How to remove the age limit in VK. Why does the Vkontakte application not allow me to enter the community (cm)? How to remove restrictions on iPhone

Why does the Vkontakte application not allow me to enter the community (cm)?

    First, try using a different browser - safari is called, they write on the forums that such problems do not arise with him.

    If this does not help, specify a different age through the VK settings - at least 21 years old.

    Another option is to install VK 2.0.

    The Vkontakte application does not allow you to enter the community - several reasons may contribute to this:

    1) Firstly, maybe it's just a glitch - try to exit and re-enter the application, while restarting your smartphone;

    2) Secondly, perhaps in the settings you just need to uncheck the item called Hide information for adultsquot ;;

    3) Thirdly, it may be an age limit for such communities if you are not yet 18 years old. To get around this point, you just need to change the age in your profile.

    I also encountered the problem of access to certain communities / groups on VKontakte. Only now these pages did not contain materials for adults (these were BC groups and it turned out that they were simply frozen).

    In your case, most likely, the privacy / access settings for such content have been changed (by you or someone else). You need to uncheck the box Hide information for adultsquot ;.

    Also, if you go through the native for iPhone browser- Safari, then the group will open.

    To open such communities, you can also download the VKsettings application.

    Let's try to consider options that fit this problem.

    First, it's just a system glitch. Try reloading your page. You should log out of the application and then log back in. And if after such manipulations everything remains the same, then restart your device and try again.

    The second option, see if the community has any restrictions. For example, if you are not an adult, then there may be age restrictions in the community.

    Third, you need to visit the settings. In the Hide information for adults item, there may be a checkmark. The checkbox must be removed, and then the community will be open to you.

    Community blocking is possible when you yourself set restrictions in the settings, screwed it up yourself. It is possible, of course, that the failure occurs precisely in the social network. Let the experts fix it, and you just have to wait.

    Perhaps you have Hide information for adults in your settings. Rummage in the settings, perhaps the reason is in them. Also, depends on the age specified in your profile. If you are not 18, then you can raise the age, although it will not be entirely fair.

    Most likely, you mistakenly set the settings that prohibit free access to the VKontakte group, go into it without an application and view all the restrictions and additional settings If there are none, then contact the administration.

    I have the same problem with my iPhone. I can't access some groups even though they don't contain adult content. Some advise changing the date of birth in the profile, but I can say that this is definitely not connected in any way, because I am no longer 18 and the date of birth is on VK. It's all about the application, I use vkontakte and for some reason it hides information in some groups at its discretion.

    If you go through the standard safari browser, then this problem will not be.

    You seem to have settings blocking access on certain pages of VKontakte - in particular, those pages that contain materials marked 18+.

    Also, a couple of years ago, VKontakte had the opportunity to establish age restrictions in communities. If there is 18+, then the content of this group is automatically blocked if you have not reached this age.

    You can try to solve this problem like this:

    1) change age settings;

    2) put a different date of birth in your profile.

    You can also try installing the unofficial VKsettings application, which has additional features- it may be possible to enter the group with his help.

Being an Apple user is always difficult because there are so many restrictions. One of them is safe search in the VK application.

Today we will talk about what are the possibilities to remove it. That is, all the ways to disable this feature on VKontakte on your iPhone will be provided.

What is VKontakte SafeSearch?

Safe search VC— a filter that allows you to hide all content in video search results that may contain pornography and other adult materials.

This feature applies exclusively to video. When you start looking for something, you may come across content that is intended for adults.

If the user's age is less than 18, then this feature will be enabled automatically. Otherwise, you can turn it off yourself.

How to remove / remove the restriction in VK on an iPhone?

Now talk about it if you're lucky iPhone owner or iPad. We all know that there are usually far fewer features available on iOS than on Android.

This time, exactly the same situation occurred and the official VKontakte application does not have the ability to disable restrictions.

Third-party clients do not help, because most of them simply do not have a section with videos. Therefore, extreme measures have to be taken.

  1. open any browser and write in address bar, after which the mobile version will open;
  2. open left menu scroll down and press Full version;
  3. go to section Video recordings, write the required request;
  4. appears on the right Search Options, which we press, and then put a tick in front of No limits.

Unfortunately, this option only exists on full version for a computer and for devices that run on the Android operating system.

The method is a little inconvenient, but there is simply no other way. In the initial versions, this option was present, but now we have to put up with what we have.

I created a community (group or public) on VKontakte, but it is not displayed in the search, it cannot be found by name. What is the reason? When will it appear there? What needs to be fixed?

The main reason

Perhaps your group or public settings have an age limit of 16+ or 18+, although there is no “adult” content there. Later it turns out that the group is not displayed in the VKontakte safe search, and in the iPhone application it does not even open via the link - a message is displayed:

Probably the community contains unacceptable materials and is not available for viewing.

The fact is that Apple (the manufacturer of iPhones) strictly refers to "adult" materials and requires them to be hidden in applications, regardless of the user's age. Therefore, VKontakte developers are forced to do this in their application. And in the search on the VK site, such a group can be found only by unchecking "Safe search"- not everyone will notice it, since it is at the very end of the search parameters.

If you put an age limit on a group, you are voluntarily saying that your group should be hidden. Without fully understanding what exactly you are doing, you will not close the group from teenagers, but only prevent all normal people from entering it.

How to remove the age limit in a group

If there is no "adult" content in the group, go to the community management (via the button with three dots - ) and in the "Additional information" section, click "Indicate age limits":

Then choose an option "Up to 16 years old", to remove the restriction, and click "Save".

This should fix the issue. But keep in mind that a group may not appear in the search immediately, but after some time.

When will the group appear in the search?

Why is there no VKontakte group in search engines - Yandex, Google?

Because she gets into search engines(indexed) not immediately, but after some time, sometimes quite long - two weeks, a month. It depends on how quickly the search engines will find the group (that is, on the availability of links to it on the Internet), its content and other factors. In addition, Yandex or Google may decide not to show the group in the search results at all - for their own reasons.

There is a belief that if you leave a link to your group in the comments below, it will appear in the search. However, it is not. In fact, you need to carefully read this article again and now actually follow the recommendations.

I think many of you know that in the social. Vkontakte networks are present community age limits. Each group is required to indicate the age target audience(under 16, 16+ and 18+).

Thus, communities marked 18+ will not be displayed in the search for all users who have not reached the age of majority. The same applies to groups up to 16 and 16+.

Remember, age restrictions can significantly affect.

If you are the owner of the community and are still thinking about what age limits to indicate, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with rating system on the screenshot:

Once you've made your choice, go to "Community Management" and for additional information please provide age restrictions:


Question: What happens if you do not specify the age limit?

Answer: A group can be removed from the search after a complaint from any social user. networks.

Question: I indicated the age limit 16+ in the community, but I want to return it back to 16 years, since the subject has changed a little. But you can't do it in the settings. What to do?

Answer: It's simple. It is necessary and within a few days the age restrictions will change.

Question: Is it true that official applications for Vkontakte with operating system iOS (iPhone, iPad) groups labeled 16+ and 18+ are not displayed?

Answer: Yes, as Aple has a strict policy on restricting adult content.

Mobile devices from Apple in most cases are used only by their owners, however, like from any other, from this rule there may be exceptions. So, the iPhone or iPad very often fall into the hands of the youngest family members, which puts them at risk. They provide easy access to the Internet, filled with a huge number of pages with content that can harm the normal development of a child at a certain stage of his development in society. From such malicious sites, children should be restricted, which can be done on iOS 7 without any third-party software.

So how do you restrict access to sites on iOS 7 on iPhone and iPad?

1. Go to the "Settings" application on iOS 7 on iPhone or iPad, go to "General" and select "Restrictions" - it is in this menu that all restrictions related to the operation of the device are configured:

2. Select the "Enable Restrictions" item and enter the password that will be required in the future to access the settings of this functionality of the operating system:

3. In the "Allowed content" block, select the "Websites" item:

3.1. The item "Limit on adult content" is designed to automatically block websites that are blacklisted by Apple moderators. It also contains the ability to add Internet pages, access to which will always be allowed, as well as those that will never be available to the user:

3.2. The item "Only specified websites" is a whitelist of sites that the user will have access to. All others will be completely blocked. This list already contains several Internet pages that have been approved by Apple moderators, and can be replenished at the request of the user:

Attempting to access resources that have been restricted using the "Restrictions" menu in the "Settings" app on iOS 7 will be accompanied by a message about the inability to access them due to closed access. It is worth noting that such restrictions will apply not only in the standard Safari browser, but also in third party applications Chrome, Mercury and others.

With the help of a small number of switches presented, you can very flexibly configure access to Internet pages for a child. In iOS 7 on an iPhone or iPad, Apple's website filter can be enabled or the list of allowed pages can be configured by the user himself.