What is Yandex Tits and Google PR. Check Yandex TCI and Google PR

Each of you has probably already heard about TIC and PR. If not, then this article is for you. I will tell you what these values ​​are and what they are needed for. Also in this article I will briefly discuss what methods can be used to increase these indicators. You probably guessed that the higher TIC and PR the site, the more trust it inspires among users and search engines (And this, in turn, will give you a large influx of visitors). In addition, the name has good indicators, you can make good money on various exchanges and similar projects. Popular search engines have their own specific algorithms by which they calculate the ranking or authority of your site, thereby placing it above competitors in the search.

What is TIC?

TIC or thematic citation index is a value invented by the Yandex search engine to determine the authority of a resource. The TIC will depend on how many sites will link to your project. It is much better if these resources are also thematically similar to yours, then the TIC value will be higher. The number of links from sites on different topics also affects the TIC, but to a lesser extent. The TIC is calculated for the entire site as a whole, and not for its individual pages! It is advisable that the sites from which there is a link to your project also have a fairly high TIC - this can also increase your chances of increasing this indicator. Although Yandex itself says that the TIC only affects the results of those sites that are in the Yandex.Catalogue (the higher the TIC, the higher you are in the catalog itself, and not in the search engine results). But, nevertheless, everyone has noticed that sites with a large thematic citation index are ranked better.

What is PR?

PR or page rank is an indicator of the importance of your resource, invented by Google. You can increase PR, just like the TIC - the more links from authoritative and similar resources, the better. With one exception: PR is calculated for each page separately, so not only external links to your site are important, but also internal links between the pages of your project. For example, if the main page of your site will have a high PR score, then it is advisable to place several links from it to internal pages in order to properly distribute the weight. If there are several links from one page to internal or external pages, then the weight between them will be distributed equally. This is why you can increase PR on all pages with the help of competent internal linking.

Why do we need TIC and PR indicators?

Everything is very simple - the higher the TIC and PR indicators, the higher your site will be in the search results for certain queries. In simple terms, this is the rating of your site. The amount of your earnings in various link exchanges and other systems will also depend on this value. And they will trust your site much more. That is why in future articles we will consider ways to increase the TIC and PR to increase the site’s position in search engine results and user trust. Also, TIC and PR will be useful to you in communicating with real advertisers, who will find it more profitable to place their advertising on a more “advanced” resource. And it just makes you feel better when other Internet users start linking to your site. So these indicators are also a kind of status or authority not only of the site, but also of its author. Potential clients or ordinary visitors will see what success you have achieved in promoting your website and will trust you much more. I think that you have figured out why these indicators are needed on the Internet. So let's move on to how to increase them.

How to increase TIC and PR?

In order to increase these indicators, you need to perform a number of actions. I think it would be appropriate to show this as a list:

1. Content

2. Links

Link building is the most labor-intensive process in website promotion. It is best when you have a separate amount of money set aside for this matter. Since no one wants to register with thousands of sites. And you yourself should understand perfectly well that no one will link to a newbie’s site that has only been online for a couple of days. That is why you will have to do everything yourself first. The more links, the higher the TIC and PR indicators - that's a fact! I will describe all the free ways to get backlinks to your site in this category.

3. Availability in popular catalogs

The presence in the catalogs of the most famous search engines (meaning Yandex.Catalogue and DMOZ) is, first of all, very prestigious, and secondly, it gives an increase in TIC and PR. It is very difficult to get into these catalogs and to do this you need to have a really interesting and useful project for people. These two directories have very high traffic and high TIC and PR indicators, so you should try to get there. If you are going to make money by posting guards, etc., then sites located in these directories will bring in much more money than other projects. It is not recommended to apply for placement in directories if your site is less than half a year old. Young sites, as a rule, do not take them there.

4. Age

The age of the domain name and the content on the site itself can also affect the ranking of pages in search engine results. It is believed that the older the site, the more search engines “trust” it. Try to remember, have you ever seen a website in the first places in the search results for a highly competitive query that is only two or three months old? I didn't see it either. So age definitely affects the output. The higher the age of the domain and site, the faster this site will be indexed. Also, a more “mature” domain has less chance of getting banned for minor offenses.

Update from 2017/2018

PageRank in Google is no longer updated. Yandex replaced the TCI with a new ICS indicator in August 2018.

The TIC and PR parameters reflect the relative level of authority of the site in the eyes of search engines. For webmasters, TCI and PR are very important parameters, since they affect the prices of links when selling links from your site, as well as prices for posting articles and simply the cost of the site when selling it.

TCI is calculated for the entire site. When selling and buying links, this is one of the main indicators for setting prices for links. For example, the average cost of a link with TCI 0 will be about 0.9 rubles. in SAPE, and links from the TCI 10 website will cost 1.95 rubles.

Additional information about TIC:

  • TCI can only take the following values: 0, 10, 20, 30, ..., 250, 300, 350, ..., 1000, 1100, 1200, etc.
  • The largest TCI in 2010 was for the Rambler rating (about 250,000). Now the heavyweights in TIC are VKontakte and Yandex.
  • TCI updates happen on average once every 1-2 months.
  • The concept of TCI was invented by Yandex and only Yandex takes this indicator into account. Although there are some assumptions that, for example, Russian-language Google may also include this parameter in one of its many ranking factors.
  • TCI cannot be raised by internal factors; only external links can raise it.

What is PR (PageRank)

PR (PR, PageRank)- this is the weight of a specific website page (calculated by Google). This parameter is calculated separately for each page of the site. Prices for links from pages with PR are higher than from pages without PR.

Additional information about PR:

  • PageRank can take the following values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Only three sites in the world have a value of 10 (more precisely, only three pages). For an ordinary webmaster, getting a PR=5 value will be almost the limit of possibilities. Most sites on the Internet have PR values ​​of 0-3.
  • Each subsequent PR value is approximately 6 times more difficult to obtain than the previous one. For example, there is almost no difference between 0 and 1. But the difference between 4 and 5 is already very big. Between 7 and 8 there are even more, etc. This is due to the fact that PRs have a logarithmic weight scale.
  • PR is often called "PR".
  • PR updates happen on average once every 8 months (and according to the latest data, there will be no more of them).
  • PR was invented by Google.
  • PR, unlike TIC, can be raised within the site regardless of external links.
Information since 2016

Google stopped updating Pagerank metrics in 2016. This option is now no longer relevant. But there are other pseudo-parameters for different services that show where the link juice accumulates.

What do TCI and PR influence?

TCI and PR do not affect the site’s position in search results. A site can have even a TIC of 0 and be in first place for a highly competitive request.

TCI affects positions in the Yandex catalog. However, from 2018 this will also become irrelevant, since the catalog is no longer in demand.

PageRank also doesn't affect anything.

Most of all, the TCI and PR parameters affect the cost of a link from the site and its cost when selling.

What does it mean that "TCI is not defined"

When checking the site's TCI, you can see the words "TCI is not defined" instead of the meaning. This means that the AGS Filter is applied to the site. Most likely, the site was selling links and therefore was punished. Typically, this filter is removed after 6-18 months if external links are removed from the site.

Let us talk to you about the special parameters that are assigned to blogs and sites. We will talk about two parameters - TIC and PR. So what are tic and pr, and why do we even need them? The Yandex and Google search engines believe that the more external links to a given site are installed, the more this site has its authority and the greater benefit for its visitors.

PR (page rank) is a specific parameter ( rank), which is returned by the Google search engine. This parameter is defined for each page of the site.

TIC (subject citation index) is a parameter issued by the Yandex search engine. Since the Yandex search engine is the main one in Runet, this parameter will be the most basic and will play the most important role for the Russian Internet. The thematic citation index is calculated using a specific algorithm, which takes into account the thematic similarity of the resource and the sites to which it is linked. This means that not only the quantity, but also the quality of external link data is analyzed.

For example, if your Internet project is about household appliances, then 50 links from different sites will bring you less benefit than the same 50 links, but from sites on a similar topic. It is the subject of the resource that plays a very important role for those who want to increase the site’s rank. In principle, links from thematic resources can really bring your site or more TICs. Algorithms for calculating this parameter, as in any other system, are constantly being improved, which does not force the optimizers to remain idle and come up with new methods for .

Why do you need TIC and PR?

So, why are TICs and PR needed in general? These parameters affect earnings in various systems ( for example, blogger), which allow you to earn money by posting links, reviews, and so on. These parameters play a very important role in how much you can charge for writing any post or placing some external link on your blog. The higher the site's quotations, etc., the more you can charge for your services. I would like to say right away that the thematic citation index does not affect search engine results.

But why else do you need a website TIC? In principle, it affects positions, but it affects the positions of some sites or blogs that are located in the Yandex catalog ( YAK). This directory contains resources on a paid basis. The TIC affects the ranking of sites, blogs or any portals in this directory. In general, to put it simply, the higher the TIC and PR of your website or blog, the more solid your resource looks in the eyes of search engines, visitors and advertisers.

You can also check birds, etc. using various services or applications. For those who use the Google Chrome browser, I advise you to install the extension for it Yandex CY (TIC) & PR Viewer. For those who have a different browser, try looking for this extension, but for your specific browser. I'm sure there are other versions for many browsers. After installation, an icon appears at the top of the browser "gI". While on your website, after clicking on this button, you will be shown the TIC, PR, indexed pages of the Google search engine, indexed pages of the Yandex search engine and Alexa rank.

If you click on this option, you can also find out which pages were indexed by a particular search engine. This extension is very useful and convenient, as it is always at hand in a visible place in your browser. There are also many such extensions for other browsers, but I have not installed them and therefore will not describe them exactly. I think you can easily find them on the Internet. There are also many special services that can analyze your site. They may also provide a TIC and PR infomer code that can be installed on their site for general availability. In general, study and implement!

Let's consider several ways to check the TCI and PR of a site.

1. Using a special form on our website

To check these indicators, you need to enter the address of your resource in the line and click on the “Define” button. After a few seconds, the results will appear below the form.

TIC and PR

2. Install the browser plugin

Installing the plugin allows you to automatically determine the TCI and Page Rank of a site without leaving the web resource. This method is usually used by SEO optimizers.

The most popular plugin is RDS Bar.

The function of determining TIC and PR is available without registration, however, if you are interested in any additional functions, you need to register and top up your account.

3. Install the RDS desktop application

The RDS API application is a small local program for Windows OS. A convenient tool for massive and quick analysis of website and page indicators, designed for webmasters and optimizers, without banning search engines, searching for proxies and other difficulties.

4. You can check the TCI by substituting the website URL into the link

http://search.yaca.yandex.ru/yca/cy/ch/ www.site/
http://www.yandex.ru/cycounter? www.site

So, now you know what the TCI and PR of your website are. It's time to understand why these indicators are so important and how to interpret the data obtained.

Why are TCI and PR of a website so important?

Today, search engines work with billions of websites, trying to provide users with the most relevant information for their queries. But how to select the most useful resources from millions? In addition to such criteria as the age of the site, quality of content and others, search engines have introduced the indicator “site authority”: for Yandex this is the TCI, for Google it is PR.


TIC stands for Topic Citation Index. The higher the TCI value, the more sites link to your resource. To calculate the indicator, both the quantity and quality of links are important. As they say, not all links are created equal. We can say that the site's TCI is an indicator of the site's popularity among other resources. But when building up your link mass, you need to be careful: Yandex is more interested in the “opinion” of sites that are similar in topic, and only then everyone else.

Another feature: Yandex does not take into account links to your site from “suspicious” sources, for example, many forums, message boards, directories without a moderation function, i.e. all those resources where information is added spontaneously and uncontrollably. It turns out that even a thousand such links will be useless for the site.

As for the numerical expression, a site can have an unlimited index value, i.e. from zero to infinity. The higher the TCI of a site, the easier it is for optimizers to promote this resource. A citation index of several hundred is a good indicator; values ​​of several thousand and tens of thousands are demonstrated only by the most authoritative and truly popular resources (Wikipedia, 1tv.ru, etc.)

An initial check of the TCI, even before the start of optimization work, will help you understand how the Yandex search engine sees your site. If the site is already being promoted, then it is always useful to check the TIC of the site to make sure that the work is being carried out correctly.


PR (PageRank) - Google introduced this value to determine the “authority” of a resource. An important difference between PR and TCI follows from the name: if TCI is assigned to the entire site, based on the authority of all pages, then PR is calculated for each page separately. PR value is determined by both external and internal links. Firstly, it depends on the number of links and the “weight” of each of them. Like Yandex, Google does not take into account all links. As for linkability to your site, there will be no benefit from links leading from specially created link aggregation sites. To calculate PR, outgoing links are very important, i.e. what sites your site links to. Such links can even worsen the page’s performance (lower the ranking), this is the so-called search pessimization. When a page links to other sources, it seems to give part of its PR to external resources. But if you link to a more authoritative source, then your PR increases. Therefore, it is very important to monitor what links you place on your site.

The PR value, unlike the TCI, is in the range from 0 to 10. The maximum values ​​are 8 and 9, which are very rare, while the value 10 is considered practically unattainable. For example, the incredibly authoritative resource Wikipedia has a PR value of 9. For ordinary sites, values ​​of 5 and 6 can be considered success.

For sites that want to promote in Google, it is very important to take PR seriously and work to increase it, because it directly affects the positions occupied by the site.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the TIC and PR of the site alone will not be able to bring your online presence to the TOP. Their growth rather serves as an indicator of how correctly or incorrectly your resource is promoting. Without the right promotion: a correctly composed semantic core, internal optimization, compilation of SEO texts, the site will not be able to reach the TOP. However, TCI and PR will be a good starting point and help for optimizers promoting your Internet resource.

To improve the efficiency of the site, it is necessary to constantly check its condition. Website analysis helps to obtain information about the domain, traffic, check the TIC, website ICS, indexing in search engines and compare your website with competitors in the search results.

When using our tools, the visitor receives information about the state of his resource, based on which he can see the strengths and weaknesses of the site.

Where does the service get the data from?

Our tools make it possible to check a site not from a human perspective, but from a search robot.

Online site analysis and our other tools for webmasters use data from Similarweb, Megaindex, Yandex API, Google, Liveinternet, Alexa, Linkpad, MajesticSEO and many others. All this allows you to receive high-quality data and process it for you using our software.

What can be analyzed?

    Domain information
    and site server

    History of changes
    indicators and dynamics

    Site traffic
    and sources

    Website visibility by
    keywords and traffic

    Technical information
    about the page

    Website availability
    in popular catalogs

    Main competitors
    and their traffic by request

and more than 30 site indicators

Why conduct a site analysis?

Site analysis is a tool that will help determine in which direction you should work to promote the site, since the main goal of promotion is to increase popularity, improve traffic and encourage the client to take action (order a product, service).

Online website analysis is indispensable in a number of cases:

    When it decreased

    It is planned to hold
    further work

    If you need to increase
    site traffic

    When the owner of the company
    doubts his qualifications
    SEO optimizer

    Can't get in
    in the TOP search results

    Needs improvement

How often should I analyze the site?

The site should be checked regularly. Optimally - once every 3-4 weeks. Thus, it is possible to trace the dynamics of the main indicators. You can analyze the state of a competitor’s website, which will allow you to compare the information received with data about your resource.

By analyzing the state of the web resource, you can understand what shortcomings there are and what needs to be corrected.