What does it mean there are no available connections. I can’t connect my laptop to Wi-Fi - the network is not found and a red cross is displayed

Home Internet Connection status: “No connections available”

Hello dear subscribers and guests of our blog! Now we will figure out why the wireless icon Wi-Fi networks crossed out with a red cross and says no connections available when there are definitely available networks. After that, we will try to solve this problem. It all looks like the picture below.

In this case, the status “No available connections” is displayed. Even if you go to network connections, the connection for wireless networks will also have a red cross. And next to it will be the status “No connection”.

Turning it off and on again will not help in this situation. The computer still does not notice available Wi-Fi networks. If you are confident that wireless networks really work (it’s better to check with another device), then you need to understand this situation with a laptop.

What could be the reason?

Similar oddities have been repeatedly observed when turning off wireless networks using keyboard shortcuts along with the function key. If you press Fn+F2 to turn off Wi-Fi (it can be different on different laptops), sometimes nothing will turn off. Although a message appears about wireless networks being disabled. But after turning on the computer the next time, we see a familiar picture with a crossed out icon and the absence of available networks. At the same time, if you try to activate everything through hot keys (Fn+F2), nothing happens.

You can try to restart your computer, maybe everything will work. But if this does not help, then you can use the “Problem Diagnosis”. Oddly enough, this helps, and the system automatically corrects everything. But first you should try all the options: activation hot keys wireless adapter, check if the wireless networks are actually working and then run diagnostics.

We solve the problem when the connection status is: “No connections available”

Right-click on the network connections icon in the notification area. In the opened context menu you need to select “Diagnostics problems”. The system will search for some time possible problems. After this, a second window will open asking you to activate the ability to use wireless networks. Just click on the “Make this correction” button.

Then a report will appear to fix network problems. From this point on, everything should work and the laptop should detect available Wi-Fi networks. Close this window by clicking on the “Close module” button

Now you can again use the Internet via a wireless Wi-Fi network. If you have any questions, feel free to write them in the comments. See you in the next article!


The Internet does not work via cable on a computer or laptop

As part of this article, I want to dwell in more detail on what to do if the Internet via cable on a computer or laptop does not work. After all, even despite the fact that in recent years users have begun to massively switch to using wireless networks, many still use a wired connection. Firstly, it is more reliable, secondly, the data transfer speed is still higher than that of WiFi, and thirdly, not everyone has a router: some cannot buy one, while others are satisfied with connecting to the provider’s cable “ directly”, that is, directly to the network card of a PC or laptop. First you need to decide what is happening, because there can be many options for the development of events. I will list the most common cases. By the way, basically, most problems with network access arise after reinstalling Windows. No one bothered to look at and write down the old settings, but new system no one knows what to configure anymore.

Unidentified network

In Russia, most providers provide Internet access using the PPPoE protocol. That is, in order to access the global web, you need to launch a high-speed PPP connection. If the computer is connected to the provider’s network directly, without a router, then nothing will initially work through the network connection itself, and therefore it will burn Exclamation point with the comment “Unidentified network” and “no Internet access”.

There is nothing “criminal” here. Just need to create high speed connection. An example for Windows 7 can be found here, and for Windows 10, look at the video:

There are also a number of providers that provide subscribers with an IPoE connection type according to the “Dynamic IP” standard. There you just need to connect the cable entering the apartment to the network card and you can work. Almost the same picture will happen if the computer is connected via a router. But even in this case, things don’t always go smoothly. Sometimes it is not possible to connect the Internet via cable due to incorrect settings of the TCP/IP protocol, namely because the addresses are written there statically, but there should be a checkbox to receive them automatically. To fix this, you need to press the Win+R key combination and enter the command: ncpa.cpl.

Click on the “OK” button. This is how you will get online Windows connections 10, where you need to find the network card and right-click on it. In the menu that opens, select “Properties”.

No connections available

If you have a red cross on the network icon in the system tray, and in the appearing Windows comments writes “Not connected: no connections available”, then the reasons for this may be the following:

1. Problems with drivers. Firstly, users often simply forget to install them, as a result of which the Internet via cable disappears after reinstalling the system. As a result, the list of network connections remains completely empty. Secondly, after the release of Windows 10, many old and not so old laptops encountered a compatibility problem. Today, many manufacturers have already released new versions of drivers that support this version of the OS.

2. System failure or playful hands of the user himself. When checking, it turns out that the adapter is disabled in Device Manager:

On Windows 10, in this case, the network card icon will have a circle with an arrow, and on older versions there will be a red cross. To enable it again, right-click and select the “Enable” menu item.

3. In my practice, there have been cases when the network disappears due to glitches in the BIOS or its more modern analogue - UEFI, as well as in the case of incorrect setting. Therefore, if the adapter is integrated, then it makes sense to check it. To do this you need to go to Computer BIOS or laptop and go to the section responsible for integrated devices. It is usually called “Integrated Peripherals” or “On-board device configuration”.

You need to go into it and find the item responsible for the network card - OnChip LAN Controller, Integrated NIC or OnBoard LAN - and check that it has the Enabled value.

4. It may also happen that your network card on your PC has burned out. To check, you will need any other device with a LAN port (laptop, modem, etc.). If you are connected via a router, then simply try reconnecting to the adjacent connector.

5. Physical damage due to which the Internet via cable does not work. Indicator diode on network card it does not burn. And if it’s a simple patch cord between the computer and the router, that’s not so bad. But if it’s the provider’s cable coming from the entrance, then it’s rubbish!

Disconnect the patch cord from the computer, look at the connector to see if it is damaged or if one or more wires are broken. Walk along its entire length to the access distribution box and carefully inspect for damage to the wire. If it's intact, call technical support and find out if there are any problems with the home switch to which you are connected. When installing, they often like to connect them to lighting, which causes the device to periodically lose power.

The network is working but there is no Internet access

This scenario usually completely shocks the user. It seems that the network connection is active, it doesn’t show any errors, but there is no Internet. As a rule, the reason lies in the DNS servers: they are either incorrectly specified or not registered at all. With small telecom operators, it also happens that the server itself does not work.

It's easy to check. Press the Win+R key combination to open the Run window and enter the command:

Ping -t

It looks like this:

Here the IP address is public server Google, which is always available, and the cases when it did not work can be counted on one hand.

Click on the “OK” button and look at the result. If the response from the IP address is received without loss, then there is Internet access and the reason is clearly in the DNS. Go to network connections in Windows 10 and open the properties of the IP protocol version 4.

If you need to either set automatic receipt DNS addresses, or, if that doesn’t work, write it manually:

Preferred server: Alternative -

Click the “OK” button and check access to the global web.

We should not forget another possible culprit due to which access to the Internet is lost - this is the computer’s security system: antivirus, firewall, various security applications. Try to completely deactivate it during the diagnostics. If after this the problem disappears, you need to carefully understand why this is happening.

If the ping does not work and as a response you receive the message “The timeout interval for the request has been exceeded” or “Unidentified network”, then you need to check the settings of the router if you are connected through it, or call the provider if the LAN cable entering the apartment is turned on into the PC network card.


No Wi-Fi connections available

They occupy an increasing place in our lives computer networks- even those who have desktop computer, they are trying to install a Wi-Fi module. But this solution also has negative aspects in the form of connection problems. The most common one is a message from your device that there are no Wi-Fi connections available, although the router is turned on.

There may be more than enough reasons for this problem - the main ones are:

  1. Incorrectly configured router or its incorrect operation.
  2. Lack of drivers for the Wi-Fi module.
  3. Malfunction of the router or module in the computer/laptop.
  4. Glitches in the computer system or router firmware.

What to do

The first thing you will need to do, no matter how trivial it may sound, is to restart both the distribution device and the computer. The fact is that when loading the system or firmware, a small glitch may occur, which will not affect the overall performance, but may well cause a connection problem.

If after a reboot the situation has not changed, then move on.

A fairly common problem among owners of laptops with Windows 7 or Windows 8 (8.1) - at one point in the notification area, instead of the usual wireless Wi-Fi connection icon, a red cross is displayed, and when you hover over it, a message stating that there are no connections available.

Moreover, in most cases, this happens on a completely working laptop - just yesterday, perhaps, you successfully connected to an access point at home, but today this is the situation. The reasons for this behavior may be different, but in general terms, the operating system believes that the Wi-Fi adapter is turned off, and therefore reports that there are no connections available. And now about ways to fix this.

If your wireless network was working and now there are no connections available

If everything worked recently and now you have a problem, try the methods listed below in order. And if these options have already been tried, go to the seventh point, from which we will begin to describe in detail (because everything is not so simple there for novice computer users).

7. Remove the wireless Wi-Fi adapter from Device Manager, install it again

To start the dispatcher Windows devices, press the Win+R keys on your laptop keyboard and enter the command devmgmt.msc, and then press Ok or Enter.

In Device Manager, open the “Network Adapters” section, right-click on the Wi-Fi adapter, see if there is an “Enable” item there (if there is, turn it on and do not do everything else that is described here, the message “No connections available” should appear) disappear) and if it is not there, select “Delete”.

After the device is removed from the system, in the device manager menu, select “Action” - “Update hardware configuration”. The wireless adapter will be found again, drivers will be installed on it and, perhaps, everything will work.

8. See if the WLAN Auto Configuration service is enabled in Windows

To do this, go to the panel Windows management, select “Administration” - “Services”, find “WLAN Auto Configuration” in the list of services and if you see “Disabled” in its parameters, double-click on it and in the “Startup type” field set “Automatic”, and also click "Run" button.

Just in case, look through the list and if you find additional services, with Wi-Fi or Wireless in their name, include them too. And then, preferably, restart your computer.

We hope one of these methods will help you solve the problem when Windows says there are no available Wi-Fi connections.

Errors with connecting to the Network may occur as follows: initial setup and while using the Internet. You will know about this immediately as soon as you try to visit any site.

On the bottom toolbar, the icon symbolizing network connections will be crossed out with a red cross, and when you hover the cursor over it, a hint will appear: “No connections available” on Windows laptop 7. What to do in such cases? Look for the cause and eliminate it. You can do it yourself. You just need to read our article today to the end.

Important: if the reason lies in problems with the hardware or a banal lack of network (for example, if you are far from the zone Wi-Fi distribution), then in such situations, either replacing specialized equipment will help (but, again, at random, because without a specialist’s diagnosis it will be difficult to determine the “culprit”), or contacting service center. Therefore, you first need to make sure that your laptop is in an acceptable Wi-Fi zone, where the Internet works on other devices, but not on your PC, and only then start searching possible problems in the system part.

1st option. Checking using standard means

Before running diagnostics, try rebooting your router or modem (depending on how you are trying to connect to the Internet). If this does not help, follow the instructions:
1. In the right corner of the screen, where the notification icons are located, click on network connection. In the window that opens, run diagnostics.

2. The system will try to detect problems. If there are any, it will prompt you to take certain actions that will help resolve the connection error. This method does not always work, but sometimes it helps.

2nd option. Viral activity

No matter how trivial it may sound, the operation of malignant programs can disrupt the correctness of Internet connections. Therefore, the first thing you should do is scan file system for suspicious activity. If your laptop does not have anti-virus software installed, you can download and install any of the popular ones: Kaspersky, Avast, Doctor Web, Nod32, Avira, Panda and others. They all cope more or less well with their purpose.

After checking and removing malicious files (if any are found), it is advisable to scan the OS for the presence of all necessary files. How to do this is in the next paragraph.

3rd option. System package integrity scanning

So, to be sure of availability necessary documents For the operating system to work correctly, you need to perform the appropriate check and, if something is wrong, start the recovery process.
1. Press the "Win" button on your keyboard. In the menu that opens, click LMB on “All programs”.

2. Expand the “Standards” directory.

3. In the list of utilities, find the “Command Line” item. Right-click on it and run it as administrator as shown in the screenshot.

4. In the utility that opens, you need to enter the command (without quotes): “sfc /scannow”. Press “Enter” to start the scan. This process can take considerable time, so be patient and do not close the window until it is finished.

5. If the system finds missing files but cannot restore them, you will have to restart your PC safe mode. Login again command line, write the same command, and try again to restore the missing files.

4th option. Activation automatic settings networks

This method is suitable for those who use the Internet via Wi-Fi. It happens that a service called “WLAN Auto Configuration” is deactivated. You need to enable it yourself.
1. Open the “Run” utility using one of the available methods (for example, hold down the “Win+R” key combination). In the window that appears, enter the command (without quotes) in the field: “services.msc”, then press “Enter”.

2. In the “Name” column, find the “WLAN AutoConfig Service” item. In the “Status” column opposite this service there should be an inscription “Working”. If it is not there, proceed to the next step in the instructions. Otherwise, the service is activated.

3. Double-click on the service name to open additional services. options. Pay attention to the value of the “Startup type” item. Change it to "Automatic". Save your changes.

5th option. Drivers

It often happens that for some reason drivers stop working correctly. They need to either be reinstalled or updated. This is done using specialized software. For example, “DriverPack” is perfect for such purposes; you can download it on the Internet.

But if the Internet on your device does not work, you will have to download the utility through another laptop.

6th option. Temporarily disable the network adapter

This method only works with Wi-Fi.
1. Open Control Panel from the Start menu. Select the first category.

2. In the “System” block, click LMB on the “Device Manager” item.

3. Expand the Network Adapters item.

4. In the list, find the device that performs the function of providing access to the Network. Right-click on it. If the list of actions contains the “Engage” item, select it. That's all. Otherwise, read on.

5. When the above item is missing, click “Delete”. After which a window will pop up where you need to confirm your actions.

6. Removal was successful. Click on the “Action” button and select the first item.

7. After successful scanning, activation and installation of drivers, restart your PC.

7th option. Network connection

1. From the Start menu, go to Control Panel as shown below.

2. Open the Network tab.

It often happens that when purchasing a new laptop, simply reinstalling Windows on it, or simply after connecting the router as necessary, you cannot quickly and immediately connect to Wi-Fi. It turns out that your laptop does not detect available networks at all, and at the same time you see that the connection status is crossed out on the panel with a red cross (I remind everyone - it is always displayed directly on the notification panel).
I would like to note that this happens, as practice shows, only for two reasons. The first is if for some reason you did not install separate drivers for the so-called wireless adapter on your laptop in advance. Second, your Wi-Fi module is not turned on.

Wireless network: the laptop does not find it at all

Let's say you need to somehow connect to Wi-Fi. And alas, at the same time, you now only see a sign with a red cross, and you have no data at all about active (available) networks.
Most likely, your Windows cannot detect the wireless adapter.

Need Drivers and their installation

If Windows cannot detect the wireless adapter, it is quite possible that you have not yet installed drivers for your Wi-Fi module. The second option is that the drivers are installed, but not the right ones.
Let's check it out. First go to the device manager. Now right-click on the icon where it says “My Computer”, then click on the “Properties” tab and then go to “Device Manager” (it’s on the left side of the window). Here we look in the column labeled “Network adapters” for something similar to this:

Most likely, you do not have such an adapter. You should find it on the Internet, download it and, accordingly, then install the driver.
Of course, you can also install the driver you need using a disk (usually included with the laptop). You can also download this driver directly from the official website (by the way, the best option). To do this, you need to go to the website of the company that produces laptops like yours, and simply search bar enter exactly its model.

Install the driver. Once the installation is complete, your wireless network should appear.

Checking Wi-Fi connection

It may well be that your laptop's Wi-Fi has accidentally turned off. To enable it, you usually use a specific keyboard shortcut. For example, in Asus this combination is Fn+F2. Inspect your laptop's F1, F2 and so on buttons. There should be a traditional network icon drawn in there somewhere. Click on it, plus hold down the Fn key.

You can also try the following option: go to “ Network Control Center and shared access "(click on the connection sign with your right mouse button) and on the left side select " Change adapter settings».

In the event that your status is “ Wireless connection" marked as " disabled", click on it using the right mouse button, and in the field select " Turn on».

After this, you should see that the sign on the notification panel, which directly characterizes the connection status, has immediately changed. At the same time, you should see active networks, that is, already available for connection.

Now you can choose the one you need and connect. It's that simple.

No connections available

When the traditional red cross icon is lit on the panel, and when you hover over it it says “no connections available,” it means you don’t have access to the Wi-Fi network. Most likely, your router is simply turned off right now. The second option is that there is no network in the area where the laptop is located.

When the network appears, this icon will immediately change, and you will not have any problems connecting.

Technology, especially computer technology, can sometimes behave extremely capriciously and present various surprises. Just yesterday you could use your laptop without any problems, access the Internet using your home wireless connection, receive and send hundreds of files and photos, use social media. And today there is no connection to the Internet, and in a place where yesterday there was not a single error in the system tray, a mysterious message is shining: “There are no available connections.” And what to do in such a situation is not entirely clear. We will try to analyze the causes of this problem in as much detail as possible and talk about the most effective ways her decisions.

First, we address those who encountered a similar problem after purchasing a brand new laptop or just reinstalled Windows. If in one of these situations you see a message on your laptop: “No connections available,” then most likely the problem is with the network driver, which could easily be missing from the system after Windows reinstallation. Another reason in laptops of various models may be a mechanically disabled Wi-Fi adapter. You can learn how to understand which of the two situations was the primary source of the problem in your case from the instructions below.

If a laptop running Windows reported problems with the connection extremely unexpectedly, and just yesterday everything was fine in perfect order, there may be several more problems, and we will tell you about each of them today.

Any device can experience difficulties in operation and even freeze, similar to how Windows sometimes freezes. Since the router distributing wifi signal, is, in fact, the same computer with an operating system and a processor, it can also stop working or freeze. At the same time, a working indication on its body can mislead the user and create the appearance normal operation device, but no signal comes from it at this moment.

The display on the device does not always indicate network problems

In order to return the router to normal operating condition, you need to unplug it, wait a few seconds (7-10) and turn it back on. After giving the device a minute to turn on and start all systems, try checking again for available networks on your laptop.

If you receive your Wi-Fi signal directly from your provider, contact support and describe the situation, mentioning that you have no available connections. The operator will be able to remotely reboot his equipment.

The problem is with the network adapter being turned off.

Please note that many modern laptop models running Windows provide a mechanical way to enable and disable the Wi-Fi connection function. This allows you to save battery power. Find the toggle switch at the ends of your laptop case that is responsible for turning on the wireless adapter, and turn it on. If such a toggle switch is not provided, then it may help you special key at the top of the keyboard with a picture of the wireless signal. In the case where such a button is not on the keyboard, then the manufacturer has probably provided a certain key combination. Most often this function key Fn and F2 or F3 buttons. You can find out more about this information in the manual specific model.

After such mechanical activation of the adapter wireless network Try searching for available connections again.

The problem is a software-disabled network adapter

Also wifi adapter in your laptop can be deactivated in the most Windows software way. To enable it and repeat attempts to find available networks, you need to launch the Windows Control Panel, go to the Network and Sharing Center, and then in the column located on the left side open window, follow the link “Changing adapter settings”.

You will see information about all the network adapters and connections contained in your laptop. Find “ Wireless connection” and enable it using the right-click menu.

After that, also try to find available Wi-Fi networks using the system tray icon. The problem you are facing may have been resolved and then you will see an available network. But it may well happen that the adapter refuses to turn on, the items in the context menu after right-clicking the mouse turn out to be inactive, or the adapter turns on but still does not see available Wi-Fi networks. In this case, proceed to the next points of our instructions.

The problem is the driver is not working correctly or is missing.

A specialized program is responsible for each function of the Windows operating system. And it is responsible for the operation of each component in your laptop system program, which is called the driver. It is she who corrects the operation of devices, gives them system commands and monitors the correct execution of these same commands. If your system is missing a driver or has a driver version installed that doesn't quite fit your network adapter, you may also experience difficulty finding, connecting to, and transferring networks.

There may be situations in which the driver was installed, configured, and the system worked quite correctly, but after another simple reboot you saw the message “No connections available” and you cannot access the network. Probably in your operating system there is a program that is responsible for automatic update and driver installation various devices, and after a reboot, a driver version was installed that did not match the network adapter model, or a test assembly that does not yet work as desired.

To update and install drivers for various components of your laptop, we always recommend using the two most reliable sources - the website of the manufacturer of the computer itself or the website of the manufacturers of its individual components.

Go to the manufacturer's website, download the latest version of software for the network adapter, making sure first that it is intended for the same Windows versions, which is installed on your laptop. After this, install and restart your PC. To avoid problems when installing a new driver, we recommend that you first remove the existing one by finding your network adapter in Windows Device Manager by right-clicking on its name and going to Properties > Driver > Uninstall.

After installing the latest driver and rebooting your PC, scan for available networks again to make sure correct operation all systems and for connecting to the network.

The problem is an incorrect system configuration or a violation of registry settings

When all previous methods tried, but none of them worked desired result, you can resort to a really serious and in-depth search for faults and system problems. This is especially recommended for those users who are confident that before the failure, the network adapter performed its functions correctly and you did not interfere with its operation. In this case, the reason could be third party programs and applications, their installation or removal, reconfiguration of individual parts of the system. Any of these actions may not be the most in the best possible way affect the network operation on your laptop, and then you should resort to the following actions.

If you have a backup of your system using specialized software, try restoring the system to the state it was in when the last checkpoint was created. This procedure will cancel everything last changes in the system and will return it exactly to the state in which your network adapter performed all its functions correctly. Please note that restoring a copy that is too outdated may deprive you of a large number of settings, programs and parameters that have appeared in the system recently.

If such backup copy you don't have it, refer to the built-in Windows recovery system, which creates control points during some key procedures performed with the computer. To do this, open “Your Computer Properties” by right-clicking on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop, and then look for “System Protection” in the column on the left in the window that opens. Press the “Restore” button and select the system state point that should be restored on your PC.

If system protection was disabled and checkpoints were not created, we recommend resorting to a full OS scan and integrity check Windows files. There is a special service for this that can be started using the command line.

Open a command prompt, manually enter the command sfc /scannow and press Enter on your keyboard. If the system contains damaged files or some parts of the registry are not working correctly, the scanning service will try to detect them and restore them to their original state. This procedure may take quite a while long time, and upon completion, a mandatory system reboot will be required.

As a rule, troubleshooting problems with no available connections does not require serious skills and is rarely a reason to contact a service center. You can restore the wireless network adapter using one of the methods given here. If the desired result cannot be achieved using one of the instructions, it may be necessary to combine several methods at the same time. This depends directly on the specific laptop model, its configuration and system parameters.