Formal passions by Russian post. Corporate style in clothing of the Russian Post New postal uniform

Photos of heads of federal postal services departments (UFPS) in full dress uniforms sparked a heated discussion on the RuNet. Netizens agree that it is very reminiscent of the uniform of SS officers in Nazi Germany. Social networks were immediately flooded with caustic comments about this and “photographs.” At the same time, many decided that it is a new uniform for all employees of Russian Post, but they claim that this is not the case at all.

The photographs of the directors of Russian Post branches in the Kemerovo and Arkhangelsk regions, Evgenia Zhilina and Nikolai Frolov, caused a stir. For a long time, the photo of the head of the Kemerovo Main Post Office was on the regional tab of the official Moscow website of Russian Post, Elena Petrakova, press secretary of the Federal Post Office for the Kemerovo region, explained to the Vse42 portal.

Photo: Trinixi At the time of publication of the material, there was no photograph of Zhilina on this page, and Frolov’s image on the official page of the UFPS, which he heads, had already been replaced with another, where he is dressed in civilian clothes. However, screenshots of these and other photographs managed to spread across the Internet, arousing the keenest interest of users.

“New form of Russian Post. Standartenpostmen”, “the color scheme is tin... the Gestapo”, - write Twitter users (spelling preserved). “It would be nice to give each postman a shepherd dog and a harmonica,” the Vse42 portal quotes one of the comments. “The younger generation will think that 17 Moments of Spring is a film about postmen,” the news agency quotes another savory comment.

Russian Post officially explained everything on LiveJournal. "Modern uniform employees of Russian Post was developed and produced for the Winter Olympic Games Sochi 2014, and for the management team - a little earlier, in 2011-2012,” the statement says.

“Since 2013, the production of uniforms for senior postal workers has not been carried out. And for employees post offices“On the contrary, it is being implemented as a corporate standard,” the commentary notes. It also says that “the uniform contains stylistic elements common to Russian uniforms: stripes on the cuffs, lapels and sleeves of the jacket, cap and cap cap badges, etc.”

Meanwhile, “Arguments and Facts” report with reference to a representative of Russian Post that this type of uniform was introduced in 2011 as an option for ceremonial uniforms and only for the management of the organization - the general director, his deputies and heads of directorates, but then it was abolished, leaving only the general director and his deputy for branch development.

Let us remind you. total cost amounted to 8.5 million rubles

Post office is a large enterprise that sets itself the goal of creating high-quality and reliable postal services in all regions of Russia.

At the end of the difficult stage of merger, the company is on a new path of development - formation of corporate style, business culture and image successful domestic organization.

An important role in the perception of the whole image of Russian Post plays a role in the appearance of employees, which meets international standards in the field corporate form and style.

Uniforms of Russian Post

“The developed new corporate style of the enterprise, reflected, among other things, in uniform employees, will help them develop a sense of pride in their company and an undeniable desire to improve it prestige. The integrity of the corporate identity combined with high quality provided postal services will be an important impetus for the development of Russian Post and the improvement of the entire postal infrastructure of the country,” I am sure CEO FSUE "Post of Russia" Gennady Syrtsov.

Uniforms of Russian Post created in such a way as to favorably position the company as:

  • accessible, attentive and friendly– for ordinary clients and individuals;
  • reliable assistant and partner- For large companies and legal entities.

New uniforms for Russian Post employees include: women's and men's uniform sets, and accessories that create stylish, complete looks. There are three such images in total, for each of structural divisions companies:

  • for ordinary employees;
  • for postal operators;
  • for the company's management team.

The uniform set of an ordinary postal employee is designed taking into account the provision of convenience and comfort employees while performing their duties. It is made in shades characteristic of Russian Post, combination blue and orange colors.

Impeccable taste and business style are the main requirements for the appearance of employees engaged in customer service.

Men's and women's uniforms of Russian Post

For women it is a skirt and blouse with three-quarter sleeves - for work in the summer, as well as jumper and turtleneck- as a winter version of the uniform.

For employees stronger sexblue trousers and, depending on the season, orange T-shirt or turtleneck, complemented by the company logo.

Uniform female operator suit Postal service is enough discreet but elegant. Set comprises:

  • a laconic pencil skirt;
  • classic white blouse;
  • a fitted sleeveless vest and jacket.

Style idea male operator uniforms borrowed from the image of pilots. Ultramarine blue pantsuit, vest and white uniform shirt– allow you to create a visual motivation of comfort and trust.

All sets of uniforms of the Russian Post are made of high quality materials, and the special cut and attention to detail are designed to make a uniform that is light, comfortable, wearable and retains its shape well.

Also when creating modern form postal employees were taken into account different working conditions divisions of the company. Therefore, classic sets are complemented by aprons, quilted jackets, raincoats, Alaskan jackets, hats, ties and other accessories with corporate symbols.

Form for the management staff of Russian Post

If providing uniforms for employees and employees of regional branches of the Russian Post is a priority task at the present stage of development of the corporate culture of the campaign, then the development dress uniform for management personnel- a matter that was decided long ago.

This form was developed back in 2011 - 2012, and has not undergone any changes since then. The uniform of Russian Post managers contains elements that can be used in the style of any Russian workwear: stripes on the cuffs, logo embroidery on the lapels and sleeves of the jacket, decorative elements on mittens and caps, etc.

Appearance There are several ceremonial uniforms of postal managers reminds me of an army one. This is not a tribute to fashion, but rather a historical pattern, because Since the 30s of the 19th century, the postal uniform in appearance was close to the officer’s uniform of the Russian army. Sewing using a similar principle ceremonial-weekend sets for postal employees in Soviet times.

Ceremonial uniform for the leadership of the Russian Federation postal company completed in uniform corporate style and current color scheme. The noble, deep blue color is complemented by silver details. The main emphasis is on the embroidery of the main logo Russian Post company - double headed eagle, which are present on the shoulder chevrons, the lapels of a double-breasted jacket and the cockade of a uniform headdress. Clothes done simple and elegant fits well and emphasizes the dignity of the figure.

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P>The appearance on the official websites of the structural divisions of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" of photographs of employees in new uniforms caused a very uniform "seething" in the blogosphere.

Liberal-minded bloggers saw in the new “ceremonial” uniform of postal workers certain motifs that allegedly echoed the uniforms of the paramilitary forces of Nazi Germany. Others went even further and completely accused Russians of excessive attachment to everything uniform, militarized, the desire to “walk in formation” and “watchman syndrome.”

First, we will try to understand the form of mailers. Does it really look like the “SS uniform”, as the orderly ranks of observant bloggers, including from neighboring Ukraine, wrote about it?

Officially, the form in Russian Post appeared relatively recently, it was introduced five years ago. It is worth noting that before the revolution, postal workers also wore a uniform, so its appearance is essentially nothing surprising - it is a necessary recreation of traditions and raising the prestige of work in the organization. The latter is vital for Russian Post, since the “staff turnover” among postal workers has been breaking all records in recent years, which affects the quality of the organization’s work as a whole.

But let's return to the uniform of postmen. Modern uniforms for employees of Russian Post were developed and produced for the Winter Olympic Games Sochi 2014, and for management personnel - a little earlier, in 2011 - 2012. The uniform contains stylistic elements common to Russian uniforms: stripes on the cuffs , lapels and sleeves of the tunic, cap badge. It is a bit reminiscent of the uniform of pilots and flight personnel of Aeroflot in the second half of the 20th century, but not the uniform of officials of Nazi Germany and the SS. However, you can see for yourself:

Official uniform of employees of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post"

Post office operators uniform

Photos have circulated on the Internet showing “ new form"Russian Post" The appearance of postal employees is very reminiscent of the appearance of SS employees, which caused a stir among bloggers and a lot of sarcastic comments. Some are sincerely outraged - is it possible to introduce such an “ambiguous” uniform, while others suspect a trick.

And for good reason. As it turned out, the assertion that from now on postmen will sport exactly these clothes turned out to be, to put it mildly, false. According to a representative of Russian Post, this form indeed, it was offered as ceremonial uniform, but this was in 2011 and concerned only the leadership team. After some time, this clothing option was completely abolished. In addition, since 2013, the development of a uniform for management has not been carried out at all, and ordinary employees sport the usual blue suits.

In addition, photographs showing silver stripes and buttonholes “a la SS” were selected specifically to draw an analogy. Even if it turned out to be tense, what else do Internet users need to “make fun”? A company representative noted that you can find many beautiful photographs published back in 2011, but then they did not evoke any associations.

They note that information about the supposedly entered form was mainly disseminated through the Ukrainian media and, picked up by bloggers, simply flooded the network. In reality, she turned out to be just a fat duck.