Denpasar Indonesia. Bali, Denpasar: climate, attractions, recreation

The cost of a flight always depends on the time of travel. The chart will allow you to compare prices for air tickets to Denpasar Bali, track the dynamics of changes in their cost and find the best offer.

Statistics will help determine the season of low prices. For example, in December prices reach an average of 51,539 rubles, and in November the cost of tickets drops to an average of 36,381 rubles. Plan your trip now!

Site users make hundreds of thousands of searches on our site every day. We analyze this information and create charts to make it easier for you to plan your trips.

What is more profitable – to buy air tickets in advance, avoiding the general rush, or to take advantage of a “hot” offer closer to the departure date? The chart will help you determine the best time to purchase airline tickets.

See how the price of air tickets to Denpasar Bali changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the start of sales, their value has changed by an average of 29%. The minimum price for a flight to Denpasar Bali is 7 days before departure, approximately 40,231 rubles. The maximum price for a flight to Denpasar Bali is on the day of departure, approximately 56,127 rubles. In most cases, early booking helps you save money, take advantage of it!

Airfare to Denpasar Bali does not represent a fixed and constant amount. It depends on many factors, including the day of departure. The dynamics of changes are visible on the graph.

According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights to Denpasar Bali is on Tuesdays, their average cost is 40,837 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Saturdays, their average cost is 43,484 rubles. It is worth considering that flights on holidays are usually more expensive. We hope this information will help you plan your travels more effectively.


Bali Museum

The Bali Museum was founded in 1931 and was designed by the famous Indonesian architect P.J. Moojen, near the former Royal Palace in Denpasar. The museum complex has four pavilions that symbolically depict areas of the island of Bali. In the northern part there is the Tabanan pavilion, the collection of which presents national costumes and paraphernalia - masks, weapons, as well as some ancient statues. Not far from it is the Timyr pavilion, where important archaeological finds are kept.

At the center of the complex is the Buleleng Pavilion. The building was erected in an architectural style typical of the northern part of the island. Various household items are presented here - dishes and clothing, as well as examples of fine art. In the southern part of the Bali Museum is the Kulkul pavilion, the exhibition of which displays weapons used by people during hunting, as well as implements for agriculture. It also houses a collection of local art. This place is great for an educational family holiday; by visiting here, you can learn Interesting Facts about the island, as well as buy original souvenirs.

Coordinates: -8.65788400,115.21898200

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Telaga Waja River

Telaga Waja River or White Water, which is considered sacred by the locals. It is one of the longest rivers in eastern Bali. The Telaga Waja River flows in the foothills of the sacred Mount Agung, an active volcano that last erupted in 1960.

Nearby is the village of Munkan, Karangasem district. The Telaga Waja can be reached within about an hour and a half from Denpasar, Kuta, Nusa Dua, Seminyak, and other areas. The Telaga Waja River remains the best rafting destination in Bali because the river flows along green expanses of fields, valleys, hills, rocks and waterfalls. This river has 3-4 levels of difficulty, but is still considered safe for beginners. The length of the river rafting is 16 kilometers from the starting point to the ending point, and river trips are available year-round. The river offers beautiful views of rice fields, rainforests and waterfalls.

Coordinates: -8.43034700,115.44217600

The Indonesian island of Bali delights tourists with many attractions, one of which is the modest house-museum of the artist Gusti Ngurah Gede Pemechutan. The establishment is small, it has only a few rooms, but, undoubtedly, it is very valuable from a historical and artistic point of view and very interesting to visit. The artist decided to found a museum and open his works to the general public. Many of them are made using the author’s special “fingerprint” technique. They have always aroused special interest among spectators, art students, collectors and many professional artists. Gusti Ngurah Gede Pemechutan dreamed that the museum with a collection of his paintings would become a hospitable home in which discussions about history and art would be held, and meetings of the creative intelligentsia would take place.

The Gusti Ngurah Gede Pemechutan Museum aims to popularize the artistic culture of the city of Denpasar. By visiting here, you will not only get acquainted with the amazing painting technique, but also do a lot of good photos. The museum has a souvenir shop where you can buy exclusive reproductions of famous paintings.

Coordinates: -8.67411700,115.18439200

Ngurah Rai International Airport

international Airport Ngurah Rai International Airport, also known as Denpasar International Airport (IATA code) DPS, is the only one on the island of Bali. It is located 13 km south of the city of Denpasar and 2.5 km from the city of Kuta. The airport is named after Indonesia's national hero who died fighting for the country's independence in 1946.

The Airport has two terminals - internal and external. And if the terminal for domestic flights is very modest, the international one boasts spacious halls, a Balinese-style interior, many cafes and shops, and reasonable prices in Duty free. There is a post office and a bank at the airport. And before your flight, you can even get a relaxing massage to relieve stress and anxiety. There are massage rooms at the airport, where, for example, a massage for 30 minutes will cost 100,000 rupees.

Coordinates: -8.65459600,115.22236300

Ayung River

The Ayung River, with a length of about 12 kilometers, is the longest river on the Indonesian island of Bali. It originates near the mountain ranges in the north of the island and flows into the Badung Strait of the Bali Sea.

The Ayung River flows through the city of Denpasar, the capital and largest city of the province of Bali. Most of the river's course lies in virgin jungle. Along the banks you can see centuries-old vines, strange plants and giant tree ferns. The waters of the river attract lovers of rafting - sports rafting along mountain rivers on inflatable vessels - rafts, for which local company Sobek organizes regular competitions.

Coordinates: -8.65440000,115.26654800

Maospahit Temple

Maospahit Temple is the oldest temple in Denpasar, Bali. It traces its history back to the Majapahit Empire, between the 13th and 15th centuries. The style of architecture of the temple reflects the development of this art form at that time. The name comes from the name of one of the Balinese deities.

Although the temple is not open to the public, it can be admired from the outside to fully appreciate the marvelous architecture. It should be noted that on this moment There are some deviations from the original. The gates, for example, are not the same as they were before, they have been changed over time. The earthquakes at the beginning of the twentieth century also had negative consequences. In fact, now you can only see part of the temple, which has remained unchanged for six hundred years.

Coordinates: -8.65367300,115.21021000

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Denpasar from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Denpasar.

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Denpasar is the capital and one of the largest cities in Bali. Most tourists only use it as a stopover on their way to the beach resorts, but there is plenty to see in Denpasar itself, and the locals are very friendly.

The city has many ancient temples, palaces and museums, but it is most famous for its interesting shopping. At the local central market you can buy fresh exotic fruits and various products self made local artisans. Gold prices are low here, and an abundance of silk goods can be found in the Duta Silk silk shopping center.

How to get to Denpasar

Mostly regular flights fly to Bali and Denpasar; charters are only available there during the New Year holidays. The most economical and convenient flight option is with Singapore Airlines on the route Moscow - Singapore - Denpasar (about 13 hours excluding connections), but they fly only once a week. Turkish Airlines + Air Asia flights are also in demand (route: Moscow - Istanbul - Singapore - Denpasar).

From Kuta and Legian you can get here to Denpasar by taxi in 20-30 minutes. Sanur is located just 15 minutes from the capital. In the city itself, the transport network is represented by bright bemo minibuses, each of which with Latin letters The first and final stops are indicated. You can pay for the bus at the terminal ticket office.

The most pleasant way to get around the city is in horse-drawn carriages - dokar. They usually accommodate several passengers and take them to the most interesting places in the city.

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History of Denpasar

The city's former name was Badung. For a long time the country was under the protection of the Dutch, thanks to whose help and protection the region remained independent throughout the 19th century. After a conflict between the Balinese and Western authorities, the occupiers decided to take power into their own hands. When the troops approached the Rajah's palace, a colony headed by the king and priests advanced to meet them. The procession stopped and the priest plunged a knife encrusted with expensive stones into the heart of his master. Everyone followed this example. Such suicides continued in other parts of the island. Under international pressure, the Dutch were forced to leave the country. In 1936, the city changed its name to Denpasar.


Cuisine and restaurants

Denpasar is a quiet city where you won't find fun nightlife, luxury restaurants or cafes. However, you can enjoy national cuisine in simple street restaurants - warungs. They serve nasi campur - boiled rice with various additives, nasi goreng - fried rice popular in Indonesia, soto ayam - spicy chicken soup with vegetables and many noodle dishes. The prices are quite low and the dishes are very tasty.

After 10 pm, all restaurants close, but there is no need to despair: the Kumbasari night bazaar will not leave anyone hungry. The market is filled with stalls and open-air restaurants serving local dishes prepared according to family recipes.

For shopping, you should go to the largest and most colorful market, Pasar Badung. This is a three-story brick building where trade is carried out around the clock. Dance performances and music shows take place here.

Popular hotels in Denpasar

Entertainment and attractions in Denpasar

Denpasar means "north of the Market" in Balinese. It is a calm, green city with a rich cultural heritage. In the center of the city is Puputan Square, where in 1906 the Rajah of Badung and his entourage committed mass suicide in front of the Dutch occupiers. At the intersection of highways there is a five-meter statue of Catur Muka - a four-faced guard, indicating the exact position of the city center.

Next to the square is the Bali Museum, built in 1910 by the Dutch. Thus, the population tried to prevent the theft of Balinese art and export abroad. The building houses museums of anthropology and ethnography. Many pavilions contain unique items everyday life of ancient aborigines, ritual accessories, jewelry, handicrafts, costumes and dolls. The main building houses exhibits dating back to the 2nd century BC. In the southern pavilion you can see samples of sacred fabrics from the village of Tenganan. The museum is open from 8.00 to 17.00 every day except Friday.

The most striking and interesting building in the capital is Pura Maospahit - a temple built in the 14th century.

The most striking and interesting building in the capital is Pura Maospahit - a temple built in the 14th century. The architecture of the building is unique and simple. The temple is built of brick and, most interestingly, without carvings or traditional decorations. Inside the temple there are several courtyards and an empty tree trunk into which the alarm is sounded. In the middle courtyard there is a statue of the mythical eagle Garuda and the god of wind.

The Taman Budaya Cultural Center is located in the eastern part of the city. Here you can visit an art gallery or see a colorful show - the Kecak ritual dance, “dance of the monkeys”. A large dance festival takes place here in June.

The remote tropical island of Bali cannot be called a tourist mecca, where everything works exclusively for the hotel business. This is a beautiful island with its own character, which you either fall in love with immediately or never come again.

Bali is a kingdom of volcanoes, impenetrable tropical forests and stunning sunsets on the ocean. The colorful traditions of the locals are a bizarre mixture of Buddhist, Hindu and ancient island beliefs. Balinese gods live in unusual temples on the water, numerous religious rituals and holidays are an incredible extravaganza of intricate colors.

Landscapes of Bali beaches can be safely placed in an exemplary picture. White sand, blue ocean, inaccessible coastal cliffs and bright tropical sun - here there is everything a tourist exhausted by a long winter needs.

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What to see and where to go in Bali?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

1. Ubud city

Ubud is located away from the beach resorts of the island. It is known as the cultural center of Bali due to its many galleries, museums, workshops and antique shops. International art festivals are often held here. Hotels and restaurants in the city are created according to individual design projects. Ubud is surrounded by picturesque terraced rice fields, which are located on the slopes of a volcanic ridge.

2. Monkey forest in Ubud

The monkey can be considered the unofficial symbol of Bali. There are several places where these animals live in groups on the island. One of them is in Ubud. This is a monkey forest, which is considered sacred by the Balinese; the Pura Bukit temple is located on its territory. Numerous inhabitants of the forest are not at all afraid of tourists. They make excellent contact with people, sometimes they even get very impudent and steal sunglasses, jewelry and anything else that doesn’t fit in their bag.

3. Waterpark "Waterbom Bali"

The water park covers an area of ​​4 hectares. It is famous not only for its water attractions and swimming pools, but also for its numerous tropical gardens and magnificent spas. After an exciting roller coaster ride, tourists will be offered a relaxing Balinese massage, mineral baths or a boat ride on a quiet river. The water park has a floating bar and a restaurant where you can sample local coffee.

4. Tirta Gangga Water Palace

An architectural and park complex with numerous ponds, fountains and canals, which are interconnected by alleys and bridges. It was erected in 1946 for the royal family. Despite its relatively young age, the palace looks like an ancient landmark thanks to its traditional architecture and high humidity, due to which the walls of the buildings are overgrown with green moss after a few months.

5. Ujung Water Palace

Ujung Palace, like Tirta Gangga, was built by the last king of the Karangasema dynasty, who received an architectural education in Holland. The complex was built in a mixed architectural style. In its outlines you can see European and Balinese features. The palace was built in 1921, but after the 1976 earthquake it stood abandoned for a long time. The restoration was carried out in the period 2001-2003.

6. Agung Rai Museum of Art

The museum is located in the city of Ubud. It was opened in 1980 with funds from philanthropist and collector Agung Rai. The collection is dedicated to Indonesian painting, from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 21st century. There are also rare works by European artists who lived and worked in Bali. The museum space is actively used for organizing temporary exhibitions.

7. Pacifica Museum

The museum exhibits a unique collection of painters from the Asia-Pacific region. The museum collections contain works by more than 200 artists. The gallery is also known for its extensive collection of antiques. The museum space is divided into 11 halls dedicated to different areas of art. Paintings by Indonesian artists are exhibited in five halls.

8. Neka Museum

The museum is named after its founder, local artist and collector Suteji Nek, who is the son of the famous Balinese woodcarver Wayan Nek. The gallery was opened in 1982. Suteji dedicated his life to studying Balinese culture, developing art in Indonesia, and collecting. The exhibition at the Neka Museum consists of traditional paintings in the Wayang style, photographs, sculptures made of wood and bronze.

9. Jatiluwi Rice Terraces

The rice terraces are a famous and popular attraction in Bali. They are located in the west of the island on the slopes of Mount Batukaru. Jatiluwi is not only a tourist site, but also real agricultural land. Special varieties of rice are grown here. The terraces are located at 700 meters above sea level. The object is included in the UNESCO list of natural attractions.

10. Temple Pura Tanah Lot

The temple is located on a rock washed by sea waters, so it can be reached by land only at low tide. Pura Tanah Lot is a particularly revered temple. It is believed that every Balinese should visit it at least once in their life. Only believers can climb to the top of the rock and visit the temple; tourists are not allowed further than the stone staircase, so they have to photograph the structure from afar.

11. Pura Besakih Temple

Pura Besakih is the main Hindu temple complex in Bali. It consists of 22 religious buildings located on terraces at the foot of Gugung Agung. Local residents call the complex the “Mother of all temples.” Together with the mountain, it is considered the main holy place in Bali. Unfortunately, tourists are allowed to enter the first level of Pura Besakih, only Hindus can go further.

12. Uluwatu Temple

The temple is located in the southern part of Bali. It was erected to protect the gods of the island from the attacks of sea demons. The building is located on the very edge of a sheer 90-meter cliff. The temple was founded in the 11th century by Javanese Brahmins. The goddesses Rudra and Devi Laut are worshiped on its territory. Religious ceremonies are held in the courtyard, which is closed general access, however, tourists can visit the outer courtyard.

13. Tirta Empul Temple

The temple complex is located near the village of Tampak Siring. It is surrounded by rice fields and tropical forests. It is believed that Tirta Empul was founded more than thousands of years ago near a natural spring where the god Indra healed his warriors and gave them new life. People come to the temple to draw water from the healing spring and take a bath in one of the temple pools.

14. Gunung Kawi Temple

Gunung Kawi is believed to have been founded in the 11th century, making it the oldest cave temple on the island of Bali. The complex is a system of caves carved into the rock. Using a stone staircase you can go down to the sacred temple spring. The site of Gunung Kawi contains royal tombs, marked by funerary towers and bas-reliefs. Local residents believe that the temple is a powerful place of power on the island.

15. Lake Bratan and Pura Ulun Danu Temple

Bali's main water temple is located at Lake Bratan, which is located at an altitude of more than 1200 meters above sea level. The complex is a symbol of the island and one of its most popular attractions. The lake is considered sacred as it provides water to irrigate the surrounding farmland. The Pura Ulun Danu Temple was built in the 17th century under King Mengwi in honor of the goddess of water.

16. Elephant Cave - Goa Gajah

An ancient cave temple located near the city of Ubud. "Goa Goja" is translated from Indonesian as "elephant cave". Apparently, the temple received this name thanks to the bas-relief located at the entrance. It vaguely resembles the face of an elephant. It is difficult to come up with another explanation, since elephants themselves have never been found in Bali. Inside the temple there are sculptures of Hindu and Buddhist gods. The cave complex was discovered in the middle of the 20th century.

17. Bat Cave - Goa Lawah

A cave system that is the oldest Shaivist sanctuary. As the name suggests, it is home to a large number of bats. One of the legends claims that at the beginning of the 20th century there was a huge statue of a dragon in one of the caves. One day the Dutch entered there and, frightened, shot the sculpture with guns. That same night they disappeared without a trace. According to another legend, a 30-kilometer underground passage leads from Goa Lawah to Pura Besakih.

18. Bird Park in Bali

A natural area home to more than 250 species of birds brought to the island from different parts of the Earth. Most birds fly freely around the park; for the rest, fairly spacious cages have been built. The Bali Bird Park is home to several species of parrots, peacocks, toucans, prehistoric cassowaries and many other species. You can feed some birds yourself.

19. Safari and Marine Park

A huge park home to more than 60 species of exotic animals, including Komodo dragons and white tigers. Tourists are transported around the territory, just like on an African safari. There are restaurants within the park where you can enjoy traditional Balinese food and bungalows for overnight stays. The marine part of the reserve is home to a huge number of fish species brought from different seas.

20. Elephant Park in Bali

The island of Bali is not home to elephants. These huge animals were brought here from the island of Sumatra and a nursery park was organized. On its territory you can observe the habits of elephants, ride on the back of an animal or feed baby elephants; it will also be interesting to visit a small museum. The park was organized by a passionate Australian, N. Mason. In addition to the elephant area, there are rice fields and green walking alleys.

21. Bali-Barat

A natural reserve covering an area of ​​760 km². Within its borders are tropical forests, savannas, mangroves and swamps, jungles and highland plains. In the marine part of the reserve there are several beaches, very popular with divers, and a large coral reef. The fauna is represented by dozens of species of birds and mammals. Most of the reserve is closed to the public; movement is only possible along special trails.

22. Volcano Agung

Mount Agung is Bali's highest point (3142 meters) and a sacred place for the island's inhabitants. According to one popular legend, the volcano was created by the Hindu god Pasupati. Over the entire history of observations, Arung erupted four times; the last cataclysm in the 20th century killed more than 2 thousand people. There are several walking routes of medium difficulty to the top; the ascent takes about 6 hours.

23. Volcano Batur

Gunung Batur is located in the northeastern part of the island; the mountain reaches a height of 1717 meters. There is a volcanic lake in the pit at the top. The volcano is active, the last eruption was recorded in 2000. Gunung Batur is a popular natural attraction. Climbing to its top takes about one and a half hours. From an almost two-kilometer height, picturesque views of the island open up.

24. Tegenungan Waterfall

One of the most beautiful waterfalls in Bali, located 16 km. from the city of Denpasar. An observation deck for tourists is located at the top of the water stream, from where you can admire the fall of powerful jets. Below are baths and a small temple. Tegenungan is located in the bed of the Petanu River, which is considered sacred by the Balinese. In the evenings, you can watch a picturesque sunset from the observation deck.

25. Sekumpul Waterfall

Sekumpul is located in northern Bali near Singaraja. Water flows gain maximum power during the rainy season. It is during this period that the waterfall is especially picturesque. Sekumpul is a group of six waterfalls that cascade into a deep lake at the foot of a cliff. The road to the attraction runs through rice fields, cliffs above the abyss and fern thickets.

26. Munduk Waterfall

The waterfall is located in the vicinity of Lake Tamblingan. It represents a powerful stream of water, as if escaping from a rock overgrown with dense jungle. This shape is very typical for Balinese waterfalls. At the height of the tropical rainy season, Munduk is filled with maximum power. So far there are few tourists in the area of ​​the waterfall, since the main routes pass away from this place.

27. Nusa Dua Beach

Nusa Dua is a great place for sunbathing and swimming in the clear waters of the ocean. The beach is located in the southern part of Bali. There is no tourist infrastructure or any significant attractions; after sunset, life in the vicinity of the beach “dies out.” The place will be of interest primarily to lovers of nature and solitude, looking for peace and spiritual relaxation.

28. Balangan Beach

The beach is not very suitable for swimming due to the abundance of algae and inconvenient entry into the water. It is famous for its picturesque natural views, so there are still quite a lot of visitors here. The beach is surrounded by rocks, from where you can admire the sea surface and take spectacular photographs. With appropriate weather conditions Balangan is great for surfing.

29. Pandava Beach

Pandawa is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Bali, located in the southern part of the island. Despite the fact that the beach was opened relatively recently, a decent tourist infrastructure has already been created on it, which includes cafes, rental of water vehicles and beach equipment. The Pandava coastal strip is quite long, bordered on both sides by rocky outcroppings.

30. Artists' Trail

A walking route of about 3 km, which starts in Ubud and passes through picturesque hills, fields and jungle. The best time to walk along the Artists' Trail is early in the morning, before the hot sun has yet begun to mercilessly scorch its scorching rays. While hiking along the route, you can take stunning panoramic photos or pose in front of the lush Balinese greenery.