How to make polls for a group in Odnoklassniki. How to make a poll in Odnoklassniki: examples of voting Polls on the social network Odnoklassniki

Remember how the topic of questionnaires used to be popular among schoolchildren? It was an ordinary notebook, which was carefully designed: they wrote various things in it (especially both personal and on all sorts of distant topics, painted it, pasted it over it to make it bright and attractive. Then this notebook was passed around the whole class to be filled out, and then read, recognizing all sorts of Interesting Facts about your friends and classmates.

Times have changed, and surveys recorded on paper have been replaced by electronic surveys posted on social networks. Their essence has not changed, and their main purpose is to collect information about one or another category of people. However, now they also perform a number of other functions, which we will talk about a little later. Let's start by looking at how to create a survey in Odnoklassniki and what topic to choose for it.

We do a survey on our Odnoklassniki page

Until recently, users of this social network were not able to make surveys. They first appeared on VKontakte, and later were implemented here. However, today they literally filled all kinds of groups, and also appeared on the pages of many friends. Do you also not want to lag behind the public? Then read about how to add a survey in Odnoklassniki to your personal page.

You will see a new survey field that you need to fill out, namely:

  • enter question (one line);
  • enter answer options (any number of lines).

You can also determine how to answer the question: the ability to choose several of the proposed options or only one (to do this, check the appropriate box).

In addition to the survey itself, you are asked to add a thematic picture or audio recording, as well as a link. The latter is very convenient if you want to find out the opinion of users on some issue or situation described on a third-party resource. Such additions will allow you to attract the attention of a larger audience than just a text question.

Poll to post in group

If you are the owner of a group, then you are probably interested in how to create a survey in Odnoklassniki to post not on a page, but in a public page. This is done just as quickly and easily as in the case of a personal survey.

Log in to your group as an administrator and click on the create field new topic. A line that is already familiar to us appears with a choice of buttons for placing this or that material. Select the latter and fill out the survey form. As you enter your next answer, new lines will appear. If any of the options seems unnecessary to you, delete it by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner (appears when you hover over the corresponding answer).

What are surveys for?

Okay, we know how to create a poll in Odnoklassniki on your page and in the group. But why do them? Is it really for the sole purpose of curiosity and the desire to find out someone else’s opinion on any issue? Not really. There are three main reasons to survey social network users:

  • the goal is already clear to us - collecting information about the preferences, interests of friends and group members;
  • collecting information about user needs (in order to obtain commercial benefits);
  • advertise your profile or community (virally).

Let's look at each of these reasons in more detail.

Purpose of the survey: interests of community subscribers

Why do we need to know them? And in order to satisfy them. After all, what is the main goal of a public/group on a social network? Gather like-minded people in one place and post content that will be of interest to this category of users. Here you can advertise some goods/services, but in order to attract attention, you need to interest people. If they are interested in reading the material posted in your group, participating in discussions, etc., then they will be more willing and more loyal to accept information from you about some product that you will promote.

Purpose of the survey: to identify the needs of group members

In groups you can often see surveys aimed at identifying the needs of the audience. This is enough effective method find out what exactly this category of people needs, what requirements they have for a particular product/service, and what properties/characteristics are most important to them. For creating and developing a business, as well as subsequent advertising, this information is very valuable.

Purpose of the survey: viral advertising

Advertising is one of the most important reasons, on which surveys are created. You probably know that you can rate your favorite post (including the survey) by giving it a “class”. Thanks to this simple method, many public sites advertise their community. In order to gain more popularity, page owners also create polls. By “viral” spreading your survey across the Internet, you become known to a wide audience. And you achieve your goals faster (promote a group, increase the number of participants, sell goods).

Polls on a personal page: motives for creation

If this is your personal page and a survey for friends, then there may be various motives for collecting information:

  • find out the opinions of your friends about some things that you are going to purchase;
  • ask for help in making a decision when you are faced with a difficult choice;
  • just for the sake of curiosity, to understand what views your friends have on certain situations or events.

Depending on the above reasons, before creating a survey in Odnoklassniki, think about the most successful wording of the question and offer as many different answers as possible.

Poll topics for Odnoklassniki: options

So, once you have decided on the purpose of creating a survey, you need to implement it. The most important and difficult thing is to come up with a topic, and depending on it, an interesting question and answers. How to do this? Let's figure it out.

Interest Survey

Which survey should you create in Odnoklassniki if you need to identify the interests of your community’s subscribers? The topic of the question should be close to the topic of the group. For example, if this is a public post on the topic of healthy lifestyle, then ask the audience a question about how they prefer to stay in shape. This could be fitness or dancing, swimming, yoga, etc., proper balanced nutrition or diets, or there could be some unconventional methods. Don't forget to make the "Other" option with the option to comment on it. Depending on the results obtained, you will understand what you can focus on when writing content, what information will be interesting for subscribers to read.

Needs Survey

Same with preferences. For example, you are going to open an online store and are thinking about which assortment will be in greatest demand. Create a survey on which product categories users prefer to order online (or would like to), and which ones they would like to buy in a regular store. Or ask about specific brands if you've already decided what you'll be selling.

Survey for advertising purposes

As for how to make polls in Odnoklassniki on your page, everything is much simpler here - choose topics that are interesting to you and questions to which you want to hear answers. This could be films and books, favorite brands, discussions of situations from personal or political life, and so on.

Surely, you have often observed how users on Odnoklassniki share various surveys, in which many people often participate. You can very easily do this survey yourself. You just need to add the appropriate entry to your page. How to do this, read below.

New fields will appear in the window to fill out.

Enter your question and answer options. As you add answer options, a new field will appear for you to enter the next one. Check the necessary boxes: for example, so that respondents can select only one option or several. Please note that you can attach a photo, a video, an audio recording, a link to the survey, and add your comment.

If you want to slightly promote your Odnoklassniki profile, thereby gathering more friends, then publishing this type of posts on your page will definitely help you, but taking into account the fact that they will be interesting, attract users, and also contain media information ( for example, pictures or music).

P.S. You may also be interested in other posts on my blog about this social network: For example, .

Today we'll talk about how to create a poll in a group with a classmate X. On the social network Odnoklassniki, as well as on Vkontakte, you can create polls in groups.

This tool is good:

firstly, to identify interests, needs, etc. audience,

secondly, for viral advertising of the community.

You probably often see calls on this network to rate or vote who is better? The posts are sometimes so primitive, but they work. And this is not without reason.

In Odnoklassniki, a person's every move is shown in his news feed, which is read by his friends. Every class given, comment, vote, participation in “battles”. Therefore, participants can bring their friends with them.

Sometimes I create a survey to understand which people with which interests are in my group. Based on this, I give them content with a bias towards their interests, this is the easiest way to catch a person’s attention and involve him in the discussion.

Why is this needed? Why is it important to communicate in a group, and not just post your promotional publications?

The fact is that there is so much advertising on the Internet that many people experience advertising blindness; their classmates have not yet been spoiled by this, but I think this will not last long, because many enterprising representatives of the advertising business have migrated from Contact to this network.

If 2-3 months ago the topic of cars was not developed and the communities numbered a maximum of 20,000 participants. Now the situation has changed, these same communities already have hundreds of thousands of participants. And the number of such groups is growing - the market is being captured.

But this is a separate topic, I have deviated a little. Let's return to our topic.

You can create a survey with or without a picture. I prefer with a picture, as it can attract attention to the vote.

A survey, just like a regular post, can be edited and added to it keywords for internal search in Odnoklassniki.

Watch the video to see how to do this clearly.

Do you create polls in your Odnoklassniki communities and how they work for you, write in the comments.

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Many social media users often create posts in which they ask other people to express their opinions on one thing or another. In some cases, it is most convenient for these purposes to use surveys with different answer options. The developers of Odnoklassniki also added such an option to their website, and therefore here each user or community owner can create their own survey, asking other people to leave answers.

In this article we will take a closer look at how to create polls on the Odnoklassniki social network.

How to create a survey in Odnoklassniki on a computer?

The full desktop version of the site is the easiest way to add surveys. For example, here you can insert it into a post on your wall. To do this, go to the form for creating a new note, and then click on the “Add survey” button.

Next, the window for creating a new survey will open. Here you first need to add the text of the question itself, as well as possible answers to it. To add additional option answer, you need to click on the “Another answer option” area. Here you can also check the boxes that allow you to:

  • Select several answers in the survey at once, or only one option;
  • Show or hide overall survey results to respondents;
  • Configure anonymity of participation in the survey;
  • Limit the time during which this question can be answered (by checking this box, the user will also be required to indicate the date and time the survey will be completed).

How to create a survey in Odnoklassniki in the application?

Users of the official mobile application can also create polls and add them to their posts. To do this, you first need to open the note creation form (for example, on your personal page), after which you should click on the “Create survey” button in the additional functions menu.

On the next page, the user will need to enter the text of the question, as well as indicate the answer options, and to create a new answer, you just need to click on the “Another answer option” area and start entering the text. In the settings section, you can specify whether there will be only one answer option that can be selected, or several, and here you can also prohibit or allow survey participants to view the voting results after answering. Also here you can configure the anonymity of this survey (that is, the ability to see the voting participants and their answers) and the completion time of the survey (if the last item is checked). To add a poll to a post, you just need to click on the checkmark button in the upper right corner. The survey will appear in the post after it is published.


IN mobile version You cannot create surveys on the website, but despite this, here you can take part in other people’s or your own surveys that were created in the full computer version, or through a mobile application.