Information systems in education. Typology of educational information systems Document management information systems in education


The purpose of this practical training was to study the structure of information systems in education using the example of a higher education institution. This topic is relevant in the field of information technology, since at the moment there is a tendency to introduce information technology into all spheres of society, and education is one of the most important spheres of society.

An integral and important part of the development of preschool institutions, schools, technical colleges, and universities is the computerization of education. Currently, Russia is developing a new education system, focused on entering the global information and educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process associated with the introduction of adjustments to the content of teaching technologies, which must be adequate to modern technical capabilities and contribute to the harmonious entry of students into the information society. Computer technologies are intended to become not just an addition to learning, but an integral part of the holistic educational process, significantly increasing its effectiveness. Before our eyes, non-traditional information systems related to learning are emerging; It is natural to call such systems information-learning systems. During the industrial practice, the information system of the Informatization Department of the Penza State Technological University (hereinafter referred to as UI PenzGTU) was considered. An analysis of the software and hardware of this information system was carried out, a comparison with another information system in this area, as well as a patent study.

The concept of an information system in education

Currently, it is customary to highlight the following main directions for the introduction of computer technology in education:

1) the use of computer technology as a teaching tool that improves the teaching process, increasing its quality and efficiency;

2) consideration of the computer and other modern means of information technology as objects of study and system modeling;

3) a bias towards practice-oriented training to train specialists in demand in the labor market;

4) organization of communications based on the use of information technology tools for the purpose of transferring and acquiring pedagogical experience, methodological and educational literature;

5) use of modern information technologies to organize intellectual leisure;

6) intensification and improvement of management of the educational institution and the educational process based on the use of a system of modern information technologies.

The penetration of modern information technologies into the field of education allows teachers to qualitatively change the content, methods and organizational forms of teaching.

The information system of the PenzSTU Informatization Department (UI PenzGTU) was chosen as the object of study of information systems in education. At the moment, the system's support area includes 4 classrooms: 2 computer labs, 1 lecture room and 1 reading room. The management laboratory is responsible for maintaining trouble-free operation in these classrooms.

Objectives of the information system in education

The goals of the information system in education are to strengthen the intellectual capabilities of students in the information society, intensify the learning process and improve the quality of education at all levels of the educational system, as well as train students as sought-after specialists in the field chosen by the students. It is customary to highlight the following main tasks of using modern information technologies.

1) Intensification of all levels of the educational process through the use of modern information technologies: increasing the efficiency and quality of the learning process; increasing the activity of cognitive activity; deepening interdisciplinary connections; increasing the volume and optimizing the search for the necessary information.

2) Development of the student’s personality, preparing the individual for a comfortable life in the information society: development of various types of thinking; development of communication abilities; developing the skills to make the optimal decision or propose solutions in a difficult situation; formation of information culture, skills to process information; development of skills to model a task or situation; formation of skills to carry out experimental research activities.

3) Work to fulfill the social order of society: training an information literate individual; training of specialists in a specific subject area in demand in the labor market; implementation of career guidance work in the field of computer science.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273-FZ) provides (Article 98) for the need to create, form and maintain five information systems.

1) Federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and admission to educational organizations for secondary vocational and higher education. The organization of the formation and maintenance of this information system is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor of Russia) according to the rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 3, 2013 No. 755. Using this information system, universities and colleges can verify the accuracy of the information provided by applicants ; schools use IS to inform students about their certification results. The composition and format of information entered and transferred during the replication process to the federal information system was approved by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated June 18, 2018 No. 831.

2) The state information system “Register of organizations carrying out educational activities under state accredited educational programs” is located at: The purpose of creation is information support for state accreditation. The information contained in this information system is open and publicly available (with the exception of cases when free access to such information is limited in the interests of maintaining state or official secrets). The list of information contained in this system is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2013 No. 438. The formation and maintenance of the register is organized by Rosobrnadzor of Russia, and the relevant information is entered into the register by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising the powers delegated by the Russian Federation for state accreditation of educational activities .

3) State information system of state supervision in the field of education. The purpose of its creation is to ensure uniformity of requirements for the implementation of state supervision in the field of education and recording of its results. State supervision (control) bodies in the field of education enter into this system information presented in the form of an electronic document, incl. using a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction, information that is determined by the relevant rules approved by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2013 No. 719.

4) Federal information system “Federal register of information on educational documents and (or) qualifications, training documents.” The purpose of creation is to ensure that information about educational documents and (or) qualifications, training documents issued by organizations carrying out educational activities is taken into account. The system is designed to provide:
– eliminating the circulation of fake education documents;
– employers’ access to reliable information about the qualifications of applicants for positions requiring appropriate education;
– reducing the number of violations and corruption in educational organizations;
– improving the quality of education by providing the public with reliable information about graduates.

Data must be entered into the register in accordance with the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2013 No. 729 and the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2014 No. 1508. The register is located at

5) Federal information system “Federal register of apostilles affixed to documents on education and (or) qualifications.” An apostille is required for those who travel abroad to continue their education or work in countries that have joined the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961. The “Apostille” stamp is placed on the original documents of education and (or) qualifications, academic degrees, academic titles and confirms, firstly, the authenticity of the signature and seal with which the document is affixed, and secondly, the establishment of the fact that the document was issued to the person indicated in the document on education and (or) qualifications, academic degrees, academic titles as its holder.

You can check the fact of issuing an Apostille in the federal database of apostilles affixed to state documents on education, academic degrees and academic titles at this address:

6) An information system for recording educational organizations and their students is currently being created. All students in basic educational programs and additional general education programs must be included in the federal interdepartmental accounting system (hereinafter referred to as FMSU).

General coordination of activities to create the FMSU is carried out by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

FMSU is a complex of information systems that are connected with the information systems of government authorities and state extra-budgetary funds and contain personal data of minors. Information interaction between information systems is carried out through the infrastructure of the already existing e-government.

The goals of the federal interdepartmental system for recording the student population in basic educational programs and additional general education programs:
– increasing the efficiency of state and municipal management in the field of education through the use of modern information technologies;
– improving the quality of provision of state and municipal services to the population in electronic form in the educational sphere;
– transition to a qualitatively new level of functioning of departmental information systems in the field of education, healthcare, social security, containing information about students, through the development of interdepartmental information exchange.

Tasks of the federal interdepartmental accounting system:
– obtaining information on the number of students living in different territories;
– obtaining up-to-date information about queues for enrollment in organizations carrying out educational activities and the degree to which they are filled;
– forecasting the required number of places in organizations carrying out educational activities;
– registration of students in organizations carrying out educational activities;
– obtaining up-to-date information on students’ attendance at educational organizations carrying out educational activities, including the prompt identification of students who have not started studying or who have stopped studying, in order to prevent homelessness;
– formation of a complete set of data on the stages of training and achievements of students during their training in organizations carrying out educational activities, including the results of additional education;
– obtaining information about the impact of the educational process on the health of students;
– increasing the accessibility for the population of information about organizations engaged in educational activities and the educational services they provide through state information portals;
– organizing the possibility of submitting applications for enrollment of students in preschool educational organizations and general education organizations in electronic form;
– reduction in the number of documents and information to be submitted by applicants to receive state or municipal services in the field of education;
– increasing the efficiency of information exchange between departmental information systems by creating a single interdepartmental source of information about students.

Students will be registered from the date of state registration of birth and the start of training in an educational organization (including individual entrepreneurs who do not directly carry out educational activities).

The child’s SNILS will be used as an identifier.

Main functions of the FMSU:
– accounting of the student population;
– consolidation of departmental data on educational organizations and students.

There are two levels of functioning of the Federal Migration Service.

At the regional level, personal data is collected, including:
– general information about the student (full name, gender, place of birth; date of birth; birth record number; date of state registration of birth and name of the body that carried out state registration of birth; citizenship; series and number of passport (after its receipt) or details of another identification document; registration address at the place of residence (SNILS); information about the student’s parents or legal representative (full name, citizenship, registration address at the place of residence, passport series and number, SNILS), other information necessary to solve the problems of the interdepartmental system) - OPEN list;
– data on the stages of training (information about the educational organization, periods of study, completed educational programs, academic performance, documents on education and (or) qualifications, documents on training and certificates);
– data on educational achievements.

In addition, the FMSU must contain information about students who need to create special conditions for receiving education, about the capabilities of educational organizations to implement educational programs adapted for students with disabilities in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person.

At the federal level, collection, storage, processing and provision of summary analytical and statistical information are carried out based on data stored in regional segments and other functions, incl. identification of data inconsistencies between departmental information systems.

In order to integrate data on students and educational organizations, the information systems of the civil registry office, the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Federal Migration Service of Russia, and the Ministry of Health of Russia will be used.

The concept of creating a federal interdepartmental accounting system was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 25, 2014. In accordance with the Concept, the third stage of creating the FMSU is currently being implemented: trial operation and commissioning. Completion of the stage is December 30, 2016. Before this date, a regional segment of the federal interdepartmental system for recording the student population in basic educational programs and additional general education programs must be created in each subject of the Russian Federation. However, there is no legislative basis for the creation of the FMSI (there is not even a draft corresponding law in the State Duma).

P.S. On April 22, 2016, it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation submitted to the State Duma a bill on the creation of a unified federal interdepartmental system for recording the number of students in basic and additional educational programs.

The state of modern education, the main characteristics of which are openness, accessibility and individualization, has led to the creation of information and educational systems based on information technologies. Namely such as:

1) Director program makes it possible to create automated workplaces for a director, head teacher, secretary, clerk, class teacher, nurse, psychologist, social teacher in a general education institution and work with a single information resource.

2) Program "Electronic classroom magazine" (NetShcool) - This is a service that helps parents take an active and better part in the upbringing and educational process of their children, and also ensures a clearer and higher-quality exchange of information with teachers, class teachers and the administration of the institution. Parents have the opportunity to verify the accuracy of homework recording and monitor its completion, as well as analyze and plan together with the student his current performance, which allows, based on databases created in the “Director” program, to automate the process of obtaining information.

3)"Network City. Education" - an automated information system (AIS), which makes it possible to unite educational institutions and municipal education management bodies into a single network, create a unified information and educational space of the municipality, and implement a number of state and municipal services in electronic form in the field of education.

4)"E-services. Education"- an automated information system (AIS), which makes it possible to implement the following state and municipal services in electronic form in the field of education at the regional (municipal) level:

accepting applications, registering and enrolling children in educational institutions that implement the basic educational program of preschool education (kindergartens);

enrollment in an educational institution;

providing information on the organization of public and free preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, as well as additional education in general educational institutions located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

providing information on the organization of primary, secondary and additional vocational education.

5) "Network Region. Education" - an automated information system (AIS), which makes it possible to unite educational institutions and educational management bodies of municipalities and the region into a single network, create a unified information and educational space of the region, and implement a number of state and municipal services in electronic form in the field of education.

6)"SMS diary" is a service for providing daily educational information to parents of students via SMS messages to a mobile phone. The system allows students and parents to quickly receive information about all significant events of the educational institution, about the student’s grades and attendance.

7)"Electronic diary" is a new unique project that allows you to create a unified information and educational network for the main participants in the educational process. The main purpose of the diary has not changed over time; for children it is still a tool for keeping records of homework, class schedules, for teachers and parents - a means of communication, transmitting information about attendance and progress, but the effectiveness of its use has almost completely disappeared .

Thus, the use of information systems in the educational process has changed the needs:

1) for students this is time saving, mobility of learning, personalized learning, an opportunity to express themselves;

2) for teachers - a reduction in the volume of routine operations and, as a result, an increase in labor efficiency, the possibility of creating conditions for organizing independent educational activities of students, professional self-development;

3) for parents - the opportunity to control the “developmental trajectory” of children, take a broader part in the life of the educational institution, communicate with teachers, specialists, and administration;

1. For the purpose of information support for management in the education system and state regulation of educational activities, authorized state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation create, form and maintain state information systems, including state information systems provided for by this article. The maintenance of state information systems is carried out in accordance with unified organizational, methodological and software and technical principles that ensure the compatibility and interaction of these information systems with other state information systems and information and telecommunication networks, including information technology and communication infrastructures used to provide state and municipal services, ensuring the confidentiality and security of the personal data contained therein and in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state or other secrets protected by law.

2. In order to provide information support for the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and admission to educational organizations for secondary vocational and higher education, the following are created:

1) federal information system for ensuring the conduct of state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations to obtain secondary vocational and higher education (hereinafter referred to as the federal information system);

2) regional information systems for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as regional information systems).

3. The organization of the formation and maintenance of the federal information system and regional information systems is carried out respectively by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of education, and by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education.

4. The procedure for the formation and maintenance of the federal information system, regional information systems (including a list of bodies and organizations that are operators of the specified information systems, a list of information contained in the specified information systems, a list of bodies and organizations authorized to enter this information into the specified information systems , the procedure for processing this information in the specified information systems, the procedure for ensuring the security of this information when processed in the specified information systems, the storage period for this information, the procedure for ensuring the interaction of the specified information systems) is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

5. For information support of state accreditation, a state information system “Register of organizations carrying out educational activities under state accredited educational programs” is created, and the use of such a system is ensured, the formation and maintenance of which is organized by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in field of education. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising the powers delegated by the Russian Federation for state accreditation of educational activities, enter information about state accreditation of educational activities into the specified information system. Information contained in the state information system "Register of organizations carrying out educational activities under state accredited educational programs" is open and publicly available, except in cases where, in the interests of maintaining state or official secrets, there is free access to such information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation limited.

6. The procedure for the formation and maintenance of the state information system "Register of organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs with state accreditation", including the list of information included in it and the procedure for accessing this information, is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7. In order to ensure the uniformity of requirements for the implementation of state supervision in the field of education and recording its results, a state information system of state supervision in the field of education is being created, the formation and maintenance of which is organized by the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of education. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising the powers of state supervision (control) in the field of education delegated by the Russian Federation, enter into the specified information system information about activities for state supervision (control) in the field of education.

8. The procedure for the formation and maintenance of the state information system of state supervision in the field of education (including the list of information included in it and the procedure for accessing this information) is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. To ensure that information about documents on education and (or) qualifications, documents on training issued by organizations engaged in educational activities is taken into account, information about such documents is entered into the federal information system "Federal Register of Information on Documents on Education and (or) Education" qualifications, training documents", the formation and maintenance of which is organized by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of education. Federal state bodies and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry out public administration in the field of education, local government bodies that carry out management in the field of education, organizations that carry out educational activities are represented to the federal executive body that carries out the functions of control and supervision in the field of education , information about issued documents on education and (or) qualifications, documents on training by entering this information into the federal information system "Federal Register of Information on Documents on Education and (or) Qualifications, Documents on Training".

10. List of information entered into the federal information system "Federal Register of Information on Educational Documents and (or) Qualifications, Training Documents", the procedure for its formation and maintenance (including the procedure for access to the information contained in it), the procedure and The deadlines for entering information into it are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

11. The federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of education organizes the formation and maintenance of the federal information system “Federal Register of Apostilles affixed to documents on education and (or) qualifications.” Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising the powers delegated by the Russian Federation to confirm documents on education and (or) qualifications, provide information about the apostilles they have affixed on documents on education and (or) qualifications to the federal executive body exercising control functions and supervision in the field of education, by entering this information into the federal information system “Federal Register of Apostilles affixed to documents on education and (or) qualifications.” These bodies have the right to use the information contained in this federal information system.

12. The list of information entered into the federal information system “Federal Register of Apostilles Affixed on Education and (or) Qualification Documents” and the procedure for its formation and maintenance are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

First, let's look at the table, which shows the components of the electronic educational and methodological complex (EUMK) and indicates the levels of proficiency in the subject. The signs “+” and “-” indicate the possibility of using modern ICT (Table 1).

The bottom line lists promising types of control for automation of verification - compliance of the structure with the type and specifics of the work, completeness of coverage of the topic with keywords, correct choice of methods, technologies and used quantitative values ​​of input data and results, their interpretation, prospects for further research.

The components of the EUMK are ordered by increasing interactivity - both by type and intraspecific development:

video ® interactive demonstrations;

interactive learning scenarios ® tutors;

tests ® interactive complex problems;

simulators ® virtual constructors ® integrated laboratory work.

Let's organize the tools for creating a course by expanding functions:

teacher designer for developing information fragments, tests and models;

monitoring and management of educational trajectory;

knowledge validator (model autoformizer);

autogenerator of tasks and scenarios;

artificial intelligence.

The goal of intellectualizing information systems in educational institutions is not only to support, but also to optimize this or that type of activity. For example, not only edit, but also create schedules (for teams and individuals), as well as track them; not only search the archives, but also make a brief summary of relevant news from the Internet, analyze data and provide decision support (DPS) based on mathematical optimization models; provide students not only with interactive hypermedia books compiled on demand from the memory of computer systems, but also with models that search for errors in solving students’ problems, explain and eliminate them; propose ideas and technologies for their implementation from knowledge bases with the preparation of the necessary documentation for projects.

So far, the greatest progress has been observed only in terms of creating a user-friendly interface.

Let us list the features of “hi-tech pedagogy”:

developmental training (study of the interaction and properties of elements - the behavior of the system on computer models of educational objects, setting up an experiment and developing the competence of a bachelor to a master, a graduate student and a researcher, a group project leader, etc.);

supporting the teacher’s intelligence with multimedia, interactive, network, intellectual resources, models and ICT;

measurability, controllability and optimization of pedagogical processes.

For a developing educational information system (EIS), assembly technology for additive design is effective: collection of basic models ® subject model systems ® pedagogical fragments ® interactive courses ® linguistic shell ® monitoring (periodic collection of various data into a single database) and learning management (with the PPR system ).

The stages of development of a unified educational information system from school to university with branches are as follows:

from individual course management systems (, teachers and study groups in Microsoft Excel to a distributed educational process management system in Microsoft Access and specialized university automated control systems such as the IntPro LLC complex ( or “Naumen University” (, with the schedule editor “1C: Education” (, organizing the work of the Microsoft Outlook team, tracking the implementation of decisions (www.surgu .ru), budgets and management (, as well as the extended reporting system OLAP1-expert (;

through a repository of electronic elements with videos and text structures of the Modern Humanitarian Academy (, 1C course editor (, models from Physikon ( and KiM (www.; development based on “e-Author” by the company “HyperMethod” ( and and the designer of the “Stratum” models of the Perm State Technical University ( for graduate competencies;

to learning process and educational resource management systems LMS Moodle (free on Linux), Prometheus (using the example of, Competentum.ShareKnowledge based on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Active Directory (www, e-learning Server ( with the ability to collaborate;

to a portal-integrated system for designing and optimizing educational schedules (groups and personal educational trajectories based on “Infosilem”), business games, risk monitoring, competence (within the framework of the Bologna process) and career development (based on the Russified “BlackBoard”) - VerticalPortal (, Oracle Learning Management at the St. Petersburg State Transport University ( and FORS LLC (, a fully functional SAP Enterprise Learning Solution (integration of document flow automation , management of document archives, customer relations, plans with control of implementation and supply chains, production (knowledge) and implementation (training), IS support). (Fig. 1)

It is known that all tasks can be classified as analysis (research as the interpretation of data accumulation, diagnostics, PPR); synthesis (design, planning and management of objects with given properties) and a combination of analysis and synthesis (training, monitoring and forecasting).

The merits of combinations are evident in the integration of e-learning, collaboration and systems management in the knowledge economy. As a result, we have a number of advantages:

wide availability (in any place, volume, time), continuous accumulation and improvement of knowledge and skills;

modular construction principle, structuring and linking for quick search in an integrated repository;

adaptability (retrieval, selection, updating) of multi-level electronic information resources;

documentation, remote computer management and protection for multiple uses;

economic efficiency (speed of course development, flexible and rational combination of various forms of training);

collective work on the network - multipoint video conferencing, mobile Internet, Wiki, blogs, forums, discussions, mailing lists, expertise;

implementation of a competency-based approach and partnership (interaction in solving problems);

Increased visibility, controllability and process optimization even with flexible, customized training.

To effectively solve the problems of development of intellectual property, we recommend dividing them into groups.


creation of a structural unit and appointment of a person responsible for e-learning;

dismissal of saboteurs, training and financial incentives for those who remain;

creation of a single Bank of media content while maintaining several groups of developers on various platforms;

selection of the most active development groups as “growth points” of e-learning.

Exchange formats for courses and training modules:

use of systems that support international standards SCORM, LOM, RUS LOM and so on;


use of systems that support multiplatform (Windows, Linux) and implementation of solutions for the integration of heterogeneous information systems (MS BizTalk, IBM WebSphere).

OIS based on an interactive portal realizes a number of advantages. The Internet makes it possible to integrate various information, analytical, forecasting, educational, methodological, organizational and other resources coming from various sources into innovative projects in order to improve the quality of results and strengthen the human resources potential of the industry. In addition, through the portal it is possible to simultaneously distribute both the content and the ICT work methods of the best professionals in science, educational process and management. The quality of education and research in the subject area is also radically improving not in an evolutionary way (from below), but in a revolutionary way (from above), combining the achievements of students, teachers, advanced training specialists and managers. Finally, the portal allows you to solve a whole range of issues related to health, education, employment, socialization, increasing the role and status of individuals and self-organized groups, as well as the formation of a network management system as an organizational democracy, which will lead to changes in the organizational foundations, principles and methods of managing social processes.

The concept of the Federal Internet portal “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” ( developed by the State Research Institute of Technology “Informika” can be taken as a basis for the technical specifications.

Irina SMOLNIKOVA, Associate Professor, Department of Information Management Systems, Faculty of Public Administration, Moscow State University, Moscow