How to properly download programs to your computer. How to download and install programs correctly

Additional software and programs are an integral part of absolutely any computer. Immediately after installing the new operating system or after purchasing a new device, users tend to install dozens useful applications that perform their functions. Most often installed: browsers, useful drivers, antiviruses, and many others. But beginners immediately have a reasonable question - how to safely and quickly install the necessary software? How not to pick up viruses and ruin the normal operation of the device? We will now try to answer these and many other questions.

So, we have a completely clean desktop, there is only the “Trash” and a standard browser. How can we install necessary drivers and programs? First you need to go online. If you can’t do this easily, you may not have the necessary drivers and will have to install them from a disk or drive. But that is another story.

So that no one has any questions, let’s look at the installation step by step using the example of the popular browser - Mozilla.

Installing the Mozila browser

  1. Once on the Internet, enter the name of the application that you want to download and go to the official website of this developer, because usually only there you can find the most new and safe software without viruses.

  2. Click on “Download” and select your operating system and its bit level. The system capacity can be viewed in the computer properties.

  3. The file will download. The download speed directly depends on two factors - the speed of your Internet connection and the weight of the file. Wait for the download to finish and open the file.

  4. Most likely, the system will warn you about the possible danger of the file, because it was obtained from the Internet. But don’t be too scared, if you actually downloaded from the developers’ site, then the program is not dangerous. Click "Yes". And we continue.

  5. The installation has started. We'll go to the installation window. We need to select the language we need, in our case Russian.
  6. We are asked to select a location on the drive where the program itself will be stored. Usually they are installed on drive D, and another partition is allocated to the system, but this is not important.

  7. License agreement. This should be noted as a separate point. Most people are afraid of it because they ask you to agree to something. You shouldn't be afraid of him. This is some kind of agreement between the copyright holder, that is, the developer and you. Of course, you need to read it, because it may contain important information regarding the distribution and use of this software, including for commercial purposes. Study it carefully and check the appropriate box.
  8. When the installation begins, a bar will appear that will gradually fill in green as the installation progresses. You may also see progress percentages, this makes the process even simpler, clearer and more convenient.

  9. Next, a window will appear in which you will be notified that the entire installation is complete. You can run new program after closing the window, but before doing so, it is recommended to restart your device.

Step by Step Actions

Thus, the following stages of system installation can be distinguished:

  1. Download the installation file (has the extension .exe).
  2. Running the file and allowing it to make changes to the hard drive.
  3. Selecting the installer language.
  4. A license agreement that you need to read, understand the important aspects and accept.
  5. Selecting an installation location. There will be a folder with the application and all its data.
  6. Installation process. Its duration will depend on the power of your computer and the program being installed and its system requirements.

Important! During the installation process you may be prompted to install additional software, which you may not need. Be sure to pay attention to the add-ons that software developers offer you to install. Sometimes it can even be search engines that you don't use. To control this process, always select the full installation.

How to find the installation file

What to do if you downloaded the program installation file, but cannot find it. You need to go to the “Downloads” folder. To do this:

How to install something from disk

It is not necessary to download from a website on the Internet; some people still use drives or disks. The installation algorithm will be slightly different.

What you definitely shouldn't do

There is also a small list of actions that clearly should not be done if you are concerned about the safety and normal operation device.

What applications are installed on my PC

It is imperative to get rid of unnecessary data and its parts, but how and where to look for it?

This can be done in two ways - using the system itself or using third-party software.

Method 1. Through the control panel, in the “Uninstall or change a program” list

Method 2. Through CCleaner

This convenient application will also show you a list and allow you to quickly and easily remove everything you don't need.

Using revo to remove

We already know that the data left over from the program clogs up the system over time and makes it work slower. To avoid this, you need to properly remove the program. The Revo application was written for these purposes.

  1. First you need to download it. Developers website:

  2. We allow you to make changes to your hard drive.

  3. Select the appropriate program language.

  4. Set the location where the program will be placed. It's better to leave it as is.

  5. We find ourselves in the application itself, which greets us with a simple and understandable interface.

  6. Select the application you want to remove, right-click on it and select the “Delete” line.

  7. A regular uninstaller and a window will appear in which you will be asked to scan your computer for any remaining files named from the removed program.

  8. Revo will find all the files and offer to delete them.

Paid applications

Beginner users are often faced with the fact that they cannot easily get millions of programs and games for free; they have to pay for them. Please note that software can be divided into at least 3 types:

Video - How to install the program on your computer

Each of us has more than once been faced with the need to download a program from the Internet, but not everyone thought about the fact that along with the downloaded program, various malware, which can significantly complicate your life. That’s why downloading any kind of program from the network should be treated extremely carefully, without relying on “maybe”.

Today we will tell you about the three most reliable and convenient ways to download programs from the World Wide Web.

Official website of the developer

Most reliable way- This is to download the program directly from its developer’s website. For example, for Opera it is In this case, you can be sure that you will download the most current version of the program and nothing else. Usually, when searching for a particular program on the Internet, the developer’s website appears immediately on the first page of the search. You just need to make sure that this is not a page that copies the style of the developer’s site - such copying is quite common on the Internet.

Soft portals

Today there are many sites on the Internet that offer a whole catalog of different programs for computers. Usually these directories are conveniently structured, and you can easily find and immediately download from it a browser, an antivirus, and any other program. But here again the question of the reliability of a particular resource arises. It’s no secret that some sites try to impose on you, in addition to the selected program, a couple of unnecessary utilities, and you won’t even understand where these programs on your computer came from. It’s good if these are ordinary harmless programs, but sometimes they can also be programs containing malicious code. Therefore, be careful when choosing the soft portal from which you want to download something. We advise you to use only the most popular and already well-proven resources, such as BesplatnyeProgrammy.Ru, a cult and authoritative resource of free software with a classic old-school interface and current versions programs, or, which, in addition to a huge database of programs for Windows, Android and iOS, contains a lot useful information: thematic selections of software, answers to questions, video tutorials, etc.

Multi-installer of programs

Another reliable and in a convenient way is to download programs using a multi-installer program. A great example is InstallPack. This is a small utility that facilitates the process of finding and installing the necessary programs for Windows on a PC (more than 700 items). For search the desired program You can use the built-in search or thematic collections. Installation files in InstallPack are distributed on a zero-touch basis. That is, in the form in which the developers give them, and only latest versions. The application downloads and starts installation of selected programs one by one and does not create its own files on the system.

How do you most often download programs onto your computer?

If you are just starting to master the computer and don’t even know yet, how to install the program, then I’m sure after reading this article you will no longer have questions on this topic. Installation of different programs may differ, but it is almost the same everywhere, and in fact, installing a program is much easier than some beginners think at the beginning of their journey.

In general, it is worth saying that if you do nothing, but simply follow the usual instructions in the windows when installing programs, that is, simply click the available buttons: “Next”, “Next” or “OK”, then you can easily install the program. But we decided to learn, right? And we need to know what actions lead to what when installing programs.

Installation of programs. Example!

Now for an installation example real program, let's look at how this is done correctly.

Then from the Internet or from some disk, we usually have a file like this on our computer.

First of all, you need to launch it by double-clicking the left mouse button. The first window will open. In 99% of cases this window " Software Installation Wizard", where we are greeted. There we can see the name of the program, and sometimes we are reminded that it is advisable to close other applications before installation. In this window we need to click the “Next” button.

Almost always when installing programs, we need to check the box “ I accept the terms of the license agreement", well, that means that we agree with the rules for using this program. Here's an example:

The next window that is always present during installation is folder selection. During the installation process of the program, a window should appear indicating where the files will be copied for its full operation.

Typically the program is installed on system disk"C" to the "Program Files" folder. You can of course change this path by clicking the "Browse" button and selecting the folder where you want install the program. I usually leave it as is, that is, by default! And all the installed software is in the “Program Files” folder on the “C” drive.

Very often when installation free programs , they are trying to install some additional applications for us, or change home page in the browser. Pay attention to this, and if you don’t need such additions, then uncheck the extra boxes, and only then click “Next”.

Another window that is always present, and usually after installing the program, is a window in which you need to leave checkboxes next to the items that interest us. For example, this could be creating a shortcut on the desktop, or a program folder in the start menu, and so on. Read and everything will be clear.

The most important stage is the one itself, during which the necessary files are copied.

In the last window, after everything has been copied and installed, we are prompted to click the “Finish” button and the program will start if we have not unchecked the corresponding box.

We have now described the main windows that appear when installing programs. In different cases they may differ, but the essence remains the same. There are also other issues: windows for selecting the program language, installing an add-on, where you need to uncheck it, etc.

After installing 5 – 10 different programs, thoughtfully and independently, you will no longer have questions about which window to do what, and roughly speaking, the brain itself will develop the necessary actions.

And a shortcut to launch the installed program usually appears on the desktop.

In order to download to computerfile from the Internet, you don’t need to have much knowledge, because that’s exactly what the older generation thinks differently.

To download to computerfrom the Internet let's say music file, we need to have a computer, a browser at hand and, of course, a connection to global network Internet. Let's look at an example.


1.First step: launch the browser. A browser is a program for viewing pages on the Internet. There is not much difference Opera, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome or any other browser is installed on your computer, all browsers allow you to download files from the Internet.

In our example we use Mozilla browser Firefox.

2.After launching the browser you need run search engine , in order to find the file we need (in our case, we will look for a song).

There are quite a lot of search engines on the Internet now, but the most authoritative ones are Google and Yandex. We use Google search engine and to enter it you need to address bar browser enter the following url address:

3.Next, enter the name of the song we need into the search bar. The page is immediately automatically converted, without waiting for the enter key to be pressed, and also after each word entered into search bar, a hint appears, which is taken from the database of the most frequent requests, and Internet pages corresponding to your request are immediately shown below.

Download to computer

These queries are ranked by popularity and therefore we select the top one.

Download to computer

We click on the blue line of the topmost page that appears to us and go to the site where this file is located.

On this page we can listen to the song directly in the browser or download it. Click mp3** and the next page opens.

This page is designed to protect the site server, and here you need to enter the code shown in the picture in the specified line. After entering the numbers correctly, the following window appears:

Here we can choose to open it in a program for playing music, which we can set ourselves, download it through the Download master download manager (if one is installed), or simply save the file, which is what we choose. In the next dialog box we have to select the path where the file will be saved:

For convenience, your computer has a download folder, which is located in the My Documents folder; here we will save the file received from the Internet.

Below we see that the file has already been downloaded. Go to my computer > local disk C > Documents and Settings > Username under which the file was downloaded (Admin by default) > My Documents > Downloads and see the file we downloaded.

There is nothing complicated about downloading files from the Internet, we are convinced of this.

In the same way, you can download not only music, but also other files from the Internet.

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By the way, here’s how it’s created in !

Hello. I was sitting today, thinking about what would be so interesting and useful to write in my . I went to Yandex Wordstat, this is a service from Yandex for viewing keywords, more precisely to view the number of a specific request per month. I wrote “how to install” and started looking through requests.

I saw an interesting request “how to install the program” impressions per month are 36226, this is not a lot, but still people are searching, which means this article will be useful.

So I decided to write a short post on this topic. Why small? Yes, because essentially there is nothing to write here :).

Before writing about how to install a program downloaded from the Internet. I would like to clarify something and advise. I wanted to clarify that I will consider an example on the Windows operating system. It doesn’t matter what version, it’s just that in Linux the installation of programs is slightly different.

And I would like to advise the following: If you need any program. For example Mozilla or QIP, then try to download from official sites. All this is for safety reasons, so as not to pick up some kind of infection in the form. Windows 8 seems to promise its own application store, and that would be very cool. Well, of course, on one condition, that it will be done properly. It’s just that when you download a program from some “fraudulent” site or torrent, a virus can easily be hidden in it, which, when installed, will definitely settle on your computer. That seems to be all, now to the main part of the article.

How to install the program?

Programs for the operating room Windows systems Mostly they come with the .exe extension, for example WinRAR.exe. All you need to do is just run this installation file and follow the instructions. When I started writing this article, I thought of giving an example of installing the program with screenshots. And then I thought that almost all programs differ in the installation process, and such instructions would be of very little use.

Typically, the program is installed in the following order:

  1. Run the installation file. The installation file itself can be hidden in a .rar or .zip archive. Therefore, first we open the archive and then run the installation file.
  2. We accept license agreement and click “Next”.
  3. Let's select the components that need to be installed (not in all programs).
  4. Let's choose a location on the computer where to install the program. By default, in most cases it is installed in C:\Program Files\ . If you are installing a large game, I advise you not to install it on drive C, it is advisable to replace it with drive D or E. Click “Next” or “Install”.
  5. It is also possible that the installation manager will offer to choose whether to create shortcuts on the desktop and a folder in the start menu, then check the boxes as you wish.
  6. Then you will have to wait a little (depending on the size of the program) and everything will be installed. But still different programs are installed in different ways, but the scheme is usually similar to the one I described.

The installed program, or rather the shortcut to launch it, must be looked for on the desktop or in “Start”, "All programs".

It seems that I have written everything, I hope my article will be useful for you, I am waiting for comments :). Good luck!