What is a playlist on YouTube and how to create one? What is a playlist? How to create and edit a playlist How to create a playlist from music downloads.

How to create a playlist in Windows Media Player

In the “standard” Windows player, creating a playlist takes several steps:

1. Go to the “Library” tab, select the “Create list” option and open the dialog box.

2. Without closing the player, enter the “Start” menu.

3. Choose necessary files in certain folders, drag them with the mouse into the created list Windows playback Media Player.

4. Using the dialog box on the right, we perform the necessary operations - save the playlist in a specific folder, rename or edit the list, set playback parameters, delete the playlist.

How to create a playlist in Winamp

In the popular Winamp player, you can create a playlist using the menu bar or program icons:

1. Go to the “View” tab and select the “Playlist Editor” option with the mouse, after which the window of the future playlist appears in front of us.

2. Go to the “File” tab and load the media files of interest from specific folders into the playlist.

To start playback, double-click on any song from the list. If you want them to play in sequential order, make sure the Shuffle button is disabled. To close the player with the playlist, left-click on the Close button.

Video on the topic

Sometimes in certain models of portable players it is very difficult to understand the settings playback music, since they are all different and have their own characteristics, and the instructions are not always clear.

You will need

  • - player;
  • - software to the player;
  • - Windows Media Player.


In the list of songs that opens, click on the files selected for adding with the upper right button, click on the “Add to playlist” menu item. Repeat the operation for the remaining songs. Depending on model portable device you can create different number of lists playback.

Leading role in the field digital television Today, IPTV is the technology for transmitting signals over the Internet. It is gradually replacing digital, cable and satellite television, due to the growing popularity and accessibility of obtaining information from the network.

Advantages of IPTV technology

The main advantages of this technology are:

  • Information content (presence of descriptions, TV programs);
  • Additional applications (use of various types of programs);
  • Good picture and sound quality;
  • Possibility of installing more than 150 channels;
  • Wi-Fi transmission of TV content.

Get more than 200 IPTV channels in Full HD quality from $4.5 per month. Including sports 50fps and strawberry. Connect! https://www.ottclub.cc

For the convenience of using IPTV set-top boxes, the user is given the opportunity to install for IPTV, where he can select channels to his taste. Thus, the list of TV channels will correspond only to your preferences.

Ways to create playlists on IPTV

Creating and editing IPTV playlists is carried out using several methods, which include:

  • Using the Simple TV program;
  • By creating a txt file.

Let's look in more detail at the process of using these methods for creating playlists.

Using Simple TV

Using this method you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Set up a specific type of data transfer - Multicast Streams (if it is disabled, you need to connect this type transfer on the router and reboot it for further use);
  2. Download and install the Simple TV program (for safe use, it will be better to download it from the official IPTV website);
  3. The first launch of the program and its step-by-step setup(selecting the interface language, where to save changes; some versions of Simple TV provide the ability to download channels from an m3u file, in this case, click the “Cancel” button);
  4. We create a playlist in the form of an m3u file (you need to right-click, select “Playlist” in the window that appears, and then “Search for channels”);
  5. The “Search for channels” window will open, indicate the range of pre-selected channels (indicate the found TV channels with changes in the last digits from 0 to 255; it is also worth considering that this action will take a long time);
  6. We leave the ports in the “Channel Search” window as default (5050), set the timeout to 15-20 seconds and start the process (by clicking the “Scan” button);
  7. At this time, it is worth clearing the default playlist (right-click on it and select “Delete all”);
  8. Completing the scan (displaying four groups of channels: new, broken, present and MultiPiP channels);
  9. Celebrating necessary channels, click the “Save” button;
  10. We upload the playlist to a separate file (right-click on the new playlist we created and select the “Upload channel list” function and the upload location, confirm the action).

After completing all these points, the user will be able to freely use his .

Editing IPTV playlists using txt file

The second way you can edit your playlist, without downloading additional programs– this is using a txt file.

  1. Create a txt file (right-click on the desktop and select the “Create” function, and then “Text document”);
  2. Preliminary steps to replace the txt format with m3u (through the “Control Panel” go to the “Folder Options” section; the “View” section and uncheck the “Hide extensions for registered file types” item, confirm the actions);
  3. Replacing the txt format with m3u (set in our " Text document"after the dot m3u format, confirm the action);
  4. Open the file using Notepad (clean file);
  5. Creating a list of TV channels (one channel is written in 3 lines: file format for which the list is being created, duration and name of the TV channel, link to the broadcast);
  6. Save the IPTV playlist (via the “File” menu, select “Save As”, change the encoding to UTF-8 and, if necessary, the file name).

The creation of a list of TV programs using IPTV technology is completed, you can start using it.

Also, for a more comfortable use of your playlist, it is possible to divide TV channels into groups. To do this, you need to enter group-title “Channel name:” in the channel name line, in this case the channels will be grouped in folders, the name of which will be set by you.

As a result, modern technology IPTV allows you to watch TV channels and build a playlist based on your preferences, thus providing maximum comfort for each user.

As is known, social network VKontakte has a huge amount of functionality that allows you to publish various types of content, including music files different genres. Due to this feature of this site, the administration has developed tools for creating playlists. However, despite the appearance of this functionality quite a long time ago, not all users know how to create and correctly use such folders as a means of sorting audio recordings.

Creating a VKontakte playlist

First of all, it is important to note that playlists on social media. VK networks are a fairly important component that allows you to work with a large number of music files.

Please note that this functionality is only relevant if you have recently started using audio recordings. Otherwise, with a huge list of saved songs, you may face a serious problem in terms of placing music in an open folder.

  1. Using the main menu of the site located on the left side of the screen, go to the section "Music".
  2. On the page that opens, find the main toolbar located under the control ribbon for the currently playing song.
  3. At the very end of the mentioned panel, find and click the second button on the right side with a tooltip "Add playlist".
  4. Here you are given several options to edit the new folder.
  5. In field "Playlist name" you can enter any name convenient for you folder being created, without any visible restrictions.
  6. This field is the most important in the entire process of adding a new audio library. It cannot be missed in any way by leaving it blank.

  7. Second line "Playlist description" designed for more detailed description the contents of this folder.
  8. This field is not required, meaning you can simply skip it.

  9. The following line, which by default is a static label "Empty playlist", is an informative block that automatically evaluates and displays information about the degree of fullness of a given music folder.
  10. Only the number of songs and their total duration are displayed here.

  11. The last field that you can simply ignore is "Cover", which is a header preview of the entire playlist. The cover can be various files images that have no restrictions on size or format.

Loading picture in a standard way through Windows Explorer, can be removed and reinstalled if desired. If you skip the process of uploading your preview, the album cover will automatically become the image from the last added music file.

The entire further process no longer has much to do with the actions associated with creating a playlist. Moreover, we have already briefly discussed adding music to a pre-created folder in a special article, which you can read on our website.

  1. The entire lower area located below the search field « Quick search» , is for adding music to this new folder.
  2. By pressing the button "Add audio recordings", a window will open with a list of all your music files from the section "Music".
  3. Here you can listen to the recording or mark it as part of this library.
  4. If you haven't finished editing the album's basic information, return to home page by pressing a button "Back" at the very top of this window.
  5. Once the audio recordings have been selected and the basic information fields have been filled out, click below open window button "Save".
  6. To open the newly created folder, use the special panel in the section "Music" by switching to the tab "Playlists".
  7. To perform any actions on a folder, hover your mouse cursor over it and select the desired one from the icons presented.
  8. Deleting the created playlist occurs through the music library editing window.

When working with playlists, you don’t have to worry much about the entered data, since any field can be changed while editing the audio folder. Thus, the administration does not set any significant limits for you.

Please note that playlists are intended primarily to provide the most convenient environment for listening to music. At the same time, there is only one way to hide such folders, in which you will also have to block access to your audio list.

One of the quite popular uses of a computer is playing sound files. And above all - musical works. At the same time, a unique feature of the computer is the creation and playback of playlists, thanks to which you can easily create a variety of collections of music in the popular MP3 format. Thanks to playlists, computers have become the primary means of playing music at radio stations, concerts, discos, Internet sites and home entertainment. This article will tell you why playlists are great and how to create m3u playlist using free software.

What are the advantages of m3u playlist

When organizing their own selection of MP3 music, some people take the simple route and simply copy the desired MP3 files into the appropriate folders, from where they play them using regular players. But as this collection grows, information accumulates and the necessary works become difficult to find. And, worst of all, the files themselves are not located in the order in which you would like to play them. Some way out is to manually rename the files so that the sorted ones alphabetical order they created the playlist they wanted. But in the end, this creates even more confusion and makes it difficult to add new files to the collection. It turns out that an initially simple path becomes extremely difficult, and a selection of music turns into a dump that even its compiler cannot sort out.

In addition, copying files leads to duplication of information. After all, it often happens that one piece needs to be played on different occasions. And if a separate folder is created for each of these cases, then the files will be duplicated many times, which will lead to a waste of space on the hard drive. In contrast to this approach, using a playlist allows you to create a list of them without copying the files themselves, arrange the works in the desired order and save them as usual text file. And then the music player, using this text list, will be able to play files from their original locations. In this case, the storage structure of music files is not disrupted at all. This means that musical works can be stored in entire albums and even discographies of performers, without worrying that extremely necessary works will be located next to uninteresting ones. When playing a playlist, the computer will not pay attention to the files adjacent to the ones being played, but will be guided solely by the text list in the playlist.

What is an m3u playlist?

As already mentioned, an m3u playlist is essentially a regular text file saved with the extension *.m3u. If your computer has a modern MP3 player, then by this extension it understands that such a text file can be played - i.e. take a list of MP3 files from it and play them one by one. The format of this text file itself is extremely simple - the name of the music file is written on each new line. Moreover, this name can be either with the full path to the file location or without a path. In the second case, the player will look for this file in the same folder in which the playlist is located. Moreover, if you specify a relative file name, the player will be able to find it in subfolders next to the playlist. This is extremely convenient because it allows you to store playlists in folders with music collections, without being tied to disk names and root folder names. If you copy such a collection to another location (including to another computer), then all playlists will remain functional.

Many players, in addition to file names, can store additional information about musical works: duration and full name imported from tags inside the file. This allows you to increase the speed of opening playlists - the player does not need to rescan each file in order to extract information from it and display it to the user. In playlists, additional information is stored in lines starting with the “#” character, and the playlist itself becomes an EXTM3U extended format playlist. In this case, the file extension *.m3u remains the same. All this should be taken into account if you edit the playlist manually using text editor. For example, when moving lines with file names, you should also move the lines with extended information preceding them. Also, for compactness, you can remove these extended lines altogether - the playlist will still play, although it will open more slowly.

How to create m3u playlist in AIMP player

The simplest and most natural way to create an m3u playlist is to use the standard tools of popular players. In recent years best choice among computer players the program is considered AIMP. To get acquainted with it, you can use the portable version of this program by downloading it from the official website, or adding it to . After adding, launch the program from the portable menu.

We'll open in Windows Explorer some collection of MP3 files. To start making a playlist, just drag the files of interest to us, folders with albums or ready-made playlists into the player window.

All sound files will be added to the playlist. And at the bottom of this list information about the number of songs and the total playing time will be displayed.

If you drag new files from Explorer directly onto an existing playlist, a panel will appear with buttons for selecting adding options.

As you can see, the following options are available:

To current position

To the beginning or end of the playlist

In random order

Cancel adding (close panel)

In this way, you can not only add the necessary files and folders, but arrange them in some order. More full order can be navigated by dragging list items with the mouse.

Delete unnecessary element from the list by pressing the Delete key. At the same time, it is important to know that additional use Shift or Alt keys will delete not only the list items, but also the files themselves on the media. The difference between these operations can be seen from context menu called by pressing the right mouse button.

Naturally, this menu can also be used to add or remove works from the playlist.

Saving a playlist

After the playlist is prepared, it can be saved as an m3u file. To do this, just press the key combination Ctrl+S or select “Export playlist” from the menu in the lower right corner of the player.

A standard window will appear in which you should specify the m3u file type and specify its name. If, in this window, you go to the folder in which the music files themselves are stored, you can save the playlist with relative paths in order to be able to copy a collection of audio files along with the playlists.

The opposite is also true - if you need to copy a playlist within a computer without audio files, then for it to work you need to save the full paths.

Editing a playlist in a text editor

When actively working with playlists and files, a situation may arise that some of the elements become inaccessible and cannot be played. This often occurs if some mp3 files have been renamed or moved. In this case, you can open the file in a text editor and manually correct the file name or path to it. Let’s say that if there are problems with the second position in the playlist, then by opening the m3u file in Notepad, you will need to check and edit the playlist lines corresponding to the second file.

You may need to enter the full path to the file if the file is not next to the playlist. Or vice versa, write relative path, if full points to a non-existent folder. You can also, if desired, edit additional information by specifying the text that will be displayed for the composition when loading the playlist into the player.


By using free player AIMP and a simple notepad, you can both create an m3u playlist and edit it. AIMP visual tools allow you to conveniently arrange playlist elements in the desired order. Since the data in the playlist is stored in plain text, using a text editor you can easily control its contents and, if necessary, correct file names and paths to them. Using either relative or absolute paths to files allows you to more flexibly organize the storage of music collections, which ultimately leads to convenient and fast work with a large number of musical works and their collections.

Good day to all. Today you will learn how to create an m3u playlist for iptv. It's very simple, and you can do it in 3 minutes. Having created your list of channels, you can arrange them in order as you like, remove unnecessary channels and organize everything conveniently.

I decided to write this entry for a reason, the fact is that there are a lot of cumbersome instructions on the Internet that can scare away an inexperienced user, and my article is suitable for any teapot that can do everything itself in a couple of minutes.

Create your own playlist

All we need is a notepad and . Download any ready-made playlist, after which I recommend downloading the convenient notepad++ - notepad-plus-plus.org

Open notepad++ and save the file in m3u format (any name + at the end.m3u) Example in screenshots:

That's it, now we have required file, into which you can add links to IP channels.

To do this, the first line should always contain:

#EXTINF:0.365 Days

Those. As we can see, after “#EXTINF:0,” there is a channel name. You can call it whatever you like, and on the other line you need to indicate the link to the channel, for example “”.

Add all the necessary channels, after which the playlist should look something like this:

#EXTINF:0.365 Days

#EXTINF:0.365 Days

#EXTINF:0,Animal Family HD

That's all. You have learned how to create playlists for iptv. All that remains is to save and load into the device.