Free wifi. How to connect to Wi-Fi if you don't know the password

There are situations when a stable Internet connection is needed, and your Mobile Internet for some reason you are not satisfied. You are trying to find an open Wi-Fi network, but around you there are only closed, password-protected WiFi points. Today I will talk about super mega useful application WiFi Map Pro.

WiFi freebie using WiFi Map Pro

By using WiFi applications Map Pro you can find out the password from almost any Wi-Fi networks and connect to the network for free. WiFi Map Pro app contains a huge, worldwide, constantly updated database WiFi passwords networks.

How to use WiFi Map Pro

The principle of the application is quite simple: you find available networks in the area, and then launch WiFi Map Pro. The application detects your location and displays a list of available Wi-Fi points with passwords. You select the WiFi network you need, copy the password from the WiFi Map application and enter it in the connection settings. Now you are connected to the free Internet.

Never enter passwords for your social networks and mailboxes, and of course banking systems. Be aware that some open networks are designed to intercept your logins and passwords. And of course, don’t forget about applications such as, with the help of which even a first-grader can intercept your passwords.

WiFi Password Database

The password database is huge. The database contains passwords from a large number of global Wi-Fi networks. Therefore, if you need to access the Internet far from your homeland, the program can help you with this.

WiFi freebie or how to find out Wi-Fi password without hacking and without a passport?


  • Huge number of networks


  • Paid


You can download the app here WiFi Map Pro for Android and here WiFi Map Pro for iPhone. The program is paid, costs $4.99. But there are often promotions, and the program can be downloaded for free.

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How to protect Wi-Fi and what are the most popular Wi-Fi passwords in the article “

A person can deny this fact for as long as he wants, but it will still remain truthful - everyone loves a freebie. It is with such a positive note that we will begin our today’s discussion regarding how to connect to WiFi without knowing the password from any access point. But first things first.

First, let's briefly understand what this WiFi is? The answer is: WiFi is wireless way connections to World Wide Web and local network. The main difference from a traditional connection (wired) is that when connecting via Wi-Fi, no wires are used, and the second difference is that with this connection method you can simultaneously access the Internet from several dozen or even more devices using just 1 router . You need to know that there are WiFi access points - without protection and one with a password.

When Wi-Fi is without a password, you don’t need to know any code word. Internet access or local network is carried out without a password and you can sit on the sites for as long as you want, until, of course, the signal source is disconnected from the power supply.

If a business center is built near your home, then it is possible that the Wi-Fi password used in it is simply missing. Judge for yourself, free WiFi is available almost everywhere - in cafes, airports, shopping centers. In addition, in different cities you can find places that are completely covered by Wi-Fi, not to mention entire cities where the Internet is always free. I think this is correct and also very convenient.

But what to do if you only use the Internet at home and there are no open Wi-Fi points? How can I find out the password for a nearby Wi-Fi point (from neighbors, for example)?


Oh yes, I completely forgot to say at the beginning of the article that you won’t find any hacking techniques here. There are programs and even equipment that can help hack Wi-Fi. But I won’t tell you how they work, so excuse me. The purpose of this article is to talk about some of the possibilities, since this issue Sometimes letters come.

Firstly, we need to be 100% sure that WiFi is definitely blocked by a password or prove the opposite. How can I check this? Easily! I'll explain on Windows example 7. To do this, you need to turn on your WiFi. You can also read about this in: "".

Go to the “Start” menu - “Control Panel”, click “Network and Internet”, then under the inscription “Network and Sharing Center” shared access» look for the item “Connect to a network” and click on it.

A small window will appear at the bottom right of the screen. It will display a list of all networks whose signal is picked up by your Wi-Fi. Each label will look like this: “Name”, “Status (Connected or not)” and “Signal Level (small picture with four vertical stripes, the more there are, the stronger the signal).”

Hover your mouse over the desired Wi-Fi and view information about the signal. Just from this information you can understand whether a password is set on this Wi-Fi. And more specifically, according to the inscription “Security Type”. In this case, there is a password, since the security type is “WPA2-PSK”.

When this signal is open, that is, without a password, you can be happy and thank its owners for free access to the network.

Let's consider the most likely and disastrous outcome (in your opinion) - only those points on which a password is set are accessible. I am a supporter of using someone else’s Internet in an unfair way, although one of my friends has been trying to convince me otherwise for several years now, but I never succumbed to his tricks;).

If you have the financial opportunity to connect your own Internet, then I advise you to go to an electronics store and buy your own router, and then enter into an agreement with a company in your city that will provide Internet services. Then set your password on it and use wireless Internet within the apartment with the convenience of any room. Although you can even sit on the street near your window and watch videos on the Internet and chat with your friends (if you do not live on a high floor).

By the way, in August 2013 I moved into a two-room apartment on the 3rd floor, as they say in Jewish. So, I can talk on the radio telephone on the street without any interference. What's stopping you from having Wi-Fi on the street? We've gone a little off topic, but if you sometimes spend time on the street near your house, for example, walking your son or daughter, then you can surf the Internet via your Wi-Fi.


To hack Wi-Fi, there are special utilities that contain a certain database of passwords that are usually used. This database may also contain something like: “qwerty” or “1234abcd”, etc. All these options are stored in one text file, located in the root directory of the program or, if necessary, point to this file. So, this utility tries to connect to WiFi automatically, trying every possible password option. It may happen that someday she will come across the right one, but this may take several days, or even a couple of weeks. In addition, it is absolutely impossible to calculate all the options.

Here is an example of how such a program works:

If you don’t understand how to connect to WiFi without knowing the password using some program, then try another one. Perhaps you haven't figured out how to work in it.

There are a lot of articles written on the Internet where you can find out what programs are used to crack the password to connect to Wi-Fi. There is no point in listing them, since I have already said that I will not tell you how to use them. There is also special equipment, yes they cost money, but they work very effectively.

That's all for today.

The widespread use of Wi-Fi in the era of modern high technology is perceived by us as an everyday occurrence and does not surprise anyone. However, some people have slightly different thoughts about this: “Why not connect to some Wi-Fi for free?” This is a completely logical idea, especially considering the fact that there are countless access points around us. We see this when we see a list of available wireless connections on our smartphone or laptop. And the desire of a person to take advantage of any good just like that, without giving anything in return, has existed since ancient times, and in modern society is also present, maybe in a slightly different form, but it is there - and don’t deny it.

WiFi is a wireless way to connect to the World Wide Web and local network

What are the options

For any action there is always a reaction. The situation is the same with access to Wi-Fi. The more complex the levels of protection become, the more sophisticated ways are found to circumvent it. The same is true with Wi-Fi. The most in effective ways protection are password creation and data encryption protocols. With encryption protocols, things are much more complicated - everything that has been encrypted can be decrypted, the only question is how much time and resources it will take. However, the topic of data decryption is a bit complex and requires some basic skills besides everything else. Therefore, we will put it aside, but let’s talk about passwords in a little more detail.

Simple and effortless

The easiest option to take advantage of free Wi-Fi is to go to some large shopping center or cafe, where, to attract customers, they give out free Wi-Fi, which you can use for your own pleasure.

Another option, which does not require much effort from you, would be the option to connect to if, out of the goodness of his heart or simply out of naivety, he did not set a password. To do this, go to Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network Connection Center - Connect to a network. A list of available networks will appear in front of you and, if among them there is at least one marked exclamation point, you can celebrate - this will be your “good” neighbor. You can connect to it at any time, and you can take advantage of it.

Passwords are different

If, nevertheless, your neighbors turned out to be greedy and vigilant, then hope is not completely lost either. First, you can try to guess the password manually. According to statistics, the most common passwords are 1111, 1234, qwerty, and so on. Perhaps, with a little patience and free time, luck will smile on you, but here we will not give any guarantees that you will be able to connect - it all depends on your luck and the ingenuity of your neighbors.

IN Lately Many utilities have appeared with which anyone can get inside a nearby Wi-Fi network

Another way to log into your neighbor’s Wi-Fi without knowing the password is to use programs for guessing passwords: Aircrack-ng 0.9.3 win and CommView for Wi-Fi. They have an intuitive interface that makes them easy to understand. And they work according to the following principle: the program contains a password database and starts selecting from the most popular and in descending order. This procedure can take several hours if you are fast enough and modern computer, up to several weeks if this is not the case. Do you have the patience to find the desired password...

Worth it or not

We looked at methods on how to connect to Wi-Fi without knowing the password. They can help you, but there is no 100% guarantee. An experienced hacker will hack any Wi-Fi in a couple of minutes, but his services will not be cheap. And if you also take into account that using someone else’s Wi-Fi is illegal and can be punishable both by the neighbor himself and by law, then it will probably be easier to contact an Internet provider and connect your own wireless Internet.

Surely, many have been in a situation where they urgently need to go online, but don’t have their own Wi-Fi. Maybe you find yourself in another city or visiting. Does your laptop, tablet or smartphone connect to available networks, but are they all password protected? Dont be upset. This problem can be solved quite simply.

Ways to hack Wi-Fi password

There are several ways to hack nearby wi-fi:

  • Interception and decryption of data packets. To understand how this method works, you need to understand the very principle of Wi-Fi operation. The router, which is connected to a cable with the Internet from the provider, distributes it (the Internet) to the surrounding area. If you want to use this wi-fi, a request from your computer or smartphone goes to the router, where the password is checked, as a result of which you either connect to it or not. But even after a successful connection, the router continues to exchange information with each device connected to it - the so-called. data packets. They, among other things, contain the password for the router. Thus, if these packets are intercepted or decrypted, you can find out the password from the router. In order to carry out this operation, you will need either high level knowledge computer technology, or special software.
  • Selection of passwords. This method is much simpler compared to the previous one. Let's take a closer look at it.

To begin with, you should try the most obvious combinations like 12345678, 87654321, etc. Surprisingly, many wireless Internet owners have such passwords.

By the way, especially for you, we have compiled a list of the 30 most popular user passwords, here it is.

If this option does not suit you, you can use special programs for automatic password selection. They simply try all possible combinations of numbers and letters, finding the desired combination. Often such programs work using so-called dictionaries (the most commonly used login/password combinations) at crazy speed and in several hundred threads simultaneously. The selection process can take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. Yes, it may be long, boring and monotonous, but it is effective. Here are the most common programs for automatically selecting a WiFi password:

Connect to an open Wi-Fi network by changing your mac address

Some Wi-Fi owners use mac address filtering instead of passwords. In this case, the network will appear open, accessible and password-free, but you will not be able to connect to it. How to hack your neighbor's wifi in this case? First, you need to figure out what a mac address actually is.

Mac address is a special identifier that is set separately for each person in computer network devices. In order to find out which addresses are allowed for a particular router, there are special scanner programs that can glean this information from the data packets it broadcasts.

After this information is received, you can simply change the mac address of your computer to one of the allowed ones, after which you will be able to use this Wi-Fi.
You can change it very easily. To do this, go to the Control Panel of your computer, select Network and Sharing Center, and inside it - Change settings network adapter. Here you need to right-click on network connection, for which you want to change the mac address.
In the menu that appears, we need the Properties item, where in the Network tab we click on the Configure button. In the Advanced tab you need to activate Network address, then enter the new required 12-digit mac address, click OK and restart the network connection.
After completing this procedure, you will be able to connect to a wireless connection with an already authorized mac address.

Applications for finding shared Wi-fi passwords

As strange as it may sound, there is often no need to hack passwords from Wi-Fi networks - other people have already shared access to the private Wi-Fi network that you would like to connect to.
They have existed for several years special applications, which contain the necessary information to connect to millions of closed WiFi networks. Every day, thousands of people share logins and passwords from closed Wi-Fi networks through these special applications. Try installing one of these applications and you may not have to hack anything:

By the way, some of these programs can clearly show you the available ones on a map. WiFi networks near.

One of the most popular software solutions To select a wi-fi password, there is a program. More possible options are . - Also popular program to crack passwords.

The MAC Address Scanner program will be an excellent option for finding mac addresses allowed for the router.

How to protect your Wi-Fi network from hacking?

There are several simple steps, which will allow you to secure your network from unauthorized users. Many users neglect them, despite the ease of their implementation. Here are the main ones:

  • Change the password set to access the router interface. By default, there is a factory password, which can be easily guessed and the basic settings can be changed without the owner’s knowledge.
  • Install and configure WPA2 level encryption and select a password longer than 10 characters. Yes, many people set passwords that are simpler or more understandable, so that they won’t be forgotten later, or so that they are easy to enter. But you can set it up once and come up with complex password, even a random set of letters and numbers, write it down somewhere, and it will be much more difficult to hack your home network.
  • Refuse and disable the WPS function, which remembers connecting devices and allows even third-party devices to automatically connect to a known network.

How to hack the Wi-Fi password from your router after following the recommendations outlined above? No way, it’s practically impossible. These simple recommendations will help you secure your home or work network from any type of hacking, but check periodically

We all know very well that in order to gain access to global network The Internet must be connected to any Internet provider available to you on the market. Despite the fact that the cost of broadband Internet access is getting cheaper every year, there are no fewer people wanting to get it for free. It’s strange, because we all know the saying “Free cheese is only in a mousetrap” since childhood. And yet we step on the same rake over and over again. In this post we will talk to you about what kind of animal this is - “ free Internet"and how to get it for free. Throughout history, there have been only a few ways to do this, and now I will tell you about them.

1. Public HotSpot WiFi

There are such access points in almost every major shopping or business center. They give free access Internet via Wi-Fi for everyone. They are organized by large stores or telecom operators for advertising purposes and to attract new customers. The disadvantages here are the following:
— access is only possible from the shopping center building
- there is a significant speed limit
— there is a risk of your data being intercepted by “neighbors” on the network
You can use such free Internet completely legally, but in compliance with all the rules information security. Otherwise, there is a considerable risk that you will be taken away Mailbox or accounts in in social networks.

2. Neighborhood Wi-Fi

This is, in principle, the only way to get free Internet without any restrictions. Well except tariff plan, which your neighbor uses. All that remains is to negotiate with the neighbor. If you have a good relationship with them, then most likely this will not be a problem. You can really go the other way, namely. Personally, I wouldn't recommend doing this. Of course, now that tariffs for access to the global web are unlimited, your actions will not cause much damage. And, even if the fact of connection is detected, nothing particularly serious will be incriminated (unless, of course, you were stupid enough to hack your email and contacts on social networks), maximum - unauthorized access to communication equipment, Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. But for WiFi hacking No one has been jailed yet. But getting hit in the face by your neighbor and paying for the desire to get free Internet with your health is not a small risk. So, it's better not to mess with it.

3. Free Internet via mobile (Megafon, Beeline, MTS or Tele2)

Once upon a time, at the dawn of the development of 3G/4G technology, there were clever ways to connect mobile Internet for free to your phone. These methods were shared on hacker forums and social networks, they were quickly discovered and covered up. Therefore, now such a freebie will not work. She simply doesn't exist. If you do not activate the service from your telecom operator, you will not receive access. All possible and cunning options have long been blocked.

4. Dial-UP connection

Another option that they sometimes do for their friends and acquaintances system administrators large organizations and companies. Such offices sometimes have equipment for organizing Dial-UP connections. What are they doing - just on some phone number hang up the modem. When dialing to it, the caller receives free Internet access. True, the speed, to put it mildly, is nothing by modern standards - no more than 56 Kilobits per second. And again, you need an antediluvian DialUp modem - once again. And such a sysadmin friend - two.

5. Connecting to the line at the entrance

Now those of us who live in high-rise buildings can observe the following picture - several cable channels from different providers through which neighbors are connected. Admit it: at least once, the thought “how can I connect to them and get the Internet for free” came to your mind. So forget it =). Firstly, most operators work using the PPPoE protocol, and even if you connect to the cable, nothing will work without a login and password. And if suddenly you are lucky and the connection works through Dynamic IP, then you will need to install a special proxy server, cleverly configure the equipment and pray that the provider does not have a hardware MAC address binding. And again, the neighbor will realize that you are connected to him and will come to sort it out. In short, the method is practically unviable and very labor-intensive.

6. Fishing from satellite

Satellite phishing is rather a way entertainment than a real option to have free Internet. It, just like hacking a Wi-Fi password, is considered an illegal act and is classified under Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The meaning of the actions here is as follows - the satellite transmits a signal to everyone who falls under its coverage area. And the subscriber’s DVB card cuts off everything unnecessary, catching only what is intended specifically for it. You will need a set of equipment and a specialized program that will catch the stream, sort the caught files and put them on HDD. The process itself is one-way, that is, you will only receive what is broadcast. You won't be able to request anything of your own. In general, it’s inconvenient and costly.