What is jailbreak iPhone 5. We perform jailbreak on various gadgets from Apple

Among users Apple technology There is a widespread belief that jailbreaking is a dangerous and complicated operation; as if this is a turning point, after crossing which there is no way back to the normal, “closed” state of the iPhone. This opinion is wrong: It is possible to remove Jailbreak from , while returning the warranty. Complexity is also a very dubious characteristic of the procedure; in 2014, a group of Chinese released a utility Pangu, which leaves even the most clueless users the opportunity to hack an iPhone with their own hands.

Users of devices with iOS 7 began to feel the urgent need to jailbreak in early 2017 - when many of the “vital” applications ( In contact with, Viber) refused to boot onto gadgets with the 7th operating system, requiring a minimum of iOS 8. The most unfortunate in this situation were the owners of the iPhone 4, because the “four” simply cannot install an OS higher than 7.1.2 - at the behest of Apple, such users were deprived of access to the most important communication tools.

With the help of jailbreak, it will be possible not only to return lost applications - “hacking” also allows users to:

  • Install third-party programs on the gadget.
  • Download tweaks from the store Cydia.
  • Transform the smartphone interface in the most dramatic way - for example, change the icons and theme.

After jailbreaking, the user will experience minimal restrictions from Apple, but you will pay for it with a guarantee - the authorized centers of the Apple manufacturer do not accept hacked iPhones for repairs.

How to jailbreak using Pangu utility?

To install a jailbreak, the user first needs to download the “brainchild” of Chinese programmers – the program Pangu- by following this link. Other preparatory steps should be taken:

  • Disable the password on your mobile device (if it is activated).
  • Do data backup- through iTunes, iCloud or in any other way. Our site talked about this - use one of the instructions in the article.

Step 1. Run the utility Pangu. You will see a window like this:

Step 2. Connect your smartphone to the PC with a cable and wait until the button Jailbreak will become active. Press it - this will start the “hacking” procedure.

Step 3. As the procedure progresses, animated instructions will appear on how to change the date and time on your iPhone.

You need to disable automatic installation time and manually set June 2, 2014, 8:00.

There is no drum that would be responsible for setting the year on the iPhone. The user, alas, will have to scroll the “date/month” reel until he gets to 2014.

Step 4. After setting the time, an icon will appear on the iPhone desktop Pangu.

Click on this icon and in the window that appears, click “ Continue».

A large logo will appear on the screen Pangu and a recommendation not to turn off the iPhone.

In the program window Pangu The jailbreak will continue to download on the PC.

All that remains is to wait for the “hacking” to finish. Once the procedure is complete, the device will reboot and a notification will appear on the PC screen stating that the iPhone is now “jailbroken.”

After the iPhone turns on again, you will see a tweak store icon on the desktop Cydia. The presence of this icon is evidence of successful installation of jailbreak on the iPhone.

“Hacking” takes no more than 15 minutes, but many users (including experienced ones) succeed not the first time. Your humble servant succeeded on the second attempt - during the first the Pangu icon on the smartphone stubbornly refused to appear. Judging by reviews on online forums, this problem is quite common. Most often it occurs due to the fact that users miss one seemingly insignificant point: After setting the time to 2014, be sure to close “Settings” in the background. When your humble servant drew attention to this point, the “hacking” procedure went like clockwork.

I jailbroken iOS 7 – what next?

To be able to use tweaks from Cydia, you need to install a program on the gadget AppSync. How to do this?

Step 1. Go to Cydia. You won’t be able to use the services of this store right away - Cydia will require you to prepare the OS.

As soon as you agree to this procedure, the iPhone will restart again.

Step 2. After reboot, go to Cydia and select the " Sources».

Step 3. Click the button Edit", located in the upper right corner.

Step 4. A button will appear in the upper left corner Add» - click on it.

Step 5. In field " Enter URL» specify: cydia.appaddict.org. Then click " Add».

Step 6. The list of sources will appear AppAddict. Follow this repository.

Step 7. Within the repository, select the section " Tweaks».

In this section you will find AppSync- a program without which the owner of a “jailbroken” iPhone would be nowhere.

Step 8. Click on the name of the tweak and you will be taken to a screen introducing the program. Here you should click " Install».

Step 9. On the next screen, click on " Accept».

This will start the download AppSync– a report on the progress of the procedure is shown on a black screen.

Do not try to minimize the loading window by clicking on “Home” - you will simply abort the procedure ahead of schedule!

After installation AppSync complete, the iPhone will reboot again. But even this is not all: Experts recommend after loading is complete AppSync download any application via iTunes and by synchronization transfer it to mobile device. This is necessary for correct operation hacked gadget.

If you cannot download a single tweak to your jailbroken iPhone because the gadget refers to “ SSL error", you will need to install SSLPatch from Cydia - a small patch created by programmer Ryan Petrich. This patch fixes a bug caused by an SSL connection vulnerability.


Pangu is not the only computer utility that allows the user to install a jailbreak on an Apple smartphone with their own hands. To perform this task, it is permissible to use programs Evasi0n, RedSn0w. However, we give preference to the application developed by Chinese craftsmen - primarily for its simplicity. Get confused in Pangu impossible - the utility has only one button, even a child can handle it, not to mention an experienced user.

As soon as iOS 10.3 was announced, tech-savvy guys were already on the hunt for a way or method to jailbreak this new one iPhone version. For those who might be a little stranded, Jailbreaking is a form of act that allows the operating system to take foreign applications and downloads, not those designed for the device's system or operating system. Different people have different reasons for performing the jailbreak procedure. Of these reasons, the most common ones are:

  1. In order to be able to download external applications on iOS.
  2. Jailbroken iPhones have a more advanced control center that gives the user more options.
  3. A jailbroken phone allows the user to be locked into a one-time fee compared to non-jailbroken phones, which you have to pay as you use it.

Part 1: Is it possible to jailbreak iOS 10.3?

As well as in previous versions iOS that were easily jailbroken upon their release, the new iOS version 10.3 will be no exception either. According to Apple, jailbreaking version 10.3 will not be an easy task. However, the appearance complex programs made things difficult for Apple. In fact, as you read this, I have a list of five different methods that can be used to jailbreak this new version of iOS. Some of these methods are readily available while others await the final stage of development. If you want to jailbreak iOS 10.3, below is a list of the most reliable iOS jailbreak programs.

Since jailbreaking iOS is as risky as it sounds, it is always a wise choice to back up all data on your iPhone before we proceed. We recommend you try dr.fone toolkit - iOS Data Backup & Restore to save everything on your iPhone flexibly, instead of using iTunes or iCloud.

Part 2: How to Jailbreak iOS 10.3 with Yalu

Another way to jailbreak iOS v10.3 is to use Yalu services and Cydia. To begin the jailbreak process, follow these guidelines carefully.

Step 1: The first step will be for you to download Cydia impactor as well as Yalu 103.IPA files from the official Yalu jailbreaks web page.

Step 2: Using the download program, open Cydia Striker and drag and drop the YAL 103.IPA file and copy it into Cydia Striker.

Step 3: You will be asked to enter your Apple ID username in the spaces provided.

Step 4: Once Yalu identifies the Apple ID, the presented Yalu 103 file will appear on the home screen.

Step 5: Click to open it and click on the “Go” button.

Tip: This will prompt your iPhone to reboot.

Step 6: Cydia version 1.1.30 will be installed on your iPhone. Open the Cydia app to initiate the jailbreak process.

Part 3: Jailbreak iOS 10.3 with TaiG9 site and Cydia impactor

Another great way to jailbreak iOS 10.3 is to use the TaiG9 website. Using this site, you will need to download the Cydia application IMPACTOR as well as the TaiGbeta IPA file. Below is detailed guide step by step on how to jailbreak iOS 10.3 beta.

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is download TaiGbeta.IPA and Cydia IMPACTOR program on your Windows or Mac computer.

Step 2: Connect iOS 10.3 beta picture or iPad to your computer and open the Cydia Striker app.

Step 3: With the Cydia App open, drag and drop the TaiG9 beta IPA file into the Cydia app.

Step 4: To proceed, you will be asked to enter your Apple ID as well as your password to request Cydia Impactor to install the TaiG9 IPA program for your iPhone.

Tip: Although it may have an active account Apple's new account is generally preferable.

Step 5: Once downloaded, you will be able to see the Taig icon on your home screen. Click on it to open it and finally click on “Install Cydia” to install the program.

Step 6: Your device will reboot and Cydia will be available for use after reboot.

N:B: Please note that unlike the previous Taig jailbreak method, this jailbreak is not permanent. The entire jailbreak process will end after seven days and you will be required to uninstall the Taig beta app and jailbreak again using both Cydia impactor and Taig beta IPA and Cydia impactor.

Additionally, you will need to reboot your jailbroken device every time.

Part 4: Using Pangu to Jailbreak iOS 10.3

Although Panga has been at the forefront of developing jailbreak programs, iOS v10.3 is only available in a tethered process, and the Cydia app is not as stable as previous versions. What this means is that you will need to re-jailbreak every time you reboot your iPhone. In addition, Mac users will not be able to jailbreak IOS version 10.3 as the Pangu version is only available on Windows. The screenshot below shows a Cydia app under development.

Part 5: Jailbreak iOS 10.3 with zJailbreaker

ZJailbreak is another great way on how to jailbreak iOS v10.3. zJailbreak is a non-rooted application that is used to install jailbreak applications for iOS version above 9.3, which simply means that it will be compatible with iOS v10.3. However, as it stands, the zJailbreak method has been tested to determine its applicability with firmware v10.3. In the meantime, you can download the latest version from zJailbreak on your computer, and wait for the development of the v10.3 iOS jailbreak method.

Part 6: Using Evasion to Jailbreak iOS 10.3

Evasion is another great program that can be used to jailbreak iOS v10.3. The program has been around for some time and hence its service cannot be guessed at. Evasion is an untethered jailbreak, which simply means that once you jailbreak the phone, the jailbreak remains unchanged until the recovery process. Below is the detailed process to jailbreak iOS v10.3 using evasion.

Step 1: Download Evasion for Windows and Mac versions on your computer and run the program.

Step 2: Connect your iPhone or iPad to PC using its cable.

Step 3: After downloading, you will be able to see the Evasi0n icon on your computer screen.

Step 4: Open the program and click on the “Jailbreak” button. This will initiate the jailbreak process.

Step 5: Once the process is completed, you will see the Cydia app appear on your iPhone's home screen. This basically means that the jailbreak was successful. You can now download foreign apps using Cydia apps on your iPhone or iPad.

Although iOS 10.3 is a new version, not many jailbreak methods have been developed to jailbreak it. However, with several methods available, as seen in this article, it is not a difficult task to jailbreak iOS 10.3 if you use the necessary steps and the right jailbreak tools. As we have already seen in this article, we can apply various jailbreak methods to jailbreak a completely new iOS version easily. Since all these methods differ from each other in one way or another, using the right tool is essential as it will determine whether the jailbreak will be successful or not.

iOS is a fairly well protected system. This is partly due to the limited capabilities of ordinary users. For example, on Android it is allowed to install applications not from the official store, but on iOS it is not. However, the ban can be circumvented if you use Jailbreak. We will tell you in this article what advantages it provides and what consequences this may result in.

Jailbreak is a hacking of the file system of an iOS device. The irony here is that the title stands for "Prison Break". You're hemmed in by boundaries installed by Apple, and hacking a device gives you some freedom of action. It's no secret that on an iPhone or iPad you can't just take and view all the files on the device, including system files. Jailbreak provides this opportunity. You install it and get access to all file system devices. However, this is not the main advantage.

There are several types of jailbreak:

  • Untied– works even after rebooting the device.
  • Attached– works until the device is rebooted. However, the device also works only until rebooted. Then the device will freeze during the boot process, and the problem can only be corrected with a special program.

Fortunately for lovers of pirated software (although jailbreak is officially allowed in the USA), Lately Only untethered jailbreak is released.

What does jailbreak give?

In addition to access to the system, Cydia appears on your device - a store of applications and tweaks. Tweaks are additional improvements for the system, with which, basically, you can customize the interface a little.

When it comes to apps, this is what Jailbreak has always been loved for. If you don't have money for expensive applications in App Store, you can download them for free in Cydia. That is, Cydia is a store of applications that were not included in the App Store for various reasons, or are hacked free versions paid applications.

By the way, if you think that after installing Jailbreak, you will no longer be able to use iTunes or the App Store, then you are very mistaken. Hacking the system will not affect the operation of these services in any way; you simply gain access to the file system and the Cydia application store. However, there are a number of significant disadvantages.

iOS versions for which there is a jailbreak

On this moment Almost all versions of iOS have been hacked. Below is a table that lists the hacked versions, devices and utilities for hacking.

iOS operating system version Devices that can be hacked iOS hacking utility
iPhone OS 1
  • iPhone 2G
  • INdependence
iPhone OS 2
  • iPhone 2G, 3G
  • PwnageTool
iPhone OS 3
  • iPhone 2G, 3G, 3GS,
  • iPod touch 1G, 2G, 3G
  • iPad 1G
  • PwnageTool
iOS 4
  • iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4
  • iPod touch 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G
  • iPad 2, 3,
  • PwnageTool
iOS 5
  • iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S
  • iPod touch 3G, 4G
  • iPad 2, 3
  • redsn0w
iOS 6
  • iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5
  • iPod touch 4G, 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4
  • redsn0w
iOS 7
  • iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5s, 5C
  • iPod touch 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4, Air 1
  • evasi0n7
  • Pangu (iOS 7.1 - 7.1.2)
iOS 8
  • iPhone 4S, 5, 5C
  • iPod touch 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4, mini (1st generation) - iOS 8.0 - 8.4.1
  • iPhone 5s, 6, 6 Plus iPod touch 6G
  • iPad Air 1, Air 2 - iOS 8.0 - 8.4
  • Pangu8 (8.0 - 8.1)
  • TaiG (iOS 8.0 - 8.4)
  • EtasonJB (iOS 8.4.1 x86)
iOS 10.0.1-10.3.3
  • iPhone 5.5C, 5S, SE, 6, 6S
  • H3lix (32-bit) Saigon
  • Meridian (64-bit)
  • DoubleH3lix (64-bit)
  • Goblin (64-bit)
iOS 11.0 - 11.3.1
  • iPhone 5S, SE, 6, 6S, 7, 8, X
  • iPod touch 6
  • Apple TV
  • Electra
  • unc0ver

Pros and cons of jailbreaking

In principle, we have already talked about the advantages, but we will summarize them into a single list:

  • Full access to the file system;
  • Installing paid applications is free;
  • Installing tweaks to customize the system.

And now about the cons. Unfortunately, they are no less significant than the advantages:

  • If you have installed Jailbreak, you will no longer be able to update your device to the latest version of iOS.
  • A jailbroken device is not covered by warranty. In case of any troubles, even not related to pirated software, the device will not be repaired for free.
  • Often, the system starts to work slower, and even glitch in places.

However, if something goes wrong, you can remove the jailbreak from your iPhone or iPad. For this it is enough with using iTunes return the device to factory settings. After this, all pirated software will completely disappear from the gadget, and you will again be able to contact service center under warranty. There will be no traces of jailbreak.

Is jailbreak necessary?

Now let’s talk about probably the most important question: is Jailbreak necessary now, in 2018? Even the developers themselves answered this question. Jailbreak - died because it is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Yes, hacking of the system is still ongoing, and just the other day a message appeared on the Internet about a jailbreak for iOS 12.1. However, this is interesting not so much to ordinary users as to hackers or Apple itself (to close new security holes).

Why doesn't it make sense for users? Firstly, many applications are now released under the free to play system. That is, you can download it completely free of charge, and make purchases in the game itself, or for a small fee you can turn off advertising, which brings the developers most of their income. Such a system is much more profitable, because several thousand people are ready to pay for the application, and several million are ready to download it for free.

Secondly, iOS has already implemented a lot of things that users would like to see (talking about customization, etc.). Now the system works quite stably, especially on iOS 12, and people are simply too lazy to install anything additional on the device. The era of interface customization is long gone, most people like it modern look iOS and Android, so there is no point in changing anything.

Jailbreak is such a familiar unfamiliar word, and so much is said about it, but it is not entirely clear what it is. For many, this term is associated with hacking, pirated content and the obligatory damage to a smartphone. Some people shy away from this word as if it were leprosy. Yeah, well, it’s not worth it...

After all, there is nothing terrible in this procedure - it is just an official hack of the iPhone operating system, allowing the user to return the wings that were so cruelly clipped by Apple developers. And the question of the sinfulness of jailbreaking an iPhone can be safely left for forum verbiage.

What is jailbreak? Jailbreak, also known as Jail, is an official procedure that opens free access to the file system on Apple devices, and thus expands their capabilities. “Official” does not mean that Apple personally initiated this proposal, but, in any case, at the legislative level it cannot prohibit it. All she can do is threaten freedom-loving users with the absence of technical support and warranty repairs, but even then, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, in the event of a breakdown, not through the fault of the client, the smartphone is required to be repaired under warranty. So the intimidation is purely symbolic.

Moreover, it is absolutely not difficult to roll back this procedure, returning virginity to your sensory pet. In the warranty service, everything will look as if there was no Jell-O and along with it tons of pirated content.

There are two types of jela - tied and untethered. It is better not to consider the first one at all. The fact is that a linked phone only works for the duration of one session, i.e. after turning it off, it goes away, and then it needs to be done again. Moreover, the system begins to completely lose self-control. And after turning it on, it either does not start at all, or only works partially - some applications are “silent”. But it comes out almost on par with the new version of iOS.

But it is better to wait for the release of an untethered jailbreak. The name speaks for itself - it is not tied to a session and gives a more sustainable result, working seven days a week. And it does not cause problems in the system. Usually.

Pros and cons of jailbreaking

Well, what exactly is this “prison escape” for and how much do they pay for it? Not at all, the main thing is to erase traces of the crime in a timely manner. Okay, it’s not good to cheat, and there are disadvantages, so after weighing all the pros and cons, the user himself will make an informed decision.

So, why do you need jailbreak:

1 Pirate, she is the one, the one and only! After the escape, everything is possible - all the illegal software is at your disposal, especially if you install the AppSync utility. Although honest guys and girls don’t necessarily have to use illegal content, Jel doesn’t exist only for that; 2 Ability to download various tweaks from the Cydia application and change the iOS interface at your own discretion. Apple doesn't like this very much. But in fact, why can’t a user customize a personal smartphone to his own taste?; 3 New features that should initially rightfully belong to the buyer of the gadget. This is the ability to exchange data via Bluetooth with users of any devices from different manufacturers, read files from flash drives without restrictions, use any adapters, download files of any size via 3G connection; 4 A distinctive feature of JEL is that it gives direct access to the file system, which means you can add your own files for Russification and change program settings. For example, you can launch some application or toy that did not want to work before.

Well, why not do such a useful action? What is the argument made by fighters for the rights of Apple and all disadvantaged authors?

So, here are the disadvantages:

1 Jel can negatively affect the operation of all applications - they begin to crash. Although they worked fine before. Apparently they smell the enemy; 2 Problems with updating - the official function does not want to update software through pirated sites. And switching to a new version is also problematic - the unwanted jel will be demolished along with all the pirated content. Although sometimes this can be solved by creating a backup. And will a new jel be written for latest version- question. No, it will be written, but when... For the seventh iOS, they waited three months; 3 Tweaks (applications for settings) can have a very negative impact on the operation of the entire system, take it out of balance, so carefully thought out by the developers, and even lead to its inoperability. It is possible, especially if the tweak was made through the wrong place. In addition, two perfectly good tweaks can simply interfere with each other. Therefore, you need to know when to stop and not turn the operating system into a garbage dump. These tweaks can also be written by hackers to steal data. This is already a problem - you will have to install “left” software at your own peril and risk. This is the price of freedom. Well, or not install it at all - well, this is a jailbreak...; 4 Moreover, if hacked, you can provoke the deletion of all data - so it’s better to do this in advance backup copy; 5 And, most importantly, the smartphone becomes outlawed and leaves forever from under the warm wing of Apple. No one will ever repair it for free! Come on - don't be so scared. Of course, Jell is not the best thing you can do with your favorite iPhone, but if something happens, you can roll everything back, and even if the breakdown is not related to the software, it must be accepted for warranty service, at least according to the laws of the Russian Federation.

How to find out if your iPhone is jailbroken

How to check if there is a jailbreak for iPhone 4, iPhone 5s - or for any other model?

Cidia http://www.cydiaimpactor.com/ is a pirated application that can hand over a junked iPhone with its head sometimes wisely hidden. The shortcut is placed in a separate folder or hidden using special tweaks. But the program itself doesn’t go anywhere, so it’s easy to identify by searching.

You can check this using iFunbox. It is installed on the computer, after which the iPhone is connected, and in the device line you need to look if there is the word “Jailed”. If it is there, it means there is no gel. The absence of this word should be annoying, especially if tomorrow you take the toy for warranty repair. After all, the model is probably already jailbroken.

How to install jailbreak on iPhone

It should be immediately noted that for each iPhone model, or, more precisely, the version of iOS that it supports, there is its own way to perform a phone call. If the method is chosen incorrectly, you can easily ruin the device. Therefore, if you are not sure that your favorite iPhone 5s or higher does not support this phone, it is better to use third-party services. Or install exactly the version described in the instructions for the Jel. There is probably no need to explain how to update the “axis”.

Jailbreak iPhone 3gs

The method works on iOS 6.0, but may not work correctly with version 6.1. Moreover, the installed hack will be tied and after each reboot the process will need to be carried out again. But the problem is solved by installing p0sixpwn from Cydia.

Algorithm of actions:

  • The Redsn0w 0.9.15b3 utility is downloaded.
  • The iPhone is connected to the PC, after which Redsn0w is launched (as an administrator).
  • In the window that opens, select Advanced > IPSW > IOS 6.0 IPSW.
  • Return to the main page and click “Jailbreak”.
  • Select Install Cidia and click Next.
  • The smartphone is put into DFU mode (you need to confirm the action), and the program itself brings the JA process to the final stage, reporting the execution of the linked JB.
  • Then click OK and the process is completed manually - based on the instructions.

Jailbreaking an iPhone 3g follows similar instructions (without step 3) and the only difference is that iOS 4.2.1 “breaks”.

How to jailbreak iPhone 4s and iPhone 5s

The order is as follows:

  • Download and install the Pangu utility. As already said, it works on iPhone 4 and iPhone 5s, or rather, with operating systems which they support.
  • The program starts, the iPhone is connected - if the system is suitable, the treasured Jailbreak button lights up.
  • Now you need to click on it - after which the smartphone will be prompted to change the system date. The program will tell you exactly what needs to be done.
  • A Pangu shortcut will appear on your smartphone - you need to launch it and continue “breaking”. Or rather, the program will do it itself. Once completed, it will turn into the Cidia icon.

Yes, it’s all like this – very, very difficult.

Jailbreak on iPhone 6/7

As you can see, an iPhone 4 or iPhone 5s is, of course, not difficult to hack. What should owners of later versions of iOS do?

And everything has already been done for them. So, first you need to download the files:

  • Yalu ipa file https://mega.nz/#!W10jGaIZ!_Ph1J327fNlVPIS6Bq-cWVF…
  • Cydia Impactor
  • Now you need to connect the device to the PC via the latest iTunes;
  • Cydia Impactor starts - it’s better to first save files from the iPhone to the cloud;
  • The device is selected.
  • Yalu is dragged into the Cydia Impactor window.
  • A window will appear - you need to enter Apple data ID. It's better to create another account first.
  • The action is confirmed - after that you need to go to the settings in the device management section and allow the developer account to be trusted.
  • Now you can launch the mach_portal application that appears and rejoice. But only until the next time you turn it on, because then you will have to launch this application again. Jel is semi-attached, there is no other one yet.

How to remove jailbreak from iPhone

How to remove Jailbreak? It's very simple. You just need to update your operating system via iTunes. The updated iOS removes Jailbreak from iPhone without a trace. Before you remove it, it is better to first make a backup copy of everything on your smartphone to ICloud.


Yes, everything is quite simple and does not require a lot of time or intellectual energy. The only question is: why buy an iPhone and “break” it when you can buy a less strict device?

Yes, Apple is about quality, it is about status, after all, it is the brainchild of Steve Jobs himself! This is truly a cult thing. Therefore, you should buy it and then “break it” - no one will see it, and the outwardly fashionable gadget will remain the same. Overall, there's a lot to think about here.

Jailbreak hackers were forced to start from scratch. Same as new iOS version, a new Apple device almost always closes jailbreak vulnerabilities. It looks like merciless. Apple patches the holes, hackers break them again... And so on for five years. Will there be a sequel?

So, what's the deal with jailbreaking iOS 6? Will it be possible to hack an iPhone 5?

Yesterday, another photo of a hacked iPhone 5 was distributed on the Internet, and according to the author of the photo, hacker Planetbeing, work is being done on jailbreak flagship smartphone Apple's work is ongoing and significant progress is being made.

There is hope for jailbreak enthusiasts.

Apparently, the responsibility for developing an untethered iOS 6 jailbreak is taken by the same small elite group of hackers, for whom a new hack is not a motivation for making money and fame (although this cannot be avoided). They spend countless hours working on hacking iOS for one simple reason: it is a challenge for them.

iPhone 5 on iOS 6 is a daunting task even for jailbreak veterans like Pod2g, P0sixninja and Planetbeing. Apple has fixed exploits that were used in the past to develop untethered jailbreaks. Creating a new tool will require several new exploits working together in harmony, like a complex symphony.

Hackers have been scrambling to find pieces of the puzzle, but back at the international iOS hackers' rally in September, the future of untethered iPhone 5 jailbreak looked bleak.

Two months have passed since then. In November, things look much more promising.

Well-known hacker Planetbeing, who was hard at work jailbreaking the iPhone 5 during JailbreakCon, yesterday posted a photo of his personal iPhone 5 with a jailbreak tweak installed on the lock screen.

“We are still missing critical parts and cannot release the jailbreak at this time,” noted Planetbeing, whose real name is David. “Believe me, we would be happy to release it as early as possible. The foundation of the jailbreak has already been laid, but its structural integrity must be ensured before release. At this stage, I would characterize it more as finding missing parts rather than debugging."

As usual, David was unable to confirm any release dates for a tool capable of implementing untethered jailbreak iOS 6, but when asked if the jailbreak status of the iPhone 5 looks bleak, David replied: “Not at all.”

We will keep you updated on developments.

Stay with us.