How to remove an inscription in Photoshop.

1. At the beginning of the work we have an image with translucent text, and in the end we should get the same image, but without text.

So we have the original image:

2. First, you need to select the text on the image that you want to remove, and duplicate it on a new layer

3. Now we try to apply some other type of mixing to see if we can get a color similar to the one that should have been if there was no inscription.
We found that when mixing

Multiplication || Multiply

The colors on the face are almost the same...
Then select the area that is close to the original image.

Now duplicate it onto a new layer

Layer--Duplicate Layer || Layer--Duplicate Layer || Ctrl-J

The layer from which we duplicated this is made invisible for now, and this new one is installed above the image layer and merged with it.

Layer--Glue to bottom || Ctrl-E

Now let's work a little with our fingers and blur to smooth out the sharp transitions.

4. Now again select the layer with the inscription and carefully erase with an eraser the part that we no longer need, that is, we will leave only the part that does not yet match the color of the source.
Next we experiment with layers.

Now I have found that the wing area can be adjusted in the mode

Linear combustion || Burn

Here I had to work a little with brightness and contrast (Ctrl-U), because color balance didn’t quite match, then use your finger again and blur to remove the sharp edges.

5. On the remaining text layer, apply the Burn style again and edit the color a little. (Ctrl-U)

Again, eraser and finger and here is the result:


Let's consider the simplest option for removing an inscription from a photograph. Let's say that the inscription is on a smooth, evenly colored surface, in particular on a black bus stop. The background under the inscription is uniform, so, without further ado, we will perform two simple manipulations. First manipulation. Find the eyedropper in the tool palette and point it at some point in the background closer to the inscription to determine the color we need. Step two - select a brush in the tool palette, select the desired size and softness, there is no need to adjust the color, we have it already defined. Fill in the lettering with short brush strokes. Make sure that the strokes blend into the background. If brush strokes become noticeable in some part of the image, you need to adjust the brush color again using the eyedropper. In less than a minute you will be able to write without leaving a trace.

But this is only a single and simplest case of removing an inscription from a photograph. Much more common are images with a translucent inscription superimposed on most of the photo. Sometimes authors try to prevent their works from being copied in this way; this is their full right; we will not learn how to remove copyright. But sometimes such inscriptions are placed just like that, let's try to remove one of them.

I warn you right away, this work is not easy, to some extent even jewelry. To remove the inscription, you will need a Stamp and a Healing Brush, both of which are hidden in the toolbar behind the icons with the image of a stamp and a patch, respectively. The smaller the diameter and transparency of the working tool when working with a stamp, the better the removal will be. Clamp ALT key and click on the background next to the inscription, remembering the fragment of the photo that you will clone with a stamp. Move the mouse cursor over the inscription and, holding down the left mouse button, begin to remove the inscription with small strokes, selecting more suitable areas of the background if necessary. If the background is relatively uniform, you can use a healing brush, but a more complex design requires careful and painstaking work with the stamp.

Do you have an impressive photo, but you can’t use it because the caption is in the way? You can get out of this situation by using the functions Photoshop programs. There are several ways to remove text from a picture in Photoshop. Even a person who has never used the program before can use them.


This is the easiest option on how to remove an inscription from a picture in Photoshop. It will work if the text is located on a relatively uniform, non-detailed background. It should not have sharp transitions between tones. The sky, a blurred forest, a wall - inscriptions with such “backdrops” can be easily removed using filling.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Select "Lasso" in the left panel. When you press the button, three types of lasso are displayed; just click on the first one.
  2. Trace with mouse or stylus graphics tablet the area where the inscription is located. It is better to do this as close as possible to the outline of the letters themselves.
  3. will appear dotted line, indicating that the text is highlighted. You need to right-click on the selection and select “Fill” from the pop-up menu.
  4. An additional window will appear. In it, in the top line of settings you need to set the “Content-aware” option. This way the program will fill the selected area with more than just color. She will try to recreate the texture and color scheme that is presented on the nearest background.

If you use Fill on homogeneous parts of the image, the result will be spectacular. It will not be noticeable that the image has gone through additional manipulations.


If you remove a watermark from a copyrighted image and then use it for commercial purposes, you could be sued. You should not use the tips outlined in this article to steal content.

Healing brush

This method, which allows you to remove an inscription from a picture in Photoshop, is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that the Healing Brush tool is more suitable for pictures with high detail. If you approach the process correctly, you will be able to restore the texture of tree branches, complex patterns, etc.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Select the appropriate tool from the panel.
  2. Of the several brush variations, you need to choose a spot brush, since it restores the image most carefully.
  3. In the top panel, opposite the “Type” option, you need to set “Content-based”. The size of the brush is selected according to the letters. It's good if it roughly matches the line thickness of the font.
  4. You should carefully select the letters one by one with a brush, pressing left button mice. Just release the button and the selected area will automatically be restored.

For reference!

The selection area will appear several shades darker.

Removing layers

This method is useful if the image is in PSD. This is the file format of Photoshop itself.

Removing text using rasterization is done in a couple of clicks:

  1. Open file. On the right side, view the list of layers. Perhaps the inscription added by the author is located on a separate layer. This often happens.
  2. Select the layer on which the text is located. Click "Delete".

The technique will not work with JPG files and the like.

It happens that he wants to add his own text instead of the deleted one.

How to remove an inscription from a picture and write your own in Photoshop:

  1. Use any of the above methods to delete text.
  2. Click on the "Text" tool. It's an icon with a big T in the left vertical bar.
  3. Click on the place in the image where you want to see the text. A graph will appear. You need to enter an inscription into it.

The inscription can be modified in the future. In the window on the right, the user can increase or decrease the size, change the font, color and position.


It is better to save a photo with an inscription in PSD format. Then in the future you can delete the text by simply selecting it in the program.

So, thanks to the simplest functions of Photoshop, you can qualitatively restore an image or add your own inscription. In rare cases, if the text takes up too much space, the effect of the fill or healing brush may be too low quality. But even in this case, do not despair: rasterization will help solve the problem.

The need to remove an inscription from an image may arise both when processing a photo with an automatically dated date, or when restoring an old scanned photo. Photoshop tools such as Clone Stamp, Patch or Spot Healing Brush are suitable for this purpose.

You will need

  • - Photoshop program;
  • - image.


  • Open the image with the caption in Photoshop using the Open option of the File menu. If the letters or numbers that need to be removed from the image are located on a single-color, smooth background without noise or texture, no special effort will be required from you. Using the combination Shift+Ctrl+N, add a new layer on top of the image and, using the Brush tool, paint over the characters with the background color.
  • To avoid making a mistake when choosing a shade, click on the primary color swatch in the lower area of ​​the tool palette. Hover your cursor over the image fragment located next to the caption and click on it.
  • The Median filter can help in removing small inscriptions from multi-colored backgrounds. Create a copy of the image using the Ctrl+J key combination and apply Median to the resulting layer, opening the settings using the Median option in the Noise group of the Filter menu. Adjust the radius of the filter so that the lines that make up the text disappear. In this case, the contours of the rest of the picture will become completely blurred, but you still have the original version of the picture at your disposal, this can be corrected.
  • Using the Hide All option of the Layer Mask group of the Layer menu, hide the results of applying the filter under the mask. Zoom in and paint the mask in the text area with white.
  • If there is a suitable area in the image that can be used to cover the inscription or its fragment, apply the Patch Tool to the layer with a copy of the original image. Having turned on the Source option in the settings, circle the found fragment and drag it onto the letters. If the border of the applied patch intersects with the lines that form the lettering, the image will have an effect similar to bleeding watercolors, since the patch in this area will adjust to the color of the font.
  • In Photoshop CS5, you can try to remove the lettering using the Spot Healing Brush tool. To use it, add a transparent layer to the file and, if the Content-Aware option is disabled in the tool settings, enable it. Using the Sample all layers option, paint over the inscription with the selected brush on a new layer. In earlier versions Photoshop tool Spot Healing Brush does not always edit large areas of an image correctly.
  • If part of the inscription cannot be removed using other tools, turn on the Clone Stamp Tool, zoom in on the image and cover the inscription with pixels copied from the surrounding areas of the image. It is wiser to apply Clone Stamp not to the original image, but to the transparent layer lying above it. The Sample all layers option, enabled in the tool settings, will help you do this.
  • Find an area of ​​the image, a fragment of which can be used to cover the adjacent section of the inscription, and click on it while holding Alt on the keyboard. Release the button and fill in the letters. To obtain high-quality results on complex backgrounds, work with a small diameter brush and re-define the cloning source more often.
  • Save the corrected image to jpg file The Save As option in the File menu will help you.
  • 15.05.2015 28.01.2018

    Everyone has encountered hateful inscriptions on photos that they want to remove. How to do it? I will tell you in this article with examples.

    Removing an inscription from a photo using Photoshop is easy and simple!

    It doesn’t matter what the inscription is, it could be a copyright on a photo or an inscription on the wall. All this can be removed. There are many ways, I will tell you about the most universal and effective - using a tool Stamp.

    How to remove a watermark from an image in Photoshop

    Let's look at this photo. Below in the right corner we see a nasty copyright, it was put by the site’s authors, as if they personally photographed this city. Of course they didn't take pictures.

    Therefore, we can cover up this inscription without remorse.

    Open this photo in Photoshop.

    Find a tool Stamp on the toolbar on the left.

    Pay attention to the instrument settings. In principle, they are standard in this case.

    On the left you can select the brush size of this tool.

    Now let's get to work. To begin, you need to hold down the button Alt on the keyboard (you will see how the cursor has turned into a cross) now use the cursor to indicate the area that we will apply (copy).

    Since the water flows in waves from top to bottom, you need to take the area above the inscription. After that, squeeze Alt and apply the copied area to the inscription.

    Now you can sketch the entire inscription.

    How to remove text from a photo in Photoshop

    Another method, another case.

    Here we see the inscription on the photo and the inscription below. The inscription is clearly superfluous, maybe we want to add our own there or leave the wall blank.

    Now we will delete this inscription.

    Now we will use the tool Patch.

    Using it, you can select the area that we want to replace.

    To ensure thorough work and better results, highlight the letters one by one, rather than all at once.

    I highlighted the last letter.

    Now I simply drag the selection onto the area of ​​the wall where there is no inscription.

    After that the letter disappeared, and I removed the selection ( CTRL+D)

    It remains to repeat the same with the remaining letters.

    Always change the area where you drag the selection.

    The lower copyright was also highlighted and deleted in the same way.

    Done, we have a photo without a caption.

    In Photoshop, these methods are both effective in photographs. However, there are cases where it is better to use one method, and sometimes the second. It all depends on the complexity of the photo.