How to find a stolen phone by email. How to find out detailed information about iPhone by IMEI

Alexander Grishin

Losing a smartphone in itself is an extremely unpleasant event. Even more depressing is the likelihood of getting hit personal information into the wrong hands.

Fortunately, mobile device manufacturers have assigned each phone unique code IMEI, which can be used to locate a lost or stolen gadget. In this article we will tell you how to independently find a phone by IMEI via satellite in several ways.

How to find a phone by IMEI via satellite?

If your smartphone has been stolen, the first thing you should do is contact law enforcement. They have the right to send requests to operators cellular communications, which can check the location of the phone via satellite.

To do this, you must submit an application to the nearest police department. The main parameter that needs to be reported is the IMEI, which will be used to perform the search. You can find the 16-digit code on the box with which you purchased the device. In addition, it is recommended to additionally indicate the brand, model, specifications And external features gadget to increase the likelihood of finding it.

It is recommended to seek the help of the police in cases where you are sure that the device has been stolen. If the device was lost, they are unlikely to search for it. In this case, depending on the brand of the device, you can try to find it yourself.

How to find an iPhone yourself via IMEI and iCloud?

If you lose your iPhone, you can easily find it yourself and block it remotely to prevent personal data from falling into the hands of criminals. The “Find iPhone” service, which is part of single portal iCloud. It operates all over the world, including Russia, Kazakhstan and the CIS countries.

The search is performed in the following order:

  1. Open the “Track and Search” page on;
  2. Click the “Login" button and log in to the portal;
  3. After the smartphone appears on the map, select it, then:
  4. Activate “Lost Mode” - blocking access to the device;
  5. Execute “Erase iPhone” - delete all information on the device;
  6. Click the “Finish” button;
  7. Go to the phone detection point. Let's hope he's still there.

Unfortunately, if your phone is turned off, you won't be able to find it via satellite.

How to find an Android phone using Google?

Discover lost phone on the Android platform you can do it in the same way via the Internet. “Phone search” in the account Google posts has a similar principle of working with iCloud:

  1. Go to the “Phone search” page in the “My account” section on Google;
  2. Go through authorization;
  3. Select the lost device in the list of devices;
  4. Re-enter the password to access the service;
  5. Click the “Find” button in the line with the name;
  6. Enter the password again to confirm;
  7. Wait for connection to the device;
  8. Once displayed on the map, select one of the available options:
  • “Call” - 5-minute test call;
  • “Block” - deny access to the phone;
  • “Erase data” - delete all information.

Enter a password to unlock or confirm the action.

How to find a phone via IMEI online and free

Free online search methods (except for the above services from Apple and Google) are not effective because they do not have any real technical basis. The only information that Internet portals can provide is the technical characteristics of the device. For example, the IMEI.Info service helps to accurately identify the device and its parameters using the code, and also provides additional instructions for blocking/unblocking and data reset.

We hope you were able to find your phone. If you have questions, ask them in the comments.

So, you have lost your beloved gadget, in which practically your entire life is hidden. What to do in this situation? There is only one answer: look. And of course, according to IMEI, we will look into the details in the process. All that remains is to understand what this same IMEI is. WITH this issue and let's begin.

What is IMEI

This is what the IMEI code sticker on the box looks like

Each mobile phone is assigned its own identification number by which it is registered on the network. This number must be assigned to the device at production and, in theory, changing it is, if not impossible, then very labor-intensive. It is precisely to ensure security - so that, having stolen a smartphone, an attacker cannot change its IMEI - the algorithm for assigning it is constantly changing. At the very beginning, when mobile phones were just starting to be made, the code had 14 characters, and in 2004 there were 15. This code consists of an identifier, designation of the place and date of assembly, and so on, which the user does not need to know.

IMEI can be seen if you look carefully look at the box, in which your device was packaged when purchased. It can also be find it on the phone itself, if you lift the battery, but this method is not suitable for devices with a fixed battery. Finally, you can type a specific keyboard shortcut so that the identification code appears on the screen.

Important: the code for checking IMEI is *#06# and call.

The phone was stolen. What to do?

No one is safe from a thief

If your phone is stolen, the first thing you need to do is write statement to the police. Well, or say goodbye to your device, since - and this is important to remember - only this authority can search for a phone by IMEI. The fact is that, according to our legislation, only the police can send a request to the operator to track the phone.

When the phone goes online, it does so using identification code, and the base station “knows” that a particular phone has entered the network using two factors: the SIM card signal and the IMEI of the specific device. However locate your smartphone only by IMEI provider mobile communications can not.

Only the operator can tell where the lost phone is, and he can do this only at the request of the competent authorities.

In order to write a statement to the police in connection with the theft of a smartphone, you need to indicate your passport details, provide documents for the purchase of the smartphone (receipt, warranty card, etc.), and Device IMEI. The district police department transfers the case to the unit that deals with such issues, and it, in turn, forwards the request to the operator. As you can see, this is not a quick matter, since the police are not a lost property office, and criminal intent still needs to be proven.

In fact, they will actually search for your gadget only if its loss occurred as a result of a criminal offense, for example, robbery, etc.

That's why any other suggestions find phone by IMEI- via satellite, online, free or otherwise, firstly, are doomed to failure, and secondly, by default they are fraudulent. Also, there are no programs for searching a phone by IMEI, unless it is a database of stolen devices created in order, for example, not to buy such a device second-hand.

Why can’t you find a phone by IMEI online?

Imagine: your phone was stolen. What do thieves do in this case? That's right: put the SIM card in the nearest trash can, turn off the device itself. It would seem, how to track a phone in IMEI? But the myths that this is possible are very persistent, and for good reason.

The fact is that even when the gadget is turned off, they remain running processes: Battery consumption monitoring, a network processor, which periodically sends low-frequency signals with a radio frequency module, but does not go into the network, but waits for the alarm to go off or connect to the USB port, and static memory are involved. Everything else is asleep, including the radio module itself. Hence, no satellite, no base station - no one at all- this phone does not “see” and cannot find it.

On the other hand, as soon as a new SIM card is inserted into the stolen phone and it tries to register on the network, it is thanks to the IMEI that the system will display that the stolen phone has appeared somewhere. In Europe and the USA, such a device is immediately blocked, so a pickpocket or someone who likes to save money will not get much joy from theft. But in the Russian Federation there is no such system yet, but perhaps.

However, it is possible to protect your phone from thieves, or at least make their life less sweet, and in subsequent articles we will tell you how to do this.

When purchasing a previously used iPhone, you need to know how to check it by IMEI. This is a special device identification number confirming its authenticity and originality. After checking, you can find out a lot of information about the phone, for example: the date of its purchase and activation, whether it is refurbished, its OS version and much more. How to do it? The following describes several basic and proven methods.

There are 4 main ways to do this. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. For the first option, you need to enter *#06# in the dialing line. The phone will automatically perform the combination and the IMEI code will be displayed in the window that appears.
  1. Go to the settings menu and open “General” – “About this device”. An information panel will open where the IMEI code, model and other individual data will be entered.
  1. On the back of the factory box. In addition to the IMEI code, on the back there is the device serial number and brief information about him.
  1. Take a look at the back cover of the phone.

IMEI information is required to check the blocking iPhone activation. If it is activated, the new owner will not be able to enter his data and fully use the device. By checking, you can make sure that the iPhone is really new and has not been used before. If the phone is purchased secondhand, then you will know exactly the date of its initial activation.

Compare the code on the box and the phone

First of all, after you get the iPhone into your hands, you need to compare the information indicated on the box and in the device settings. If all numbers, including IMEI, serial number and model, match, then you can proceed to the next stage of verification. If differences are noticed, this indicates that the box is not original and was taken from another device.

Attention! Do not purchase an iPhone if the IMEI code on the box does not match what is specified in the device settings.

In this case, it is worth thinking about the origin of the device and the reasons why they are trying to slip you a completely different box. There can be a variety of options here, for example, the real owner had his iPhone stolen or he lost it, and a stranger is trying to sell the found or stolen item. In this case, the real owner will contact the police and the device will be wanted. This situation can bring you a lot of trouble, so avoid such dubious transactions.

Check through the official Apple website

There are many different services for checking IMEI, but first of all you should contact the official website. There you are guaranteed to receive reliable and free information. This instruction will not be difficult if you follow the step-by-step guide:

  1. Find out the IMEI code of the device. How to do this is described above.
  2. We open the corresponding section on the Apple website for checking - In the space provided, enter the IMEI that you found out earlier, and special code to check for spam. Click “Continue”.
  1. We study the received data. Under the picture of the iPhone its model and IMEI number are displayed.

Under the first paragraph there is information about the actual date of purchase.

Attention! It is important that the first paragraph has a green checkmark. If this parameter is not present, then your device is not original and has nothing to do with Apple does not have.

The following shows the deadline notice technical support devices. If to the left of the inscription is orange Exclamation point, then the phone’s warranty period has expired and the device is not subject to factory service and telephone support. The third paragraph stipulates the possibility of repairing the phone at official service centers.

Thus, you have received reliable information from the official Apple website about the originality of the device, as well as its timing Maintenance and support. You can also make sure that the case has not been changed, since the color on the website and “in real life” will be different.

Using this instruction, absolutely everything is checked Apple devices, including iPad, iMac, MacBook, iPod, etc.

Enter the code on the International Mobile Equipment Identity website

This resource is no less popular than the official Apple website and provides the same reliable information, but in greater detail. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions.

  1. Enter the website in the browser line.
  1. On home page Enter the IMEI code in the appropriate column. Below we go through a quick check by clicking on the “I am not a Robot” checkbox. Click the “Check” button to the right of the entered code.
  1. After this, detailed information about the device will be displayed on the monitor screen. You can find out the phone model, year of manufacture and other technical parameters. If this information does not seem enough, click on the “Read More” button to get more data.

Both of the above methods are reliable.

Attention! To obtain a complete package of information about the device, we recommend using several IMEI checking services.

Let's look at a few more popular methods iPhone checks by IMEI code. All described web resources may differ in the amount and volume of information provided.

International mobile phone verification service SNDeepInfo

For more details about the device, there is another one popular service– SNDeepinfo. If when you enter the serial number, no result is displayed, you should think about the originality of the gadget and postpone its purchase. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to the official website of the SNDeepinfo service.
  1. Make sure that the “Apple” column is highlighted in the panel above the IMEI code entry line. Next, enter the gadget’s personal code in the appropriate line and put a tick in front of the inscription “I am not a robot.” This is a standard spam check. Click the “Continue” button.
  1. At the beginning of the page there will be a picture in the style of a warranty sticker. It contains the phone model, its IMEI, as well as information about whether it is stolen.

Free of charge, this service provides information about the technical characteristics of the device, decoding of the IMEI code, color and originally intended region of sale.

To find out which countries the iPhone is adapted for, you need to enter the letters of the phone model on the same website, as shown in the screenshot below.

In order to find out your phone model, you need to go to “Settings” - “General” - “About this device”. In the menu that appears there will be a corresponding line “Model”. On the site you only need to enter the penultimate two letters (circled in the screenshot below).

We enter the data and get the following result:

For an additional fee, you can find out additional information about your iPhone on the same service:

  • country of purchase;
  • name of the organization that completed the sale;
  • the estimated and recorded date of purchase of the device;
  • information about the status of the “Find my iPhone” function;
  • iCloud information.

Checking the authenticity of the back cover of a smartphone

The authenticity of an Apple gadget can be determined by the first external signs. Immediately pay attention to the back cover of the device. In all models starting from iPhone 5, the IMEI code is written on the cover. In older versions, the serial number information is printed on the SIM card slot.

There are 3 more main factors based on which we can draw conclusions about the originality of the iPhone. You just need to look at the back cover.

  1. There should not be any crooked or blurry inscriptions, hieroglyphs, typos, etc. All letters are made very carefully and accurately. If you see the words on back cover uneven or sloppy, then most likely you are holding a replica in your hands.
  2. Mandatory inscription on the surface of the cover: iPhone, Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China. Next comes the phone model and certification mark.
  3. The cover cannot be removed simply by hand. On original device In any case, it will be secured with bolts or will not be removable at all.

Attention! Even if the iPhone seems original by all external features, do not forget to check its IMEI code on the appropriate sites.


When buying an iPhone secondhand, be careful and carefully check the phone for all the signs described above. It is better to spend a little more time on the verification procedure, but you will be sure that you bought a high-quality and original product.

  • Apple official website;
  • IMEI website;
  • Service SNDeepinfo;
  • External inspection of the back cover.

The above describes several ways to check an iPhone for originality. Choose the one that is most convenient for you. There is another very simple one and quick way verify the authenticity of the phone. To do this, just go to App Store. The problem is that no matter how good the replica is, it will still end up in the Google Play store.

Video instruction

This video describes some methods that will help you get detailed information about the originality and condition of your Apple device.

A mobile phone has long been an integral part of the life of almost every modern person, and technical capabilities iPhones and other modern smartphones allow you to store a huge amount of important personal and business information on them. In this regard, its loss can be a real disaster for its owner.

What to do if your favorite gadget disappears? You must proceed as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that the device is really lost or stolen; perhaps it was simply left somewhere within your apartment, buried under a pile of things, or rolled behind the sofa and is difficult to find. So try to remember the last time you saw him and look there.
  2. If there is another telephone in the house, call “yourself” and listen, maybe you will hear it.
  3. If your cell phone is not found at home, remember where you were recently - people often forget their gadgets at work, in the car, or visiting friends and relatives. Look there.

If all this does not give positive results, the device can be considered lost. But this is not yet a reason to panic. Perhaps all is not lost yet.

There are several ways to return a lost or stolen phone. We note in advance that in the case if your mobile phone was stolen, then the attacker can throw away your SIM card and reflash the phone in order to change the IMEI code, so you need to act as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Method one - call the phone

You can try to contact the new “owner” of the device by calling him on your number from another device. This first thing you need try to do if you lose your device. To be fair, it is worth noting that this almost never gives a positive result, since a person who found or bought a stolen phone on the secondary market is unlikely to want to part with it, so your Sim card will most likely be immediately thrown away .

But nevertheless, this still needs to be done in order to exclude this option, besides, there are still many decent people in the world who can step into the position and return your loss, free of charge or for financial gratitude.

Method two is to contact law enforcement agencies

After you've tried calling your phone to no avail, the next logical step is going to law enforcement in order to file a statement about the loss of the device and a request to find and return it to the rightful owner, i.e. you. It is important not to forget to take with you the documents for the gadget and the IMEI code of the phone, which should be indicated not only on the device itself, but also in the passport of the smartphone and on the surface of its original packaging.

If anyone doesn’t know, IMEI is an international mobile equipment identifier; it is a unique 15-digit identifier code, individual for each mobile device. As already said - IMEI is indicated on the case the phone itself, most often under battery, in the device passport and on the original packaging. You can also see Phone IMEI By dialing the combination *#06# and the call button, the code will appear on the display.

This method will most likely be ineffective, since there are whole heaps of such statements in police departments, and valiant law enforcement officers already have something to do other than look for such losses. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that, most likely, he will not be found.

But we also note that when visiting the police with such a complaint, they will require documents from you for the lost phone to confirm your ownership to the device you specified. Therefore, if the device stolen from you was purchased by you on the secondary market and no documents for the device were attached to it, or they are missing for other reasons, then they will most likely refuse to help you.

To be fair, in more developed countries such as Germany, theft is a problem mobile phones completely resolved at the legislative level.

The pedantic Germans approached the issue, as always, wisely. After you have filed a report with the German police about the theft of your phone, law enforcement agencies send out mobile providers lists of similar devices indicating their IMEI codes. Mobile operators, according to German law, are required to block such devices, and they can no longer be used. In Germany, everyone knows this and no one will buy a stolen smartphone, and, therefore, it is not profitable to steal them.

Method three - searching for a phone using satellite and the Internet

Legends about the “magical” search for lost phones “via satellite” have long wandered on the Internet and in American blockbusters. So is this a myth or truth? Let's figure it out right away. Is it possible to find lost items via satellite?

Mobile phones, even those with Internet access, have nothing to do with satellites other than the GPS function, so talk about “satellite search” doesn't make any sense. This is actually about searching using the Internet. This will be discussed later.

New programs and online services are constantly being created on the Internet, with the help of which you can determine the location of your lost device for free. The choice of program or service depends on the modification of your device or operating system, on which it works.

Below are some of them.

Finding an Android phone using the Internet

If you have lost a smartphone running on Android, you can resort to help special service provided by Google, which is called Android Device Manager.

Working with this service is very simple, and it looks like this:

  • you need to go to the service website;
  • select your phone model in a special window;
  • if at this moment the device is on the Internet, the service will immediately indicate its exact location.

Finding a phone using the LoSToleN program

To use this function, you must first install the LoSToleN program on your smartphone. If you lose your phone, when its new owner installs a new SIM card on it, contact you to a pre-specified An SMS message will be sent to you in the “spare” phone number program, which will notify you that the device has been turned on and will indicate the number of the new SIM card. In the future, you have two options at your discretion: either call the new owner of the gadget yourself and try to come to an amicable agreement, or contact the law enforcement agencies with this data and give them the opportunity to solve this problem.

Search for a phone via the website

One more free way Finding a lost mobile phone is a search through the service. It looks like this. We go to the above site in the “free monitoring” section, go through simple registration procedure and indicate two phone numbers there - the one you want to find, and the number at which you want to receive information about the search progress, and then click the “search” function. Within a few minutes, all the information found will be sent to your new number, after which you will decide what to do with it.

Search using IMEI-Poisk 2.0 program

This program searches for a lost gadget in available databases based on information received directly from the user, such as time of last use, location, phone number and IMEI code.

Finding an Apple iPhone

Apple, which produces the iPhone, is also concerned about the problem of finding a lost iPhone. iPhone brand devices have a factory built-in search system for lost iPhone phones, called “ Search iPhone", with which you can easily track your iPhone if you have access to the Internet.

This feature allows owners iPhone phones facilitate the search process.

Finding a switched off phone

Using the Internet, you can find a smartphone only if the GPS function is turned on or information is being transferred. If these conditions are not met, the phone will not identify itself on the network.

After all of the above, it is worth noting that on the Internet, in addition to useful and free programs and sites exist and many fraudulent organizations, which offer access to databases IMEI data, after you send them an SMS message. There is no benefit from accessing such databases, since it will not help in any way to find a lost gadget.

Therefore, if you are trying to find a lost gadget yourself using the Internet, be vigilant, do not let yourself be deceived and, in addition to the gadget, also lose money.

Everyone has it cell phone there is a unique identifier - IMEI. Usually, few people pay attention to the identifier. In the best case, the IMEI on the phone is checked against specified number in the warranty/purchase coupon to exclude problems with maintenance or repair. Or this identifier is reported to the police when required. In the article we will talk about the benefits of the identifier, namely how to check a phone by IMEI and why it is needed.

How to check phone IMEI

There are two ways to check the unique identifier:

  1. Universal verification service.
  2. Individual service from a specific manufacturer.

Universal service, for example sndeep, is aimed at checking all serial numbers. Whether you have Motorola, Xiaomi, Sony or Apple, the service will check the information encrypted in IMEI and give the exact name of the device, release date and country of manufacture. The service also stores a database of stolen or lost devices.

Some companies often do not have their own service for checking and authenticating their products.

Why check your phone's IMEI

IMEI check will allow you to get answers to the following questions.

Is your phone stolen or lost? When purchasing used, new or almost new smartphones, it is recommended to check for theft or loss. Sometimes the sndeep service or other analogues help with this, where it is possible to blacklist a phone.

Is the phone original? Often they offer a fake phone under the guise of a real phone. Checking IMEI is one way to make sure that the product is original.

A device for the global or domestic market? Original phones, imported through roundabout routes, are considered “gray”. When contacting service center It is easy to be denied service because the phone is intended for sale in another country. Also, such smartphones may have different frequencies and network standards.

Date and country of manufacture? Sometimes the technical specifications within the same model differ. Smartphones released before a certain date may contain components from one manufacturer, and then components from another company. There is an opinion that in the first batches Xiaomi smartphones higher quality parts are used than in subsequent batches.