Google classmates my page open my page. Go to classmates on your page: Detailed information

Not all friends always use the same social network. Sometimes there are times when you urgently need to find a person by last name, while not registering on any sites.
In this article, we will take a closer look at how to find a person on Odnoklassniki without registering on the site. This information is useful for those who want to find a close friend or relative, but are not going to go through the process of registering and filling out a profile questionnaire.

By default, the Odnoklassniki website does not provide for the possibility of searching for a person by unregistered users. To do this, you should contact the services of the Yandex search engine. This is the most convenient and reliable service, which also functions absolutely free. At the same time, the search takes place not only in the database of the Odnoklassniki website, but immediately in all popular social networks.

To get started, go to the page, where there is an empty form for entering data.

We fill in all the known information about the person we are looking for. If you want to narrow your search to one social network, then you should click once on the corresponding name with the mouse. The button will be highlighted in yellow, and the search will take place exclusively on this site. We are interested in Odnoklassniki.

Important! Please note that all items are optional. But to speed up the search process, you should enter all known information. In the age column, you can specify an approximate interval (as in the screenshot).

The search engine returns all results that match specified parameters. If the person they are looking for is registered on Odnoklassniki under his real name, then the chance of finding him is 100%.

What to do if the search does not return the desired result

If the search was unsuccessful, then there are 3 options for further action:

  1. You may have entered incorrect or incorrect information. Try to enter only the data that you are 100% sure of. If in doubt, it is better not to fill in this item. Thus, the search circle will expand.
  2. Try to find mutual friends. Perhaps the person you are looking for has registered under a false name, which only his circle of friends knows about.
  3. Re-search after 2 weeks. The fact is that the Yandex database is updated every half a month. If a person registered less than 14 days ago, then his profile will not be displayed.

How to get in touch with a found person

Luck smiled at you and you found right person, but now you can not write him a message. You should do the following list of actions:

Now that you have a personal page on Odnoklassniki, you can chat with your friends without any restrictions.


Entering search query: Odnoklassniki my page (open my page), the user enters the login menu to the site. Consider a situation where the account owner cannot open a personal page in Odnoklassniki. There are such problems, and there may be several reasons for closing the entrance to the profile.

The most common problem is the lack of Internet. As a rule, the fact that the cause is a faulty Internet is the last thing to think about. Such troubles often occur in the evenings, when most people are at home, and the load on the network increases dramatically. Or maybe just walked away network cable. Therefore, first of all, check the quality of the connection.

If you just want to go to your page, then click on the link below, but remember the Odnoklassniki website address can only be this:

Odnoklassniki my page: login

Beware of scammers!

Sometimes the administration of Odnoklassniki takes preventive measures necessary to troubleshoot and increase the productivity of the site. In this case, it remains only to wait until engineering works will be finished.

Some users absent-mindedly forget their login or password from the system. If you use your home computer to access the site, the data is saved by the password manager. Then you do not need to keep the information in your head.

But if you want to log into Odnoklassniki from someone else's computer or laptop, and the data is partially forgotten, you will have to work a little. Logging in without a password and login will not work. So your actions. Follow this link . Since you do not remember your password, click on the line "Forgot your password?"

From the suggested options, choose what you remember exactly, for example, your phone number.

In the new window, enter the country of residence, the phone number to which the page was registered, click the "Search" button. Next, you see the following notification:

Press the "Send code" button and wait for an SMS message to your phone or email, depending on what you have chosen. Enter the received code in the field and click "Confirm".

You will have to come up with a new password, so be sure to write it down somewhere. Once a new password has been created, you can enter it on the login page and use the site. If you want to recover your password by login, then click here.

Again, wait for the code on the phone or by mail. The easiest way to recover a password is by personal data. Each user remembers his first and last name (if they are real in the profile). Click on "Personal Information".

Enter your name in the field and search for your photo among the results.


If access to the site is blocked by the system administrator, the user can use special programs which are called:

  • Anonymizers.
  • Mirrors.
  • Walkers.

There are many such utilities. They do not need to be downloaded - the entrance to the site is carried out online. Just hit in search string program the address of the desired site (in this case, "Odnoklassniki") and press "Enter". You enter the site not from your IP address, but through a proxy server.


Hello friends!

Today I will introduce you to my page in classmates, and I will answer FAQ that visitors experience. Namely, how to open a page in Odnoklassniki without a login and password, and vice versa ... How to enter the site if you were previously registered, but due to some negligence, either lost or simply knocked down the settings in the browser, or exit from someone else's computer in ok RU. In general, get ready to find out the answers to the most popular questions. I will try to make out everything from A to Z. So that this article becomes the article of the year))

Select your issue from the list:

For those who don't know me, my name is Denis Povaga. I am the author of this blog, and also periodically live in social networks in order to earn money. But the main activity is, of course, blogging, with a focus on the social audience.

In general, let's not talk about me, let's get straight to the point.

This is the social network classmates, my page:

You can open my page only at two official addresses. Either through the website or

Therefore, be careful that any time you enter a password on the site (even one to one like classmates). These were the addresses. Otherwise, there is a high probability that you will be hacked and your passwords stolen. In this case, you will have to restore the entrance to the site, or re-register. And you know, it's too much time. There you may need to enter additional fields and a confirmation code.

The most important thing is that no one hacks you. …

How to open a page in classmates without a username and password?

No way. If you have not previously entered a username and password, and now it turns out that the site requires it ... then the browser cache through which you logged in earlier has been reset, or you are trying to use a different browser. In fact, there can be many reasons. Frequent of which: reset the browser cache, update the system, reinstall the browser, a virus in the computer. And of course, there is an option when you are on a social network and follow a malicious link. At the same time, the page is replaced, and allegedly there was an exit from classmates, and you are required to re-enter the data. But do not rush to enter. As mentioned earlier, check the site address in the address bar.

There is also an option when you are trying to log in to the site classmates from someone else's computer. In this case, yes, you will need a username and password anyway. Indeed, on your device or laptop, a password was previously entered (on the day of registration), and it was simply saved by the browser, and when you launch the browser and go to classmates, the page opens by itself, without a login and password.

But on other computers, you will first have to log out of the session of the user who is already in ok and log into your account on the site.

And even more correct, if you are not an experienced user, use 2 different browsers. For example, one visits the site through Google Chrome, and the other through the Yandex browser. In the Yandex browser, your password is saved, and in Google Chrome, the password of your husband or sister.

So you don’t have to leave the session every time, and in each browser, your page will be saved.

For example, when I enter the site classmates, my page opens automatically.

Also, one of the tips is if you use many accounts through one browser, and indeed, you use many other sites where you need to enter a username and password. And in case a failure occurs one day, and in order not to remember and restore the input, store the data in a safe place. One of the proven and old ways is a simple notebook in which we write with a pen or pencil.

And if you are used to having everything always at hand, use a password keeper with automatic filling. For example, there is such a program - RoboForm, where you can fill in passwords from all sites once, and then do not enter them manually (for example, in case of clearing the cache), but fill them in automatically.

Here's what it looks like:

It turns out, one browser. But to enter desired pages, I can in 1 click.

Moreover, this free app up to 10 persons. Pretty handy for those who use multiple computers and travel a lot. All passwords are in one place, and everything is on the shelves. For example, I store them on a flash drive, and when I go, for example, to a village where there is another computer, I just take the flash drive with me, and my classmates page opens in 1 click.

Just select the desired account, and click fill. That's it - my classmates page has opened!

Yes, you might say. But after all, you can store everything in the Google Chrome browser, and for example, when entering the site, select the desired login, and the password will be automatically filled in, even if you do not see it, in any case, open the site.

But do not forget that this is for the time being. For example, if the computer breaks down, or you reinstall the system, and that's it, all data may be lost. Anyway, it's all convenient. And I myself just choose a checker to remember me ...

... and further, you do not need to enter your login and password every time, and my page opens. But do not rely on the browser, and any saves. There should always be option B, so that in case something happens, you can restore the whole thing. Yes it's good. When they updated the computer, they entered it again once and forgot using automatic login by session. It's really convenient, and everyone uses it!

Even on android devices. In the application, initially during registration - we enter the data, and then they are saved and by clicking the application we will get to our page. But if a failure occurs in the phone, then it will no longer be possible to enter without a username and password.

In case you forgot it, you can always restore it. But in this case, you will also have to remember mailbox for which you registered classmates.

it is entered in this field:

And in any case, you can always contact the support service, as shown in the image above.

How to enter your page in classmates, using a username and password?

Well, of course, it's simple. But still!))

It is enough to go to the Odnoklassniki website in a convenient way for you. For example, by simply entering in the browser:

The main thing here is that the address is reliable. Otherwise, it will turn out that the virus will creep into the computer, or you will follow the wrong link, and you will be required to log in again. A simple option to suspect this is to look at the address of the site classmates. Does it match the real one:

But it may also happen that a virus in a computer will make a substitution for all social networks and popular sites in the host file, which is located in the system windows folder.

Instructions on how to detect a substitution:

1. Go to the C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\ folder.

2. Open the one located there host file using notepad. (if the file is not in the etc folder, then apparently it is hidden and you can see it after setting the rights to show hidden and system files: Tools - Folder Options - View - click Show hidden folders and files)

3. Bring the hosts file to its original (working) state, depending on the installed operating system:

* If your computer is running under Windows control 7 - # localhost # ::1 localhost.
Below is a small example of this file - how it should actually be!

The normal file looks like this:

The normal form of host does not contain addresses for classmates

Note! If the file after opening has a similar appearance, you need to fully verify this. It often happens that the top content of the file is fully consistent with the original, but by scrolling the scroll bar (on the right), you can see more lines that contain the addresses of the sites of classmates, in contact, and a number of popular resources.

Suspicious lines relating to the site "classmates and in contact" are highlighted with a frame.

If you find something like this, the first thing to do is to remove everything unnecessary, and then check your computer for viruses. But not always antiviruses can detect this virus, because in principle, this is not a virus, but just a file change.

There are free antivirus utilities, thanks to which you can also detect and fix the consequences of which the entrance to classmates was blocked. The first utility is called CureIt. When using the program, be sure to perform a “full scan” of the system, because a quick scan to neutralize a virus is not always enough.

The second useful and common program for solving such problems is AVZ4 - it heals the system and has the function of cleaning the hosts file.

What should I do if classmates require a password when entering my page?

There is nothing terrible or surprising in this either. It’s just that the first thing you should pay attention to, as mentioned above, is to check if classmates require entry or a substitution site.

Always sudden questions, kind

- Why can't I enter my classmates page, because everything was fine before!?

Such situations should alert you. It's one thing if you constantly enter your page like this, and quite another if everything was fine, and suddenly they require a password.

As mentioned earlier, all your passwords should be kept in a safe place. And if you don’t remember it and forgot it, you will have to restore it using the recovery form or contacting support.

It is normal when you first enter a site and you are asked for a password. But if earlier, you saved it, and the classmates page opened on its own, then something is going wrong. Most likely, there is a catch somewhere))

It is better to look around than to communicate with the support service for several days in order to restore the page.

How to quickly log in to my page in classmates?

You can quickly enter the page in classmates directly from the desktop. To do this, I recommend placing the browser you use in the most accessible place (for example, create a shortcut on the desktop).

And yet, you can create a bookmark and access the site from your browser bookmark (to do this, press the key combination on the keyboard Ctrl + D or even easier, select the star in the Google Chrome browser).

It turns out that you can enter your page from trusted sources (from your bookmarks, and through the official website of the social network):

That's all for today.

Have you ever had problems with a page in classmates?

Please write below. I will try to help you! And everything will work out.

See you and join friends on classmates: _//

Ask questions below! is social network for entertainment and communication with friends, relatives and new virtual acquaintances. Many users note the high level of information content of this service, which also affects the increase in user flows every year.

On the site they conduct personal correspondence, discuss various topics and articles, make video calls, show photos, share interesting publications with friends. Using the resource is free, but requires registration, which takes a few minutes.

Main features on Odnoklassniki:

  • search for real acquaintances and new friends;
  • new acquaintances with people from different countries;
  • uploading personal photos, viewing and rating pictures of other users;
  • convenient functionality for correspondence and communication;
  • adding to interest groups and participating in discussions;
  • video viewing;
  • convenient player for listening to audio recordings.

In this social network, the most important thing is in the "feed", which displays the activity of your friends and updates in groups. The top bar contains your messages, discussions, alerts, guests, rating, music. Above the ribbon access to the functions "Basic", "Friends", "Photos", "Groups", "Games", "Statuses", "Videos", "Others".

The social network stands out among other popular services for virtual communication in that it is more focused on users of the CIS countries, which means that the main language is Russian, which is very convenient for managing the page. The user will not face the problem of a pop-up window in English, as in Facebook.

Also strong point Odnoklassniki is considered a convenient music player that allows you to sort audio recordings in various ways. Unlike Vkontakte and Facebook, Odnoklassniki has a clear structure of the news feed with a clear chronology.

Instructions for entering "My Page" in Odnoklassniki

You can enter Odnoklassniki through the Yandex or Google search engine. If you access your page from a computer, then the site name is displayed as If from the phone, then the address mobile version social network is written as

You can enter your profile only after passing the mandatory registration procedure in the system. And the algorithm for further entry to the site is as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. For you to log in, enter your username and password (they are invented and assigned at the stage of registration of the profile).
  3. Wait a few seconds.
  4. The login operation redirects you to your personal page.

To login with mobile device, you will need a specialized application called " classmates". When the program is downloaded and installed on the phone, in the fields that appear, you should specify your login and password to log into the system. Next, you need to click on the "My Page" section and start working with the social network.

Login form.

My page in Odnoklassniki

At the top of the screen stretches an orange panel with icons, among which there is also "My Page". In this section, the following functionality is available:

  • Friends.
  • A photo.
  • Groups. The left column lists the topics of the groups. And at the top you can see the groups in which you are a member. You can also create your own group here. Below is a list of the most popular ones. For each profile, there is an individual selection of them depending on your preferences (motherhood, cars, humor, etc.).
  • Games. There is a large selection of online entertainment for every taste and age.
  • Events. A convenient and interesting service where you can view the events of the city, the events of your friends, or create your own and invite guests from your contact list to it.
  • Online now. Great service for expanding your social circle. By clicking on this section, a selection of people from your city (you can choose another one) who are online is displayed.

Sections on my page

  • Main- the standard format of your profile, which displays the profile picture, information, first and last name.
  • ribbon. The wall is automatically formed from posts from groups (what friends liked), their photos, notes.
  • Recommendations. The service allows you to find new content on various current topics in any format: video, photos, live broadcasts, text publications.
  • Friends.
  • A photo.
  • Groups.
  • Games.
  • Present. They can be bought and sent to friends for the holiday or just for no reason to make it nice.
  • Photo contest. You can upload your photo and vote for other photos you like. For the largest number of votes collected, they are awarded a bronze, silver and gold medal.
  • Payments and subscriptions. Here you can send a transfer or request money from friends and relatives on Visa cards, MasterCard, Maestro. It is safe, simple and fast service, which allows you to make transfers to 18 countries of the world. The section displays a subscription to paid features, balance in the site currency (OK), purchase history, money transfer history, and payment settings.
  • Yet. This tab has a drop down menu:

Notes. This is a prototype notebook. In your profile, you can create a post with text, a picture, and even a poll. The system allows you to publish a note in the status that is displayed to users under your main photo. But even if you do not put it in the status, all friends will see the note.

Holidays(yours and your friends).

Bookmarks. Service for quick and easy access to your favorite friends, photos, photo albums or groups.

About myself. Here you can edit your personal data, fill out a questionnaire of your interests so that users learn more about you.

Auctions. In the section, you can exchange points received for checking photos for paid features.

Services and coupons. Using the service, you can get cashback for offline purchases and participation in brand promotions.

And below there is an active panel with the functions "Find friends", "My settings", "Transfer money", "Buy Oki", "All inclusive", "Invisible", "VIP status", "Decorate the page", "Moderator OK ".

The top of the page in Odnoklassniki

The top of the site page is the main menu in the form of an orange bar. Sections are available here:

  • Messages - personal correspondence of the user.
  • Discussions are public correspondence.
  • Notifications - notifications of the site about any actions.
  • Friends - Users added to your friends list.
  • Guests - a list of visitors to your page.
  • Events - display likes and reposts of your posts.
  • Music is an online player where you can create your collection, download songs, listen to the best and new compositions, radio and music of friends.
  • Videos - popular videos are published here.
  • Search - a window for searching people on the site.

Everything new in the main menu is marked with a green circle, which disappears after viewing the updates.

News feed on the personal page of Odnoklassniki

When you go to, you immediately see the activity feed. It displays the news of your friends and groups in which you are a member. Not only posts made by other users get on your wall, but also posts that have received "Class" from your friends.

The feed is generated and updated automatically. News are displayed in the order they appear on the site. You can set filters to view the feed.

  • "All" is a complete tape.
  • "Popular" - the most "cool" posts.
  • "Discussed" - the most commented entries.
  • "Favorites" - updates of individual friends.
  • "Friends" - new posts of your contacts.
  • "Groups" - a feed of news from the communities in which you are a member.
  • "Games" - brief notifications of the applications you use.

Odnoklassniki is a favorite social network for many. And today we will tell you how to get into your profile, and also consider the main sections of the menu. So, the entrance to the page is carried out from the main page of the site (now -, where you will need to enter your username and password. True, first you need to register there, if you have not done so before, of course.

In the login field, you need to enter your email address that you specified during registration, number mobile phone(can be used as a login after linking it to a profile) or a login that you should have also created during registration on the site. If for some reason you forgot your login or, for example, linked your number to another page, then you will have to restore your login by contacting Odnoklassniki support.

Login and password must be entered in the appropriate fields, which you can find on home page Odnoklassniki, but only if you have not been authorized. Here they are:

We also recommend paying attention to other interesting points. If you check the box next to "Remember me", then the next time you log in, you will not need to enter a username and password. You should not check the box if you access your page from someone else's computer - so that its owner cannot visit your page in your absence.

In addition, there is a “Forgot password” link that allows you to recover your password and even login if you forgot / lost them, as well as the letter G, which is short for Google Plus. Yes, now you can log in to Odnoklassniki using account Google.

Why about? Because the menu sections may differ somewhat, and each user has his own avatar (main photo). However, this does not change the essence.

In the upper right part of the window, you can find the "Help" section, which contains answers to frequently asked questions, the "Exit" button, a button for choosing a language, a search bar and an additional menu that opens when you click on the user's avatar.

A little to the left is a menu with additional sections. Here they are:

Messages. Here, as you might guess, there are messages that you write and that come to you from other people. Clicking on the corresponding section opens a window with correspondence.

Discussions. Here you can see how your friends discussed this or that event (for example, the birthday of another friend of yours).

Alerts. This menu shows a variety of notifications, ranging from online games to adding to your friends list.

Friends. Opens the friends list.

Guests. Here you can see all those users of the social network who visited your page in the last 30 days. After this time, all profiles are automatically removed from the list. The exceptions are invisibles - they are no longer shown in the guests section.

Developments. You can see all the grades and classes that were given to you by this or that user.

Music. Service for listening to music. It's free, you can't download songs, you can only listen to them while on the site. However, some of them are already available for purchase. What does the section look like:

Video. As you might guess, in this section you can find a huge number of all kinds of videos. In addition, you can now watch live broadcasts on Odnoklassniki.

Ribbon. News feed, where you can learn a lot about the life of your friends, as well as news from groups, communities, etc.

Friends. This is a list of all your friends.

A photo. This is where your photos and photo albums are stored. You can delete, edit or add new images at any time.

Groups. All communities where you are a member are shown. Including those that belong directly to you (or rather, those that were created by you. In addition, this section shows current communities.

Games. Online gaming service. There are a lot of games for every taste and age.

Notes. All statuses and notes that were present on your page are stored here. They are not deleted, but moved to this section, from where they can be permanently deleted.

Present. The section shows the gifts you have received, as well as gifts that you can give to other Odnoklassniki users.

Additional menu items are hidden under the "More" button.

Payments. Money transfers to friends and relatives, payment for various functions on the site, etc.

Forum. A kind of conference where any of your friends can leave you a message. You can write on it about anything you want.

Holidays. The section allows you to see the holidays of friends and add your own.

Bookmarks. This section is intended for adding interesting people, groups, topics, etc. there.

About myself. In the "About Me" section, you can add something interesting about yourself, such as your favorite book or movie. In addition, here you can change some of the data, including the city of residence, date of birth, address Email etc.

Black list. The section contains all user accounts that you have ever added to an emergency (blocked).

Auctions. Here you can exchange earned points for paid services.

Settings. Section with all the basic settings.

Design themes. In this section, you can choose a theme to your taste. Below is a small snippet of an example.

Please note that in the mobile version of the Odnoklassniki application, the menu is located differently:

So we have analyzed the main sections of your page in Odnoklassniki. It is also worth noting that under the central menu you will find a feed where the news of your friends, groups and communities is published, for example:

And of course, you can’t forget about the main user photo or the so-called avatar - you can change it at any time.