How to make a crack on protective glass invisible. Removing scratches from your phone screen: effective ways and methods

According to statistics, those that appeared on the screen as a result of not too careful handling mobile gadgets cracks are the most common reason for contacting repair shops. And this is not surprising, because the display is the notorious Achilles heel for any, even the most expensive and famous mobile phone. What to do if touch phone The screen is cracked, let's figure it out together.

What to do if your phone screen is cracked?

So, there is a problem - after a fall, cracks appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. How to act in this situation and how dangerous are they for both the phone itself and its owner? It all depends on the degree of damage received. For example, if there are one or two cracks, and they do not interfere normal operation mobile gadget, it is quite possible to get by with half measures - stick a protective film or glass over the screen. In this form, the phone will be able to work for some time. for a long time, and dust and moisture cannot get into it through the cracks. But if the screen is covered with craquelure of tiny cracks, then you cannot do without a visit to a repair shop. The functionality of the touch screen can be fully restored only if it is replaced using special equipment. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that replacing a cracked screen can result in expenses equivalent to half the cost of a new mobile phone. Therefore, in some cases it makes sense to think about replacing a broken gadget with a new one.

Is a cracked phone screen harmful?

Mobile technologies appeared not so long ago, but were immediately overgrown with many myths and speculations regarding the harmful effects on the human body. In particular, one can often hear the opinion that cracked screen turns the phone into a time bomb. But in fact, the only harm it could hypothetically cause is scratching the owner’s skin during a conversation.

Unfortunately, on the road no motorist is immune from minor but annoying troubles. Even with very careful driving, a stone can fly out from under the wheels of an oncoming car and damage the windshield of your car. In such a situation, the owner of a damaged car is faced with the question of how to remove a crack in the windshield? Should I go to a car service center or try to fix the problem myself? Today we will tell you how to fix a crack on the windshield with your own hands and not overpay for expensive repairs, but this, of course, if the glass has not completely crumbled and is not covered with cracks like a cobweb.

Types of damage

You should immediately clarify which mechanical damage can be repaired yourself. These types of damage include:

  • Chips. They need to be eliminated immediately to prevent branching.
  • Simple cracks formed as a result of a sharp and constant temperature change. This can happen if the car is not warmed up properly and the temperature conditions inside and outside the car are not maintained.
  • Chipped. The reason for their appearance is mechanical impact.
  • Branched cracks. Unlike simple cracks, such damage is quite difficult to remove. Sometimes, untimely solution to the problem can lead not only to the appearance of deep branched cracks, but also to a complete replacement of the windshield.

Important! Any mechanical damage can lead to complete unusability of the glass if it is not removed in a timely manner.

What factors lead to cracks?

Automotive glass can be damaged mechanically as a result of being hit by a foreign object. However, cracks in glass can also occur for other reasons. Here are just a few possible reasons damage:

  • Sudden temperature fluctuations. This is one of the main reasons. If a stream of cooled air hits a heated glass, and vice versa, when a hot stream of air is supplied to a cooled glass, a crack may appear. Often the damage is fixed at the place where the windshield wiper is heated.
  • Poor quality glass. A gross violation of production technology can lead to damage to the glass, which simply cannot withstand too much stress.
  • Serious deformation of the vehicle body. In this case, the crack does not form immediately, but gradually.
  • Unnoticed chips that lead to glass destruction.

How to avoid the problem?

Nowadays there are various offers on the market for protecting windshields. One of the most popular options is to apply a protective film, which protects an expensive car part from mechanical damage.

In addition, the car owner himself should adhere to the following rules for operating the car:

  • Check the degree of heating of the windshield and rear window. Do not direct cold air onto hot glass.
  • Replace the part only with a quality option.
  • Regularly inspect your vehicle for chips and other defects. If damage is found, securely fix it with a special sealant to prevent the crack from branching.

Important! If you “catch” a pebble on the road, then, first of all, it is necessary to prevent dust and dirt from getting into the crack. Cover the damaged area with tape along the entire length. This will not only protect the crack from further deformation, but will also facilitate finishing cleaning in the future. Otherwise, the dirt accumulated at the bottom of the chip will be visible inside the glass after repair.

Is it possible to fix a crack in a windshield?

There is a clear answer to this question - not only is it possible, but it is necessary. Many drivers are in no hurry to solve the problem and drive with damaged glass. But when driving like this, other problems arise:

  • Visibility on the road is deteriorating.
  • The crack glares in the sun, distracting the driver.
  • The level of driving safety is reduced.
  • Excessive loads and pressure have a destructive effect on cracks. And this can lead to serious consequences and a problem that only experienced professionals can solve.

In order not to lead to expensive repairs or replacement of parts, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the repair process and remove the crack in the glass yourself, in a timely manner. Moreover, the professional services of most car services are not designed to eliminate one single problem.

How to remove a crack in glass?

The essence of the repair is to fill the damage with a special photopolymer composition to its entire depth. The glue will perform two functions:

  • It will connect the edges of the crack and prevent it from growing.
  • It will make damage almost invisible, due to the fact that the refractive index of the product is approximately equal to the refractive index of glass.

So, to repair the damage yourself, you will need the following materials and equipment:

  • Photopolymer glue. The product is designed specifically for automobile and other glass. Hardening of the polymer occurs due to exposure to directed ultraviolet radiation. Curing time: 15 minutes when using a UV lamp, 45 minutes when drying naturally.
  • UV lamp.
  • Plastic (disposable) or metal (reusable) glue injector.
  • Applicators that allow you to attach the injector to glass.
  • Electric drill with diamond drill bit. It will help relieve internal stress in the glass and prevent further deformation.
  • Vacuum pump. The tool is necessary to remove air from the crack.
  • Mirror for determining the boundaries of the defect.
  • Scriber for cleaning damaged surfaces.
  • Cleaning liquid and wipes to remove moisture and dirt.
  • Alcohol (medicinal or isopropyl) to degrease the repair area.

Important! Instead of a drill, you can use a dental drill, which is sold at Medtekhnika. Use it carefully so as not to drill through the glass.

Having prepared the necessary set of tools and materials, proceed with the repair, guided by the following instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for repairing cracks in glass:

  • Thoroughly clean the glass and edges of the crack to remove any dirt. Use a degreaser and a pump for this purpose. Blow out all road dust and dirt from the damage, degrease the entire repair area. The quality of the entire repair process depends on how well the preparatory measures are carried out.
  • Release the tension on the glass. This must be done to ensure that the extent of the damage does not increase during further activities. Carry out this procedure using a drill as follows:
    1. At a distance of 2 mm from the crack, drill a through hole in the direction of the expansion of the damage.
    2. Bring the crack to the hole using light pressure. As a result, the crack will reach the drilled hole and will not go further.
  • Clean the edges and area of ​​damage using a scriber.
  • Treat the prepared area with napkins soaked in a special cleaning liquid. You can degrease the surface with alcohol.
  • Give the damaged area time to dry.
  • Prepare polymer glue according to the instructions.
  • Install the injection support (bridge). To ensure that the bridge is securely fixed to the glass, lubricate the suction cup with Vaseline and install it so that it is located directly above the damage.
  • Prepare the injector for use. For this:
    1. Remove the seal.
    2. Lower the piston down.
    3. Place a few drops of glue into the injector.
    4. Use the plunger to lift the glue up to the top edge of the cylinder.
    5. Install the adhesive injector onto the bridge using applicators. Make sure that the center of the injector coincides with the center of the crack.
  • Raise the piston and hold for 1.5 minutes so that the glue completely fills the damage.
  • After filling the entire crack with glue, stop pumping. Remove the injector and bridge.
  • Place a UV lamp over the crack for 15 minutes.
  • After the glue has dried, remove any remaining glue from the glass using a utility knife blade.
  • Polish the repaired surface with a soft cloth and polishing paste.

The renovation is complete. If the entire sequence of measures is followed, the crack will become invisible.

  • You can use a special kit to introduce photopolymer glue. It is produced by many manufacturers. The set consists of glue and auxiliary accessories. When purchasing a product, give preference to world-famous brands - Done Deal, Permatex, Abro.
  • It is most convenient to observe the glue injection process from inside the car, illuminated from the side with a flashlight or portable lamp.
  • UV curative lamps for home use are excellent for glue polymerization. If you have such a device, then use it. You can wait for the glue to dry completely naturally. But this process can take up to 10 hours.
  • After you remove the adhesive injector and applicator, apply a clear finishing film to seal the product and lay it down evenly on the glass surface. Lay the film from the center to the edges so that no air bubbles form under it. Smooth out the film with a flat object. You can remove the film after the glue has dried using a plastic scraper or a wooden plate.

If your gadget does not have a protective glass, and you accidentally made a scratch due to negligence. Don't despair, we've put together a few lifehacks on how to remove scratches from your phone or tablet screen. There are many effective tools for this, including the simplest and most widely available, and technologically complex ones.

Basic methods for removing scratches

Glass and plastic displays are prone to polishing (we'll look at how to polish a screen using specific methods below). The same can be said about protective glasses camera lenses for mobile devices.

The choice of polishing method for the screen or camera depends on the depth of the scratches and their total number.

Conventionally, methods that allow you to remove scratches from your phone can be divided into 2 groups:

1 Chemical. At the same time, they can be further classified:

Those that involve the use of commonly available means that almost every homeowner has:

  • toothpaste;
  • soda;
  • vegetable oil.

And those that involve the purchase of specialized (but at the same time common) chemical reagents and household chemicals, namely:

  • baby powder (talc);
  • GOI pastes and its analogues (for example, Displex);
  • car polishes;
  • potassium sulfate.

2 Mechanical. They involve the use of:

  • sandpaper;
  • drill or grinder.

Let's study in more detail how to remove scratches from a camera on a phone or from the screen of a mobile device using the specified methods.

Attention! You decide at your own risk whether or not to use the methods described in the article. We cannot be held responsible for possible damage to devices resulting from the use of these methods for cleaning displays and cameras of mobile devices.

Restoring the screen using improvised means

You can remove minor scratches on your phone camera or gadget display using the most affordable means at home. It is assumed that such products will have the least impact on the surface (small and small scratches can be effectively removed).

We are talking about the application:

  • toothpaste;
  • soda;
  • vegetable oil.

Applying toothpaste

A small amount of it should be applied to the display or protective glass of the camera lens using a cotton pad. Then, using circular movements (if scratches are observed over a large area) or back and forth movements with light pressure, you need to process the display, “erasing” any minor damage.

It is best to use classic mint paste.

Fig.1. We clean the device with paste.

Using baking soda

If toothpaste does not help, then you can use another general accessible means- soda. The technology for cleaning the screen of a tablet or smartphone will be similar here, but instead of a cotton pad, it makes sense to try a foam sponge or soft cloth.

Important! Soda should be slightly moistened before use. Dry powder can damage the smartphone screen, fall inside through the cracks in the case and disrupt the operation of the device.

Rice. 2. “Soda” effect.

The advantage of soda is that this product acts on the surface of the screen somewhat harder than paste, and therefore allows you to clean deeper scratches from the screen.

We use vegetable oil

Another remedy that is almost always on hand at home is regular vegetable oil. It does not have an abrasive effect like paste or soda, but it helps effectively get rid of small scratches on the display glass.

You need to apply literally a few drops of the product to the mobile phone screen, and then rub it with light movements on the damaged area of ​​the display.

Important! The most important thing is not to overfill the oil - if it gets inside the device, it will be extremely difficult to remove it.

The hardware store will help

If removing scratches using the handy tools discussed above does not help, you may have to visit a hardware store to purchase the following chemicals:

  • baby powder or talcum powder;
  • GOI paste or its analogues;
  • car polish;
  • aluminum potassium sulfate.

Apply baby powder or talcum powder

Among users of mobile gadgets, there is an opinion that baby powder is cheap and cheerful, however, the effectiveness of its use is confirmed by practice. The main feature of the powder is that it involves a polishing method that, on the one hand, is quite harsh (since the powder contains solid particles), on the other hand, it allows you to avoid the occurrence of collateral damage (since the powder particles are very small and cannot cause a noticeable scratch).

Using GOI or Displex paste

These funds are specialized. They polish glass and plastic equally well. At the same time, to remove scratches from a smartphone camera, it is considered more effective to use GOI paste, and to clean the display - Displex.

Rice. 3. Displex – optimal for touchscreens.

Application of car polishes

Products similar in effect to GOI and Displex pastes are car polishes. Popular brands of such products used to clean displays from scratches include Turtle Wax and 3M Scratch Removal. Car polishes are classified as the best means for removing deep scratches from displays.

The mechanism for using the above products - GOI pastes, Displex, polishes - is the same. Apply a small amount to a soft cloth, then polish the surface.

Please note that the use of the above polishes may require the purchase of additional specialized products - for example, car wipes.

Use of aluminum potassium sulfate and egg white

Among the exotic “chemical” methods for removing scratches from screens, which are used by enthusiasts in the field mobile electronics, we can highlight the use of a mixture of these substances.

Rice. 4. The main thing is not to “sour” the screen.

Aluminum-potassium sulfate (also called “potassium alum”) is an inorganic substance used in the leather industry as a tanning agent, in the textile industry, and in the cosmetics industry. You can buy it in a chemical reagent store, including in an online store (for example,

You need to take 1 egg white and 1 teaspoon of aluminum-potassium sulfate. Then mix them in a small container, pour into an aluminum cup (plate) and heat to 65 degrees. Then you need to dip a piece of microfiber into the solution, then dry it in the oven, which is heated to 150 degrees (while placing it on aluminum foil).

Then cool the microfiber by dipping it in water, then leave it to dry at room temperature for 2 days.

The entire procedure must be repeated 3 times. Using a piece of cloth treated with the specified chemicals, rub the damaged surface of the mobile device. Remove minor scratches and damage.

The advantage of this method is that there is no need to use additional chemicals.

Let's now study how to remove scratches from a tablet or similar device using mechanical methods.

Mechanical means

In advanced cases - if there are deep scratches or if the phone could not be protected from chips on the screen, it is advisable to use “heavy artillery” in the form mechanical methods removing damage from the display (we note right away that they are not suitable for cleaning the camera). We are talking about the application:

  • sandpaper;
  • drill, grinder.

Removing scratches using sandpaper

The purpose of its use is to gradually erase the damaged surface to a depth corresponding to the depth of the scratch. As a result, the scratch simply ceases to exist.

Another question is whether the screen, thoroughly processed with sandpaper, will look aesthetically pleasing. It is clear that if, for example, an iPhone is scratched, it is not at all convenient to remove scratches using the method in question. But if you need to bring an old gadget into more or less “saleable condition,” the method will come in handy.

Rice. 4. Hard method, but fair?

We use a drill (with a felt roller), a grinder (with special attachments)

The main function of such devices is to greatly enhance the effect of using the “chemical” tools discussed above by automating polishing. If the user, who tried manual polishing, did not succeed, and he does not know how to remove scratches, it makes sense to use the appropriate auxiliary devices.

Working at hundreds of revolutions per minute, a drill or grinder can provide incomparable results compared to the manual method.


Thus, there are a large number of ways to “renovate” the screen of a mobile device from scratches. Let's now try to display the main features of their use in a small table.

Method for removing scratches from a phone (mobile device) Features (what to look for)
Polishing with paste You need mint paste, preferably one color
Polishing with soda Soda needs to be moistened with water
Vegetable oil treatment The main thing is not to overfill (otherwise the drops will get inside the device and it will be extremely difficult to remove them)
Use of baby powder, talcum powder Perfect solution for removing light scratches
Polishing with GOI paste Allows you to clean the camera on your phone in the most effective way
Application of Displex paste Optimized for display cleaning
Application of car polishes May require the use of a special cloth tool for rubbing

So, we have learned how to get rid of scratches on your phone screen. Both the simplest household substances - vegetable oil, soda, baby powder, and more complex types of household chemicals and reagents (such as a substance based on potassium sulfate) can be effectively used to remove scratches from both displays and protective glasses cameras on mobile gadgets.

At the same time, we must remember that prevention is always better than “cure”. Behind mobile device needs care. It is necessary to ensure careful storage of the device. So, good case will protect the body, and a special protective film helps keep the display safe and sound.

Any barely visible scratch should be removed immediately. We have studied in detail how to remove a scratch on a phone screen - the most accessible means can be used for this.

Everyone, even the most careful phone owner, at some point encounters such a problem as unsightly scratches on the screen. If these are large defects or even cracks, then either buying a new phone or completely replacing the screen can help. However, what if they are cosmetic in nature? Is it possible to remove scratches from a phone screen yourself using home remedies, without going to a specialized workshop? We will try to answer this question in our article today.

Using toothpaste

One way to remove scratches from your phone screen is to use the most common toothpaste, which is found in almost every person’s bathroom and does not need to be purchased specifically for this purpose. Thanks to the abrasive properties, which help the paste clean tooth enamel, small scratches can be completely eliminated.

Apply the composition to the treatment area with a paper towel, soft cloth, cotton swab or soft toothbrush. For polishing you will need literally a pea-sized amount of product. Gently rub it into the damaged area and remove scratches from the phone screen using circular movements.

Rubbing continues until the scratch becomes invisible. Don't forget to remove toothpaste residue from your phone using a soft, damp cloth or a moistened cotton pad.

Gel paste

Another option for removing small scratches on your phone screen is to use gel toothpaste rather than regular toothpaste. This option is more gentle. So let's get started:

  1. You need to prepare a soft cloth onto which a little gel toothpaste is applied.
  2. The paste is carefully rubbed into the defect area. Using circular movements, we remove scratches from the phone screen.
  3. To remove excess paste, wipe the phone with a damp cloth (wet the cloth with clean water).

Means for eliminating scratches on cars

Car scratch removers can completely eliminate or minimize scratches on your phone screen.

The method of application is simple. Anti-scratch cream is applied to a cotton pad or soft cloth, which is then used to wipe the phone with gentle movements in a circle.

Fine sandpaper

And it's not a joke. You just need to get sandpaper with the smallest grit in advance and practice on an identical surface in order to practice and know specifically how to remove small scratches on your phone screen.

The essence of this method is to polish or grind down the edges of the scratch. The surface part of the screen becomes concave, but visually smooth and without damage, because the reflective edges of the scratch disappear.

Using Baking Soda

Baking soda is the most affordable way to remove scratches from your phone screen. But there is a certain sequence:

  1. Mix baking soda and water in a 2:1 ratio in a small plate or cup.
  2. Mixing continues until a thick, homogeneous paste appears.
  3. The prepared paste of water and soda is applied to a cotton pad or soft cloth, which is used to wipe the screen scratch. Rubbing is done extremely carefully.
  4. The remaining excess soda solution is removed with a damp cloth.

Powder for children

How can you remove scratches from your phone screen using baby powder? It’s very simple: you need to make a paste by adding a little water and use it in the same way as a soda solution.


To make the screen shine, any oil of vegetable origin is used. Literally 1 drop is enough to rub in - and your worn-out phone will shine again, at least for a while.

Glass polish

If your phone screen is glass, then you can use glass polish (just be sure to contain cerium oxide). This polish comes in two types: powder and paste. If you purchase the first one, then to start working you need to dilute it with water to the consistency of cream.

For safety, it is better to use adhesive tape to protect all places that could be damaged in the process, such as holes for the speaker, charging or headset connector, camera module. Even a small amount of polish getting into any hole of the phone can lead to permanent damage to the device. If you plan to polish not the entire screen, but only parts with scratches, then the entire surrounding area on the phone can also be covered with protective tape.

Direct application of polish to the surface is carried out using a special soft polishing material using vigorous circular movements to clean out the scratch. To achieve maximum results, it is advisable to wipe the polished surface with a clean cloth every half a minute, reviews say. You should not press the surface intensely or forcefully when processing. After all, polish has abrasive functions and can contribute to the appearance of other scratches.

To finish the job, you need to wipe the entire smartphone with a clean and dry polishing material to finally get rid of all dirt stains and excess polish.

Some phone models (for example, iPhone 8) have not only a glass screen, but also a glass back panel. Having a polish, you know how to remove scratches from the iPhone screen and clean the entire case from microcracks.

Paste GOI

This paste for polishing precious metals, glass, mirrors and plastics is sold as a green solid in one-kilogram jars or containers in specialty stores or automotive markets. Contains chromium oxide.

How to remove scratches from your phone screen? Reviews say that only one type of this paste is suitable for polishing - “extra fine No. 1”, since others will be too rough for such a delicate task. Before starting work, you should wipe the phone screen from dust and other contaminants for better and faster results.

To polish a mobile phone screen, soft material is rubbed with GOI paste, which is then used to treat the surface of the screen. The paste bar is very hard and dense. Therefore, to make it easier to apply it to the fabric, add a few drops of oil to the paste.

After finishing using the paste, wipe the screen with a slightly damp soft cloth.

Deeper scratches and cracks

How to remove deep scratches from your phone screen? Of course, all of the above methods will not be able to completely remove serious screen damage and deep cracks, but they can at least make them less noticeable, and then the screen will not look so sad. There is no way to completely eliminate cracks and similar defects.

Before using any of the methods described above to combat scratches, you need to determine exactly which screen on your phone model is made of plastic or glass. If you have not saved the instructions with a description of the gadget, you can use the description of your device in online stores or on the official website page. Determining the composition of the screen surface will help you choose the right material to use to treat the damaged surface.

The need and popularity of mobile devices today is very great, so the specialty of repairing phones, and in particular displays, is quite in demand and widespread. This means that in the absence of free time and the desire to take risks, trying to overcome the unpresentable appearance your phone, you just need to contact a workshop that provides such a service and has experience in removing screen scratches. However, in this situation, it is better not to chase a low price, but to contact a reliable specialized service center.

If you have one of latest models smartphones, it is also worth finding out whether the screen, in addition to the protective function, also has an oleophobic coating, which makes the process of using the phone more comfortable and enjoyable. If such a coating is present, then it is better to completely abandon or use all abrasive polishing materials as carefully as possible, so as not to risk damaging the oleophobic layer. After all, using such a phone after abrasive treatment will be less comfortable.

Prevention of occurrence

In order not to “google” on the Internet whether it is possible to remove scratches from the phone screen at home and how to do it, it is better to do everything possible in advance to protect the screen of your phone from various types of damage.

What you can do:

  • At the very beginning, when buying a phone, put protection on the screen.
  • Clean the display regularly.
  • Carry your phone carefully, especially in a bag or with you in your clothes. Try not to let it come into contact with sharp objects.

Installing screen protection

The most vulnerable part of any smartphone is touch screen. Due to mechanical impact he scratches often. To prevent this unpleasant situation and not remove scratches from your phone screen, you can use a relatively inexpensive but reliable accessory: film or reinforced glass. Such a protective mechanism is definitely worth installing, because installing or replacing it costs several times less than purchasing the entire screen module. If we talk about price, the film is cheaper, but it does not provide a 100% guarantee of safety, but only eliminates the possibility of microcracks and scratches. But the price of glass is higher, but the guarantee of protection for the fragile surface of the gadget is virtually complete. If dropped, the screen will not be damaged. Will take the entire blow

Wiping the display

Usually, small scratches are a consequence of the presence of dust, sand and other small particles on the surface of the phone. The display should be wiped regularly using microfiber. This procedure will not only remove scratches from the phone screen, but will also help improve the operation of the device. After all, the touch screen can lose sensitivity due to dirt stains left by handprints, faces, etc.

Careful wearing

In the modern pace of life, it is impossible to live a second without a phone, so it should always be with a person. For this reason, when moving, it is placed in a pocket, bag, purse, backpack, etc. But in these places there may not only be a phone, but also other objects with sharp ends (for example, keys), which cause both minor and irreparable damage. Therefore, it is extremely important to always check where the phone is placed and what is there, next to it. It is advisable that the bag or pocket be zipped. This will prevent the phone from accidentally slipping out while moving.

How else can you protect yourself from scratch problems?

In order not to burden yourself with security installations and regular anti-scratch procedures, you can choose a mobile phone that already has heavy-duty glass. For example, you won't need to remove scratches from your Gorilla Glass screen.

Phones have special glass. Gorilla Glass is chemically tempered to resist impacts and scratches. It is produced by Corning. This company has been experimenting with chemical glass processing since 1959. Since 2010, leading production companies mobile phones(such as Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, NTS and others) began using ultra-strong Gorilla Glass as a screen surface on their models. So, when purchasing a smartphone with a Gorilla Glass screen, you don’t have to worry about how to remove scratches from the screen of a Samsung phone and other leading modern manufacturers.


So, we found out how you can remove scratches from your smartphone. As you can see, there are many ways to eliminate defects. And all of them can be easily repeated at home without experience.

Glass surrounds us everywhere: windows, doors, dishes, vehicles, etc. Cracks often form on the glass, so you need to know how to act in this situation. If the crack is huge, with a wide gap, then you need to contact professionals, but if it is minor, then you can deal with the problem yourself. You can seal a crack in the glass yourself, the main thing is to use a proven method.

How to repair a crack in window glass

It is quite possible to remove a crack in a window glass, although you will have to work hard.

Preparatory stage

Before you get started, you need to prepare the surface for the procedure. To do this, you will need to wash the glass on both sides. You must wear rubber gloves to carry out the procedure; you can use any product intended for cleaning windows.

After all dirt and accumulated dust have been removed from the surface of the glass, it is necessary to wipe it dry with a lint-free cloth. The glass must be absolutely dry, otherwise the result after sealing the crack will quickly disappear.


After you are sure that the glass is clean and dry, it must be thoroughly degreased. Professionals recommend using available materials, such as acetone or gasoline.

It is important to pay attention to ensure that after the degreasing stage there is no lint left from the napkins on the glass.

Repairing a crack

You can seal a crack in the window glass using silicone glue purchased in a store, or you can prepare a repair composition yourself.

Repairing a crack with silicone glue

This product is indispensable when working with glass. On sale you can find tubes with a wide or narrow neck. If you purchased the first option, then it is more convenient to work with the material by taking a sufficient amount of glue into an ordinary medical syringe; If you bought glue of the second option, then you won’t have to do any additional manipulations.

  1. By lightly pressing the tube or syringe plunger you need to fill the crack with glue. It is important that there are no voids left.
  2. If the crack is wide enough, then you need to cover it on both sides with tape. Once the glue has dried, the tape can be easily removed.
  3. Wait right time. Exactly how much is indicated in the instructions on the package. The glue can dry from 12 to 24 hours.
  4. After the glue has dried, you need to clean the surfaces of excess material.
  5. Finally, you need to use regular nail polish, it is important that it is transparent.

After such work, the glass can be subjected to water procedures.

Let's make our own glue

If you don’t have silicone glue at home, you can prepare the adhesive base yourself. To do this you need:

  1. Mix turpentine and acetone in equal quantities.
  2. Gradually add crushed foam to these components. It should dissolve in the prepared solution. In order for the foam to dissolve quickly, you need to grind it as finely as possible.
  3. As a result of cooking, a transparent, viscous mixture should form, with a consistency reminiscent of honey.

other methods

If you have a barely noticeable crack on the window, then it would be wise to do without lengthy procedures to repair the chip. You can use regular transparent nail polish; in some cases, classic stationery glue will do.

If you doubt your skill, using tape will do. You need to seal the crack with transparent tape on both sides. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the tape on the window will be noticeable, and such repairs will not last too long. Therefore, the tape will need to be changed from time to time. The fact is that condensation will form, so the tape will simply peel off.

How to seal a crack in glass in doors and furniture

If the doors or pieces of furniture in your home have glass inserts, then you have probably encountered cracks in these glasses.

In this situation, you can do the following:

  • If the crack is of an impressive size and is visible, then you can order a replacement element on the manufacturer’s website or from a company representative.
  • If the first option is not suitable for you, then you can try to hide the crack: paint it over with varnish, then decorate the problem with professional paint or ornament.
  • You can also use the methods described above to eliminate cracks in window glass.

Let your doors and furniture always fill your interior with aesthetics!

How to repair a crack in glassware

To seal a crack in glassware, you can use any of the above methods or use your grandmother’s method:

  1. You will need to use a burner to slowly warm up the problem area.
  2. Additionally, you need to heat the glass stick.
  3. Use a softened stick to seal the crack, starting from one of the ends.
  4. You need to do this until an even seam is formed, which will eliminate your problem.
  5. Finally, you need to melt and anneal the seam.

Cracks in glass are no longer a problem for you!