How to add a page to the Google index. How to add a page to the Google index Add a new page to Yandex

Good day to all, dear readers of my blog site. In today’s article we will look at how you can add a site to the Yandex and Google index in ordinary ways and more.

How to add a site to the index Google and Yandex

Adding a website page to the Google and Yandex index, which has just been created, is not difficult, but... it is always relevant. I believe that I will not be mistaken if I say that many people do not quite correctly understand how a search engine works. So, it is likely that they think that the search engine automatically starts finding and indexing new internet resource. The fact is that the search engine first needs to find out about the existence of a new site. This is only possible in two cases:

  • Availability external links – the search robot periodically checks those Internet resources that are already known. If one of these projects contains a link to a newly launched blog or site, the robot will automatically index it and will be able to add the site page to the search index, unless, of course, penalties are imposed on the new resource. The fact is that sanctions, such as these, are imposed on Domain name, and even if the domain has a new owner, then... it takes time, or even a letter in support, for the sanctions to be lifted.
  • Add URL– practically, if not to say that, every search engine has its own form that allows you to add a site to the index. It is important to note that in this form You can add not only the main page to the index, but also any internal page.

Before continuing, I have to make a small lyrical digression...

Why add a site to the index Is Google easier than Yandex?

All optimizers know that, unlike Google (These are the search engines that many people rely on) works unpredictably, I would even say – he has feminine logic. So, if you add a page to the Google index, it will be indexed almost instantly, even if new material has not been published for a long time. But with Yandex... The fact is that Yandex search robot tries to adapt to blog updates(site, resource, call it what you want). Updateability refers to how often new material appears (articles, news, publications...). If you haven’t published anything for a long time, then if you add new page site into the Yandex index, it may take a long time...

Personally, for myself, in such cases, I do the following... After a long period of stagnation, I try to publish as many new articles as possible in a short time (maximum a week). In this case, Yandex itself will add pages to the index even without a reminder (form for manually adding a site to the index). It turns out something like this:

The Yandex search robot stands with a bottle of beer and smokes. Suddenly, he sees that something has moved on my blog (a new article has been published). But... the robot is in no hurry to come running. Then something moves again... and again... And…. the robot realizes that something is wrong here and runs to figure it out (hurries to add new site pages to the index).

In fact, the question asked above contains one simple answer - Yandex has much less capabilities, both in terms of finances and in terms of servers, to add a site and page to the search index as quickly as Google.


First of all, follow the link We see that we have a simple input line. We enter the address of the site (if it is not yet indexed) or a given page, enter the captcha and click on the "Add" button. As you can see, everything is simple, but there are pitfalls that you simply must know about:

  • Domain name– most ordinary users believe that a domain name is a website address, and nothing more. This is partly true, but there are also domain zones, which (ideally) should inform what language the material will be presented in (ru - Russia, ua - Ukraine, by - Belarus). But this is only ideally, in reality - in whatever language we want, we publish the material in that language. I don’t know how it is now, but Yandex used to also pay attention to the domain zone, and domain zones those countries in which Yandex branches are located were indexed faster than all others.
  • Site Map– if you want to add a site to the index that has just been created, then it is better to register in the webmaster panel - There you can add not only the page to the index, but also the sitemap. Plus, here you can see how the indexing process goes and when the robot visited your creation.
  • Sanctions- as I mentioned above, the problem of adding your site to the Yandex index may arise if sanctions are imposed on the domain name - in other words, a resource is blacklisted. This happens if previous owner domain has done a lot of things, but... it’s enough to write a letter to Plato (the stage name for Yandex support) and explain everything.

How to add a page to the index Google

To add a site to the Google index, you need to perform actions almost similar to the previous ones: follow the link (most likely, the address will change to, enter the URL address, enter the captcha, and that’s it, the site is added to the Google index.

Likewise, you should register in the webmaster panel - Here you can download a site map, view how indexing is going and much more.

In the direction of Google, or rather its panel for webmasters, I must add:

Google allows you not only to add a site to the index or page, but also to indicate to the robot that the content at a given URL has changed and needs to be re-indexed. If your memory serves you, you can specify no more than 500 addresses per month. Why is this necessary if the search robot already periodically checks the site? True, but Google is not superman either, and it cannot always immediately see that the content has changed. This is all relevant in cases where you decide to completely rewrite the article and optimize it for new ones keywords, and you don’t want to wait for the robot to visit you again - here, the content will be updated within 1 minute!. Yandex, unfortunately, does not have such an opportunity.

What if you add a page to the index using services?

Initially, I planned to describe several services that allow you to add several site pages to the index. But, in fact, in this case, just a software script adds a page to the same form that Yandex and Google have. As a rule, we simply enter a list of required URLs, and the service script does the rest of the work for us. Of course, you have to enter the captcha yourself, but for a fee, the service will do it for you.

As I said at the beginning of the article, a search engine can add your site to the index if it finds an external link to it. Therefore, it is useful to use a technique such as to speed up the indexing of an Internet resource.

Many people know the situation with the popular browser Google Chrome when you need to go to the page quick access add a tab for a specific site so that when you start the browser, an express panel with the necessary sites opens, such as in opera browser or Yandex browser.

The thing is that immediately after installing Google Chrome, such functionality is missing. Of course, there is something similar to an express panel, but there is no option to add sites to it. Google Chrome itself determines the most visited sites and adds them to the quick access page on its own.

What does it take to be able to add bookmarks to the Quick Access page in Google Chrome?

There is a special extension that adds the ability to work with site bookmarks in the express panel of Google Chrome. Install it from the official store Google applications in 1 minute completely free.

First, launch Chrome and click on the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner.

Let's go to the list installed extensions Google Chrome

After this, a menu will open where you need to select “Additional tools” -> “Extensions”.

A window of installed extensions for the Google Chrome browser will open in front of you. At the top left, click on the three horizontal bars to the left of the word “extensions” and then at the bottom “Open the Chrome Online Store.”

Button with three horizontal stripes

Go to the store for installing new extensions

In the window that opens at the top left, where it says “Search by store,” enter the phrase “ Visual bookmarks" After this, a list of extensions will open. We are interested in “Visual bookmarks” with the caption below “ Speed ​​Dial Dev" (Usually found in first place in the search list).

Looking for visual bookmark extensions for Google Chrome

Click on the install button. In the next window, click “Install extension”.

Installing visual extensions in Google Chrome

After a few seconds, the “Visual Bookmarks” extension for Google Chrome will be installed, and a request will appear in the upper right window to save the changes made, in which you need to click “Save Changes”.

Closing training for expansion

We agree with the changes

A new one will open before you start page Google Chrome browser, where you can add bookmarks to the express quick access panel by clicking on the “+” icon.

Every day during world wide web Thousands of new blogs and sites are appearing. It is not surprising that search engines often do a poor job of indexing new projects. How to change the situation? The very first thing that comes to mind is to talk about the website that has appeared, or, in other words, the system.

Search engines learn about new sites by following links located on other resources. If a site does not have links, then it is unlikely that it will appear in the search results.

Search engines see new web pages with the help of their robots, which follow links, and if they find something new, they put them in a queue for indexing.

Major search engines provide webmasters with forms specifically designed for new sites; such forms are often called addurls (the root of the phrase Add URL).

This article is devoted to the question of how to add - one of the most common search engines in Russia and in the world.

How to add a site to Google?

The creators of Google provide the webmaster with Personal Area, in which the user, in addition to all other actions, can add a site that belongs to him, confirm rights to it, and add a site map. The Russian version of the service is called “Tools for Webmasters”.

After clicking the “Login to Webmaster Tools” button, you will be automatically redirected to the login page.

If you have previously registered in any of Google services, for example, created Mailbox Gmail, you can enter the username and password used to log into your mail. Otherwise, find information on how to register on Google.

When you first get acquainted with Webmaster Tools, it is impossible not to notice the “Add Site” button located in the central part of the screen. This was done on purpose, because we haven’t added anything yet, and Google invites us to click this button. Of course we will.

On this page, under the button described above, a small window will appear for entering the address of the site to be added. The address is entered with the addition of http://. After this, click the “Continue” button.

Proof of ownership

Confirming the rights to the site is quite simple. Confirmation options are divided into recommended and alternative.

Among the recommended ones, in first place is the option that involves uploading an HTML file to the server where our site is located. Click the “Download this HTML confirmation file” link. You will be prompted to download a file that needs to be uploaded to the server of the site being added using the FTP manager. After uploading the file via FTP, click “Confirm”, automatically go to

We figured out how to add a site to Google, now let’s add it. On the left side of the window there is a line “Site Configuration”, after clicking on it a submenu will appear.

Select “Sitemap Files”, a page will open that allows you to download. You will notice a button called “Submit” Sitemap file", click it and in the window that opens, enter the path to the Sitemap file in relation to the root directory.

Then click “Submit Sitemap File” (the button is located to the right of the sitemap address). Wait a while.

After a few days or more map site will be processed by Google, after which you will be able to view a report on pages that have been indexed.

Regional affiliation of the site

Google does not provide the ability to select a region, but if you are adding a website for an organization, indicate its address in the Google directory, this will help in the ranking of the site and increase its credibility.

We hope that the information provided in this article helped you understand how to add a website to Google. As you can see, it is quite simple, and even a beginner can do it.

We all know how important it is for a website to be indexed by search engines, the most popular of which are Yandex and Google. Last time we looked at ways to improve and speed up indexing for Yandex, and today we’ll talk about how to do the same for Google. In fact, all the actions that were described for Yandex work perfectly with Google, but I will describe a few more options. If your site is not, then you can definitely count on indexing.

Addurilka Google

Like Yandex, Google has its own service for adding url addresses (add url - hence the name “addurilka”). It is located at the following address: By clicking on it, you will be taken to a window similar to Yandex, where you will need to enter the desired URL in the main field, and then the captcha.

Unlike Yandex, this service is less convenient due to an abstruse captcha: it contains Latin numerals, which are very difficult to parse. It’s fortunate that the service is “indifferent” to letter case.

Publications on Google+

You can also achieve good indexing speed if you start adding your new articles to social media. There is a special section - publications, where you can add your articles. Firstly, this way you confirm that the article belongs to you. Secondly, you speed up the indexing of the new page.

Go to the Google+ website, select the “Profile” section, then “Edit Profile”, and look for the “Publications” item. All that remains is to add a link to those pages that you want to put in the Google index.

To ensure that your articles spread spontaneously with the help of users, social buttons it's always good.

Links from Twitter

Another option for adding a site to the search engine index is purchasing links from Twitter. Or you can ask your friends to retweet links to your new materials. The fact is that Twitter is indexed very quickly by Google, almost instantly, so you can lure robots to your site in this way.

If you want to buy links, I recommend using the service The cheapest link there costs only 2 rubles; by purchasing 3-4 pieces, you will provide yourself with fast indexing.

You can also organize a community of bloggers, create a Twitter account for each participant and exchange tweets for articles together. This way you can help each other speed up and improve site indexing.


Another option for adding a site to the Google index is announcement. Announcement is short description your article on other sites (with a link to yours). There are many social networks for bloggers where you can announce new posts on the site. Google actively indexes these resources, because they are updated very often. Therefore, by adding a couple of announcements, you can expect improved indexing.

External links

And finally, the surest way to speed up indexing is to get external links to your site. Do you need to add a specific page to the index? Buy a couple of links to it. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot. You can purchase an inexpensive temporary link from Sape, and when the page gets into the Google index, remove it. At the same time, you should not buy links on any sites, but only on those that are quickly indexed.

Keep in mind that Google has a so-called , and also whether the site is always indexed normally.

These are the little secrets that allow you to speed up indexing by Google, I know. Do you have anything to add? Share your opinion in the comments to the article.

Every day thousands of new sites appear on the Internet. It’s no wonder that sometimes search engines do a poor job of indexing new pages. How to fix the situation? That's right, you need to report a new site, in other words: add the site to search engines.

In general, search engines learn about new sites by following links from other resources. If there is not a single link to a site, then it is unlikely that it will appear in the search results.

Let me start with the fact that search engines find new web pages with the help of their robots (search bots), which follow links and if they find something new, they add them to the queue on .

The largest search engines offer webmasters special forms for adding new sites or individual pages, these forms are also called Addurilka(from the phrase Add URL). Below I will provide a list of the most popular PSs that have this capability and will publish links to the forms.

Yandex is the most popular search engine in RuNet, and I’ll start with it. It is for Yandex that most webmasters optimize their sites and regularly monitor them after the cancellation of the TIC and the closure of the catalog.

Only registered users of the Yandex Webmaster service can send a URL for indexing to Yandex using the Page Re-Crawl tool - it is located in the Indexing section:

Google is also the No. 1 search engine, but not in Russia, but all over the world! It has gained the greatest popularity in Western countries, and in RuNet it ranks honorably second among users.

Google has recently closed the Submit URL tool, and the only way to submit a new page for indexing is to use the View as Googlebot function in the Crawling section:

Enter the page address or leave the URL field blank to get the content home page, then click the Request Indexing button. The rescan will occur within a few minutes after clicking the Send button. Before doing this, you will need to pass the reCAPTCHA verification and select a scanning method:

  • Only crawl this URL
  • Crawl this URL and direct links

Microsoft Corporation also promotes its search engine, which is known throughout the world, but has received the greatest appreciation in the United States.

Starting September 18, 2018, Bing stopped accessing the anonymous URL submission tool for indexing. Therefore, unfortunately, it is not possible to provide a direct link to the page.

Webmasters will still be able to log into Bing Webmaster Tools and access the Submit URLs tool, and it's easier than ever because the service now supports login authentication. Google posts and Facebook in addition to existing Microsoft accounts.

There is no way to send a separate page for indexing, however, you can index the entire site again, but not more often than once every 7 days for each of your domains. Click the Reindex button in the Crawling section:

Next in line is the “oldest” RuNet search engine Rambler. Currently, it has refocused on the media direction and no longer provides its own search services; Rambler's add-on has not worked since it switched to Yandex search results. Therefore, to add a site to Rambler, it is enough to inform Yandex about the new site.

Next up is the young search engine Nigma, which is distinguished by its originality; its user audience consists of schoolchildren and students. Why limited audience? Yes, because Nigma is a project of one of the faculties of Moscow State University, probably most of the users are its students 😎 At the end of 2017, the site stopped opening, what happened to it is not known.

is a new search system, available only in Russia, the portal is owned by a subsidiary of Rostelecom, which poured investments into its development. It was possible to add a site to Sputnik on a special page, but over time it stopped working, returning a 404 error. When contacting support, your question is: “For what reasons does the form not work and will it appear in the future?” - I have not received a reply.

And finally, Yahoo! — the peak of popularity was in the early 2000s, at that time the most visited site on the Internet, according to statistics. Unfortunately, Yahoo Site Explorer has ceased to exist and all data has been moved to Bing.

Add a site to search engines simply and easily! This is exactly what search engines It’s worth paying special attention, add your sites and monitor indexing. Let me remind you that Yandex, Google, Bing and have useful tools for webmasters. See you soon!