How to create an email on Android. Setting up mail in the Android mail app

Settings Email on Android smartphone or tablet - this is one of the first steps after purchasing a new device, of course, if you plan to receive and send email on your mobile gadget. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

If you use the postal service Google Gmail, then you don’t need to configure anything, all settings will be automatically applied in your Google account data. When using other mail services, access to your mail must be set manually. Let's look at how to set up mail on an Android smartphone.

Setting up mail on an Android smartphone

Set up a standard email client in the operating room Android system not difficult:

  1. Launch the built-in Email client program. Depending on the smartphone, the program interface may have different type, but the algorithm of actions will be similar.
  2. If you don’t have mailboxes yet, the program will prompt you to create a new one. If you already have an email address on any service, then go to the application menu, select “ Settings" and further - " Add an account».
  3. A form will appear on the smartphone screen in which you need to add a username and password. Press the button " Further».
  4. On the next screen you will be asked to select the protocol by which you will work with mail. Mail servers support two main protocols – POP3 and IMAP. The POP3 protocol collects mail by copying data from the service to yours

    smartphone, and the IMAP protocol allows you to work with mail directly on the server. Choose what is most convenient for you and click the " Entrance».

  5. If your email is on one of the common email services, then the client program will try to independently set the remaining settings and connect to the mail server. Otherwise, you will have to configure the mail transportation parameters - the name of the incoming and outgoing mail server, ports, security settings. There is nothing complicated about this; all the data is provided by your email service, which you simply have to enter manually.

  6. To enter the server name and other parameters, click the " Manually» and enter the provided details of your service, which are located in the help section. For example, the mail help section

With the correct email setup on your smartphone, you can truly receive and send messages mobile from anywhere.

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It is possible to create an email address from a mobile phone if you have an Internet connection. Just go to your browser and enter the name of the desired mail in which you will make the address. Today you'll learn how to do this using Gmail as an example.

Enter search query with the name of the mail service.

Go to the official website. At the top you will see the “Create an account” field, click on it.

Confirm your intentions by selecting “New”.

Now you are ready to start creating. Enter your first and last name, then click on the right arrow. Create a password for mailbox

. It must be at least eight characters long. The most important thing is your email address. This setting can never be changed again. Come up with what you want, and the service will check if it is available. Can be used letters

, numbers, period and underscore.

In case you forgot your password, you will have to restore access. To do this, you need a secret question, the answer to which only you know and always remember.

Enter the confirmation code, this is one of the last steps in creating a mailbox.

You can immediately set payment methods in case you pay through a new email address. If you want to skip this item, click “No, thanks.”

Your mail is configured. Select synchronization options by checking the boxes next to the desired items. Now you can use email address , and for greater convenience, download the application at.

Play Market Without your own electronic mailboxes on the Internet, the user will be very limited in convenience and capabilities. Not only will it not be possible to send and receive emails on most Internet sites and services, as well as in social networks

Moreover, it is free and very simple. Free for home use. But if we are talking about a corporate solution for business, you will need a paid system. Why is that? Why can’t you use the regular free service to communicate with business partners? Google mail or Yandex?

It's all about the level of confidentiality. Free services use rather weak encryption and protection schemes for data transmitted over the Internet. Hackers can gain access to free email and steal important and expensive trade secrets. In addition, on free email servers, letters are stored in unencrypted form. And once attackers hack the server, millions emails will end up in third hands.

How to create a Yandex email address

First of all, open the page

If you need mail to communicate with subscribers within the RuNet, Yandex.Mail is suitable. To get a new account, complete the following steps.

  • Go to the Yandex website. In the upper right corner there is a mail form.
  • Find the Registration link.
  • Log in to the registration interface and fill out the fields provided.
  • Confirm your agreement and click OK.

That's it. Now wait, in a few seconds you will receive your first email congratulating you on creating a new address. Minutes pass, but the letter has not arrived? And it won’t come because you forgot to set up your email client.

In order for the service to receive letters from a certain address, you need to add new account. Go to settings, enter your email and password, create a new mailbox. Now check your correspondence and read your first letter.

How to create a Gmail account

Google email will come in handy if you actively communicate with foreigners. In addition, the Gmail address is your login and password for all free services Google. You won’t even be able to access YouTube without a Google email address.

If you have a desktop computer, the most convenient way to create Gmail is in Google browser Chrome. If you don’t have this yet, it is recommended to download and install it. In addition to all Google services, you will receive the fastest and most economical Internet browser today. That's right, Chrome has overtaken the long-time leader Mozilla Firefox in speed.

To create a Gmail inbox, you don't even have to search for an interface. Just try to log into any of the Google services. A panel will appear asking you to log in or create a new account. Select create a new one, fill out all the form fields, get a new Google account. This is your address. Don't forget to create an additional account in your email client, use the wonderful by Gmail for health absolutely free.

Registration in

In most email services, registration is the same and there is no point in describing it in detail. has a similar registration form.

And register:

Procedure for registering a new postal address

The algorithm for creating a new email address varies slightly depending on the provider and the email client you use - an application for receiving and sending emails. If you don’t already have such a program on your computer, you need to start your new life by downloading the product.

For free email at desktop computer optimal choice will Mozilla Thunderbird. If your default browser is Opera, this browser has a built-in client. You don't have to launch a separate program to receive and send emails.

These two services are also good because the user does not need to enter any addresses of incoming and outgoing servers and other unclear things. All you need is your mailbox address and password. Everything else happens automatically.

How to create an email on a tablet or smartphone

If you have a smartphone or tablet with iOS platform or Android, the process of creating an email inbox is greatly simplified. Mobile devices are specifically designed for user comfort.

Check pre-installed applications. There will definitely be an email client. And if you have an Android device, then without question there will be an application for Gmail. In this case, you can create new boxes directly from within the service.

  1. Open the Gmail email application.
  2. Find Settings and go into it.
  3. Find the Add account item and click on it.

You will now be asked to select which email you would like to register. If the mail is from Google, then you can create new box right here. Select and click OK. Addresses of other providers here can only be added to the list of accounts. And to create new addresses you will have to visit the websites of these providers.

National features of email

Some providers are poorly adapted to work in our country. When registering an AOL mailbox (popular in the UK), you will need to provide your home address and ZIP code. And all this is in a format that we do not use. There may be problems with authorization.

Our man won’t go into his pocket for words, but for mail he will. No, we are not talking about an envelope with a letter taken out of a box and stuffed into a pocket, but about a smartphone, which is our personal “postman” in a modern version.

Many people think that Android phones allow, which is tied to Google account, and iPhones only work with a mailbox that is associated with an Apple ID. And what are needed for other email accounts? additional programs. In fact, gadgets have enough capabilities for everything. Let's talk about how to set up email on your phone to receive emails from all your accounts in one mailbox - built into the system.

Setting up mail in the Gmail app on Android

Adding and setting up a new account

Mail client " Gmail", pre-installed on Android phones, can be used to assemble letters from various mail services, except those that do not support third-party applications, such as the highly secure ProtonMail and Tutanota. By default, it collects emails only addressed to the Google account associated with the device.

To connect another email account to the Gmail client, do the following:

  • Launch the application. If anyone doesn’t know, his label is a white envelope with a red letter “M”.
  • Tap the hamburger button and open the side menu. To access the account management section, tap the triangle circled in the screenshot.

  • Select " +Add account».

  • Select the mail service you want to connect. For example, if Domain name server where your mailbox is located, or, select Yandex; if, choose Google, etc. If the service you need is not in the list, your choice is “ Another" We will analyze further actions using the last option as an example.

  • Enter your email address. To set it to default settings, click " Further" If you want to specify your settings, tap the " Manually».

  • If you choose manual setup, the program will ask you to specify one of three account type options. For personal mail, these are POP3 or IMAP protocols (you can find out what to choose from the user manual of your mail service). For mail on a corporate server - Exchange, unless otherwise used.

  • Enter your login or full mailbox address and password again to log in.

  • In the next step, specify the incoming message server. If the program does not detect it itself, you will have to once again refer to the manual of your mail service.

  • Next, enter the address of the outgoing message server and, if desired, enable automatic login into the system. Then you won’t have to enter a password every time you access your mailbox.

  • The basic setup is almost complete. The only thing left to do is to allow or disable synchronization of the program with the mail server. If allowed, set the synchronization frequency (15 minutes by default), and also enable or disable notification of new emails and auto-downloading of attachments when the phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

  • Account added. As a final step, you can change your name, which will be displayed in the emails you send. By default, the account login is specified instead of the name.

You can finish here, but if you want to customize the new box more subtly, open the side menu in the application again, scroll down and tap the button Settings».

Select the account you want to edit.

The following parameters are available for change:

  • Account name ( email address).
  • Your name (by default, this is your account name).
  • Signature in the letter.
  • Linking an address to another Gmail account.
  • Request to display images in emails (if your Internet connection is slow or is charged based on traffic volume, it is better to enable it).
  • Synchronization with the mail server and its frequency (high frequency of synchronization increases the amount of traffic and speeds up the drain of the phone battery).
  • Automatic downloading of files attached to emails when connected to Wi-Fi.
  • Notifications about new letters.
  • Sorting of incoming correspondence by categories (unsorted letters, social networks, forums, promotions and notifications). Not supported by all email services.
  • Automatic response to incoming emails. Not supported by all email services.
  • Automatic substitution of quick answers. Not supported by all email services.
  • Select a ringtone to notify you of an incoming message.
  • Adding shortcuts.
  • Vibrating alarm to notify you that a letter has been received.
  • Incoming and outgoing mail servers (user name, address, port and encryption type), etc.

In exactly the same way, accounts for other mail services are added to Gmail. There are no restrictions on quantity. It is usually not necessary to use manual settings, as described above, except for connecting corporate or some exotic mail accounts. In other cases, the application selects the optimal parameters by default.

How to change and delete your Gmail account

By default, Gmail only displays correspondence from one account—the currently active one. To check another person's mail, you need to make it active.

All connected accounts are displayed in the top field of the main application menu (hidden behind the “hamburger” button). To switch between them, just touch the desired shortcut. And to simultaneously download messages from all your mail, select “ All boxes».

To delete an account from the Gmail application, click the triangle button in the main menu and open “ Account management».

Next, select the email service and account you want to delete. On the next screen, highlight the desired address again and go to the menu hidden behind the “three dots” button (top right). Tap " Delete account».

Setting up mail on iPhone and iPad

Connect and set up your account

Adding and setting up an email account on mobile Apple devices no more labor intensive than on Android, but, in my opinion, less intuitive. And they are executed not in the mail section, but in “ Accounts and passwords».

To use a different email account on your iPhone or iPad other than the one linked to your Apple ID, do the following:

  • In the list, tap " Accounts» point « Add».

  • Select the mail service where your mailbox is registered. If it is not in the list of suggestions, click " Other».

  • Next, select the section “ Mail" And " New account».

  • Enter your account information: username (by default the email account login is entered), email address, password and description (the latter by default matches the mailbox address). Tap the button Further».

  • In the next window - IMAP, check " Mail" Paragraph " Notes» It is not necessary to mark. Save the setting.
  • Next, if you think the settings are sufficient, click “ Ready" A new account will be added. If you want to edit settings that are not displayed in this window, click " Additionally».

In chapter " Additionally» contains the following options:

  • Behavior of boxes. Allows you to assign or change the roles of some folders - drafts, sent, archived and deleted messages.
  • The place to move unnecessary letters is to the trash or archive box.
  • Frequency of emptying the recycle bin (complete destruction of deleted messages). The default is one week.
  • Options for receiving incoming correspondence: use SSL encryption, select an authentication method, IMAP server port number, and IMAP path prefix.
  • Whether to use S/MIME encryption. Disabled by default, supported by most but not all email services.

After closing the settings window, you will be taken to the newly created account section. By the way, there is also a button to delete it.

Now the mail program built into the system will receive letters, including from this mailbox.

Setting up the mail application

The parameters of the built-in mail program are configured, as you probably already guessed, through the section “ Mail».

The following is collected here:

  • Application integration with Siri and search system.
  • Ways to notify about incoming correspondence (ringtone and sticker). You can assign individual notification settings to each mailbox.
  • Message list display: number of rows to display when viewed, labels, swipe options (right, left, adding a flag, etc.), flag style and color.
  • Actions when reading a message (request confirmation for deleting a message, uploading pictures).
  • Sorting and processing of correspondence: grouping by topic, collapsing read letters, location of the last message (top or bottom), ending topics (showing a chain of letters that make up one topic, even if they have been moved to other folders).
  • Options for the message being created: sending a copy of the letter to yourself, marking addresses, indentation when inserting a quote, signatures - general or separate for each account, and the default account from which new letters will be sent.

As you can see, the email program on Apple phones and tablets allows you to completely configure it to suit your own needs. Not everyone can boast of such functionality. third party application. Another plus in the collection of mailers built into the system - both on Android and Apple - is the absence of advertising, which almost all of them are stuffed with free analogues. So both programs are quite good.

Enjoy it for your health!

Tablets and smartphones are no longer luxury items, but modern tools used in everyday life and making it easier for users. Almost every adult or child has them and is used for both work and entertainment. Devices run on different systems, but the Android OS is especially popular all over the world. First of all, after purchasing a device, the user begins to install the necessary software. An important point when initial settings is the email setup. Despite the emergence of other, more advanced methods of communication, the use of email services is still relevant, in particular, a mailbox is often required when registering on various resources.

Method for setting up mail on Android.

The choice of email application depends on the user's personal preferences. Installed by default on most Android devices Gmail client from Google, in this case you don’t have to download another one, and when you create an account you get the opportunity to use all Google services, including Google Drive, where you can store various types of information up to 15 GB for free. If you don’t like the products from the Good Corporation, you can choose the equally popular and convenient Yandex (the service also offers the possibility, as well as many different interesting tools), or any other that suits your taste.

Before you create an email on your tablet, you need to download and install special application. The Play Market contains all the best official ones, so there will be no problems with this. You can choose any one you like based on interface, functionality and other characteristics. For one mail, it is enough to select a specialized utility for the Android OS from the application store, tailored specifically for the mailer you use. If you have several mailboxes, it is advisable to download a universal email client, for example, MyMail, K9Mail, Aqua Mail or any other; they are present in abundance in the Play Market. With this option, you will have the opportunity to receive letters from all those mail services where you are registered. Let's look at how to create and on a tablet under Android control using the example of popular services.

If you already have an account for any service, it will be enough to download and install the client and simply log in after launching it; if not, then you can create a mailbox in a matter of minutes. Setting up email on Android devices It is no different in complexity, the principle of operation is similar for all mail service utilities. To create a mailbox, you will need to select the “Create a new account” option in the menu and enter the appropriate data in the form fields. As a rule, the application independently determines the necessary settings and connects to the service, but if this does not happen, mail transfer parameters will be required.

This is easy to do; all input data is provided by the mail service. Using the POP3 protocol to transport mail, the client delivers messages to devices without synchronization with the service; all mail changes will be made only in the application, while on the server the data will remain as is. When installing the IMAP protocol, mail is synchronized, that is, all manipulations with letters in the application are reflected on the server.

The Yandex client on Android is convenient, creative in design and easy to navigate. For maximum user comfort, there is a swipe action system. It is also possible to add additional accounts. After installing the client from the Play Market on the device (the process occurs automatically after clicking the corresponding button on the store page), the user needs to log in or register. If the application does not determine the settings on its own, you will have to configure it manually. The procedure may also be necessary if you are using a universal client. You just need to select the installation manually, specify the type of protocol you need and fill in the fields for incoming and outgoing email servers.

Basic settings of Yandex mail on Android using protocols:

  1. Incoming messages.
    • For POP3 protocol:
    • We register the address:;
    • For the connection security item, select: SSL/TLS;
    • Connection port: 995;
    • For IMAP protocol:
    • In the Address column we write:;
    • Connection security: SSL/TLS;
    • Connection port: 99
  2. Outgoing messages (SMTP server).
    • We register the address:;
    • Connection security: SSL/TLS;
    • Connection port: 46

The login and password fields are filled in individually, this is your data account Yandex. From the moment the setup is completed, the mail will begin to fully function.

One of the most popular email services,, is as easy to set up as Yandex. You can use both a native client and a universal one, in this . As in the previous case, install the utility from the store, select manual setting and enter the required data in the fields. Setting up mail on Android devices is done in the same way, only the server addresses will be different, for incoming messages - pop. (POP3 protocol) or (IMAP protocol), for outgoing – The remaining settings, port and security type will be the same as in the case of Yandex. Next, you can configure the synchronization parameters with the service, the frequency of checking letters and other details, and also enter the name in the appropriate field that will appear in the “from whom” column when sending messages.

Google's mail app is almost always already installed on Android, so you're unlikely to need to install it. If you do not yet have an account, you will need to register, where you will be asked to enter your credentials. It is possible to add other accounts, for which in the settings you should select the appropriate option from the list mail clients select the one you need, and then enter your credentials. After such manipulations, mail from other mailboxes will be available in Gmail.

All email clients perform automatic setup email from Google. The incoming mail server will be, and the outgoing mail server will be In this case, Gmail settings can be changed. By default, the IMAP protocol is used, but as a result of synchronization, battery costs, traffic consumption increase, and some devices even have heating problems. If you want to switch to POP3, you can do this by going to Mail Settings, where in the “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” section, check the boxes next to the items “Enable POP for emails received from now on” and “Disable IMAP”.

Gmail users can also take advantage of Google's interesting Inbox utility, which includes many useful tools and is equipped with the ability to read and delete messages by swiping right and left. The client has a more original design and a greater number of features, and is available for download from the Play Market.

The service has also enjoyed considerable popularity for many years. Setting up Rambler mail on Android devices is similar to the Yandex and services described above. We select the POP3 or IMAP protocol for incoming letters, register the addresses (port 995, SSL) or (port 993, SSL), respectively, for outgoing ones - (gjhn 465, SSL) . The settings are suitable for any client and domain offered by the service. Before using a third-party utility, it is important to go to the menu “ Mail programs", where to check the box indicating that you plan to use third-party clients to receive mail.

Data about servers is always present in the help section of each mail service, so if you choose another option, you can find information to fill out the settings directly on the service.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about filling out these protocols for email clients yourself; they are all configured in the same way, so now you can choose any email client for yourself, and even if the application does not detect the settings, you can always configure the connection manually. All you need to guarantee the functioning of mail on your Android is correct setting and working internet.