How to hide who you added to a contact. How to hide news from friends on VKontakte

We have already sorted it out as completely as possible. But in this case, our friends will lose the opportunity to communicate with us.

Is it possible to disable some updates so that they are not published in our friends' news feeds? Yes you can. Now I will show you how to hide VKontakte news.

How to hide your updates from VKontakte friends

I’ll say right away that it’s not possible to remove everything. Any user can subscribe to your updates and receive a notification (see) when you publish new entry on the wall.

But we may limit viewing of other information. Let's learn how to do this.

Go to your page, open the menu and select “Settings”.

Now open the “Privacy” tab and scroll the page to the very bottom. Here find the "Other" block.

There is a parameter here “What updates do my friends see in the news?”. Open the drop-down menu next to it and uncheck the required items.

You can limit viewing of all sections if necessary.

Under some circumstances, users of the VKontakte social network may need to hide personal photos. Whatever the reason for the concealment, the administration has already provided everything necessary for these purposes to each user.

Before you begin the process of closing photos, it is recommended to prioritize the importance, since in some cases the images are easier to delete. If you still need to hide the photo from one or all users, follow the instructions below, depending on your case.

First of all, it is important to understand that there are quite a lot of cases when you need to hide your photos and the solution to each individual problem requires consideration. In most cases, literally any problem with VKontakte photos is resolved by deleting them.

When going through the process of hiding your photos, remember that in some cases the actions taken are irreversible.

The instructions below allow you to easily solve the problem of hiding pictures on your personal page in one form or another, depending on what you want to achieve.

Hide the preview photo on your personal page

As you know, on the personal page of each VKontakte user there is a specialized block of photos, where various pictures are gradually collected as they are added. Both downloaded images and those manually saved by the user are taken into account here.

The process of hiding photos from this block is normal for most users and cannot cause any serious problems.

  1. Go to section "My page" via the main menu.
  2. Find a specialized block with photos on your personal page.
  3. The number of simultaneously displayed images in this block cannot exceed four.

  4. Hover your mouse over the picture you need to hide.
  5. Now you need to click on the cross icon that appears in the upper right corner of the image with a tooltip "Hide".
  6. After clicking the mentioned icon, the photo located next to the deleted one will move to its place.
  7. If all photos are deleted from the feed or due to their moving to a private album with limited access rights, this block will change slightly.
  8. After all the manipulations have been completed, the hiding can be considered complete. Please note that removing pictures from this feed can only be done manually, that is, there are no trusted extensions or applications for these purposes.

    Hide a tagged photo

    It often happens that a friend or acquaintance tags you in a picture or photo without your knowledge. In this case, you can use the special social settings section. VKontakte network.

    In the process of hiding photos where you were tagged, all actions take place through the page settings. Consequently, after following the recommendations, completely all pictures where you were tagged will be removed.

    Now, if someone tries to tag you in a photo, the resulting tag will be visible only to you. Thus, the photo can be considered hidden from outside users.

    The VKontakte administration allows you to upload absolutely any photos, but with some minor restrictions on age rating. If any user has published an ordinary photo of you, the only way out is personal appeal requesting removal.

    Be careful, the privacy settings for tagged images apply to all photos without exception.

    Hide albums and downloaded photos

    Quite often, users face a problem when they need to hide an album or any photo uploaded to the site. In this case, the solution lies directly in the settings of the folder with these files.

    If your privacy settings allow an album or a certain number of images to be seen exclusively by you as the account owner, then these files will not be displayed in the photo feed on your personal page.

    If you need to set unique privacy settings for only some photos, you will have to do everything manually.

    The privacy settings for a photo album, in most cases, do not require verification. If you still want to make sure that the settings are correct, that hidden pictures are visible only to you, you can ask a friend to go to your page and make sure on his behalf whether the folders with pictures are hidden.

    By default, only an album is private "Saved Photos".

    To date, the VKontakte administration does not provide the ability to hide any individual image. Thus, to hide a single photo you will need to create a new album with suitable privacy settings and move the file to it.

    Take care of your personal data and wish you good luck!

Not all social media users. networks want to share their news with others. But, as you know, it is completely impossible.

In any case, all the posts you publish will be available to your friends. This is the ideology of VKontakte and nothing can be done about it.

But you can still hide something. This will be discussed in this article.

You can specify which updates will be displayed in your friends' news feed. Only these updates will be watched by your friends.

To do this, you need to follow a couple of simple steps:

1. First of all, go to the “Settings” section from your page.

3. Now we go down to the end of the page and find the “Other” subsection.

Opposite the column “What updates do my friends see in the news?” set your values:

But, fortunately, the VKontakte developers have added the option, except for friends. To do this, just click on the icon when publishing a post on your page:

  • Only your friends will be able to see the published entry;

Experiment with privacy settings to ensure at least some anonymity on social media. networks.

Images in your VK feed appear whenever you upload pictures not to a specific album, but to your wall. The function of displaying pictures in a feed above a wall appeared in VK relatively recently.

With it, you can quickly view new photos of your friends, like and leave comments without looking through your friend’s entire album. The photo feed is visible to all VK users unless you hide access to it in the settings. It’s easy enough to remove pictures from your feed. You can click on the cross, which is located on each thumbnail on the right. But is it that simple?

return photos to VKontakte feed?

How to return a photo to your VKontakte feed When you click the cross to hide a photo's thumbnail from your feed, a notification appears at the bottom that the photo will no longer be shown. This entry also contains a “cancel” button. To return a photo to your VKontakte feed, you need to click on this button. If you hid the photo and refreshed the page, then return photo back to feed

It’s impossible in a couple of clicks.

You can upload them to your page again. Click on the link in the “add photos” feed and upload the photo again. Photos that you have hidden from your feed are still present on your page. In order to see them, just click on any remaining image and you will see all the photos that are in the feed. Yours can also do this. .


. The benefit of quickly displaying images in your feed is that users who visit your page can learn more about you. This will be especially attractive for those who use VK not only for dating and communicating with friends, but also to improve their

If you do not want to show information about yourself, then it would be best to remove the feed from your profile altogether and leave closed albums only for close friends. How to hide a VKontakte photo feed

Hide VKontakte photo feed,

  1. perhaps by clicking on the cross at the top of each thumbnail shown in the feed. When you perform this action, a previously downloaded photo appears in place of the hidden photo. Removing images in this way is quite convenient if you have very few photos on VK.
  2. If there are a lot of pictures, then privacy settings will help to keep them away from prying eyes.
  3. Open your profile settings section. They are located on the left of your profile.
  4. When you do not want to show photos only to some of your friends, click on the “All except” item and from the list select those who will not be allowed to view the photos.

If you only hid photos from your feed, but not from albums, then users still have access to view your albums and .

To hide access to an entire album, open all photos from it. Go to the “Edit Album” tab. Select who you would like to show it to. You can also edit the comment settings for each album. Service social networks

is designed in such a way that after creating a page, the user has the opportunity to post a variety of posts and materials on the wall. A wall is a feed with posts located on the main account page. It can contain almost any of the available materials - text, including emoticons, photographs, audio recordings, video recordings, documents, graffiti, maps, surveys, timers. Essentially, the wall is the user’s face, which means it is completely impossible to hide it from everyone. However, several operations can be carried out to restrict access.

How to hide a wall from everyone? The only one existing method hiding news completely can be used only for one or several users whom the account owner has added to the blacklist. This method

is too radical and should be used only as a last resort. In addition, in this way a blocked user will be able to gain access using a fake page, another person’s account, or simply a search engine. Therefore, first of all, you should hide your page from being found in search engines. This operation can be performed in the account privacy settings in the other section. The page should not be visible when typing the user id in search engine

, otherwise any attempt to restrict viewing access will be pointless.

Partially hiding a wall

You can completely hide posts that friends have left on your wall. To do this, you should also use the privacy settings in the account records section. In the same block, it is possible to disable posting entries on the page or commenting on them by other users in principle, or limit it in some way.

It is impossible to hide existing entries from prying eyes if they were left by the account owner. This is the only form of posted materials that is not subject to any restrictions.

It is possible to place initially hidden materials. To do this, before sending a post to the wall, click on the lock icon to the left of the “Submit” button, which should then change to a closed lock icon. The materials found will be viewable only by friends.

Viewing the page from the side

Each person on VKontakte has a unique opportunity to check exactly how other people see his page - from all people in principle to a specific friend. This function is useful to use at the end of hiding operations to check success and fine-tune settings.

Viewing the page from the side

There is also such a rather strange option as refusal of the appearance of news in the feed by another user. If the user unsubscribes from the mailing list, he will not notice the posting of posts and reposts unless he goes directly to the page. This option is suitable if the account owner wants to hide something not particularly important information from another person.

In conclusion, it is logical to say that it is not a good idea to store the necessary private information on the wall. The most practical option for storing any materials that need to be hidden from prying eyes is to upload them to locked albums or create a dialogue with yourself and send attached items through it. In any case, it is much safer to make the storage on virtual disk or just on the computer, since in case of hacking, all the above operations will be completely useless.