How to change username and folder name. Temporary mail

Sometimes there are situations when you need to change an existing username in computer system. For example, such a need may arise if you are using a program that only works with the profile name in Cyrillic, and your account has a name in Latin. Let's find out how to change the username on a computer with Windows 7.

There are two options for completing the task. The first one is quite simple, but allows you to change the profile name only on the welcome screen, in "Control Panels" and in the menu "Start". That is, this is simply a visual change in the displayed account name. In this case, the name of the folder will remain the same, but virtually nothing will change for the system and other programs. The second option involves changing not only the external display, but also renaming the folder and changing entries in the registry. But it should be noted that this method solving the problem is much more difficult than the first one. Let's take a closer look at both of these options and various ways their incarnations.

Method 1: Visually change the username through the “Control Panel”

First, let's consider a simpler option, which involves only a visual change of the username. If you change the name of the account under which you are logged in this moment, then it is not necessary to have administrative rights. If you want to rename another profile, you must obtain administrator rights.

If you want to rename a profile in which you are not currently logged in, then the procedure is slightly different.

It is worth recalling that the above actions will only lead to a change in the visual display of the account name on the screen, but not to a real change in it in the system.

Method 2: Rename your account using the tool

Now let's figure out what steps you still need to take to completely change the account name, including renaming the user folder and making changes to the system registry. To perform all the procedures below, you must log in to the system under a different account. account, that is, not under the one that needs to be renamed. In this case, this profile must have administrator rights.

  1. To complete the task, first of all, you need to perform those manipulations that were described in Method 1. Then you should call the tool « Local users and groups". This can be done by entering the command in the window "Run". Click Win+R. In the field of the window that opens, enter:

    Click Enter or "OK".

  2. Window "Local Users and Groups" it will open immediately. Login to the directory "Users".
  3. A window opens with a list of users. Find the name of the profile you want to rename. In the column « Full name» there is already a visually displayed name, which we changed in previous method. But now we need to change the value in the column "Name". Right click ( RMB) by profile name. From the menu, select "Rename".
  4. The username field becomes active.
  5. Enter the name you think is necessary into this field and click Enter. After the new name is displayed in place of the previous one, you can close the window "Local users and groups".
  6. But that is not all. We need to change the folder name. Open "Conductor".
  7. IN address bar "Conductor" enter the following path:

    Click Enter or click the arrow to the right of the address field.

  8. A directory is open that contains user folders with the appropriate names. Click RMB according to the directory that should be renamed. Choose from the menu "Rename".
  9. As with window actions "Local Users and Groups", the name becomes active.
  10. Enter the desired name into the active field and click Enter.
  11. Now the folder has been renamed as needed, and you can close the current window "Conductor".
  12. But that's not all. We have to make certain changes in "Registry Editor". To go there, call the window "Run" (Win+R). Enter in the field:

    Click "OK".

  13. Window "Registry Editor" open. The left side should display registry keys in the form of folders. If you don't see them, click on the name "Computer". If everything is displayed, then simply skip this step.
  14. After the section names are displayed, go through the folders sequentially "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" And "SOFTWARE".
  15. A very large list of directories opens, the names of which are located in alphabetical order. Find the folder in the list "Microsoft" and go into it.
  16. Then go by name "Windows NT" And "CurrentVersion".
  17. After going to the last folder, a large list of directories will open again. Go to it section "ProfileList". A number of folders appear, the names of which begin with "S-1-5-". Select each folder sequentially. After selection on the right side of the window "Registry Editor" A series of string options will be displayed. Pay attention to the parameter "ProfileImagePath". Search in his field "Meaning" path to the renamed user folder before the name was changed. Do this for each folder. Once you find the appropriate option, double-click on it.
  18. A window appears "Changing a string parameter". In field "Meaning", as you can see, the old path to the user folder is located. As we remember, this directory was previously renamed manually to "Explorer". That is, in fact, at present such a directory simply does not exist.
  19. We change the value to the current address. To do this, simply after the slash that follows the word "Users", enter a new account name. Then click "OK".
  20. As we can see, the parameter value "ProfileImagePath" V "Registry Editor" changed to current. You can close the window. After this, restart your computer.

The account has been completely renamed. Now the new name will not only be displayed visually, but will change for all programs and services.

Method 3: Rename your account using the “Control userpasswords2” tool

Unfortunately, there are times when the window "Local Users and Groups" changing the account name is blocked. Then you can try to solve the problem of a complete renaming using the tool "Control userpasswords2", which is called differently "User accounts".

We figured out that the username in Windows 7 can be changed, either exclusively visually when displayed on the screen, or completely, including its perception by the operating system and third party programs. In the latter case, you need to rename to "Control Panels", then perform the actions to change the name using the tools "Local Users and Groups" or "Control userpasswords2", then change the name of the user folder in "Explorer" and edit the system registry and then restart the computer.

In progress Windows installations Many users don't think about how important it is to choose the right username. This is not only the name that you will see when you log into the operating system, but also one of the root words in the path to any installed program. The name of the user's folder depends on the account name.

Most Russian-speaking computer users prefer a username written in Cyrillic. The Windows operating system allows you to do this, but problems may arise for this reason. The fact is that some programs and games cannot work correctly if there are Cyrillic letters in the path to the executable files. In such a situation, the solution is obvious - rename the user's folder. This is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance.

Please note: If you need to rename a user folder, under no circumstances should you do this in the standard way or using special programs, otherwise it will lead to errors that can only be corrected by reinstalling Windows.

Before you begin the instructions below, we recommend that you create a . This will come in handy if problems arise. You also need to know in advance the version of Windows 10 installed on your computer, since the methods for changing the folder name will vary for different versions of the operating system.

How to rename a user folder in Windows 10 Home

On most computers at home, ordinary users have the “Home” version of the operating system installed. Windows systems. It lacks some tools that are available in more professional variations of the system. Renaming a user folder in Windows 10 Home is more difficult than in the Pro and Enterprise versions, but it can be done.

Important: If you have many programs installed on your computer, some of them may stop working after you change the account name. We advise you to assess the risks before starting the process of changing the user folder name.

To rename a user folder in Windows 10 Home you need to:

  1. Create a new user or activate a hidden account Windows entry, which is intended to be used in emergency situations. To run a “secret account” you need. Next enter the command:
net user Administrator /active:yes

Important: Depending on the used Windows versions 10, you may need to enter “Administrator” instead of “Administrator”. This is necessary when the system has been localized third party software, which often happens on pirated versions software.

Please note: If you enabled a hidden account, you can disable it at the end of the procedure for changing the folder name. This is done with the following command, which must be executed in command line running as administrator:

Net user Administrator /active:no

If all the described procedures were performed correctly, then no problems should arise with operating system programs. The new username may conflict with some third party applications, but you can fix the situation by reinstalling them.

How to rename a user folder in Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise

The instructions described above are suitable for the Home version of the operating system, while in professional versions of Windows everything is much simpler. Follow the instructions described above up to point 6, after which you can restart the computer and the user folder name will be changed.

The situation when a decision is made to change the name of the main user directory can be encountered quite often. There can be many reasons for this (for example, changing the standard name set by the system by default to your own). But the catch is that not everyone knows how to rename a user folder in Windows 7 in the correct way and so that it does not affect the operation of the system. And the consequences can be very serious, ranging from trivial errors to critical failures of installed programs. Then it will be extremely difficult to deal with this and restore the functionality of all components.

User folder: what is this component and where is it located?

Before you start renaming the main user directory, you need to clarify what this component is and what it is responsible for. Some users mistakenly believe that only personal files such as pictures or music are stored here. Absolutely delusional!

This directory also contains some system data regarding installed programs, system settings, etc. The Local and Roaming folders, nested in the AppData directory, are responsible for this. That is why incorrectly changing the name of the main folder can only lead to programs stopping working and settings being lost.

In addition, when logging in, the user does not see them (the system only shows basic elements like folders of personal documents, music, videos and images. And to solve the question of how to change the name of the user’s folder, this directory should be looked for elsewhere.

In Explorer you need to contact system partition(usually this is drive “C”), at the root of which there is a Users directory. It is in this folder that you should look for a user folder with a name corresponding to the username.

Issues related to the connection between a user directory and an account

Do not forget that this element cannot simply be renamed, since it has a close connection with the account associated with it. If you simply change the name of the directory, the system will then not be able to determine which “account” it corresponds to, and the user simply will not find his personal data. That is why the problem of how to change the user folder in Windows 7 or in another system modification must have a solution in these two directions.

Preliminary actions and prerequisites

Now a few words about what needs to be done before the name change procedure. First, you must either log in using an administrator account, or create a new account name, which must have administrator rights.

This is done from the corresponding control section in the “Control Panel”, where you need to first select managing another entry, and then adding a new user.

How to rename a user folder in Windows 7: initial stage

So, we assume that the user has already logged in using one of the methods described above. In the simplest case, the question of how to rename a user folder in Windows 7 comes down to following the standard procedure using Explorer or any other file manager(quick rename - F2 key). If a UAC (Record Control) warning window suddenly appears, you just need to agree.

Changing the directory path in the system registry

But that is not all. The new user folder name is still not recognized by the system in terms of being associated with an account. To clarify the path you need to use the editor system registry, which is called by the regedit command in the Run console.

This uses the HKLM branch, in which you need to go down the directory tree to the ProfileList section, where there will be a large number of subsections with names starting with S-1-5. You need to go through them, paying attention to the ProfileImagePath parameter in the right window and the value in the form of the full path associated with it. When the desired path is found, double-clicking opens the editing window, where the desired name corresponding to the renamed directory is indicated.

Changing your account name

At the next stage, in the “Run” console you need to enter the netplwiz line, and then immediately check the box for requiring a password. Then the old “account” is selected (in Windows account administrator account or another user), and click the properties button.

After this, you need to enter the previously specified names in the user and full name lines, save the changes and completely reboot the system for them to take effect.

How to rename a user folder in Windows 7 with a lock?

But it also happens that user directories have an attribute of limited or completely prohibited access. You can guess it by the lock icon on the icon. How to rename user folder in Windows 7 in this situation? If you are an admin, there are no questions. Despite the ban, full access will be provided in any case.

For other cases, to make the changes described above, you first need to go to the directory properties and use the “Change” button on the security tab.

Next, by successively pressing the change, add and additional settings go to the window with the search button. After clicking it, a list will be displayed in the window below, in which, while holding down the Ctrl key, you need to select all entries marked as having passed the test (Administrators and System).

Then click the “OK” button, and in the previous window for each group in the permissions window, check the box next to the full access item. After this, in the initial section, such actions should be performed for all existing groups. Only after this will it be possible to make the above-described changes to the directory, the path to it, and the account itself.

Alternatively, when selecting records that have passed the review, you can select all records and set the Full Control attribute. This is convenient because if the user folder is open to public access online, it can be viewed or changed again from any other terminal. But this approach makes sense only for offices or enterprises; at home it is used extremely rarely, since there are legitimate doubts about the fact that the owner of a computer or laptop will block his own directory, well, perhaps only to prevent children from climbing. However, there are more flexible methods for setting parental controls, so this option looks completely impractical and, to some extent, even clumsy.


It remains to add that renaming the user's main directory must be done extremely carefully and in compliance with all prescribed instructions, if you do not want to suddenly installed programs stopped working. However, those who are not particularly experienced in this matter should not engage in such manipulations at all. Otherwise, not only in the “accounting”, but also in the system registry, you can create such chaos that the entire system will be completely inoperable, and recovery from critical damage to the system registry can take quite a long time. Good thing, you can even get to the point of completely reinstalling Windows.

Have you ever encountered the need to create temporary WordPress accounts that would automatically expire after a certain period of time? Such accounts allow you to provide temporary access to the admin panel. In this article, we will show you how to create a temporary WordPress login without passwords.

When You May Need Temporary Accounts for WordPress

Many newbies often hire developers to complete small settings on their websites. These developers may need access to the admin panel to edit or check various things.

If you trust the developer, you can create an admin account for them, then delete it when the job is done. Similarly, you can add new authors and users to WordPress and then block them without deleting your account.

However, sometimes you may simply forget that you added someone with extensive editing rights to your site. As a result, your site is exposed to various potential security threats.

Using temporary logins, you can create accounts that do not require a password and are automatically locked after some time.

Let's see how to do this.

Adding temporary logins in WordPress

The first thing you will need to do is install and activate the Temporary Login Without Password plugin.

After activating the plugin, go to the Users - Temporary Logins page, and then click on the Create New button to add a new temporary login.

A form will appear in which you need to enter information for a temporary login.

Enter the email for the user, his first and last name.

Finally, you will need to set the duration of the temporary account. After this period, the account will be blocked.

Don't forget to click the submit button to save your changes.

You will see a message indicating that the login creation was successful. You will be given a URL that anyone can use to log into a temporary account. We click on the Click to Copy button to copy the URL, after which we give the link to everyone who needs access to WordPress.

As soon as it passes set time, the account will be automatically blocked.

Managing temporary logins

The plugin also simplifies the management of temporary logins. Just go to the Users - Temporary Logins page. There you will see a list of temporary logins that you have added for your site.

For each account, you will be able to view the username and email. You can also always see the role assigned to the login, the last login date in WordPress and the time remaining until the account expires.

In the actions section, you can manually block any login before it expires, delete the account, or copy the login URL.

Modern technologies do not stand still. The development of computers and related software has made great strides forward. Operating system manufacturers strive to make computer work more rational and structured. No exception was operating systems from Microsoft, which allowed you to create different accounts on one computer.

Why are different accounts needed?

This is very convenient when several family members use one device or, for example, you use one computer for work and entertainment. In this case, installing several operating systems may be irrational, especially if Hardware unable to "pull" two and more system. When you create a new account, a user folder also appears. And we will tell you in this article how to create a new account and how to rename a user folder in Windows 7.

in Windows 7

I would like to start with how an account is created to understand the user. So, you need to go to the Start menu and search bar enter mmc. Pay attention to "Local users and groups". In some cases this panel is missing. Then you need to click on “File” and “Add Snap-in”. Select "Local Users and Groups" from the list, and then select "Add". Next, click on " Local computer" and save the changes. You will see the "Users" folder on the right. Click on "Action" and finally " New user". Here you can enter the user name and other data. In the same console, already created accounts are adjusted; if desired, they can be disabled. Immediately after an account is created, a user folder is also created. It contains temporary or auxiliary programs, as well as It's quite easy to change the individual settings of the current user, but how to rename a user's folder in Windows 7?


To change the user name, just go to the "Control Panel", select "User Accounts" and proceed to making changes to the user account (changing the name). But the user’s folder (Windows 7) simply cannot be moderated. Users quite rarely encounter such a problem, because in most cases nothing depends on its name. However, when installing some programs, it is required that the path to the user's folder be specified only with Latin letters. And if you entered the username itself in Russian letters, then it will be named accordingly in the same way. It is a mistake to believe that when you change the account name, the name of the folder will also change.

How to rename a user folder in Windows 7

Many people try to manually change the name of a given directory. Most of them fail to rename a folder; such a function is simply missing. If you log in as an administrator, it is quite possible that you will still be able to change the folder name.

But you shouldn’t rejoice ahead of time. Once you make these changes, and when you boot under this account, you will only be logged in under a temporary profile. Simply put, your Windows did not find the user folder it needed and was “confused,” as a result of which it created a temporary directory. In this case, you, of course, will not be able to use the files that were originally contained in the folder. A message will indicate to you that the new data you create using the "newly created" temporary folder will be deleted after the reboot. That is, you simply won’t be able to use personal documents and won’t even see the usual wallpaper. As you can see, you won’t be able to make changes this way. So how to rename a user folder in Windows 7?

You can rename the user folder

There is still a way to do this. However, it should be used only as a last resort and preferably with certain knowledge in this area. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to the system. If you need to rename the user folder for the sake of installing a program, try to find its equivalent that does not require such sacrifices. If you nevertheless decide on such a procedure, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Rename the account. Accordingly, the name should be what you want to name the user's folder.
  2. Log in under a different account that has administrator rights. If it doesn’t exist yet, create it using the above method. You can also log in in safe mode.
  3. Rename the user folder manually. This is done in the same way as if you renamed a regular folder located in documents. You can find the user folder in the "Users" directory.
  4. Open the Registry Editor and reconsider whether you should make changes to it yourself. After that, open "Start", "Run" and type regedit.
  5. Move step by step to the ProfileList branch.
  6. In one of the S-1-5-21~ directories, find the ProfileImagePath with the value of the user's current folder name.
  7. Click the option above several times and rename the user folder.

To avoid subsequent problems, you will need to go through the entire registry and rename the folder in each of the paths in which its name is indicated. Without such manipulation, there is a risk that other programs will no longer work correctly.

"My Documents"

If you are wondering how to rename the My Documents folder (this is also one of the most frequently asked questions from users), you can do this much easier by changing the name manually. The main thing is to set a new name not for the shortcut, but for the folder itself, which is also located in the “Users” directory.

Now you know how to rename Windows folder, the main thing is not to make unnecessary adjustments to the system.