How to easily connect a bluetooth adapter to a computer? Detailed instructions for selection and use (2018). How to choose a Bluetooth adapter for your computer

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Probably everyone is familiar with this situation - you listen to music, work or just relax at your PC. Here, slightly forgetting that you are wearing headphones, you get up, and as a result, a keyboard, a mouse, a mug of tea fall off the table, and the cord is pulled out or simply breaks. After this, you will think about purchasing a bluetooth adapter for your computer, so that later you can buy and connect wireless headphones.

USB or PCI bluetooth adapter allows you to transfer information from one device to another at a speed of 3-10 Mbps. Often in the daily hustle and bustle, you need to connect your phone, smartphone or tablet to your computer in order to upload photos, videos or other files. As a rule, not everyone has a cord to connect the device, and the wires are often lost or let down, breaking at the wrong moment.

How it works

If earlier it was easy to find support for Bluetooth technology in laptops, then for the last 5 years the “blue tooth” has been extremely rare. More often, wireless technology is present and comes standard in mobile phones.

USB Bluetooth adapter for a computer, laptop looks like a small flash drive that connects by connecting to a USB port. Some developers and firms install antennas on models that increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200baction.

Yes, now you can send information packets from one room to another, or use wireless headphones to go to the toilet, kitchen or balcony. It’s really not worth washing in them if there is no waterproof technology, and there are no such headphones yet, but they may appear soon.

True, the board itself is installed inside the computer. The plastic chip has a standard appearance with a PCI slot for connecting to motherboard. This is even more convenient, since it frees up the USB port. More often than not, users plug an external adapter into the front panel, where it sticks out like a flagpole. And then they knock it out with a foot or a hip, break the port, which you will agree is not very pleasant.

This technology will allow not only to connect wireless devices such as headphones or a printer, but also to quickly exchange information between PCs, laptops, and phones.


  • Quickly download photos, videos, documents from phone to PC.
  • A huge selection of devices, in terms of power and price.
  • Installation on any modern computer.
  • Ability to connect wireless devices: mice, keyboards, joysticks, headphones, printers, MFPs.
  • Walk around the apartment in headphones with a microphone and talk on Skype.
  • Connecting old phones if the cable is lost.
  • Connecting phones, tablets.
  • Transferring data between two computers or laptops.


  • There are not on all laptops, and even more so on the PC.
  • Short transmission distance. Although this is solved by buying a more powerful bluetooth device.
  • The speed is slightly lower than that of the WI-FI network.

Classes and types

The meter is painted approximately and under ideal conditions. The signal propagation indicator drops from the thickness of the walls, the material, as well as from the aura of the system administrator, who works nearby in the server room.

Typically, the signal level is amplified by an antenna, which can be additionally installed to the device. Therefore, before buying, you need to roughly understand what the adapter is for and how far you will run back from the working base.

Divided by type:

  • external;
  • Internal;
  • Modular - for example, a headset for headphones, which immediately has everything you need.

How to find a bluetooth receiver on a computer

If you have a laptop, then you can check if you have this module. To do this, we find the Bluetooth icon on the keyboard, it is usually located on the F3 key.

To turn it on, press the combination Fn + F3.

In conventional stationary PCs, this module is installed extremely rarely and is present in rare assemblies. To check this, you just need to go to the device manager:

  1. Right-click on "Computer", which is located on the desktop.
  2. Choose "Property".
  3. Next click "Device Manager".
  4. In section network adapters or a separate section, should be the name Bluetooth. Sometimes this module is present, but the driver is not installed. It will be located under "Other devices".

If not, then you need to start choosing.

How to choose

First of all, you need to focus on several indicators:

  • The protocols that the modem uses;
  • range of action;
  • External or internal device. That is a flash drive or PCI card.
  • Price - It usually depends on the name of the manufacturer, the availability of shielding, as well as the range coverage.


These are the rules of the Bluetooth data transmission system. They are constantly updated and improved. Thus, you can understand which device we have in front of us - a new or an older model.

The higher the protocol, the more newer model. They have a more reliable data transfer, automatic connection in case of disconnection. Also, information packets are transmitted in such a way as to increase speed and reduce power consumption. More modern devices split the stream and allow you to connect more than 2 devices at the same time, without significant loss of speed.

Bluetooth protocolDescription
1 It was invented in 1998. It had low speed and problems and disconnects.
1.1 Bug fixes and RSSI transmission technology added.
1.2 Adaptation of data transmission frequencies, which made it possible to be the most resistant to interference. Faster connection. Speed ​​increased. UART support.
2.0+EDRReleased November 10, 2004. The speed increased to 3 Mbps. Ability to connect multiple devices.
2.1 Reducing power consumption. The technology was released in 2007.
2.1+EDRReducing power consumption by 4 times, the reliability of data transmission is also increased.
3.0+HSApril 21, 2009 released new protocol. The speed increased to 24 Mbps. Ability to transfer files using different standards 802.11b/g or 802.11n. Larger files were transferred according to one standard, and smaller ones according to another.
4 Work with different platforms. The distance increased to 100 meters. Data transmission error control. Speed ​​- 8 - 27 Mbps.
4.1 Improve work with mobile communications LTE. As a result, the number of transmission errors is reduced.
4.2 The speed has increased. All data is encrypted and more secure when working in office buildings.
5 Released June 16, 2016. The radius has increased by 4 times, and the speed by 2.


Profiles allow you to connect certain devices and transfer a certain type of data.

  • Headset (HSP) - Sound transmission in MONO mode;
  • A2DP - stereo sound;
  • Dial-up - Internet connection;
  • LAN Access Profile - Internet distribution.

Some protocols have already gone out of wide use, and adapters that work on them can only be found in museums or with bearded programmers. Newer models starting from 3.0 can be found on sale. They are reliable and suitable for home use.

If we talk about large enterprises, then we need to look at version 5.0. It has the widest coverage, but the price of such models is much higher than for specimens for mortals. If we talk about the range, then the price is also growing here. For the home, you can take a regular flash drive without an antenna.

If you want to connect two or more devices or computers within a range of up to 20 meters, then it is better to buy a more expensive model for 2000 - 3000 with a protocol of 4.0 or higher. Information will be transmitted accurately, without loss and at a higher speed.

For PC, we recommend purchasing an embedded PCI Bluetooth board with built-in WI-FI. It will also allow you to catch the network from the router. If we talk about a laptop, then it is better to take a more expensive model in order to reduce power consumption, which already comes from working with the power off.

The most important advice is don't rush. Read the reviews carefully, in which you can often find interesting nuances that are not mentioned in the review. Also, think about what exactly Bluetooth is for. To connect a phone, you can take a cheap model, for a headset or wireless headphones, you need to take into account the protocols and profiles that you will use.

The cheapest adapter Buro BU-BT40A

Very compact and at the same time the range of 20 meters. Perfect for home use. A small downside would be low speed data transmission.

The most popular ASUS USB-BT400

It has a more reliable packet transfer system. Well suited for connecting all wireless devices from phones to headphones.

Intel 7260HMW.AC

Connects internally to the PCE board. It can easily receive both Bluetooth signal and Wi-Fi. Pretty good model for the price.

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 + Bluetooth

Operates in the range from 2.4 to 5 GHz. A more stable version allows you to separate data streams and work calmly with both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

How to connect the device?

  1. We connect the module to the PC in any USB connector. If you purchased a PCI module, you will need to remove the side cover of your system block, and then install the board in a free PCI slot.
  2. Windows should automatically detect the device and download the driver. After that, in the panel on the right you will see the corresponding icon.
  3. If this did not happen, then you need to visit the official website of the company that released the device and download the software from there. But I will say from experience that all adapters are installed automatically and without problems.


Dear readers, write your feedback in the comments after using the purchased adapters. This is very important information for new readers. Also feel free to write your questions, and I will immediately answer them. What difficulties did you face? You can also write what exactly you need Bluetooth for, and in what price range you want, and I will help you choose the best option.

Here you can download bluetooth drivers for a desktop computer, laptop and netbook in order to organize a wireless connection for connecting a PC with other devices using the built-in hardware bluetooth module or a bluetooth adapter connected via an available USB port. Positive user rating in reviews and comments in in social networks, on specialized forums and other resources on the Internet, as well as recommendations on how to download the Bluetooth driver for free for Windows 10, 8.

General concept of Bluetooth technology

If you need to connect a PC to any gadget via bluetooth protocol, it makes sense to download Broadcom Bluetooth drivers for free for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and put it on your computer, laptop or netbook. This technology allows you to connect to personal computer the entire range of peripheral devices and equipment with the appropriate wireless information transfer protocol and use both one-time and permanently. The most commonly used devices are tablets, smartphones, mobile phones, digital photos and video cameras, wireless headphones, speakers, Bluetooth headsets for PC, Bluetooth headsets for phones, Speakerphone in the car, mice, joysticks, keyboards, fax machines, printers, scanners, GPS receivers, OBD2 ELM327 Bluetooth adapter for car diagnostics and more. Multiple Bluetooth devices working on a network are called a piconet (piconet). Both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint combinations are standardly supported. Before pairing, all active parties must enter a PIN code. Passive hardware has a built-in PIN code.

Among the advantages of this technology, it is worth highlighting the following advantages:

Operational search and connection of devices,
- low energy consumption,
- resistance to radio interference,
- data transfer in parallel,
- high-quality voice broadcasting,
- 128-bit AES cipher for data protection.

Bluetooth is translated into Russian as "blue tooth". The technology has been developed since 1994 by Erickson Corporation, and since 1998 IBM, Intel, Motorola, Nokia and Toshiba have joined it, forming the Bluetooth SIG. Today, in addition to Bluetooth, such non-wire substitutes for RS-232 cables as IrDA infrared communication and Wi-Fi local radio networks have become widespread.

Bluetooth adapter and network

A BT adapter is usually a USB device that allows one PC to communicate with other PCs and other devices of the type local network with the ability to transfer data between them. Such data can be, for example, video recordings and photos from a mobile phone, melodies, documents, eBooks and other. Also, a BT connection is suitable for connecting to the Internet, for example, via 3G or GPRS, using the modem capabilities of a mobile phone. Bluetooth networks operate in the unlicensed in most countries radio frequency range from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz, where Wi-Fi, radio phones operate and emit concomitant microwave radiation, scientific and medical equipment. In the latest specifications of Wireless personal area network, WPAN, the range of bluetooth networks is increased to 100 meters, and data is transmitted at a speed of 3 Mbps. The most powerful Host XR from AIRcable hits 30 km. The scope of application has no restrictions: from familiar to all smartphones, headsets, GPS navigators to auto OBD2 ELM327 Bluetooth diagnostic scanner and sensors used in science, sports, medicine.

How to enable bluetooth, download and install software

Before starting the installation, you must make sure that the equipment is working: connect a working USB adapter or activate bluetooth module in the BIOS of the laptop. After the user was able to download the bluetooth drivers for free from this page of the site in Russian and started the installation, you don’t have to configure anything. Installation takes some time, sometimes you have to wait depending on the equipment. When Bluetooth starts, it automatically diagnoses the equipment and analyzes the possibility of organizing a wireless connection, determines the parameters peripheral device. Bluetooth equipment on a PC does not always work perfectly, so we recommend looking for a computer in a BT environment from a trusted tablet or smartphone.

How to turn on bluetooth if there are problems

If there is a problem with installing drivers, then there are two options for solving the problem. The first is to check the operability of the BT device itself, for example, the indicator is off, the computer does not detect it and does not show it in the equipment list. The second is to make sure that the USB port is working by connecting any other device to it, for example, a USB flash drive. If the USB port is working, then it is worth testing on this computer a known working BT-adapter.

As a rule, once installed Bluetooth drivers for data transmission work without problems even when changing the adapter. It is enough to download the Broadcom bluetooth software once to a computer from operating system Microsoft Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP and install correctly. Reinstalling or updating generic Bluetooth drivers is usually not required because the technology specification assumes extended hardware compatibility.

At the heart of any progress is the idea of ​​​​finishing and improving existing technologies, which means that their predecessors, in a sense, become irrelevant. But if you are faced with the question of how to choose a Bluetooth adapter for your computer, it is better to understand the essence of all the options presented.

About technology

There are quite a decent number of versions of this specification, but at the moment there are only 5 of those that were critical: 1.2, 2.0 + EDR, 3.0 + HS, 4.0 and 4.1. All the subtleties will not be presented here, but if someone is interested, he can easily find all the differences and features that were added in each version. But some things, namely transmission speed, signal strength, stacks and profiles, make sense so that you can make an informed conclusion about which Bluetooth adapter to choose for your PC.

The transmission rates for the five aforementioned versions of the specification are respectively 1, 2.1(3), 3(24), 24 and 24 Mbps. But this is only theoretical, in practice the speed is much less.

By power, the technology can be divided into 3 parts: 100, 2.5 and 1 MW. This directly affects the range of devices and gives them indicators of 100, 10 and 1 meter, respectively. However, only devices of the same standard of 2.5 MW and 10 meters can be found on the market, since samples with minimum performance are no longer mass-produced, and maximum data correspond only to gadgets that were added to Wi-Fi boards with PCI- connectors and in a separate form simply do not exist.

It is also worth noting that the basis of all Bluetooth technology is a wireless analogue of the RS-232 cable, on which various protocols for the execution, transmission and management of information and available resources, which are called stacks, are “hung”. These stacks are required, without which the whole layered architecture simply will not work, and optional, allowing you to apply improvements to existing functions, as well as add new ones.

The main stacks include 5 units:

There is also such a thing as "Profiles", which are directly related to which Bluetooth adapter for a PC is better to choose. There are many of them, but it makes no sense to consider everything, since most of them have specific functions. But nevertheless, we will consider some situations, as this will help to make the right choice.

Adapter selection

So, which USB Bluetooth adapter to choose depends directly on the purpose for which it will be used. In turn, the functionality of a particular module is determined by the previously mentioned profiles, which manage the stacks to obtain some specific parameters.

For example, consider a situation in which a client wants to access the Internet through a Bluetooth module. In this case, he will need a model that supports the Dial-up Networking Profile (DUN) or LAN Access Profile (LAP). If he tries to distribute the network through the Bluetooth module from an ordinary wireless mouse, then he will not succeed, since the Human Interface Device (HID) profile is used in the manipulator. And it will be the same with the transmission of an audio or video signal, where the Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) will be needed.

Another example defines the desire of the device owner to control the PC using mobile phone or TV remote control. If the Bluetooth module does not support Audio / Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP), but is focused on working only with Hands-Free Profile (HFP) or Headset Profile (HSP), then it will not work to make the sound louder, but connect a headset or mobile phone for calls - in two counts.

In general, the essence is this: before looking for the right device, you will need to determine its functional purpose and only then start choosing the right equipment. Since there are devices of different sizes, purposes, capacities, data transfer rates, and even options combined with a Wi-Fi module that have antennas and without them. By the way, the latter differ among themselves in terms of signal strength and operating range.

If someone is interested in how much a Bluetooth adapter costs, then the answer directly depends on functionality, as well as supported profiles and stacks specific model, version, capacity, purpose and form factor. But, in general, the price varies from a dollar to a hundred, or even more, since you should not forget about such nuances as build quality, parts and materials used.

How to find out if Bluetooth is on your computer: Video

USB Bluetooth adapter

Bluetooth adapter USB - designed to connect to a computer or laptop via a wireless connection of a printer, headphones, keyboard or smartphone. The ultra-compact and lightweight Bluetooth USB adapter allows you to connect to a huge number of Bluetooth devices and transfer data at speeds up to 3 Mbps at distances up to 10, 30 or 50 meters. Wide range and favorable prices will allow you to find and buy a Bluetooth adapter for your computer with a suitable version of Bluetooth 2.0, Bluetooth 3.0 or Bluetooth 4.0.

Bluetooth speaker adapter

Bluetooth speaker adapter provides streaming wireless transmission music from a smartphone or tablet to the audio system via Bluetooth. In NIX you will find Bluetooth adapters for TP-LINK and Logitech speakers with a range of 10, 15 or 20 meters within line of sight. Excellent performance and affordable prices make Bluetooth speaker adapters a desirable purchase for every music lover. NYX has Bluetooth adapters for powered speakers. USB port, as well as models that store up to 8 devices and allow you to automatically pair with them. Bluetooth speaker adapters are made in a stylish design and compact form factor, they fit well into any interior and take up little space. From the variety of models, you can easily choose and buy a Bluetooth adapter for speakers with the ability to connect to an audio system with a 3.5 mm Jack or RCA connector and synchronize with mobile device via Bluetooth or NFC tag.

bluetooth headset

Bluetooth headset - best option for communication on the road and behind the wheel - your hands are always free, and actions are not shackled by wires. In NIKS you can choose and buy Bluetooth headset SONY or Plantronics with support for voice control and the ability to connect to two phones, with an answer / end call button and volume control. When choosing a Bluetooth headset for your phone, pay attention to features such as attachment to the ear - whether it is an in-ear or behind-the-ear headphone is up to you. As a rule, Bluetooth headsets, due to their convenient design, are suitable for wearing on both the right and left ears. Here you will find models wireless headsets with Smart Sensor technology. This function determines the moment of putting on the headset and allows you to answer the call without pressing a key. Bluetooth headsets are comfortable to wear, easy to set up and operate. They charge from USB, and their battery life can last up to 11 hours of listening to music or talking. Attractive prices will allow you to buy a Bluetooth headset for your phone with the optimal version of Bluetooth 3.0, Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth 4.1, as well as with NFC support. Listen to music, talk on the phone comfortably and enjoy freedom from wires.