How to maintain page numbering. Page numbering in Word - how to do it? Instructions for different versions


Text editor Microsoft Word provides its users with maximum opportunities. IN this editor You can type texts, select the most suitable fonts and sizes for its design. Separate options allow you to create frames, highlight text, add images to the document, change styles, select and much more. For large documents, it is possible to number pages. This process is quite simple and will be accessible even to a beginner who is just learning the basics of Microsoft Word.

Text Microsoft editor Word provides its users with maximum capabilities. In this editor you can type texts and select the most suitable fonts and sizes for its design. Separate options allow you to create frames for text, highlight text, add images to a document, change styles, select synonyms, and much more. For large documents, it is possible to number pages. This process is quite simple and will be accessible even to a beginner who is just learning the basics of Microsoft Word.

Download to your computer text editor Microsoft Word. This program possible (and safest) from the official website Microsoft, located at Download one of the versions of the program offered on the site and install it on your computer, following the prompts of the installation wizard.

Any version of the program starting from 2003 is suitable for operation. On the top menu bar working panel Find the "Insert" tab. A list will appear before your eyes with numerous functions for inserting various objects. Find and click on “Page Numbers”. A small window will appear called “Page Numbers”.

Decide in which part of the page the future number will be located. To do this, select the desired item in the “Position” and “Alignment” columns with the arrow. Also check the box next to “Number on the first page” if you want it to be there. If the first page does not require numbering, leave the corresponding field blank.

At the bottom of the window, click the “Format” button. A new Page Number Format window will open where you can use additional functions according to page numbering in Word. You can choose a wide variety of number formats, from standard Arabic numerals to with Latin letters and Roman numerals. If you want to additionally include the chapter number, then check the box next to it and use the arrows to adjust the heading style. The very last column is the “Page Numbering” column, where you need to indicate from which page the sheets of the document will be numbered.

Also in versions Microsoft Office In Word 2003 and 2007, page numbering can also be enabled through the header and footer. Headers and footers are areas of a page located in its margins. Headers and footers are located on the sides, as well as at the bottom and top of the page. They are often used for logos or other images, titles, stamps, document headers, footnotes, document titles, and date placement. You can also set page numbering in headers and footers. In this case, document pages will be determined automatically, increasing by one with each page.

To set page numbering through headers and footers, on the top toolbar of the open Microsoft document In Office Word, find the View menu. Click this button and in the drop-down menu click “Header and Footers”. After this, a header and footer panel will open on the program’s working field, and an area for entering text will appear at the top of the page. From the "Header/Footer" menu, move to the bottom of the page by clicking the "Header/Footer" button if you want to place page numbers at the bottom. On the same panel there is a “Page Number” button. Click this button and its serial number will appear on the page.

You can open the “Header and Footer” menu in another, simpler way. To do this, double-click on the bottom of the page - on its bottom margin. Then enter the line number in the field. Here you can also select other values ​​for the header and line numbering. When you open a header and footer in the document working panel, an additional window will open. In the left part of the panel, find the “Page Number” section, click the button and in the drop-down window, specify the value you need for placing the page number (at the top of the page, at the bottom, in the page margins) and the page numbering format. It could be numeric value, alphabetic, alphabetic, numeric – symbolic. In addition, from the menu that appears when opening the header and footer, you can specify other values ​​for the header and footer by selecting and ticking one of the settings items: a special header for the first page or different header and footer for even and odd pages.

You can also open the header and footer panel by opening the Design menu. Further actions are carried out in accordance with the steps described above.

In Microsoft Office Word 2010, page numbers in a document are numbered as follows. In the top panel, select “Insert” and in the “Header and Footers” subsection, find the “Page Number” icon. Click on it and select the position of the numbering (top, bottom, in the margins, current position), after which the program will offer you a whole list of examples of numbering design. Select the one you like and left click on it. The numbering will be placed on all pages of the document in the footer.

To number pages in Microsoft Office Word 2013, open the document you want to number and find the "Insert" tab on the work toolbar. Click this button and open the expanded full “Inserts” menu. Find the “Page Number” item, move your mouse to this inscription, click the button and select the numbering format in the drop-down window. That is, you need to indicate how the numbers will be located on the pages of the document: at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, in the margins of the page, current position. Select the number format and numbering format (numeric, alphabetic, etc.).

Numbering in Microsoft Office Word is much richer than in other versions of the program. So, if you open the full “Insert” menu and click the “Page Number” button, you will see typical variations in the placement of signatures on sheets. Click again on the lines with arrows and select a template that will help you enter page numbers automatically. When you click on a number, a small panel opens in which you can change the font and color of the number.

When creating text documents, there is often a need for page numbering. For example, in a thesis, course work or training manual. You can number pages in Word using Arabic, Roman numerals, and even letters at the top and bottom of the sheet.

Before performing any of the described operations, you need to go to the beginning of the sheet from which the numbering will begin or end.

You can insert page numbers in Word using the button of the same name on the “ tab Insert" on the panel " Headers and footers».

The next window indicates the location of the numbering (top, bottom, left, right). Click with the left mouse button on the selected option.

This is the simplest and quick way insert page numbering.

This method is suitable if the user does not need to specify Extra options, for example, the type of numbers or partial numbering.

How to number pages without a title page or from a specific place

When writing dissertations, there is a need to insert numbering not from the first page. You can create a title page in a separate file, and then number the pages in the same way as described earlier. But in such a situation there is a possibility of losing information (the first page). Therefore, it is better to indicate the settings right away.

  • First way. On the " Insert" - "" select the item "".

In the next window you need to specify the parameter “ Beginning with" and press the button " Apply».

For example, you need to number the pages in Word, starting with the third. In this case, you should enter the number 3.

At this stage, the numbers can be edited, for example, changing the font or color.

A header and footer strip appears on the page sheet.

To make it disappear, you need "" in the top menu bar.

Here's how to number pages of text other than the beginning.

  • Second way. Insert numbering in any way in a convenient way, and then press the button “ Change footer/header».

On the " Constructor"Select the item "" and close the menu.

  • Third way. How else can you number the pages, starting with the second? On the "" tab, click the down arrow button.

In the "" window go to the "" tab Paper source" and put a tick in front of " First page».

In this way we can number pages in Word and edit them.

How to number pages using letters, Roman or Arabic numerals

You can insert page numbers in Word in any format, for example, Roman numerals or letters. This can be done in the same menu "".

This time you need to specify the “” parameter by selecting, for example, Roman numerals from the drop-down list.

This is what the finished page numbering looks like.

Removing numbering

When working with text documents There is a need not only to number the pages, but also to remove the numbering. This option is available on the " Insert» - «» – «».

Page numbering in different versions of Word

In different releases of the program, access to the " Page numbers» is located in different menu items.

In Word 2003, page numbers are created through the “ Insert", subparagraph " Page numbers...».

In the settings window, you can select the location of the number (top, bottom), alignment (left, center, right) and the presence of numbering on the first page.

Roman, Arabic numerals and letters are configured via "".

For the changes to take effect, click OK.

Number the pages in Word 2007 you can through the item “ Insert» - «».

Otherwise, this feature is implemented in Word 2013. On the “ Layout» select « Gap» - « Next page».

On the next sheet you need to select the header in which the number will be displayed (top / bottom). On the " Constructor"go to the section "" and click " As in the previous section" to separate the headers and footers.

In field " Running title"select "".

Here's how to open the settings window in different versions of Word.

Non-standard solutions

Sometimes there is a need to selectively number sheets. For example, you need to insert a graph, booklet or table into a presentation and there should not be a number on this page. This setting can also be implemented in Word and consists of a combination of the previously described options.

Whenever you prepare any important documents, for example, legal papers, or write, as a student, a final qualification work or a regular coursework, you inevitably face the problem: how to number sheets in Word in accordance with the official requirements that are presented to you in accordance with approved norms and rules.

This task is solved quite simply; in just two or three minutes you will already know how to number pages in Word, and it absolutely does not matter what year it was produced.

It should be noted that the procedure for entering numbers in versions of Word before 2007 is somewhat different from those in modern versions of the program.

How to number sheets in Word 2007 and later

Continuous numbering

In this version of the utility, the so-called continuous numbering. This word means that if you do not set the settings you need manually, then numbers will be entered starting from the first sheet and then in ascending order. How is continuous numbering done? Go through the following steps in sequence:

Sometimes situations arise when you do not need all the numbers in order, but need to start numbering, for example, with the number two or three. What should you do in this case?

To make numbering out of order, repeat steps 1 and 2 of the above list. Then find the item in the drop-down menu called “Page Number Format” and click on it. You will be presented with a settings window in which you will need to find the phrase “Start with” and set a number that will be the starting number of your pages.

Not knowing how to prevent numbers from being placed on the title page is a common difficulty that inexperienced Word users have. Fortunately, this problem can be solved quite easily. Follow the steps below step by step:

The result of your actions will be that the number indicating sheet 1 of your document should disappear, and the numbering will begin on the next page with the number two.

How to number sheets in Word 2003

Numbering in order

Placing numbers in older versions of the Word program it is performed a little differently than in later versions. To make numbering, use the following algorithm:

    1. Check the box next to “Number on first page.”

When, if you need the first sheet to have something other than the number one, and any other number, for example, two or ten, then follow steps 1 and 2 from the above algorithm of actions in sequence, then find the tab in the window that opens in front of you called “Format” and go to it. Find the item called “Page Numbering” and set the number from which you need to start counting in your document.

Numbering without title page

To number not all pages and leave the title page without a number, follow these steps:

  1. At the top of the software window, find a menu item called “Insert” and click on it using the left button of your mouse.
  2. Find the item called “Page Numbers” and click on it.
  3. You will see a window in front of you where you will need to set several settings:
    1. "Position". Thanks to this item, you can tell the program where it should put the numbers: at the top or at the bottom of the page.
    2. "Alignment". Determines the exact position of the number. Valid options: center, right, left, outside or inside.
    3. Do not check the box next to the phrase “Number on the first page.” As a result, the top sheet will remain without a number, and the next one in order will be numbered two.

Updated 12/27/13. Initially, this article was intended as material that would help insert numbered pages in different orientations. However, due to its great popularity and for the sake of completeness, it was decided to add simple pagination information.

In order to number pages in MS Word, you need to go to the “Insert” tab, “Header and Footers” section, insert page numbers.

Then the user has certain options for editing the entered numbers. For example, you can place the number at the top or bottom of the page, on the right or left edge, or simply align it in the center.

How can I rotate the page number 90 degrees?

Page numbering in word processor MS Word is a fairly trivial task, but sometimes you need to place a number on one or several pages of text rotated 90 degrees relative to other numbers. For example, like this.

If you print a document, the pages located in landscape orientation, fold in portrait orientation with a rotation of 90 degrees counterclockwise and the number on the second page will, firstly, be located not in the upper right corner, but in the left and, secondly, the number will be rotated 90 degrees. To prevent this from happening, the number on the second page of the document itself should be placed at the bottom of the document and rotated 90 degrees. To do this, create a new section using the section break “Page Layout” tab and place pages with the same type of numbering in this section. Next, go to the header and footer and delete the page number, having first removed the connection with the previous header, otherwise the number will be deleted on previous pages.

The next step is to open the footer, remove the connection with the footer of the previous section (otherwise the number at the bottom of the page will be duplicated in the previous section) and insert the page number, but the inserted number will not be rotated 90 degrees, in order to expand the number it is necessary in the footer add it to one cell with invisible borders, and in the table itself already set the required text orientation.

And the result will be individual numbers for pages by section.

With such manipulations it is possible to achieve different numbers for pages with different orientations. Naturally, you can also change the numbers if the pages have the same orientation, however, but this is unlikely to be useful when writing scientific papers and reports.

Microsoft Word or simply Word is one of the most popular programs among users. Thanks to the large number of functions and simple interface Microsoft Word has become almost a standard among . Therefore, it is rare to find a computer with operating system Windows, but without Word.

One of the typical tasks that users encounter while working with this program is page numbering. Many users simply cannot find this feature. In this article we will talk about how to enable and configure page numbering in Word.

How to enable page numbers in Word 2007, 2010 or 2013

Since 2007, Word program uses the so-called ribbon interface. In this interface, all program functions are distributed over several tabs. The Page Numbering feature is located on the Insert tab.

By clicking on the “Page Numbering” button you will see a drop-down menu in which you can select the arrangement of numbers. For example, page numbers can be placed at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, or in the margins. To add page numbering in Word, select one of the proposed layout options.

If you want the page numbering to start with another number rather than one, you can specify this in the “Page Number Format” menu.

Open the Page Number drop-down menu and select Page Number Format. In the window that opens, you need to enable the “Start” function and specify the number from which page numbering should begin in Word.

Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, or 2013 without a cover page

One more possible problem when numbering pages is numbering without title page. Users simply don't know how to disable pagination on the first page of a document.

To set up page numbering without a cover page (first page), you must first number all pages as described above. After a number appears on all pages of your document, you just need to turn off the display of numbering on the first page.

To do this, go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on the small button to the right of the “Page Settings” inscription.

After this, a window called “Page Options” should open in front of you. Here you need to check the box next to the “Mark headers and footers on the first page” function. As a result, the page numbering will disappear from the first page of your document.

In the article “” you can learn how to make the first page without a number, and the second with the number “1”.