How to sign a document with an electronic signature cryptoproword. How to sign a document using digital signature

For people who do not have experience working with electronic digital signatures, we have prepared instructions on “how to sign a document”. In fact, this is a very simple procedure that consists of a couple of clicks on the mouse button.

All digital signature owners have special generated keys: public and private. All these keys are registered with the Certification Center and are reliably protected. First of all, in order to sign documents using your digital signature, you need to prepare your PC by installing the following software on it:

You can read about how to install and configure the software in a separate manual.

The process of signing a document depends on the program in which it was created (i.e., its format). For example, consider the most popular text editor MS Word.

If you are signing documents for the first time, we recommend making sure that you have the latest version of Crypto-PRO installed. You can do this by opening the program in the Control Panel and going to the “General” tab. At the time of writing this manual, the latest version of Crypto-PRO is 3.9.

How to sign a document with digital signature in Word 2003

Open the required document and go to:

“Service” - “Options” - “Security” - “Digital Signatures” and “Certificate” tab- press the button “ OK».

Please note that before signing the document, you must save it.
The document can only be signed if your certificate is in Personal(see article on installing a certificate)

How to sign a document with digital signature in Word 2007

In the 2007 version of the editor we use the following algorithm:

Round button in the upper left corner “Office” – “Prepare” - “Add digital signature”, then, if necessary, specify the purpose of signing the document (optional), select the appropriate signature from the list, click “ Sign».

The fact that the document has a digital signature is confirmed by a small red emblem on the bottom panel and the corresponding inscription when you hover over it. Also, after signing, the ability to edit the document disappears; to make changes to the file, you must delete the signature.

How to sign a document with digital signature in Word 2010

In MS Word 2010 we perform the following steps:

“File” - “Information” - “Add digital signature (CRYPTO-PRO)”

If you do not see the last item, then you do not have Crypto Pro and/or CryptoPro Office Signature installed.

In the window for adding a digital signature, similar to the 7th version of Word, indicate the purpose of signing, select the certificate and click “ Sign»

How to sign a PDF file with digital signature

Sometimes there is a need to digitally sign files in .pdf format. This is done just as easily as with other files.

To sign PDF documents, the Crypto-PRO PDF software product was developed. This is a special module for working with files in Adobe Reader and Acrobat format.

The Crypto-PRO PDF software product is developed with the Adobe System Inc interface, which allows you to use Adobe Acrobat, Reader and LiveCycle ES to sign PDF files with an electronic digital signature directly in the program, similar to MS Word.

How to sign a document electronicallyusing modern crypto programs? Let us consider the specifics of solving this problem using the example of the well-known program “CryptoARM”.

What tools are there for signing digital signature documents?

The corresponding type of solutions in the modern IT market are presented in a wide range. Among the most popular in Russia:

  • "CryptoPRO" is a universal software package for exchanging electronic documents protected by digital signatures in a wide range of formats;
  • "CryptoARM" is a specialized program for signing files using digital signature;
  • "CryptoTree" is a solution that provides the technical component for organizing the electronic circulation of legally significant documents that are protected by an electronic signature.

The simplest and most universal solutions for how to sign a document with an electronic signature include the CryptoARM program: it is easily integrated into Windows interfaces, easy to use and configure. Using it, you can easily understand how to put an electronic signature on various documents.

“CryptoARM”, if you have an EDS key, can be used both as a document signing tool and as a tool for verifying the authenticity of certain EDS.

You can use the free version of CryptoARM or order a paid one through the website of the developer of this solution - CRYPTO-PRO LLC. Read on to learn how to sign a digital signature document using this software.

What files can be digitally signed?

The specificity of an electronic signature is that it can be used to certify almost any file - be it a Word document, PDF, drawing or video. From a technological point of view, signing a PDF document with an electronic digital signature is no different from certifying a multimedia file:

  • the crypto program with which the file is certified generates its hash (brief information about integrity and authorship);
  • the hash is encrypted using a private key;
  • a document signed with an electronic signature or a separate digital signature file for the corresponding document is generated.

To authenticate a file, its recipient must, in turn, use a public key: it decrypts the hash and allows you to determine the integrity and authorship of the file - be it a Word document or a video recording.

In turn, there are a large number of types of software with which you can sign a Word or PDF document using your digital signature. Among the most common solutions in Russia, as we noted above, is the CryptoARM program. Let's look at how to put a digital signature on a Word document using it.

How to insert an electronic signature into a file using CryptoARM (brief instructions)

You can use the program in question in Windows in two modes:

  • through the context menu of files in Explorer (by right-clicking on the file and selecting the desired option);
  • through the main interface of the program (by launching it from the desktop).

How to electronically sign a Word document - solving this issue through the Windows context menu is quite convenient. If we have the CryptoARM solution at our disposal, then we will stick to it.

Let's study the features of using the corresponding capabilities of CryptoARM in practice.

How to put an electronic signature on a Word document (Word 2003, Word 2007, Word 2010, 2013, 2016)

Let's agree that our file was created using Word 2007 - how to electronically sign a document in this case? Please note that for the question of how to electronically sign a document in Word 2010 and other versions used, these instructions are also relevant.

Select the Word file located in the computer folder, right-click on it, then select the “CryptoARM” option, then “Sign”. The “Program File Signing Wizard” will open.

In the “Wizards” window that opens, you can check again whether the correct file is selected for signing. If necessary, add other objects to the list of signed files; they can be certified at the same time. Having decided on the file or list of those to sign, click “Next”.

In the next “Wizards” window, you need to select encoding settings (you can leave the default values), and also specify the path for placing files signed with a digital signature. Click “Next”.

In the next window, you can set various signature details (for example, visa, comments, time stamp), if required. Here you can also check the box next to “Save signature in a separate file.” If this is done, the hash of the digital signature will be saved separately from the document being certified (but subsequent verification of the digital signature will require the simultaneous presence of both files). If not, the document and the digital signature that certifies it will be combined into one file.

Now you need to select a signing certificate issued by a certification authority. It can be placed on a PC (registered in the registry) or on external media - a flash drive, eToken. In the second case, you will need to attach the appropriate media to the computer.

In the window that opens after selecting a certificate, all settings can be left as default.

Click “Next”, then “Finish”. The file signed using digital signature will appear in the folder specified in the “Wizards” window earlier. In general, its location will coincide with the location of the source file. The name of the file signed using CryptoARM will coincide with the original one, but will be supplemented with an electronic digital signature extension - as a rule, this is the SIG extension.

How to certify PDF using digital signature

So, we know how to digitally sign a document in Word. We noted above that this procedure is not fundamentally different from certification of any other files using an electronic signature. But when working with some types of data, there may still be nuances.

In particular, the certification procedure for PDF files has certain features. How to put an electronic signature on a PDF document (taking into account the features of this file format)?

The main steps when using “CryptoPRO” when performing such a task as putting an electronic signature on a PDF document will be almost the same as for a Word document. The digital signature on a PDF file is placed using an algorithm similar to the one we discussed above - when we studied the question of how to sign a Word document with an electronic signature.

At the same time, you need to keep in mind that when certifying a PDF document, it makes sense to separate the digital signature hash from the corresponding document and write it in a separate file.

The fact is that some solutions from Adobe, the developer of the PDF format, allow you to sign documents in this format using standard means. It is quite possible that the recipient of the file will first want to familiarize themselves with the corresponding signatures, and only then check the authenticity of the document’s digital signature.

At the same time, the recipient of the document may not have at his disposal the CryptoARM distribution kit or another public key solution for verifying an electronic signature in Word or PDF. In this case, deciding how to sign a PDF document with an electronic digital signature (by dividing or combining the digital signature and the document itself) can provide an additional file verification tool for the recipient.

The question of how to sign a PDF file with an electronic signature - separating the digital signature from the file or combining them - should be agreed upon in advance with the recipient of the document.


Modern crypto programs - such as CryptoARM - allow you to sign almost any files. The question of how to digitally sign a Word or PDF document is usually resolved very quickly using the interfaces of this solution. In some cases, the specific format of the signature is important - in the form of a separate file or in the form of an attachment to the document being certified. In this sense, the solution to the question of how to sign a PDF document with an electronic digital signature may differ from the procedure for certifying a document in Word format.

You can learn more about the use of digital signatures for document certification in the following articles:

Few users know that Microsoft Office products can work with EDS (Electronically Digital Signature). This feature allows you to sign Word or Excel documents electronically and send them by mail. Such a signed document is equivalent to a paper version with a signature and seal.

This greatly simplifies the exchange between stakeholders and organizations. Since there is no need to carry paper versions or send them by mail.

But when using digital signatures to sign electronic documents, various problems often arise. They may appear due to problems with the office itself. By the way, I have a whole section dedicated to it, there are many articles in it in which I described various problems and their solutions that arise when working with Microsoft Office, I recommend reading it, it will be very useful. Today we’ll talk about probably the two most common of them.

For work, it is always better to use licensed software, this applies to Microsoft Office and CryptoPro. If the office is quite expensive, there are methods to solve the problem. Then the price of CryptoPro is acceptable.

There are many reasons why these errors can occur. In my case, the first error occurred after the initial setup. This is the installation of CryptoPro, the installation of an EDS certificate. And the first attempt to sign the document. The second error appeared after the certificate was reissued according to the new GOST 2012. There was only one solution for these problems.

To increase your knowledge of working with electronic keys, I recommend reading here. From it you will learn how to copy a certificate from a private key from the registry to media. And here I told you how to solve problems with the long opening of the certificate store.

The first error that may appear when trying to sign a document is “The encryption algorithm is not installed on this computer.”

And the second “Cannot add a signature to a document if a smart card is used to sign, you need to make sure that the smart card reader is installed correctly.”

The two most common mistakes when working with digital signatures in Microsoft Office

So what to do if problems arise. The first thing you need to do is install the CryptoPro Office Signature product. This program allows you to create and verify electronic signatures for Microsoft Office documents.

We go to the website, download the program and install it. If you encounter any difficulties with installation, there are detailed instructions.

After installation, restart Microsoft Office. We go to the “File” menu item, in the example I use Microsoft Office 2016. These products have a built-in mechanism for working with digital signatures. After installing CryptoPro Office Signature, an additional item should appear specifically from CryptoPro. If earlier you had to go to the “Document Protection” item and select “Add a digital signature” there. Now we select “Add electronic signature (CryptoPro)” and try to sign.

After these steps, the document should be successfully signed. In most cases, the CryptoPro Office Signature program helped get rid of these errors. If you still cannot sign the document and various errors arise, write in the comments and I will be happy to help.

If you have never used an electronic signature before, then it will be useful for you to read this article and become familiar with the options for how to sign a document with an electronic signature in various formats.

First of all, before creating a document, you need to install special software, which includes:

    Crypto-PRO CSP;

    Root certificate;

    Personal certificate;

    Capicom Library.

These components are installed one by one on the computer, after which you can begin to create and digitally sign a document.

Before you put your digital signature, you need to make sure that you have installed and are using the latest version of Crypto-PRO

Online signing of documents with digital signature

Our company has developed a service that allows you to sign any document with an electronic digital signature. To do this, you need to go to the online digital signature signature page, then upload the file that you want to sign. You must already have an electronic digital signature certificate installed; after selecting it, click the “Sign” button.

After these steps, a separate file will be created - a detached signature with the extension .sig, which will be saved to your browser's downloads folder.

Important: To sign online, you must have the CryptoPro plugin installed in your browser. If you have previously used digital signature for signing on this computer, then this plugin should already be installed and no additional settings will be required.

Our specialists will help you obtain an electronic signature quickly and completely free of charge.

How to sign a digital signature document in Word MS Office

For the latest versions of Microsoft Word, click “File” and in the window that opens, move the cursor to the “Information” tab and select “Add a digital signature (CRYPTO-PRO)”. If you do not see this option, then you do not have Crypto Pro and CryptoPro Office Signature software installed, or one of them.

After the manipulations have been completed, updated information about this file appears in the “Information” tab, it is noted that it has already been certified by digital signature and is final for editing.

A very important point in filling out is that after the electronic signature is placed, no changes can be made to the file. If the data is corrected after these steps, the document with digital signature becomes invalid.

Advice: If you still need to make changes, first delete the signature and only then change the file. After finishing the work, install it again.

How to sign a PDF document electronically

Special software has also been developed for programs that work with PDF files. It is called “Crypto-PRO PDF” and is a module that interacts with Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat. After installing it, you can sign a PDF file with digital signature in any of the above programs. This is done just as easily as in Word Microsoft Office.

If during the above steps you have any difficulties and questions about how to sign a document with an electronic signature for posting it on the site, you can always contact our specialists. They will help you with any complex issue and help you solve the problem with electronic signature of documents.

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The article describes how to sign documents (pdf, word, excel, xml, archive) using an electronic signature. Let's consider what software is needed to sign documents using an electronic signature, their pros and cons.

How to sign a file using digital signature

There are two programs with which you can sign a file using an electronic signature:

  1. ViPNet CryptoFile;
  2. CryptoARM.

ViPNet CryptoFile

Using this program, you can sign any file, for example: doc, xls, jpg, xml, txt, sign a digital signature declaration, archive. After signing the file will end with .sig

Pros: A free program that requires registration on the website (you will receive the key by email). It is also possible, when signing a file with an electronic signature, to use an attached signature to the file, i.e. the file and the key will be located in the same file or separately from the file.

Minuses: When signing, you can add only one electronic signature;

You can sign an EDS document by right-clicking on the file and selecting ViPNet CryptoFile -> Sign in the menu.


Minuses: paid software;

Pros: you can add multiple digital signatures when signing a file.

You can sign an EDS document by right-clicking on the file and selecting CryptoARM -> Sign from the menu.

How to sign a pdf using digital signature

If you need to sign a document, for example for the tax office, read the instructions above “How to sign a file using an electronic signature”; if you need a signature with a visible part in the document, then read the instructions below.

In order to sign a pdf document using digital signature, you need software.

Pros: The electronic signature is visible in the document.

Minuses: Cost of the program (90 days free.)

You also need to have Acrobat Reader DC or Adobe Acrobat Pro installed.

Before inserting an electronic signature in a pdf document, you need to configure Acrobat Reader DC to work with the CryptoPro PDF program. To do this, in Acrobat Reader DC press Ctrl+K or go to the Edit menu -> Settings, in categories select Signatures -> where “Creation and registration" click More details, see picture:

In the “Default signing method” select CryptoPro PDF as in the figure:

We sign a pdf document with digital signature

Open the pdf document -> in the right panel click on fill and sign

In the top panel of Acrobat Reader, click on “Fill and Sign” -> “Additional Tools”

You must select the Certificates tool to add to the panel.

After clicking on Certificates, the “Apply Digital Signature” tool will appear on the panel, click on it, then select with the cursor the area where you want to put a digital signature, a window will appear with the choice of a certificate.

Select certificate -> OK -> Sign.

A digital signature in pdf looks like this:

Our pdf document is signed, in the same way you can put several signatures in one pdf file.

How to sign a Word document using digital signature

If you need to sign a document with a visible part of the signature in the document, then read the instructions below, but if you need to sign a word document and send it, for example, to the tax office, then the instructions above “How to sign a file using an electronic signature” will suit you.

In order to sign a Word document using an electronic digital signature, we need the CryptoPro Office Signature program.

— paid software, used for signing Wort, Excel documents.

After installation, you can immediately start signing Word documents with an electronic signature; to do this, open the Word document that needs to be signed with an electronic signature -> menu Rate -> in the Text block, click on Signature Line and select Signature Line (CRYPTO-PRO).

Let's assume that you need to insert two electronic signatures into a Word document; to do this, we perform the operation shown above twice, without signing. Since after signing with one signature, the document will become uneditable. Therefore, we insert two fields for the electronic signature.

After this, you can sign by clicking on one signature, select an electronic signature and sign, then perform the same actions with the second signature.

A word document signed with digital signature looks like this:

How to sign an Excel document using digital signature

I won’t repeat myself, in order to sign an Excel document using an electronic digital signature, you need to do everything the same as for Word, see just above.

Attention: If you need to sign an excel document with a visible part of the signature in the document, then read the instructions further “How to sign a Word document using an electronic signature”, but if you need to sign an excel document and send it, for example, to the tax office, then the instructions at the beginning of the page “How to” will suit you sign the file using digital signature.”

How to sign an agreement using digital signature

Depending on the format in which the agreement was created, read the above article How to sign a Word or PDF document.

How to sign a power of attorney using an electronic signature

Read the article above and choose the appropriate option on how to sign a power of attorney using an electronic signature.


Is it allowed to edit a signed digital signature file?

— No, after signing the file cannot be edited, for example, if you try to edit the text signed in Word, then all signatures are deleted.

What does a document signed with digital signature look like?

— It all depends on what method you used to sign the document. If you signed the document as in the instructions at the beginning, the file will have the extension .sig. Also, the file and digital signature can be a separate file, it depends on the method of signing the file.

If you signed a pdf, word or excel document using special programs, then it is not possible to distinguish them. You need to open the document and check inside whether there is a signature or not.