows 7. You probably know that if you leave the computer alone, do not press the keys or touch the mouse, then after a certain time the screen will turn off and it will go into sleep mode, all this is done to save energy.

All this is of course good, you need to save energy, global warming and other disasters, but automatic switching to sleep mode very often brings a lot of trouble, as well as automatically turning off the screen.

Perhaps you have had cases when you watch a movie most often online, and every approximately 10 minutes the screen turns off, you need to press keys or move the mouse. Or they left something to download from the Internet, but the computer went into sleep mode and everything stopped, these are the problems. And in order to solve them, you just need to disable automatic screen shutdown and sleep mode. That's what we'll do now.

Click Start and go to .

In the control panel we look for “Power supply” and select it.

Automatic screen shutdown and sleep mode can be configured differently for the two plans: "Balanced" This plan is most often activated on desktop computers and laptops connected to the mains. AND “Energy Saving”, this one usually turns on automatically when you disconnect the laptop from the power supply. Let's set up for “Balanced” mode, click opposite it.

As you can see, I have the screen turn off after 10 minutes, and automatically go into sleep mode after 30 minutes. All you need is to simply change the time, or completely disable these actions by selecting “Never”. After changing, don't forget to click the button “Save changes”.

That's it, friends, now you can safely watch movies and leave the download for a long time. The computer will not automatically turn off the monitor and will go into sleep mode.

Hello friends! Our reader Igor (igorhao) found a solution to an interesting problem, I will introduce you to the details.

More than a year ago, with the advent of Windows 10, I came across an interesting problem several times. Clients bring me a laptop and complain about it that after several minutes of inactivity the laptop monitor screen turned off by itself. At first glance, there is nothing surprising in this, it means that in the settings of the power supply circuit, in the parameter"Turn off display» , these same ones are on displaya few minutes, but in the end, the matter turned out to be completely different.

Why does the monitor screen go blank after several minutes of inactivity even though the power supply settings are set correctly?

To make everything clear, let's find these settings on our laptop.

Right-click on the menu “ Start" and select:

Control Panel--> system and safety--> Power supply. It is in the "" window all settings related to sleep mode are made.

First of all, we look at the power supply diagram of the laptop; in my case, the diagram is set to« Balanced» (recommended).

Click on the button« Setting up the power plan» .

In this window, you configure the parameters for switching the laptop to sleep mode (if it is running on autonomous battery And electrical network). So, if in the parameter« Turn off display» when operating on battery If the value is set to 5 minutes, the laptop will turn off the display automatically after 5 minutes of your inactivity,the same goes for laptop operation t network.

But on my clients' laptops The laptop's sleep mode settings were configured correctly, I remember that for sure! As it turned out, this is what it was all about!

Open the Start menu and select Settings


In the Lock Screen window in Select Screen Saver Options

The Screen Saver Settings window opens.

After installation and subsequent removal of various “Screen saver” programs (screen blanking program when the laptop is idle), default settingsscreen saver may change, such as the Screen Saver setting. » will take the value“Blank screen” with an interval of 1 minute. This means that when the laptop or computer is idle for 1 minute, the laptop screen goes out.

We return the screen saver settings to their default values ​​or configure them accordingly so that the monitor screen does not turn off after one minute of inactivity of your computer.

Select the “Screen saver” option " and set it to (No).

Click “Apply” and “OK”.

Now after a few minutes of inactivity the monitor screen will not go dark.