Windows 10 hotkeys select all. Do you use hotkeys on your Windows keyboard? Keyboard shortcuts for dialog box

Not every user knows what all the keys on a PC keyboard are for. But among them there are many necessary and unused buttons. To learn how to use them more effectively, you should know the purpose of the keyboard keys and be able to use them at the right time.

When first starting to use a computer, a novice user does not think about what additional keys are needed for, and then completely forgets about them, using only those that allow typing. But additional buttons and their combinations can save time and, in some cases, money.

All keys are divided into 7 groups, each of which allows you to speed up your computer work and make the process more efficient. Thanks to the use of additional buttons, the user quickly types text, compiles a report, or simply switches between windows.

Depending on their functions, the keys are divided into groups:

1. Function keys(F1-F12) are designed to perform special tasks and, when pressed again, cancel the triggered action. For example, F1 is pressed to open help for the program whose window is active at the time of pressing. In games, the key performs the function assigned to it in the settings.

2. Alphanumeric needed to enter numbers, keys, punctuation marks and other symbols used when working on a PC.

3. Control keys, which include HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, DELETE and INSERT.

4. Cursor keys are used to move the cursor while working in text editing programs, in a browser, or when selecting files on a computer.

5. Control keys (modifiers) (Alt, Ctrl, Win, Caps Lock, Fn), used most often in combination with each other or with other buttons on the keyboard.

6. Number keys are needed to quickly enter numbers, so they are often used when drawing up reports or working with a calculator.

7. Editing keys (deleting information) – Backspace, Delete.

The layout of the keys on different keyboards may differ, but they are all located in approximately the same places relative to each other. Additional keys can also be built in to mute the sound, increase or decrease the volume, and quickly go to the mailbox.

Let's take a closer look at the purpose of the computer keyboard keys with their full description.

Each key can perform one or more functions:

  • Spacebar located at the bottom of the keyboard and is the largest. When typing, it makes a space between words, and when a fragment of text is selected, it replaces it with a space, which speeds up work text editor. In an Internet browser, it performs the scroll-down function.
  • Esc when pressed, cancels the last action, closes or minimizes open windows.
  • Print Screen creates a screenshot that is inserted into text and graphic editor. The image obtained in this way is called a “screenshot”. The key is also used to print images from the screen.
  • Scroll Lock needed to enable a mode in which you can scroll the page up and down using the cursor keys. But it doesn't work on all computers.
  • Pause/Break pauses a running process, for example, when you boot your computer, you can pause and watch system information, but like the previous key described, it does not work on all devices.
  • Insert activates a mode in which characters are entered over the printed text. After pressing, printing occurs over the entered characters, which at this moment begin to be erased. To cancel the action, press the key again.
  • Delete denoted on the keyboard as Del and is needed to delete characters entered in a text editor or selected files. If an action is performed in a text input field, it is deleted to the right of the cursor.
  • Home This is the key that jumps to the beginning of the filled line. If the cursor is at the end of a sentence in a word processor, pressing the specified button will move the cursor in front of the first letter on the line. If you click on an empty line, nothing happens. In the browser, rewinds the page to the beginning (up).
  • End moves the cursor to the end of the line. In the browser, it rewinds the page to the very bottom.
  • Page Up turns the page up. In some media players, when you press a key, playback occurs. previous file in folder.
  • Page Down scrolls the page down, and in the players includes the media file that is next in the playback queue.
  • Backspace is used to remove characters to the left of the cursor in a text editor or in a field intended for entering characters.
  • Tab used to insert a tab character equal to 8 spaces (forms a paragraph, for example in Word). Also used in combination with other keys.
  • Caps Lock switches capital letters to uppercase and vice versa.
  • Shift When pressed simultaneously with a letter, it becomes capitalized. If Caps Lock is on, it will be lowercase.
  • Alt used in several keyboard shortcuts. Together with Shift, it changes the layout to English; if you press Tab at the same time, it will switch to the program window that was open before.
  • Num Lock turns on a mode in which additional numeric keys work.
  • Enter needed to move to the next line in a text editor, as well as to enter information and confirm actions in many programs.
  • Windows used to open the menu called up when the mouse clicks the “Start” button.
  • Context is located near the right key and calls up a context menu, which differs depending on the program used.
  • The cursor keys move the cursor and allow you to scroll pages in the browser.

Hot keys speed up work on the computer by triggering one or another action. In the described combinations, the keys are pressed in the order in which they are written. Using button combinations it is easy to speed up the process of calling a particular function.

Windows + Pause/break - opens a window that displays information about the computer.
Windows + L is a combination that locks the computer. It helps you change faster account user.
Windows + D - minimizes all windows. To open them, the keys are pressed again.
Windows + Space – the combination is designed to show the desktop.
Windows+ E - needed to go to “my computer”.
Windows + R - Opens the Run window.
Windows + Tab - switches between windows of running programs.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc - opens the task manager.
Win + F - opens a search window for file system computer.
Ctrl + F - activates the search function in a document or program.
Alt + F4 is a keyboard shortcut that closes the active window. If the desktop is active, allows you to restart or shut down the computer when pressed again.
Ctrl + - zooms in or out depending on which way you scroll the mouse wheel.
Alt + Print Screen – the combination creates a screenshot of the program window that is active at that moment.

Hot keys when working with text and files

Ctrl + A - Selects all characters in a text editor or files in an open folder.
Ctrl + C - copies the selected fragment or files.
Ctrl + V - Pastes text or files contained in the clipboard.
Ctrl + Z – the combination is needed to cancel last action.
Ctrl + P - opens the print window.
Ctrl + N - opens a new window of the program that is running at that moment.
Ctrl + S - saves the typed text or project.
Shift + Delete – the combination completely deletes files without placing them in the trash. Be careful and careful when using this key combination!

Typing constantly on one keyboard makes it difficult to get used to another if you have to use several computers. In an electronics store, it is difficult to choose a specific model if you do not know what types of devices exist.

Depending on the buttons, all keyboards are divided into 3 types:

    1. Compact - are devices that do not have additional number keys. Such keyboards are convenient on a small computer desk and have a lower cost.
    1. Standard or full-size have all the described keys.
    1. Multimedia have additional buttons designed to control the playback of media files and control sound. Also, such devices often have a key to turn on the calculator and other programs. It is possible to reassign keys to suit your own needs. Multimedia keyboards often have USB hubs.

To understand which keyboard is more comfortable, try pressing several keys and comparing the sensations. Some devices click too loudly during use or press harder. When pressed, it becomes clear to what depth the buttons go.

In order not to get tired of the noise of the keyboard, for constant work you need to choose models with “softer” keys. Standard devices have a long pitch, while laptops have a short pitch. This also needs to be taken into account.

Multimedia keyboard with additional buttons and connectors significantly increases the degree of comfort when working at a computer, so for long-term work it is worth choosing just such models.

Important! For comfortable work, it is worth purchasing white keyboards. If English and Russian letters are different in color, this allows you to quickly switch from one language to another.

Regardless of which keyboard you choose for your work, it is important to create a comfortable environment. To do this, your hands should be located in a comfortable position. Don't forget about posture. Choosing the right keyboard and following the basic rules of working with a computer will allow you to enjoy the process.

Friends! I hope this article was useful to you, and now you know the purpose of the computer keyboard keys and will use them as efficiently as possible.

The versatility of a computer allows users to perform certain actions many times faster. Almost everyone knows that in the operating system there are so-called “hot keys” or simply shortcuts. They make it possible to interact with the device much faster, while significantly saving the user’s time and effort. However, not everyone knows the reliable true number of possible keyboard shortcuts, which only very experienced users know about.

This functionality was developed and introduced by specialists to simplify life and work with a computer as much as possible. After all, by making just a few movements with your fingers, you can instantly skip the long process of searching and launching a particular program. This, in turn, increases the user's potential, allowing him to perform various tasks on the computer many times faster.

The most useful and common combinations

It is difficult to say which combinations are more popular, in demand and useful, since each of them in itself contains enormous potential. But still, from the entire list of possible combinations, we can single out that “basis” that even a novice user should be familiar with.

“Copy”, “Cut” “Paste” - basics for beginners

Copy to clipboard text information, a file or an entire folder with further movement - these are the functions that are difficult to do without. Carrying out such actions using a pointing device (mouse), the user will have to spend an impressive amount of time on this. However, using hotkey combinations can save a lot of time. To learn how to use such a combination on the keyboard, you need to:

Reference! Copying or cutting any element existing on the PC leads to its placement in a special “intermediate” storage of general data - the clipboard.

Select all contents and cancel actions with a few keys

To take advantage of these features:

Reference! These hotkeys can be used in various applications such as Word, Excel and others.

Combinations for working with files that are open in applications

For those who spend a lot of time working in Word, it will be useful to learn about those combinations that will reduce the time spent using this program:

Buttons for quickly working with dialog boxes

To quickly move between open programs and applications, close them instantly and scroll through them in one second, you need to know special combinations.

  1. To "jump" between running programs, the user needs to press “Alt” + “Tab” at the same time.

  2. To scroll backwards, press Alt+Shift+Tab.

  3. The “Ctrl” + “Tab” combination will allow you to instantly move from one document to another in one application. This is also useful when changing tabs in some programs.

  4. To quickly close a running application, use the simultaneous pressing of “Alt” + “F4”.

  5. “Ctrl” + “F4” pressed together will not close the entire application, but only one document or tab.

  6. To quickly “hide” displayed windows, you can combine “Win” + “D”.

Application in practice of so-called “modifier keys”

There are certain buttons on every PC keyboard called “modifiers”. They got their name from the fact that they allow you to perform a large number of actions when you click on them. You can also combine them, both with each other and between simple keyboard buttons. This makes it possible to increase the number of commands executed by just one key. The list includes:

  • "Ctrl";
  • "Shift";
  • "Alt"
  • "Win."

Keyboard combinations when surfing the Internet through Internet Explorer

Like other existing web browsers, the " Internet Explorer"You can use a variety of hot keys, which allow you to instantly save, add and copy entire sites. The main hotkeys for this application are:

  1. “Ctrl” + “D”, which allow you to instantly add a site to your “favorites” list.

    To add a site to the list of favorites, press the keys “Ctrl” + “D”

  2. To ensure quick closing of one tab, press "Ctrl"+"W".

  3. “Ctrl” + “T” makes it possible to open another additional tab.

  4. Pressing "F5" will refresh the web page.

  5. Using “Ctrl” + “Tab” you can quickly switch between all available tabs.

  6. And the combined press “Ctrl” + “J” will display a list of available downloads.

Useful combinations for quickly working in Explorer

There are the following possible combinations to simplify the use of Explorer:

Table of useful key combinations.

This table contains some useful combinations that will significantly speed up the process of user interaction with the PC.

"Alt+Enter"Displaying properties
"F2"Name change
"Ctrl+NumpadPlus"Automatically select the width of existing columns of a specific list
"Enter"Completely replaces double-clicking with a controller (mouse)
"Shift+Delete"Complete liquidation without moving to the Trash
"F5"Refresh the displayed window
"Backspace"Move up a level in the window
"F4"Go to address bar

Entering "special characters"

To put into practice the so-called “hiding” or simply “ Special symbols", you must use the following combinations: hold down useful key"Alt" and use any of the "Numpad" numbers.

The user can find the combinations themselves in this table in the screenshot.

How to change combinations of an existing keyboard layout

In order to do this, you will need:

Lock the entire keyboard with a key combination

Unfortunately, on personal computer It is almost impossible to perform this action without using third-party software or lengthy settings in the operating system itself. But it’s easy to do on a laptop, just press “Win” + “L”.

But on different models These keys may be intended for other actions, so you can use the combination “NumLock” + “Fn”.

If these combinations do not help, you can use the following:

  • "Fn" + "F6".
  • "Fn" + "F11".

Reference! It all depends on the manufacturer and specific model the device itself. The user is also recommended to inspect the keyboard for the presence of special icons that symbolize locking.

Complete list of all possible combinations

If you need to have absolutely all combinations with you, then you can use this table.

Combination is the easiest way to simplify and reduce the time you use your PC.

Video - 32 secret combinations for your keyboard

The possibilities of Windows 7 seem limitless: creating documents, sending letters, writing programs, processing photos, audio and video materials is not a complete list of what can be done using this smart machine. However operating system stores secrets that are not known to every user, but allow you to optimize your work. One of these is the use of hotkey combinations.

Keyboard shortcuts on Windows 7 are specific combinations that can be used to perform various tasks. Of course, you can use a mouse for this, but knowing these combinations will allow you to do work on your computer faster and easier.

Classic keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7

  • Ctrl+C– Copies text fragments (which were previously selected) or electronic documents;
  • Ctrl+V– Inserting text fragments or files;
  • Ctrl+A– Selecting text in a document or all elements in a directory;
  • Ctrl+X– Cutting out part of the text or any files. This command is different from the command "Copy" the fact that when inserting a cut fragment of text/files, this fragment is not saved in its original location;
  • Ctrl+S– Procedure for saving a document or project;
  • Ctrl+P– Calls up the settings and printing tab;
  • Ctrl+O– Calls up a tab for selecting a document or project that can be opened;
  • Ctrl+N– The procedure for creating new documents or projects;
  • Ctrl+Z– The operation of canceling a completed action;
  • Ctrl+Y– The operation of repeating a completed action;
  • Delete– Deleting an element. If you use this key with a file, it will be moved to "Basket". If you accidentally delete a file from there, you can restore it;
  • Shift+Delete– Deleting a file permanently, without moving it to "Basket".

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7 when working with text

In addition to the classic Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts, there are special combinations that execute commands when the user works with text. Knowledge of these commands will be especially useful for those who are learning or already practicing touch typing on the keyboard. Thus, you can not only quickly type text, but also edit it. Similar combinations can work in various editors.

  • Ctrl+B– Makes the selected text bold;
  • Ctrl+I– Makes the selected text italic;
  • Ctrl+U— Makes the selected text underlined;
  • Ctrl+"arrow (left, right)"– Moves the cursor in the text either to the beginning of the current word (by pressing the left arrow) or to the beginning of the next word in the text (by pressing the right arrow). If you also hold down the key during this command Shift, then the cursor will not move, but words will be highlighted to the right or left of it, depending on the arrow;
  • Ctrl+Home– Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document (no need to select text to move);
  • Ctrl+End– Moves the cursor to the end of the document (the transfer will occur without selecting text);
  • Delete– Deletes text that has been selected.

Keyboard shortcuts when working with Explorer, Windows, Desktop Windows 7

Windows 7 allows you to use keys to execute various commands to switch and change the appearance of windows when working with panels and Explorer. All this is aimed at increasing the speed and convenience of work.

  • Win+Home– Maximizes all background windows. When pressed again, it collapses them;
  • Alt+Enter– Go to full screen mode. When pressed again, the command returns to its original position;
  • Win+D– Hides all open windows; when pressed again, the command returns everything to its original position;
  • Ctrl+Alt+Delete– Calls up a window in which you can perform the following actions: "Lock computer", "Change user", "Log out", "Change password…", "Start Task Manager";
  • Ctrl+Alt+ESC— Calls "Task Manager";
  • Win+R– Opens a tab "Running the program"(team "Start""Run");
  • PrtSc (PrintScreen)– Launching a full screenshot procedure;
  • Alt+PrtSc– Starting the procedure for snapshotting only a specific window;
  • F6– Moving the user between different panels;
  • Win+T– A procedure that allows you to switch directly between windows on the taskbar;
  • Win+Shift– A procedure that allows you to switch in the opposite direction between windows on the taskbar;
  • Shift+RMB– Activation of the main menu for windows;
  • Win+Home— Expand or collapse all windows in the background;
  • Win+"up arrow"– Enables full screen mode for the window in which the work is being performed;
  • Win+"arrow to down"— Changing the size of the involved window to a smaller side;
  • Shift+Win+"up arrow"— Enlarges the involved window to the size of the entire desktop;
  • Win+"left arrow"– Moves the involved window to the leftmost area of ​​the screen;
  • Win+"right arrow"– Moves the involved window to the rightmost area of ​​the screen;
  • Ctrl+Shift+N– Creates a new directory in Explorer;
  • Alt+P– Enable overview panel for digital signatures;
  • Alt+"up arrow"– Allows you to move between directories one level up;
  • Shift+RMB on file— Launching additional functionality in the context menu;
  • Shift+RMB on folder– Inclusion of additional items in the context menu;
  • Win+P– Enabling the function of adjacent equipment or additional screen;
  • Win++ or – Enabling the screen magnifier functionality on Windows 7. Increases or decreases the scale of icons on the screen;
  • Win+G– Start moving between active directories.

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The Win button, which can be found on the keyboard of PC-compatible computers, serves not only to open the Start menu. Using it in combination with other keys simplifies your computer work and saves a lot of time.

website I have compiled a list of features of this button that will surely be useful to everyone Windows user.

  • ⊞Win- open/close the Start menu, in Windows 8.1 - open the previous window;
  • ⊞ Win + A- open Notification Center (in Windows 10);
  • ⊞ Win + B- select the first icon in the notification area (then you can switch between icons using the arrow keys);
  • ⊞ Win + Ctrl + B- switch to a program that displays a message in the notification area;
  • ⊞ Win + C- show sidebar“Charm Bar” (in Windows 8 and 8.1), in Windows 10 - call Cortana (when using a supported language);
  • ⊞ Win + D- show desktop (instantly minimize all open windows);
  • ⊞ Win + E- open “Explorer”; In Windows 10, by default it opens "Panel quick access»;
  • ⊞ Win + F- open “File Search”;
  • ⊞ Win + Ctrl + F- open “Search for computers”;
  • ⊞ Win + G- show gadgets on top of all windows (only in Windows 7 and Vista); Open Game Bar in Windows 10;
  • ⊞ Win + K- open a new Start menu - “Connections” (in Windows 8 and 8.1);
  • ⊞ Win + L- change the user or block the workstation;
  • ⊞ Win + M- minimize all windows;
  • ⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + M- restore windows after minimizing;
  • ⊞ Win + O- disable screen rotation (disable reaction to the gyroscope on tablets);
  • ⊞ Win + P- switch operating modes from external monitor/ projector (Windows 7 and later only);
  • ⊞ Win + Q- open the search bar by installed programs(tested on Windows 8);
  • ⊞ Win + R- open the “Run” window;
  • ⊞ Win + T- switch focus to the taskbar (only in Windows 7 and later);
  • ⊞ Win + U- open the Center special features;
  • ⊞ Win + W- open Windows Ink Workspace (notes, screenshot);
  • ⊞ Win + X- open Mobile Center Windows applications(only for mobile computers V Windows Vista and 7);
  • ⊞ Win + Y- open Yahoo! Messenger (if installed).
  • ⊞ Win + Pause- open system properties;
  • ⊞ Win + F1- open Help Center and Windows support;
  • ⊞ Win + 1 ... 0- launch/switch to the program pinned to the taskbar with the specified serial number (only in Windows Vista and later);
  • ⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + 1 ... 0- launch a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar with the specified serial number (only in Windows 7 and later);
  • ⊞ Win + Ctrl + 1 ... 0- switch to the last active program window pinned to the taskbar with the specified serial number (only in Windows 7 and later);
  • ⊞ Win + Alt +1 ... 0- open the jump list for the program pinned to the taskbar with the specified sequence number (only in Windows 7 and later);
  • ⊞ Win +- maximize the window (only in Windows 7 and later);
  • ⊞ Win + ↓- restore/minimize the window (only in Windows 7 and later);
  • ⊞ Win + ← or →- switch the window expansion mode (including between monitors in multi-monitor configurations) (only in Windows 7 and later);
  • ⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + ← or →- move a window between monitors in multi-monitor configurations (only in Windows 7 and later);
  • ⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + or ↓- stretch the active window from the top to the bottom edges of the screen / restore the window size;
  • ⊞ Win + Home- minimize/restore all unminimized windows except the active one (Windows 7 only), go to the top of the web page;
  • ⊞ Win + Space- look at the desktop (Windows 7 only) / change layout (Windows 8 and 10 only);
  • ⊞ Win + +- activate screen magnifier / enlarge the image by 100% (only in Windows 7 and later);
  • Win + -- with Magnifier active, zoom out the image by 100% (only in Windows 7 and later);
  • ⊞ Win + Esc- disable Magnifier (only in Windows 7 and later).

OS X keyboard

Command + Up Arrow- instantly scroll up any web page.
Command + Down Arrow- instantly scroll down any web page.
Command + 1 (2, 3). Use these keys to conveniently switch between any open tabs in your browser. Command + 1 will take you to the first tab, Command + 2 will take you to the second, etc.
Option + Delete- will remove words one at a time, rather than one letter at a time. This works on all OS X, whether you're typing in TextEdit or even typing a website into your browser's URL bar.
Command+H- quickly hide all open windows from the currently active application.
Command + Shift + T- instantly open the latest closed tab in your browser.
Option + Shift + Volume Up / Volume Down- Increase or decrease volume in much smaller increments.

Ctrl + Command + Space- displays a keyboard with symbols and emoji.

The only skill that I have retained from my programming past is computer literacy. I would rather rip my eye out of my head than remove the flash drive without unplugging it. I actually feel physical pain when someone just pulls it out.

It is also hard for me to watch when this despicable someone does not use all the richness of the system interface functions. For example, he treats windows like pieces of paper on a desk: he pushes them aside to dig out what he needs.

There is also switching between tasks - alt+tab! These would-be users make a mess of their desktop, although there is convenient folders: “Documents”, “Photos”, “Videos”. It would seem that they were put there especially for you, idiot, they were conceived. If you don’t want to go there, create a “Junk” or “Files that I don’t know what folder to put in” folder and put it there. No! They put everything on the desktop.

There are great hotkey combinations ctrl+c And ctrl+v, not to mention ctrl+x, for copy-paste. But no, it’s like a smart modern person sits and uses the mouse in the menu to select “copy” and “paste”. I just want to break off his arms. You tell him: “What are you doing, you bastard! These commands have been invented for you, for your own convenience! Look how fast it is!” He was like, “Yes, really! Show me again...” You show him, he nods, clicks his tongue - that’s really how convenient it is. And then, lo and behold, he’s moving the mouse again. There is not enough evil.

The most necessary hotkeys for copy-paste.

The brightest minds of humanity turn their brains inside out and end up in neurosis clinics to make the work of ordinary users easier. And these so-called users are lazy to spend five minutes to master these functions and save several days of life in the end. Retrogrades! People like them, just in case, burned scientists at the stake, fought against potatoes and electricity, banned genetics, the atomic bomb and cloning. If there are more of these, humanity will plunge into the abyss of primeval obscurantism. The decline of civilization begins with a reluctance to press alt+tab, I'm sure of it.

I give a detailed layout of hot keys on the keyboard

General purpose hotkeys

Keyboard shortcutDescription
Open the Start menu
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Calling the "Task Manager"
Win+E Launching Explorer
Win+R Displaying the “Run program” dialog, analogous to “Start” - “Run”
Win+D Minimize all windows or return to the initial state(switch)
Win+L Locking a workstation
Win+F1 Access Windows Help
Win+Pause Opening the System Properties window
Win+F Open file search window
Win + Ctrl + F Open computer search window
Printscreen Take a screenshot of the entire screen
Alt + Printscreen Take a screenshot of the currently active window
Win + Shift + Tab
Switches between taskbar buttons
Move between panels. For example, between the desktop and the Quick Launch panel
Ctrl+A Select everything (objects, text)
Ctrl + Insert
Copy to clipboard (objects, text)
Cut to clipboard (objects, text)
Shift + Insert
Paste from clipboard (objects, text)
Ctrl + N Create a new document, project, or similar action. In Internet Explorer, this causes a new window to open with a copy of the contents of the current window.
Ctrl+S Save the current document, project, etc.
Ctrl+O Call a file selection dialog to open a document, project, etc.
Ctrl+P Seal
Ctrl+Z Undo last action
Shift CD-ROM autorun lock (hold while the drive reads the newly inserted disc)
Alt+Enter Switching to full screen mode and back (switch; for example, in Windows Media Player or in a command interpreter window).

Work with text

Working with files

Keyboard shortcutDescription
Shift + F10
Display context menu current object (same as right-clicking).
Alt+Enter Calling “Object Properties”
F2 Renaming an object
Drag with Ctrl Copying an object
Drag with Shift Moving an object
Drag with Ctrl + Shift Create an object shortcut
Ctrl clicks Selecting multiple objects in random order
Shift clicks Selecting multiple adjacent objects
Enter Same as double clicking on an object
Delete Deleting an object
Shift+Delete Permanently deleting an object without placing it in the trash

Working in Explorer

Working with Windows

Keyboard shortcutDescription
Alt + Shift + Tab
Calling the transition menu between windows and navigating through it
Alt + Shift + Esc
Switch between windows (in the order in which they were launched)
Alt+F6 Switching between multiple windows of the same program (for example, between open windows WinWord)
Alt+F4 Closing the active window (running application). On the desktop - call the Windows shutdown dialog
Ctrl+F4 Closing the active document in programs that allow multiple documents to be opened simultaneously
Calling the window menu
Alt + ? (minus) Calling the system menu of a child window (for example, a document window)
Esc Exit a window menu or close an open dialog
Alt + letter Call a menu command or open a menu column. The corresponding letters in the menu are usually underlined (either initially, or become underlined after pressing Alt). If the menu column is already open, then to call the desired command you must press the key with the letter that is underlined in this command
Alt + Space Calling the window system menu
F1 Call application help.
Scroll text vertically or move up and down paragraphs of text.

Working with Dialog Boxes

Working in Internet Explorer

Keyboard shortcutDescription
F4 Displaying a list of the Address field
Ctrl + N
Start another browser instance with the same web address
Ctrl+R Refresh the current web page
Ctrl+B Opens the Organize Favorites dialog box
Ctrl+E Opens the Search panel
Ctrl+F Starting the Search Utility
Ctrl + I Opens the Favorites panel
Ctrl+L Opens the Open dialog box
Ctrl+O Opens the Open dialog box, similar to CtrL+L
Ctrl+P Opens the Print dialog box
Ctrl+W Closing the current window
F11 Switch to full screen mode and back (works in some other applications as well).

Special abilities

  • Press the Shift key five times: Turn Sticky Keys on or off
  • Hold down the Right SHIFT key for eight seconds: Turn input filtering on or off
  • Hold down the Num Lock key for five seconds: Toggle voiceover on or off
  • Alt Left + Shift Left + Num Lock: Enable or disable keyboard pointer control
  • Alt Left + Shift Left + PRINT SCREEN: Toggle High Contrast on or off

I think that using hotkeys will make working on the computer much easier. And you? If you know any other additional features, by keyboard shortcut, then you can leave it in the comments, I will definitely add it to the necessary table list.