How to change time zone on iPhone. How to set the time on iPhone

Modern smartphones from Apple are multifunctional devices. With their help, you can make audio and video calls, take photos and videos, watch videos and use the Internet. Among other things, you can set the date and iPhone time. However, sometimes situations arise when you need to change these settings on your smartphone, or there are some problems with their installation.

Setting the date and time on iPhone

To set the current date and time, you need to go into your iPhone settings. Then you need to enter the “Basic” section - “Date and time”. In it you can set what time format will be used by the iPhone, set the device to synchronize with a specific time zone, and also set the current date and time. If synchronization with a specific time zone was selected for the iPhone, then manual setting You don't have to spend hours. Just set the slider to the ON position. opposite the item “Automatically setting the date and time”.

Changing the date and time

The reason that the date and time do not match the current one may be that the calendar is incorrectly set in the settings.

To fix this you need to:

  • In your phone settings, select “General” and find the “Language and Text” section;
  • In it you need to select “Calendar”;
  • In this menu you need to set the Gregorian calendar.

The clock keeps going wrong

In a situation where the time set on the iPhone is constantly reset or moves forward/backward an hour, you need to check the automatic clock synchronization setting. Which is determined via the Internet or by the location of the iPhone.

There can be two reasons for desynchronization:

  • An incorrectly selected time zone can cause the time on the iPhone to be lost. Setting the date and time may solve the problem;
  • Another reason is the automatic transition of clocks to summer/winter time. If any region refuses to move the hands forward or back an hour, the phone will not be able to find out about this and will still try to automatically shift the time by an hour.

It happens that the time on the iPhone does not match the time in the device applications.

This situation may arise when on iPhone automatic check time is disabled, but not in the application. The solution to the problem is to set the correct time zone instead of the one due to which the time is out of sync.

After setting the correct time, you can wake up on time.

Articles and Lifehacks

Like any other mobile device, the iPhone has a watch. Unfortunately, not every user knows how to set the date and time on an iPhone.

Let's talk about their setup and its features, as well as hidden possibilities for owners of smartphones based on iOS 7.

Setting the date and time

  • In order to find out what time it is, we will need to press the “Home” button once on a locked mobile device. After this, the clock and date should appear on the screen.
  • If the smartphone is unlocked, we can find the time at the top of the display. To check the date, we also have the right to use an application called “Calendar”.
  • Many users who want to change the time open the Clock app. However, you should be aware that we will not be able to set the time in this way. Instead, go to the main device settings. There we select the “Date and Time” menu.
  • Here we can not only set the correct time, but also select our time zone, as well as set automatic transition to winter/summer time (although many experts advise not to use this option due to the increasing number of synchronization server errors).
  • Install right time and go to the date and time setting menu.
  • When the settings are complete, click on the “Home” button. This will help us exit and return to the home screen.

Features and hidden features

  • If we want to set the time and date manually, we should place a switch automatic installation to the corresponding inactive position. In addition, if we are only interested in changing the time zone, select the “Time Zone” menu.
  • iOS 7 users should be aware that their operating system is a unique experience and contains many hidden possibilities.
  • For example, if we use the built-in Calendar application, we can easily drag and drop its elements manually. This will help change not only the date, but also the time.
  • By default, the Clock app displays the time in analog mode. This display type can also be changed to digital mode. By the way, the application also shows the difference in message belts.
  • Unlike iOS 6, iOS users 7 have the ability to view a scrollable list of calendar events. To do this, they just need to quickly click on the search icon in the calendar.
  • By the way, you can search both by event names and by other criteria.

If you are the owner Apple iPhone, then you probably know that there is a clock here, just like in any other mobile device. Of course, if you recently purchased a new device, then you have a large number of different questions, including how to change the time on iPhone 4. In order to find out the necessary information on this device, you will only need to press the special Home button once, which is the screen lock. After this action, not only the time will be presented to you, but also the real date. If your mobile device is in unlocked mode, in which case you can find the clock at the top of the screen, it is located in the very center of the sidebar, and under this indicator there is also a month and the current day of the week. If the standard shell is installed, the date display will be available in the calendar. Today we decided to talk about how you can set the time on iPhone 4. The topic is even currently relevant for many users of this product.


Many users, looking for a solution to the question of how to set the time on an iPhone, launch standard application“Clock”, but in fact it is impossible to achieve the desired result using this tool. Therefore, you should not try to perform this procedure using the given element. In order to change the time parameters, you will be required to visit the settings section, because only there you can set these parameters. Don’t worry, the question of how to change the time on iPhone 4 is very simple, and now we will provide detailed information for you.


As you probably already understood, the first thing you need to do is visit the settings section, and when you find yourself in this menu, you need to select the “Basic” type, since only there you can make the necessary changes to your device, or rather , set the correct time and date. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to select the required section. It is called “Date and Time”, and this is where the settings will be made.


When the section we need is open, you will be able to notice the time settings; more precisely, you will be asked to select one of the hour formats, it can be either 24- or 12-hour. Also in this section you can set the option to automatically switch to winter and summer time; it is recommended to activate this feature so that in the future there will be no need to do this in manual mode. You already practically know how to change the time on iPhone 4, but you also need to know about some other important points that we recommend considering.

Extra options

Now you will be required to set your time zone. Choosing the right option is not so difficult, since you will be presented with a large list in which you can find your country and even city. Once you are done with the time zone, you will need to move on to the next section, which is called “Date and Time”. In its settings you need to set the day, month, and also year, this is done at the bottom of the screen. In order to install exact time, you will need to click on this option and use the on-screen keyboard to set correct settings. As you can see, the question of how to change the time on iPhone 4 is not so difficult, and if you perform a similar procedure several times, then you will be able to further set the given parameters without auxiliary instructions.

Smartphones have become an integral part of life. They are always at hand, and at the right moment they make it easy to find out what time it is. However, when buying a new iPhone, you may encounter some difficulties. For example, your device does not display the date or time correctly. By default, the device itself automatically detects these parameters, synchronizing them over the network. But sometimes such settings need to be changed manually. This procedure is not difficult to carry out if you follow the detailed instructions.

How to change the date on iPhone

Below is a simple step-by-step instruction:

  1. Tap the “Settings” icon on the screen;
  2. Select the "General" tab;
  3. Find the “Date and Time” section;
  4. Disable the feature automatic detection time parameters by clicking on the switch next to the “Automatic” field. After turning off this function, the device will switch to manual control mode and a field with these parameters will appear;
  5. Click on the "Time Zone" line. Select a city from the list provided, and also set your time zone;
  6. Below the time zone, the day, month, and also year are displayed. Make the necessary changes by scrolling through the suggested values;
  7. To specify the year, scroll through the list by month closer to the current year. Then you need to return to the “General” section and repeat the action. Now you can set the year.

How to Set the Time on iPhone

Now we should explain how to set the time on iPhone. This can be done simultaneously with changing the date, since this data is nearby.

Sometimes you only need to adjust the time. Some people make the mistake of trying to make changes through the Clock app, but it's correct to adjust the time through Settings. Short instructions on how to change the time on iPhone will help you do it quickly. So:

  • Open the Settings menu
  • Select the General tab
  • Find "Date and Time"

  • Before changing the time on your iPhone, turn off Set Automatically
  • Select the time format convenient for you, including the switch. You can select 24-hour or 12-hour format.
  • Set the time zone based on your location
  • Now set the hours and minutes

Data setup


You can't scroll through the years right away on the iPhone. Scrolling is only possible by day, so you will need to patiently search for the current year.

In some cases, it is not possible to set the correct date due to the fact that the Buddhist or Japanese calendar is activated on the iPhone. To enable the Gregorian calendar, go to the main settings menu, select “Language and Region”, then click “Calendar”. A list of three options will open, select the one you want. Then go back to the settings menu and set the options you want.

The “Automatic” mode detects data quite correctly, so manually setting time parameters is not required so often. Usually, users do not have any difficulties with this.

Modern iPhones replace many devices at once. They are used to watch videos and listen to music and, of course, to determine the current time and date. Let's figure out how to set up and change the time and date on your iPhone, and at the same time consider the main problems that may arise in the process.

To set the date and time on your device, you need to go to the phone settings and only there. Although the clock app allows you to view the current time, it does not allow you to set it. So, to set the time date, you need to do the following:

It would seem, what could be simpler? However, even with such settings, some problems may arise. Let's look at them.

How to change the time on an iPhone or iPad if the date set on the calendar does not match the current one

If you see something strange in the month name line, you shouldn’t be surprised. You probably have a calendar set in your settings that is different from the Gregorian calendar.

It's not that hard to fix. For this:

  1. In the same phone settings, click “General” and select the “Language and text” section
  2. Select "Calendar".
  3. Change the installed calendar to Gregorian.

Why do the clocks always go wrong and how to reset them?

If the time does not want to be shown correctly and is off by an hour forward or backward, then most likely you have disabled automatic time synchronization via the Internet or phone location. Why is it not working correctly? There may be two reasons:

The time in the applications does not match the time on the device

This problem is again related to time zones, however, it is becoming less and less relevant. Most applications that show the time, one way or another, require automatic time setting on the phone and simply refuse to work if specified time does not match the time zone set. However, if you have automatic time and date checking disabled on your device, but it is enabled in the app, a discrepancy may occur. The solution here remains the same. You just need to set the correct time zone or the time zone that will show you the correct time if the discrepancy arose due to the clock change.

Setting the wrong time and date on iPhone (video)

The current way to set the date and time is valid for any iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Knowing how to set the time and solve problems that may arise in the process, you will no longer experience problems associated with the wrong date or time on your device.